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Old 05-28-2024, 04:44 PM
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Thanks! :-)
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Old 06-20-2024, 01:16 PM
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Default Thoughts On Wearing (and Enjoying) A Swim Brief

Thoughts On Wearing (and Enjoying) A Swim Brief

The whole idea of wearing a swim brief presents a complicated problem for a lot of guys. First of all. Many guys have what I would call a complicated relationship with the more general idea of wearing clothing that fits snugly in the groin area, not only snug fitting swimwear, but also garments like underwear and even more generally, clothing such as snug fitting jeans.

At a very early age, a guy learns that his penis has some fascinating nerve endings that feel good even when touched, but even better under certain circumstances than others. Further, not all areas of the penis are equally sensitive in this regard, and some areas are more “responsive” than other areas. Then, of course, the entire linkage between touch and getting a hard-on comes into play. Getting blood to flow into your penis not only feels great, but also creates the beginnings of a hard-on. And it does not take a guy a lot of effort to understand that such an event, however good it feels, can lead to situations that could be, well, embarrassing. This leads to this odd situation whereby a guy develops something of a love-hate relationship with his own penis. It's nice to feel good, but for Pete's sake don't get me into a situation that is embarrassing.

Early on, a guy also probably learns that since some parts of his penis generates these complex sensations more readily than other parts, he quickly gets into a mode of trying to discover exactly what are the most interesting ways to engage in self-stimulation. This might begin by experimenting positioning yourself in a simple pair of cotton briefs. And doing this, a guy probably learns that the underside of his penis and also in the glans area near the tip are the two most sensitive parts, and positioning himself so that the underwear accidentally rubs against these two areas becomes an interesting way of taking advantage of this. With proper positioning, a guy can get these fascinating sensations all day long, but don't think too much about what you are doing or something embarrassing might happen, something that others might notice. So, if a guy is doing this there are serious bounds with respect to how carried away you can get just enjoying yourself this way.

But what is the next step? The material in cotton briefs is OK, but not really that smooth. The next step, of course, is to go for a swimming brief that fits like brief made of cotton, but with a smooth, slick material that is made of nylon, polyester and Lycra in combination. Not only will this material be a lot slicker than the ribbed cotton used in conventional cotton underwear, it also stretches more, meaning that the brief in place will probably fit tighter than the underwear did. The tricky part is that the guy probably needs an excuse for needing (wanting) to be in a swim brief. For guys who do not swim, this can create a barrier to running the experiment, the experiment being how do I feel down there when I wear a swim brief? Is the experience actually better than what I was experiencing when I was messing around in my ribbed cotton briefs? And, of course, if the guy is wearing the swim brief in a public or semi-public setting, the guy worries about what the bumps in the brief convey to any of the others who sees him.

That is wear the penis positioning problem comes in. A lot of guys think the safest position to be inside a swim brief is down. By positioning yourself downward, you are least likely to get into a situation in which you (inadvertently, of course) get into the start of a hard on. But guys who wear swim briefs very frequently go for positions that are not down. The two positions that come to mind are the penis forward position and the full-up position.

In the penis forward position, the tip of the penis and the glans area are pressed forward into the pouch of the swim brief, If the swim brief does not have a sewn-in pouch, then the penis forward position creates a bulge anyway, And the stretchy, slick material feels great pressing firmly against the glans. This position is a real treat both physically and psychologically.

The full penis up position requires a brief that fits really tight, sufficiently tight to cradle the entire underside of the penis in a firm grasp. This feels really really good. But that the guy has a penis in the grip of the brief is going to be obvious to everyone. Still, as stunts with the male anatomy go, this one falls in the category of not to be missed under any circumstance.

While both these positions are terrific fun, and fall into the category of two of the biggest reasons I enjoy being a guy, the downside is that in either position, the location of your penis tip within the brief is going to be quite obvious to anyone who sees you. Your male anatomy, while covered with the brief, is not hidden from view. And if you are truly enjoying yourself doing this, you are probably pre-cumming which will show up as a dark discoloration on the front of the brief at the penis tip, which is fairly obvious. Guys often deal with this by spending as little time as possible out of the water once it happens.

In a full penis up position you could also easily get into a situation whereby you are not looking at dime-sized precum stains but a full-scale ejaculation. It's best not to let that happen in the presence of others, and it is a good idea not to do this in a semi-public (ie gym locker room) or even public situation. It's also the thing that guys wary of wearing a swim brief worry about the most.

