View Full Version : What to wear?
11-10-2017, 03:10 PM
As a young man begins a journey into adulthood, there are all sorts of unanswered questions about sex and sexuality that need attention. First off, erections seem to be occurring relentlessly, and oftentimes for no apparent overtly-sexual reason. The movies seem to indicate that guys normally only get aroused and erect when making out with a partner of the opposite sex. But any guy knows even early on that this is only a part of the story of how sexual sensations and feelings work in reality.
Nearly every guy has life experiences growing up in which he (ahem) ejaculated in a place and time that was less than appropriate. The exact situation and circumstances surrounding these episodes get written on the brain using indelible (non-removable) ink, and sometimes even end up coming back and haunting a guy throughout the rest of his life. A guy thinks these deeply personal ejaculatory events (doesn’t that sound “scientific?) will gradually be forgotten and discarded over time, but it is not as if that easily or readily happens.
If the circumstances surrounding an ejaculatory event like this involve in some way a snug-fitting item of clothing, that item being a swim brief, jock strap or something else that did it (each reader can fill in the item here for himself) this makes the whole situation even more worrisome. What happens the next time? Will I somehow get “used” to wearing the item so that something embarrassing no longer happens when I put the item on? This all seems rather uncertain, and that alone can be scary because the guy is never certain as to what the outcome might be in a specific situation.
Guys are torn between two places, the sheer terror of having an ejaculatory event occurring in an inappropriate place and time, and the sheer fun of the ejaculatory event that courses throughout the guy’s entire body, even when this is happening in the absence of a sexual partner. Quite a dilemma to resolve!
So, what is a guy faced with this dilemma to do? Why experiment in private, of course! Dylan, as a 19-year old college freshman is in the last of his teen years, but would be considered a young adult age wise. Like many if not most college freshman, he entered college without a lot of connections with the opposite sex, and the connections he did have were more casual than sexual. Every guy worries a lot about his first real sexual encounter with another person. This is not really different for a guy who believes he is gay than it is for a guy who believes he is straight. Every guy probably worries that once he gets himself into a sexual situation with a partner, the whole issue of how do I control my urges such that I don’t get so excited that I just ejaculate in my underwear at the very beginning of the encounter, effectively shutting down whatever could have happened had I somehow managed to get my brain to control my urges better. This is all a rocky road for guys to say the least because guys soon learn that this is the one part of their body whereby conscious thought is not always driving the process forward. Slowing things down indeed might be quite difficult to do. This requires concentration and practice. And probably it is a good idea to do some practicing initially without the added complication of dealing with a real partner, gay or straight.
So what to do? Practice of course! What does this practice and experimentation have to do with snug-fitting swim briefs? Why everything. Dylan is about to order himself some swim briefs for the explicit purpose of using them as an aid to developing ejaculatory control. Won’t that be fun! Well, yes, it could certainly turn out to be that way.
But isn’t this just a silly thing to do? Not really! Every guy has basic sexual urges, urges that gradually intensify as the guy gets more and more aroused, urges that seem to be less under conscious control the farther along the guy is on the “path to ejaculation.” The trick is to learn how to control these urges such that ejaculation is delayed as long as possible, even as the urge to ejaculate keeps getting more and more intense . This is one way for Dylan to learn how to cope in an overtly sexual situation with a partner, where the urge to ejaculate is likely to get quite strong quite quickly, maybe too strong and too quick.
In the previous chapter I made the point that guys can oftentimes fit into swim briefs that are considerably smaller than their nominal waist sizes. A guy built like Dylan has a nominal 32-inch waist. A vendor such a Swimoutlet normally has “grab bag” swim briefs available in a host of different sizes and at half price or less, maybe $10 each. Each grab bag brief will be from a specific brand, usually a Tyl grab bag or a Speedo grab bag. Anyhow, the buyer specifies the waist size or sizes, and the vendor picks out the particular color and style from their “left over” suits.
So, in Dylan’s case, he orders briefs in a series of sizes, 32, 30 28, 26, and if I am really daring, 24-inch waists. The vendor picks the color and style for each brief, but they will be all be briefs in the waist sizes as specified, from largest to smallest.
So when the order arrives, Dylan will have five swim briefs all in different sizes. Dylan can’t wait to try them on. The briefs each get laid out in order from the biggest to the smallest waist.
Now, as any guy know, just trying on any brand new brief, even one with a guy’s correct nominal waist size (32 inches in this case) can be an arousing experience to be sure. What Dylan is going to want to do is try on the 32 inch brief first, and see exactly how that goes. Study himself and how his body looks in the mirror, front and back. Maybe rub himself a little using his fingers to the front of the brief, just for fun.
I’m presuming that Dylan is already feeling pretty good inside all over. Swim briefs tend to do that to guys, even swim briefs in the “correct” waist size.
At this point Dylan will remove the 32-inch brief. Dylan takes note that his male organ is already somewhat bigger than it was only minutes ago. This means that Dylan is going to have to struggle a bit more to get himself contained within the brief the next size down, the one with the 30-inch waist. This turns out to be true, of course, but Dylan makes it into a brief that is a little snugger and tighter than the first one. Not only id Dylan growing in a special place, concomitantly his urge to ejaculate is growing as well. After Dylan has carefully examined himself in the mirror wearing the 30-inch brief, he removes this brief and then makes an attempt to get inside the next smaller, 28-inch size and then repeat the entire process once more, with the urge to ejaculate becoming even more intense as Dylan examines himself in the mirror.
This procedure continues until Dylan reaches a point, swim brief-wise where Dylan in no longer able to keep his urge to ejaculate in check. At that point he creams whatever suit he happens to be wearing with a most powerful outburst of cum.
The first time Dylan tries this, he may discover the very real possibility that he cannot make it past the first couple of suits (or even the first new suit) without ejaculating. Nothing lost, really. Dylan can come back the next day and retry the process from the start all over again with the objective of being able to make it to a suit at least one size snugger with each (daily) attempt.
Leaning ejaculatory control like this may at times seem quite difficult, but the entire process can be quite enjoyable and part of becoming a sexual adult. A question guys might have is whether or not a partner could be brought into the process at some point. In the case of a female partner who would be mainly there to just watch as the events proceed, it would probably take a rather open-minded female to even begin to understand what a guy is going though doing this. Then the question always becomes what does this have to do with the idea of having “real” intercourse with a female, and that becomes a tough question to answer for a lot of guys
The partner thing might be quite different for two gay guys however. Imagine two gay guys in the same room each working through their own set of swim briefs of the various sizes one by one, with each guy not only experiencing his own sensations, but observing how the other guy is coping as he is faced with the constraints imposed by each new smaller, tighter swim brief.
Could be fun huh?
To be continued…
11-13-2017, 06:49 PM
Dylan has been thinking a lot about exactly how his mind and body copes with situations whereby he keeps trying on swimming briefs that keep getting smaller and snugger. He finds that the mere THOUGHT of playing this game with his own mind and body gets him aroused at least to the point where he starts to pre cum every time he thinks of how this all might go down with several different-sized swim briefs. You know, one sized 32 inches, a 30-incher, a 28-incher, a 26-incher, and, if he feels particularly “adventuresome” (You probably already know that interesting erotic feeling in the groin area that comes when a guy even thinks about trying to do this), a suit with only a 24-inch waist. Dylan knows that he might not even be able to get himself into a 24-inch suit, let alone find a comfortable position to place his penis and balls once he does get himself in there, assuming he meets with a degree of “success” in coping with the situation at hand. Dylan has been tossing around all of this in his mind.
But, there is another major issue that Dylan has been thinking about, at least to a degree as he contemplates the possibility of doing this. All of this is safe to do and just might be very enjoyable as well. After all, guys Dylan’s age find ways and places to masturbate regularly, and somehow they manage to accomplish this without drawing undue attention to themselves in the process. I guess each guy who masturbates identifies a different way of accomplishing this. The old rule still applies in that the only time and place a guy is ever supposed to get an erection is with a similarly-aged female partner who is quite OK with having “real” sex and that anything else a guy does in the sexual arousal department is, at minimum, gay or at least sexually abnormal in some way. And the last thing any guy wants is even a semi-public reputation for doing stuff sexually that does not fall within a clearly-defined range of socially-acceptable sexual behaviors.
WOW, this is messy stuff for a host of different reasons. Partner sex in which the participants engage in an exchange of bodily fluids (I love that terminology) involving either a hetero or homosexual partner involves a whole assortment of risks, pregnancy, assorted sexually transmitted diseases, by the way), the possibility that the partner will suddenly in the middle of everything decide that whatever is happening is non-consensual (this situation can happen is straight or gay relationships) and others. This is a heavy list and a particularly heavy responsibility for a 19-year old college freshman like Dylan.
But what Dylan is interested in doing using the different-sized swim briefs involves none of these issues and risks. If he wants, Dylan can try all of this in private, with the only concern being what happens if Josh, his roommate happens to come back to the dorm right in the middle of when Dylan is running his experiments. Now Josh is a good guy, and he is not likely to “spill the beans” on what Dylan was doing when Josh “crashed” the dorm room during the experiment. Still, with all the news-media attention related to people complaining about sex-related stuff that happened to then that was non-consensual even decades earlier this is something of a potential problem should Josh walk in on Dylan who is playing with himself aggressively inside a new swim brief.
Still, Dylan knows that Josh has already seen Dylan masturbating a few times before. For that matter, Dylan has seen Josh doing the same thing to himself. So, at least to a degree the “ice” has already been broken in this regard.
The other possibility is that once Josh fully understands what Dylan is doing to his mind and body that Josh will want to try and be enthusiastic about doing the same thing himself. This means, basically, that Josh needs his own set of swim briefs of various sizes, much as Dylan has planned.
But if this were true and Josh could be interested, how does Dylan even go about to start engaging Josh in this kind of a discussion? This is complicated by the real possibility that Dylan thinks he would find the entire experiment to be more exciting, sexually, if he were not doing it alone and in private, but with Josh watching Dylan’s every move.
Where is this all leading, anyway? If you were in Dylan’s shoes (swim brief), what would YOU do?
Those are good questions.
To be continued…
11-15-2017, 06:54 PM
Jerking off is really fun. Growing up, guys learn that quite quickly, but the mystery for any guy growing up is the question of whether or not the he is “unique” in this regard. Maybe I am the one who has discovered this and my male friends are not aware of what I have found. This in itself poses something of a dilemma. Dare I mention any of this to my male friends with respect to what I have been and am doing to myself, or should I just keep quiet and try to do this in private insofar as possible ?
A related difficulty nearly every young guys face is finding enough privacy to deal with their urges without drawing any attention. Worse, when guys are young, their desire to ejaculate hounds them nearly non-stop, and if they don’t get off every day or two. Initially, guys try to cope with their jerk-off urges by putting themselves on a schedule that means they only get to pleasure themselves every three or four days instead of every day or two. But this only seems to make matters worse, as the longer ejaculation is delayed, the more their attention ends up getting focused on the need to jerk off. Worse, such efforts at controlling ejaculation frequency like this often has the unintended consequences such as the wet dream, commonplace at that age, and this can have messy consequences possible worse that if the guy simply got off on a more frequent schedule at a more convenient place and time.
Of course, but the time guys get to Josh and Dylan’s age, they are supposed to have already learned the basics of ejaculatory control and are no longer fascinated with jerking off. Yah sure! While Josh and Dylan are past their high school days, this does not mean that they have somehow lost their fondness for jerking off. The only tricky part under the circumstance is that college men are often packed two-to-a room, with almost no privacy at all 24/7. This could be a worse situation for a surreptitious jerking off session than when the guy was living at home and in high school.
One option is for each roommate to make an attempt to hide from the other this most-personal aspect of male sexuality. But it is almost is college dorm rooms are purposely set up to make a charade in this regard as difficult as possible. Of course, there is another option, and that option is for the roommates to openly admit to each other what is up, but as you might imagine, this too is difficult to even approach as a subject. Dylan and Josh have been trying to engage in indirect “communication” in that regard. Remember, Dylan did not stop masturbating and Dylan stuck around to observe what Dylan was doing to himself in detail. Josh didn’t quickly say “excuse me” and exit the room again. I suppose that one could debate whether this was the behavior of two perfectly straight guys or two guys that at minimum had some same-sex interest or not, but neither Dylan nor Josh seemed agitated over the entire episode.
So now Dylan has this scheme in mind where he orders several swim briefs from a Swimoutlet grab bag, in various waist sizes, ranging from 32 inches down to 24 inches. There is no question what Dylan wants to do with the swim briefs. He wants to use them to get horny aka use them as a jerk-off aid in a special way, trying on each brief from biggest to smallest. Dylan will probably already be horning at the very start of the process, but as he tries on the ever-smaller briefs in order, chances are he is going to keep getting more and more turned on as the briefs get snugger and tighter around his penis until Dylan can stand it no more and ejaculates. For the first try doing this, Dylan may not be able to make it through the entire set of swim briefs. Trying on ANY new swim brief generally is an erotic experience at some level for most guys probably, and Dylan might not make it through all the briefs without shooting in one of the larger size. That is to be tested.
Dylan realizes that he cannot run his jerk-off experiments with the briefs without at least giving Josh a bit of a heads-up on it all. After all, Josh has already seen Dylan jerking off, so at least that initial “ice” has been broken. Believe it or not, Dylan starts with the discussion with Josh this way.
Dylan: I’m thinking of ordering some Grab bag swim briefs from Swimoutlet. They are quite a bit cheaper that way, about $12 each instead of $25 The tradeoff is that I can order the brief in my size but they get to pick the exact style and color
Josh: That’s interesting. What size were you thinking of ordering?
Dylan: I’m not sure. They are so cheap I thought I might order several different sizes. Then I can try each one on and see how they look in that size.
Josh is beginning to think that there is more to Dylan’s idea of ordering briefs in several different sizes than the mundane aspect of simply finding out which size fits the best. But Josh is not as yet at the point of having the courage to articulate exactly what he thinks Dylan might be up to and have going on in his mind. Still, Josh is starting to sense this, and those thoughts soon lead to Josh thinking that he might “enjoy” trying the same thing.
Josh: I might like a pair or two of those briefs myself.
Dylan and Josh could just make one order of 5 briefs 24-32 inches, and “share” them. Sharing swim briefs tends to quickly get to be quite personal, and perhaps something mostly that gay guys would do. Neither Josh nor Dylan are quite at that point, at least not yet.
So, Josh and Dylan end up making one larger order with 8 grab bag briefs, for Josh five sizes in two-inch increments from 32 inches down to 24 inches. Josh gets three briefs, a 30, a 28 and a 24 incher.
Typically with grab-bag briefs, if you order two of the same size, they will show up in different colors, styles or both. A 28-incher in one design might be easier or tougher to get into and out of. But that is part of the fun.
Now the stage is set for both Dylan and Josh to try on their new briefs with both in the same dorm room as the other. What else, if anything happens, will have to wait until after the big order arrives from Swimoutlet.
To be continued…
11-17-2017, 02:08 PM
Guys have a near universal fondness for jerking off, but this is especially true for college-aged guys like Dylan and Josh. Freshman college dormitories for men often stuff males two-to-a-room into tiny rooms, with virtually no privacy at all. Something has to give, and it usually it does. Male roommates need to find a path that allows them to do what they need to do with respect to studying and keeping up with their courses, but the situation cannot be so difficult that they have no way at all to deal with their “primal urges”, either. Somehow or another, guys need to identify a path that allows them to be who they are, and, of course who you are involves discovering a workable strategy for dealing with your urges and desires to jerk off even in the absence of the requisite “socially-acceptable” female partner.
All of these thoughts are coming to me against the background with respect to revelations relating to celebrities and other public figures in the news media as this is being written. What we all have learned in recent days is that male masturbation in front of a female must be a favorite fantasy among many males who consider themselves to be straight, “normal’ heterosexual males, given that women are complaining over and over that this happened to them and it is a very severe form of sexual harassment. But maybe the guys who actually carry out such fantasies are not as normal as they like to believe they are. Maybe MOST guys engage in boorish behavior when they are around women. Maybe something quite analogous often happens when gay guys are with other gay guys. Who knows? This is all uncharted territory that has only recently had a bright light shown on it.
So, what does this all have to do with Dylan and Josh, our 19-year old male roommates stuffed in a little dorm room, who have made a big order of swim briefs of various sizes? Dylan and Josh think of themselves as perfectly straight, and certainly not as gay partners in any way, shape or form. They both have normal male urges and fantasies, except of course that somehow they both have drifted into territory that could soon be quite complicated. We know that Dylan loves snug-fitting clothing of various types. Bluntly put, Dylan is fond of such clothing because it’s so much fun to jerk off in, and the swim briefs are at the very top of his list of items that he thinks about in this way.
Josh understands more or less what Dylan is doing to himself and at some level comprehends what Dylan finds so erotic and pleasant about the whole idea to the point of pursuing it. Dylan has somehow “caught” Josh in the same jerk-off “web” that Dylan has been in. Further, given all the constraints on male college freshmen in terms of finding a workable place to enjoy ones’ self, maybe this idea isn’t such a bad idea even though it might seem just a bit “odd” at first. Still, as goofy jerk-off schemes go, this has got to be far “tamer” and with fewer problems and issues than, say, masturbating in front of a female co-worker, as some males in the news are prone to do.
Besides, as I have said many times before, no one ever got pregnant, sued for sexual harassment or got a terrible STD by merely trying on a somewhat too snug-fitting swim brief in the privacy of a men’s college dorm room. So, as fun sexual activities go, this one also has the advantage of being perfectly safe to do in a host of different ways.
Still, things are not totally uncomplicated. Look at what has been happening. Guys, both straight and gay, are getting called out in the news for engaging in behavior deemed as sexual harassment, things that might have happened as long as several decades earlier.
Now, if Josh and Dylan each try on (and proceed to jerk off in) their suits in complete privacy, there is no chance whatsoever that 30 years from now one of the two will relate what happened and claim that the other was sexually messed up to the news media. Either Josh or Dylan could become famous public figures, or both of them could. These stories decades old now seem to be following public figures, and details a swim brief jerk-off session would likely create quite a discussion.
The complicating factor is that jerking off in swim briefs is likely more fun if two guys are both doing it at the same time and not in complete privacy. Complicating all of this is the possibility that if Dylan and Josh do this at the same time, this could be seen as at least a gay sexual act if not “real” gay sex. But Dylan and Josh still think of themselves as quite straight. Perfectly straight? I will get back to you on that descriptor.
There is no shortage of gay porn on the Internet in which two young guys start off wearing skimpy swim briefs, and begin the video by each rubbing their bulges through the brief. At the videos progress, the guys gradually seem to get up the nerve to each start massaging the other guy through his swim brief. A lot of this video is sweet and “touching” in more ways than one. Eventually, penises pop out of the tops of the suits, and things progress to something oral or anal. The odd part is that the latter parts of these videos are typically much less fun to watch than the early, self-pleasuring and then “touching” moments.
The tricky part for Dylan and Josh at this point is how exactly they want to proceed. All of this could be done without the other one present at all. Or not. The idea of Dylan and Josh both getting to see how the other one copes in this most interesting swim-brief situation is a fascinating one, but what are the implications, and exactly what do Dylan and Josh do to themselves and each other as the scheme progresses?
To be continued….
11-22-2017, 02:53 PM
Dylan and Josh have been plowing through on-line Web sites that sell swimming briefs in search of a place that would sell then swim briefs of various sizes in order to obtain what they need to test their fantasies at a reasonable cost. The whole idea was to order a total of 8 swim briefs 5 for Dylan and 3 for Josh in various sizes, from 24 inch to 30 or 32 inch waist size. The problem with the grab bag briefs is that even in a grab bag situation the vendors all seem to want $15 USD for each brief. Now 8 x $15 works out to be $120, not a small number, and particularly not a small number for two college freshmen, even if they divide the cost. If they go that way, is this crazy idea going to be “worth it?”
I guess part of the answer to that question is whether ir not the erotic fun is as wild and crazy fun as the two of them think that it might be, just trying on the briefs of the various sizes, getting hard doing that, and finally shooting in powerful bursts of semen. What is a mind-blowing experience like that worth, in dollar terms, anyway? Is $120 to get there cheap or kinda pricey?
Goodness, guys everywhere have been pricing mind-blowing sexual experiences since the dawn of time. Think about this puzzle in the context of a date with a particular female who the guy likes a lot but has not yet had sex. If I take her to a fancy restaurant and end up picking up a $100 tab will this lead to the first time for real sex with her, and, deep down the guy is also thinking, will this be the mind-blowing sexual event I have so far at least only dreamed about. Will the pricier restaurant tab lead to a higher probability of getting sexually to the place I am REALLY after? Good questions, huh, and don’t tell me that almost every guy faced with a situation with a female as described hasn’t pondered these thoughts in the back of his head. What is the true path to a mind-blowing male orgasm, and does that path involve first spending more money than my limited budget? Worse, even if I spend the money, what if this still leads nowhere purely from a sexual orgasm perspective? This is quite a dilemma to be in to be sure.
I was just reading about a lady whose fiancé went out and bought an engagement ring on his own, and she hated the ring, though she had yet to tell her future husband. From her perspective, it was the wrong color (yellow not white gold) a “clumsy” setting, but she was most upset that he only spent $2,100 on the ring, when she thought he was “good” for one much bigger and far more expensive. Besides, her fantasy was to go to the jewelry store and choose the ring together, not for him to just “drop” one of his choosing on her.
Of course, we didn’t hear from the guy. He likely picked one that would not cost him so much as to cause budget issues for the new couple, and he thought she would be delighted with the ring of his choosing because she loved him. He thought wrong. Way wrong.
Most of the people who responded to her complaint said that if she wasn’t delighted with the ring he chose, he is probably not the right guy for her, and that the entire idea of getting married should be off the table. Good advice! There would be other financial conflicts over other items from day one in the marriage and at some point divorce would be inevitable.
So, how jewelry stores stay in business is that guys figure if they spend big bucks on a ring the payoff will be more frequent and more nearly mind-blowing sex. Not that the guys ever admit to this, but that is really what is in their minds as they wander into the jewelry store. And the stores are there really to accommodate these fantasies (which, sadly, often do not turn out to be).
I’ll bet you are all wondering what this all has to do with to college-age guys buying grab bag Speedos® on line? Well, it’s the same deal, pretty much. Actually it is a less complicated deal. Both Dylan and Josh are surfing the net looking for swim briefs that will purposely give them each a big hard-on. Same deal as the jewelry store purchases. OK, it’s a little different but in both instances a guy is seeking out an orgasm the likes of which he has never experienced before.
Now some guys might think what Dylan and Josh are doing is maybe a little weird compared with what the guy nearing the state of marriage is doing, with or without his future wife in tow. But we can be honest here. Guys universally love to ejaculate, and the more powerful the better. What Dylan and Josh are contemplating doing is merely an alternate path to getting there. And a path that, at the end of the day, has fewer downside risks of various sorts that doing this with a partner.
Exactly what Dylan and Josh are contemplating could be simply a solo event done in complete privacy. Alternately, the two of them could “share” the experience. But if that happens could this ultimately lead to complaints by one or the other of sexual harassment, even if nothing touches and no bodily fluids are exchanged? Complicated times we live in now. Guys do not want sexual experiences with a partner of either sex to reemerge 30 years later in a complaint by the partner that they were somehow not engaging in consensual activities. Where exactly in the scheme of things does watching another guy struggle to get his male body parts to fit into an undersized swim brief, anyway?
And what are Dylan and Josh going to order. The Speedo® grab bag briefs run $15 each with uncertain style and color. Many Sporti® briefs are available in all the sizes ranging from 22 to 32 inches (or even larger) and run $9 each. But Dylan and Josh would know exactly the style and color of these briefs up front. And 8 briefs could be had for 8 x $9 = $72, substantially less for students on a limited budget.
Or, they could order some of each. Budgetary woes often play a role in exactly what sexual fantasies are achievable. This is something guys deal with on a regular basis.
So, what will happen with the order, anyway? And will Dylan and Josh choose to share the entire experience, or will each attempt to go it alone in private? And will this end up being as much risk-free fun as Dylan thinks it might?
Maybe these issues will be resolved in the next chapter.
To be continued…
11-24-2017, 02:54 PM
Dylan and Josh together have been contemplating their dilemma of wanting to try something that could prove to be interesting, but to do it on the budget a workable budget for two college freshman. What do we know at this point about the situation? First, guys nearly universally love situations in which they can get horny and “finish off” everything with a powerful ejaculation, but particularly so for 19-year old college freshmen with only limited experience in dealing with sex with a partner. Dylan and Josh are both of the mindset that there must be a method that works without getting into the complexities of finding another person and working out all of the complicated stuff that might ultimately lead to partner sex, and then coping with all the unexpected consequences of where sex with a partner inevitably leads.
Both Dylan and Josh love to ejaculate and they both have been masturbating by themselves almost from the moment of puberty (or perhaps even a little before). The problem is that they have pretty well exhausted trying all of the old techniques and methods that may have served them well when they were younger. Still, there seems to be things yet to be learned about having fun by and with yourself, and Dylan appears to have “discovered” some ideas on this subject that Josh was not aware of. Now Josh is being dragged along by what he is learning about all of this from his roommate Dylan, who seems to have honed his skills for enjoying himself by himself to a greater degree than Josh had ever thought of doing to and with himself.
This may all seem a little goofy, but is it? No, not really! After all if a male college student doesn’t have a readily available sexual partner, and the male hormones are very active, and something has to give. In that respect, what Dylan has gotten josh to think about doing is pretty tame stuff.
I don’t think any of my readers have lost track of what Dylan and Josh are thinking about doing—buying swim briefs in various waist sizes and then just “trying them on” going from largest to smallest. This gets at the entire topic of why a lot of guys are apprehensive about wearing swim briefs. Bluntly put, for a lot of guys, maybe most, just trying on a swim brief with a proper-sized waist may lead to a situation whereby a guy gets horny, grows, and then has “grave difficulty” fitting body parts into the brief. If the guy is doing this with some of his male peers present, say in a locker room, the apprehension level only increases. If the brief is undersized, the pressures and urge to get off only gets worse.
The idea Dylan and Josh are pursuing is not to simply find and order the skimpiest brief in their measured waist sizes, about 30 inches, but to find briefs that provide moderate coverage, 3-inch sides and then order briefs that downsize, downsize some more, and then really downsize. Then they will keep trying them on from largest to smallest. With each smaller brief, just getting it on will, of course, get more and more difficult, even as the erection and urge to ejaculate likely keeps getting stronger and stronger. At some point, unless Dylan and Josh are brain-dead, the urge to ejaculate will overwhelm in powerful bursts of semen. At what waist size this happens for each is an “empirical issue” to be determined experimentally.
So, Dylan and Josh want to get their stuff together but on a College freshman budget. Dylan and Josh have been looking at the Swimoutlet site and have discovered that the Speedo or Tyr grab bag briefs are too expensive for their budget, at $15. Dylan is thinking that he has at most $60 to spend on such “foolishness” for swim briefs in 5 different waist sizes. Josh is thinking more like $35 total to be spent on 3 briefs. So that works out to an average cost of about $12 per brief or less.
Part of the fun with the grab bag briefs is in the not knowing what exactly you are going to get other than the waist size until the briefs arrive. If the guys are ordering specific briefs in specific sizes, part of the “uncertainty” fun is lost.
Now Swimoutlet has lots of briefs from brands like iSwim and Sporti, some of them as cheap as $5.99, but most in the $8-$11 price range and in waist sizes in two-inch increments from 22 inches to 32 inches, the catch being both guys would know exactly what is in the order. So here is what the two guys have agreed to do for fun. Dylan is giving Josh a budget of $60 to find five suits on line in various sizes that Josh believes will get Dylan horny trying on in a downsizing mode. Dylan is going to be doing the same thing for (or to) Josh, but only 3 suits costing no more than $35 total. Then they are going to combine these picks into a single large order, with neither guy knowing what the other guy selected for him until the day the order arrives!
Crazy fun, huh? You, the reader will not know what exactly was in the order either until the suits all arrive, except to say for now that Josh is probably going to be most interested in seeing whether his choices “worked” in that “very special way” for Dylan. Dylan the same for Josh. Remember, part of the fun is that Josh is newer to all of this than Dylan is, and because of this, Josh might not have the degree of ejaculatory control that Dylan currently has developed. Still, every guy likely has his so-called personal “breaking point” in this regard, and there probably be a point whereby the struggle for Dylan becomes so intense that he can “stand it no longer” either. The successive downsizing (Can I really get my body into THAT?) is really what keeps making this all more and more difficult and unpredictable.
To be continued….
11-25-2017, 01:46 PM
Every male past puberty (and perhaps even some who are not quite there yet) longs to ejaculate. This longing is buried deep in human genetics somewhere and comes from somewhere that we all do not fully understand, but universally seek as males.
Of course, it doesn’t take long for males to discover that a powerful orgasm is only part of the fun. Like going on an extended vacation, the travel in getting to the destination can be as much fun as being at the final destination. The orgasm is there and over in moments: but getting to that point might have taken a long time. Perhaps too long, some men seem to think.
Just getting to that point could even be more than half the fun. Way more! Of course, the path to an orgasm for many males is frequently riddled with potholes and boulders. This is particularly true if a partner is somehow involved. And maybe even more so if the partner involved is a female.
Surely that is a strange thing for me to say. I had better have some strong reasoning behind what I am saying. Isn’t heterosexual sex the cornerstone of a long-lasting and loving relationship? Aren’t guys who are not involved in a long term and loving relationship with a woman somehow “missing out” on the best that life has to offer—to be blunt, a powerful orgasm happening inside a snug-fitting vagina?
Well perhaps, if that is where your mind and body is as a guy. But the number of divorcing couples who thought they were entering this kind of nirvana when they got married suggests to me that this world may not be as perfect as guys sometimes are led to believe. For those who have discovered otherwise, that is great. But for the rest of you, maybe things are not nearly as simple as they appear and married life with routine penis-vagina sex isn’t quite all it is made out to be.
Plus, right now at least the news is filled with revelations about horny guys seeking an orgasm who ended up in a situation where they committed an act of sexual harassment, often nowadays a code word for a guy masturbating with a female present. In thinking about this, there are two possible reasons why a female would be upset over this. The first and most obvious reason is that this was happening in a time place or set of circumstances that were obviously inappropriate. Even a 13-year old knows that male masturbation should be done at an appropriate place and time in private when no one else is around, male or female. (That would be Lesson 1 in Going Through Puberty 101). Don’t these male adults know that? Or do they somehow think that the “rules” regarding this have somehow changed once they became adult men? Good question! These guys seem really, really dumb.
OK OK. If the porn videos are any indication, a favorite male fantasy is to watch a woman gently playing with herself until she goes into an uncontrollable spontaneous orgasm. Many men who claim to be straight as an arrow think the fun is doubled or tripled if two women are playing with themselves and then each other. I’m studying this, but I am becoming convinced that the primary viewers of these videos are not lesbians, but plain ordinary otherwise heterosexual males.
The second reason is this. I am also becoming convinced that generally speaking, females generally get much less sexually out of watching another person masturbate than males do, whether the person masturbating be a male or female, and a female almost never would be interested in seeing two guys masturbate themselves or each other. For females, it’s all about a guy making a woman feel good in her private parts, and for lesbians, same deal, essentially. Guys think women think and like to see people masturbating the same way guys do, and that sometimes gets guys into a lot of trouble in a bunch of different ways. Turn on your TV set and tune it to any news show if you want specific examples.
All of this puts guys in quite a dilemma. The myth of course is that college underclassmen are dating females regularly, though not necessarily the same one every week, and these dates are leading to frequent intercourse, enough so that the guy never feels a need to “relieve himself” any other way. Guys who are dating regularly are really in a difficult situation in attempting to determine exactly what the rules are for each female they date, lest they be accused of sexual harassment or even nonconsensual sex (rape) at some future point in time by a girl they dropped. There are potholes and boulders in navigating this for sure.
Further, the assumption that most college guys get enough partner sex so they not even inclined to think about relieving themselves in any other way is basically false, at least for underclassmen the age of Dylan and Josh. There are too many other things going on, like being successful in college courses and getting a degree, for a guy to be able to constantly be focusing on finding a partner for sex all the time.
So, Dylan and Josh are placing an order for some swim briefs of various sizes, and gearing up to better deal with the urges that they (and every other male their age) have. I think the really interesting part about all of this is that deep down, most guys are probably at least somewhat curious generally about how other guys their age cope with their sexual urges. Guys obviously enjoy watching women get off by themselves or with another women, or that would not be the theme of so many porn videos.
But guys generally are also very curious about how other guys get themselves off. At first, some guys might think that this would be mainly if not exclusively a gay guy thing as in guys who believe they are straight would immediately find seeing another guy playing with himself in order to get off to be deeply offensive in some way, but maybe not. This is such a deeply hidden and largely unexplored part of male sexuality that a light needs to be shined on the very real possibility that most guys, straight, gay or in the middle, would be very interested in seeing how another guy copes with arousal that may lead to orgasm. This is not necessarily a straight versus gay thing. It might be how guys are built sexually almost universally.
The order with the too-snug swim briefs is on its way. Are Dylan and Josh going to pass up getting to observe what happens when each is confronted with what could quickly turn into something much more than that. I presume my readers would like to be quietly observing what happens to Josh and Dylan as well.
To be continued…
11-26-2017, 12:54 AM
Interested to see what happens next. Like Dylan, I find a young male in a snug swimsuit to be a most erotic sight. Water polo players seem to be especially fond of wearing extremely tight, skimpy suits - some scandalously brief. I know they like tight suits that an opponent can't yank on, but are these young men even vaguely aware of how enticingly sexual they are in their tiny little suits that barely cover or conceal their most private parts? Would they be amused, shocked or perhaps even feel revulsion that other males find them sexually appealing? Oh, how I wish I had the nerve to just ask one of those beautiful athletes his opinion on this issue.
11-26-2017, 02:59 PM
What did Dylan and Josh order for each other to wear?
It is useful to give my readers a “heads up" on specifically what Items and in what size did josh order for Dylan, and Dylan for Josh. All of these are from the swimoutlet site.
Josh knows Dylan likes his suits snug and tight, so each selection was made with that in mind. For Dylan, picking out the various suits for Josh is more nearly an experiment in finding out what Josh will respond to. The choices here are a bit safer, but if Josh is into it, they should still be a lot of fun. And, of course, trading could occur.
Dylan will have a total of 5 suits. Josh will end up with 3 suits. The suits and prices on the suits are directly from the swimoutlet site for today. The order more than meets the budgeted amount that Dylan and Josh were prepared to pay. Dylan’s suits are about $5 under the budget, and Josh’s suits are just under $20, a full $15 under budget. An empirical issue is if and how a suit sized 28Y fits differently than a suit that is labeled 28 in men’s sizes. The Speedo Grab bag brief could end up being any color and design. Will the suits provide Dylan and Josh with some cheap thrills? They won’t know until they start trying them on from biggest to smallest.
Dylan and Josh are waiting with anticipation for the order to arrive.
Speedo Grab Bag Brief 32” ??? $20.00
Sporti Euro brief 30” Green $9.99
Sporti Euro brief 28” Royal $12.95
iswim Youth Brief 26Y” Red $5.99
Sporti Piped Youth Brief 24Y” Black/Gold $5.99
Total Cost for Dylan's suits $54.92
Dylan's choices for Josh
size color price US$
iSwim regular brief 30” Red $5.99
iSwim Essentials Youth Brief 28Y Royal $5.99
Sporti Piped Youth Brief 26Y” Black/Red $7.99
Total Cost for Josh's suits $19.97
Total Cost of the order $74.89
To be continued…
11-27-2017, 04:09 PM
What I learned digging around on the Swimoutlet Web site is that a youth 26Y (or 28Y) is the same size waist as a Men's suit 26 (or 28), except that the versions with the Y have narrower sides and slightly smaller leg openings. This was a response to a specific customer question on the issue by swimoutlet.
12-01-2017, 04:50 PM
Let me set up a hypothetical situation for Dylan and Josh, and in the process you can think about how YOU would respond to the same set of circumstances. Three doors, and your job is to decide which door you would select (and maybe why). I’ve been thinking a lot lately about self=pleasuring, particularly under a specific set of circumstances. Those circumstances are self-pleasuring with an observer.
From the perspective of the story, the two observers are the two guys in the story are Dylan and Josh. The three doors are actually three booths, just tall enough for a guy or lady to stand in. Each of the doors has a large glass window with a venetian blind on it. Except for door number 3, which is the same as the other two but with no venetian blind. Looking in the third door, Dylan and Josh can see that this booth is completely empty.
The venetian blind is opened on Door number 1, and Dylan and Josh could watch a rather attractive young woman who is scantily-clad but not completely nude. Furthermore, it is obvious that she is playing with herself and enjoying what she is doing to herself immensely, if the gentle moans coming from the booth are any indication. She sounds like she is about to go into an orgasm, but she is not quite there,…yet.
When the venetian blind is opened on door number t, it is obvious that there is a rather good looking guy with a swimmer’s build who is struggling to get into a swim brief that is at the very verge of being too small to fit him. His problem is that even as he struggles to make his body deal with the situation, he is increasingly getting a hard-on, and worse, the more he struggles the more difficult the task becomes. Will he ultimately get himself into the suit? Will he ejaculate before he gets there? These are unknowns, and to be determined.
Behind door number 3 there is nothing. Those who choose door number 3 are those who are put off, perhaps revolted, by any of the activity occurring behind doors 1 or 2.
Now keep in mind that that everything that is happening (or not) is taking place behind the doors with the glass windows. And, interestingly, at least doors 1 and 2 are locked, so there is absolutely no touching or physical contact possible at all…this is all about self-pleasuring with an observer.
So, if you were Dylan or Josh, which door would you choose?
Some of you might be saying “This is easy, if a guy is strictly straight, he would choose door 1. If a guy is gay, door 2 would be the choice. But is it that simple? And what about the possibility of a female as an observer? Would females all be repulsed by the goings on behind either door 1 or door 2 and instead choose door 3? Good question.
I’ve heard estimates that range from 5-10 percent as the percentage of the male population is actually gay. This in itself is a complicated puzzle. If you had a bunch of guys of undetermined sexual orientation would a larger percentage, say 15%, 20% or more show up in front of door 2? Do some guys who really want to watch what is happening at door 2 go instead to door 1 so as to not upset their purportedly heterosexual friends?
And what about the unlocked door 3? Would one of the guys (or even a woman) who was an observer really like to get in the booth with the door with the glass window and make his or her own “presentation” instead?
