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Old 12-24-2014, 01:58 PM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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ALL - I've never submitted a story before...would sure appreciate feedback and suggestions...thanks raymcc.
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Old 12-24-2014, 11:44 PM
Crail Crail is offline
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Smile Story

Your story is truly great. Well written, interesting and I'm looking forward to continuations. Bravo !!!
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Old 12-25-2014, 12:16 AM
Roswell Roswell is offline
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First time posting, but I've been reading all the stories in this section as of late. I think you're doing a good job with this one. Keep up the good work!
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Old 12-25-2014, 02:52 AM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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Well, it was the end of the day, and Chad was pretty clear I wasn't supposed to leave without touching base with him. I think he made it more difficult on purpose...it was getting late, and I'd make a point of walking in proximity to him, but he'd not engage, and move elsewhere. What was he wanting me to do. Finally I mustered the courage: "you wanted to talk before I left?" "Yes, come on back to the office." He had me sit down in the chair. He was sitting on the desk, with his leopard print bulge right at my line of sight. Was I mistaken, or was he semi-aroused. "you know you could get in trouble for stealing my suit". 'But I didn't steal it, just kept it for a day'. "Whatever, you took it. Go in back and take your suit off and give it to me now." "What am I supposed to wear?" "Well, you like wearing my suit, so here's one for you to wear." It was his white speedo, which always looked amazing against his dark tan skin. The only problem was when wet, it was more than partially see through. I did as he said, walking back in, and to my surprise, the white suit fit me comfortably (but as with his leopard suit, was probably too small for him). He took my black suit and said "you'll get it back when I'm done with it." What did that mean? Days passed. At first, I avoided wearing the white suit and reverted to board shorts - or board shorts with the white suit underneath. Chad showed up the next day with what was obviously my 28" speedo on. I became instantly erect with the thought of him in my suit...was he 'paying me back?' "you like?" he asked. I had to admit "you look amazing in it...uh, but it is a little small, you're barely all in there." "I did this as a gift for you." After a week, he returned the suit. Clearly it had been worn a lot as it was a bit stretched to his form, and had the smell of his body.
I took it home, held it up, imagining him in it, became very aroused. It was only then that I noticed he evidently had been aroused in it as well.

I avoided the pool for several days, and finally mustered the courage to return. Chad acted like nothing had happened. Meanwhile, Larry said he was happy I was back as his girlfriend and her friend wanted to go to a drive in movie that night. Larry had an old convertible, and I felt very grown up in the back seat with a beautiful girl. We left straight from the pool, so it was T-shirt, jeans over my speedo, and a pair of sandals. We brought a blanket to keep the cool night air away, but it also gave us some privacy in the back seat. Turns out she was 16 and more experienced than me. We kissed, started making out, and in short order, I was fully aroused, but fortunately the jeans were over the speedo. Half way through the movie she asked 'do you wear the same kind of suit as Larry?" "Do you mean a speedo? Yeah". "Do you have it on now?" I lied "No..just my boxers". "I don't believe you." With that, she unbuttoned my jeans lowered the zipper to find my black speedo. "I just love these" she said. With that, she started gently caressing me through the suit. I had never been touched by a girl there before, and it was an amazing feeling. What I wasn't prepared for was having to tell her to stop "or else". That just encouraged her. Before I knew it, I had released a large load in my speedo, some of which seeped through the fabric.
"there, all better" she said. I zipped up my pants, not sure whether to be embarrassed, thank her or what. We parted ways at the end of the night with her whispering 'you're cute...I hope we get together again.' My head was spinning. Larry dropped me off at my house, I went upstairs and took a shower and cleaned out my suit. It was quite a mess. As quiet as we were in the back seat of Larry's car, I wondered if he knew what happened....I also wondered if the same thing had happened to him. I knew one thing, I enjoyed hanging out with Larry and Chad as they were lots farther along than me in sexual exploration.
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Old 12-25-2014, 09:52 PM
Crail Crail is offline
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Default Your story

Again, thanks for your great story. Well done. Looking forward to more
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Old 12-26-2014, 02:21 PM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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As the summer drew to an end, Chad and Larry had both become 'older friends'. Larry was someone to 'aspire to'...the kind of college guy I hoped to become. Beautiful body, humble, great swimmer, and seemingly oblivious to the impact he had on girls - and some guys. There was an electricity with Chad. He was much more overtly sexual. He 'put it out there' for all to observe. It would seem that based on what had happened with the suits, that he shared my (was it a fetish?) for speedos. He seemed to know I was attracted to him, and though I was still young, he enjoyed seeing and being with me.