Still, a full ejaculation inside a swim brief falls into the category of one of those not-to-be-missed experiences of life, but this can be done in private. As my readers know I regularly use a swim brief as nighttime wear, and enjoy putting my body through a series of steps that I will refer to as useful experiments in living my life as a guy.

I am certain my readers will have some fun with these ideas.
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Old 07-25-2024, 01:09 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Can an item you are wearing ever be “too tight”?

Can an item you are wearing ever be “too tight”?

My readers all know that I really enjoy wearing swim briefs, compression shorts and pants, thongs, jock straps and any other item that fits really tight in the groin area. I have long believed that those who read my articles have long shared a similar interest to my own, and perhaps even fall into the category of not really wanting to share that interest with others, or perhaps only a few others.

Still, guys all know that wearing garments that fit quite snug can quickly lead to a situation whereby the guy feels “good” down there, (somewhat, at least) a “secret pleasure”. This, of course leads directly into the topic of how do I use a snug-fitting document to “edge” myself, something I probably did as a teenager under the cover of darkness at night in my own room. Then as a young adult I confront the idea that solo edging is still really fun. But I am out on my own and have more opportunities to purchase garments that I hope will fulfill my solo “longings”.

But then the topic becomes “which types and styles of garments work best for me in this activity?” and, secondly, once I have settled on a particular garment, what size will work the best and give me the most “edging enjoyment” to give the activity a specific term.

We all know the stories about the swim team guys who are expected to wear briefs at the swim meets, and the “terror” that a guy might feel when the coach tells the guys that they need to downsize their briefs one size for the upcoming swim meet. Guys who only recently become “accustomed” to wearing their “correct” size of swim brief, face another form of terror when they are told they must wear a brief that is still smaller than the one they had become accustomed to wearing. But the terror is an interesting form of terror. If the guy feels a normal “pang” getting into a right-sized brief, with the urge to get erect become stronger in the downsized brief. How much can a guy sustain in how to this regard. Does the guy quickly get to the point of no return on this, where a big erection not only happens but the urge to ejaculate becomes overwhelming?

This is tricky stuff. But in a situation whereby you are alone you can not only have fun with your fears but learn the nuances of mitigate the urge to ejaculate, a useful skill in a variety of settings when you are engaging with a sexual partner as well. Besides, learning how to control your urges but in a longer term pleasantly erotic way is a great activity to learn as a single guy. So, all of this is very useful whether or not you are on a swim team, in a sexual relationship with a partner, or simply living alone for whatever reason you might have.

I have already written at length about my experiences buying several Speedo swim briefs in various sizes, then discovering that the material the brief was made from had inadequate stretch to be able for me to even get into once the size dropped below 32 inches. So, whether or not downsizing works in this game in part depends on the specific brief. Another problem is that you may fit into the smaller brief, but you quickly discover that the rear of the brief pulled as high as possible in back does not have a sufficient rise to fully cover the “Y” at the top of the butt crack. Some male Asian swimmers believe that exposure is perfectly OK and many Asian briefs are designed to fit that low in back in your “normal” size but this has not caught on in the US to any degree.

Then there are the thongs, some designed as underwear, some as swimwear, and some that claim they can be used as either. The issue here is whether the thong back should be wide enough and long enough such that the thong back covers the butt crack, or whether the back should be narrow and short enough such that the thing back cuts deeply between the glutes. For guys who have never worn a thong, the feel of the thong back wedged deeply between the glutes is a not-to-be missed treat. This sensation has always sent me into an edging mode called “thonging nirvana” and for guys who have never tried this they are missing out on one of the great experiences the male sexual anatomy provides. The thong back squeezes down on you while the pouch pushes your penis and balls upward and forward, Don’t knock the experience without trying it.

This morning, however, I am wearing a super tight pair of compression shorts, a pair I purchased years ago when Wal Mart was still selling the Starter brand. These remain in great condition, and they have stayed super tight for many years. These feel great on me (as I am horny as all get out writing this). These are men's adult SM. Generally, I would probably be a MED as my “correct” size. However, I am really fond of downsizing one size in both the compression shorts and pants. I am 5’10” and the full pants fit down to my ankles in SM and have a tighter fit than the MED pants would. In this case undersizing one size gets me exactly where I want to be on a day where I am feeling nice and horny, and ready to do my home gym workout this morning.

