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Old 12-31-2012, 07:35 PM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default Never could.......

....understand this phenomenon either - such vitriol from the "fairer" sex can be surprising.
I shall have to go with JamesSwim's no.3 - some sought of attitude which says "how dare you infringe on our rights - we only are the ones permitted to expose our bodies to the maximum".
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Old 01-02-2013, 04:52 PM
JamesSwim JamesSwim is offline
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Default modesty issue with worn out suits

Originally Posted by Byron
....understand this phenomenon either - such vitriol from the "fairer" sex can be surprising.
I shall have to go with JamesSwim's no.3 - some sought of attitude which says "how dare you infringe on our rights - we only are the ones permitted to expose our bodies to the maximum".

There's a modesty issue with worn out suits. If you have a lycra/nylon suit that is either too thin or worn out, it can show the contours too much -- and some suits look OK when dry but after a swim they stretch out. So one needs to be careful about that.

I realize people have suits with a pouch sewn in front, but I'm talking about regular swim briefs. But I think most of the discussion on the Amazon's site isn't about that.
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Old 01-02-2013, 05:00 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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Default Old or out of shape?

I have contended for years that the age has nothing to do with clothing choices - it is the person wearing them. There are many men out there in their 50's and 60's that look good in a speedo and guys in their 20's that shouldn't be seen in a speedo ever. (rule of thumb: If you look down and can't see your swimsuit under your gut -- you should be A. wearing another suit B. heading to the gym (and not via McDonalds)

Point in case:
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Old 01-02-2013, 11:33 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Really

regarding the video....not the best looking dude in a square cut, but he's not dreadful awful, either. Sure he is thick in the middle, but not fat. I think it is okay for average guys (those with no six pack abs (or even no packs) or some thickness around the middle to wear suits that are not board shorts. If more guys like him accepted suits like we all like... issue solved.
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Old 01-03-2013, 02:16 AM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default average

Yes - take a crowded beach on a hot day of the holiday and calculate how many mr averages fall short on the six pack and toned proportion standards of the type expected on male fashion and exercise magazine covers.
Likely to be the majority so male peers should be careful not to express extreme disdain for those who enjoy being free in their speedos regardless of age and shape - and so effectively add credance to the vitriolic female assessments referred to.
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Old 01-04-2013, 11:10 PM
stayinspeedo stayinspeedo is offline
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I don't get the anti speedo thing.

Everyone's saying he shouldn't be wearing a speedo because he's got a gut.

How would wearing swim shorts or board shorts change that? It wouldn't.

What's really going on here is a display of the way young people have come to expect each other to act. If a young person doesn't react with "eewwww" he'll be seen as not conforming and thus jeapordizing his social status within the pack.
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Old 01-05-2013, 02:30 AM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default the pack

Exactly - and make a disparaging homophobic remark and they can show they are right-on alongside their macho mates.
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Old 01-08-2013, 01:14 AM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default 2013


Are you inspired by the best sellers for the summer ahead ?(remember you can now have Block the Burn 50 in your Speedo Marina Watershorts)(no mention of the obvious precaution of putting on a T-shirt however).

Quite appropriate for this thread is from the menu for Best Men's Bikini Swimwear.
Quote: "Regardless of age size or body type bikinis can be worn by all men"
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Old 01-08-2013, 10:54 PM
KenjiBoh KenjiBoh is offline
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So this is my perspective, keeping in mind that i'm kinda young compared to the rest of y'all.

I think its a case of people are likeing and hating what they're told to Like and Hate rather than what they actually hold an opinion for. Media isnt exactly kind to speedos or the men who wear them, yet when a fit man wears one, no one denies that he looks good...its just a case of people being brainwashed by media.
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Old 01-08-2013, 11:49 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is online now
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If everyone on a beach were wearing speedos, then the older or larger guy would be noticeable because he is older or larger. If the older or larger guy is the only person wearing speedos on the beach then he will be noticed first because he is wearing speedos and then for being older or larger.
Advising older or larger guys not to wear speedos in public begs the question where to put the limits. Should we suggest that anyone over 25 or who can't fit into a 32" suit shouldn't bother?
I think we should wear our speedos when we can and when we want to, taking into account that unless we are very self confident it might be best to avoid being the only speedo wearer on the beach. Of course once a self confident and good looking speedo wearer appears on a beach all the guys with secret speedos under their board shorts may be tempted to strip off.
Try to get and stay as fit as you can, if the main beach is full of board shorts then go to a quieter beach, the walk will do you good and that is where you may find the speedo wearers.
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