There were many times that thinking of Chad, being with him, or imagining events, provided inspiration for self satisfaction. I didn't have the courage or confidence to pursue him...nor did I suspect he'd risk his job by doing anything with me. So it was more in situations where either of us could 'read into' what was happening.

A good example. I explained that often I'd hang around until closing time, help him out and often, Chad and I were the last two there, with the pool area already locked up. Collecting the towels and putting them in a heap in the boiler room was the daily ritual. They weren't dirty, having only been used to dry off, but nonetheless, were freshly laundered. Also at the end of the day, the laundry crew had laundered and dried a fresh batch of towels, an they were spread on the floor, awaiting us to fold them for the next day. One evening, I had an armload of towels headed for the the boiler room. As a joke, Chad kept tossing more and more in my arms, to the point where I could barely balance them, and couldn't see forward. 'Don't drop them or you'll pay' Adding more and more, and playfully slapping my ass as I headed toward the boiler room. We finally got close to the boiler room, with him walking behind me and about five towels fell off the heap. "Ok, you're in trouble" he said, clearly kidding. He picked them up, we entered the mostly dark boiler room, I dropped the heap of towels on one end, and he said 'now you need to fold all the clean ones as punishment for dropping the others'. I played along, squatted down and started folding, my knees resting on some towels. He left for a few minutes, returned in his tight white speedo, (why did he change?), came behind me and playfully shoved my body into the entire pile of clean towels. He quickly started burying me in towels, and I started writhing and laughing. Just then, I reached out and grabbed one of his ankles and his arm, and used all my weight to drop him down into the pile. He tumbled right on top of me. I thought I'd wrestle him to the pinning position (which in retrospect was ridiculous given his four year age and probably 30 lb weight advantage). We started wresting, which was both just fun, and to my surprise, erotic. It went on for several minutes and I realized 'he's just toying with me'. It was also a chance to explore his amazing body without being obvious. His ass was small and very muscular. His abdomen, rippled with muscles, and his pecs, firm and round. It was dark in the room, and we were both mostly buried in towels, so there was every legitimate excuse for 'making mistakes' where we grabbed. He got my mid-section in a 'scissors hold', his legs wrapped around me, squeezing the middle, I tried pounding on his thighs with no success, so used the last resort, I full on grabbed his manhood and squeezed - not too hard, but enough to get his attention...and the release. "Playing dirty now?" he said. Remember, paybacks are hell". More open wrestling, but finally he had me. I was on my back, he was straddling my chest, with each of his knees pressing down on my arms, so they were useless under his weight. I was stuck. But stuck looking up at the shadow of this amazing body on top of me, and his package but inches from my face. The only option was to try to use my weight to 'buck him' off me. Tried twice, but with minimal movement. "I can make this harder on you. Ready to give up?" "Never" "turnabout is fair play". He reached back to grab my leg - or so I thought - and instead grabbed my package.
I was fully erect. "what have we here?" he asked. I was embarrassed - or maybe not, because in looking at his dick just inches from my face, it was clear he was well on his way also. His strong hands cupped my balls...strong enough to be just slightly painful. "now do you give up?" "Never" He moved from the balls to my very erect dick and said 'I bet I can make you give up' I quickly jerked my body and turned it sideways, and he flew off. "See, you may be bigger, but I'm more clever." He was surprised and delighted I succeeded, but quickly leaped on top of me and said 'time to finish you off'. Again, he straddled my chest, locked my arms down, with all his weight. I was spent, and while not in pain, uncomfortable. "give up yet?" "Never" With that, he thrust his crotch right in front of my face, but not touching "Now?" "Never". "Time for the smother then" He pushed his white clad dick and balls into my face over my mouth. "you'd better give up" What I could not tell was if this was a sexual move, or just wrestling. What I did notice, was inside his suit, his very thick dick was now erect, and couldn't be avoided. "OK, uncle" He rolled off me, we both laughed. If I had been older or more experienced, I might have tried to 'finish things off' with him, but I knew - and suspected he knew - that wasn't the right thing to do. We folded the towels, and our bodies relaxed, and before you know, it was time to go home. As we locked the door and departed, he tousled my hair and said 'that was fun.'