The basic idea is to find garments that just barely fit you. You will know when you have come across the ideal fit for you, particularly is situations where you are just “hanging out enjoying yourself and your body!
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Old 07-25-2024, 06:44 PM
BikenSwim BikenSwim is offline
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Default A snug fit at the Beach

Can an item you are wearing ever be “too tight”? Not for me! As a kid in the 1950's I discovered the exciting squeeze of nylon suits I had outgrown. I liked the flat front Ken doll look, and could wear them at the Beach. As an adult I discovered Gaff Thongs which have three front layers for a smooth tight flat front. These are worn by guys for drag or cosplay costumes too. I can "tuck" my cock and balls for comfort and pleasure too, where did they go? Medium looks and feels nice for all-day wear, Downsizing to Small is more for short-term pleasure. These stay on in rough surf at Riis Park Beach, and my shrinking in cold water looks even better. I am very hairy so I still look like a guy as I roam around the crowd. I tucked for this photo.

Last edited by BikenSwim : 08-15-2024 at 01:24 PM.
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Old 09-01-2024, 04:01 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Can a the Fit of a Garment be “too tight?”

Can a the Fit of a Garment be “too tight?”

At least, that is the way for most guys. But the real concern is having the situation get so out of control that ejaculation takes place, Can the fit of any garment simply be “too tight”?

Many guys have a genuine passion for wearing garments that fit very snug in the groin area, The swim brief is one of these items, but there are many more, and I have discussed and told stories about them for over a decade and longer. The items of course include swim briefs and swim thongs, but the list is much longer than that, including any garment that brings pleasure to a guy by making him feel horny. Guys learn about this phenomenon at a very early age. Initially, it comes as something of an unexpected surprise, probably after discovering not only that getting into the garment make him feel good in a most interesting way, often followed by the beginnings of an erection, which generally feels better and better the longer that it goes on. And, of course, in theory at least, the tighter the fit of the garment the more interesting and wonderful the sensations that occur.

As any guy also knows, there is a downside to all of this. A guy needs to make certain that whatever he is experiencing does not end up being noticeable, if the guy is in the presence of others. If such a horny experience while the guy is wearing a tight-fitting garment leads to a noticeable erection that is a potential concern if others see what is going on down there, but the problem becomes much more difficult if an ejaculation occurs, leading to trying to explain away large damp spots on whatever the clothing item is.

The clothing items that could set this all off comprise a big list, starting with classic swim briefs and swim thongs, but also including tight-fitting male swimwear with longer legs leading to jammers of various lengths, then on to all sorts of shapes and sizes of garments meant to be worn as underwear including briefs, thongs, bikini briefs and underwear with longer legs, athletic/compression shorts, athletic supporters with or without cups etc etc. The range of underwear styles available to men nowadays has always said to me that the underwear manufacturers have discovered that there is quite a sizable market for underwear that guys believe will make them feel horny down there. Many of the manufacturers are not quite ready to claim in ads that guys should purchase a particular garment because wearing it will make the guy feel already going on among many manufacturers.

Even men’s jeans fall into this category. We have just gone through a period of time where manufacturers kept coming up with tighter-fitting designs each year, culminating in a skin-tight fit like a painted on second skin, and leaving very little space for even a semi erection to happen. Whether a guy wearing a pair of these super slim fit jeans saw this as a problem or an opportunity is an interesting question.

In this article I want to think about the problem of whether or not there are limits to how tight any of these garments can fit. This does not matter what the garment is, just any garment that the guy somehow realizes he will feel horny. A basic example would be a swim brief in your “normal” waist size.

Guys have been known to purchase clothing items that fit snug in the groin simply because the item of clothing looks like something that would make them quickly get aroused and feel horny. Many guys probably have certain items in a dresser drawer that they have used many times specifically for this purpose. Swim briefs are often used for this purpose, but so are many of the other items I have mentioned. If a guy has a favorite swim brief for getting off, does that then mean that another copy of that swim brief sized down one size will make him feel even better? That is actually what I would call an empirical experiment. If you are into doing this, you will not actually know what the impacts of downsizing will be unless you just happen to own a copy of the same swim brief a size smaller.

