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Old 03-15-2019, 08:49 PM
Papadoop Papadoop is offline
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Default Why do you wear Speedos?

Just wondering what got everyone here into wearing Speedos? For me it started when i wore them as a kid sadly in high school had to switch to board shorts.
A few years back i plucked up the courage to buy a pair again and start wearing them for swimming.
They are much better for swimming in and keep everything intact and they look and feel great love the tight and snug feeling they give around the buttocks as well as being comfortable they feel erotic and i get off on wearing them.
And despite the myth women dont like speedos, the ones ive met whilst wearing them although they dont say their eyes, body language and flirtatious reactions say otherwise which i find a turn on.
So what got all of you into speedos?
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Old 03-16-2019, 08:19 AM
Speedswimmer Speedswimmer is offline
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Interesting thread! I discovered my fascination for speedos when I was around high school age. I've always been a fan of the male anatomy and the visual aesthetics of the stomach, thighs and bulge in a speedo. It took a while until I built up the courage to wear one myself. I started doing very amateur swimming at my local pool using my regular board shorts, which eventually got shorter and shorter as I became more and more daring. I never really made the switch to small speedos because in my head speedos were limited to the really skilled swimmers, and because I wasn't that great I didn't dare wear them. Like I somehow had to earn the right to wear speedos? A few years ago I decided I was gonna take swimming lessons. I remember packing both my board shorts and my tiny speedos just in case everyone in my class wore board shorts so that I could make a last minute switch I was hoping enough people would wear small and tight swimsuits so that I would feel better wearing my tiny speedos. Me and the instructor ended up being the only ones in speedos, but only one other guy wore board shorts, the rest wore square cuts or jammers, which was awesome! The instructor wearing speedos helped my courage out a lot, and that was the beginning of years of speedo-wearing. Now, when I go swimming, I wear nothing but speedos. I can't even imagine the drag of board shorts, it must be like swimming in syrup.
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Old 03-16-2019, 12:46 PM
nespeedoguy nespeedoguy is offline
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Default First speedo

I also developed joy for speedos in my high school years. Few guys st gym were fit swimmers. So wanted to get in better shape to sport speedo. Started with reg black speedo 36 from sporting good store. Pulling that speedo feeling that bulging feeling I was hooked. Over time my suit collection grew and gym got me to 34 suit. One my favorites now is speedo solar. Speedos have an erotic feel and give even masc guys a way to feel good about our bodies. Also enjoy cycling gear if any of you cycle! Cheers
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Old 03-19-2019, 07:25 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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I wear speedos because the law requires I wear something in public. Speedo is the choice since it is the only suit type I have ever worn. They were provided when I was in high school due to a wall of windows. (at the YMCA it was no suits)They took care of them so no one left a wet suit in a locker. Most of us did wear our own nylon and run them under the hand dryers a few seconds to dry them. When I traveled a lot they were practical since they dried quick for packing. Guess I never really thought about another style. I did have a couple of my buddies buy me board shorts so I would fit in. Found out real reason. They didn't like their wives checking my package.
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Old 03-19-2019, 07:45 PM
lapswimmer lapswimmer is offline
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My first introduction to a Speedo or bikini cut was when I was in Cub Scouts. The Den did a an Indian dress and dance and my mother put me in a bikini suit under my loin cloth for whatever reason. I was enamored by that little bikini. As I got into my teenage years I taught Red Cross swimming lessons at the local pool and a buddy of mine wore a Jantzen bikini cut and I soon followed. In college, my friends wore various brands of bikini cuts and so did I sealing my love for the tight form fitting bikini. So, for me, the tighter, the lower the front in reason and smaller sides, is my standard. the rest is history. The feel, the look, and the performance of a minimal swimsuit is what I like.
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Old 03-20-2019, 01:43 AM
NE_OH_thonger NE_OH_thonger is offline
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PSDave's story is a lot like mine. The local school district has a swimming pool, so we had swim lessons as part of our PE classes from fourth to eighth grade. All students were required to wear suits provided by the pool, which were briefs for the boys. After complaints from some of the students, the eighth grade students were allowed to bring suits from home, with the caveat that girls had to wear one-piece suits. Most of my classmates switched to shorts, but I continued to use the school provided briefs. At the time, I just said that I forgot to get another suit, but really, I liked them.
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Old 03-28-2019, 03:57 PM
Glenda Glenda is offline
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During my teen years my male breasts began to bud. My Mom took me to see the doctor. It's just something that some teenage boys go through and it will pass I was told. It didn't.

To lessen the focus on having breasts I enjoyed wearing Speedos when they were popular during the late 1970 s and early 1980's. When I was in my mid 20's during the 1980's another doctor informed me that I have severe gynecomastia (female breasts) with mammary glands. I chose not to have surgery, so she suggested that I work out with bench pressing of weights while maintaining my skinny 160 pound 6' 1" tall frame. Afterwards my breasts became even larger. I embraced having them and now wear the tiniest thong bottoms to focus any attention to my manhood rather than to my breasts. I keep my chest fully shaved all summer long.

When I visited public pools in the 1990's women were normally somewhat curious and inquisitive about my breasts due they are noticeably quite a bit larger than even my wife's and most of the ladies that enjoyed chatting with us. Out of curiosity I asked one lady her bra size at a nudist hot springs since we were both about equal. Size "D".

I am in my 60's now and still enjoy wearing the tiniest thong bikini bottoms to this day.

Last edited by Glenda : 03-29-2019 at 11:36 AM.
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Old 03-28-2019, 04:50 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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very bravely shared Glenda, well said.
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Old 03-29-2019, 05:25 PM
Schoolspeedo Schoolspeedo is offline
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I grew up in the late 60's/70's and speedos were the choice of suit for swimming at school. originally they were the heavy nylon type but as 'speedo' came along with the much lighter fabric most tended to go for them. they made them in our school colours so it was an easy choice. I loved the feel and clinginess when wet. So i've maintained my use of them as a choice for swimming, sunbathing but in much briefer styles. I wear them regularly at the pool attached to a local university where my gym is also located and have often seen the water polo team in the locker room in their speedos, so not an uncommon sight. I tend to think they are becoming more acceptable and tolerated than a few years ago.
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Old 04-07-2019, 12:49 PM
thisweirdthing1985 thisweirdthing1985 is offline
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Default Back around here

I've been an active member a few years ago. Now after some time of absence, I think it's time to come back.

Well, in my country, Peru, speedos are only limited to swimming lessons. Maybe the same to the USA: if a man wears them at the beach, he's automatically labelled as gay.

I wore them as a kid at the swimming pool. I started to wear board shorts in the 90s during my teenager years. Then 5 or 6 years ago I started to wear them again. I love to wear them!

The answer is: beacause they are confortable and they make me enjoy my maculinity in some way. it's a strange feeling when I wear them at the beach in the middle of hundreds of conservative peruvian people, which is a mix of self-confidence, rebellion and challenging lots of stupid chauvinists males (quite common around here) that - I'm commpletely sure - are longing to wear something sexy too!
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