My balls ached wanting to release. I was confused. Does he find me attractive? Was that just what college guys do? I went home, took off my jeans and discovered there was a nice ring of moisture where the head of my dick had been when we wrestled. I wondered...did he see that? I wonder if the same thing happened to him. I laid in bed, imagining him on top of me, and my manhood in his hand, being squeezed. It was only moments before I shot. Up to my face and onto the wall behind me.
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Old 12-27-2014, 03:28 AM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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Thoughts of Chad, and trying to understand whether our play was just guys being physical...or if there was an attraction persisted. My conclusion was he enjoyed keeping me guessing, knowing that his sexuality was a tool.

Meanwhile, Larry and I became better friends, double dated a few more times, and to my eye, he was a magnet for girls - well, I guess you could call them young women...and women. Occasionally I could overhear some of the younger and more attractive women commenting to each other about him...and some even flirted. He shyly seemed to enjoy it, but largely not pay much attention. The plan was to return to college shortly, finish his degree and move right on to grad school. Our relationship became casual enough that I could just pop into the office announced. The 'office' was actually the size of a large closet, with a one way mirrored window that enabled those inside to see out...without those outside being able to see in. It was late on a very hot afternoon, and I popped in unannounced, wondering what he was doing that night. I was plenty surprised.

He was standing, his back to the door, and on her knees in front of him was one of the 'hot moms'. His head was tilted back, and she had clearly undone the strings of his speedo and popped his dick out the front, and from the sounds of things, he was getting an amazing blow job (something I could only dream of at that age). They were so busy, they didn't hear me enter. I must have however uttered something, because he quickly turned around at the precise moment he had his orgasm. I walked out immediately and shut the door. By this time, what I saw had created my own erection, and now was not the time to return to the pool deck. Time for a cold shower? I went into the showers and tried to cool off, and who should walk by but Chad, who glanced at me and asked 'hey bunky, you OK in there?' "uhh, yeah" "looks like you need to take care of business" Well, that wasn't an option. I but on my board shorts and returned to the pool deck, dazed. Chad could tell, and in a concerned voice asked 'what's going on?' "Promise you won't tell?" "sure" "I walked in on Larry, who was getting a blowjob from Mrs Wallace in the office". Chad laughed "Bunky, that happens every other day here." "Wait, to you too?" "If you only knew how many times I've shot a load in that office, you'd be amazed...all the while no one out here knows what's happening." That sealed it. I knew I wanted to be a lifeguard.

Later, Larry approached me and apologized. "Hey, sorry about what you saw...please don't tell anyone" I confessed having already told Chad and he laughed "Chad uses that office more than I do. In case you haven't noticed, he deliberately wears his speedos too small to let anyone know he's available." Now things were starting to make sense...a bit. Still, lifeguarding was certainly in my future. Larry told me they had a code. On days when they wore only speedos, they were 'available and interested'...if not, their blue nylon 'guard shorts'. Larry intimated that Chad had taken it a step further, with his see thru white suit, the leopard suit, and the orange suit indicating different possibilities. I asked for the 'code' and Larry said 'you should probably ask him, but didn't I hear about you two wrestling when he had his white suit on?" Wait. Chad had told him about that?
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Old 12-27-2014, 07:27 AM
Crail Crail is offline
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Wow - you really know how to write a great story !!!!!! Awesome
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Old 12-27-2014, 02:29 PM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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Larry really was an accomplished swimmer, and in the closing weeks of the summer, I started using the dinner time break the same way he did, swimming laps, as swim season would start soon, and I wanted to be ready. With each passing day, my strokes became more rhythmic and less 'choppy' but my form still left a lot to be desired. "do you want some help with your form?" "are you kidding? YES!" "Ok, stand right here" He stood directly behind me, our bodies occasionally touching, taking my arms through the movement of the strokes and showing me little tips. His body was what I hoped mine would become. Lean, taught. He leaned my body forward, and I could feel his entire chest, abdomen and hips press against mine. It was hard not to react. Then he had me float face down in the pool, and put one of his hands under my chest and the other under the lower part of my abdomen, and had me practice the strokes. He was just a great guy, helping, oblivious that he looked and felt amazing. Then it was my turn to take a few laps see the results. I was sure his guidance would help me in races.

