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Old 07-11-2016, 05:08 PM
underwearphil underwearphil is offline
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Default Budgie Smuggler enters English Language

Hitting the headlines in the last few days is the term "Budgie Smugglers"!
This is one of the terms included in the Oxford English Dictionary for the first time with the official entry reading:
budgie smugglers
Australian /NZ informal
Men’s brief, tight-fitting swimming trunks.

The press briefing (sorry about the pun) provided the information:
"Budgie smugglers" is an Australian term used since the 1990s that refers to a pair of tight men's swimming trunks.

Should give a boost to the Budgy Smuggler brand!
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Old 07-11-2016, 05:25 PM
underwearphil underwearphil is offline
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Does not take long for the British Press to jump in on the "anti speedo" bandwagon.
Article in Weekend section of Saturday, 9th July edition of Daily Telegraph headlines: "A trunk call to all Brits abroad" and start with paragraph:
EEEWWW! Just look! No, no on second thoughts don't loo- oops, to late. Sorry, the sight of England rugby manhunt James Haskell on holiday in Ibiza wearing budgie smugglers emblazoned with St George's flag will now be seared on your retinas forever. Photographs of Haskell with his girlfriend Chloe Madeley, daughter of Richard and Judy, hanging by the pool were dominated not by her toned torso but by his eye-wateringly tiny trunks.
And the article goes on and on!
In fact this is not really a swimwear, or even fashion article, but in fact about nations flag and nationalistic emblems in post "Brexit" politics that is dominating the UK (and I suspect) a significant amount of Europe.
Sorry to bring politics into MensSWimSuitBoard.
The article did have a large picture of James wearing his Budgy Smugglers with caption "en deshabille" - (in a state of undress).
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Old 07-11-2016, 05:44 PM
ReservedEnthusiast ReservedEnthusiast is offline
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Who are they kidding? If anything, James Haskell could be considered a fantastic representative for the speedo-wearing population, in my opinion. Just look at him! I would kill to look like that!

Following the addition of Budgie Smuggler to the dictionary, I wonder how long it will be until someone calls upon that classic photo of an overweight chap wearing a massive cross and tiny black speedo, the classic anti-speedo pic? *rolls eyes*
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Old 07-11-2016, 06:01 PM
Bede735 Bede735 is offline
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I can't say I like that term. When a women wears a bikini - her genital region is not usually referred to.
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Old 07-11-2016, 06:46 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Well technically

A budgie is another name for a parakeet. Its short for budgerigar


a small gregarious Australian parakeet that in the wild is green with a yellow head. It is popular as a pet bird and has been bred in a variety of colors.

A Budgie smuggler would be moving budgies through customs w/o paying tariffs and perhaps hiding budgies on the person. A logical place to smuggle a budgie would be inside one's underwear or swim brief.
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Old 07-12-2016, 03:56 PM
PSDave PSDave is offline
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Even though they spelled it wrong, there are enough logos on the suit that people should be able to figure it out. I used to have a couple but tossed them because of all the questions. That billboard they insist on blazing across the ass I am sure has hurt sale in the US. At least AB has the common sense to make it optional.
Too many companies with great designs ruin their suits with huge billboard logos.
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Old 07-12-2016, 05:49 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Bede735 I can't say I like that term. When a women wears a bikini - her genital region is not usually referred to.
Yesterday 06:44 PM

I am thinking of producing a new range of women's swimwear under the brand Camel Toe Carriers, will I succeed ?
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Old 07-17-2016, 06:43 AM
Schoolspeedo Schoolspeedo is offline
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Originally Posted by Bede735
I can't say I like that term. When a women wears a bikini - her genital region is not usually referred to.
With you on this one Bede735-this term annoys me a little also; all part of the humiliation of speedo wearers. A good female friend of my wife and I often refers to speedos by that name just to wind me up. That said its done in 'good humour' with no malice intended and although she doesn't particularly like the style, especially the very narrow and string sided ones, she's always tolerated me wearing them when we've been in her hot tub. In fact now, I'll wear very brief ones which don't really hide my form and latterly have been semi transparent, just to keep the 'banter' going! With women's bikinis becoming smaller and more revealing there is certainly no hiding the camel toe especially if shaven. My wife has a very small white string side bikini, low cut and narrow in front a her shaven camel toe is obvious to say the least, though I'm not complaining!
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Old 07-17-2016, 06:47 AM
Schoolspeedo Schoolspeedo is offline
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Originally Posted by underwearphil
Does not take long for the British Press to jump in on the "anti speedo" bandwagon.
Article in Weekend section of Saturday, 9th July edition of Daily Telegraph headlines: "A trunk call to all Brits abroad" and start with paragraph:
EEEWWW! Just look! No, no on second thoughts don't loo- oops, to late. Sorry, the sight of England rugby manhunt James Haskell on holiday in Ibiza wearing budgie smugglers emblazoned with St George's flag will now be seared on your retinas forever. Photographs of Haskell with his girlfriend Chloe Madeley, daughter of Richard and Judy, hanging by the pool were dominated not by her toned torso but by his eye-wateringly tiny trunks.
And the article goes on and on!
In fact this is not really a swimwear, or even fashion article, but in fact about nations flag and nationalistic emblems in post "Brexit" politics that is dominating the UK (and I suspect) a significant amount of Europe.
Sorry to bring politics into MensSWimSuitBoard.
The article did have a large picture of James wearing his Budgy Smugglers with caption "en deshabille" - (in a state of undress).
However, by him wearing a speedo, it's seems that there maybe a come back and maybe guys are getting back the confidence to get out in public again. After all a sports star like him is bound to know that he'll be seen and be photographed. Here's hoping gentlemen......
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Old 07-18-2016, 07:18 PM
Dean Dean is offline
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Default James Haskell

One does need to see the photo - yes I would like to look like this:
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