To be continued…
12-09-2017, 11:28 PM
I guess, in theory at least, straight males are supposed to flock to watch what is going on behind door number 1, and would be comfortable if there were other males who were there with them watching and enjoying the same thing. At least that is what everyone is “taught” to believe. I suppose the same case could be made that the audience in front of door number 1 could include females who like women aka lesbians. Again, that is how we are all “supposed” to understand how human sexuality works in theory and practice. Still, I wonder if this is that simple.
Door number 2 poses some even more interesting questions. Given what I am hearing in the news media, I am becoming less and less convinced that most women have an interest in seeing a guy coping with a situation whereby he is gradually getting more and more erect, or, if they do have any interest in such, they would expect this to occur when the woman is alone with a man not in a situation as I described in the previous chapter. Besides, this is getting into some tricky stuff, as in the seeming “anger” many women seem to have at the mere THOUGHT of a guy putting on a swim brief, erection happening or not.
As I think about this it becomes more and more confusing to me. Would the “audience” for the guy at the second door consist entirely of guys who are openly gay, or is their more going on here than that? It is my view that the guys hanging out around door 2 might very well consist of far more than those who consider themselves to be gay. That is the part that gets really complicated to think about, because some guys might really want to watch the guy struggle getting into his swim brief but are worried that if they watch, they will quickly get labeled as gay. This gets into the really complicated issue of who is gay and who is not. Does a male’s interest in seeing this guy struggle to get into his skimpy swim brief somehow “prove” that the observing male is gay or not?
And what of the guy attempting to get into the swim brief? Is this a turn-on in part because he thinks that what is happening to him as he struggles will attract straight women, or is he primarily interested in attracting males who are sexually interested in other males?
And what of door number 3. Any person in the audience, male or female, could go into door number 3 and do his or her own “show with the idea of getting aroused and attracting men or women who find the show to be sexually exciting. Is this more of a turn-on than merely watching the individuals behind doors 1 and 2?
And, what of Dylan and Josh in all of this? Would they likely be found standing in front of door 1, door 2, or would one or both of them be thinking about how much fun it would be to be doing their own show at door 3. And, if 3 is the choice what would be the sex and sexual orientation of the expected audience.
Now Dylan has already done some of this in front of Josh in the privacy of the college dorm room. As a consequence, Dylan and Josh remain good friends and roommates and the entire world did not stop spinning on its axis. I remain convinced that if I could find the answers to all of these questions, I would have a far better understanding of how sexual orientation determination really works, answers to some questions that the sex researchers have never been able to answer either.
But then, I am still struggling with trying to answer the question of whether or not Josh’s willingness to simply watch Dylan struggle with his own arousal and Dylan’s seeming comfort in doing it openly in front of his roommate Josh says anything about either Josh or Dylan’s ultimate sexual orientation. Sexual orientation is actually on a sliding scale that has many more than only five or six categories, and that is part of what makes questions like these so interesting to analyze.
To be continued…
12-10-2017, 02:03 PM
Neither women’s nor guy’s bodies are completely smooth and shapeless. Both women and guys have all sorts of different bumps that even when covered with an item of clothing are readily apparent. Many if not most of these bumps and protrusions have, or potentially could have, a sexual connotation to another person. The most obvious example is a woman’s bosom. The female genitalia are less obvious than male genitalia under cover of cloth, for the most part, but that in no way means that the female anatomy is not still present underneath.
The women’s fashion industry seems to be fixated on developing items of clothing that put the protrusions of the female body on display. The fixation of Muslims on covering the female body to the extent to which the entire female anatomy is hidden by cloth can be thought of as simply a reaction to all of this—that any public display of the female anatomy, intentional or unintentional, even as seen under clothing is unacceptable. But for most other women, playing with this in various ways is all part of the fun of being a human female.
With sexual harassment issues in the forefront nowadays, we could get into a long discussion on the entire subject of what is appropriate versus inappropriate female attire in the workplace that contains both men and women, and how far a working female dare stretch the bounds without bringing on situations that they might not want to face.
But it is no wonder that guys often get confused as to exactly what is going on. Take swimwear attire for females, for example. Many females have long been known for pushing the boundaries of attire from the standpoint of body coverage, both top and bottom. Why do they do this? Are they seeking out an available male for courtship? Are they already tied and attempting to make their husband or constant companion sexually exited and happy? Or maybe some other reason?
The ongoing feminist movement seems more or less repulsed by all of this display of the female anatomy in this way. Not all feminist women are sexually interested in other women but certainly some are. The stereotype for lesbian clothing is something that looks rather “boyish”, say a flannel shirt and blue jeans. Certainly this is a stereotype not all lesbians dress like this but some do. And there doesn’t appear to be the interest among lesbians in the type of clothing items that a sexually-active straight woman might wear if the goal is to attract an eligible male.
I’ll bet at this point you are wondering what all of this has to do with guys and guys who wear swim briefs. Think about it. One reason swim briefs are not popular with guys is because of the association of the design with gay men. A guy who is wearing a swim brief might be straight, but the ODDS of the guy being gay are higher than if he were wearing board shorts (or even a jammer). So in some ways the swim brief becomes a non-verbal cue that a guy could be gay even if that is not generally known. Most females have no partnership interest in guys whose sexual orientation is uncertain let alone gay. So, why take the “risk” of making a pass at a guy when there is this non-verbal cue going on that he could be gay or at least uncertain about his sexual orientation.
Then there is the whole subject of what does wearing a swim brief communicate to other guys your age about who you are and, perhaps, your sexual orientation? Many straight guys may have the same concern that many women appear to have about the swim brief being a nonverbal cue that you are gay or uncertain about your sexual orientation, and this concern gets magnified the fewer the number of guys wearing swim briefs and the more in board shorts.
Then there is the entire subject of protruding body parts hidden by cloth in the male versus female anatomy. The vast majority of males would not automatically decide that a female is perhaps a lesbian if she were wearing a tiny bikini barely big enough to cover up key body parts. Indeed, perhaps quite the opposite. But male bulges are somewhat different in that regard,…very different. There is a degree of discomfort apparently carried by many if not most heterosexual females and males that a male bulge in the groin is an indicator of sexual orientation whereas a female bosom bulge has nothing at all to do with female sexual orientation.
Then there is the issue that heterosexual men are fascinated by female bulges and protrusions, but many females not so much when applied to men. I think that is where much of the pent-up anger we hear expressed by women about guys wearing Speedos® comes from. I guess many women find the male anatomy even covered by cloth to be something they do not want to have to deal with if at all possible. A related issue that a guy’s bulge wearing a swim brief might vary in size even from moment to moment and everyone knows that this could indicate the degree of sexual arousal at any point in time. Best to leave all of this covered under loose-fitting board shorts. Complicating this is the fact that at least some (many? even most?) will likely start to grow somewhat even getting themselves into a swim brief. What is THAT all about, anyway? Guys getting hard even without a sexual partner present. Surely, that is weird if not scary.
So what about Dylan and Josh then, who just placed this big order for swim briefs in various sizes, all snug-fitting and chosen to be difficult to put on or take off? Why would they do such a thing? Do they intend to wear any of these in a situation where they might be meeting young women their age or are these briefs simply for self pleasuring in the privacy of the dorm room? Are young women the age of Dylan and Josh OK with either one of them wearing a swim brief or is this a big turn-off for them?
These are complicated questions, all of them.
To be continued…
12-12-2017, 02:48 PM
Once I made the transition from boy to man, I thought that I had discovered something in arousal and ejaculation that was absolutely marvelous. I guess that like many other guys my age, I wondered over and over whether or not my situation was somehow unique, and whether or not my peer males were dealing with and trying to cope with the same feelings and sensations that were happening to me. Like most guys my age, my first orgasms combined feelings of unresolved terror accompanied by sensations of pure joy and unbridled pleasure. What a strange deal to have two things so different from each other to be happening essentially at the same time! To this day I still keep wondering about how guys manage to navigate this part of their lives without getting into more difficulty than they do, at least most of the time.
Why is this happening to me? What does this all mean, anyway, in the larger scheme of things? It was not long after that I learned that a guy did not need to wait until stuff just more-or-less happened in order to enjoy himself (Can you say “nocturnal emission”?). Indeed, a guy could purposely play with himself in an assortment of different ways that would more-or-less “help” the process along, and that a lot of the fun part was not the orgasm itself, but the entire process of getting to the orgasm. I’ve often thought about this as it applies to other guys—guys that are so fixated on getting to the orgasm part that they fail to enjoy getting there as much as they could if they were not so much laser-focused primarily on the end result. And furthermore, guys may be missing out on experiencing the strongest and most profound orgasm by being in a big hurry to get there, and that a far better strategy is to stop enjoy each moment of arousal along the way. I’ve long known that every arousal sequence is different and each one has special moments that can (should? must?) be savored and enjoyed to its fullest.
And, I’ve always struggled with how best to bring in another person or partner into all of this. In a partner situation, guys frequently end up focusing most of their attention on whether or not the other person in the relationship is enjoying him or herself. Finding a place where both individuals are equally engaged and enjoying both themselves and each other is no small task, and a task that needs to be undertaken with a great deal of care and thought. In heterosexual relationships, this can and often does drive guys bananas, as they never seem to be doing exactly the right thing to please their partners. I’m not certain if gay relationships are less complicated in this regard either.
Besides, if having one’s penis inside a vagina is absolutely the greatest place for a guy to ever be, then how is it that the divorce rate for married couples is so high? For that matter, is the situation any different for gay couples, male or female? Maybe partner relationships of any sort are not all that they are cracked up to be, at least for a lot of people. What is going on here anyway? If this were simple why does it all seem so complicated?
In heterosexual relationships, the fear of pregnancy for unmarried couples has long held guys back from guys doing what they think they would like to do to and with each other. (Is she on the pill? Will her birth control work? Should I be wearing a condom?)
Traditionally, male gay relationships were about activities that were always described as “activities involving the exchange of bodily fluids” (which was just a nice way of saying either oral or anal sex). HIV in large measure severely limited if not put a stop to casual sex involving an exchange of bodily fluids as the risks suddenly were too high. The outcome of all of this has meant that gay men who want to still engage with a partner casually have become creative in finding ways to accomplish this without engaging in risky behaviors. It’s been reported that HIV infection rates and deaths from HIV have plummeted and this has been largely attributed to better and better drugs, but in fact this probably has as much to do with finding new ways for gay men to sexually relate to each other without exchanging in risky activities.
What does this all have to do with Dylan and Josh, two 19-year old college guys stuffed as roommates in a snug dorm room with little privacy? While both of them consider themselves to be straight, and still probably thinking about long-term relationships with women, neither of them are at a point in their lives where this is imminently feasible. After all, they are both still freshmen, with a lot of stuff to do before they can really think about this in front of them.
Dylan and Josh both struggled in high school with all the issues outlined here with respect to their changing bodies and urges. Guys sometimes think once they are in college, they will have more freedom to do as they want, including being able to be at least a little less secretive when they feel the need to cope with the urges that happen to guys. Both Dylan and Josh are dealing with the exact same issues and problems, with the key now being how can they each move forward while remaining as roommates and good friends.
Of course, Dylan and Josh have already gone a certain ways in this regard. Is what has happened so far somehow common to many college freshmen males stuffed into dorm rooms that essentially provide no privacy. There are the issues surrounding the clothing items in the collection that Dylan’s already has, and Josh’s apparent willingness to “join in on the fun” in wearing some of the items of Dylan’s collection.
Then there is the swim brief order that both of them put together and are still waiting on arriving. Dylan and Josh were both pretty candid with each other. Indeed, the way they did this is that they were trying to pick out swim briefs of a style, cut and size that would almost ensure that each of them are not going to remain flaccid for long. What is going to happen when the order arrives? Is each of them going to try on their items in private somehow? That may be difficult to do given the dorm room situation. Furthermore why shouldn’t they share with each other the experience? Guys are normally naturally curious about how other guys cope with a situation such as this.
And what of Bill and Joe? Are Dylan and Josh going to invite them to their room to show Bill and Joe the “loot”? Deep down, Dylan and Josh no doubt realize that Bill and Joe could be “interested” in what they are doing with the collection of swim briefs. And if Bill and Joe do get invited, how far is this likely to go, anyway? Does nearly every guy over time collect items of clothing that are useful for jerking off? What does a guy do with these items if he gets into a serious relationship with another person?
To be continued…
12-13-2017, 01:02 PM
Dylan and Josh made their big order for swimsuits of various sizes and brands as the holiday season was approaching, and the package carrying services are always very busy this time of year. Despite the best efforts on the part of the vendors, packages always move more slowly than they would in non-peak times of year. But, the day is here, and the package has arrived.
I’m sure my readers all know what was in the order, five swim briefs of various brands and styles for Dylan and three for Josh. In days gone by, Dylan and Josh might have gone out to one of those big sporting goods stores at the mall and picked out some swim briefs on the rack. However, except in a few areas of the US this is a difficult if not impossible to do. From the spring through the height of the summertime swimming season, these stores may carry a few swim briefs, but only in limited colors and brands (commonly traditional 3-inch Speedos® in solid Navy and Black) but it would be very rare to see a long row of briefs in brighter colors and patterns, and the skimpier designs would likely not be there at all.
That business has basically all gone on line, and particularly to the large vendors that specialize in swimming gear. That is where the on line order came in. The disadvantage to all of this is that guys don’t get to touch and feel the fabric of the designs they chose, but that is all part of the fun.
So, Josh and Dylan open the order with a degree of anticipation as to what might be inside. Dare I mention that both Dylan and Josh are starting to feel a little horny just thinking about what they are about to do, just examining the items in the order. Already, both Dylan and Josh’s bodies are starting to provide clear signals that this day and event is special in a unique way. Most guys know that whenever they get into a situation that could ultimately lead to an erection, their bodies quickly respond in a unique way by suddenly creating a few drops of clear, viscous pre cum, and that this pre cum has a way of making itself known by a sensation of a tiny damp spot on a guy’s underwear right at the penis tip. Already, once this happens, Dylan and Josh are realizing that they must have done the “right” thing by making the big order. Nearly every guy has probably experienced this and felt this way, but few ever reveal this, particularly is a situation that does not ultimately lead to sex with a partner.
This is subtle but fascinating stuff to ponder. Would other guys, faced with the same situation, respond in the same way, or are Dylan and Josh unique in this respect? That is an interesting question to ponder for sure. For now, just take note that even as the order is unpacked, Dylan and Josh are already “enjoying” themselves in a special way.
So, the procedure now is to carefully check out each item in the order, one at-a-time. First, separate the pile of five suits that belong to Dylan from the pile of three suits that belongs to Josh. Then the logical way to proceed is to go through each pile from the biggest to the smallest suit. Keep in mind that as they arrive, each suit will be in a separate plastic bag each with an adhesive-backed sticker containing the waist size, brand and color. So to actually see the size and style of the suit the plastic bag has to go.
Start with Dylan’s five suits from biggest to smallest. The biggest suit in that pile is the Speedo® Grab bag brief, size 32”. Dylan separates that suit from the others in the pile, and tears open the plastic bag. Now keep in mind that with these grab bag briefs, there are going to be colors and patterns that for whatever reason did not sell well at full price. And, ordering late in the season in a popular size 32, these are liable to be patterned suits in bright colors the more conservative swimmers would have stayed away from The color in this particular suit is a bright, almost neon, aqua blue mottled with splashes of darker and lighter blue as well…definitely not an unassuming suit on a guy. Indeed, the color and pattern nearly screams “I’m a guy in a Speedo®! Take a look at my bod!”.
Dylan is already thinking, at least to himself, that had he been able to pick a color and pattern himself for a 32-inch Speedo® brief, this would not have been his first choice. Still, ANY Speedo® brief is fun to get into and wear. Now a standard Speedo brief with 3-inch sides is sometimes not thought of as the sexiest male swim brief, given all the skimpier designs with narrower sides and lower rises out there. Still, there is something special about the “traditional” Speedo® brief that has stood the test of time. For want of a better explanation, I call this the Royal Blue Christopher Atkins effect from the old Dallas TV show. The realization is that a guy’s bod can look really really good in one of these.
It’s tough to determine exactly why this is true but it’s part of the reason why Speedo® has succeeded as a company over the years. I’ve observed that the traditional Speedo® cut fits and when new at least feels really snug even in the “correct” size. The cut just grabs a guy’s butt and holds it and caresses it. On top of that, Speedo has never been keen on building pouches with extra space for a guy’s ‘nads, like some manufacturers are prone to do. Pretty much, this means that, at least when the suit is new, a guy’s going to be in there pretty tight even when wearing the “right” size Speedo®. The only place for the (growing) penis to go is up, and that means that the guy will create his own “pouch” as a bulge where none existed before. This may not be as apparent in a suit with wild pattern such as the one Dylan got, but it’s still going to be there. This is a great “opportunity” for Dylan to enjoy himself. At some level, Dylan knows that.
And we haven’t even begun to look at the other suits in the pile.
To be continued…
12-14-2017, 02:43 PM
First off, both Dylan and Josh are interested in determining if the orders for the suits they picked out on line came through as if they planned. Oddly, enough, both Dylan and Josh are both feeling rather horny as they do this. Every guy knows the feeling, more or less, a funny sensation that started just after a guy realizes that something big is happening inside his body. Early on, guys learn that the big payoff in being a grown-up male is the ability to have an orgasm. But this sensation seems different entirely. Josh and Dylan aren’t near uncontrollable ejaculation, and both of them know that.
Still, they know that something is going on given that their bodies are responding the way they are. This is odd stuff. How should simply looking through a bunch of swim briefs get a guy going like this anyway? Subtle as all get out, those cowpers glands are! They have this way of letting a guy know that he is venturing into uncharted territory, so to speak. What kind of territory anyway? Well, fear of the unknown. Exactly how are Dylan and Josh’s bodies going to “react” when they try to get into these suits, one at-a-time? Right now, their brains and their cowpers glands are merely sending signals back and forth, and the cowpers glands are responding by slowly producing those wonderful glistening drops of pre cum.
Not that Dylan and Josh are unhappy that this has all caught them up. They might be scared or nervous about it all if they were in a gym locker room with several other guys their age for fear of what could happen next and that things could quickly gt out of control, so to speak. But for now, it’s just the two of them, horny feeling but not erect, sorting through the suits in order.
I’ve often thought that the Speedo® people has built its brand over many years simply by messing with guys and what happens to a lot of them when they simply CONTEMPLATE the whole idea of getting into a Speedo®. In this regard Dylan and Josh are probably no different in how they respond to that idea than tons of other guys, at least guys who have not normally worn a swim brief but at some level think they might want to try and see if they could “deal” with the situation.
This is also where the so-called “fear of Speedos® comes in. Besides, Speedo® likes to make briefs that works well for swimming fast, which says snug fit even if the brief isn’t that skimpy and purportedly is the “right” waist size, in this case a 32 W. they should loosen up somewhat after a guy wears them a few times and maybe swims in them for a few weeks. But then, what of right now? If Dylan can successfully tolerate a brand new Speedo® in his “correct” waist size without anything happening he can then experiment with penis position, which for Speedo is often “up” since Speedos aren’t known for having pouches but instead attempt to “flatten” a guy’s anatomy. Of course, that doesn’t hide anything, and Speedo guys rather know that. More of the “Christopher Atkins look” if you know what I mean.
And we haven’t even begun to look at the other suits in the pile. The next brief in the pile is the Sporti Euro brief in that bright Kelly green color. The Sporti Euro brief is really more of an Asian than Euro cut. Now the green is a beautiful color if a little attention-grabbing. It screams “I want to be seen in a swim brief” and some guys are really into that. Of course, Josh chose the Euro design for Dylan specifically to see whether or not he could deal with the situation. The Euro is cut narrower in the sides than the Speedo by far, maybe 1 ½ inches in the 30-inch waist size. But the other thing is that the Euro is shorter, a good deal shorter, which means that with Dylan’s body, even in a 30-inch waist size, it’s going to be something of a struggle to make sure his butt crack is completely covered.
American guys wearing swim briefs often worry that a little of their butt crack could be showing in the rear with the skimpier suits. This is not an issue with a standard Speedo, and doesn’t seem to concern the Asian guys one bit---it’s all just part of the look when wearing a skimpy swim brief. So guys wearing a Euro brief initially want to keep tugging at the rear to ensure full coverage of their rear. But in doing so, this means the space for your ‘nads is going to keep getting less available. So the tradeoff becomes whether your ‘nads aren’t crunched up versus having a bit of butt crack show in the rear.
The reviews on the Web site selling these briefs seem to indicate, first off, that a lot of guys really like these suits, and that they have found ways around the “problem” I have outlined. These are not pouch briefs either, and the only practical way is “up” The Sporti Euro briefs are a “Best Seller” on line. But, what happens if a guy “downsizes” a Euro just a bit, to a 28-inch waist? The sides are going to get narrower and the brief will be shorter too. What will happen to Dylan then, do you think?
To be continued…
12-14-2017, 03:25 PM
Great story, Sebbie. Can't wait until they start trying them on and see what happens between them.
12-15-2017, 01:39 PM
The next suit is Dylan’s “collection” is another Sporti Euro brief, one that appears to be identical in every way except for a different color—royal blue rather than the bright Kelly green of the previous one. Of course, there is another difference, a difference that may appear to be subtle—or not. The waist size on the Royal blue Euro brief is 28 inches rather than 30 inches. This may not seem like much, but it may make a big difference in both how the suit fits and feels on Dylan. And Dylan knows that.
I’ve already mentioned the potential “problem” with the Euro briefs. Basically, it’s not the width of the sides so much as the fact that they are cut quite low—lower than most Americans are “used to wearing. Now if Dylan were Asian, this probably would not be such a big deal. But Dylan knows that if he has trouble “covering his butt” in the suit with the 30-inch waist, things are only going to get more “difficult” for him to cope with the situation when he gets into the 28-incher. “Won’t know unless I try the two suits on in succession” Dylan thinks to himself. “but this COULD get errrr interesting for sure!” Of course we all know exactly what Dylan was thinking when he said “interesting”.
Somehow Josh figured that what seemed pretty subtle a choice when picking out the suits might “affect” Dylan in this way. Perhaps I should mention a little bit about Dylan’s physique and what happens size wise when he picks out clothing for himself. Ostensibly, Dylan considers himself to be a 32-inch waist. When he buys jeans he would nominally pick a pair 32 W x 30 I, a very common size for a reasonably-fit 19-year old. But sometimes Dylan thinks the 32 W 30 I Jeans fit a little “loose” and are not quite right for him and his body. He has been known to downsize just a bit to 31 W x 30 I and has one pair of 30W x 30 I This particular pair just big enough around the waist so Dylan can get himself into them without too much trouble, and he likes the way he looks with the snugger fit. He doesn’t openly admit these, but he likes the way he feels in the snugger jeans too.
In swimwear, Dylan figures that a 32-inch waist in a swim brief should fit with no problem at all. The 30-inch Euro brief might be a bit more difficult but still should be quite doable without too much of a struggle. But Dylan also is thinking that even the 28-inch Euro might be pushing it a little.
Of course, as the waist size comes down, whether or not the next smaller size fits or not in part depends on the “condition” he is in going into the next smaller size. Let’s face it, the 28-inch brief might be easier to get into right away if a guy had not previously tried on a 32-inch brief and then a 30-inch brief, already somewhat horny and at the verge of growing, and then as one brief comes off and the next one gets pulled on the guy ends up having more and more that needs to be covered by a series of briefs that keep getting smaller and smaller and more and more difficult to get into. At some point, in order to continue, something may have to “give.”
Of course, the 28-inch Euro is not the end of the “challenge” Two more much smaller briefs await. The first one is a bright red iSwim “Youth” brief in size 26Y. Why isn’t this a plain ordinary men’s brief size 26? The “Y” indicates that this is a brief designed for “Youth” rather than an adult male. A 26” would be approximately equivalent to a boys size 14.
Swim briefs stretch horizontally though some more than others Dylan thinks it might be possible to get the brief to fit on his waist, but the fit might be more than a little confining with respect to the body parts contained within.
The difference between a brief labeled 26Y from a 26 is not in the waist size, but the fact that the sides are narrower than a standard 26 incher and that the amount of cloth covering the butt is less than on the adult size. Dylan looks at the brief and notes are almost as narrow as those on the Euro brief and that is without any horizontal stretching. The severe undersizing is going to only make this brief look even more skimpy on Dylan, if he is able to get himself into it at all.
Dylan lays the iSwim brief over the top of the 28-inch Sporti Euro brief. It not only has a smaller waist, but it is about ¾ inch shorter top to bottom as well. This could get most interesting to say the least.
But there is still one more brief in Dylan’s briefs—a Sporti Piped Youth brief in black with gold piping, size 24Y. This looks like something sized for a beginning swimmer in a youth swimming group. Dylan will never be able to get himself put into such a way undersized suit, or will he?
Next up, it is Josh’s turn to take the briefs Dylan picked for him out of the packaging, and check out the sizes and colors.
To be continued…
12-16-2017, 01:04 PM
Now it is Josh’s turn to remove the swim briefs Dylan picked for Josh from their packaging and examine the color, sizing and feel. Keep in mind that even though Josh and Dylan share a mutual interest in snug-fitting clothing, Josh is much less experienced at doing this than Dylan is. After all, Dylan messed around with this surreptitiously when he was still in high school. Josh, on the other hand, had neither the thoughts nor the opportunities to do some of these things at that age, even with the tamer stuff.
Josh’s one “big” experience was the day Dylan lent him Dylan’s Desmiit® Thong to wear under his wrestling singlet. You remember, the day Dylan and Josh went along with Bill and Joe to work out at the student gym just down the street from their dorm room. To be sure, Josh thought that all of this was a lot of fun, but also that he might be uncovering a “darker” side to his own person as a sexual human being—at once a fun place to be that Josh was more than a little unsure about whether or not he wanted to visit again at all let alone on a more-or-less “regular” basis.
Still, these sexual feelings and sensations exert a powerful influence over who a guy is and where he wants to go at any point in time, often varying moment by moment. Dylan has grasped all of this, but Josh is still, well, a bit uneasy about what he might be getting himself into here.
When Dylan first explained the idea to Josh about buying a series of swim briefs each one smaller than the last and then trying each one on until a guy reached a point where he could no longer deal with the tension and had to uncontrollably ejaculate in order to cope, Josh thought Dylan might have simply gone out of his tree. This might be a turn-on for Dylan, but Josh was more level-headed that that. And besides, this couldn’t be as “tough” a test of ejaculatory control than wearing that Desmiit thong Dylan borrowed him was. What would make just trying on swim briefs of various sizes be so difficult for even a horny 19-year old guy to deal with, anyway? That should not be so tough to deal with, or is it?
Still, if the Desmiit thong was an all-new experience for Josh, keep in mind that Josh has had only very limited experience in wearing swim briefs of any size or cut, and that Dylan was not going to make this all “easy” on him. Dylan “hand selected” swim briefs for josh that Dylan thought might do it.
So here we have the scene: two horny 19-year-old college guys posing a challenge to both themselves and each other to see who can work their way down swim briefs of various sizes without by trying them on one at-a-time without getting so hard that ejaculation is inevitable. Seems easy enough for a guy to do, huh? As college stunts by freshmen in a dorm room go, this one SEEMS rather tame. Just a “contest” of sorts, a contest in which the guy with the most control of his mind and body wins the top prize.
Unlike Dylan, Josh as but three not five briefs to work through, and Josh’s smallest brief is two inches bigger than Dylan’s smallest brief. So, Josh’s briefs in sequence are: Brief 1 an iSwim regular brief, size 30” Waist, in bright red. Now this is a low-dollar competitor to a standard Speedo swim brief in a solid color. The sides are fairly wide on this brief, a little over 2 ½ inches in the 30-inch waist size. iSwim is the successor to the no-longer used ClubSwim brand name. There is a front panel liner in a very dark navy blue color. Now iSwim briefs are intended to be workout briefs guys who swim regularly. The $5.99 price is low enough so that they can simply be tossed if they fade from the chlorine or start to get loose fitting. Interestingly, the cut on these is pretty low, A 30-incher should be tall enough to cover Josh’s butt crack completely, but without any real room to spare. And there is the constant problem that without a pouch as such, even a somewhat horny 19-year old is only going to fit if he goes “up”. A guy’s state of erection should be pretty obvious in this position.
The next brief size wise is also an iSwim, but this time size 28 inches and labeled as a “youth” brief, and in bright Royal Blue not red. Josh now has the opportunity to see exactly how the size of a youth brief compares with same brand in the adult brief in size 30. The waist is obviously smaller. Indeed the sides are narrower too, Josh thinks maybe under two inches. And the brief has less cloth in the butt than the adult brief does, but, most importantly, the measurement from top to bottom is shorter by nearly an inch. Josh wonders if he will be able to cover his butt crack wearing this brief, and if so, how will he manage that especially if he is semi erect.
The third brief should be the biggest challenge of all, a 26 incher labeled “Y” from Sporti, this one black but with a red piping. Josh wonders if this brief will stretch enough so that he would be able to get into it at all, but that is all part of the fun. If he can get in, so to speak, how he looks wearing the seriously undersized brief is another matter entirely. With the snug fit, every male body part is probably going to be straining under the tension, and Josh will somehow have to deal with that.
Still, Josh is thinking to himself that he managed to obtain all three swim briefs for just under $20, about the cost of a single grab bag Speedo®. So if one or even two of them can’t be worn as a real swim brief for workouts at the gym, not a lot is lost for goodness sake. And, as Josh sorts through the brief he is starting to fel pretty good in a bunch of different ways. If Josh’s body is happy and his wallet is still in good shape, why shouldn’t he simply be happy as well? And Josh is seriously wondering how Dylan will cope or not. Those thoughts merely add to the overall tension Josh has been feeling. And Dylan is wondering the same about the less experienced Josh. As goofy stunts by male college freshmen roommates go, this is an interesting one with few is any risks—at least relative to the kinds of risks college male freshmen often take.
To be continued…
[Author’s note: I’m sure some of you are thinking that this story is proceeding very slowly, perhaps painfully slow. Why are Dylan and Josh taking all this time to merely examine the items in the swim brief order? Why can’t they get to the “fun” part of trying the suits on in order, size-wise. I almost hesitate to explain this, but this is sometimes like a little boy waiting to unwrap his Christmas “gifts” and the holiday is still three or four days away. As Dylan and Josh examine each suit, they can’t help but thinking about how the suit is going to fit, and whether they will each have any chance at all in getting their penises and balls inside even as each successively smaller suit gets tighter and snugger. It’s this “fear of the unknown right now that is making them both feel so horny. And as they sort this out they keep getting hornier and hornier just thinking about what could (will) happen. The pre cum that started out as an occasional drop of glistening viscous fluid is flowing more steadily now, even though neither of them for the moment have a significant hard-on. There is tension brewing in the groin area even without trying on a single suit, and this tension is going to get only more difficult to deal with as they start to actually try on the suits. Other things might start to happen too, and part of the fun in doing this is that the other things may not be under direct control of a guy’s brain. At some point, a guy’s body starts “playing” with his conscious being. Doing exactly what Josh and Dylan are doing would be a fun thing for almost any guy to try. In the process you will learn something about yourself as a sexual human being. You may struggle with the idea of whether or not it’s OK to try this with a friend or partner present, or whether this is something a guy might want to try or should instead do in private. Dylan and Josh have been struggling with this same issue, but they now seem at least OK with the whole idea of doing this with the other present without getting bogged down in the issue of what that means for their underlying sexual orientations. This, of course, is a variation on the stuff that goes on in a guy’s mind and body when a guy gets into a situation where he needs to wear a brief for the first time in a PE class (PE equals Physical Education), and worse, he is somehow going to have to do it with the other guys in the gym locker room present. There is fear (well, terror perhaps) accompanied by the feeling in the pit of the guy’s stomach that announces that there could be something really fun going on here. So stay tuned. It’s not a question so much of whether or not Dylan and Josh will eventually ejaculate given what they are doing to themselves, but instead when (which suit?) this will happen, and we won’t know that until they both at least start the process of getting into the suits one at-a-time.]
12-17-2017, 12:43 PM
The psychological pressure on both Dylan and Josh has been building and building, from the moment they realized that the box of swim briefs they had ordered has arrived. To be sure, they have both been playing with each other’s sexual psyche, in part relating to the fact that Josh got to pick out Dylan’s suits and Dylan, the suits for Josh to try on (attempt to wear).
Of course, getting into a brand new swim brief—even one of the “right” size is always an interesting moment for guys. For starters, new briefs are designed to fit quite snug, with the whole idea that they will stretch and fit looser once worn in the pool a number of times. Guys who regularly wear swim briefs know this and are used to having to deal with this. But for guys who are not frequent swimmers—and that includes both Dylan and Josh—this is one of the more interesting parts of getting nto a new brief for the first time. And this all works into the various fears guys frequently have about wearing swim briefs even though at some level they might be quite interested in doing so.
Now, if all a guy is going to do is get himself into a properly-sized Speedo® without have any time to think about it, this might be a comparatively easy thing to do. The problem is that both Dylan and Josh HAVE had time to think about what is to transpire and we know already that they are both feeling pretty horny even if neither is having any significant erection, yet, it’s certainly trickier to crawl into a new swim brief when a guy is already in a significant, horny-feeling state.
So, here is the scene: Dylan goes first, but Josh is right there watching, observing actually, as Josh is fully aware that his turn will be coming up soon. Dylan strips and pulls the bright turquoise blue patterned Speedo® next to his body. The brief looks big enough to fit, should be no problem at all, and Dylan is able to get himself into the brief without serious difficulty. The rear of the suit is cupping Dylan’s buttocks—a “cool sensation”, Dylan thinks. Even basic Speedos® tend to “work” on a guy in interesting ways. No wonder the brand is so popular.
The next step is for Dylan to find a comfortable position for his anatomy. Basic Speedos ® do not have a significant pouch. The design seems to want to flatten a guy’s anatomy instead of allowing it the space it needs to grow. Dylan is looking at himself in the mirror now, and it is quite apparent that Dylan IS starting to grow. Now Dylan in no way thinks that he is near the point where the body takes over from the brain. Dylan is still in control, or at least he thinks he is still in control. But seeing his own penis as a gradually lengthening cylinder just beneath the front of his suit is having a subtle effect on Dylan—and Josh who is just standing there watching all of this and wondering what is going to happen next to Dylan. Dylan actually looks pretty good in that suit in the condition he is in, or so Josh thinks. Let me just say that it is already pretty obvious that Dylan is a guy.
What next? Dylan thinks that it is time to get himself out of this suit and into something skimpier and snugger-fitting. The next suit is the Sporti Euro brief in Kelly Green, two inches smaller.
Now here is one of the more curious aspects of how a penis behaves when it is coming out of a confined space still erect and hard, and something a lot of guys may not realize. Dylan is certainly got bigger and harder just looking at himself in the mirror wearing the Speedo even though he was not near ejaculating. Dylan thinks that by getting himself out of the suit that will take some of the pressure on his penis and help him calm down a bit, making it easier for him to get into the Kelly Green Euro Sporti.
But penises in such a situation do not always follow the rules. Once the “pressure” from the turquoise blue suit is off and Dylan is nude again, sometime penises feel that they can now “take advantage” of the fact that the space is no longer confining, and they grow a little in length and girth, not become smaller or not as hard. And this “problem only becomes greater as Dylan thinks about the fact that the green Euro suit is going to be snugger and skimpier than the Speedo® was.
So, Dylan pulls on the second suit, the Sporti 30-inch Euro brief in Kelly green. The first thing Dylan notices is that if the growing space in the first suit was limited, this new green suit is even more limited in the space that is available. In fact, with Dylan’s penis placed in the “up” position, the suit is so short top to bottom that Dylan is in real danger of popping out over the top of the waistband of the suit.
Josh is quite mesmerized now seeing Dylan struggling with all of this, in part because he knows that he might soon be dealing himself with some of the same issues. Dylan checks his rear side and discovers that his but crack is covered, if just barely so. The basic problem is that a guy gets bigger in front, it becomes more and more difficult to keep the rear fully covered. And if he finds a comfortable penis position in the front so it doesn’t pop out over the waist band, his butt-crack starts to show in the rear. So there is a tradeoff involved.
So far, Dylan has only tried on two suits from the five. What to do now? Well turn up the screws some more so to speak. Dylan gets out of the green Euro and starts to put on the Royal blue one with the smaller waist size 28. Dare I mention that as all of this is happening Dylan is getting closer and closer to the point of no return where he can no longer keep his need to ejaculate under control Dylan is rapidly moving toward the very edge, and certainly getting there faster than he had hoped. Dylan does pull the suit on to his waist, but given his enlarged anatomy, psychological and physiological condition, there is no way that Dylan can calm down and bring himself back without ejaculating. All it takes for Dylan to burst is one look at his penis tip peeping out over the waistband of the bright blue suit and that the rear of the suit is riding way low on his butt, and Dylan can cope with the tension he is experiencing no longer.
Dylan screams “Oh Sh**********t, I’m coming!!! even as Josh watches the uproar with a newfound fascination. Dylan thinks to himself that this might just be the most powerful orgasm he has ever experienced. Semen seems to have shot out everywhere, though the bright blue Euro suit is relatively clean because when Dylan burst, most of the semen went right over the top of the waistband of the suit. And Dylan got through only three of the suits before this all happened (maybe only 2 ½). The last two, probably the most difficult ones with the Y sizing, are still waiting to be tried on. Dylan enjoyed the orgasm immensely, even though he discovered that he doesn’t have quite the degree of control over his own body that he thought he had.
What next? Dylan is probably going to need a day to recover before making another attempt to get through the pile of suits. Josh has been quietly watching this, but seeing Dylan’s attempt to cope has only made him feel hornier. Josh already has a nice semi hard-on going on, and he has not even tried to put on a single suit. Josh realizes that Dylan will be right there trying to help and advise the less-experienced Josh. This is going to be tough for Josh, tougher than Josh had realized for sure when he agreed to get involved with the scheme.
More to come….
12-18-2017, 12:34 PM
Whatever Dylan’s complaints about getting off sooner than he had hoped when trying on the suits in sequence, Dylan knows for sure that this has been maybe the most fun episodes he has ever had as a college student when enjoying his own body. Some orgasms are good, some are very good, and some are well, mind-blowing, and Dylan knows that this one clearly needs to be placed in “category 3” as in orgasms that are so profound that they only rarely happen.
What made the experience so profound, anyway? Well think of the lengthy sequence of events that led up to all of this..thinking up the idea in the first place, picking out and ordering the suits while staying within the often limited budget of a college freshman student, waiting for the order to arrive, opening the package, unwrapping each suit, feeling the material and studying the sizing, cut and color, and then finally getting to the point where the suits are tried on in size sequence from largest to smallest.
