Errrr, they are wearing jammers, swim caps and goggles.
This is a really bad coach, "We swim until we can't breathe and then we swim some more!" is an awful approach, he'll end up with swimmers drowning or having heart attacks. He should be doing interval training where swimmers get used to building up and holding oxygen debt and then paying it back in short rests (the intervals).
He is also petty elitist, no one gets on his team unless they meet his criteria, if they can't develop at the rate he determines they're off the team. This coach will leave a trail of failed swimmers behind him who've learned to hate swimming and training. He will turn boys that love swimming into men that hate it, long term he'll damage the sport.
After the young swimmer claims he can swim 100m in less than 50 seconds he gives him a trial, but has already decided not to allow the boy this on his squad, this is just powerplay and bullying, wasting the time of his squad while showing them who is in charge.
In the British Army at Deepcut Barracks training corporals used the anti war movie Full Metal Jacket as a training mannual. It resulted in the deaths of sevral recruits and years of enquiries. Omlette apperas to be Full Metal Jacket in the water, at the end of the training period in Full Metal Jacket the recruit bullied into believing he should kill his enemy, shoots the training sargeant, a logical outcome of the insane training. The coach in Omlette deserves to be shot.