In this sort of play, it is actually the tip and the underside of the penis that gets really good feeling in a hurry, so penis placement is critical in running your experiments here. Obviously, the brief cannot be so small you cannot get into it at all. If that happens you have overdone the downsizing bit. You want a brief that fits tight enough so that you can get into it but the only practical way to deal with even a slight erection is to put the penis in an “up” position. Even as you begin to get had, mere touching the covered penis keeps getting to feel better and better. You can also try this using a tight-fitting pair of compression shorts or a jammer. Similar sensations: different garment.

Some of the guys who like to play in really snug fitting jeans discover that a semi-erect penis only fits pointed down, along one leg, usually the left leg. If the jeans fit tight enough, as the guy walks,++ he will become stimulated more and more with each step, and a full-blown ejaculation is only moments away. It's best not to try this one in a public setting.

Last night I got to playing around with a tight-fitting 2x(ist) thong I had, one that pushes my penis forward and upward as the thong back crawls firmly between my glutes. This is a really fun thong for the kind of recreational wear I like to do. But I got to wondering what would happen if I pulled a tight-fitting Speedo over the top, so I did that and crawled back into bed. The Speedo was big enough to cover the thong in front, but in the rear, the waist band of the thong along with the Y was above the top of the brief. From the ft the Speedo covered the thong and the only thing going on was that the thong pouch pushed my penis upward and forward into the brief pouch. This looked and felt terrific. I could tug on the thong back which then tightened things up some more.

At some point even my edging skills ended up being inadequate, and I soon end up in full-scale orgasm mode. It did not hurt that only a few hours earlier I was playing with some new C rings I had purchased that are quite thick and heavy duty, but have a limited size inner hole. So, by the time

I was running my Thong-Speedo experiment, I was already feeling pretty good.

This morning, as I write this, I am still recovering from the events overnight!

I did not find the Reels video I saw earlier, but here is one on a related theme https://www.facebook.com/reel/379998661781950

and yet another https://www.facebook.com/reel/1005761097665904

Last edited by sebbie : 09-02-2024 at 02:57 PM.
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Old 09-03-2024, 01:03 PM
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Default Postscript


I awoke early morning yesterday morning and immediately pulled on my snug modded jock and cup over my tighty whiteys. The cup stayed on for the rest of the day. Then I slept the night without the cup, just wearing a swim brief instead.

Initially, the cup pressing down on my penis feels quite good, though the sensations vary depending on how my penis is placed. One of the reasons why I wear the tighty whiteys underneath the cup is that they allow me to position my penis in a specific spot under the cup. The most fun place is with the tip pointed forward and upward, and the tight underwear means that it will stay stuck in that position with the cup pressing down firmly at the same time.

With all of this in position, the sensations I get are quite good, even memorable. These are the kinds of sensations that make my mind want to focus specifically on where they are coming from. I start to drip, almost immediately, and that keeps going on throughout the day. A lot of guys seem to believe that it is possible to just keep dripping for only a limited period of time, but that really is not the case. I was still dripping when I removed the cup at bedtime.

Of course, I do take bathroom breaks in which the cup is temporarily removed. But these breaks almost immediately cause a slight increase not decrease in blood flowing into my penis, which makes my erection a touch harder than it was before the break. Then, when the cup goes back on, the sensations get even better if a bit even less tolerable.

At this point, my mind wanders in two completely different directions. One part of me says this is really great fun and the last thing I want to do is to let my penis get out of the predicament it is in when inside the cup. But the other part of my brain says I really do need a break from all of this stimulation however enjoyable it is and the break would involve getting out of the strap and cup and recovering from the sequence of events that are driving me this way. Are sexual sensations really supposed to persist for 6 hours, 8 hours, or even longer? This is a form of edging involving a cup and strap.

At some point I understand the first video in my previous post. Young baseball players have spent hours playing the game while encased in a cup that mentally has been driving them bonkers, and they are anxious for some relief. But being in the cup for a lengthy period of time has been a learning experience as well, as in how the male penis behaves and exactly what happens if it is subjected to such a situation for a long period of time, the dripping along with all the odd but still very fascinating sensations that happens. So one part of a guy says the thing to do is to wear the cup only so long as the game is on, but the other part says that this is really not a bad place to be even when your mind is not distracted by playing in a ball game, and that there is something that can be said for the experience of being in a cup when a guy’s mind can focus on his penis,

Another way of coping with this as well is probably to go into a full-blown ejaculation while still wearing the snug cup, but guys often defer from this in that it is possible that odd damp spots will be noticed on the player’s uniform by the other players in the game. Maybe after so much cup stimulation, guys are happy to go into hiding and quickly relieve the pressures of the day with some old school masturbation in private after the strap and cup are off, perhaps in the shower. This is another of those interesting but seldom talked about topics by males.