This really goes back to the old idea of a young guy wanting to buy his first swim brief and then take it to his room, close the door and immediately pull it on and jerk off in it. This likely happens a lot, and guys frequently agonize over being in a situation where they are wearing a swim brief in public and somehow can’t keep from shooting with lots of people around, male and (holy terror) female being able to see exactly what is happening. These thoughts probably deter a lot of guys from ever buying a swim brief even though they might deep down long for the opportunity to jerk off in one in private with no one else knowing that is what the real motive was all about. The related issue is that if a guy thinks of himself as otherwise perfectly straight, if the other guys ever figure out what he was doing he might very well be teased and bullied about being a closeted gay-boy, and it doesn’t help that in the minds of a lot of guys, a swim brief is something only a gay boy or perhaps a competitive swimmer or diver would ever wear. So what is this guy who is not even a good swimmer doing wearing one unless he is a gay boy who has not yet come out to others as such?
The seeming near anger many females express about the whole idea of a guy wearing a swim brief doesn’t help the situation either. Guys are usually quite OK with women being scantily clad, but apparently, many if not most women are less than OK with that as applied to guys , or so it seems at least. What rules apply here anyway, in a world where the guy is trying to build social bonds and relationships with others his age? The idea of being seen in public in a swim brief is simply “over the top” in a period in one’s life that is socially difficult with others the guy’s age or similar, both male and female.
All of this is really complicated stuff. Guys seem to learn at a very young age that the only sexual experience that matters is sex that happens when two willing partners bring their bodies together and exchange bodily fluids. At least that is how it is taught in a lot of sex education classes. Enjoying one’s own body is really all about finding a partner who willingly wants to do likewise. Everything has progressed now to the point where the notion of the partners being of the same sex or a of different sexes is at least acceptable in the mainstream, but where does that leave what has just happened to Dylan.
In fact, if Dylan were to appear in a book dealing with understanding sexuality how would his situation be characterized anyway? Some of the so-called experts might categorize Dylan as someone with an illness or abnormality best described as a fetish for snug-fitting swim briefs if he enjoys trying on and getting off in them. And that taken alone is abnormal.
Another group of sex experts might characterize Dylan as being not abnormal so much as being social and psychologically immature, and it’s about time for him to grow up and form bonds with someone else who will, under the best of circumstances, be his sexual partner, and then he can exchange bodily fluids with her (him?) hopefully for the rest of his life. For the moment, however, Dylan is more-or-less stuck in the activities that he liked as a younger teen, when the opportunities for forming significant bonds with others his age were fewer and, sexually at least, inappropriate. In short, Dylan may have a problem but it mainly to do with not yet being grown up enough to have fully appreciated why it’s important to get close enough to another person so that a real sexual relationship can occur between two people.
Wait a second here. If what just happened to Dylan is abnormal, immature or otherwise somehow bad, it is difficult to see exactly what is wrong with all of that. If this is somehow not right for a guy to do how come it was so much sheer fun? Is it somehow wrong for a guy to simply enjoy his own body to the fullest without being involved directly with a sexual partner? And what if a skimpy swim brief simply “helps” this all along? And, given that no bodily fluids were exchanged the risks in that department were essentially zero. Is this up to Dylan to determine whether what just happened is OK or not, or have the so-called sex experts simply not figured out the obvious yet?
Think about that. Taking on a sexual partner for life can be fun, but it can also be an enormous burden in a host of different ways. What are the tradeoffs here, anyway? Dylan can enjoy himself on his own in a special way with no strings attached, or he can enjoy himself with a sexual partner directly in what the experts would call a mature sexual relationship with all sorts of strings, asterisks and footnotes. Which of the two makes more sense? For a guy Dylan’s age, is this really any question at all?
Oh, and what of Josh in this situation? This may be even more complicated than it is for Dylan. As a younger teen, many guys are terrorized by the thought of their peers seeing them masturbate, and the so-called fear of discovery looms large in how a guy goes about coping with powerful urges that keep occurring practically on a daily basis. A general statement is that nearly every guy loves to jerk off at that age, but at the same time terrified about the prospect of being discovered doing so. The first level of terror is when the guy’s parents find out. But most guys (and most parents) work their way through that one. The second level of terror is the siblings, but mainly the younger siblings and especially the siblings who have not yet gone through puberty.
This chapter continues in the next post....
12-18-2017, 12:35 PM
This chapter is a direct continuation from the previous post...
Older male brothers may be less of an issue because the guy soon realizes that the older brother probably faced or is still facing the same problem. Older sisters are a complete “wild card” in this respect except that mothers keep teaching their daughters that anything a guy does to his own body without a female actively involved is somehow abnormal and that females should steer clear of any guy where there is reason to suspect that the guy can get off on his own without a female present. Crazy stuff, I know, but this silliness is frequently passed down from mother to daughter through the generations. Moms simply do not want to think about a hypothetical Dylan or Josh who can get off in a snug fitting swim brief and have a powerful orgasm. These guys must have real “problems” for sure, problems that should be avoided in the relationship department at all costs.
The third level of terror and the most difficult of all to deal with of all is what if some of my classmates male of female discover what I am doing, and what if this happens when they accidently see me inside a skimpy swim brief? The terror here occurs on several different levels. The guys are probably the biggest problem, keeping in mind that every guy about the same age is coping with the same set of urges to ejaculate and attempting to find ways to deal with these urges surreptitiously and for the same reasons, it is just that some guys have been more successful—or just plain lucky—in covering their tracks than others, so far at least.
A lot of guys who claim that they are perfectly straight seem to have a propensity to assume that if a guy is discovered masturbating he should immediately be labeled as being a closeted gay boy, and further, they are fine with telling everyone within earshot what they saw and what they concluded upon seeing it. I’ve never quite understood what exactly motivates all of this except to say that some guys seem to think that their own straight sexual orientation will be less in doubt if they publically call out the discovered masturbators in the class and then labeling each of them somehow as gay boys.
Of course, if the guy is discovered jerking of in a swim brief, that pretty much cements the idea that the guy in so doing is clearly gay not straight, or so the apparent reasoning goes. Some peers who claim to be straight seem to take great pride in outing anyone that they think a gay case could be made, and if this involves teasing and bullying about the swim brief—a swimwear style often associated with gay guys—so be it. This is messy and unfortunate stuff for practically any young guy, but especially so young guys caught wearing swim briefs.
So, both Josh and Dylan managed their respective ways through high school and are now college students. Some old left-over issues remain. Think about it. What should a guy do if he inadvertently wanders in on a guy who is in the process of pleasuring himself ? At this age, most guys have probably learned that calling the guy out for being a gay boy doesn’t have the “sting” that it perhaps did in high school, and that most college students are generally more accepting of people who are not necessarily completely straight than seemingly was true in high school. Plus at 19 and staying in a cramped double room with limited privacy, roommates for the most part are going to realize that sometimes guys just need to deal with their urges. The two of them are both 19 not 14.
But, Josh has inadvertently discovered something else about having a male roommate in close quarters. It is, well, interesting to see up close how another guy his age—Dylan—copes with his male urges. Josh did not immediately exit that first day he accidentally walked in on a masturbating Dylan. Even more interestingly, Dylan did not immediately attempt to “hide” what he was doing from Josh, indeed he kept masturbating right there for Josh to see in stark detail.
So here is the most interesting part. Josh almost immediately discovered that watching Dylan play with himself was a turn-on for Josh. And Dylan almost immediately discovers that having Josh there watching him does not shut things down, but instead makes it even more fun. Same deal as when Dylan was trying on the suits with Josh there watching every step in the process.
OK so Josh was turned on just by looking at the three suits he got in the order. At some point, Josh thought what Dylan was doing was a little goofy , but he sort of played along. However, as Josh watched Dylan in various stages of delicious agony trying on suits that kept getting smaller and smaller, Josh has been getting more and more aroused himself. The pre cumming for Josh that started as he was merely examining the suits has all but stopped now, but Josh is still feeing increasing tension in the groin area. And, Josh now knows that he is getting semi-erect even without actually trying on even the first suit in the pile. Josh has quickly moved from feeling somewhat horny to feeling really horny and he has not as yet even stripped. The suits now pose a special challenge for Josh as well. Josh realized that Dylan thought he was the more experienced of the two in confronting this challenge, but by getting only about half-ways through the pile has meant that Dylan still has his own barriers to cope with. And Josh knows that Dylan will be watching every step Josh makes, just as Josh did for Dylan. Dylan is curious about how Josh copes too.
What this all means for both Dylan’s and Josh’s sexual orientation is unclear at this point, but maybe that is not the real point of all of this at all. Just two guys having goofy fun with their own bodies in a special way—there is no harm in that. Josh will have to be pleased if this all works half as well for Josh as it already did for Dylan.
So, now Josh can start to try on the suits.
More to come, so to speak…
12-18-2017, 01:38 PM
[A note by the author: Part of the fun in writing these stories is the entire process of thinking up situations that the characters in the story might logically find themselves in as young males, and to not only create what I believe to be realistic situations that college students might confront. At this point I don’t know if Dylan and Josh should both be categorized as gay, straight, or somewhere in that vast space in between. I have read a lot of stuff that both promotes the idea that being gay is determined in the genes, and that guys have no control whatsoever about this element of who they are. I’ve also dug into the claims that being gay (or straight, for that matter) is a “learned” behavior and that what a guy likes to do sexually is in part determined by the array of options that are available. All I can say is that none of this is clear cut. I have watched guys who marry, have kids, then divorce their wives and go off to live with another guy. I have found this to be interesting, to say the least. I am close to concluding not only that many but perhaps even most guys who claim to be straight have a gay side to their personality that might appear out of nowhere under the right (or perhaps some would say wrong) circumstances, but the possibility that this could somehow appear out of nowhere scares the sh**t out of a lot of guys. Would Dylan and Josh have discovered all of this had they not been tossed into a close-quarter dorm room and run into Bill and Joe that time way back? Both Dylan and Josh are very good, polite, young college students, and neither has any interest in doing things that would otherwise disrupt their normal living.
Still they both are carrying around the normal male urges that 19-year old college freshmen have. They may have found a way to deal with their urges that is interesting, but has no larger meaning than that, or perhaps not. In my story I have introduced you, my readers, to three pairs of guys. This all started off with Bill and Joe (remember all those wild wet dream sequences and chapters). Then Bill and Joe met up with Dylan. Then they all went off to the college gym, where the three of them met the more athletic pair Tony and Donavan which the three of them surmised were more than just buddies but possibly also a gay couple, though there was never any real “proof” of that (not that there necessarily should be proof). Then Dylan’s roommate Josh came on the scene. Dylan knew he and his roommate were in close quarters and that he was going to have a rough year in college if he didn’t let Josh in at least a little as to why he had all those snug-fitting clothing items, and you know a lot of what has happened as a consequence. We haven’t heard from Bill and Joe in a long time nor anything from Tony and Donavan other than that encounter at the gym, but some of that could change again as the story proceeds.
I hope that my readers are enjoying reading about all of this as much as I have fun writing it. On an even more personal note, I would feel uncomfortable writing story lines for these characters that got them into doing certain things with themselves that actually didn’t work very well if at all or accomplish the objectives. At some point on occasion, I feel the need to personally “test out” an idea for a possible story line before I write it up in detail. I want to assure my readers that at least most of what I write about doing I have personally tested out myself even before any word hits the page. What you might do (or not do) with that knowledge is entirely up to you. (But isn’t that what is at the heart of what good writers do—write about the stuff they know about from personal experience?)I am delighted if these stories get a lot of guys to thinking about human sexuality and sexual orientation in new and different ways—ways that they have never had the courage to think about before. In this case the courage Dylan had to try on suits with Josh right there, and the courage that Josh must now muster to do the same thing with Dylan standing there. What does this all mean, anyway? That is part of the fun puzzle that is happening. That is as candid I can be with all of you. I am pleased that some of my readers are comfortable with the knowledge that you are gay; others of you are perfectly fine being straight, but perhaps more than a few of you are wandering around in that vast place somewhere in the middle. And that is more than OK too. I want every guy to be happy in his own skin, being who he really is, and enjoying himself to the fullest extent possible.]
12-19-2017, 12:29 PM
When Dylan first suggested to Josh that they both try this, Josh’s initial reaction was that the whole idea was no big deal. Josh of course knew that Dylan has long had this “thing” for snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, but Josh didn’t necessarily think that this was something that necessarily happened to him at all, let alone to the extent that Dylan seemed to be affected. So Josh, perhaps only a bit reluctantly, went along with Dylan’s “idea’ about ordering the swim briefs in various sizes and cuts. “No big deal” Josh thought. “I am not hung up the way Dylan is for sure in this regard.”
Events of the last 30 or 40 minutes watching Josh struggle as he did his best to cope with briefs that were getting smaller and smaller has suddenly changed Josh’s mind on all of this, perhaps forever. Josh secretly wonders if this is something that only affects a few 19-year old guys, or if nearly any guy placed in a similar situation would likely “respond” in that special way. This is certainly stuff that Josh did not learn anything about in his high school sex education class, which instead seemed to be fixated on telling guys how to avoid getting girls pregnant and not much else.
I guess seeing how to put a condom on a banana is useful. Josh always thought the banana-and-condom thing was hilarious, as bananas aren’t guys and guys aren’t bananas. All right, the course did include a short reading on masturbation but it treated the whole subject as just a temporary thing that boys (and girls) occasionally do or did when they were young, and that it would be replaced with real (penis-in-vagina) sex as a guy got older (but, hopefully sex while wearing a condom). Other than that the entire course was something of a joke, Josh thought. And why would the course basically ignore the one safe sexual activity that guys can do and enjoy (solo masturbation) while focusing instead on strategies for keeping guys from getting underage women pregnant.
But for Dylan to just watch struggle with the suits and with his own erection while still attempting to get into each suit has changed everything for Josh. I guess straight guys often wonder why for gay guys being with another person with the same body parts every guy has could possibly be as interesting as being with a female with a different set of body parts, body parts carefully engineered to contain a guy’s penis in such a wonderful way.
The key here is that there is something beautifully erotic for a guy about getting to see another guy gradually getting an erection that soon leads to a full-blown orgasm, and it is probably not just perfectly gay guys who find this appealing—at least for the guys who do not claim that this whole thing is revolting. Strange, huh? Guys are constantly thinking about if they somehow accidentally got themselves into a situation like Josh was just in watching Dylan grow and then explode in a powerful orgasm, could they remain completely unaffected by it all, or would they find the whole situation to be somewhat or a lot erotic. And is the revulsion that some guys express for seeing this is merely an indication that the guy who claims this is revolting not erotic merely a cover for the guy’s fear that if placed in this situation he would find it interesting too, and, horror of horrors, does that mean there is a gay side to my personality? These are very tough questions to answer.
So, here is the situation. Guys always like to turn things into competitions, and this is a competition of sorts to see that which of them can get through the pile of suits without shooting. Seems tame enough, and Josh has fewer suits to go through than Dylan had. Josh has three suits: Dylan made it through, well about 2 ½ suits. Josh thinks that it shouldn’t be THAT much more difficult to hang on through the three suits without blowing off.
Except for one thing. Watching Dylan in his delicious agony affected Josh in various ways, some ways psychological, but also in some ways that are now physically quite apparent. Bluntly put, Josh is now going to try this when he already has a serious hard-on even before he pulls on the first suit. I perhaps shouldn’t tell you this, but Josh came close to ejaculating already at one point just watching Dylan struggle with the suits.
Of course, Dylan has noticed that Josh already has quite an erection going. Maybe getting through 2 ½ suits was not such a bad effort at this after all, thinks Dylan.
So Josh strips down and now is standing in front of Dylan, nude. There is only one problem, and it is a big problem, so to speak. As Josh stands there Josh is now nearly 6-inches long, and worse, his penis is sticking nearly straight out horizontally. Josh suddenly has empathy for all those swim-team guys who are in a gym locker room putting on a swim brief for the very first time.
The first brief in the sequence Josh faces is a 30-incher, a bright red iSwim brief. This is going to fit snug, but it should provide a little more space than would have been the case if it were a 30-inch Sporti Euro brief, or so Josh thinks. Still there is no significant pouch space, and even the 30-inch waist fits pretty tight. Josh wishes he had more room, but it’s too late now. The only practical position for Josh’s penis to go in that brief is “up”. But Josh’s penis definitely “wants” to be horizontal right now not vertical, and is not happy in the “up” position.
All this adjustment can quickly take a toll on a guy. Josh is suddenly feeling that he is nearing the point of no return, orgasm-wise. The entire sequence of events both with Dylan and now with his own effort is at the very edge of being too much for Josh to contain himself any longer. Once Josh gets in and gets his penis pointing upward inside the brief, Josh takes one quick look at himself in the mirror and then quickly pulls down the red brief before it is all over.
Once nude again, Josh calms down just a bit though that horizontal erection that has been building has not subsided at all. Josh is now just calm enough so that he wants to continue the challenge. The next suit in the Josh’s pile is also an iSwim, but this time a Royal blue one, size 28Y. Now the waist size on a 28Y (Youth) size is the same as on a 28 designed for adult males, but the sides are narrower and the back has less full coverage, as a younger male would likely hve smaller glutes than an adult male in any given waist size. Josh has still more difficulty getting his penis to behave pointed up. Josh desperately wants to go off, and NOOOOOOOWWWW
In what can only be described as a herky-Jerky motion, Josh suddenly ejaculates all over himself and on the spanking new bright red iSwim suit, while making repeated quiet “groans” of pleasure. Josh now is able to experience exactly what Dylan was going through with his own mind and body only 30 or 40 minutes ago…Dylan, of course, is watching Josh ejaculate all over the place as well. This is not “bothering” Dylan quite so much because Dylan is still “coming down” out of his own post-ejaculatory phase. Still, Dylan thinks that it is a lot of fun just to see Josh struggle in dealing with his own body as well. These experiences are the stuff for the content that make wet dreams so much fun, sexual experiences that need to be relived over and over for sure.
So, already the suits have been a lot of fun, and have paid for themselves in pure enjoyment even though neither guy has gotten to the smallest suit before ejaculating all over. Surely, other attempts will be made after Dylan and Joe have “recovered” sufficiently. Will there be other “visitors” to the dorm room next time as well…Bill and Joe, perhaps? What an idea! thinks Dylan.
To be continued…
12-19-2017, 12:31 PM
[Author’s note for the season: All of the events that you have been reading took place just before Dylan and Josh were ready to go back to their respective homes on the college Christmas (winter)break, which extends just past New Years day. Many of my readers have no doubt experienced first hand the post-orgasm “sluggishness" that seems to occur just after a guy experiences a super-strong orgasm.
This is another part of being a guy. Post big orgasm, a guy doesn’t really want to think about sex or his penis any more, even though images are still; popping around in his head related to what just happened and how wonderful the entire experience was. Still, it takes some time for a guy to “recover” from the experience of having a super-strong orgasm, in the meantime a guy’s interest in feeling horny once again is likely minimal. This seems to be built not only into a guy’s physical being as well as in his emotions psychologically. It’s one of those really interesting things about just being a guy.
So, for right now, it’s a good time for Dylan and Josh to take a short break from running experiments with their bodies and instead just spend some time with both of their families. And the author needs a break to better compose the story line as to what will happen next to both of them.
I have already hinted that the next sequence of events might involve Bill and Joe too, remember the two guys who early in the story were so fond of straps, jock cups and compression gear. In the meantime, I will let my readers imagine what might happen once the four of them get together. I will see you all after the holidays, and presumably Dylan and Josh will both have gotten rested up enough from their experiences to make another attempt at the swim briefs without jerking off too soon. ]
To be continued…
12-22-2017, 11:01 PM
Like if you were reading my mind! Thoughts never shared yet written down. Cool.
01-05-2018, 03:01 PM
Josh and Dylan return from Christmas Holiday (Winter Break) AND exchange (belated) gifts
The time that both Dylan and Josh ad with each of their families, unfortunately, has come to the end, and Josh and Dylan are both back at the College dorm in preparation for classes that will resume in the coming week. Dylan and Josh both enjoyed the break from the daily routine of a college freshman, but being so close to their families meant that there was little time to mess around at all, if you get what I am saying.
Nearly every guy knows that it is often far easier to feel horny, and that “horny-feeling” bouts normally happen more frequently in the warm summer months that in the cold winter months. That is all just part of the curious things about being a guy. Bluntly put, a guy will feel less like jerking off in cold weather than in warm. Then too, being with your own family often has an odd way of shutting down a guy’s interest in getting off. Perhaps it is merely the idea that getting horny in a situation like this is unrealistic because there is simply not enough sustained privacy to make this possible, but there might be more going on than that. Anyhow, at some level both Dylan and Josh are happy top be back to college where they both have a bit more latitude in this regard.
Still the two-week break from ejaculating (if that is indeed what happened) has its way of taking a “toll” on a guy’s psyche in some odd if not wonderful ways. A guy who somehow gets “stuck” in a situation where they are uncomfortable about not having real opportunities to get off sometimes does strange and powerful things once he senses that he is back into what he regards as something of a more normal situation from a frequency-of-jerk-off perspective.
To, Dylan hadn’t forgotten about what had happened during the fall semester, nor had Josh somehow forgotten about what Dylan was up to during the same period. These ideas were left on both of their brains like indelible ink, ideas that could resurface in strange but interesting places.
The day AFTER Christmas, Dylan was out wandering around the local Walmart store not just for fun, and not necessarily in search of a clothing item that might be helpful in a jerk off session. But as he was wandering around and noticed what looked to him like Russell® branded compression shorts. They were not advertized as compression shorts. They were over in the underwear section. What made them unique is that they were made of a stretch polyester spandex blend. You can tell Dylan was feeling more than a little horny given his interest in this particular item.
Dylan was not clear as to whether the short but jammer-style shorts were intended to be worn as underwear, as compression gear under a looser pair of workout shorts, or worn without anything over simply as gym wear. The shorts did not have a fly, though they did have a sewn semi pouch.not anything “drastic” in that regard though the fact that the guy has a male anatomy would be at least somewhat apparent, if you know what I mean.
These came in a variety of patterns and styles, the most common being what might be called a “modern camouflage” pattern, not like the somber tones of an old-style military camouflage, but a modern camouflage in assorted bright colors, blues, greens, yellows, even black and white.
Dylan quickly decided he wanted a pair for himself. But what size? Medium would work, but Small would fit snugger and tighter. Not any real choice, is is. Dylan took one of the ones labled SM or CH off the rack and put it in his cart. Then he got to thinking “I bet Josh would enjoy a pair of these too. Same style and size, but a different color”.
So, Dylan came back to school carrying a pair of these shorts for Josh and a pair for himself. The ones he bought for Josh he had put in one of those ubiquitous gray plastic Walmart bags.
So, after Dylan and Josh had gotten themselves moved into the dorm room, Dylan said to Josh “I have bought you a little gift for the season the other day when I was wondering around Walmart—a pair of camouflage stretch shorts you might like.
Amazingly, Josh said “Dylan, Amazingly I was doing the same thing when I was on vacation. I was wondering around Walmart and found this really interesting pair of Russell ® running tights. The ones I found were nearly solid black polyester/spandex blend, but faded into a bright yellow-green color down at the ankle. I got a pair in Small, and have tried them on, and in that size they fit really (really) snug. I like them a lot and I figured that size would fit you too (grin).
And, so that is how Josh and Dylan traded “gifts” this year, both little “reminders” to each of them of what they both REALLY enjoyed doing!
To be continued…
01-10-2018, 01:00 PM
One of the interesting parts about getting new clothing that is snug-fitting is that guys generally are uncertain about what they are getting into, both literally and figuratively. This applies to lots of different clothing items, each with a potential to “get” to a guy in a “unique” way. I have often thought that penis are rather interesting in that they all seem to have a “mind” of their own in this regard, almost as if they are somehow “disconnected” at times from a guy’s brain. Whatever it is that happened, it occurs in some place where the guy doesn’t seem to have any direct control.
Take the new “dilemma” that Dylan and Josh now find themselves in as an illustration of what might or might not be going on. Dylan and Josh individually were just wandering around Walmarts in their hometowns. Dylan ran into the Russell running tights that he thought looked neat—and VERY snug. Josh was wandering around and saw the equally snug-and-tight new-camo shorts. Seeing something like this set off subtle alarms in both of their brains. Dylan immediately senses that the running tights would be something that could be fun to wear, and that in the purchase he would be doing something that he could thoroughly enjoy. In the store, Dylan imagines what his body might look like in a mirror wearing the tights—the snug fit through the thigh and in his calves right down to his ankles.
Dylan of course is curious as to how his penis will look in them to. Do these present a similar “problem” as a swim brief where a guy has to position his penis up, down or sideways? The running tights are lightweight material. What will Dylan look like in them with his penis positioned “up”? Will that sensitive underside show much like it does in a snug-fitting swim brief? How does all of this feel, anyway?
Another problem is what, if anything does a guy wear UNDER something like this? Maybe nothing at all, but there are many other possibilities as well. A strap would be interesting, but so would thong underwear, a swim brief, or even a pair of old-school “tighty whiteys”
Then Dylan thinks of Josh. Josh MIGHT enjoy this too. Indeed, Josh might enjoy experimenting with all of this the same way Dylan does. If Josh sees Dylan experimenting with this he might feel “left out” without his own pair.
In looking at the Russell shorts, Josh went through much the same analysis that Dylan went through. Josh liked the apparent very snug fit of the shorts, the “modern camo” pattern, the overall look and feel. There were all these interesting questions of course, involving issues such as just how a guy’s penis fits in them and in what position does it go. Does a guy wear something else under these, and, if so, what? Josh imagines himself wearing these staring at himself and the various bulges and protrusions of his own manhood. Fun things to explore, Josh thinks to himself. The odd thing is that Josh is starting to realize that he has quickly become just as hooked on experimenting with all of this as his roommate Dylan obviously has. And Josh thinks about Dylan as well. Would Dylan truly like to be a part of this? Well, that almost goes without saying given all of the events that have happened in recent weeks and months.
And so that is how Dylan and Josh each ended up with new clothing items to explore and ended up exchanging gifts.
To be continued…
01-12-2018, 01:30 PM
Part of what is fun here is that Josh and Dylan are playing “games” of sorts with each other, games that relate directly to who each of them are as sexual human beings. This is curious stuff that they are both engaging in, to say the least.
Every guy, Josh and Dylan included, goes through a period in adolescence where he learns about himself and his body in unique and special ways. Part of this learning experience involves a gradual realization that certain parts of their bodies are more sensitive to touch than other parts of their bodies. How this all works is a gigantic mystery at first. I guess most guys at some point develop a realization which suggests that some of this must somehow have something to do with another person, but that part is frequently deeply confusing, at least at first. A basic question is how a guy can somehow suddenly start to feel horny and even get an erection when there is no touching involved at all. Let alone another person. There is a physical component to all of this to be sure, but also a mental component, and the mental component can sometimes go off in seemingly goofy, yet ultimately strange and wonderful ways.
Take the experiences Dylan and Josh just had trying on swim briefs that kept getting smaller and snugger with each successive brief. At some point, their strained bodies (and minds) simply couldn’t “take” the combination of physical and psychological pressure they were under, and both of them simply “had” to ejaculate even before even getting into the snuggest and tightest brief.
What makes this more amazing, is that this did not in any way involve what might be called a sexual relationship with a partner (or in some strange way, did it?). Merely two guys having some interesting fun with their own respective bodies, attempting an experiment to see what their limits were in this regard. Certainly this says nothing about the ultimate sexual orientation for either of them, or does it somehow? Just two guys who have discovered an interesting jerk-off method. And guys almost invariably are fond of the discovery process for uncovering new and unique ways to jerk off. It is more-or-less built into a guy’s genes (and maybe his jeans as well) to be interested in uncovering this.
But still, Josh obviously enjoyed seeing Dylan struggle with his predicament, and Dylan likewise. Josh might not want to admit it, but just watching Dylan struggle coping with his growing erection was quite a turn-on. Same for Dylan watching Josh attempt to cope with the situation at hand. Does this mean that Josh and Dylan are actually two closeted gay guys? Well, maybe it is best for now to not to even attempt to answer that. Except maybe I should say that there are probably far more guys who would be interested in being part of a situation Josh and Dylan gpt themselves into than there are guys who claim to be gay. If being straight or gay is not a 0-1 either-or kind of thing, but rather a 0-5 continuum, then maybe Dylan and Josh can claim to be somewhere in the middle of the scale. But wait, as a practical matter, is there ANY guy out there who would not like to be either Dylan or Josh in such a situation if he could do so without somehow getting “labeled” as “being gay” in so doing? A most interesting question to be sure. What I am hinting at is that the vast majority of guys if not all might be interested in changing places with Dylan or Josh if the opportunity presented itself, no strings or sexual orientation labeling baggage attached. This is deep stuff for each guy to think about, really deep, complicated stuff at the core of who each of them is as a person and as a human being.
But, for now, back to the presents Dylan and Josh bought for each other. Neither Dylan nor Josh would be in the mindset they were in had they both not thought that their shopping would lead to some new “situations” to uncover and to struggle with. But snug-fitting running tights and what amounts to compression shorts masquerading as underwear are both a little different from swim briefs of various sizes. Each of the items provides a fit and feel that is unique. The running tights are most interesting given how they fit really snug through the calf and ankle; the shorts fit really snug in the thigh area. Neither of these areas would not be considered sexually “active” pars of a guy’s body, or would they? Something “drew” Dylan and Josh to these items and to the conclusion that they might be “sexually active” Not in the way the really tight-fitting swim briefs were, but active nonetheless. What happens next is entirely up to Dylan and Josh. There is some reason why even Walmart carries this stuff, even though Walmart may not fully understand what is going on. Hey, if guys are somehow buying it, then Walmart should be selling it!
A lot of “goofy stuff” is going on right now. More swim teams are back to wearing briefs at least the top swimmers are. Walmart is selling underwear that looks more like compression gear than underwear. Loose-fitting boxer shorts are. apparently losing favor with guys, and Walmart and other places that do not specialize in sports gear are selling running tights. Jeans for men contain Spandex® and are nearly skin-tight. SOMETHING is going on relative to only a few years ago for sure, but what?
To be continued…
01-14-2018, 02:09 PM
Given what Dylan and Josh have already been through, you wouldn’t necessarily think that these latest items (gifts) that Josh and Dylan are exchanging would be any big deal at all. Think back on all the stuff that Dylan and Josh have been through already and the various situations each has found himself in already. The straps, the cups, the super-snug wrestling singlets, the thong underwear, not to mention the most recent “failed” attempts by each to try on swim briefs of decreasing sizes. Combine that with the incidents whereby each of them has watched the other guy simply jerk off in some type of gear to the point where he couldn’t “take” the pressure any more and “had” to shoot semen, and you start to realize that this has been a most interesting “journey” for both of them a journey that has taken each of them to “places” that as guys they had each never been before.
What kinds of places, anyway? On the surface this all appears to be rather tame stuff that Dylan and Josh are doing compared with the situations some college freshmen males get themselves into---too much alcohol, experimentation with drugs, sex with girls that might or perhaps might not be totally consensual, a pregnancy, an STD, perhaps serious or not-so serious. The list of possible ways that male college freshmen can get themselves into real trouble quickly is quite long indeed.
But, both Dylan and Josh are good kids, and neither of them are the kinds of individuals who are seeking to make a mess of their lives with a bad decision or two that might be made in only one or two reckless moments. Think about that as you read this. Dylan and Josh are both smart-and-capable students who are not prone to attempting to fulfill reckless urges at the drop of a hat. At first, that may seem like a silly thought, but it is not. Dylan and Josh remain who they each are, capable and somewhat shy, sensitive young men. I think it is important to recognize that even smart, capable, shy and sensitive young men still have “normal’ male urges, urges that simply cannot be ignored for significant periods of time. Pretending that guys like Dylan and Josh somehow “escaped” having such urges is a rather silly idea too.
Most guys know that male urges sometimes pop up in unexpected ways, places and times. I’m not sure exactly what was going on with Dylan and Josh over their winter break, but something really interesting was triggered when each of them was rather nonchalantly wandering through their respective local Walmart stores over the break. It is relatively easy to understand why each of them might be “interested” upon seeing some snug-fitting clothing items just hanging there on a clothing rack. At this point I think most of my readers realize that there is something going on in both of their brains that has “programmed” both of them to be “on the watch” for such items. Whatever that is, it is programmed way deep in the psyche. Not something that either of them would care to share with anyone (other than, perhaps, each other). Certainly not something a guy would share with his parents, siblings or most any other peer, male or female. So this gets to be complicated stuff to for a guy deal with, really complicated stuff. What makes this all most interesting is that both Dylan and Josh know enough about each other that each of them at least suspects that the other one would be interested too. I think all of my readers know exactly what I am attempting to communicate here.
For guys who share the “problem” that Dylan and Josh have, it is somehow reassuring to be at a point where there is (at least) one other person who you are comfortable sharing your problem with. Oddly, enough for guys, this other person is probably not going to be a person of the opposite sex, as in a female.
Why this is normally true gets into some complicated stuff as well. The short version is that there is nothing in the female psyche that works quite the way certain items of snug-fitting clothing work for many males. Soon I am into some really deep stuff about whether Josh and Dylan’s “behavior” in this regard is commonplace or relatively rare among young males as a group. Then I start asking myself if there are a lot of guys out there who deep down would like very much to be in the place and time where Dylan and Josh are, or few, if any.
Of course, the big elephant in the room is still the issue of where Dylan and Josh each fall on the scale depicting sexual orientation. Is their fascination with snug-fitting clothing along with seeming enjoyment of seeing each other masturbate to ejaculation simply an indicator that both Dylan and Josh are simply closeted gay guys who by accident ended up being roommates?
Right now, I do not know the answer to that question. Maybe if I keep writing chapters I will eventually find the answer. For now, let me say that it has taken both Dylan and Josh some courage to get to the place where they are right now. It is not every college freshman who would feel comfortable with the whole idea of buying his roommate such a personal gift, let alone a gift that each of them suspected might lead to a situation whereby each might get to watch the other jerk off in the new item.
For now, I will stop with all of this deep analysis and let my readers contemplate what the future for Dylan and Josh might hold. How would YOU, me reader, feel if YOU were the recipient of one of these gifts, and all that implies?
To be continued (of course)….
01-19-2018, 03:49 PM
As most of you probably already realize, Dylan and Josh were off for about two weeks winter break extending from just before Christmas to just after New Years’ day. What college freshmen do during this winter break is always a rather interesting topic. For Dylan and Josh, the winter break coincides with the break between fall and spring semesters. The week just before the break is always a very busy time for college students, as they are ordinarily being tested on all the things they supposedly learned since classes began in late August.
Students ordinarily have their grades sent to their permanent address. Of course, Dylan and Josh ordinarily get mail in boxes at the dorm, but colleges normally like to send grades out to the student’s home not dorm address, which means that final grades for the semester ordinarily are going to be obtained during the winter break at the home address.
Turns out, both Dylan and Josh did quite well. The college grades on a 5-point scale. Dylan’s average over all the courses he took turned out to be 4.78. Josh’s overall grade point average was only slightly lower, at 4.54. So, both of them did quite well.
Not that Dylan and Josh did not have an assortment of “distractions” during the semester, but the distractions did not appear to affect either student’s grade point average. That is good to know. The parents of both Dylan and Josh had to be quite pleased with respect to how this all turned out, and normally are willing to give more “rope” or freedom in any instance where the child is doing well grade-point wise.
Still, these two-week long breaks can be boring times for college freshmen. They are stuck living with their parents and siblings even if for only a limited period of time. What does a guy do? One possibility is to look up peer high-school grads also home on winter break and do some things like going to movies etc. What happens here is probably linked to whether the classmate is male or female. Did either Dylan or Josh have female “flames” in high school? Well, yes and no. Both of them had certain female friends they liked better than other female classmates, but neither “went steady” in high school. And things change, particularly as first-semester freshmen for both the guys and the young women. Reestablishing these old connections may or may not be that easy to do.
Then there are other complications to being back home with your parents and siblings for two full weeks. Old complications like the same old problem of figuring out ways to jerk off without being detected or noticed. Male hormones keep “acting up” even on winter break. How to cope with this, anyway? Neither Dylan nor Josh packed home their favorite jerk-off clothing items. To be sure, that would be too obvious and cause issues if parents or siblings somehow discovered them, even inadvertently. So both of them basically have to revert back to surreptitious night-time jerking-off. Not as difficult as not being able to jerk off at all, but given where Dylan and Josh have been in this respect, not the most exciting way for a guy to deal with his male urges, either.
Still, I found it interesting that both Dylan and Josh managed to work in Walmart shopping trips involving purchases for the other intended for use during a jerk-off session. And once they got back to the dorm they certainly weren’t talking (bragging) about intimate encounters with females during the break, not that either Josh or Dylan would be prone to do that. The big question of course is exactly how profound these dorm room mutual jerk-off sessions have been for each of them relative to what they might have found themselves doing or not with females they might have interacted with during the winter break back home.
To be continued…
01-20-2018, 01:42 PM
Changes in clothing design for men and boys have been rather drastic over the past 5 years or so with this happening on a bunch of different levels. Take denim jeans for example. Not that long ago, guys were all wearing very loose-fitting jeans through the butt; thigh and leg, with very wide leg openings, 17 inches and larger, often much larger, and practically everything said “Relaxed fit” on it. Same with shirts. Nothing was labeled as form-fitting or athletic fit, and all the shirts you could find seemed to be designed to accommodate a guy whose waist size was bigger than his chest size, often far bigger.
Then take the subject of adding Spandex® to denim, so that the denim stretched a bit and as a consequence became more form-fitting. Not that long ago, the discussion centered on the notion that only women would “accept” that idea and it was a “girly” thing to do. But as jeans got slimmer and snugger for men, this taboo was lifted as well. And it is now commonplace to find men’s skinny jeans with leg openings as narrow as 11 inches,,,just big enough to pull over your feet!
So, why am I writing all of this here? I got to thinking about what works or doesn’t work as an undergarment UNDER jeans that fit so snug and tight. With loose-fitting jeans, it was commonplace for guys to wear loose-fitting boxers underneath. This wasn’t any real problem. But try to wear that style with snug-fitting skinny jeans and you can see the potential problem. You don’t want to be able to see the outline of whatever you are wearing underneath as clumps of lumpy cloth.