Chad watched, or I assumed he was watching. It was a day when he was wearing his white speedo, and had dark aviator sunglasses on. It seemed he was looking our way, but hard to tell. We finished with the swimming tips, grabbed a burger, and the pool was about to re-open. Larry went to get ready, and Chad and I were still sitting at the table together. "Larry's a good swimmer, but I'm a better teacher actually" "O really?" "Why haven't you asked me for tips" "Well, actually, I didn't ask him, he just offered. If you're offering, I'm all about it." "Great, we'll do it after pool closing." Well, that was something to look forward to for the next three hours. He was wearing the white speedo again, same as the day we wrestled.

The pool cleared out at 9, they turned off the big spotlights, and Chad asked "you ready for my lesson?" "Sure" He grabbed my waist, and threw us both in the pool, and then immediately dunked me. Time to retaliate. I climbed up his back and used my weight to throw him off balance. It worked. Before you know it, we were wrestling in the pool. Unlike Larry, Chad's body was thicker. No body fat, but lots of muscle. What made wrestling with him more difficult was his coating of baby oil that he used for maximum tanning. My hands couldn't get a grip, and before you know it, a lot of the oil had transferred from his body to mine. We wrestled on top and under water. It was obvious he could dominate me but occasionally let me think I was winning. He couldn't resist what all guys do, grabbing the back of my suit and giving me a 'wedgie'. My retaliation? Chad liked to wear his speedos with the strings out. It was just too tempting. Without him realizing it, while thrashing, I pulled the string gently. Begging for mercy, he finally let the back of my suit go, and I went for it, grabbing the sides of his speedo and jerking them downward. "You little shit!" For the first time, I saw his cock. And the first time I had seen another cock that close. It was average length, but very thick, and I guessed in a state of semi arousal. He retaliated, untying my suit, but then taking it a step further. He had me in a headlock from behind and used his toes to reach up and pull my suit down to my ankles. Then pulled it out from my feet, released the headlock, and grabbed the suit. "It's mine now" "hey, not fair, give it back." He shoved the suit down the front of his suit and said "run to the locker room and get one of my other suits, because I don't think you're strong enough to get it back from me" I turned up the intensity and determination, and grabbed for his speedo clad package. I'd get close and he'd bat me away. After time, I'd get my hand there, finally reaching down inside to grab it, but instead, grabbed his entirely erect dick." Is this what he wanted? Was it an accident? He'd pull my hand out, we'd wrestle, I'd grab again. It was big and thick, and his balls were tight up against his body. "you'd better give up. Run to my locker and grab another suit." I charged out of the pool, winded, and ran to his locker. The orange one? the Leopard one? I grabbed the leopard suit - it was smaller and, well, felt a little sexier. I put it on and dashed back into the pool. "Ok, come here and I'll help you with your swimming...and we'll get better results than you got with Larry" "Was he jealous?" "time to help you with your back stroke". Back down in the pool he held me up with two hands. One mid back, and the other firmly on my ass...well, on his own suit. He lifted my body up to the point where my dick was rising out out of the water. "You really do have a great body...and your treasure trail has developed over the summer' "what's a treasure trail?" He took one hand and ran it from my navel downward. "it's this patch of hair that leads down to the treasure." He showed me how to arch my back when swimming for maximum glide through the water, and how to extend my arms properly. "your kick needs some work". He was right. Most swimmers think too much about arms and too little about their kick. He had me extend my arms over my head and hold on to the side of the pool, and used his hands to show me how to get maximum thrust from my hip action. His hands were strong and firm, and in showing me what to do, he'd point out what muscles were being activated. He cupped one of my butt cheeks with one hand, and use the other hand to guide my thigh motion. Was it weird that he was holding me that way...or did guys just not give it much thought? Then he grabbed both cheeks and told me to kick, which I did, but with each motion, it seemed his fingers were moving more to the center of my ass. I couldn't help it and started to get a huge hard on. "how's this lesson going?" he asked, clearly enjoying the effect it was having on me. "Sorry I said, embarrassed...can't help it. It just happens when anyone touches me." "Anyone!? You mean I'm not special?" he asked sarcastically. Wait, was that more of a question than just teasing? "you're young, but your body is really amazing. You've got good broad shoulders, and the start of the perfect 'swimmer's V' "OK, what's that?" "broad shoulders narrowing down to a small waist and hips. Trust me, girls love big shoulders, and great abs." For an insecure 14 year old, it was just what I needed to hear.