I am anxious to do what I did yesterday again—wearing the strap and cup for an entire day, but maybe not today. I need more recovery time, first.
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Old 12-22-2024, 12:59 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Wintertime Wear

Wintertime Wear

I have long observed that it is usually far easier to get to feel horny in the long warm days of summer than in the cold wintertime. I think this is true for most if not all guys. Somehow, in the short winter days things that normally happen from spring to fall rather shut down,

For guys who like to enjoy their own bodies as much as I do, this can be a problem, but can also be an opportunity, except to recognize that in the winter months you may have to work a little harder and be more creative if you really want to be your best at this.

The flames of arousal still burn in the winter months, though sometimes seemingly only as embers. The fire is not dead, but may need a little more encouragement this time of year.

I got to thinking about all of this last night and I started to make some progress using what for me has now become time-tested techniques. I am always amazed, for example, at what some lubrication will do, almost instantly even if my mind has been wondering and off subject. I now fully understand why bar soaps have all but disappeared and gel soaps have taken over, as gel soaps make an excellent lubricant for whatever it is you are doing. And rings of various shapes and sizes seem to always work for me as well. I have one that is very thick, with a very small hole. That feels really good at the base. Then I like a blue one in the middle, and a little beaded black one surrounding the glans. Combine these with a shower gel, and get in the water, The rings help sustain me in the water, while both looking and feeling great. Every guy should have access to a collection of rings.

Then, it is bed time. I continue to wear my DEVOPS winter compression gear. I always undersize the pants a bit, so they really compress. But I like to keep the long-sleeved tops the correct size. The really tricky part is what to wear UNDER the pants. A skimpy swim brief is a possibility, but I like to go snugger and skimpier than that. Maybe a really skimpy thong, like the ones I bought on Amazon branded Ikingsky. These seem “tame” at first, but the real point of wearing a thong like this becomes increasingly apparent as the night goes on. The rear strap is really narrow, and combining that with the SM size and in the wee hours of the morning you will likely discover that the strap has crawled deep between your glutes—both a wonderful fit and feel. The fact that these thongs come in really small sizes is an important part of the fun. Combining that with the tight DEVOPS gear and before morning you may come to the conclusion that the short days of winter are not so bad after all.

Of course, if you are in the mood to really enjoy yourself, after a night like this you might want to top everything with a final treatment from a magic wand style hand-held massage unit. This is the icing on the cake, so to speak, or the maraschino cherry on the top of the ice cream sundae! All the best for the holidays!

Last edited by sebbie : 12-22-2024 at 02:15 PM.
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Old 01-05-2025, 12:36 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Spending the Night in a Cup The Original Version

This story I wrote in its original version over two decades ago, perhaps in the early 1990s. This is the original version, or very close to the original version. Then, as now, I was concerned for guys who do not have a regular physical relationship with a partner. But I was also very concerned with the bad reputation of solo masturbation and its purported linkage to guys who were socially inept since if they were masturbating they therefore were unable to be with a sexual partner.

Then, as I would now. I would promote solo masturbation not as something inferior to partner sex, but simply as an alternative sexual activity guys could pursue and enjoy in the absence of a sexual partner. In the past decades I have learned that many if not most men in relationships still enjoy solo masturbation, and the idea of mutual masturbation is not considered somehow abnormal or inferior either.

I attribute my interest in swim briefs, jock straps etc in part to the fact that as a teenager I never got to pursue swimming requiring a swim brief or other contact sports that required a strap and maybe a cup as well. At the same time, I knew that other guys my age were agonizing over the possibility that in order to participate in the sport they were going to have to wear these. As a young teen, I quickly. figured out that wearing these could quickly lead to arousal, which is what the other guys probably thought as well, and that is why they were apprehensive about the whole idea—it was really a mixture of fear and unbridled enthusiasm for feeling horny.

As a young adult, I quickly got into a situation where I was living alone, and could buy anything I wanted, swim brief, straps cups, and I was able to check out the various theories I had about these being excellent for feeling horny while engaging in solo sex. This has never stopped and probably one of the reasons I never even spent any time in seach of a sexual partner is that I was just having too much fun on my own and lacked any real interest in taking up with a partner who might jeopardize this. To this day I have no regrets sticking to my decisions along the way.