So, where I come out on all of this is that snug-fitting jeans go hand-in-hand with undergarments that are much more form-fitting than before. I know a lot of jokes are made about the old school “tighty whitey” briefs, but in many ways they are a whole lot more suitable for wearing under skinny jeans than the loose-fitting cotton boxers. But there are other snug-fitting possibilities as well, maybe even leading to resurgence in the popularity of men’s thong underwear.
What about a swim brief worn as underwear under skinny jeans? A swim brief would actually work quite well for that purpose. We are seeing a resurgence in the appearance of swim briefs as the appropriate garb for swim teams, again something that only a few years ago would have been all but unheard of. Maybe even an “old school” jock strap, though that may be pushing it just a bit.
Form-fitting clothing seems to be once again becoming commonplace for guys irrespective of age or sexual orientation. This is a good thing for a host of reasons, starting with the idea that it was probably unwise to attempt to discern a guy’s sexual orientation based solely on the fit of his clothes. But there are other subtle effects. For example, there is a lot of concern over the fact that people of both sexes over a long period of time have been becoming less fit with poor high fat and sugar-laden diets and a lack of exercise. If wearing the latest clothing styles also entails improving one’s fitness and diets, there could be some positive psychological benefits.
For that matter, looking good in a swim brief probably entails focusing on much the same diet and fitness goals. I don’t mean to suggest here that swim briefs are for only the fittest among us, but merely to suggest that if one chooses to follow a better diet and fitness program in order to look better in a swim brief, that is certainly a positive psychological incentive to make the necessary lifestyle changes,
And then there are the other kinds of gear, the compression tees and shorts, the running tights etc, the gear that Dylan and Josh are messing with right now. Same deal, pretty much.
The recent increased popularity of skinny jeans has perhaps set off a host of changes not only what many guys ordinarily wear as jeans, but also possible change is what guys ordinarily wear UNDER their new jeans. And, to the extent that these trends tend to move guys into a “let me try and be fitter” mode of thinking, that can be good as well, not to mention mixing up the antiquated ideas about what a guy’s sexual orientation might be based on the clothes he chooses to wear.
To be continued….
Lap Counter
01-20-2018, 04:15 PM
Maybe even an “old school” jock strap, though that may be pushing it just a bit.
The recent increased popularity of skinny jeans has perhaps set off a host of changes not only what many guys ordinarily wear as jeans, but also possible change is what guys ordinarily wear UNDER their new jeans.
Sebbie, that isn’t pushing it, even a little bit.
Back when old school jockstraps were still common, I don’t think wearing one under jeans was that unusual. My college roommate started wearing one daily under his Levi 501s midway thru our sophomore year. Of course, that inspired me to give them a try, too. I wore one daily for about 6 months, but that eventually evolved into only doing it on days when I rode my bike to school.
The jock kept everything centered in my Levi’s, preventing “snake down the leg”, while presenting a nice package. Wearing a jock made me feel quite studly and well protected. But I wasn’t into hearing the “Are you wearing a jock? Why?” comments when the waistband accidentally popped over the top of my jeans when I bent over.
I knew another guy who grew up on a ranch and wore a jock under his Lee Wranglers while working the spread. (in Colorado, farmers and ranchers wear Lees and scoff at Levi guys as being city kids).
More recently fashion jock straps have become common, probably at least in part because of the trend towards skinny jeans.
01-29-2018, 10:55 PM
Every guy goes through puberty in a slightly different way, and yet shares a lot with his peers males the same age. Sometimes it is thought that of the two, the process of going through puberty is generally more difficult for girls turning into young women than it is for boys in the process of becoming young men. But puberty is at best a most difficult time for both boys and girls.
Guys quickly learn that having an erection is something that happens when you are connected with a female, and any other circumstance is weird, abnormal, or worse. Of course all of this is a myth. Guys get erections for all sorts of reasons only one possibility being a visual, psychological or physical connection with a female. But, the myth makes guys feel really embarrassed if an erection occurs under any other circumstance or even for what seems to be no reason at all. It’s bad enough to be in this situation in private, but what if my male peers somehow discover what is happening to me? Will they tease and bully me? Will they label me a queer? Will they call me a jerk-off? Will they tell the girls what they observed? All of this is holy terror for a young guy psychologically and socially.
The complicating part of the problem is about the same time guys discover that there is nothing quite like a strong erection a sheer physical (and mental) experience is way up there on the list of things that are fun to do. And erections are fun whether or not another person—female or male—is present. The only thing that tops the feel of a strong erection is a powerful orgasm that follows. Part of going through puberty is discovering all of this and realizing that what a guy has discovered is going to follow him doggedly throughout his life.
As a guy gets a little older, but still in high school, he gradually learns techniques for enjoying all of this while navigating ways to cope with the hornet’s nest of interpersonal and social issues he has to face. This is no simple task, and is something that requires both careful planning and foresight. Perhaps the shyest and what seems to be the most socially awkward boy in the class is also the guy who has managed to come up with ways to enjoy himself that go beyond where the outgoing and seemingly socially secure guys are. That is all a very interesting question for sure.
So what about Josh and his roommate Dylan? Both Dylan and Josh seem to be less than outgoing. They are not “party animals” in the usual ways we think about the characteristics of college freshmen who are party animals. At times, they seem to be outwardly a little shy, and dare I say it, socially awkward. But that hasn’t stopped them from being quite comfortable around each other (surely that is an understatement) as well as coming up with ways to enjoy their own (and each other’s??) bodies. Already they have done some stuff that neither would have dared when still in high school. What does this all mean in the larger scheme of things, anyway?
Dylan and Josh on their own have discovered lots of interesting places for their penises to be that are not listed in any textbook on human sexuality. Of course, each of them gradually learned some of this at a much earlier age, but it is just that instead about just dreaming about some of this, they can actually do some of it without fear of being teased, bullied, called names, or worse. The idea of having one’s penis and perhaps even balls in a snug and tightly wonderful place will create sensations and feelings that are both interesting and enjoyable is something that learned at a very early age, and most guys probably also understand that these feelings and sensations are not only linked to a relationship with another person. It is not surprising, however, that each guy finds his own way in this regard and no two guys see this in exactly the same way.
You may be starting to think that just maybe what Dylan and Josh are up to in this regard might not me as interesting and arousing, as say, trying on those successively smaller swim briefs from that SwimOutlet order. The stretch fiber running tights and compression shorts are going to be fun to get into, but as much fun as the swim briefs were? This is a question that can only be answered with an empirical “experiment”.
The new gear might be more exciting with the right garment underneath. A strap? A thong? A swim brief? All of these are possibilities perhaps worth trying.
Game on!
To be continued…
01-31-2018, 02:14 PM
Dylan and Josh both now have quite a collection of items that could be called snug-fitting clothing of various sorts. My readers all know exactly what is going on with each of them, and least my readers think they do, but let me step back for a moment to make sure my readers are all on the same page with respect to what is actually going on each of their minds and bodies.
Guys at a very early age learn that the “official” method of creating sexual sensations and tensions involves bringing in another person or sexual partner, and if a guy is to be “safe” from teasing, bullying or worse, that person had better be a female about his own age. Any other person as a possibility, say a peer male is strictly off-limits. This “official” view of how male sexuality works accompanied with the idea that anything a guy does inconsistent with the official view, with a partner other than female or alone, is somehow unnatural, sick, abnormal or childish, and these are only some of the kinder words to describe stuff that doesn’t follow the official view.
All of this “official” explanation of how male sexuality must work is one giant myth that keeps getting perpetrated over and over. And of course, for a teen-ager, behaving in a manner consistent with this official view can bring on a host of really complicated issues and problems (can you say intercourse with an underage female?). Guys can pursue females sexually but they had better not go “too far” or they are going to end up “in trouble”. But exactly how far is too far? How does this all work with respect to specific “rules”, anyway? And nowadays what happens if thirty years later a girl a guy played around with sexually accuses the guy of sexual harassment or worse for something that happened sexually when we were both only 15? Crazy, weighty stuff for a young guy to worry about at age 15 or at age 45 for sure! If there is only one view of how male sexuality is supposed to work for guys, then there are certainly a lot of footnotes and asterisks. Where is this official list of what a guy can safely do or not with a girl his age, and what if a guy’s mind deviates from this official list even a little bit.
It doesn’t help that guys, and particularly guys at a young age, are experiencing sexual sensations and feelings on what some might regard as even more frequently than they are able to comfortably “handle.” In this kind of world it is no wonder that the vast majority of guys quickly become very fond of solo masturbation, in private, as a release. Male hormone levels are high and SOMETHING has to give, for goodness sake. One cannot reasonably expect that ANY guy is going to navigate all of this without regularly engaging in some kind of release not involving a conveniently-available similarly-aged female partner. (I’m always amazed that young women often thing that if a guy has access to a vagina on a regular basis that guys will completely lose interest in masturbation when this couldn’t be further from the truth for the vast majority of guys.)
So, Josh and Dylan have found some clothing items that for each of them make masturbation more fun than without the items. Is this fascination somehow abnormal or even sick? Does this somehow mean that because of this they are both gay and only interested in other guys? Guys, particularly guys who do not have a steady partner, are going to figure out some way to masturbate regardless. What’s the big deal if they masturbate in the nude or instead do so while wearing some snug-fitting clothing item like a swim brief, jock strap or snug-fitting compression gear, anyway? If masturbation is more fun that way that doing so naked, so be it. No one is being harmed by doing so.
Since I am exploring “what ifs?” today, let me mention the biggest what if of all. A lot of guys, perhaps most guys, find it most interesting to observe how another male copes when he is in a situation of being sexually aroused and still attempting to refrain from ejaculating for as long as possible. For any guy, this is a most interesting situation to be in. And to see another guy struggle with this for a lot of guys has got to be sexually arousing as well. But merely observing another guy coping in this way is definitely not gay partner sex, or is it? How many guys out there could reasonably hope to cope with a situation of simply observing another guy deal with his own arousal and attempting to delay ejaculation for as long as possible without getting turned on himself? Maybe Dylan and Josh both understand some stuff many of the rest of us fail to comprehend or admit.
Suppose that I am wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, and you, my college dorm roommate is doing likewise. I observe that you are feeling quite horny just by wearing the brief and your “condition” is readily apparent just by casual observation. How long is it going to be before me, who started out as just an observer, is going to start to feel quite horny as well just observing and then thinking about the predicament you have gotten yourself into? Does what is happening mean that you are gay and not interested in being sexually involved with women? For that matter, does the fact that I am getting turned on by watching you struggle mean that I am gay as well? Or is this merely two horny college guys thinking up fun ways to enjoy themselves and alleviate the boredom of being a college freshmen who somehow have no convenient way to get their rocks off with a female partner?
Now imagine Josh and Dylan both trying on their newly obtained gear in the presence of each other. What could happen, under these circumstances? And are Josh and Dylan “normal?”
To be continued…
02-03-2018, 09:11 PM
Dylan and Josh have both managed to pull together quite a collection of clothing items that might be fun to wear. The running tights and the new compression underwear/shorts are just the most recent addition to the piles of stuff. Dylan and Josh are both thinking that one of the more physically and psychological “experiments” was when each of them attempted to get into and wear successively smaller swim briefs that they had gotten in the big order. The 32- and 30-inch briefs weren’t that “bad”, but things really started to “happen” at the 28-inch size.
I’m not quite sure why this experiment ended up being so relentlessly erotic. If I understood what was going on here, I would have a far better understanding as to why a lot of guys are so “sensitive” to and apprehensive about wearing a swim brief . It’s as if the swimming brief switches on something hidden deep within a guy’s brain and body. A “sexual triggering mechanism” of sorts.
Getting a guy’s body into a swim brief is only one aspect of how this all works. I admit that just thinking about getting into a super-snug brief can be a problem for any guys, but if a guy could somehow come up with a way to do this without looking at himself in a mirror maybe this would be easier to do without getting overly aroused. What “does this” I think is the furtive glanc(es) that a guy can’t resist taking of his groin and butt areas once he is in the brief…If he was OK, erection-wise, up until that point, the glance in the mirror is what really gets things going. At least, that is how it seems to work.
If a guy is with another guy who is experiencing the same “problem” things can “escalate” in a hurry. And of course, just seeing another guy in the throes of the same “predicament” tends to have a strange psychological impact that cannot very easily be overlooked. Difficult stuff to understand, but difficult in a most interesting way for certain. Guys seem to be able to connect under such circumstances even if they are not physically “connected.” I used to think that this was an issue for only gay guys but in recent years I have been thinking that this is largely universal among guys regardless of actual or claimed sexual orientation. And, given that, it is probably something that guys shouldn’t either fear or try to avoid no matter what.
Dylan and Josh are each wanting to make one more attempt at getting themselves into their new 28-inch briefs—the very briefs that they were not able to get into last time without ejaculating. These briefs do fit tight—really tight because they are about a 2-inches smaller waist than they “should” be wearing. But this time, they are not going to go through the sequence of downsizing. That should help—at least a little. But there are two other twists this time. First, both Dylan and Josh are going to at least attempt to refrain from looking at themselves in the mirror, or for that matter, at each other once they are in. This should reduce the anxiety level and with it the erection level, at least to a degree. This doesn’t sound too tough, or does it?
The other twist is that immediately after pulling on the briefs, each of them are going to pull on one of the new items right over the brief either the running tights or the compression underwear. At THAT point each of them can take a gander in the mirror at how they look, and also look at each other.
Exactly how the running tights and compression shorts affect the outcomes for each of them is an empirical “experiment” with an outcome that can only be tested by actually trying this and seeing what happens. Are the running tights and compression shorts more erotic or less erotic than just the swim briefs alone? Why does this experiment get a guy aroused at all, if it does? Lots of questions need to be answered and are still to be answered, for sure. Or will Dylan and Josh be essentially “brain dead” to this experiment. I think not, but there is no substitute for simply trying this and seeing exactly what happens.
To be continued…
02-11-2018, 09:06 PM
Guys can have a great time just kicking back and enjoying themselves if they pursue this all with the right mindset. The right mindset can be a growing experience that can be most pleasant, even its very early stages. Josh and Dylan both understand this now to a far greater degree than they did even twelve or even six months ago. A basic key involves not getting too much in a hurry over anything. Indeed, a path of restraint is most often ultimately more enjoyable than what might be termed an aggressive stance.
To some guys, what Josh and Dylan have been learning alone and by being stuck in their small college dorm room together seems all but counterintuitive. After all, isn’t the “big prize” for guys just a powerful orgasm, and the faster a guy gets to that point the better it is, all around, or is it? Therein lies the dilemma. Guys usually grow up thinking this and then reality sets in. Maybe the guy who finishes first isn’t always the ultimate winner in this game of life. As I said, some of this seems quite counterintuitive.
And what of Josh and Dylan’s clothing purchases and gifts to each other? Well, maybe, but maybe not. Both Josh and Dylan seem to be gravitating toward snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, and they would each have to be “brain dead” to not realize that what they have been messing with has arousal overtones. Part of the fun of getting into a clothing item that is snug fitting, is that, well, things might start to happen. Things that a guy might not soon feel he has complete control over. This aspect has always posed a deep-seated dilemma for guys—the old swim brief problem as in “I would like to wear a swimming brief but what do I do if I start to get a hard-on and the other guys see that." The mere act of getting a hard-on can be most interesting and quite enjoyable, but not if the end result is getting teased and bullied about it, or worse. It’s this mixture of pure pleasure along with dread and fear that whatever develops will quickly get out of control that causes the issue.
So, at this point Josh and Dylan have some new snug-fitting clothing items and an interest in trying them on. Both of them are secure enough in their respective bodies, and interestingly, with the company of each other that if something does start to happen or even get somewhat out of control, the entire sequence of events will not be a significant problem. That says something about how te two of them interact with each other and enjoy rooming together. So be it.
Besides, both Josh and Dylan are “messing” with each other when they picked out the gift items. Indeed, that was the underling motivation. The only remaining question is how to get the most out of the items. I’m sure you understand what I am trying to communicate here.
Neither the compression shorts nor the running tights are probably going to work very well without wearing something else underneath. They might work for guys who lack any experience at all with this kind of stuff, but for more experienced guys like Josh and Dylan, something else is probably needed.
What something else, anyway? Basically I think there are three choices for improving the situation. This largely has to do with the nuances of a guy’s anatomy, and in particular the idea that the underside of a guy’s penis is considerably more sensitive than the top side. The issue becomes one of finding an undergarment that puts the underside of the penis in a location where it is rubbing against the garment and can be easily touched and massaged. There is something really special about the nerve endings on the underside of the penis. They seem to be wired such that they almost immediately hit the brain’s primary pleasure center, even when a guy is only just starting to get erect. This is fun to play with and run sensitivity experiments.
Many of you who have followed my writing over the years realize that I am a big fan of athletic supporters, aka jock straps, both those with cups and without. The ones with cups can be a lot of fun, but don’t underestimate the sensations that can be easily obtained from an old-school strap with a pouch made of coarse-textured, rubbery elastic material. Sizing is everything here, as the pouch should be snug enough so the penis stays in an “up” position with the underside rubbing against that grainy elastic pouch.
Cover this with stretchy compression shorts or running tights, and a mere glancing finger at that particularly sensitive spot just beneath the glans of the penis should send pangs of erotic pleasure coursing through the guy’s body. This is terrific fun, and only gets to be more fun as the erection proceeds making the strap feel ever still snugger and tighter.
The second option is male thong underwear. I’ve already written at length about the idea that a properly fitting thong presses on the perineum, and the penis up and forward, once again constraining the penis so the underside is easily accessible and touched. Whether or not this experience is ultimately more satisfying eroticism than the strap is in essence an “empirical” experiment with results only to be determined by trying both.
The third and final option is a snug-fitting swim brief with the penis again placed in the up position and the compression shorts or running tights over the top of everything. A guy might find that his penis in this configuration is even more sensitive to touch than with just the brief. Again, this is an empirical experiment of sorts.
Then there is the issue involving the realization that your roommate is experiencing much the same thing you are experiencing with largely the same results. Josh and Dylan wouldn’t both be doing this without being quite comfortable in the company of each other. How this realization affects what each of them is experiencing is another one of those interesting empirical experiments that is now underway. Being a guy is a real treat, to be sure.
To be continued…
02-12-2018, 02:12 PM
I was listening to a news broadcast this morning about how researchers have discovered that hearing your phone go off elicits a response in your brain not unlike what happens in the classic experiment by Pavlov involving a dog, a bell and food. Once a dog becomes aware that the sound of a bell indicates that food is coming, the dog soon finds himself drooling just by hearing the bell, without even seeing the actual food. The dog can’t keep from drooling once the bell sounds and the response by the brain in setting off the initiation of the drool. This has always been one of the most interesting and widely referenced experiments in psychology.
What does any of this have to do with male sexual response and, more broadly, all of human sexual response, anyway? Well, if there is any part of being human (or being almost any animal, for that matter) that is filled with signals of various sorts that occur prior to what I will term, the “main event” yet signals that the main event could occur, it is the signals surrounding sex and sexuality in all its forms. I suppose we could go directly into a case where a guy is watching a porn video or reading a pornographic book or magazine, perhaps with photos, and is jerking off while doing so, but let’s try to be more subtle than that. This is science, pure science.
I was thinking that a closer analog to the dog-bell-food-drool experiment would be what I would call a precum experiment. One might think of precum as a form of drool, given the physical similarity involving tiny droplets of clear liquid. I’ve talked to guys who claim they “never precum” and my normal response is “maybe you are not paying attention”. Guys learn at a very early age that they normally (but is anything truly “normal” about sexuality at a very early age? Every guy thinks he must be the only guy his age facing “problems”) start to precum at the very initial stages of sexual arousal. What sets this off could be any number of things—for a heterosexual guy, merely seeing a beautiful, sexy woman could do it. For a gay guy merely seeing another attractive, well-built, sexy male.
In this regard, the term sexy is really a code word commonly used by guys to communicate that what they just observed “set the precum flowing” without admitting that there was a direct biological response to a situation at hand that was happening outside a guy’s direct control, as in oozing drops of clear, viscous precum. The entire porno movie industry as directed toward a male viewing audience involves creating situations that quickly elicit an uncontrolled precum response as soon into the movie as possible. No point in being subtle in this situation.
This is all enormously interesting in part because this is a response that is outside the direct control of the individual, yet a clear “signal” that the event could lead to significant arousal and maybe even ejaculation. Generally, guys are very fond of being in this situation. Like Pavlov’s dog with the bell and the drool, most guys are keenly aware of when something has happened that is making them ooze, if even only a drop or two. A guy feels the distinct moist droplets accumulating inside his clothing at the very tip of his penis. Yet, normally there is not enough precum to make this visible to others.
So, what does this have to do with Dylan and Josh and clothing items such as swim briefs and athletic supporters? I’ve thought about this a lot. Another aspect of growing up as a young male is the discovery that precum production can be tripped via other than the standard mechanisms involving observations involving a sexy person. Sometimes an article of clothing will do it, but especially an article of clothing that fits snuggly in the penis and groin area. An athletic supporter, perhaps? A swim brief? Guys discover the “triggering mechanism” involving the item of clothing, and that precumming at the very initial stages of arousal can be, well, extraordinarily enjoyable, and usually is.
But guys worry a lot when faced with a “new” situation that could quickly lead to precumming, say coach telling them that they must wear an athletic supporter or swimming brief for the very first time. And nearly every guy that age theinks that he is somehow the only class member who is having this “problem” and therefore this is an indication that he is somehow weird or even gay and what if that should be generally known within the school? What the guy doesn’t know is that his peers are nearly all coping with the same uncontrollable precumming problem as well, and they are doing their best to hide their apprehension and anxiety about the whole situation. Will merely putting on a swim brief or athletic supporter quickly lead to a serious out-of-control arousal with ejaculation being the natural outcome for all the guys to see? This prospect is terrifying for a lot of guys.
Of course Josh and Dylan are older and more experience, and they think theyt are too grown up to not have a better degree of self-control. Further, they are both more comfortable in their own skins with respect to the idea that having an enjoyable sexual experience need not necessarily involve the active participation of a partner of either sex. A guy can have a very enjoyable time just being himself at least for now.
And they are both comfortable picking out clothing items in which the underlying urge to own is tied to the question as to whether or not the item will act like Pavlov’s bell with respect to precumming. The entire sequence of events involving trying on successively smaller swimming briefs just to find out how far each of them could go without ejaculating was an excellent example of the kinds of physical enjoyment each of them could have with all of this even without directly involving a partner. But more fun for Dylan watching Josh struggle with basic male urges, and more fun for Josh watching Dylan struggle to keep his male urges under control. What could that mean in the larger scheme of things, anyway? Every guy is probably going to respond a little different, and yet we are all most interesting sexual human beings seeking pleasure.
To be continued…
02-15-2018, 01:48 PM
At puberty, guys really begin to become keenly aware of the sensitivity of certain body parts, and, in particular, how a mere rubbing or even touching can set off a chain of events that trips the pleasure centers in the brain. Thus begins a “journey” that may very well last a lifetime and affect nearly every aspect of what a guy thinks about and does. The importance of all of this cannot be underestimated. Obviously this affects a guy’s most intimate relationships with other people and who a guy chooses to be with or not and engage in intimate relationships throughout life.
Both the complexity and the importance of all of this learning and experimentation cannot be overestimated. Sometimes guys think that what they are doing and learning as teenagers will soon be replaced with more “grown up” adult type feelings and desires (whatever those are) but this is not really the case. In other words, the fun a guy has while engaging in solo sex (aka masturbation) will somehow be replaced with something far better as soon as the guy is old enough to be comfortable in an adult-type relationship with another person.
Human sexuality frequently has a component devoted to a continuing search in which the participant(s) are on a journey to find something new and unexpected beyond where the participant (s) was (were) the last time. There are both positive and negative aspects to all of this. For example, think about the guy who marries what he thought was his “dream girl” with respect to sex but then within a short period of time discovers that what he thought was a dream sexual relationship was not that and he “strays” outside the marriage. The high overall divorce rate confirms the fact that a lot of relationships sexually do not turn out to be the long term nirvana they were once thought to be by both participants.
In this regard, we have the backdrop of men in all walks of life sometimes engaging in behaviors they apparently believe that in some manner “cope” with their sexual drives, but are regarded by another person or persons as some obvious type of sexual harassment. The courtship process is never an easy time for either men or women. Even in the very early stages the man is trying at some level to determine if the woman would make a good long-term sexual partner while going through a series of steps that do not address the core question. If the guy asked the questions that were really on his mind, he could easily be accused of some form of sexual harassment if the answers do not turn out to be what the guy hopes. Too, being too blunt at this stage can shut down a budding relationship in a heartbeat. So a guy walks a fine line here as to what is deemed needed information and appropriate versus inappropriate courtship behavior.
Bluntly put, getting involved in a relationship with another person whereby sex will be involved is a messy, uncertain process, a road with many ruts and potholes. That doesn’t keep people from trying to form intimate bonds. And for that, the human race somehow continues on.
What does this have to do with our two college roommates Josh and Dylan, anyway? Like so many other young college age students, their bodies are both bursting with male hormones and they are constantly thinking about (well, nearly constantly anyway) how enjoyable it would be to get an erection and ejaculate. Yet, at the same time, neither of them feels comfortable getting involved in a situation with another person right now that could turn into a long-term relationship. They both have a lot more college courses to take—that is there is a bunch more stuff best tackled and completed as a single person than as one involved in a relationship that could quickly turn into something that would be difficult to stop or even slow.
Still, both Dylan and Josh have really gotten “hooked” on the pleasant sensations their bodies are able to produce, and they both want to enjoy those sensations whenever possible over and over. This is male (and human) sexuality at its very core. Nature surely “rigged” this system to ensure survival of humanity.
Of course, at an early age Dylan discovered that there were certain items—a swim brief, an athletic supporter, even just a particularly snug-fitting pair of favorite blue jeans—that had the crazy (nasty) ability to get him aroused and at least headed in the direction of wanting to ejaculate more-and-more. A favorite fantasy of Dylan’s growing up was the thought of just getting into a snug-fitting swim brief and “examining himself” in the mirror, touching his growing swim-brief covered penis bulge as his penis became more and more erect and he could see what was happening to him in the mirror.
But, actually engaging in this fantasy was a difficult thing to do when Dylan was still living at home, in part because he was not a swimmer or what one would call a high school athlete, so thinking up an excuse to buy one of these turn-on items (such as a brief or strap) was going to draw “suspicion” on the part of his parents or siblings as to what he was really “up to,” anyway. Deep down, Dylan always admired the high school athletes engaging in sports that “required” either of these, as they would have an excuse to own these without potential embarrassment. But Dylan also wondered if the guys who participated in these sports didn’t also sometimes (maybe often) get aroused wearing them.
Once in college, Dylan figured that there would be opportunity to buy some of these clothing items himself that turned him on, but the tricky part was that he was going to have a male roommate Josh who he didn’t know at all.
Josh had taken a somewhat different path, growing up. A simple explanation is that growing up Josh was not as “aware” of these methods for self-stimulation involving articles of snug-fitting clothing as Dylan was. Josh was somehow all but naïve in that regard.
Via some “accidental” incidents, Josh became aware of some of the things Dylan was up to arousal-wise. Seeing all of this first-hand, it didn’t take very long for Josh to get “hooked” on trying this as well. Dylan was relieved on two fronts: First, that he no longer had to closely guard what he regarded as a dark “secret” about his sexual interests and behaviors, and second, that Dylan quickly realized that he was not the only guy who liked to experiment with his own body by employing these techniques and methods—Josh was quickly doing the same thing as Josh quickly got hooked too.
The more complicated part came when each of them realized that the pleasure of the arousal leading to orgasm for each of them only increased when each was able to observe close-up the other guy having fun with himself in the same way. What exactly this could mean, however, quickly becomes really complicated, as recognizing this detail could quickly be turned into the early stages of a gay something-or-another but not yet at least a relationship. Perhaps not a budding gay relationship as such, but something that is unique and still enjoyable and worthwhile? Maybe a label is not needed.
There are all sorts of complicated questions. How much fun is doing this, anyway? More fun sexually than a close relationship with a female that also is not yet an intimate relationship? Something interesting to do that will simply be discarded and forgotten once Dylan and Josh each find appropriate female partners for sex? This all gets into some messy, complicated stuff that is at the very core of human sexuality, how guys get aroused, and who is gay or straight or somewhere in between.
To be continued (of course)….
02-16-2018, 08:09 PM
Dylan and Josh each have a number of options, alternatives and consequences. Think about the various articles of clothing that they both have at this point, the new running tights and compression shorts, plus all the other items, swim briefs, athletic supporters, thong underwear etc. Maybe the best thing to try at this point is to just play it cool, and wander off to class. But, what to wear?
Dylan is very fond of his snug-fitting jeans, and they do fit him really snug. Usually he puts on a tee shirt, frequently a compression tee, and then simply pulls a nondescript gray sweatshirt over. But Dylan is thinking about whether or not it would be possible to wear a pair of running tights underneath the jeans. The net effect of that would be to make the jeans feel as if they are fitting even snugger and tighter, assuming he can get the jeans pulled over the tights.
But Dylan also needs to think about what he is going to wear UNDER the running tights. Three options that occur to him are a swim brief, an athletic supporter and an underwear thong. Dylan can’t help but relive over and over in his mind exactly what happened the day he tried to get himself into the swimming briefs that kept getting smaller and smaller in size. The 26-incher might be too much, but perhaps just get into the 28-incher and quickly pull the running tights over before his mind had too much time to think about it all. Too much thinking or dwelling on what a guy is doing could result in problems and a path that is difficult if not impossible to reverse. So Josh pulls on the swim brief as fast as he can, and then quickly pulls the running tights over. On top goes his favorite pair of skinny jeans –maybe better described as super-skinny.
Josh goes a slightly different route. Josh has become “very fond” of that little underwear thong and how it fits and makes interesting body parts feel. He likes the fit and feel a lot, almost “too much for his own good,” perhaps. Josh also goes with a gray compression tee, and has a dark red, actually burgundy sweatshirt to wear over. The interesting question is what Josh will opt to wear over the little thong that is nibbling at him in many different places. Josh chooses his pair of compression underwear he got at Christmas. Josh has skinny jeans although his are not quite as skinny as the ones Dylan has. At some level Josh understands why Dylan is so fond of that particular pair of jeans. Still with both the thong and the compression underwear underneath, Josh is starting to feel pretty good in some interesting ways.
The interesting test at this point for both Dylan and Josh cope with wearing these items all day long as they go though their normal class schedule. As you might expect, both of them are feeling somewhat excited. In particular, the only way for Josh to place his penis is upward and forward in the thong. That is part of the fun of wearing a thong. But that means the underside is outward, putting not only a telltale bulge in the compression underwear, but making it readily apparent that Josh is indeed a “man” even with the jeans on over everything. Penis bulges sometimes do that.
Josh and Dylan exchange glances at each other and what the other is wearing. They also take a quick look at themselves in the dorm room mirror. They both certainly look OK to head off to class.
The tricky part here is that even though both of them are more than a little aroused, neither of them is past the point of no return, nor even close. That is good, because the experiment can thus continue.
Still, all the snug-fitting items are going to continue to put pressure on them both in mind and body. This creates a tension of sorts. The tension level will be lowered if each of them can keep his mind on the classes at hand, but only if the lecture doesn’t get too boring, in which case their minds may start to wander with respect to the predicament each of them is in, and, while fun, that might not end well.
Nearly every guy has probably been in a classroom situation where he has developed a strong “need’ to ejaculate, but the vast majority of guys probably manage somehow not to bubble over, at least until a rest room stall can be found. But still, this sets up an interesting situation for Dylan and Josh to explore.
As the day drags on, the clothing items keep reminding the two of them that they are horny young guys. By the time classes have ended the urge to ejaculate has gotten quite strong, and that is putting it mildly. It’s that steady knowing away that the various items did to the guys over an entire day that does this. Sensations vary in both the mind and body—stronger, weaker and then stronger again—seemingly cycling up and down nearly moment by moment as the day drags on. The bodies have been in an extended “prep phase” and the only event that is going to end this is, well…???
To be continued…
02-17-2018, 01:38 PM
So, both Dylan and Josh went off to their classes wearing some of their favorite items of clothing plus a few more that might make each of them take notice all day long. It is helpful to think about the situation that each of them are in right now, and why they both might be in a bit of a predicament of sorts, but perhaps a predicament that is quite enjoyable.
Think about it for a moment: The last time Dylan got himself into that Sporti® royal blue euro brief, size 28, he ejaculated almost immediately, but when that happened he had been trying on new briefs in successively smaller sizes, 32, 30, then the 28-incher which quickly “got” to him after doing that downsizing in succession. This time, when he pulled on the little blue euro brief, he went straight to that one, without as much chance to think about what he was doing. Then he immediately pulled on the running tights over the brief, without even looking at himself in the mirror. After that, he quickly pulled on his skinny jeans over the top of everything, with his mind mostly focused on getting off to class. So, at least momentarily, a little of the urges and pressures could be off as Dylan has more things to think about that the predicament his penis is now in, and the other stuff that is going on during the day will make it all a little easier for him, maybe.
Josh, of course, is in a bit different situation, wearing that little thong he is so fond of not a swim brief. The combination of sensations from the thong is pretty-mind blowing, and Josh now knows about all of them and how they affect his psyche in such a positive way. The upward pressure on the perineum(the area loaded with nerve endings between the scrotum and the anus can quickly become mind blowing, as this also puts tension on the prostate gland. Then there is the unique sensation of the thong strap cutting between the glutes that feels, well, horny. Then there is the position Josh’s penis is in, pushed upward and forward with the underside being easily touched. Then Josh pulled on those Russell® compression shorts, which do have a pouch of sorts. Josh quickly discovers with his penis in that position in the thong, he can touch and rub the underside through the Russell shorts and the sensations that result are most interesting. It would not take very much stroking to go past a point of no return and josh knows that. Still he loves the predicament his odby is in. Josh thinks to himself “What guy wouldn’t be very fond of doing this!”
Josh decides that he had better get his jeans on over all of this before he gets too carried away. Perhaps the jeans covering it all will help him calm down a bit. This all could quickly get out of hand, otherwise. The jeans Josh is wearing aren’t cut quite as snug as the ones Dylan has on. Josh likes how Dylan looks in his jeans and wishes that he had a pair of his own that fit as snug in the thighs and butt as the one’s Dylan is wearing. Dylan’s are a pair from Pac Sun® must be their super skinny cut. Josh’s jeans are Levis 511® which are skinny, but not quite the PacSun® super-skinny cut.
So, the two of them, both feeling horny, and emitting light intermittent drops of crystal clear precum—easily felt as a dampening at the very tip of their penises, are off to class. How will the day go, anyway? Will they make it through the day without having an uncontrollable urge to ejaculate at some point during the day? That is the only “test” each of them has to take today.
To be continued….
03-19-2018, 01:58 PM
Part of the fun of being a guy is not knowing quite how your body will react to a situation that it has not been in before. If you stop and think about it, the whole idea of dealing or coping with the unknown or unexpected is at the very core of getting a firm grasp on what makes sex with a partner in all its forms so compelling and interesting. Surely in a relationship there are new experiences to be savored or enjoyed every day, or at least that is the key driving force that brings human beings together. An interesting question to ponder is where humanity would be were it not for all of this.
In this regard, Dylan and Josh are barreling down a side road with respect to human sexuality. On this side road, there is still an assortment of activities that can be savored and enjoyed, yet the trail does not quite lead to the same place as the main road leads which involves direct sex with a partner. Of course, this in fact is the part that makes the situation so interesting for each of them, and the part that is not discussed in any textbook that includes chapters on male sexuality, or if the topic is addressed even in a cursory fashion, it is usually addressed in a derisive fashion.
This goes back to the old-school 1950s and earlier belief that masturbation in general is something of an inferior form of sex if it can be called a form of sex at all, which is a related debate, and that real sex must somehow always involve the interchange of bodily fluids between two people. Then some statement is normally made that one a guy “discovers” real sex, that is, two bodies connecting , that the guy will suddenly lose all interest in solo masturbation and move on with his life to more fulfilling partner sex.
Of course, we could get into a discussion here as to what various authors have said with regard to whether or not gay sex between two males however defined in terms of specifics is real sex or not either. The modern politically-correct view seems to be that any sex involving two individuals is now classified as real sex and that intercourse between a male and female partner is not some higher form of sex than, say sex between two males or between two females. But, if the world has largely come around to that enlightened view, and that it is responsible to think of sex from that frame of reference, then it might also be appropriate to start thinking about solo sex (aka masturbation) from an newly enlightened perspective as well.
It is not long after puberty that a guy begins to realize that there are any number of triggering methods that under the right or perhaps wrong circumstances can lead to sexual arousal, and that a lot of the triggering mechanisms that seem to work quite well. What is generally more disconcerting is that many of these triggering mechanisms may seem to have little if anything to do with partner sex as traditionally defined by the books on the subject and experienced.
Here we have walked through these a lot of these experiences dozens of times through the eyes and bodies of Dylan and Josh. For that matter, the same or very similar for Bill and Joe. Guys learn at an early age that their bodies might respond in interesting ways to various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, swim briefs, jock straps, thong underwear, wrestling singlets, compression gear of various sorts, even particularly snug-fitting jeans. For the most part, as high school students guys generally do not have the opportunity to act on what amounts to an understanding about themselves that for whatever reason they think they need to keep hidden.
But once in college, many of the rules seem to change. The four guys knew exactly why they were purchasing various items of clothing, and what the consequences for their minds and bodies might be, never better illustrated that the recent swim brief orders by Dylan and Josh. These purchases were made not with the idea that these items were going to be easily worn without any arousal at all—in fact, quite the opposite. The orders would have been meaningless had they NOT had these “impacts” and their minds and bodies.
And, what happened as a consequence for all four of them, happened. Indeed, it is all happening as I write this, with Dylan and Josh struggling to keep it together in the face of tremendous pressures and urges to ejaculate in the process of simply attending their college classes. The classes of course might be helpful in distracting each of them enough so that they are able to make it through the day without a potentially embarrassing situation developing in which things get out of control.
Still, the whole sequence of events, however potentially embarrassing, is really fun, interesting, not to be missed, and all that stuff. And then there is the realization on Dylan’s part that Josh must be really struggling to keep in control of the situation, and Josh’s realization that Dylan too must be undergoing being in a tough situation for certain—a fun place for sure but also a difficult place. Ahhh male sexual arousal is fun…great fun, blow me away fun. Are Dylan and Josh somehow connecting in what might be deemed a weird mind but not physical bonding embodying partner sex of some sort? Somehow the books on male sexuality missed that chapter entirely!