We finished the lesson, but stayed in the pool, all the lights off. "hey, it's been a great summer, thanks for letting me hang out with you". "The pleasure was mine" (more to come)
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Old 12-29-2014, 04:36 AM
raymcc raymcc is offline
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I went home that night, and concluded it had been quite a summer. My parents commented how much time I had spent at the pool, and wondered if I'd miss it. For more reasons than they might even imagine.

That night I went to bed mentally recapping the summer. Hanging out with Larry and Chad. Larry being more like the big brother...and Chad...what was he exactly? I was unquestionably attracted to him, and thought he was to me, but concluded he wouldn't do anything given our age difference. Would he have otherwise? I dozed off, but it wasn't long before I was dreaming about both of them. I was in the boiler room. Larry was messing around with a girl, and Chad was waiting for me when I walked in. He had just finished swimming laps in his white speedo. Between the baby oil and the residual water, he glistened. He was standing there fully erect, pulled me towards him and placed my hand down the front of his suit. There was his thick cock at full attention. What was he wanting me to do? "show me how much you like it Bunky" I gently stroked him while he took both of his hands and slid them down the back of my speedo, one finger resting on my hole. I stroked some more and then reached down for his balls. He put his head on my shoulder and started moaning and thrusting into my hand and against my body. A few more strokes and he shot up his stomach and chest, beads of sweat now falling down from his forehead and running down my chest. "And now I get to watch you" he said. I pulled down the front of my suit and stroked myself and immediately came...all over him. It was of course a very intense wet dream, and I woke myself up in a puddle of my own warm juice. The dream was so realistic and seemed such a logical extension of the summer, it took me minutes to realize - it was only a dream, and we had never deliberately touched, other than a few 'innocent' grabs while wrestling.

The day after Labor Day is 'tear down' day for the pool employees. They're released after putting all the chairs in storage, taking down the diving board, and closing down the pumps. They also take one last celebratory leap in the pool before leaving. I couldn't resist but to stop by. Was it to say goodbye or see them both in their speedos one more time. I offered to help, and they were both thankful for the offer and to see me. My reward?..I got to jump in the pool with them that final time. Chad made a point of telling me to stop by the boiler room to see him before taking off on my bike. So I got out of the pool, went into the locker room and changed, and stuffed my black speedo into the pocket of my jeans.

I knocked on the boiler room door, and Chad encouraged me to come in. "I've got something for you...actually a few things." He peeled off his white speedo. There he was, standing inches in front of me naked, with amazing tan lines from a summer in the sun. "Here, I want you to have this...and my leopard suit too." They'll look great on you and give you something to remember me by. 'wow, OK, thanks...maybe I'll wear them on swim team..." 'be careful with the white one unless you want a lot of attention" he laughed. "Thanks." We shook hands, and he patted me on the back. I turned away to leave and thought for a moment.

"Do you want my speedo? It's a bit small for you, but you do look amazing in it."
"I was hoping you'd ask" Chad smiled. He took it and pulled it up. It was obviously giving him pleasure as he was half erect. "Want to help?" "No, I'd better leave that up to you...you seem to have a lot of experience packing yourself in these." I laughed aloud, nervously. Would he have really wanted me to help. Chad said: "I'll be sleeping in these tonight...and thinking about you."

So ended the summer.
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