In order to write this, I first got into a pair of my favorite tighty whiteys, and then pulled on an ancient strap with a traditional hard cup (small, nearly flat and not very roomy) from the 90s with a tight pair of Starter brand compression shorts probably from the early 2000s. My stuff down there feels really, really good, and I have a loose-fitting pair of sweat pants pulled on over so no one who sees me today will be the wiser. I particularly like how my enis seems to “know” it is in a very confined space as the strap and cup presses down aided by the really snugness of the compression shorts (its time to drip precum !). But in the original essay I had already discovered the same idea.

I am going to end this here and post the near original version of Spending the Night in a Cup as a followup post including the reference to a long-gone newsgroup Web site.
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Old 01-05-2025, 12:44 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Spending the Night in a Cup: The Near Original Version pt 1

Spending the Night in a Cup

by David Sebringsil

This story is intended primarily for those men who are not involved in an intimate relationship with another person. It is also intended for men who at times must spend a considerable amount of time away from their partner. Just because an individual is not involved with another person does not mean that a person is asexual, and is somehow doomed to never experience the interesting sexual sensations that their bodies are capable of producing. Indeed, many men living under such conditions could actually be experiencing a great deal more fun than their counterparts that are involved in intimate relationships. You may understand why this could be possible as the story proceeds.

Most men learn how to masturbate under very unfortunate set of circumstances. What is learned in our youth is very interesting-- masturbation is at once extraordinary fun, but somehow evil and something that any real man should be ashamed of. Thus, while most men enjoy masturbation immensely (Authors of a few sex manuals I have read argue that for many men, the orgasms are even stronger than those involved in heterosexual intercourse), they soon learn that in order not to be "discovered," they must complete the act from arousal to orgasm very quickly--perhaps in the space of a few minutes, likely in the bathroom, if possible; and perish the thought of having sheets and pajamas covered with ejaculate.

What's a fella to do after ejaculating in bed? Turn the light on to get up, clean up, and change pajamas? This will likely attract attention from whoever else is in the room or house, whether that be a roommate, a parent or another family member. The message is quickly learned that while masturbation (even involuntary masturbation from wet dreams) is a great deal of fun, the feeling of cold ejaculate for the rest of the night on the pajama leg is not fun, but must be endured to avoid being embarrassed by being "discovered." It's either that or a quickie masturbation session in he bathroom, all the time hoping that no one breaks in to ask why you are taking so long.

And it gets no better as men get older and move away from home. I routinely visit with college students over e-mail who are absolutely terrified of the thought that somehow their roommate or another male friend might discover that they masturbate. I'm not sure what the social signals are here--perhaps that any male who masturbates is somehow unable to form a relationship with a woman? Perhaps this means a person is gay? Why the extreme embarrassment about masturbation even among college students who brag about their other sexual conquests is unclear.

Whatever society is saying here is badly messed up. Masturbation is no sign of weakness, sexual preference, or anything else. Sure, gays masturbate, but virtually every other healthy male masturbates sometimes regardless of their sexual orientation, most throughout their lives.

Nearly every male thinks he does it more than he "should" as if there was some sort of nature-limited allocation. Occasionally, a man might not masturbate regularly if he is in a relationship in which he engages in partner sex so frequently that he lacks the energy do it any other time. Even here it gets confusing, because many forms of partner sex involve mutual masturbation or activities very similar to masturbation. After all, what is foreplay but a form of mutual masturbation? In addition, my hunch is that for most men, masturbation as a form of sexual play occurs far later into life than many people realize.

The problem, of course, is that like most other forms of sexual activity, masturbation is a great deal more fun if it can be taken slowly, with each sensation enjoyed for what it is, and with no concern for being discovered. Furthermore, unlearning the quickie techniques learned in childhood can not only be fun, but even ultimately enhance one's sex life should one get involved in an intimate relationship. Like other forms of sexual activity, it's important to introduce variety in masturbation. Part of the fun of sexuality is the unexpected; the unknown. With this background on masturbation, my story begins about spending a night in a jockstrap.

Before describing a technique employing a hard-cup jock strap, let me first say that I am a big proponent of sexual activities that are not dangerous and do no harm to anyone, and do not transmit disease. If they do not even require a partner, all the better. The approach I suggest here earns an A on all counts.