To be continued…
04-05-2018, 02:02 PM
I’m certain my readers long ago have concluded that despite these stories being told through the eyes, minds and bodies of four male college freshmen, Bill, Joe, Josh and Dylan, they are loosely based on my own experiences growing up and as a young adult as well. A few of the stories go outside the realm of my own personal experiences, but they represent activities that I would have liked to have happen had the situation arose. The four guys are a bit more daring than I would have been with respect to what they would have attempted under the various circumstances. But still, for college-age youth, a lot of young adult males quickly get themselves into various kinds of “trouble” brought about in part because being a college student away from home presents opportunities to do things a guy might not have dared do when still living at home with his parents watching every move a guy makes. Too, some of the fears that guys have when they were younger about getting observed with an erection for no apparent reason, or being seen masturbating by another guy or even ejaculating gradually become less of a fear at least for many guys.
I have thought about all of this a lot over the years. There is a lot of discussion about bullying in grade school and high school, and how this can be a major problem or issue for many young people. I suspect, but cannot prove, that a lot of bullying incidents involving males involve some event related to masturbation, perhaps a guy inadvertently being discovered masturbating by one or more other males and then being teased or bullied about it. Sadly, the bullying becomes some guy’s response to how they are attempting to deal with their own sexual feelings and sensations at that point in their lives. Translated, this means that the guys doing the bullying of another guy who was accidentally discovered jerking off are likely also “chronic” masturbators as well, but it is just that they have been lucky enough to not yet having been discovered doing so! Heck, every guy does it, it is just that some guys quickly figure out ways to cover their tracks more successfully than others are accomplishing at the time.
Then too, there is the complexity related to how solo sex might or might not relate to whether a guy is ultimately going to be straight or gay. Less masculine looking guys (however that is defined) of smaller, less athletic stature and interests probably face greater challenges in that regard, than say, the star high school football player. Now the star football player could ultimately be gay, too, but will face fewer open challenges of this sort than the small-statured, non-athletic guy.
All of what is going on poses an array of challenges. Most guys, regardless of where they might ultimately land on a sexual orientation scale, would probably find it interesting and even (if only a bit) arousing, to get to observe another guy masturbating and would not be repelled in the least by observing this (indeed quite the opposite) but would be very uncomfortable about the possibility of other guys knowing that they were simply an observer and not even actively engaged themselves.
It might help to think of Dylan and Josh in this regard, and their experiences over the course of these many chapters. Think of what YOU would have done if faced with a similar situation. Josh and Dylan cooped up in a tiny men’s dorm room with little if any individual privacy. Josh comes home from class that let out a little early, and pops into the room using his own key only to see Dylan playing with himself and (obviously) enjoying himself immensely. Had you been in Josh’s shoes, would you have been repelled by what you were seeing, and attempt to leave as quickly as you entered, or would you have stayed in the room to watch? If you were in Dylan’s situation, would you have immediately stopped doing what you were doing and tried to cover your erection or would you have kept right on going and eventually completing the task.
This is an endlessly fascinating puzzle in male sexuality for which there is no obvious scripted answer. Perhaps if you were Josh, you would also become quickly aroused by what you were observing first hand and quickly attempt to start masturbating yourself. Or would your own actions as Josh be constrained by the possibility that what you and Dylan were doing (mutual masturbation) was actually the first stage of gay sex and being gay? Maybe, but maybe not. The puzzle whose answer is unclear is not how two guys, Josh and Dylan, dealt with the situation at hand, but rather the question of how MOST guys out there might have responded in a similar situation. I guess one response could be that the only guys who would not be repelled by seeing their roommate obviously masturbating would be guys who are either gay or at minimum have a significant gay/bisexual streak in who they are. But really, is there any scientific basis for this claim? No one is being harmed here. Just sweet sensations that makes being a guy such a great experience.
To be continued…
04-05-2018, 07:21 PM
A lot of guys have something of a love-hate relationship with the entire idea of wearing a swimming brief. Initially at least, this is probably a natural consequence of not knowing exactly how their male body will respond in such a situation. By the time guys are old enough to be able to contemplate all of this, they are probably aware that sometimes penises have a way of doing stuff on their own, seemingly without any conscious overt control from a guy’s brain. It would have been much easier and simpler for guys if they could simply send marching orders to their penises to tell them what to do from above, but penises often act as if they are not under such control, and this alone can nearly drive a guy out of his wits, sometimes.
As in, what if I put on a swim brief, perhaps for the first time, and I quickly get a powerful and quite obvious erection that is close to being completely out-of-control? Now this seldom happens, or at least not quite that quickly, but guys still worry that such an embarrassing event could happen. Then what? Are the other guys going to simply ignore my predicament? Act as if nothing is “wrong”? Laugh it off? Tease or bully me? What then, for goodness sakes? Why get oneself into such a situation in the first place?
Another concern that a lot of guys apparently have is that a swim brief, as seen worn by real swimmers, seems way too snug and tight. Apparently, a lot of guys seem to think that they will be better off if their penises (balls too, perhaps) have plenty of “room” to expand. But this seems to run counter with what the real swimmers are doing by wearing really snug-fitting briefs while being totally nonchalant about it all. That in itself is a bit of a puzzle, at least initially.
Aside from all of the discussion on side width and glute coverage, one way of looking at all of this is that there are two basic styles of swim briefs, briefs that are basically cut flat in the front, and briefs that are sewn to provide a pouch for holding the male anatomy with presumably more space to hold the penis and balls. The latter seems at first glance to be something of a solution to the problem that guys might face. After all, if things inadvertently start to grow there will at least be some space for that to happen. The catch, of course is that the guy’s growing situation immediately is going to become more obvious to the casual observer with the pouch brief than with the flat-front brief, so merely wearing a brief with a pouch in front is not likely to resolve the problem. Some dilemma for sure!
Briefs designed for athletic and competitive swimming from the various major manufacturers do not normally have pouches, at least not large pouches. In part maybe this is because a large front pouch if filled out could inadvertently impede movement and speed in the water. Most pouch briefs are probably sold mainly to guys more interested in tanning, hot tubbing and perhaps casual wear in the pool, not to guys interested in really fast lap times.
So then the dilemma for the first-time brief wearer occurs. How do I position my penis inside of these briefs, anyway? Most guys probably figure that straight down would be the position that would provide the greatest hiding power. The problem is, if the guy is endowed at all, even flaccid, squeezing one’s penis downward and pressing against the balls can quickly become more than a little uncomfortable—not a position that a guy would want to remain in for 20 minutes, let alone an hour or an afternoon.
Another obvious possibility is off to the side, left or right, and some guys seem to be OK with this. The problem with this position is that it makes a guy’s weenie look like it is a lopsided sausage laying there but only on one side of the brief. The male anatomy is obvious, even if flaccid.
The third option is up, the position probably ordinarily favored by most competitive swimmers. I call this the “Christopher Atkins” position, after the 1980s “Dallas” episodes where Atkins was see cavorting around the pool in a blue Speedo® and clearly placed up. The careful observer can easily see how erect a guy is when he is in this position as the outline penis and its glans is likely clearly visible under the brief. Still, a lot of guys do not appear to have any “problem” being in this position/condition.
Of course, with the penis up, there are other side (well, underside, anyway) “benefits” to the swim brief wearer. With one’s penis in that position, it will be pressing against the smooth stretchy fabric of the brief or the nylon liner. In that position Just a simple glancing pass of one’s palm across that area should feel pretty good. I would say “sweet”. What is it anyway? Oh THAT is why so many guys do this! It’s a great way to have fun with yourself without even admitting to what you are doing. I wonder if the other guys know about this. Oh, I’m sure they must! How could they NOT know! Oh that’s one reason why they like to wear swim briefs! I would have never guessed until I had tried it myself. A snug and tight fit makes the sweet sensations all the better. Extra snug and extra tight makes it all feel extra sweet and extra fun!
To be continued…
04-16-2018, 02:30 PM
Many guys have the same sort of “love-hate” relationship going on with athletic supporters (aka “jock straps”) that they have with swim briefs. Guys quickly learn that there is something “really special” about having their male body parts within a confined space of practically any sort, and that conclusion also applies to articles of snug fitting clothing as well.
Then there is always this goofy “fear” a lot of guys have about getting into a situation where their brain does not seem to be in control of what is happening to them, that a guy’s penis has suddenly gone off on its own, responding to stuff that the brain seems to be largely reacting to rather than controlling.
To be sure, this does represent a goofy but interesting dilemma that creates fear at the same time, but a fear that in other ways is quite enjoyable. Take the guy who is in a situation here he needs to wear a swim brief—or a jock strap---for the very first time. Questions arise. How will my body respond to this new and novel situation? Will I be able to cope without ending up with a massive erection that could lead to an embarrassing ejaculation that is completely out of control? How am I going to COPE with all of this?
The same holds true, or at least much the same, in the case of the old-school athletic supporters. Don’t even need to think about a supporter with a cup. The old school straps are “dangerous enough” in this regard.
The old rubberized elastic straps have always fascinated me in an assortment of different ways. Who ever thought up this design, anyway? The 3-inch wide elastic waistband? The pouch made of this crazy textured rubberized material that has me and my body climbing the walls just looking at it? Those goofy leg straps that seem to pull backward on my testicles and scrotum putting them in places they were never meant to be? Where am I supposed to put my penis, anyway? (up or down?) And I am going to engage in a sport where the coach insists I wear one of these? The sheer HORROR of it all!
And these straps supposedly are designed to “protect” my male body parts in case something should happen while I am engaged in the sport. But can only elastic material actually DO that? And why is my entire butt left completely uncovered same the leg straps? Doesn’t my but deserve some “protection as well? All good questions to ask, for sure.
Then, there is the precum issue. Many guys, with their first encounter in actually getting into and wearing a strap, probably discover that the penis produces drops of sticky wet precum, and a lot of guys have no understanding of why this is happening to them on top of everything else and whether or not this is a clear indication that an erection and an ejaculation is imminent? A lot of guys fear the worst and perhaps for good reason. What will happen if I inadvertently ejaculate inside one of these straps? Will what has happened be obvious even though I have a team uniform on over the strap? And how will I deal with this? What will others say or do if they observe what has happened to me? Am I going to be teased or bullied?
It’s not easy to find an old school strap inside a bricks-and mortar-retailer any more. The big sporting goods places may carry a few of them, but the mainstream general merchant retailers no longer seem to do so. They are still available on line and there are even a few retailers on line that specialize in selling athletic supporters. I wonder sometimes whether the main buyers are athletes who “need” these for some obscure sport, or merely guys who think it is fun to experiment with them to see exactly how their bodies will react. Athletic coaches no longer seem to be hung up on guys wearing these, and new options have become available—say compression gear with a pouch that can hold a cup—instead of a goofystrap. Bike® used to be the major manufacturer of these, but as I understand the story they have quit manufacturing them entirely, cups or no cups.
Personally, I still like the look, fit and feel of an old-school strap, but particularly one that is undersized a bit and as a consequence fits really snug. I wear these often when working out on my rowing machine and exercise bike, and when I am lifting weights. I am not so fond of the bare-butt idea, so I usually slip one on OVER a pair of old-school tighty whitey briefs. I like the fit and feel of the combination. My body likes the fit and feel too--the elastic pouch, the three-inch wide waistband--and my body likes to precum its approval of the situation. I don’t know if I am especially sensitive in that regard, but it is all in good fun for sure. Somehow my workout time seems to move along somewhat faster when I wear a snug-supporter under my sweatpants. And that can’t be bad. Indeed it is all quite good!
I’m off to my workout! Don’t worry! I’m completely “strapped” in!
To be continued…
04-22-2018, 09:00 PM
A simple athletic supporter without a cup provides a challenge for many guys in terms of how to cope with the various tugs and pulls that athletic supporters are famous for. It’s natural for a guy to be, if not a bit scared, at least somewhat apprehensive about the entire idea. It is perfectly normal for a guy to feel this way about the situation at hand, and certainly nothing to be embarrassed or ashamed about. With the right mindset, a the snug grip of a jockstrap can be a quite enjoyable experience, even though most guys probably do not think about this in that way, at least not at first.
New “challenges” develop once a cup is added to the strap. The apprehension most guys face with a strap without a cup ends up getting magnified when a cup is in the mix. I suppose nearly every guy gets a little uneasy, perhaps, at the mere thought of a snug-fitting clothing item against the sides of a guy’s penis. Guys would not be human males if this prospect did not “bother” them a bit. But if this is what being bothered feels like, I why do I want so much to be bothered? Add a cup into the mix, however and a guy soon realizes that the cup, unlike just a pouch of elastic, is not going to get at all bigger should a guy enlarge a bit.
Penises can be quite interesting. A fascinating structure for sure. They seem to sense when something is nearby even if whatever it is not in direct contact with the skin. The mere knowledge that if a guy grows even slightly, his penis could come in direct contact with a hard, rigid immovable cup is enough to put many guys into a strange but also oddly wonderful place. Penises seem to somehow know how to expand exactly enough so that the guy is keenly aware of the presence of the cup and where it is, but not enough so that the cup causes discomfort in that regard. It’s a strange place to be, in a region of the mind and body that is neither here nor there. If I am aroused why has everything stopped in this crazy place, anyway? Maybe the why questioned is a question best not answered, other than to recognize that the strange-and-wonderful place assuredly exists.
Meanwhile, the strap manufacturers seem to have huge disagreements with regard to how a cup be shaped. It’s difficult to believe that the entire issue of how a guy feels inside a cup must have come up, so to speak. Imagine a room full of cup designers, trying to come up with an idea for the design of a cup that will sell. Years ago, cups were rather flat and, err, not roomy at all. I guess the assumption was that guys were likely to stay small cup on or off. An interesting assumption about males, to be sure. Then the so-called banana cup was invented which typically was much larger and claimed to provide better male “protection”. Many of these cups were giant-sized, apparently made for guys who were really big even flaccid. The penises of normal sized males just flopped around inside the cups. Not a great feeling, either. Recent designs use the banana cup shape but can be found in substantially smaller sizes. A lot of these cups are quite narrow, which means, well, you know.
The bottom line on all of this is that there is an endless array of cups of different shapes and sizes. Each one is going to “hit” on a guy a little differently, and there is no substitute for trying on several of them to see what exactly works and doesn’t work for you.
I’ve always found doing this research on various cup designs can be quite enjoyable. I’ve often wondered if the strap makes realize that there is what I would call a “recreational demand” for their products—that some guys buy straps and cups not for sport, but simply because they are fun to wear. For me, they help speed me through my workout. I love wearing a cup, and do so in a lot of situations where male protection is not necessary. I got up this morning and said to myself “That is what I want to do today, and then write a story about how I enjoy myself doing this.” I wonder if Josh and Dylan know about this. Of course they do!
To be continued….
04-23-2018, 03:44 PM
Every guy, although sharing a lot in common with the other guys, may be wired a little differently. There is no better example of this than the entire issue of wearing (and enjoying wearing) snug-fitting items, whether that item be a skimpy swimming brief, an athletic supporter (with or without a cup), compression gear or even thong underwear.
Furthermore, nearly every guy probably goes through a variation of the same dilemma at some point in their lives—that is, thinking that he is the only guy out there with this “problem” and that all the other guys, typically fascinated by members of the opposite sex, carry none of this problem along with them. It’s this feeling that “maybe I am the only one who gets this way” that drives guys goofy. Furthermore, all of this seems to be a deeply hidden secret for guys who have the problem. There is no way a guy would reveal to his peers that he has, say a problem with wearing swimming briefs, unless of course, an “accident” happens, and, well perish THAT thought.
But the urges feel good. These same feelings and sensations contain much of what it means to be a guy, and while guys like these sensations and feelings very much, they sometimes wish that the sensations and feelings wouldn’t show up seemingly on their own in such inopportune times and potentially embarrassing ways. Ahhh, this is a struggle for many if not most males in young adulthood. And what does a guy “do” with all this complicated stuff on entering a relationship with another, perhaps special person, anyway?
Take Josh’s situation as an example. He has “discovered” that he really likes the fit and feel of certain men’s thong underwear. Josh probably fully realizes that some guys might think that this is more than a little “abnormal”. But just thinking about getting into a snug-fitting thong make Josh suddenly, uncontrollably, start precumming in anticipation. He reacts like Pavlov’s dog to a bell that signals he is going to be fed a steak. Josh would like to think he somehow can have overt control over whether or not he precums, but merely THINKING about getting into the thong sends him off to this crazy other place, making copious drops of clear ooze. Josh can’t help himself. The thong is acting much like a triggering mechanism, the bell to the dog, and what happens after that is out of control. Fun, but a little scary too, like driving a car very fast that has no brakes.
Dylan’s fascination with all of this “stuff” has taught Josh a thing or two about how his own body behaves and reacts, the scary part being the lack of overt control over the situation. As much as they enjoy the sensations, a lot of guys get really uncomfortable if they sense that they are no longer running a command-and-control operation. The gonads have taken over, instead.
Still, where would Josh be today were it NOT what he has learned from Dylan? In the process, Josh has learned stuff about himself and his body he might not have encountered in any other way. Put on the thong, top that off with an equally snug-fitting pair of compression shorts, maybe a pair of those Russells that are right there at Walmart. You know, the ones with the pouch. Now the thong is going to push up on the perineum and press the penis into the pouch. The penis can easily go up, not down, which makes the underside press against the pouch as well. Josh has discovered that being in this position is a lot of fun. He gets a little hard just thinking about the situation, and starts making little drops of precum.
Dylan quickly senses that Josh is struggling and watches as Josh tries his best to cope. Dylan quickly starts to feel horny as well. For a moment, Dylan secretly wishes he were Josh. All the sensations Josh is feeling right now combine. The fit and feel of the thong strap cutting sharply between his glutes. The steady upward pressure on his perineum that seems to be making him aware that his prostate is being “accidentally” stimulated by the thong at the very point where the strap attaches to the pouch. His penis pressing up against the pouch in both the thong and the snug compression shorts. It’s all these sensations in combination that are working in concert on Josh’s mind and body. The fact that Dylan seems to like watching Josh deal with this seems to add to Josh’s pleasure. As he watches, Josh notices that Dylan has started to stroke himself, though he seems to be trying to not make that appear too obvious.
Dylan thinks to himself that maybe being gay is not a somehow inferior form of male sexuality after all, though that is but a fleeting thought. Maybe both Josh and Dylan have gay sides to their personalities even though both claim to be straight. If what they are doing is completely “normal” then what does this all mean, sexually, anyway? How can something so enjoyable be bad for anyone? Why do the clothing manufacturers make all this stuff that works so well for self-pleasuring and seems to be designed to make a guy struggle? Aren’t a lot of guys buying this stuff with the same intent as Josh and Dylan are using it for? Dylan is asking himself the question as to why he feels horny just watching another guy get horny. Is that normal? But then, what is normal in the bigger scheme of things?
To be continued…
04-24-2018, 02:48 PM
Anyone who has followed this story through its many chapters and is still reading each new installment must have found something of interest to them. Exactly what my readers find interesting enough to keep reading on is not always clear:-) . This story is not filled with the old story staples of sex and violence. (Well, at least not partner-sex). Maybe it is because of this that guys keep reading on.
I have been repeatedly trying to explain some really complicated but also extremely interesting stuff about guys and how their minds and bodies work. Guys like to think that their brains are always in complete control of everything and that includes what happens with regard to sexual feelings and sensations. But most guys seem to quickly realize that is not always the case, and sometimes the male genitalia seem to want to take over and establish control of the situation. The trickiest part is the stuff that determines when a guy is feeling horny, as in turned on or not. Purportedly, this should only happen when a guy is thinking about being in a situation where he will actually engage in “real” partner sex.
But most guys soon realize that what seems simple is often not. Guys start to feel horny for a host of different reasons, only some of which involve a “real” sexual encounter. Younger guys at least frequently have wet dreams that may end in a 2 AM ejaculation. There are countless storylines for these dreams, only some of which may involve actual partner sex with a female. Even for straight guys, there may be gay encounters, or even (ahem) situations involving various kinds of snug-fitting clothing items. Maybe even a story line where a guy is put into a situation where he has to put on a swim brief or athletic supporter in the presence of male peers. You know the plot: the guy gets horny, the guy is clearly getting bigger, and the wet dream ends with the guy ejaculating into the strap or brief with his athletic peers all watching intently seemingly very much humored by the situation the guy finds himself in, but also starting to feel something “down there” themselves. As I said, this gets really tricky as in why do I start to feel horny when I suddenly realize you are feeling horny?
The guy wakes up and the next day in the back of his mind is the story line of the wet dream. If this was so much fun in the dream, and the ejaculation so powerful, why not play some of the key elements of the dream out in real life? Of course, the guy is too scared or nervous to even think about inviting male classmates over to watch, but seeing exactly what happens with a real item of clothing. And so the search begins for finding a swim brief, athletic supporter or both the play around with, usually in private.
These are probably the first two items a guy would like to own but thinks that simply going out and buying them would attract attention to what he is doing assuming these are not “needed” for sport. Of course, the younger guys can always fabricate stories for their parents about “needing” these items for a gym class.
But there are plenty other items that just might work as well. I have always been a fan of traditional “tighty whitey” cotton briefs. These stretch a lot and its possible to wear these even if they are considerably undersized. In fact, I like them better that way. And a guy could purchase a package of these (preferably a size or two too small) without attracting a lot of attention.
Then there are the stretchy compression shorts. I’ve discovered that these work best worn over a pair of tighty whiteys. The tighty whiteys add padding to your butt when working out, plus they do a neat job of absorbing any precum you might be oozing, keeping the compression shorts immaculate. Indeed, you will know for sure whether you have pushed the “right” buttons if you feel yourself starting to ooze precum.
All the new skinny and super skinny jeans on the market provide more interesting possibilities. The newest and snuggest ones are all made from stretch denim, which tends to grip a guy’s thighs and calves in interesting ways. A neat combination is a pair of tighty whities with a pair of snug-fitting compression shorts over, and with super skinny stretch denim jeans over that. The look and feel, as I am discovering myself this morning, is most interesting. The stretch denim jeans even work on the gym equipment.
So there you have it, a basic collection of items consisting of one or two swim briefs, a package of tighty whiteys, a nice pair of snug fitting compression shorts, and a pair of the new stretch denim super skinny jeans. This would get any guy started down the path. Later on, you might add items such as successively smaller swim briefs, a pair or two of thong underwear, and so on, but this is plenty of stuff to play with for now.
What a guy actually does with these items is of course a matter that is very personal, and might vary a little. But suffice it to say that there is a lot more to male sexuality than just plain ordinary partner sex. One key, of course is getting aroused and staying aroused for long periods of time, through an entire gym workout perhaps, but not getting quite to the point where you are so turned on that you can delay ejaculation no longer. This is tricky stuff, and may take more than a little practice. But the collection of items should be helpful in learning how to do just that—enjoying yourself but at the same time asserting a degree of control over your male urges, just as Dylan and Josh have been doing.
To be continued…
04-25-2018, 03:20 PM
Finding just the right stuff to make you happy no matter what you are doing takes a little effort and research on your part, but should prove neither expensive nor difficult. As I have indicated many times before, the necessary “research” can be quite enjoyable even if it may seem a little odd or strange to others who do not fully understand or appreciate what you are doing to and for yourself.
I’ve often thought to myself that guys are wired this way for a reason however obscure that reason might be. If guys were somehow only supposed to get turned on in the presence of a partner, we would all be wired exactly that way. But any guy quickly figures out that this is not the case, or at least that being wired that way is indeed quite rare. Never mind that a lot of females learn from their mothers that guys are supposed to be wired so that they only get aroused in the presence of a female sexual partner, and that if anything else occurs that does not quite “fit” this idea, it must mean that the guy is either weird, hopelessly immature, or otherwise abnormal.
But, so be it. Guys who think they must conform to sexual stereotypes like this probably have issues of their own. Why can’t guys simply enjoy being aroused for the sheer joy of it, without getting hung up on whether or not the method of arousal conforms to some female stereotype of what should or should not be happening.
Many gay guys, in relating to how they themselves feel at times, perhaps are more open minded about what to expect from or about others, and perhaps become more understanding partners in this regard for dealing with all of this than many females are able to do. They may see the bigger picture or at least can relate to it better.
Each day brings something new and different. Some days are work or school days, but others are largely for leisure and recreation. If I have to deal with the pressures and distractions of work or school, I likely will be dressing differently than would be the case if I was planning on ending up at the gym or pool. What works for me clothing wise will vary based on the situations I will be in, day to day. Quite frankly, some days there is too much going on externally to be able to worry about how I am feeling sexually. Distractions at school and work matter, and perhaps this is not the time or place to be distracted by what you are wearing.
Take a basic swim brief, for example, a “fun” garment in all sorts of possible ways. I’ve heard of guys who are required to wear dress suits at work wearing a swim brief as daily “underwear”, something that reminds a guy periodically during the day that he is a guy.
It seems to me that a lot more swim briefs are sold than can be seen at swimming pools, beaches or other recreational areas. This must mean that some guys are wearing these instead of conventional underwear. Then too, there has been an increasing trend toward skinnier and skinnier jeans for men. Somehow, the loose-fitting boxer shorts don’t work very well as the jeans get skinnier. This would suggest a trend back to brief-style underwear or perhaps a swimming brief worn as underwear as a more suitable garment under the jeans, like Dylan is doing when he goes off to class. Dylan has discovered that the smooth texture of the swimming brief works very well with his skinny jeans and the sensations he gets from the combination of the two make the class move along more rapidly for him. There is nothing at all “wrong” with doing this: if Dylan is happy, the rest of us should be happy too.
Workout wear is interesting in this regard as well. I was going to do my usual workout (as soon as I finish writing this) and I got up this morning thinking about what I was going to wear. The springtime temperatures are starting to rise a bit, though the house is still a little cool. I have been wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt, usually with a brief of some sort underneath. But this is starting to seem a little warm. Today I pulled on a tattered long-sleeved compression tee, with another short-sleeved compression tee over that. But what to wear “down there”? Always my puzzle for the day. Of course, I am also very fond of tighty whiteys. But, I like them really tight! Really really tight. By simply going with a “youth” size 10-12 I end up getting the fit and feel that I really want, at least as tight as a skimpy swim brief, but with a coarser texture and feel. But that is not enough. I can “handle” still more, it seems. How about a way undersized jock strap over? Initially, my penis doesn’t know whether it can quite “tolerate” the two in combination, but it soon settles in. The only way it seems happy is “up” not “down”, but that is OK. Over that I pull a snug-fitting pair of running tights. I’m all set. My penis, strangely enough, it telling me this morning that it is happy, that the combination works well. If my penis is happy, I am happy, and ready for my workout, suitably clothed for exercise.
To be continued…
04-28-2018, 03:53 PM
For those of you who have been reading all my chapters, you certainly realize that the information contained in them is directed toward ways that guys can find to enjoy being guys to the maximum extent possible without harming themselves or in any way harming or hurting another person—someone either male or female.
The news media are filled with stories of sexual encounters gone bad and doing harm. That bothers me a lot, because I am very aware of the possibilities for guys that are quite enjoyable and yet do not create the psychosexual messes that we keep reading and hearing about day after day. A sobering thought to think about is if a sexual relationship is such a wonderful, life altering thing, why are there so many divorces and why do men suddenly become so unenthusiastic about what was supposed to be a mind-and-body-focused relationship? I’ve looked for a basic answer to this question for decades but I keep coming away concluding that sometimes male-female relationships work for a variety of reasons, occasionally sexual but most often the partners simply enjoy each other’s company, and getting laid is not the centerpiece that holds the relationship together at all.
I am not certain that the gay world is all that different from the straight world either. In some ways a gay male relationship starts out on firmer ground in that because guys understand how their own body works, they can more easily understand what might make another guy happy sexually. Women are like suddenly landing in a foreign country where you speak none of the language. Eventually you might figure some of it out but only if you work at it real hard. So be it.
So, every time I start engaging in deep thought on how partner relationships—gay or straight—work or don’t work, I keep thinking about myself and my own body. All of you must know by now that I am truly fond of my sexual being, and I am always trying to come up with new ways for enjoying myself. Of course, I am saying that euphemistically but I’m sure by now you all know what I mean.
Now, this does not mean that what I write is somehow useless in a real partner-based relationship. It might very well be. Some of what I write about you might get the courage to share with a partner, although it is important to keep in mind that
1. Specific masturbation techniques are still regarded as among the most “taboo” topics in human sexuality, but this is particularly true for many if not most males. Guys typically don’t share this information with each other at all. Of course, gay males may handle this a little differently from guys who think of themselves as straight.
2. Masturbation techniques that involve articles of clothing in any way (swim briefs, compression gear, athletic supporters etc.) are considered several notches more taboo than plain ordinary stroking oneself to orgasm. Most guys might admit on occasion that they occasionally stroke themselves, but fessing up to the idea that they put on a swim brief to make the sensations more intense would be simply going “over the top” in terms of taboo topics.
3. Still, no one ever got pregnant or an STD while stroking oneself while wearing a swim brief. It’s a sexual outlet that is 100% safe assuming a guy does it in private and does not get charged for masturbating in public. That is saying something important for sure. There are readily available sexual releases for guys that do no harm to anyone. They are of course a little different than “real” exchange of bodily fluids partner sex. Maybe if guys weren’t all so wary and potentially embarrassed about accidentally getting “discovered” pleasuring themselves in this way, society as a whole would be better off as well.
I got to thinking about my own sexual being as a male and the extreme enjoyment my body has given me over the years. It has been, and continues to be a terrific “ride” so to speak. My penis is a wonderful organ, always sensitive to my touch, but also telling me that the underside is far more sensitive and capable of producing really exiting sensations even when I am only a little bit aroused and erect. I presume most other guys have figured this out as well, perhaps a long time ago. The only issue with this when masturbating is that if you focus entirely on the underside, you may end up getting off far faster than you really want to. The nerve endings on the underside are so sensitive that they may send you into a convulsive like orgasm much quicker than you wanted to go. Of course, the glans area is more sensitive still and it takes some research to determine exactly what you can and cannot do stimulating the underside of the penis without almost immediately going off.
A small vibrator can of course add to the fun. Those same nerve endings on the underside that are readily stimulated by just the fit and feel of the swim brief go into overtime with any sort of vibrating stimuli, even just a bit of it. A first attempt at doing this will likely have you blowing almost immediately, and you will need to study carefully the entire puzzle as to exactly when to stop and restart the vibrating stimulation so that you don’t blow almost immediately. Just the sound of the vibrator can be like a bell ringing for Pavlov’s dog in terms of getting you quickly to an orgasm.
Finally, think of the things Dylan and Josh have been doing in private in their little dorm room. Josh’s fondness for that little thong, Dylan’s love for skimpy swim briefs. Now think of a situation where both of them are enjoying themselves and their favorite item of clothing while watching each other jerk off as well. Now let’s think about introducing a vibrator into the situation whereby they are watching each other jerk off too. The vibrator is there so that each of them can use it on themselves or each other.
Dylan wants to feel the vibrations on the underside of his penis now pointed up in the swim brief. Josh’s penis is pushed forward in the thong pouch with upward pressure on the perineum. That perineum area is a wonderful place, just wonderful. Josh would like to better understand how he would feel if the little vibrator shifted alternately between stimulating his perineum area just behind his scrotum, and the underside of his pouch-contained penis. Should Josh try this maneuver with the vibrator himself? Dare he let Dylan apply the vibrator? Dylan is wondering exactly the same thing. Perfectly safe fun here,,,,of course! But both Dylan and Josh are really climbing the walls right now, so to speak.
To be continued….
05-10-2018, 01:56 PM
I do not want to leave any of you with the impression that you need to somehow be able to go shopping for esoteric and perhaps expensive garments, nor garments that are going to attract undo attention to what you are doing from anyone, be it peers, college roommates, parents or siblings. One thing a guy learns at a very early age is to how to enjoy his own body without attracting attention with respect to what he is doing with and to himself from anyone else. This is rather neat, actually.
In these stories I have examined some neat ideas that Josh and Dylan pursued—you remember the initial orders that Dylan made with the help of Bill and Joe containing all sorts of “fun” garments to try wearing. For those guys, everyone knew exactly what they were “up to” in terms of identifying the specific items that were bound to make each of them quickly feel horny, and part of the fun of all of this is that the guys could be more open with what they were planning on doing with the garments and why than they ever would have been at an earlier age—say in high school.
But it is also true that there are a lot of guys out there who would like to be better “equipped” to enjoy themselves, but lack the privacy of being a college dorm freshman like the four characters in the story, and perhaps lack the funds or credit card to create an Amazon order containing all of the interesting stuff. Guys are sometimes stuck in the situation of having to do this all with very limited funding and “under the radar” so to speak, for a variety of reasons.
The first advice I would give a guy who finds himself in this situation would be to not feel alone. Other guys out there have the same or very similar thoughts and feelings, and are dealing with the same or very similar issues. This is one of the most complex aspects of male sexuality, but in many ways is also one of the most interesting parts as well. Some guys probably thought at one time that this was only an issue for guys in the initial stages of a relationship with a potential sexual partner, but they quickly discover that, well, penises often have a “mind” of their own about what constitutes a potentially arousing situation. A lot of guys are probably more than a little scared once this dawns on them, but there is really nothing abnormal or to be afraid off (other than being “discovered” enjoying yourself, I suppose.)
Next, I would say that for any guy, his own body provides useful ‘signals” as to what might work in one’s own specific situation. I have discussed at length the role of the cowpers gland and glistening drops of precum forming at the tip of a guy’s penis as a great clue as to whether or not a guy is entering a situation that is arousing. This signaling mechanism works in all sorts of potentially arousing situations involving a potential sexual partner, but is also useful for guys who feel the need to enjoy themselves but are without a partner.
With respect to items of clothing, items that I have discussed at length such as swim briefs and athetic supporters but other, less obvious items, any item in which the thought of being able to wear elicits drops of clear glistening precum, are probably worth pursuing. This list includes most clothing items that you believe will fit snug enough to put pressure on various parts of your sensitive groin and buttocks. The tricky part is not that no items exist (they do!). If you look in the standard underwear section of one of the discount houses, you will see many brands of popular underwear with pouches. I often think that a lot of these are marketed to guys who realize that the pouch design makes it much easier to gently stroke the sensitive underside of a guy’s penis that a garment without a pouch, and if these are made with a stretchy, slick fabric, all the better as that will make this whole procedure still more fun. So these garments are there for a reason—the manufacturers know that some guys will buy them in order to give themselves a nice “workout” in front of the mirror, watching the neat little drops of ooze form at the tip of the penis as the guy strokes away.
But, even this idea may be too difficult for some guys to do. Growing up, I was getting bigger, overall and “down there” at the same time. The clothes I wore kpt getting bigger and bigger, but I always liked to keep cotton underwear I had pretty much grown out of around anyway. I quickly discovered that even an undersized pair could send me off into places I hadn’t been before. I made do with what I had available to me.
To this day, I still enjoy very much wearing a pair of cotton briefs that size-wise would be way to small for me (say a boys size 10-12) Armed with this, it is simple to relive and reenjoy the old feelings and sensations I had when I was still learning about all of this. This morning, I did just that, topping it all off with a somewhat undersized (28-inch waist) Tyr jammer. Once in, I got to thinking about how really good this all felt—the brief fitting really tight with the jammer gripping my buttocks and thighs as well.
I love just being a guy!
…To be continued
05-10-2018, 08:18 PM
Having fun by (and with) yourself always presents some most interesting opportunities (and challenges). I have tried many different ideas in this regard, and sometimes the old ideas still seem to work at least as well, if not better than, the new one.
Anyone who has read my stories to any degree know that I am a big fan of men’s thong underwear but it seems to me that it is becoming more and more difficult to find then with the proper fit and feel that over the years I have enjoyed so much. I’m not certain as to why this is so, but perhaps manufacturers have decided that many guys would be, well, fearful of a thong that provides what I believe to be the correct fit like thongs that have a bit of spandex in them. The best thongs have a quite narrow, elastic back that fits quite snug between the buttocks. The attachment of the elastic back to the pouch is critical as well, because if this is made correctly, this will put quite a bit of pressure on your perineum area, just behind the scrotum while pushing your balls and penis—contained in the pouch—upward and forward.
The combination of the elastic back cutting between the buttocks, the upward pressure on the nerves in the perineum, plus the forward pressure on the balls and penis can feel, well, a touch uncomfortable at first, until things start to settle in. But this tends to settle down fairly quickly, and you should start to feel really good fairly quickly. Your penis might respond by producing a few glistening drops of precum at the tip of your penis. If that happens to you, you will know that you have found a properly fitting thong that will be a lot of fun for you.
The next step, of course, is to add a strap and cup. Again, finding just the right strap and cup seems to be becoming more difficult. I really prefer those old school cups that are triangular and quite flat rather than the banana-shaped cups, but those have gotten hard to find. The neat part about this is that even as the thong pushes key body parts up and forward, the right cup will try and push everything in the opposite direction. Your penis should sense the dilemma, and it will try and fill as much of the available space as it can. You penis will try and do the best it can with the space that is available, and you will quickly sense the hard cup pressing downward.
Finally, I like to put a wrestling singlet, slightly undersized over the top of all of this. The neat thing about a wrestling singlet is that in order to get the shoulder straps in place, the singlet has to be pulled up into your crotch, the same place that has got all the other stuff with the thong and strap. A properly-fitting singlet will bear down and hold the jock cup firmly (in place).
So, you body faces an interesting dilemma. The perineum is being stimulated by the thong. You penis quickly realizes that it is in a snug place and wants to expand. In addition, your penis being contained within the hard cup, cannot be stroked or even touched directly. Ordinarily, a guy facing this situation will be trying to get some “relief” perhaps by moving the cup around a bit or pulling it back from the body for a few seconds, but the cup is being held firmly in place by the singlet. Great fun! Attempts to get control over the situation seem to only make matters worse.
Finally, I like to do some strenuous exercise while wearing all of this either on an indoor rowing machine or exercise bike. This is really fun with the thong cutting between the buttocks. Exercise moves along quickly.
At some point, most guys will probably have had enough stimulation and get out of all of this perhaps getting off. Don’t feel badly about this. Indeed, quite the opposite. The pressure that has been building should send you off into a most powerful orgasm. Kick back and enjoy yourself to the maximum extent possible.
To be continued…
05-25-2018, 03:26 PM
For Dylan and Josh, school is out for the summer. Summer is a key time for travel. Guys are always guys. Sometimes, perhaps often, a guy feels horny even in a situation that does not in some way involve another person. I think every guy understands completely what I am saying here. Circumstances vary from one day to the next, even one moment to the next. Sometimes a guy is more interested in what he is feeling down there than other times. Sometimes this seems to happen almost randomly. A guy gets up in the morning and somehow he can’t get his mind off of what seems to be happening down there.