The internet is abuzz with discussions related to jock straps--A whole news group alt.support.jock-strap is devoted to it. This newsgroup does not exist because of widespread interest in what needs to be worn to protect oneself during contact sports--there is obviously something with sexual overtones going on here. In describing the following technique, I am indebted to one of my e-mail newsgroup contacts, who provided me with some ideas I had not thought of, but I have added some additional ideas of my own that seem to work for me.

Most men, when they think of sexual feelings, tend to identify with the pleasant sensations obtained from stroking the penis, particularly the underside of the head, or the area technically called the frenulum (Has it occurred to everyone that there is a biological reason why nature made that particular spot is so ultra-sensitive? e-mail me and I will explain my theory on that further). But the entire groin area is one giant erogenous zone, including little recognized places such as the inner thighs, and in particular, the area between the scrotum or anus.

Thus, any article of clothing that comes into contact with any of these areas is capable of introducing sensations, some perceived as being clearly sexual, others not, and still others in a strange halfway region that depends on the particular situation. Most men have trouble interpreting signals in this latter category. Most of these sensations are pleasant, but some are interpreted by the brain as being more nearly sexual than others. Is the simple act of putting on a tight fitting pair of underwear sexual or not? I suppose that depends on how the individual interprets the tactile signals. The underWWWear site has served an important function in showing that there are a lot of men, regardless of orientation, who are not certain what to make of all this. However, if you interpret a sensation to be sexual, then for you it undoubtedly is.

Jock straps are of interest because they are the one article of clothing (underwear) that by design and purpose, fit very tight to the groin, perhaps tighter than any other garment. But as the underWWWear site suggests there is also a good deal of quasi-sexual interest in brief and thong swimwear, cycling and compression shorts that contain spandex and the like. (I'm still trying to figure out loose-fitting "boxer people"in this regard. Something similar must be going on based on their observed behavior--perhaps some of you could clue me in on the details of how you interpret the tactile signals from loose fitting boxers. I don't mean to demean my friends who wear boxers, its just that the tactile signals appear to me to be less clear)
Now for the fun part. Actually, you may or may not find this activity fun depending on your mindset. But bear with me. As is widely recognized, the sex organs of a man's body go through a number of erection cycles during the night, some of which may ultimately lead to an unintended orgasm or wet dream. Because of the pressure, any article of clothing that fits tightly to any part of the groin area, (including but not limited to the penis and scrotum} will tend to produce new and perhaps interesting and unanticipated sensations as these arousal cycles proceed. The brain may interpret many of these sensations as providing a great deal of fun (or it may simply interpret them as simply wearing uncomfortable clothing!)

More than a few men enjoy wearing jockstraps as sleepwear. Others who interpret the tactile signals differently (and they have every right to. It's their brain!) describe the sensations in very non-sexual terms--simply as uncomfortable. There appear to be two categories of men: those that prefer loose-fitting clothing and those who enjoy tight fitting clothing as sleepwear. I clearly fall into the latter group. (I also suspect that the loose-fitting group are big on masturbating quickly, focusing almost exclusively on the penis, but that is another arguable story/theory of mine, which will probably result in outcries from the boxer crowd!)

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Old 01-05-2025, 12:46 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Spending The Night In a Cup Part 2 Original Post

Spending The Night In a Cup Part 2 Original Post

Now suppose that an additional element is added: a hard cup. Much chatroom discussion centers on the supposedly erotic qualities of the streamlined Bike cup. My problem with the Bike cup is that it doesn't produce a tight enough fit to the penis, allowing the penis to flop around a lot. As sleepwear, in this experiment the whole idea is to find as tight a fitting cup as possible, one that just barely contains your flaccid penis. A couple of readily available possibilities for me are the TRU-Fit cup (K- Mart and Dick's Sporting Goods, large youth 26-32) and the Duke (Wal Mart, large youth) but if you really must, you could try the Bike.

The cup of the Tru-Fit and the American made Duke are nearly identical in size and shape. The GRID is made of nylon, and feels colder to the skin. The Duke has a broader foam surround on the cup and is made of a softer material, perhaps a cotton or polyester blend. If you must have one, Bike's are available at Target.

Next, slip the jock strap and cup on and crawl into bed. This is how you will look with the thong under and the jock and cup over. Note that there is basically no room for any sort of erection.

You will certainly want to wear the jock over a tight fitting pair of briefs or better still,a thong. The pressure of the thong strap along with the straps of the jock is interesting. In addition, for a good fit the cup should be held really tight to the groin, so you may want to top this off with a pair of compression shorts --Try the Ace compression shorts available in drug-stores--they really compress and provide some interesting sensations to the inner thighs as well, but the cotton/lycra Spaulding cycling shorts available at Wal Mart are nifty too.The illustration is Bollinger compression shorts. I bought these several years ago and am not sure of their current availability

Try to find a comfortable position to drift off to sleep in. Problem number 1 that may occur: The feel of the cup held tightly to the groin is starting to be interpreted by your body as a sexual rather than as a non-sexual sensation, and you are starting to feel slightly aroused. What's more interesting, you are starting to sense the distinct pressure of the hard cup against the penis. Meanwhile, the cord of the thong is starting to tug away as the penis hardens slightly, and the straps of the jock are starting to bind a bit. What to do? Try to quit thinking about where your sex organs are, and attempt to get some much-needed rest.

Problem number 2: You fall asleep but soon wake up again and the situation is not getting any better. You are still stuck in all the layers of clothing and the straps are starting to really put the tension on. Somehow the sensations of all of this are magnified at night making it more difficult to handle than when you are awake.

Now its 3:00 AM and you discover that the feelings you earlier that night had interpreted as only mildly sexual are turning into a serious hard-on. Your brain interprets the tactile signals from the groin area as if everything in the groin area is getting tighter with no way out. Moreover, the thong strap which was tolerable earlier that nite is really starting to tug on your rear end. Meanwhile, the cup feels hard and cold, the pressure of the hard cup on the penis is building, and can no longer be put out of your mind. Serious trouble! What's worse, you are starting to experience sensations that are screaming to your brain "I need to ejaculate, and the sooner the better!"

You reach down, thinking there is a simple fix to all of this. Just stroke the penis to ejaculate and relieve the pressure. But given the cup and clothing, this is not so easy. That doggone cup is in the way. You know that if you could only touch the frenulum of the penis, you would go off quickly, but that is in a position which you can't get to. At least not very easily. This is maddening. Maddening, frustrating--but at the same time, terrific fun! You are nearly out of your mind in agony, desperately needing to ejaculate but not quite being able to reach the erection level at the point where you can. Keep going. Maybe there is hope.

You keep trying. What will possibly work? You try to stroke your penis through the cup, but that doesn't quite do it. You attempt to adjust the cup by pressing it sideways and downward hoping that you can find some temporary position that will provide momentary relief from pressure and the agony. But if you have chosen your jock strap well, nothing will work. When you move the cup a bit, the penis senses the pressure as a new sensation and gets a bit harder instead. You even try laying on your stomach, but that just presses the cup closer to the groin, which doesn't improve the situation either.

You squirm a lot, in an unsuccessful attempt to relieve the agony. But after what may seem to be an excruciatingly long period of time, perhaps an hour or more,the situation is ultimately resolved. Either (1) the hard-on subsides on its own, (2) you end up reaching a stage where you finally are able to ejaculate into the cup, or (3) In total frustration you pull off everything and masturbate to orgasm. I've had some great orgasms by masturbation (I like to wrap the penis in a facial tissue to collect he ejaculate, then stroke through the tissue) after an hour or two of this, but all three events have happened to me on various occasions. You never quite know how it will turn out.

The amount of fun you will have doing this seems to vary depending on how long it has been since your last orgasm. This activity is particularly enjoyable if you have already gone 2-3 days without ejaculating. So if it doesn't work for you the first night, then try for another nite.

The next day, I often experience some rather weird sensations centered in the pit of my stomach--interestingly enough a craving or longing for the pressure and sensation of the cup to be again held tightly against the groin. A new nervous pathway has clearly developed that "remembers" the sensations of the night before, and craves their continuation. It's the strangest feeling--I come home from work anxious to pull on the cup again. I am curious if others get this delayed sensation as well.

As near as I can determine, this is a quite safe form of sex play for us single and unattached guys. I would like to hear from others who have or are interested in trying this. I would also be particularly interested in other techniques used by those not involved in a sexual relationship with another person. I am not interested in anything that is dangerous, harms someone else, transmits diseases, or involves putting carrots or cucumbers in body orifices where they don't really belong.

Best of luck, and I enjoy hearing about your ideas and experiences. Very little has been written on the topic of sex play for unattached guys. Most sex manuals seen to act as if the problem is one of finding a significant other. I don't see it that way.

Enjoy and have fun!

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