This can all happen at a convenient time. Or at what might be an inconvenient time. But the issues get more complex when a guy is traveling for a complex but interesting set of reasons.
Think about it. (yes, THAT!) Part of growing up and becoming a young adult involves developing a schedule (perhaps better called a scheme) whereby you can regularly enjoy all the sensations you body has to offer without creating for yourself situations that could be potentially embarrassing or impractical. Take plain old jerking off (POJO). Guys vary. Some guys engage in POJO just after getting into bed and under the covers. The tricky part here (I’m sure all of you remember!!) is that a successful POJO means that you will end up spending the night in whatever you were wearing when POJO happened. All that damp semen, plus the precum unless you can figure out a way to discard the garment and put on something clean and dry. That becomes tricky to do if there is another person in an adjoining bed. Maybe another guy who is rooming with you.
Another option is to engage in POJO just before you get out of bed in the morning, in which case when you crawl out of bed you will still be wearing a garment with a nice wet semen spot on arising. If there is another male sleeping in the room in another bed, the tricky part is figuring out how you are going to get up without awaking your roommate. Good luck with that. Say you are college roommates, you can at least console yourself with the knowledge that your roommate probably faces the same or very similar issue and probably is searching for a workable scheme himself. The idea of not engaging in POJO is a non-starter. Sometimes It’s just too much fun to pass on. And sometimes a guy’s body tells a guy he needs to POJO whether the situation is convenient or not. That’s part of the “fun” of being a guy. Sometimes your body tells you that you have no real choice in the matter.
A travel situation presents a host of other issue. If you have been living in a situation where you have a degree of privacy, say with a private bedroom, you have probably come up with a POJO system that serves you pretty well and your public persona, so to speak, around other implies that you never jerk off. Yah sure, practically every guy would like to maintain that “I never engage in POJO” image around others, family members, friends, etc, and so long as these others are not privy to what you do when you are alone, in private, that image can be maintained.
Traveling presents a potentially unique set of circumstances. First off, even business travelers sometimes end up doubling up in order to cut back on travel costs, especially if the travel involves being in a place where rooms are expensive. Rooming alone presents POJO opportunities that doubling up does not present, at least until the night main wanders in on you with fresh towels. But the business traveler doubling up faces the same issues male college roommates face, if only for a much shorter period of time.
Then, the issue comes up as to what to pack along on your trip. That in part depends on whether you are going to be rooming alone or in a “double room” with another guy. Baggage gets screened at the airport. Some of the stuff you have in your collection to assist you in jerking off you may not want a screener to see. So this suggests that the ideal items might be tamer stuff, extra pairs of tighty whiteys, a standard swim brief, maybe a strap you are particularly fond of. Not sure about a cup. My concern is that the screener might want to pull that out and stare at it. What about thong swim briefs and underwear? That more or less depends on whether you will have a place to wear these once you get to a destination or not. More bluntly put, will you be sleeping in a single or a double. Compression tees and shorts are probably OK, since these are commonplace wear among people who like to keep in shape.
I’m traveling right now. This morning I put on a pair of tighty whiteys, and thought to myself that I am feeling pretty good down there. I’ve often thought that tighty whiteys are often underrated in this specific regard. Who am I to offer advice on what to wear? But I felt still better by pulling a little strap (this time without a cup) over, and a pair of just loose-fitting shorts over. I can go along feeling a bit horny all day. What happens at the end of the day, I will see exactly how I am feeling by then!
Best of luck in navigating all of this!
To be continued…
05-25-2018, 03:26 PM
For Dylan and Josh, school is out for the summer. Summer is a key time for travel. Guys are always guys. Sometimes, perhaps often, a guy feels horny even in a situation that does not in some way involve another person. I think every guy understands completely what I am saying here. Circumstances vary from one day to the next, even one moment to the next. Sometimes a guy is more interested in what he is feeling down there than other times. Sometimes this seems to happen almost randomly. A guy gets up in the morning and somehow he can’t get his mind off of what seems to be happening down there.
This can all happen at a convenient time. Or at what might be an inconvenient time. But the issues get more complex when a guy is traveling for a complex but interesting set of reasons.
Think about it. (yes, THAT!) Part of growing up and becoming a young adult involves developing a schedule (perhaps better called a scheme) whereby you can regularly enjoy all the sensations you body has to offer without creating for yourself situations that could be potentially embarrassing or impractical. Take plain old jerking off (POJO). Guys vary. Some guys engage in POJO just after getting into bed and under the covers. The tricky part here (I’m sure all of you remember!!) is that a successful POJO means that you will end up spending the night in whatever you were wearing when POJO happened. All that damp semen, plus the precum unless you can figure out a way to discard the garment and put on something clean and dry. That becomes tricky to do if there is another person in an adjoining bed. Maybe another guy who is rooming with you.
Another option is to engage in POJO just before you get out of bed in the morning, in which case when you crawl out of bed you will still be wearing a garment with a nice wet semen spot on arising. If there is another male sleeping in the room in another bed, the tricky part is figuring out how you are going to get up without awaking your roommate. Good luck with that. Say you are college roommates, you can at least console yourself with the knowledge that your roommate probably faces the same or very similar issue and probably is searching for a workable scheme himself. The idea of not engaging in POJO is a non-starter. Sometimes It’s just too much fun to pass on. And sometimes a guy’s body tells a guy he needs to POJO whether the situation is convenient or not. That’s part of the “fun” of being a guy. Sometimes your body tells you that you have no real choice in the matter.
A travel situation presents a host of other issue. If you have been living in a situation where you have a degree of privacy, say with a private bedroom, you have probably come up with a POJO system that serves you pretty well and your public persona, so to speak, around other implies that you never jerk off. Yah sure, practically every guy would like to maintain that “I never engage in POJO” image around others, family members, friends, etc, and so long as these others are not privy to what you do when you are alone, in private, that image can be maintained.
Traveling presents a potentially unique set of circumstances. First off, even business travelers sometimes end up doubling up in order to cut back on travel costs, especially if the travel involves being in a place where rooms are expensive. Rooming alone presents POJO opportunities that doubling up does not present, at least until the night main wanders in on you with fresh towels. But the business traveler doubling up faces the same issues male college roommates face, if only for a much shorter period of time.
Then, the issue comes up as to what to pack along on your trip. That in part depends on whether you are going to be rooming alone or in a “double room” with another guy. Baggage gets screened at the airport. Some of the stuff you have in your collection to assist you in jerking off you may not want a screener to see. So this suggests that the ideal items might be tamer stuff, extra pairs of tighty whiteys, a standard swim brief, maybe a strap you are particularly fond of. Not sure about a cup. My concern is that the screener might want to pull that out and stare at it. What about thong swim briefs and underwear? That more or less depends on whether you will have a place to wear these once you get to a destination or not. More bluntly put, will you be sleeping in a single or a double. Compression tees and shorts are probably OK, since these are commonplace wear among people who like to keep in shape.
I’m traveling right now. This morning I put on a pair of tighty whiteys, and thought to myself that I am feeling pretty good down there. I’ve often thought that tighty whiteys are often underrated in this specific regard. Who am I to offer advice on what to wear? But I felt still better by pulling a little strap (this time without a cup) over, and a pair of just loose-fitting shorts over. I can go along feeling a bit horny all day. What happens at the end of the day, I will see exactly how I am feeling by then!
Best of luck in navigating all of this!
To be continued…
05-30-2018, 03:02 PM
Has this ever happened to you? It’s happened to Dylan and Josh on a frequent basis. At first, what happens seems maybe just a little “weird”. But then, the focus becomes that of what to do about it under the circumstances.
Let’s suppose you are in a deep sleep and suddenly the alarm rings. You have been in what is commonly referred to as a rather deep sleep, and when the alarm goes off it it, well, alarming. It’s already fairly late in the morning. You had expected that you would wake up in the morning minutes if not a half hour before the alarm went off, but somehow that didn’t happen. Now you somehow need to get ready to go for your day’s activities in something of a hurry.
But, you have a “problem” of sorts. Well, not a “growing problem, so much as just something that is tugging away for your attention despite all the things you need to do. All the nerves in your penis seem just super sensitive this morning, despite the fact that you don’t have a serious erection going on. This seems like a strange thing to be happening, but it is not uncommon at all. Your penis is clamoring for your attention this morning.
You think how wonderful it would be to just give in and have a really nice jerk-off session instead of what you need to be doing instead this morning, but if you don’t get moving on the other tasks nothing is going to go right all day long. Still, your penis seems to “like” to put you in a predicament like this. It’s one of the combinations of things that penises do that sometimes seem to happen to guys. But no one has ever talked about it, at least up until now.
The question is, how to deal with this and somehow still make it through the day. The neat sensations you are experiencing this morning are so much fun even without an erection that you feel compelled to at least try to keep them going. But you also are concerned that things could quickly escalate out of control and result in something embarrassing happening. Say an erection or even an orgasm in an embarrassing time or place during the day. Not good, for a host of different reasons.
Still, you are enjoying the sensations you are experiencing immensely, and you keep thinking that maybe, just maybe, you can keep experiencing a little of this all day long, without getting a full scale erection or going into full orgasm mode.
But, what to do about all of this in an effort to achieve the objectives, or, more directly, “what to wear?” Somehow, today in not a day for loose-fitting boxer shorts. OK, I suppose a pair of loose-fitting cotton boxers would tend to reduce the sensation level. Your penis seems to “want” to be in something snugger and tighter.
Now guys on encountering their first pair of tighty whiteys, quickly discover that the snugger fit has its,well, advantages. This learning experience extends right into adulthood, or, if a guy is fortunate enough to be in the situation that Dylan and Josh have been in, there is stuff that feels even better than cotton briefs, because it fits, well, tighter and snugger. Somehow tight and snug seems to make those active nerve endings feel really great.
So, guys need to have in their wardrobes a variety of undergarments each of which will help “deal” with whatever “situation” they happen to face in the morning. Maybe a couple pair of loose fitting boxers for those days when a guy is feeling not horny at all. But stuff better suited for coping with other days specific to how a guy feels that day. Dylan and Josh have done very well in developing wardrobes that work in a variety of circumstances irrespective of how each of them is feeling on any given day..
There are complicating factors, interestingly, one of them being the increasing popularity of really snug-fitting jeans for guys young and old. When jeans were baggy and loose-fitting, guys could wear baggy and loose-fitting underwear, but the new jean styles call for, at minimum, underwear that fits snugger and tighter. How snug and how tight, that is the question.
Then there is the swim brief issue. It appears that far more swim briefs are being sold than appear at the pool or beach. One theory is that an increasing number of guys are opting to wear slick, snug-fitting swim briefs as underwear under their new skinny jeans, as Dylan has been wearing to class.
The real beauty of a swim brief for guys over a pair of cotton brief underwear is that the swim brief feels slick and smooth on the body and in particular, to the penis, especially on the underside. I guess the guys reading this have likely figured this out, long ago. And, of course, if you penis is really sensitive some mornings, it will “love” being contained inside the slick and smooth swim brief. And for guys who have not tried this before, wearing a snug-fitting swim brief under snug-fitting jeans can keep you going all day long.
Another possibility is an old school strap. For guys who don’t quite want to “go commando” this is the alternative. Straps have become tough to find in bricks-and-mortar stores, but are still easily found on line. A strap paired with a pair of really snug Lycra-infused skinny jeans provides some sensations that can only be described as unique and wonderful.
Then there are all the other options, say a pair of men’s thong underwear or even the possibility of fitting a wrestling singlet under a pair of skinny jeans, which will look just like a sleeveless top tucked in. (The tricky part with this one is figuring out how to use a restroom during the day wearing this combination!)
Lots of options are available for sure! But the search for finding the best combination for you on any given day can be fun in itself.
To be continued…
06-05-2018, 03:41 PM
When you see another guy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, what are the first thoughts that race through your mind? Perhaps is it interesting questions about what the guy might be feeling while having himself confined in the snug-fitting brief? For me, the extra sensitivity of the underside of a guy’s penis has always been something that “gets” to me. Not only does the underside seem to have more and more interesting nerve endings, at an early age I learned that the underside is more sensitive to the feel of slick-but snug-fitting fabric. So seeing a guy wearing his penis in the “up” position inside a tight swim brief always sends off alarm bells of sorts for me. Does the guy “know” what he is dealing with? (Of course he must!) I have sometimes labeled this the so-called Christopher Atkins effect, after those famous scenes from “Dallas” episodes where Christopher is wearing a tight blue Speedo® with his penis “obviously” up (and, perhaps a bit hard). Christopher must have been enjoying himself in doing those scenes. How could he not?
I have no clue as to whether my interest in this could be labeled as gay or straight, nor do I much care about that. The only part that I am curious about is whether an interest in seeing another guy with his penis in such a “predicament” is all but universal among guys or not. A related question is whether females in any way, shape or form like seeing a guy in this “condition” as well. Deep questions, all of these.
Another curious thing about being a guy is that on some days a guy wakes up feeling especially interested in his penis and other body parts in the groin area. This often is just a slight degree of horniness. Some guys clearly wake up fully aroused and nearly fully erect, and getting off is the immediate “order of the day”. Sometimes, however, I guy can’t just do that. He may not be in a situation private enough to do so right then, or he may be on a rigid time schedule where he needs to be at a particular place at a particular time, and simply has not got enough time to enjoy his body.
So the question then becomes how to manage your horniness. Part of this depends on exactly how horny you are feeling. Are you semi-erect, or just wake up thinking about your penis? What to do?
I like to have a variety of options available to me when I get up in the morning, and then even if I am not in a situation where I must immediately get off, I still have ways to “keep the embers burning” perhaps all day long.
Maybe I’m just too “old school” in this regard, but simple cotton “tighty whitey” briefs have long been my go to brief day in and day out. I’m always interested in something slicker and snugger, but oftentimes these options are impractical for daily wear. I like to keep packages of cotton briefs in a variety of sizes. They are cheap, readily available in packages of 3-6, and if you anticipate getting into situations where other guys might see what you are wearing, they wont attract undo attention, which can be a plus.
Nominally I’m a 32-inch waist which means that a men’s Medium would be the “right” size for wear on days I am not feeling at all horny or aroused. But if I get up feeling even a little bit aroused, I like to downsize just a bit to Men’s Small, which is a nominal 28-30 inch waist. Everything just fits a little snugger all around. But I’ve also discovered I can wear cotton briefs in still smaller boys sizes. These typically are sold as 18-20, 14-16, and 10-12 sizes. The 18-20 is all but equivalent to a Men’s Small. The waists on these keep getting smaller, but for me its fairly easy to get into the 14-16 size and even the 10-12. So the key is to keep a package in each of the sizes Men’s Small and Medium along with boys 14-16 and, if you want to be daring, 10-12. Which size I choose depends on how horny I am feeling after I get up and if I am feeling really horny I will downsize to boy’s 10-12.
There are a lot of options as well, such as men’s bikini style underwear briefs, the basics in cotton (often flyless), but also in fabrics such as stretch nylon. The stretch nylon feels a lot like a basic swim brief. Part of the appeal here has to be that a guy can probably find something labeled as underwear that fits and feels almost like a swim brief but technically is not a swim brief. So a guy who claims that he would never wear a swim brief can find out how a swim brief would fit and feel without ever actually doing that.
Then there is the men’s thong underwear. I love thong underwear and I have ever since I saw one for the first time. The only comment I want to make on this at this point in time is that a properly-fitting thong should keep your mind focused on your groin area all day long, if that what you want to do. And by wearing a thong all day long without any chance for relief, you will probably want to get off as soon as you get home from work, and you will likely have a really strong orgasm as a consequence of “doing this” to yourself all day long. At least that is the way it often works for me.
Finally there is the subject of wearing either a strap or a real swim brief at least on some days. Each morning, your body will give you signals as to whether either of these options is something that you “want” to do on that particular day. Don’t ignore the messages your body is trying to send you in this regard. A strap is very different from a swim brief, but both are fun, each in their own special way. Whether or not your body “likes” that you are doing this to yourself, you should quickly know.
All of these options represent excellent underwear choices under the new, snug-fitting super skinny jeans, clothing that would not work very well with loose-fitting boxer shorts. Some guys may be apprehensive about all the “quirky” stuff I have just explained. But don’t be. In experimenting, you will learn a lot about your own body and how your body can respond in very special ways. Dylan and Josh have been running very similar experiments as college freshmen all year long while each creating a growing wardrobe containing the different options!
To be continued…
06-05-2018, 04:11 PM
Sebbie, I have been wearing Jockey Brand microfiber briefs. I have them in 2 sizes as you describe. I love the slick feel of them, similar to many of the swim briefs. And they seem to hold up well, too. To me they are much sexier than the tighty-whities.
06-18-2018, 04:02 PM
As I have indicated dozens of times before, guys learn at a very early age that certain body parts are sensitive to touch. For the most part, these body parts are located somewhere in the groin area, though there are of course exceptions to this rule as well. Learning about all of this in detail is a basic part of growing up and becoming an adult. The only catch is that guys frequently are in situations where they might not be able to get the privacy that they need to engage in the “lessons”.
Another rather complicated part of the problem is that once guys discovers the details of what works for them, a lot of what has been learned carries right on into adulthood and oftentimes through a guy’s adult life. Finding a partner for a relationship and then partner sex does not really change the parameters of what was learned. It is frequently a struggle for guys to quite know what to do with the accumulated knowledge that they have about how their own body responds to touch, and in particular whether or not to share this information with a sexual partner, particularly if what a guy really enjoys doing doesn’t necessarily require a partner.
As a basic illustration, take for example, a guy who, probably secretly, enjoys putting on and wearing a swim brief. The guy probably discovered this at a very early age, but is uncertain about what to do about his fascination with the idea. The guy feels really good when wearing a swim brief in all sorts of special ways, and looks forward to recreating those sensations as frequently as possible.
A basic question that the guy has is whether or not there are other guys, male peers, who feel and respond in the same way. He dare not admit what happens to him every time he puts on a swim brief. Worse, he realizes that if others, perhaps the same male peers, see him and he is only a little bit aroused, they are probably going to notice that. After all the “right” swim brief is designed to go fast in the water, and that often means minimal coverage along with maximum potential for getting one’s self in a potentially embarrassing situation, and perhaps a situation that could lead to teasing and bullying. So the sheer pleasure that arises from wearing a snug-fitting swim brief is accompanied by the fear and sheer terror of a situation that could get out of control quickly. What a dilemma!
Guys entering adulthood often long for being in a situation where they are nearly certain that they would have a degree of privacy for pursuing solo interests when they wanted to. In college, my dorm room situation was a little different from that of Josh and Dylan in that I was in a suite of rooms consisting of two doubles and a single room that shared a common bath and shower. Naturally, I managed to figure out a way to get the single. Mainly, I was in search of a setup that would allow me to pursue my solo interests without any fear of another guy walking in and disrupting me. What happened in the doubles in this suite setup I occasionally learned about, and my young self found that part most interesting. My suitemates had feelings and needs as well, and they were just a little more open about the whole thing. Me, I kept all this stuff all to myself, and I could, given the near ideal setup I was in. I was not a swimmer in HS or in college, though somehow I managed to get a few items such as my first snug-fitting swim brief to be able to wear jerking off, and no one else was the wiser!
The trickiest part about all of this for me has always been that once a guy discovers something, say a snug-fitting article of clothing, that he enjoys wearing while playing with his own body, that is something that may very well last a lifetime, and whether or not a guy is in a relationship with a partner that involves sex or not. I’ve often thought that openly gay guys are better situated in dealing with this than are straight guys. Admitting to another gay guy that you enjoy wearing a swim brief in a special way would be easier than trying to explain to a female partner exactly what is going on in your mind and body in this regard. With luck, a guy will find a gay partner who also has the same ‘hang up” as well and life will be kind for both.
Where to begin on all of this with a female partner is tricky as all get out, given that so many women have been conditioned (usually by their moms) to erroneously believe that a female is the only person or thing that can get a guy aroused and give him sexual pleasure. So this other world where a guy gets off in a completely different way employing stimulation the female doesn’t even believe exists is just too complicated to imagine. Where does the skimpy swim brief fit into all of this, anyway?
But look at the external evidence. Guys are falling into and out of relationships all the time, and the divorce rate for married heterosexual couples is usually well over 50 percent. Do you really think that the guys who have fallen out of a relationship never retreat to pleasuring themselves, using some of the same skills and techniques that worked long before they entered their first relationship?
Finally, think about Josh and Dylan, two guys living in a tiny men’s dorm room double with essentially zero privacy. What is it, anyway, about Dylan’s mere knowledge that Josh is having fun in that skimpy little thong that makes what is going on with Josh so arousing for Dylan? From Dylan’s perspective, this mere knowledge is sexually exciting in the extreme, even though there is no physical sexual contact between the two of them. Oddly enough, Josh gets the same way just thinking about Dylan pleasuring himself in that little swim brief.
Does this somehow mean that Dylan and Josh are actually two gay guys who once thought they were straight? Or is this just two young college students having fun in ways they never dreamed of doing when they were still in high school? At one point, Dylan was naïve enough to think he was the only guy in the world who got turned on by wearing snug-fitting clothing, but then he ran into Bill and Joe both wearing their gear in the big men’s bathroom down the hall and from that night onward he knew that he was not the only one.
Josh seemed more than a little shy at first, but just watching what Dylan was up to when he got his first Amazon order suddenly made a big difference. Something ‘clicked” in Josh’s head and body too, and both Dylan and josh are where they are right now, comfortable being around each other is ways that they might not been comfortable had this all happened but a few short years ago.
To be continued…
06-21-2018, 03:07 PM
One of the most interesting of all the aspects of being a guy is how the triggering mechanisms work to get a guy aroused. The triggering mechanism in any particular situation can be very simple or quite complicated. If a guy were simply watching TV or the movies, he would think that the only acceptable triggering mechanism would involve in some way another person, traditionally a female, but gay relationships in recent years in movies have become accepted as well, an practically no one give the entire subject of a gay relationship in a movie as being anything odd or different, and, this is as “normal as sunshine.” The public has come a long way on the entire subject in the last 25 years, but particularly so in the past 5 or 10 years. There are still remnants of the older perspectives on the subject, but these only occasionally pop up.
If you have been following what I have written over many chapters, you no doubt realize that I have a keen interest in what goes on inside a guy’s mind and body during the very initial stages of sexual arousal. Another way of looking at this is to better understand what exactly happened to a guy when a guy says “I’m feeling horny”. The movies seem to be fine with a guy feeling horny in any number of situations involving a sexual partner, female or, nowadays, male. If you watch movies as your sole source of information, you would think that a partner is the only path to feeling horny.
But, if you have been following the story line here, you probably now realize that a situation involving another person is not the only path to feeling horny. Heck, every guy past puberty knows that there are instances where you can feel quite horny without anyone else being present. Any guy who masturbates (all guys?) is thinking about SOMETHING during this time. I suppose it is more socially acceptable masturbation if a guy claims he is thinking about having “real sex” with a girl when he does it. That puts male masturbation firmly in the class of second-tier something or another, not real sex and certainly not as desirable as having real sex with a female partner, but perhaps just OK for now until a better opportunity involving a real sexual partner comes along.
I’ve long thought that this was a rather dreary view of solo sex. If the poor guy were not socially challenged he would not be doing this stuff to himself all alone, and certainly not on a regular basis. I fully realize that male masturbation, if discovered, could lead to teasing and bullying by male peers (and perhaps females too). However enlightened we have become as a society on matters such as gay relationships, sex and gay marriage, male masturbation remains still way in the backwaters from the perspective of societal understanding and acceptance. By definition, solo sex is sex in the absence of another person. If another person is present, even if not an active participant, that is not solo sex by definition.
Then there is the challenging area of dealing with various items of clothing, say a slick little swimming brief, something that quickly makes the nerve endings in a guy’s penis feel really, really good. Must the guy keep that inside as a deeply-buried secret? This is certainly not something a guy would dare admit to even close male friends, unless of course the friend or friends have the same “problem” as well. But then, is this triggering mechanism a problem or maybe an opportunity in disguise. Figuring all of this out in a specific situation a guy might face becomes really complicated. If I am enjoying myself wearing the brief, are the other guys doing the same thing somehow “brain dead” to all of this. How much about all of this dare I reveal and if I do reveal anything how do I go about doing that? Of course, if the arousal leads to a full-scale erection obvious to others, I have got a different (and more serious) problem to cope with than if I am only slightly aroused and occasionally dripping a few glistening drops of precum on my swim brief.
It’s interesting if the other guys are coping with the same problem when they put on their swim briefs too, and maybe the entire set of events is part of the male bonding process that swim teams undergo. Surely, this is not a subject that will come up in the movies or on TV.
Think about Dylan and Josh and what they have both been through in their dorm room at college. Josh bought a bunch of snug-fitting clothing items that he never dared to own when he was still in high school. But Josh quickly got dragged into doing the same thing. As things started out, each of them had the intent of trying out some new ways to masturbate involving slick-feeling and/or extremely snug fitting items. And the various items, swim briefs, straps, thongs, compression gear, singlets etc worked beautifully.
What neither of them counted on was the discovery that messing around in this way is a lot more interesting, psychologically, if there is another guy in the room who is experimenting in the same way. Dylan loved it when he realized that Josh was getting really horny wearing that little thong while playing with himself, and Josh was equally enamored with Josh’s struggles inside that little swimming brief. Is this a gay relationship of sorts or just two guys who together are having fun with their bodies? Good question.
Or, think way back to Bill and Joe who both went to bed wearing straps with cups and compression gear top and bottom. The fact that both of them were doing this over an entire night was more than a little bit interesting. And the idea that wearing such garb resulted in crazy versions of wet dreams made the entire sequence of events even more interesting for both. Part of the fun here is that it is not easy at all to get to the ejaculation point if you are wearing a hard cup in a strap, but even more difficult if snug-fitting compression shorts are holding the cup firmly in place so that it can’t move around a bit.
Try this stunt some time if you have not already. This sets you up for desperately wanting to get off but being unable to quite get where you can complete the task. Your penis will “know” the cup is present. This will drive you bananas but especially so if you drift into a light sleep and then start to have an erotic dream. Double bananas if there is a roommate in the bed next to you who is also trying to cope with the situation as best he can and facing the same set of problems. Wild stuff to mess around with for sure. Crazy, goofy fun. Fun that is not to be missed. I love just being a guy.
To be continued…
07-02-2018, 03:10 PM
As my longtime readers may know by now, I am fascinated in very real ways by various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, starting with swimming briefs but extending to a range of other items, many of which have been discussed at length here. Interestingly enough, the characters I have created over the many chapters, Dylan, Josh, Bill and Joe, have this in common with me, and have been placed in situations whereby they are 19-year old college students, roommates in cramped dorm rooms, and are struggling with how to deal with who they each are in this regard.
A lot of my readers have been following their exploits over the many story chapters here. I guess, if the “problems” faced by the characters in dealing with what might be seen as issues were not somehow of interest to my readers, my readers would have disappeared a long time ago. I’m never quite sure what to call what I write. I realize that some of the writings discuss stuff about guys that has not been put on paper before. The Internet is filled with all sorts of stuff related to human sexuality ranging from drab papers by medical doctors all the way to what can only be called hard-core pornography.
On top of that there is no shortage of writings dealing with various kinds of abnormal sexual behaviors ranging from pedophilia and other sexual predators, various kinds of sexual harassment in the workplace etc, not to mention discussions of sexually-motivated serial killers and very serious stuff.
Then, for “normal’ people there are all sorts of discussions related to sex and relationship issues and what is right versus wrong in that department, plus the most puzzling question of all, which is why if engaging in sex with a partner is the most wonderful thing ever, why do so many sexual relationships fall apart over the long haul?
Finally, there are the complexities of gay versus straight relationships, and the most fundamental question of why some people prefer to be sexually engaged with a person of the same sex while other people find this all to be repulsive? Why and when do individuals reach a solution in their specific situation, anyway? For that matter, what of those who think sexual relationships with a partner of either sex are not worthwhile, but prefer solo sex over the long haul?
In my mind there are basically three kinds of sexual behaviors. The first category consists of any activity that does harm to another person and could get the perpetrator into trouble with the law. This is sometimes referred to as abnormal sexual behavior and includes the sexual murderers, rapists, pedophiles plus a broad group of individuals in the class of sexual predators who are doing things that others in society might deem wrong. A masturbator who exposes himself at work would fall into this latter group under category 1.
The second category includes all of those who engage in sexual activities that society deems normal, historically heterosexual sex after marriage, but nowadays it’s a lot more complicated than that, and societal norms in this regard have been changing over time, often rapidly.
The third category includes all activities which create sexual feelings but do not involve another person of either sex, at least not directly. Since that is true, these activities do no harm to another person. Some might wonder how something that does not involve another person can possibly be sexually interesting, and I will let my readers think about that one for awhile.
I have been doing some reading on these subjects. Deep down I have long been wondering if there could be an explanation as to why some guys seem to get aroused by simply wearing a swimming brief but this doesn’t seem to affect many other guys necessarily in the same way. Wearing a snug-fitting swim brief and getting aroused by doing so is completely harmless fun, except of course if a guy gets himself in a situation whereby his situation gets noticed by others, often guys his same age. Do other guys face the same problem? If not, why not? Then I get myself thinking about complicated questions such as if you passed out swimming briefs to 10 (or 50) guys, what percentage of them would get noticeably aroused just putting the briefs on? And the even more complex question would be whether seeing the other guys facing the same dilemma would make the entire situation even more erotic. Given a choice, would most guys want to be in that room of other swimmer-guys where this is all happening, or not? Watching how other guys cope or not with the situation is interesting in itself.
Continues, below…
07-02-2018, 03:13 PM
Part of what sent me off in this direction was reading the Highline/Huffpost article that attempts to explain why there are so many sexual predators doing illegal sexual things that might result in serious criminal charges, but then also how this all relates or not to male sexuality what is considered normal sexual behavior falling into my categories 2 and 3 above. You are welcome to read the same content I am reading, here
The article puts forth a number of different ideas and ties them all together. The claim is made that what a guy ultimately finds sexually arousing or not is actually laid down in males (and perhaps females) far earlier than puberty. The reference is to a period in a guy’s (and girl’s) life called adrenarche, in which the adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys start producing significant amounts of hormones. This occurs at ages 6-8, long before when real puberty sets in (10-12). The article claims that despite minimal physical changes, a host of things are going on in one’s mind and body that have sexual implications, most notably the determination of what a person will find to be sexually arousing or not after puberty. In other words, a guy age 6-8 might not realize that it would be sexually exciting to put on a swim brief, but the psychosexual pathways are already laid down such that this will become really interesting and fun to do once real puberty sets in 2-4 years later.
The weird part is perhaps the same with all the rest of it. What happens with respect to sexual behavior throughout adulthood was determined at a very early age. This might mean that the sexual pathways necessary to function as gay or straight might be determined at age 6-8 as well, not to mention the role that a partner might or might not play in adult sexual behavior. I’ve long observed that some guys, straight or gay, are consumed by the idea that sex means sex with a partner, while others not so much if at all. How important a partner is to one’s sexual being as an adult was actually determined at age 6-8. Whether or not you get aroused wearing snug-fitting clothing is the same deal.
The article goes further to claim that what is happening at anderarche also sets up people, normally males, for a host of different potentially criminal sexual behaviors ranging from rape, pedophilia, sexual predators of various sorts and even including sexually-motivated serial killers. MOST guys do not end up engaging in anything potentially criminal, but also, obviously, some do.
Having a sexual partner obviously plays a much bigger role for some guys than others. For that matter, the various ways of engaging in solo sex and what might or might not be a turn-on varies from one guy to another as well. You might say “Meh” to a specific activity that I might find extremely arousing. But the same for me and the stuff you really like. In partner sex, this is all referred to euphorically as “sexual compatibility”. Relationships generally shine when partners are sexually compatible, though partners never seem to fully understand this until after they are well into pairing up mode if not married.
Which brings us back to Josh and Dylan—the two college roommates who happened at random to be rooming together in the same tight quarters. Both of them had this sexual “thing” for snug-fitting clothing, although Josh did not fully appreciate his own situation until he actually saw what Dylan was doing with and to himself. And Dylan did not realize that he was psychologically sensitive to what Josh was doing in the skimpy little thong until the situation was right there in front of Dylan to see. Now we know that the psychosexual pathways that make this all possible were laid down long before puberty, perhaps as early as 6-8.
Stay tuned…
07-04-2018, 02:12 PM
From the very first time I saw a guy wearing a swim brief, I knew that was something that I definitely wanted to be able to do myself. I didn’t know how I was going to set up a situation where I could do that, but something—I wasn’t sure what—was calling me, loudly. I just couldn’t seem to get out of my head the whole idea of having my groin area encased in such a skimpy, snug-fitting garment. I didn’t understand the nuances of what was driving me to think like this, except that whatever it was seemed to be coming through loud and clear and capturing my attention over and over.
At that age, I was still learning stuff about myself and my body. I supposed I was not unlike any other guy my age—I was starting to appreciate how sensitive my penis was to anything that touched it, my fingers perhaps, but what about articles of clothing that accidentally happened to rub against it. It didn’t take me long to learn that the likelihood of this happening was greater the snugger the garment, and that the material used in the garment could be important too—smooth and slick was going to feel better than rough and course.
Somehow, a swim brief checked all the boxes in this respect, better than anything else out there, at least at the time. Snug-fitting? Yup! Smooth and slick? Of course! For a guy who was enamored with the sensations his penis was capable of producing, a snug-fitting swim brief was the “mother lode” of discovery.
I didn’t fully understand or appreciate what was going on with me in this regard, except to realize that whatever it was seemed really important. I was excited about the prospects, but scared and concerned as well. Was I “normal”? Did other guys my age have these same issues and problems? Was what I was going through OK? Is this something that I should logically be ashamed of? These are complicated questions, and not questions any guy at that age should be able to resolve.
I naturally assumed that what I had accidentally uncovered here was a short-term, temporary phenomenon, and once I reached adulthood such “silliness” would get replaced with something still more complicated but better, as in sex with a female partner. I was clueless as to how that was supposed to work. The whole subject of having sexual fun while wearing a swimming brief seemed to be light years different from that of developing a relationship involving sex with a (female) partner. Surely these two ideas could not somehow co-exist, or could they?
Then there are all the complicated side questions. Starting with the question of what happens if I manage to somehow obtain a snug-fitting swimming brief and immediately get so turned on that all I want to do is jerk off in that? That is an obvious puzzle that needs a resolution. How am I going to pull that off given that is one thing that I would really like to experience. But I need privacy to pull that off. Where? When, and what if, by accident, I get discovered? How am I going to explain this to anyone who might figure out what I am doing to and with myself?
This is where life for guys gets really, really complicated. I keep imagining I am with a group of other guys my age who are all dealing with the same issue and doing the same thing. But is this realistic? Perhaps I could be the only guy who is having this problem and the other guys, not aroused at all when putting on their briefs, are just taking the whole thing in stride, wearing a snug-fitting swim brief is just as normal as sunshine! I’m getting really worried now.
But what if the other guys seem to be getting aroused to varying degrees as well? Perhaps I am NOT the only guy who has a problem. Things happen. I know I am really psychologically sensitive particularly when I see other guys wearing swim briefs with partially erect penises in the “up” position. Seeing the outline of the underside of a penis pressing hard against the swim brief somehow does stuff to me, stuff that happens in both my head and in my groin. I love it, but it makes me apprehensive as well.
Then there is the whole subject of drops of precum. I can’t help myself. If I see another guy in a swim brief penis clearly up, I can’t resist looking to see if he is dripping an occasional drop through the brief at the point where the very tip of the penis is located. Am I the only guy who pays any attention to this or is this normal for guys to do? Does this mean I am gay, or have a gay streak? What in the world is going on here from a psychosexual perspective?
I have yet to sort this all out. At one point I thought that this was all something guys might find interesting in their teen years, but then quickly discard as partner sex soon replaced such ideas. After all these years, that never happened and I still find these issues fascinating to ponder.
Now I read that biologically, all of this stuff is laid down in guys even well before puberty, at anderarche, as early as 6-8 years of age. At that age, I had no real awareness of things like swimming briefs, except to say that is where the preconditions to all of this gets fixed, and all the rest. This is all interesting, but scary.
I’m also still trying to determine how this all gets sorted out once guys form relationship bonds. A presume that gay guys have it easier carrying this stuff into a relationship than straight guys do. Sharing the stuff I just told you with another male as a sexual partner just seems a whole lot easier than trying to explain it all to a female partner, even if I were somehow willing to do that.
Then I get into really complicated questions about what a sexual relationship really involves. Are Dylan and Josh involved in some sort of gay relationship despite having never even touched each other, let alone exchanged bodily fluids in any way? What exactly does a sexual relationship with another person involve anyway?
To be continued…
07-06-2018, 02:47 PM
This is a fascinating question. I have learned recently that when it comes to being aroused and able to enjoy snug-fitting clothing of various sorts is something that likely gets laid down at a very early age, maybe well before real puberty sets in, if we assume that for males real puberty roughly happens with the first ejaculation of semen. This is complicated but most interesting stuff to think about. It suggest that even though a guy may not be old enough to even begin to happen to his mind and body as he becomes a young adult, very early on a guy knows that something interesting and ultimately important is happening to him.
That something, of course, is the sensations that he is starting to feel of various sorts emanating from the groin area and the gradual discovery that a guy has a degree of control over when and how this all happens to him. Fun stuff, but, in a way, quite scary as well. One of the first things a guy learns is that there are certain things, perhaps best called situations that can occur which results in very pleasant feelings and a desire to do more of that. What kinds of situations? You might first think of a guy rubbing or stroking certain body parts with pleasant results, that is, feelings and sensations, sometimes referred to as plain ordinary masturbation. All guys do that, well at least nearly all guys do that. This is almost always done in private, under a cloud of secrecy and without any other person present, whether that other person is a parent, a sibling or a peer. At least, most guys quickly try to engage in such activity in a very covert matter.
But most guys also quickly learn that masturbation is more than just touching and stroking oneself in private. There are other things that seem to work as well or better in setting off a flood of pleasant sensations and feelings…smooth, snug-fitting clothing, for example, can frequently be a significant and helpful “aid” in this regard.
This is where stuff has always gotten really complicated for me. One of the interesting aspects of all of this is not only the self-discovery part (which I was always very fond of pursuing) but also many attempts to put together the parts of the puzzle that I didn’t fully understand. Some of you might think this would involve how couples engage in sex with each other, but my primary concern has instead always been understanding more fully how the other guys, friends, related male peers who are not siblings and similar, were dealing with the same feelings, issues and sensations that I was experiencing in this regard. In short, I’ve always wanted to learn more about what other guys my age enjoyed doing with and to themselves. Given what I was experiencing, surely something similar was happening to other guys around me as well. Do other guys have the same problems” and how to they cope with the situation.
What does this have to do with snug-fitting swim briefs, anyway? Turns out, quite a bit. Back when I was about 11 or so, my male cousin, a year younger than me, came to visit from the West coast. I always looked to my West coast cousins for ideas with respect to what they were doing differently from what me, living in a landlocked state, was able to do.
So, we all went down to the lake, swimming. There were my two cousins, one a year younger than I, and the other a year older, were both wearing swim briefs. The older cousin had a maroon one, but what was really getting me going was what the younger cousin was wearing, a slick-and-bright royal blue one with stripes of white piping down both sides.
And the younger cousin obviously really loved that little bright blue brief. He was so fond of it that when he got through in the water, he didn’t remove it but just slipped on a pair of shorts over. And interestingly, he was planning on spending the night at my parent’s place and would be sleeping with me in my bedroom with me.
As it turns out, he was still wearing the bold blue suit that night. This happened a long time ago, but he slept in the suit for part of the night, then pulled it off and laid it on the top of the bed. I so wanted to try it on myself to see if it felt as good as it looked, but that possibility, sadly, was beyond me. That night proceeded with me still having had an all-new appreciation for all of this. In retrospect, I have to believe that the reason my cousin wore that suit for so long (his mom thought it was a bit weird but she let him do it anyway) was because, he had discovered that he could enjoy himself that way without anyone else around him being the wiser as to what he was experiencing. I doubt he appreciated the fact that in the process he was driving me bananas too.
To this day, bright royal blue swim briefs still quickly “do it” for me, but especially so if they have white piping down the sides. Years later, I actually found a royal blue Speedo® with white piping, one that came in one of those famous little cardboard boxes.
Many guys have expressed a fondness for swim brief of a certain color. I have a hunch this is because a particular color brings back fond memories of a first encounter with a brief of that color, and way fornd memories of enjoying oneself in that particular colored brief based on events that might have taken place a long time ago. What this color might be varies by the individual and what the situation might have been.
For example, some guys seem to be fond of a dark green suit with white stripes. This fondness for a certain color and the arousal associated with it goes beyond simply liking a particular cut and fit. Like the royal blue Speedo® with the white piping, these connections may have ended up getting glued to a guy’s brain many, many years ago, but still work. This is stuff most guys would still never dare talking about with a partner, but gay guys may find this easier than straight guys in this regard. I have long suspected that nearly every guy must have stuff like this bouncing around in his head, irrespective of sexual orientation.
To be continued…
07-18-2018, 02:56 PM
From my earliest teen years, maybe even before, nights had become a period of time I looked forward to for a host of different reasons, not the least of which I could pursue some thoughts and ideas I had that for a bunch of different reasons, I could not pursue during the day, at least not in the manner I was thinking about. I quickly learned that the sensations that my penis was capable of producing were fun, really fun, and interestingly they seemed to be coming from my mind as well. I soon realized that all of this, however initially strange and wonderful it was, was completely “normal” even though I didn’t exactly have anyone to share my newfound “information”. To me, this was scientific discovery at its very best, or maybe worst, depending on exactly how I was feeling about my body on any given day and whether or not I was simply enjoying myself in some special ways that I still did not fully understand or appreciate, and that whether or not what I was doing was something to feel somewhat embarrassed about or not.
After all, I was playing with myself and each night trying new and wonderful things. Not long after a guy discovers this, he learns that what he is doing to himself is technically called masturbation, a scary word on a bunch of different levels. A guy’s male peers seem to use the word as something of a joke in reference to what always seem to be the socially and perhaps physically inept male classmates—those that “couldn’t get a girl to do it with", however it is defined in those days.
A complicating issue is that masturbation in a lot of the books on young adulthood treat masturbation as something of a temporary condition young guys go through that likely will prove to be less and less interesting if at all as a guy gets a little older and develops a real relationship with another person, likely a girl. The notion that the relationship might be with another male is simply treated as if that would never happen, which in itself is certainly an interesting way of dealing with the subject, if not downright amusing from a current perspective.
Back in the 1970s, there was a popular book entitled ‘Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask” which every guy my age read as something of a readable reference on sex and sexuality. The funny thing about that book is that the chapter titled masturbation treats the subject exactly like what I outlined above—something that guys mess around with shortly after puberty sets in but will soon lose interest.
Even more amusing is that the book treats the entire subject of being gay as an abnormal condition but treatable disease. This of course was consistent with how most psychiatrists viewed the condition back then. A gay guy who wanted to be straight only needed to find the right psychiatrist who would be able to recondition him in a different direction.
From the current perspective looking back, all of this seems pretty silly. A guy who marries a woman and then discovers that from time to time he is still yearning to enjoy himself on his own isomehow has a sick mind. A guy who marries a woman with the hope that this will somehow cure his sexual interest in other guys is somehow sick because it is not working out that way. Life sometimes, perhaps often, doesn’t follow the rules supposedly smart people write in books.
What does this have to do with a guy just kicking back and enjoying himself at night? Engaging in activity with yourself at night while wearing something loose-fitting can be fun, but perhaps not as much fun as wearing clothing that fits snugger and causes you to focus on the targeted body parts. This is easy to do and running experiments like this quickly become routine if you are an adult living alone. The task merely becomes one of finding some clothing items that might work as sleepwear and then trying them repurposed this way.
If you are with another person, either someone you think of as a sexual partner, or even a same-sex college dorm roommate, things can quickly get more complicated. Female sexual partners by and large will probably see your behavior as strange if not abnormal and perhaps hurtful, as in why is my guy doing this to himself alone when I am right here to please. Few women have any real understanding of how guys are wired in this regard.
I’ve always thought that gay male relationships are much more interesting in this respect in part because the other guy in the relationship probably better understands what and why you are doing this to yourself. One response would be to join in on the fun, as in two male masturbators each pushing themselves in novel and interesting ways.
What your brain is dealing with during the day influences what you might want to try at night. Yesterday I was reading about guys wearing snug-fitting Asian-style swim briefs. Part of what has long fascinated me about the fit is how these briefs are cut low enough to reveal just a bit of butt-crack, something most non-Asians would dare do, at least not in public.
Me, I have a few pair of Asian-style swim briefs, and, not surprisingly, they are cut a little low in back too, aside from being really snug-fitting. I decided I was going to try to wear one of these as sleepwear overnight. The brief fits so snug that I was already feeling pretty horny as soon as I pulled it on and was already oozing precum spots on the brief. You probably know how that goes too. I tried tugging it up in back but my butt-crack was still showing. I crawled into bed and pulled up the covers, but the feelings in my groin area were starting to get more and more intense, as the underside of my penis pressed against the front pouch of the brief. I expected that I would quickly fall asleep and wake up seven hours later still aroused but still wearing the brief. I started fondling my butt crack which was peeking out over the back of the brief. Sadly, I was off in 10 minutes, maybe less.
Oh well, maybe next time I try this stunt I will be able to make it a little longer, so to speak. For now, this idea gets 5 stars on my “interesting stuff for a guy to try doing at night” list.
To be continued…
07-19-2018, 08:51 PM
I suspect that a lot of young teens go through a very similar experience that my cousin had, developing a special fondness for something like the fit and feel of a snug-fitting royal blue swimming brief. Nowadays, the Internet is filled with any number of on-line vendors selling unique and snug-fitting male clothing. A standard swim brief is merely the start of what is available that fits tight and snug in the groin area.
Clearly, if there are manufacturers and vendors for all of this stuff, we can conclude that a. Having such a “hang up” is not uncommon for guys, and perhaps quite commonplace, even quite normal, and b. the Internet has made it possible for shy guys who would perhaps never go shopping in the real world to find the stuff that “gets” to them from the privacy of their homes.
Many of these items are sold as “underwear” when in fact they are mainly designed to be used for arousal and masturbation. A lot of the items also seem to have at least something of an athletic overtone, i.e. a swim brief for swimmers, a nice strap for use when playing contact sports, a wrestling singlet for wrestling etc etc. Part of the fun of participating in active sports that require such gear is that the activity makes it possible for a guy to be able to buy and wear such stuff without creating undo attention from, say, one’s parents, as in a reasonable excuse for buying such stuff.
For a teen guy, the tricky part is convincing your parents that even though you are not on the school football or baseball team or the swimming or wrestling team, you would still like to have such items in your possession. Dylan didn’t get a lot of this stuff until he got away to college and was no longer being watched every day by his parents. Josh likely had similar issues, but note that he jumped at the chance to get items once he put two and two together and figured out what Dylan was doing.
My cousin had the advantage that he was a decent swimmer, and in that era swimmers wore swim briefs not trunks or board shorts, so no problem at all convincing his parents what he wanted and needed. The idea of being so fond of the swim brief such that he kept it on far away from the water, errr…well, came later. But, in retrospect, he must have been “hooked” pretty well on the entire idea. In retrospect I understand how he got there though I didn’t fully understand all of this at the time even though I nearly instantaneously knew I wanted to be where he was, wearing that neat royal blue brief.
Every teen has surrounding him three different kinds of male friends. There are friend that you consider to be your buddies, maybe as few as 1 or as many as 5 or 6. These are guys that you feel comfortable sharing stuff with that you wouldn’t share with guys who were less close to. Then there are the guys you get along with and think are OK but you don’t regard them as buddies. What you might share with these guys, a larger group, is less detailed than for the first group. The third group includes all the guys you really don’t like for one reason or another. These are enemies of sorts, and guys who are not above teasing and bullying you. OCCASIONALLY, though certainly not frequently, guys can move from one group to another, though seldom will an enemy become a buddy or vice versa. The problem with the enemy group is they are prone to teasing and bullying you any chance they get, and that makes them dangerous.
So, suppose that you, as a teenager, have this “thing” for swimming briefs, but particularly the royal blue ones. You all know what I am saying here. Just the thought of being able to pull one of these on makes you horny and leaking precum. You are curious as all get out if any of your buddies have the same issue, but for a host of different reasons you don’t dare bring up the subject, even tangentially. You start trying to dream up ways to find out the answer to what you are questioning but in a tangential way. This is tricky, tricky stuff. One possibility is that if you approach the subject directly, you buddy might immediately conclude that you are weird and perhaps gay. Do you really want to go there? The whole subject scares a lot of guys totally.
Or what about a budding relationship with a girl your age? If the male buddies are tricky in this regard, the girl is totally uncharted territory. This is way outside anything the girl’s mom taught her about guys and their penises.
Then there are the enemies. If any of them get wind of this, they will start to publically claim that you are a socially inept jerk-off masturbator with a swimming brief fetish, or gay, or some combination of all of this. Tough world. Why is it that the enemies all seem to have any number of girls they claim as their own, anyway?
Somehow, Dylan and Josh made it through their young teen years and into college. Bill and Joe too. But none of them lost interest in these things. In fact, for all four of them, outside the bounds set up by their parents and siblings, they could do some things to and with themselves that they didn’t dare do when they were a little younger. Interesting and amazing stuff, to be certain.
To be continued….
07-20-2018, 03:30 PM
I have always admired the snug-fitting swim briefs that we see commonly being worn by the Asian guys. These designs are quite different from a lot of the swim briefs we see being sold to guys in other parts of the world. For starters, they are not a thong, g-string or even a “Brazil-back” cut, but rather appear to just be a “standard” swim brief even tough the sizing seems to be undersized ( and the sites that sell these internationally warn that a Japanese SM is much smaller than a US or UK SM, maybe as much as 4 inches down so a SM would be closer to US or UK 26” than a 28”-30” we normally think of here as a SM. In this context, a JN LG would be a US SM, and so on.
I have often wondered about this, because this would imply that Japanese adult men, and perhaps in other parts of Asia as well, are, on average smaller in stature than men living in many other parts of the world, such that an adult Asian male could commonly has a 26-inch waist, a size that would be likely for a young teen in other parts of the world.
Then there is the matter of the pouch, or lack thereof, in the classic Asian-style brief. I realize that there are Asian Web site than sell swimwear (perhaps used as underwear) that consists of little more than a pouch with three “strings” attached. Having said that, this is not what I am referring to when I am talking about the “classic” Asian style swim brief.
Most guys that wear swim briefs realize that they can stretch horizontally quite a bit, so a guy who would normally wear a 30 or even 32 inch brief can probably squeeze himself into a 28’ or even 26” brief if he downsizes (for competition, of course). But all of this comes at a “price”.
First off, these briefs, even if correctly sized, are snug and pouchless, which means the real estate will be limited and leave almost no room for expansion, if needed. The only practical penis position is up, which means that the underside is going to be pressing firmly against that snug-fitting sleek brief material. Aaaaahhh…
Second, there is the other “problem” given the low cut of the brief in the back as it stretches in an attempt to at least try to cover your glutes. This creates the classic Asian brief look, where an inch (or two) of your butt crack is exposed and the brief seems to be trying hard to keep your glutes from being exposed.
Third, this brief is anything but roomy, and still has to cover your scrotum and balls, which means that they are snuggly encased in the slick, smooth fabric that the underside of your penis seems to like so much.
All of this combined is what I describe as the classic Asian “look”. I could also mention the stereotype that says that Asian guys are typically smaller than guys from many other parts of the world when it comes to the size of their male organs, but I don’t really think there is any real basis or scientific evidence for that. I have read that guys who have smaller flaccid penises tend to grow by a greater percentage when they get erect. Maybe Asian guys on average are just fonder of and more secure about packing stuff in more tightly than many of the guys coming from other parts of the world, but that is a hypothesis that needs more study for sure. A lot of American guys seem to be very insecure about packing themselves into a situation where the real estate required for expansion is very limited. I could write a textbook on that topic alone. To what extent does a guy’s measured waist size correlate with the size of his gonads either erect or flaccid?
Depending on your mindset, you might think that just getting your body into something like this is just more than a little weird. You might wonder about hose photos you see on the Internet showing Asian guys wearing this kind of swimwear in public, and wonder if guys showing a bit of butt crack, if done in the US, is a form of partial nudity that could get you ticketed, say on a US beach. But the Asian guys just seem to be oblivious to all of this, and wearing a suit like this in this matter at public beaches and pools is considered as “normal as sunshine”.
Putting two and two together, I have concluded that there must be something about wearing a suit like this that the Asian guys really enjoy, or this wouldn’t have caught on to the degree it has, and then the suits would be rarely available, if at all. Perhaps something specific in it for them?
Now, I am not brain dead when it comes to understanding how the male sexual organs work and respond to various “situation” they find themselves in. So too, with Asian-style swimsuits. It’s time for me to run an experiment, of sorts.
To be continued…
07-20-2018, 03:32 PM
The little, Asian style Seobean briefs are readily available at several different on-line retailers and at very moderate cost. They have all the characteristics of the classic Asian style brief, skimpy cut, particularly in the back, slick, smooth fabric, quite well made, and typically with a cost of under $10 ea USD. I have a few pair :) .
For simple and pure fun, there is nothing quite like crawling into one of these and looking in the mirror at how your body responds to the situation until you blow even with only a limited amount of stroking. You quickly learn that the underside of your penis really likes being up against that slick pouch lining fabric, and just the slightest touch of the underside using your fingertips through the cloth sends you off to a new place where all you want to think about is how good you feel. For some time, this has become my favored way of getting off.
The stunt I had never tried was attempting to use a Seobean brief as sleepwear. Usually I choose something somewhat more roomy, but I was curious to see how my body would respond top spending an entire night in the Seobean. I made a promise to myself that I was not going to take the Seobean off during the night no matter what happened to me.
I have already told you that these Asian style briefs have a way of making your entire groin area seem like just one big sexual organ, perhaps with some warmer and cooler spots but all sensitive nonetheless. Goodness, even my glutes with the fabric stretched tightly over them, were “hot” areas to touch as well. But interestingly the exposed butt crack is sensitive to the touch as well.
So I slipped into my little Seobean and crawled into bed, putting my penis into the more comfortable “up” position. Already the underside was starting to feel pretty good even with just light touching. But I quickly started playing around with other areas, just stroking lightly my glutes, fondling the exposed part of my butt crack. My balls seemed to like being contained inside the slick brief almost as much as my penis was enjoying the situation with which it was confronted.
And, I noticed something that was really, really interesting. As the underside of my penis was becoming more sensitive to what was going on around it, my balls also seemed to be producing sensations that kept feeling better and better to me. They seemed to be hard-wired directly to my head. So here I had all of these area that I could stroke and fondle, with each area producing its own unique but still interesting sensation. This is a total body experience involving both mind and body. Things were happening fast. I decided that if I kept this all up for too long it was all going to be over too soon. I decided I had better lay off and soon drifted to sleep.
Oddly enough, I woke up about an hour later and my penis was somewhat harder than before, still in the same up position, but well on its way to being erect. On wakening, my entire groin area seemed absolutely super sensitive to any touch no matter where I put my fingers. My penis was sending “clear” signals that it wanted to be stroked on the underside some more. Here I was, just a little more than an hour into the experiment, and I was about to go into a full-scale orgasm only an hour into the experiment. Aaahhh, now I know what those Asian swimmers must really be up to!
But, remember the secret promise I had made to myself—that I was going to stay in the little Seobean no matter what happened during the night.
After the orgasm, I quickly drifted off to sleep again, only awakening at about 6 AM, but still thinking about Asian swim briefs and how horny I still felt. My penis had stayed in the up position all night long, and still was already calling me for a fresh new round of stroking.
I got myself together and said to myself that the entire experience was just too interesting and too much fun not to share with my readers. You can try this all on your own one night and see where you end up. Another option is to share what I have written with a close friend. If you are gay, a male partner would be a perfect choice, especially if he thinks he might want to try some of the same himself, even as you are running through the experiments outlined here. With a female partner this could get a bit trickier to explain and experiment together because your partner has a different set of equipment. And I always worry that she could be offended if she knew there were things you enjoy doing that do not directly involve her, or perhaps they could involve her!
Whatever happens, please be sure that you don’t deny yourself the pleasures your own body is capable of generating. I wonder if Dylan and Josh have discovered all of this yet…and even Bill and Joe.
Those Asians are way smart guys on a bunch of different levels, in my view. I admire them greatly. I think I better understand what my young cousin was up to that night to a better degree as well.
To be continued…
07-29-2018, 02:38 PM
The summer months are rapidly winding down. College will be starting up again the last week in August, so we are less than a month away. Josh and Dylan, having both successfully gotten through their Freshman year, will now both be Sophomores in College this year, and they both will have turned 20 during the summer months. Still not quite old enough to buy beer legally, but getting closer.
Dylan and Josh got along very well last year in the dorm room, despite the cramped quarters. They thought about renting a small off-campus apartment for their sophomore year, but then thought about it again when they discovered how expensive even a small apartment would be within easy walking distance to their classes. Most of the guys they knew who were doing that this year had formed groups of 4 or even as many as 6 guys.
Bringing more guys into a group living together can create a host of problems. At this point--let me say this gently—Josh and Dylan “knew" each other pretty well, in a bunch of different ways, and were comfortable with each other’s “idiosyncrasies.” All of my readers must appreciate exactly what I am trying to communicate here without being more explicit than that. Bringing more guys into a group living together in the same small apartment could go into a host of different issues and problems. What if one of the members of the group is what I might label as a “rampant college age heterosexual?" Every 20-year old has run into these guys. They are the ones who feel that their masculinity hinges on being able to bring a girl back to the apartment for sex at least once during the week and maybe even more often than that.
What are Josh and Dylan to do if that happens? Neither Josh nor Dylan have female friends who are close enough to do that. The other problem would be what if one of these rampant heterosexuals discovers anything about what Josh and Dylan have been doing to themselves and in the presence of each other. This could quickly lead to a very uncomfortable situation for both Josh and Dylan, with teasing and perhaps even bullying being not far behind.
Naw, the best bet for both of them is to just plan to spend another year in that cramped dorm room that is easy walking distance to class for both of them. What they have been doing is a secret that is safe, at least for the time being.
Josh learned a lot from Dylan in his freshman year about a lot of things. In many ways, Josh has very much admired Dylan, and Dylan also taught Josh a lot about clothes that make a guy feel horny when wearing and also look stylish and up-to date. Josh was very familiar with Dylan’s idea about wearing a snug-fitting swim brief to class, and how that made the day a little brighter if paired with some skinny or even super skinny jeans. All summer long, Josh has been thinking that he needs to find some jeans for fall that fit him like the ones Dylan liked to wear last year.
Josh knew the brand, PacSun®. The jeans Dylan favored not only had really snug-fitting legs and thighs, tapering to a very narrow ankle. And they had a bit of stretch, so the overall fit was glove-like. On going to the PacSun® Web site, Josh quickly discovered that the price was right too, as there were a lot on sales, regularly $49 each but buy one and get one free. So right in a College student’s price range.
To be continued…
07-31-2018, 02:01 PM
Picking out the jeans…
Josh is older now, and he has managed to be able to get his own credit card, which means that he can order stuff on-line without having his parents looking over and approving everything he buys. It’s great to be 20. Further, Josh can pick out his clothes for the coming year in college without feeling that he has to make sure his parents would approve of every item. Part of the “fun” at college last year were the on line orders he made with Dylan and what he “discovered” what Dylan really was doing to (and with) himself with each item.
Almost from the first day the two became dorm roommates, Josh admired how good Dylan looked in his super-snug jeans. At first at least, Josh didn’t quite know how to deal with this admiration. Perhaps it was just a bit of a “gay thing” of sorts. What if Josh really admires how Dylan looks? Maybe Dylan has some of the same thoughts about Josh.
Then things got even more complicated when Josh figured out that some of what Dylan was doing was an effort not only to look good in class, but several items of clothing he was wearing, especially the jeans and what he chose to wear underneath the jeans each day, made Dylan feel horny for the entire day. Dylan would come back to the dorm room, strip off the snug jeans, and tell-tale spots would be present in various places on what he was wearing underneath the jeans that day. Josh quickly figured out that Dylan had likely been precumming off-and-on more-or-less all day long, and that the snug-fitting jeans probably had been playing a significant role in all of this.
The idea of staying aroused nearly all day long to the point where the precum never really shuts down was pretty much something that had never occurred to Josh until he started rooming with Dylan. Why was Josh so fascinated with this about Dylan? Josh did not know except to say that Josh wanted to try doing exactly what it was that Dylan was doing to himself, and that some super-snug jeans like Dylan had—the PacSuns ® seemed to play a role. Of course there were other things, like wearing a swim brief to class, but Josh had to start somewhere, and the snug-fitting jeans seemed to be the key, or at least one key.
The PacSun® Web site was all set up for Josh to place an order for a couple pair of jeans similar to the ones Dylan had. One day last spring when Dylan wasn’t around, Josh had actually checked the label on the inside of a pair of Dylan’s PacSun jeans and it said “super skinny”. It was easy to find the super skinny section. There were ripped jeans with holes in them and jeans that were still all in one piece. The idea of buying jeans with holes in them as new jeans was a fad that had peaked some time ago. Oddly, the jeans with holes in them were usually more expensive than the ones without holes. Josh though that if he wanted to wear his jeans ripped he could cut holes in them himself and so he quickly discarded the ripped jeans options.
The best news was that there was a Buy One Get One free sale going on for jeans in a host of different colors, light bleached, medium bleached and dark blue in standard denim, plus light gray and a solid black, all in super skinny. Each were $50 but with the BOGO sale that worked out to only $25 a pair. Josh knew that the jeans were well made as he had studied Dylan’s jeans a lot. They had particularly deep front pockets—deep enough for carrying a cell phone.
Colors are good, cut is good, but what size to get? Josh nominally is a 32 x 30, that is, a 32-inch waist and a 30-inch inseam. The tricky part is that all of the denim in the skinny jeans contains some Lycra® for stretch. So a guy who thinks he has a 32-inch waist could likely wear a 31 inch jean. Also, the jeans are cut to ride quite low on the waist, and a guy’s waist size is actually a bit smaller the lower in the waist that the jeans fit.
Another tricky part is that the ankles are quite narrow, listed as an 11=inch opening on most of them. It used to be that a 13-inch ankle opening was as skinny as things got for guys. Somehow a guy needs to get his feet through the really narrow ankle openings, which varies with the waist size. A 31 W might work whereas a 30 W might be pushing this. The idea is to have jeans that not only fit snug in the butt, but glove like and without extra material through the thighs, the calves and into the ankle. Anyway, that is how Dylan wore his.
Josh decided to order two pair, both 31 x 30. He wanted one pair to be much like what Dylan had, which was the light bleach blue denim. He picked the gray ones for the other pair. These look a bit more dressing, and would look nice for events where Josh might wear a sport coat. Josh thought about the look: gray super-skinny jeans, a light-blue dress shirt, open collar, navy-blue coat over.
This was partly a test order for Josh. If the size worked, fine. He needed to see how the 31 W worked with respect to exactly how it fit the rest of his body, butt, thighs, calves and ankles. If he discovered that he could wear the jeans tighter still, the possibility was to place another order 30W x 30 I, but maybe some solid black ones or a pair in one of the darker blue colors. But Josh would want to study exactly how his body looked in these two pair first. Josh was feeling pretty horny just thinking about all of this, and where this could lead him :-)
To be continued….
08-04-2018, 09:20 PM
But what to wear underneath?
As a new school year wardrobe for a college sophomore, a great looking pair of super skinny jeans (Size 31 W x 30 I) is certainly an excellent starting point, but what to wear under the jeans? That can often pose a challenge for guys. There are, of course, many different options, and each of the options has particular advantages and disadvantages.
Way back when (OK not THAT many years ago), guys all seemed to be wearing the so-called relaxed fit jeans—roomy in the thigh down to a wide ankle with a leg opening about 20 inches wide. Under such loose-fitting jeans practically any size undergarment would work, and long, loose-fitting cotton boxers became all the rage. Think back: From the 1950s through much of the 1970s, tighty whities, white cotton briefs, were the underwear “uniform” for most guys. Guys who didn’t wear them were considered, well, “different.”
As the 1960s wore on, more and more briefs started showing up in colors other than white, and a “daring” guy might try a few pair of these. This evolved into bikini style briefs that were smaller and fit snugger all around.
But the most radical chance was colored briefs for guys that didn’t have a fly or sewn-in pee hole. Initially, a lot of guys thought these were “girly” and not for real guys who had penises. But the briefs were cut low enough so that guys quickly figured out that they could just pull the brief down a bit and they were “good to go” so to speak.
All the while the student-athletes were wearing straps (athletic supporters) for a lot of sports that they were involved with, and sometimes straps with cups. Non-athletes wondered about these. I guess the support made sense, and in a sport like baseball or football, maybe a cup. But why was the butt left completely uncovered, anyway? Non-athletes kept wondering how these straps felt when wearing, and, with very good reasons.
Thongs as men’s underwear didn’t get going till the late 1980s, at least not in the US. I guess a lot of guys somehow knew that their butt-crack sensitivity wise was a weird but sexually-active “hot spot”, and the idea of having an elastic string or band of elastic coursing between the glutes was not something every guy wanted to try. Still, some guys were daring enough.
The evolution of men’s underwear took other twists and turns. Snug-fitting longer-legged underwear that were close to being a swimming jammer but often with a pouch, sometimes with a fly but, interestingly, sometimes not. A recent ad for Hanes underwear of this design with a pouch features a kangaroo, of all things.
Then the dividing line between a brief to be used as underwear and a brief designed for swimming continues to blur. In international Internet markets, a lot of these are advertized as something that could be used either as a swim brief or as underwear.
There are lots of options for Josh to consider and perhaps order on-line. What should Josh choose? Well, practicality is a factor, as in a guy doesn’t want to choose something that is going to make life difficult in the restroom. An example of something that might prove daunting are the long-legged pouch-style underwear that lacks a fly.
A swimwear-style brief or even a thong should not cause any problems in this regard, however.
Beyond that, Josh really needs to “read” what his body is telling him as he sorts through the various options. Bluntly put, the whole idea here is to find some options that will be fun to wear under the jeans and perhaps help Josh feel horny all day long, much like what Dylan was doing last year. Making the right choices really hinges on determining which of the available options make Josh most excited just thinking about doing this. There is nothing quite like precum production as the tool for helping a guy in this regard. The best options get precum in production just thinking about wearing the item. Josh knows that.
To be continued…
08-09-2018, 01:46 PM
Guys Josh’s age—20—like to act as if they learned everything that there is to know about their own bodies from a sexual perspective by the time they got to be 12 or 13 years old. Obviously, they weren’t into sexual relationships at that age, but guy that age think they have a clear understanding of how the stuff that is important works.
What is amazing to understand is that Josh just turned 20, and in his 19th year he learned more about how his male body works and responds perhaps than he had learned from the knowledge he gained accumulated starting at the age of 12. Rooming with Dylan has been a real eye-opener in this regard. College freshmen always go into a situation where they are going to be rooming with another person that they had not even met before and in quarters that leave little if any room for real privacy.
Of course, for guys past puberty, privacy is always an issue, even if a guy is living at home with his parents and siblings. Some guys are fortunate enough to be living in a family situation where they have at least a bedroom of their own. This certainly opens up the possibility of getting to try some stuff in private that a guy would not otherwise get to do. As a guy gets a little older there are occasions where the guy gets left to “do his own thing” while the parents and siblings are away from the house, and these moments, however brief, are always there to be cherished—and to run “experiments” of course with one’s body.
Being a dorm roommate presents a new set of obstacles and barriers, particularly for guys who like to enjoy themselves on a more-or-less regular schedule. Of course, living at home had issues and problems as well. Take for example, a guy who is longing to see how his body might respond to being inside of a snug-fitting pair of swim briefs…let’s suppose that a guy has had those “thoughts” since he was 12, maybe, but he never could figure out a way to explain to his parents why he “needed” a little pair of swim briefs since he was not a member of any swim team, and besides, being honest with his parents was just too embarrassing to even think about doing. Thus the dilemma. Guys are always trying to find ways to run masturbation experiments under the radar, so to speak, without anyone else around them being aware of what was really going on. Swim briefs might be out, but a snug-fitting pair of tighty whiteys might be easier to rationalize, and since the guy is in a rapid growing stage of life, forgetting about one new pair of tighty whiteys that somehow got left in the bottom of a dresser drawer three or four years ago, might be a real possibility for running some snug-and-tight “experiments” given the lack of other viable options.
Still, a lot of the stuff a guy thinks about has to be left till a guy gets out on his own—a college freshman maybe?
This is where Dylan comes into the scheme of things. Josh SUSPECTED that some guys might like the fit and feel of snug fitting swim briefs enough that they would sometimes choose to wear them as underwear under jeans, perhaps skinny jeans, but he had never had “proof” of all of this, that is, until he ended up with Dylan as his roommate. Dylan did this, and regularly. Dylan “knew” where his mind and body was in this regard, and this had become a normal thing for Dylan to do.
One problem is that regular underwear is cheap—heck for tighty whiteys about a buck each if purchased six-at-a-time. But regular swim briefs are comparatively expensive, usually $20 each or more.
That’s where the on-line stores and the skimpy little swim briefs with brands such as Desmiit® and Seobean® come in, briefs that can be purchased for about the same price as a premium brand of mass-market underwear. The Desmiit® brand is particularly interesting in that some of their briefs are marketed as possibly being suitable for wear either as swimwear or underwear.
And the thongs! Josh is very interested in these too, and they are sold in packs of 7. An ideal underwear design under super-skinny jeans for wear to sophomore year classes. Josh is thinking about how the combination of a Desmiit® brief or thong with his new skinny jeans will work as regular wear when attending classes. Josh is mimicking Dylan in this regard, and thinking about this over the summer, and how his body might behave.
Dylan has had an impact on Josh, but, of course, Josh has twisted Dylan all around as well.
Of course, Josh also wants to get some compression gear, both shorts and tees. The super skinny jeans he ordered will look great with a blue compression tee…
And maybe another wrestling singlet, and, of course, a strap or two as well, but which ones?
To be continued….
08-17-2018, 01:42 PM
Dylan has been thinking about how he is going to approach his sophomore year too, just as Josh has been doing. Dylan’s fondness for snug fitting clothing of various kinds goes back a really long time, at least back to when he was only 11 or 12 years old, and Dylan thinks perhaps even earlier than that. This has been an interesting “puzzle” for Dylan for most of his life.
Despite his familiarity with all of this, Dylan is still perhaps a bit uncertain as to exactly what it is that causes him to experiment with himself the way he does. During most of his high school days, Dylan had pretty well convinced himself that he was the only guy out there who quite enjoyed himself in this way. Well, Dylan had to know that other guys sometimes jerked themselves off when they were feeling a whole lot aroused. But the idea of getting into snug fitting clothing such as swim briefs to do this was something Dylan liked to think about doing but certainly nothing that other guys did or would admit.
Rooming together has been an eye-opener for both Josh and Dylan. Living in a cramped dorm room for an entire school year means that there is little that the other guy does that would not go unnoticed. This is the great “fear” that a lot of guys have about living with another guy in a cramped double room. Not every guy is going to be entirely comfortable in this regard even under the best of circumstances.
The funny part of the story is that Josh was having some of the same misgivings about being in the entire situation that Dylan was having. By the time most guys enter their late teens, they have worked out a so-called jerk-off schedule that seems to make a lot of sense, but life gets complicated when a guy is moving into a dorm room with another guy he is meeting for only the first time. No two guys are likely to operate using the same jerk-off system, and what works for you likely won’t work for me.
But, of course, Josh and Dylan share something in common that they both enjoy doing. Can you say jerking off in snug-fitting clothing? OK sometimes maybe not jerking off so much as just getting into a mode where they are each oozing glistening drops of precum—lots of precum! What fun!
This past year has been quite educational for both Dylan and Josh. Dylan has once and for all answered the question that was always in the back of his mind as in “Do other guys enjoy doing this as much as I do?”
But Dylan has certainly had an impact on Josh as well, in that Josh has discovered things about both his own mind and body that were always there. Josh loves wearing snug-fitting swim briefs and precumming spots of glistening ooze every bit as much as Dylan does. This is all stuff Josh has learned about himself in the past year. Josh knows Dylan likes to wear swim briefs as underwear under his skinny jeans and then head to class and try to make it through the day without getting too distracted (whatever that means) or ooze “too much”.
Dylan knows too that Josh has his own hang ups, in particular Josh’s particular fondness for thong underwear that puts a constant tension on the crack between the glutes. And he knows that Josh loves using these as undergarments beneath a wrestling singlet, and that maybe a neat little strap will be interesting too. And Dylan realizes that this year he will no longer need to make any attempt to be secretive about these various items when Josh is in the room. In fact, quite the opposite.
So, as Dylan is picking out the items that he will take back to school with him all of this is bouncing around in his head. Dylan knows that Josh will have no problem with any of it. In fact, quite the opposite. It’s merely a matter of finding the specific items that will send Dylan and Josh into this special place where precum flows freely and both of them feel super good about themselves and their bodies.
This will be an interesting school year for both Dylan and Josh for sure. Could any other pair of college roommates be so lucky to have found each other?
To be continued….
08-19-2018, 12:14 PM
Lets get summer vacation over with and get these boys back together.
Thanks for the writing.
08-24-2018, 03:21 PM
The calendar is moving forward, and it’s time for Dylan and Josh to head back to school for the sophomore year. The way this works is that the students move back into the dorm rooms over the weekend, and the classes start on Wednesday of the following week. For new roommates, this gives both of them a chance to get acquainted with who they are going to be rooming with for the coming school year.
But, in Josh and Dylan both already are well acquainted with each other so there is no need for time to just get to know each other. The previous year has been an interesting time for both of them. They both learned more about each other than they had ever quite imagined. Still, nothing that happened last year put any real strain on their relationship as male college roommates in a cramped dorm room. In fact, quite the opposite. They had both learned stuff about each other that neither of them ever thought that they would be able to observe, close up. They both found out that the other was turned on by a bunch of stuff that didn’t involve members of the opposite sex. Yet they both still thought of themselves as sexually being straight.
The interesting thing about all of this is that we have not heard anything about either Josh or Dylan dating females over the summer months. That fact is certainly, well, interesting, given that both of them are both horny 20-year olds. Instead, they both found themselves ordering articles of snug-fitting clothing on line. Quite curious, one might conclude. But then, perhaps not so surprising when each of them discovered that the “right” pieces of snug-fitting clothing tends to have the effect of turning on the precum “faucet”. What crazy fun!
Plus, each of them knows that realizing the other is affected this way is in itself a turn-on is fascinating as well. Dylan practically went bananas last semester when he realized that Josh was jerking off and precumming profusely in that little underwear thong. And Josh got horny just thinking about Dylan sitting in class wearing that little swim brief under his skinny jeans. Both of them were so affected by all of this that this year they both want to make certain that they get to both do more of the same,…lots more!
Is this a gay thing, or not? Would ANY guy get aroused if faced with the same situation, or only guys who mainly think they get aroused by being with and around other guys? Is the answer to this question somehow important, or not?
Neither Dylan nor Josh know the answer to this question
Even though they picked up ideas by observing Bill and Joe, who seemed perhaps to be further toward the gay side of the gay-straight scale in terms of what they were doing with each other, or maybe not. Who knows? Why does this even matter at all? These are weighty questions, but questions that may not need to be answered.
So Dylan is wondering what Josh will be wearing to class and the same for Josh. Both of them ordered Pac Sun super skinny jeans. Josh is going to be wearing the light blue denim pair he picked mainly because he likes the ones Dylan wore a lot of the past year.
Getting the right fit in a pair of skinny jeans can be a bit tricky. Some guys seem to think that a proper cut has a really narrow 11-inch ankle opening, but the ankle opening is only part of the fit. There are really three areas that matter, the butt, the thighs and the cut over the calf muscles. The muscular, athletic guys need to be really concered about fitting the jeans in these areas, particularly if they are well developed in the glutes, thighs and calves.
Both Dylan and Josh put on some muscle over the summer. Still, they are not super athletic. They both have bodies that have filled out a bit more but particularly in the calves and thighs. The stretch denim Pac Sun jeans work for them in the 31W x 30 inseam, but the fit is nearly skin tight in those areas.
Truth is, Josh’s sophomore body looks great in the light blue denim skinny jeans he picked out. But what has Dylan chosen? Why solid black, of course!
Dylan and Josh are both wearing rather snug-fitting stretch tees as well, tees that just accentuate the new summer muscles. Dylan’s tee is in a heather gray—Josh’s a navy. So, we have Josh and Dylan meeting once again for the first time this semester dressed in these items.
Of course, both of them are secretly wondering what the other is wearing UNDER the super skinny jeans, but that is a story for another day…Even on this first fall encounter, both of them are feeling, well, horny. What will the coming year hold?
To be continued…
08-29-2018, 01:23 PM
Why is it so much fun for a guy to feel horny? That is an endlessly fascinating and not easily-answered question that I have pondered off and on over my entire life. What I am talking about is definitely not the same thing as having a male orgasm. As it turns out, male orgasms are generally not that complicated to understand and usually come and go so to speak in a minute or two. It is instead the events that may or may not lead to a male orgasm that is the most complicated and interesting to explore in detail. A lot of guys get so fixated on the final orgasm part that they fail to pay attention to all the wonderful stuff that happened from the very moment they started feeling something down there.
Think about Dylan and Josh and what has been going on with respect to the events leading to where they both find themselves today, a day or so before college starts for the year. Think about where they both are right now, back in that cramped little dorm room with the showers and johns a walk down the hall of that old school dorm. Think about all the things that happened to them both during their freshman year and what they learned about each other in the past year. Think about what they have been doing this summer, picking out clothing items that likely were bound to make each of them feel horny as much of the time as possible.
Feeling horny is not something for only guys of only one sexual orientation. This is for guys who think of themselves as gay, straight or even something in between. This is not about sexual orientation and it’s not about whether or not a guy is involved in a relationship with a sexual partner whether that partner be a female or a male. It’s really about each guy getting the most out of his own body and constantly discovering new ways to explore how a guy’s body is capable of making him feel good—really what the very best of human life for a guy is all about.
Standard “textbook” treatments of this sort tend to divide sexual activity into two basic types, the first involving a partner and the second being solo sex often derogatively called masturbation (as if the latter needs to be treated as somehow inferior or second rate compared to the real thing with a partner). At least, that is how the so-called experts in sexual psychology depict what is going on.
A basic problem with this way of thinking is that partner sex in any form often quickly leads to situations that become unduly complicated, dangerous or create other serious relationship issues. This is a lot of baggage to try to deal with, so to speak. Sometimes, perhaps frequently a guy might instead simply want to kick back and enjoy his own body and the interesting sexual sensations his body is capable of creating. Despite what some of the the so-called sex experts claim, there is absolutely nothing wrong with that. A guy should never feel guilty or somehow disadvantaged because for whatever reason he is not having sex with a partner, male or female.
So, what do we know about Dylan and Josh? First, they both love snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, not only swim briefs but things like skinny jeans, jock straps, thong underwear, wrestling garb, compression gear, and they both realize that such items quickly make them feel horny and start to ooze interesting glistening drops of precum. Further, they both realize that oozing precum is critical to feeling really good in this regard.
Second, both Dylan and Josh are comfortable that each other knows about the “afflictions” each has as well and they are each no longer embarrassed or afraid that the other will somehow learn too much about this. For a lot of males, being comfortable observing and talking about such things would be quite a leap, a big deal so to so speak. Somehow, Dylan and Josh have worked their way through that, something that happened when they discovered that they both were very fond of various kinds of snug-fitting clothing. This sharing of interests broke the ice with respect to talking about the topic and sharing ideas and thoughts.
Indeed, they have both pretty much resolved some of the key puzzles that haunted them as teenagers regarding the question of whether or not all of this is unique to me…all of it, the skimpy clothing, the precum, etc etc, the closely guarded “secrets” teen males normally have—secrets that frequently involve specific masturbation techniques.
But this all just keeps getting more and more interesting as we watch Dylan and Josh share information about stuff that is not often shared. Remember last year when Dylan practically went bonkers when he happened on Josh in the dorm room accidentally? You know, the time Dylan accidentally “caught” Josh jerking off in that little thong with the elastic band that was cutting between Josh’s glutes? Of course, the thong was helping to make Josh feel horny and Josh was just discovering how interesting all of this was for his own mind and body. But it took Josh only an instant to realizing that what he was doing with Dylan present was having a real impact on Dylan as well. Who would have ever thought that a little thong would have such a psychological impact on both of them.
Dylan may not have fully realized it, but Dylan had a substantial impact on Josh as well, particularly on those days when Josh went off to class wearing his skinny jeans over a swim brief. Josh knew that Dylan had to be feeling pretty horny wearing that combination. Again, not an issue that often comes up in casual conversation between two guys.
So what now? Dylan and Josh are rooming together again this year, and at some point the Pac Sun jeans will come off. Interestingly, Josh is wearing a thong underneath. Josh is hoping that the thong will affect Dylan the same way this year as realizing that makes Josh feel even hornier.
What is Dylan wearing under his new black Pac Sun super skinny jeans? I suspect that most of my readers thought maybe a Seobean or Desmiit swim brief, but no, Dylan is wearing a simple pair of Hanes tighty whiteys. Well, not simply a normal pair a pair of super undersized ones in what in US sizes is a Boys medium 12-14. Dylan has been messing around with something interesting. He has discovered that guys can severely undersize tighty whiteys. The waist band on a 12-14 boy’s size will, if pressed, can stretch to a 31-inch waist. But the underwear will be really snug all around—snug enough to hold the penis neatly in an “up” position. This not only makes the skinny jeans look extra cool, it also starts the formation of precum right at the penis tip. Dylan loves the sensations and the crystal clear drops that are happening to and with his body. Will Josh notice what is happening to Dylan as Dylan gets out of the jeans? Will Dylan notice the details of Josh’s “predicament”? They are both in a most interesting situation, a situation that may tend to grow even more interesting.
As some of my readers follow the story line, perhaps they will be motivated to themselves try some of the things Josh and Dylan are doing to themselves as they discover their bodies. As I have said countless times, any part of a guy’s penis is sensitive to the touch, but the underside particularly so. The reason Dylan likes the undersized tighty whiteys so much is that it is easy to put his penis forward in the undersized underwear relative to the usual position in larger sizes, and just a fleeting touch on the underside sends him off to a wonderful new place unlike anywhere he has been before.
To be continued….
09-01-2018, 12:50 PM
Dylan and Josh at some point are going to have to remove their jeans, and reveal to each other what they each are wearing underneath. Josh fully realizes that Dylan is “sensitive” to seeing Josh in a men’s thong, and he set himself up to have some “fun” by “teasing” Dylan in this regard. Josh very much wants to see Dylan “squirm” in response as well.
So, nothing has been said before, but over the summer Josh managed to prowl the Internet underwear sites looking for the exact item that he thought might best “get” to Dylan. He ended up at the Freshpair® Web site, and found a Thong on sale called the DOREANSE® Ribbed Modal T Thong. That thong is interesting in that it consists of a snug pouch, a narrow elastic waistband, and a narrow cord that holds the pouch in place while cutting deeply between Josh’s glutes. And it fit’s Josh’s budget because it is on sale.
Josh thinks this would be the perfect undergarment for his newly acquired Pac Sun super skinny jeans. Plus, Josh keeps thinking over and over about how Dylan might react when he sees Josh wearing a thong that fits that snug, especially between the glutes. Is this the part that gets Dylan so interested? Josh can’t help but precum a little just thinking how Dylan might respond seeing Josh in the slick-fitting thong.
Oddly enough, Dylan instead has gone the tighty whitey route. Dylan picked up a 6-paick of Hanes® Tighty whiteys that are SERIOUSLY undersized (Boys 12-14) given Dylan’s nominal 31-inch waist size. Dylan tried wearing a pair of these last summer, and discovered that the waist band is able to stretch just enough to fit his 31-inch waist, but the brief itself has to stretch a lot as well. When Dylan looked at himself in the mirror, the little tighty whitey looked almost like a bikini brief it was stretched so much horizontally to fit.
But, when Dylan finally got himself in, he started feeling really good, good in a way that he had never quite felt before and starts to precum almost immediately. His mind immediately was focused on how his entire groin area was feeling, He quickly discovered that his penis was much “happier” in an up position than down, and that in that position, the underside, even barely touched, felt really really good. Interestingly, what Dylan was doing to himself quickly became a total experience involving both his mind and his body. He quickly started to drip a little precum right at the tip of his penis, and Dylan loved the moment as his mind and body worked in partnership to give him back some really neat experiences.
So here we have two College sophomores in their dorm room, now stripped out of their respective pairs of PacSun ® super skinny jeans—Josh in that little thong he bought, Dylan in the way undersized tighty whiteys. Both of them are enjoying their bodies immensely---that is easily revealed by the quantity of precum they are oozing.
And of course, the two penises are both starting to fill with blood. The snug fit of both pairs of underwear might not be as much of a consequence had this not also been happening.
Each underwear design responds differently to a growing erection. In the case of the thong, the increased size not only stretches the pouch but puts more and more tension on that tiny band of elastic between the glutes. Josh thinks that the sensation of the tightening elastic is more than interesting, and his body responds by growing his penis a bit more, adding to the gradually increasing tension and the building sensations.
Meanwhile, Dylan has “issues” to contend with of his own. The tighty whiteys he is wearing are, well, tight, made worse (or perhaps better) by the way undersized fit. Who ever thought such a commonly available item as a pack of cotton briefs could be so interesting? Dylan is really focused now on the sensations emanating from the underside of his growing penis.
And, of course, Dylan is watching Josh struggle with his little thong, and thinking that he needs to get himself one of those. Meanwhile Josh is starting to realize that Dylan has put himself in an interesting predicament as well. Both of them are wondering if they have discovered stuff that most guys are clueless about, or do guys routinely try stunts like this more regularly than they ever dare admit. An interesting question, for sure!
To be continued…
09-11-2018, 01:19 AM
Within the animal kingdom, human beings are one of only a few species that can actually touch and fondle their own sexual organs. We share that characteristic with other primates, but most other mammals would find that very difficult if not impossible to do. Non-mammals in general have it even worse in this regard, though anyone who has ever owned a male pet such as a dog realize that animals too sometimes get spontaneous and very obvious erections despite not being able to touch themselves. (Well, this happens to guys sometimes as well).
Guys can consider themselves fortunate that they can experience sexual sensations and feelings without necessarily having to rely on the cooperation of another person. Indeed, it is often the “other person” part that is so problematic for many guys.
Think of all of this in the context of Josh, who is wearing that snug-fitting little thong that he ordered. The thong is quite simple, consisting merely of an elastic waist band, a cotton pouch and a narrow elastic band connecting the waistband to the base of the pouch.
Last night, as I was getting ready for bed myself, I was thinking about what would happen if Josh decided to wear his little thong to bed all night long. I found a thong in my collection that is very similar to the one Josh purchased, and I then tried to replicate as close as possible what would happen.
First off, the pouch that Josh is wearing cannot be very roomy. I got to thinking about this in some detail. My mind started to wander into the topic of how companies that make underwear for men operate when they are developing a new design, particularly a new design similar to the one that Josh and I are wearing. Someone must realize that the market for men’s underwear extends beyond the purely practical. Dare I suggest that some men occasionally might buy underwear of a certain design knowing full well that whatever it is, it will likely end up being used for jerking off. Then my mind wanders over to the designers and whether or not the designers openly reveal that this could be a possible reason for a purchase.
I have no idea what percentage of the men’s underwear market is focused on developing styles primarily for engaging in “self abuse”. This market could actually be quite large, particularly in the underwear that costs over, say, $10. At some point, if you are an underwear manufacturer, you probably need to somehow recognize that there could be money to be made selling to this market.
Some of the designs, including those similar to the designs Josh and I are wearing, seem to be constructed in ways that make it very difficult for a guy NOT to get aroused. I found out last night that just getting everything into the little pouch was not that easy, The penis fits OK if I am not that hard yet, but the problem is that a guy’s balls have to fit in there as well. Things get crowded, quickly. Exactly how crowded things get is a combination of design and sizing.
In the case of this style of pouch, getting everything that needs to be indoors inside is not that easy, and a guy’s balls often want to stay outside where they would be divided by the elastic band. So, a guy has to grasp his balls and make sure the pouch is holding them. This maneuver tends to push everything upward and forward. In the process, the guy also discovers that his balls are much more sensitive in a psychosexual way than he perhaps realized when they were just hanging down in loose-fitting underwear. But this is all part of the discovery process, and getting yourself correctly positioned within the pouch is part of the fun.
Personally, I like the sensations I get from my groin area when everything is where it should be, and I presume that Josh feels the same way about this. For guys who are wary about doing this, I would advise you not to knock the whole idea until you try it. Josh thinks it’s a fun place to be, and so do I.
Of course, if you start to grow a bit once you are in, don’t despair. This simply adds to the enjoyment as well. How much and exactly what you share at this point with a roommate or partner is entirely up to you. The only thing I would say is that for another person, seeing a guy in this situation might be, well, interesting.
So, I crawled into bed wearing this, and I am assuming Josh tried doing the same thing. By then I was starting to feel pretty good but I had no trouble drifting off to sleep. Nor would Josh, probably.
At 4:30 AM I awakened. The narrow elastic cord that connected the back to the pouch up until then seemed pretty benign. I was aware of its presence, but my main attention was directed toward the pouch. I had drifted off to sleep not stroking my penis, but rather pressing on my balls through the thong pouch in a series of light but incessant taps. This was making me feel horny and good, but I wasn’t in any imminent danger of blowing, in fact I more or less fell asleep doing this. It seemed like a really neat way to drift off.
When I awakened at 4:30 AM, however, the elastic cord between my glutes was making its presence known. I did a quick check and during the night it had gone way deep. I got to wondering if the same thing happened to Josh or not.
Using my fingers, I followed the cord along to the point where it connects to the pouch at the pouch base. I have long known that this particular spot just behind the scrotum is very much a male psychosexual hot spot, so to speak, with lots of nerve endings that seem hard-wired right into my brain. The beauty of the thong is that with your balls inside the pouch, this hot spot is right out there in a place that seems made to order to touch and fondle.
I started pressing with the tips of my fingers on exactly that spot. At first, I was OK, but not more than a few presses and I was feeling really really good in my situation. I wonder if Josh has discovered this. A lot of guys, I suspect are ignorant.
The more times I pressed the more aroused I became. Keep in mind that I am not even touching or stroking my penis at all, just tapping with my fingertips in a very special and wonderful place.
To make a long story short, I had no intention of getting off that way, but I quickly convulsed into an orgasm that could not be stopped. I had intended to make it through the entire night, and I would have too, had I not been awakened by the sensations of that elastic cord cutting between my glutes.
I wonder if Josh has discovered all of what is there to enjoy. Maybe he can even start to teach Dylan a thing or two about Dylan’s own body!
To be continued…
09-14-2018, 06:11 PM
I’ve always thought that it is rather funny how a guy’s body works. Sometimes a guy gets an “urge” to get into something that fits really snug and tight, but other times not so much. For Dylan, this urge sometimes hits him at unpredictable points in time. Just thinking about Josh struggling in that little thong could do it for Dylan, despite the fact that Dylan still thinks of himself as completely straight. Dylan wonders if his situation is common among guys who think of themselves as straight or not. That is certainly an interesting question to ponder. Josh has some of the same thoughts or at least similar questions.
I have put Dylan in an interesting situation. I’m sure many of my readers think that the situation he finds himself in right now is quite tame compared with some of the other situations he has gotten himself into. Remember the fun he and Josh had trying on swim briefs from that order where the whole idea was to keep trying on suits that kept getting smaller and smaller, one at a time, and see exactly the point where each of them could stand it no longer and had to get off right now. That was certainly an interesting predicament for both of them to be in made even more interesting with both of them trying to do the same thing, both feeling incredibly horny yet desperately attempting to not ejaculate no matter how snug and tight things got as the suits kept getting smaller and snugger and tighter. Tremendous ejaculatory control is what is needed in a situation like this, and not every guy has the requisite psychosexual skills to master it. Still, just trying a stunt like this can be, well, extremely enjoyable, even if you do get off faster than you had hoped that you would. The suits you chose are hitting all the right “buttons” for your mind and body, so to speak.
But today, Dylan is in a different situation, one that appears to be far less demanding than the swimsuit stunt. Dylan is 20 now, but every young adult male carries along a bunch of psychosexual “baggage” from earlier times. This baggage most often includes details about the first few times a guy went into a full-blown ejaculation after reaching puberty, and what the exact circumstances were.
Dylan was but a young lad of 12 when he had his first full-scale orgasm, and interestingly, it happened in what would at first appear to be a rather calm and decidedly unisexual situation. The wet dreams with orgasms while asleep generally start up only a little later. Guys quickly discover that it can be really fun to be wearing a snug-fitting brief, but the only brief a guy Dylan’s age would have would be some tighty whiteys his mother bought him. And of course Dylan was at an age where he was growing height and weight wise rapidly. This meant that he had some tighty whiteys in his dresser drawer that he had basically outgrown—that is, they were a couple sizes too small for him.
Somehow, Dylan did not just toss these, he hung on to them, and he quickly discovered that while they might be too small to wear, say, to school, they were still fun to get into when he started feeling a certain way, you know, when the “urge” hit him and he was alone in his room with a degree of privacy. Dylan was not quite certain exactly what was going on with his mind and body, but he knew he loved to put on the undersized briefs and touch his penis whenever he got the opportunity and it hit him to do so. Well, you can pretty well understand what was happening. The undersized briefs tended to prop his penis front and forward, and it was not long before Dylan had discovered that the underside was really specially fun to stroke. It was so sensitive that it quickly became a favorite play area for him and Dylan liked it so much he started thinking about how he could make these feelings last longer.
Fast forward to today with Dylan now 20 years old and you will understand what Dylan is doing getting into the undersized tighty whiteys and you will start to understand what Dylan is up to. He is simply attempting to relive the experiences he had with the undersized underwear when he was much younger. Josh knows nothing of all of this, unless Dylan explains it all to him. Childish? Perhaps, but who is to make a judgment about such a perfectly harmless activity. If Dylan is enjoying himself replaying events that took place years ago when he discovered himself, there is no harm whatsoever. Josh might think what Dylan is doing is not nearly as exciting as what Josh has been doing, but that is perfectly fine as well. All we know is that both Dylan and Josh really like what each is doing, and occasionally take glances at each other to determine how everything is working out for the other. No harm in that for sure.
To be continued……
09-16-2018, 03:08 PM
I have thought a lot about guys and the relationship between mind and body. I fully realize that for a lot of guys, sexual feelings and partner relationships are intertwined to a degree where it is difficult if not impossible to separate the two. And I admit that many, perhaps most guys pass seamlessly from their first orgasm at puberty into at least thinking about the possibility of having “real sex” with a partner. In this regard, most guys are straight (turned on by females) but some are gay (turned on by males) but some seem to be living in a situation whereby the sex of the other is “fluid” so to speak, and these people may label themselves as bisexual, or not. They may claim to be only interested sexually in one sex or the other, whatever is “convenient” to claim to others.
But is this all there is? Does every guy travel seamlessly from puberty into a sexual relationship with a partner? What if a guy gets sidetracked, so to speak, playing sexually with himself? Of course, unlike sexual conquests involving a female partner, male self-abuse is not something guys routinely discuss with each other, except when guys go into a teasing and bullying mode, which is another story entirely.
Still, males not in a sexual relationship with a partner are not sexually brain-dead, or at least most of them are not. Moments of feeling horny leading to arousal occur regularly, relentlessly, and often seemingly spontaneously, in a relationship or not. Many guys struggle with this, whether they are in a relationship or not. A lot of guys do not have a well thought-out plan for dealing with this, yet coping with the situation can get to the point of being a burden, rather than a source of intense pleasure.
Enjoying sexual feelings by yourself, aka solo sex, or more commonly called masturbation, still has very bad press even in the 21st century. I admit some progress has been made. Young guys discovered masturbating are not going to go blind or lose their athletic skills. But the potential teasing and bullying if a guy is discovered masturbating by peers remains a very real problem. The weird part about this is that the guys doing the teasing and bullying probably masturbate as well, but as of yet have just not been caught by their peers, and the teasing and bullying of the guy who got caught is a way of coping with their own embarrassment and guilt with regard to what they have been doing to and with themselves.
So, in a way, Dylan and Josh are both enlightened in this regard. Each of them has come up with ways for enjoying their own bodies free of any of these concerns at least with respect to each other. This is quite a step. I suspect that most guys, straight, gay or someplace in between, would like to have a male friend that is close enough to be able to feel comfortable doing this.
So, Josh’s struggle wearing that little thong, and Dylan’s realization that Josh is struggling being in the thong, makes Dylan feel aroused. And, of course, Dylan “taught” Josh a lot about how much fun various kinds of snug-fitting clothing can be. Josh starts to get horny feeling just thinking about some of the stuff Dylan does to his own body. Does this mean that Dylan and Josh are both gay and simply have not admitted it, or would this happen to most any pair of guys placed in the same or a similar position? That is a great question!
The other interesting part of this is that for most guys, first encounters with especially snug-fitting clothing most often occurs in conjunction with participation in some sort of athletic pursuit, pursuits that normally start in the early teen years when a guy is still learning a lot about how his body behaves.
The classic example is the first encounter with a little, snug-fitting swim brief when a guy takes up swimming with a young team. But think about it. There are other classic examples. Say the young wrestler encountering for the first time a snug-fitting wrestling singlet. The first encounter of a young baseball player with a strap and a cup. Or the young football player who has to deal not only with a strap, but with those really snug-fitting football pants. And the young basketball players frequently wear compression gear under their team uniforms. Guys are both scared and what might happen yet want desperately to get into whatever the item is. A weird combination for sure!
Guys that age who do not participate in a sport are at least curious about how other guys cope with the situations that arise in relation to the specific sport. The complicating factor is that guys participating in each of these sports dress and undress in common locker rooms with other semi-clad or unclad guys wandering around. Erections are going to be obvious to other guys your age. This could lead to teasing and bullying as well.
A basic issue relates to the idea of whether or not only a small share of guys would be sexually aroused when placed in a situation like this whereby wearing certain stuff that fits snugly around the genitals is mandatory, or whether guys almost universal among guys. A more general issue is whether or not most guys would get aroused if being in this situation, or whether or not this happens to only a small percentage of guys.
We seem to be moving back to a situation where snug-fitting clothing of all sorts is becoming more and more popular with guys, right now especially snug-fitting jeans. Guys seem to be rediscovering how interesting all of this is for both mind and body.
I hold the view that these feelings are nearly universal for guys, regardless of claimed sexual orientation (or not). It’s just a matter of pressing the right (or some would say wrong) buttons so to speak. Guys almost universally enjoy wearing something that is snug-fitting around the genitals, and they (perhaps secretly) think it is fun seeing other guys doing the same. Dylan loves watching Josh struggle in that little thong. There is any number of items Dylan wears that gets Josh going as well, and always a surprise to see what Dylan does next in this regard. Should Dylan and Josh label themselves as gay not straight because of this, or are they simply dealing with something that is near universal for guys?
To be continued…
09-23-2018, 02:13 PM
Once a guy gets through puberty, there are many new sensations to be discovered and savored. Dylan was no exception in this regard, nor, for that matter was Josh’s situation different either. At the same time, guys routinely become very aware of the fact that what they are doing with themselves should to the maximum degree possible be private. In this regard, everyone around a guy poses a risky threat that what is going on will in some way be discovered and revealed to others in a potentially embarrassing way, whether the person or persons doing the discovering is a parent, a sibling, or, perish the thought, a peer friend and classmate. Worse, what if the person the guy thought was a friend is not really a friend or is simply struggling with his own urges in this department?
Guys face an interesting dilemma: They are just learning how to enjoy their own bodies immensely, but they are terrified that someone else—anyone else—will, perhaps accidentally discover what they are doing to themselves. The old stories about guys going blind from doing this or losing their ability to successfully participate in sports do not help matters at all either. These old stories, considered obsolete and silly now, may still have some elements of truth to the,
Then there are the peers who tell you that if you do this alone in private you therefore must be gay since a female is not present when you are feeling and messing around this way. Sexual orientation uncertainty somehow gets messed together withal of this. The dilemma a guy faces is very real. How can something that is so much fun be so fraught with such complicated issues, anyway?
What was a guy like Dylan at that age supposed to do, anyway? For 99 percent of guys that age, abstinence from “self abuse” is completely out of the question. It’s is just too much interesting fun to ignore. But there are serious questions: What if I like doing this so much that I never become that interested in finding a partner? Does my fascination with doing this mean that deep down I am really gay not straight? What else might my fascination with doing it by myself might mean?
And there is no one to talk to. Surely my dad never did this by himself. After all, he found mom, didn’t he? And what if my brothers and sisters find out, or, perish the thought, one of my classmates, and maybe one who thinks I am a wimp, athletically or otherwise. There are lots of issues floating around, issues that cannot be simply and readily resolved.
So, of the 99 percent of guys who are doing it, maybe 98 percent of the guys go into a mode where they carefully lay plans to keep this part of themselves in complete secrecy. What does this have to do with Dylan at that age? Well, Dylan learned quickly that if you are going to engage in solo sex, a snug-fitting item of clothing certainly helps to get the sensations going, and just thinking about the option of getting into a snug-fitting clothing item tends to set the entire wonderful process off. But a guy 13 or 14 years of age is not going to be able to orders snug-fitting stuff from on-line retailers and get it delivered. Instead, what do you have that would achieve some of the same sensations to start to occur in the groin area that would not attract attention.
And that is where the pairs of tighty whiteys that Dylan had outgrown come in come in, well, the ones he had almost outgrown. Two pair still in the back of a dresser drawer in his room. Why not just wear a pair of those to bed and sleep in them overnight. Dylan can even pull something else over them if he wants, like a loose-fitting pair of boxer shorts, and then see what happens during the night as his penis responds to the newly-confined space. Interesting, a young age way interesting.
And so it goes. The techniques guys use for pleasuring themselves at a very early age somehow get attached to a guy’s brain as if they were glued in place, and periodically guys want to relive those moments in time as adults that were so enjoyable when they were struggling with all of this when they were just past puberty. And that is what Dylan is doing right now, reliving the wonderful moments that he first discovered were really fun when he was only 13 or so. Many, perhaps most guys would like to relive these early moments of discovery if given the opportunity to do so, even as an adult.
Dylan is now 20, and he has got a raft of new items that can make him feel horny in an instant, and he is very fond of the various items he now has. Plus he has this understanding roommate who knows what Dylan likes and has been enjoying some of the same stuff.
What stuff? Well, a lot of it is connected to clothing worn for sports, including sports that neither Dylan nor Josh ever participated in either in high school or now in college. Take the various experiments with the swimming briefs of various sizes as the “classic” example of all of this, but there are many others. The straps come to mind almost immediately, and then ahhhh, the fun with a strap with a cup barely big enough to contain a guy’s flaccid penis let alone one that is even a little-bit erect. And the compression gear both top and bottom, and the clingy feel all over as the material fits really snug against a guy’s body, holding a strap and cup firmly in place at the groin.
And what about a wrestling singlet in a neat color that can only be worn over the shoulders with the singlet putting serious upward pressure on the groin area? And what about slipping over a pair of extremely snug jeans while WEARING The singlet, maybe with a strap and cup underneath. The singlet will appear to be just a sleeveless top tucked into a guy’s super skinny jeans.
Lots of stuff to try. But still how did I manage to pleasure myself when I was much younger and was fearful that anyone else would find out what I was doing to and with myself? And why is redoing that with an undersized pair of tighty whiteys still so much fun even with all of these other available options? Still lots of tough questions to be answered!
To be continued…
09-25-2018, 03:46 PM
Guys just past puberty quickly learn that having an orgasm is not only a new and unique experience, but is also way fun, well maybe way way fun. But guys just starting to experience this part of being an adult thus face the difficult problem of trying to navigate a path where they can enjoy themselves while learning the nuances of how their bodies work in this regard. Guys quickly start longing situations where they will have a degree of privacy with the goal of simply kicking back and enjoying themselves.
But at a young age, privacy is a tough thing to come by. Helicopter parents are a problem, parents who keep track of every moment of your life. If not parents, then nosey siblings who like to report anything you do they think is out of line in any way to your parents with the assertion that you need to be punished for engaging in the “abnormal”. Then there is the problem of leaving “tracks” so to speak on what you have been doing—those interesting splotches and stains that are difficult to explain away as being from something innocuous.
So a guy can jerk off to orgasm in a convenient pair of tighty whiteys, but the splotchy evidence of what happened will be there for others to discovered, perhaps by accident when someone else is doing the laundry. This is a tough period of life in this regard for guys, for sure.
Guys quickly learn an optimal strategy by jerking off in the bathroom if possible. But that means getting off in a hurry from start to finish. The whole idea becomes that of seeing how fast you can complete the task at hand, not savoring each moment in a slow, gradually-building arousal that leads to a powerful, perhaps even mind-blowing orgasm.
Every guy likely develops a little differently in this regard. Given the long-run popularity of tighty whiteys, what guy out there would not have at least a few pair by the time he turns, say 13, and what guy has not used a pair of them as an opportunity to experiment with arousal and ejaculation. Still, some guys claim they only wear loose-fitting boxer shorts and often explain this because of the “freedom” they provide for moving body parts around (perhaps in a potentially arousing way). A “fondness”s in this regard for snug-fitting briefs by guys is by no means universal (or is it?)
Then there is the matter of attire for team sports by developing athletes. There is an assortment of these and, oddly enough many, perhaps most of them involve items of clothing that fit really snug in the groin area.
Of course, the classic example is the snug-fitting swim brief worn by the “serious” swimmers.
I can only imagine what might had happened, if at age 13, I was joining a swim team and had been told that the only suitable attire was going to be a swim brief. Just ANTICIPATING the possibility of having to get into one of these would have not only gotten me feeling aroused but also quite erect. I would have known that an erection would only make it more difficult to even get myself into the brief. To be sure, even at that age I was already longing to get to do this even though I was not a swimmer at all let alone on a swim team. But still, I keep playing this “predicament” over and over in my mind, and I kept thinking about what I could buy once I got out on my own.
I’ve long thought about the entire topic of what makes a swim brief so hopelessly erotic. First, I conclude that I am not unique in having this obsession/fear. For some guys the fear part overpowers the obsession, but for other guys perhaps just the opposite.
I see three big factors: Most obvious is the fact that a lot of guys, perhaps most, tend to get horny and aroused at the mere thought of any item of clothing that fits that snugly around the male body parts. Second, swim briefs are routinely made of material that fits not only snug, but is also really slick and smooth such that it seems made to make a guy’s penis feel really good. Just the thought of having the underside of my penis pressing against that slick smooth material (“up” position) sends me off into another place. Third, the whole idea of the brief revealing the obvious outline of a guy’s anatomy is in itself a turn-on…as in anything that happens erection wise is going to be obvious to others and does a guy have enough control over what is happening to him to not make it all appear too obvious.
Then there are the other competitive sports that seem to always require something that fits snug in the groin area, football, baseball, basketball wrestling etc. Here is where the straps, cups, snug-fitting compression gear and equally snug-fitting football pants, slick and super snug wrestling singlets etc. potentially come into play. Because each item has a unique fit and feel, any one of these items could quickly lead to a hard-on and even an orgasm. Complicating all of this is that if guys dress as a group in a school gym locker room, any of the guys could have an interesting situation develop with their own body just like that with all of the possible consequences that can be imagined.
It is tough growing up. Fear and excitement are all somehow mixed together in a crazy combination.
To be continued….
09-28-2018, 04:01 PM
I cannot write about the things that adolescents and young adults do without any consideration for the various issues that are being highlighted in the news media in relation to these behaviors and what can and sometimes does happen in this regard. These are complicated issues, and, for a host of different reasons, issues that are not well understood.
Whenever a complicated issue is to be addressed, a useful way of analyzing the issue is to start at the beginning, and that is entirely appropriate in matters of sex and reproduction. Biologically, sex and reproduction are intertwined. We know for sure that any biological species would not survive were it not for a mechanism that leads to reproduction of the species. This is certainly the case for human beings, and (sorry gay guys!), reproduction has to involve both a male and a female.
I keep thinking about this idea in relation to the sexual behaviors of guys past puberty and in young adolescence. To me, there are two kinds of post-puberty adolescents. Some adolescents after puberty seem to begin to focus on relationships with a female. For other young males, perhaps not so much.
The social structure that exists among young people, both male and female, is most interesting. In many male groups, the dominant males often tend to be those who can first claim that they have engaged in sexual activities with a female. The other, less dominant males often tend to go along with all of this, and certainly never admitting that for whatever reason he is not that interested in engaging in sexual behavior with a female at this time in his life. All of this is also intertwined with athletic prowess. In a lot of places, one would almost expect that star football or basketball players would have underage sex with attractive and willing females.
This all leads back to issues related to male solo sex aka masturbation and the various interesting techniques a guy might try at that age. For many guys, simply admitting that they have enjoyed exploring how their own body works in this respect would be a problematic issue potentially resulting in teasing and bullying, not to mention accusations with respect to possibly or certainly being gay because a guy does this. This part of male sexuality remains a mess.
What is a guy who is interested in learning more about how his own body works without immediately dealing with the complications of male-female partner sex to do, anyway? Part of the reason may be that the social situation at the moment pressures guys into sexual activity with females when they are not ready or psychologically and emotionally prepared to do so. The guys sexually active in sex with females to a degree drive the behaviors of guy who for a host of different reasons are uncomfortable with the entire scene at this point in their lives.
I keep coming back to the idea that a major part of the problem is how the entire topic of masturbation is treated by those around a guy. Sexual turn-ons in adolescence occur relentlessly and under a host of different circumstances many of which have no or minimal connection or even thoughts about being with a female sexual partner sexually. So, what’s a guy to do? Spend these teen years going into young adulthood simply ignoring one’s urges and never relieving oneself? That option strikes me as being totally impractical for a host of different reasons.
So, nearly every guy masturbates, and probably a lot. Except, of course for the issues related to helicopter parents, siblings, classmates, peers and others who seem focused on keeping track of your every move, sexual and otherwise.
Think about Dylan in this regard, in adolescence, who has discovered some ways to engage in solo sex behavior that are, well, interesting and really fun. What is Dylan to do? Go discuss the nuances of this with his parents? His siblings? His male friends at school? I think not, for a host of different reasons.
What if an adolescent Dylan knows that it would be fun sexually to get into a swim brief? A strap with a cup? A wrestling singlet? Compression gear? As an adolescent he may long to own some of these items, but how to pull that off without some people potentially asking some potential embarrassing questions about WHY he needed these items and for what purpose would they be used.
I suspect that there are a lot of guys out there who are much like Dylan in that they are very fond of exploring their own bodies and that some of these same items would be quite useful in doing so. These same guys are probably less inclined to get involved in partner sex with a female than some of the students obviously are.
Then, as Dylan entered college, he knew he was going to end up with an assigned roommate in a double room. That roommate turned out to be Josh, who obviously was less aware than Dylan of the possibilities here. Whatever the situation, the situation with Dylan and Josh is quite different from any male friend Dylan had in high school for sure, where Dylan dared not reveal anything he was doing to anyone. Josh caught up with Dylan in this regard in a hurry, and they are both grateful for being able to be open with each other.
Meanwhile, I keep thinking that maybe boys would behave better and get into less difficulty on a variety of fronts as adolescents if there wasn’t still the attitudes that persist about male masturbation that persist by helicopter parents, siblings, peers and classmates. There have been all sorts of sexual revolutions over the last 75 years or more, but thinking about the issues I have just outlined seems tp have made zero progress, or nearly so.
Think about it! What happened to you in adolescence in this regard?
To be continued…
09-30-2018, 02:58 PM
From early adolescence extending into adulthood, a guy must cope with a host of different feelings and sensations that are directly or indirectly related to sex. What is happening to my body and why? How is all of this mixed together with finding a sexual partner or not? How much of what I am doing, and perhaps enjoying immensely must I keep totally secret, and what if anything can I reveal to another person or persons? And who might the other person or persons be? A parent? A sibling? A close male friend, or, god forbid perhaps, a female friend?
And how do I handle all of this? Male masturbation has had a bad reputation almost from the dawn of humanity. Attitudes have shifted somewhat on the subject, but if you read things on the subject written in the 1950s and earlier it seemed that the advice being given was that it was certainly undesirable if not abnormal for guys to masturbate. Since practically every young guy was doing it, this became one of humanities deepest and darkest secrets, interspersed with scare stories about guys going blind and being uncompetitive in sports.
Parents more or less accepted the notion that boys past puberty were going to have wet dreams and this was not something under the boy’s direct control. These things just happened in the middle of the night when the guy was sleeping and that stains on sheets and pajamas were just a normal part of a boy’s life growing up.
Many guys were like me in this regard, given that uncontrolled wet dreams were considered normal happenings for an adolescent male, but masturbation was considered not normal and undesirable behavior. It is a lot more fun to ejaculate while awake than asleep, who is to be the wiser if a guy just takes advantage of this and secretly masturbates to ejaculation under the covers? Problem solved! Well, not quite, perhaps.
A famous book in the early 1970s was “Everything you always wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask”. By the 1970s you would have thought that attitudes about masturbation would have become more open minded, but not really. Here was an expert on sex and sexuality writing an entire chapter on masturbation. Generally the conclusion reached was that this was something that young people past puberty may temporarily do and that is OK then, but this activity will quickly be replaced as soon as a suitable partner was found! The notion that a guy might choose to continue to enjoy masturbating for his entire adult life even in a relationship was unthinkable!
Of course, the same book has a chapter devoted to the behavior of gays with the conclusion that nearly every gay who wants to turn straight can do so if only the right sexual psychiatrist expert in converting gay people can be found.
This brings me back to Dylan and Josh, who have found a bunch of really fun ways to masturbate most of which involve an article of snug-fitting clothing. A guess a lot of sex experts would regard what Dylan and Josh are doing to themselves in a fetish since it involves an inanimate object, a swim brief, a strap, compression gear, a wrestling singlet. But wait! Each of these items “do” something to them that physically makes what they are doing a lot more enjoyable that if each of them were simply stroking parts on their own nude bodies.
Think about this. I can go to a Walmart store and find all sorts of items designed to make male-female intercourse more enjoyable for both partners, and these are sold with detailed information about what each product is and why it is enjoyable. There are condoms with ribs designed to make a guy’s female partner quickly reach high arousal levels, various creams and lotions from making sure the body parts can fit together and move in relation to each other with ease, battery-powered vibrating rings designed to send guys to another level on the erection/hardness front, and this is just the stuff on the shelf at Walmart. On line shopping identifies a host of other products for the same purpose that Walmart deems somehow beyond what they want to sell from a store shelf. But you get the idea.
I think one of the most interesting things that Dylan and Josh did in this respect in an earlier chapter was to purchase for each other each series of three or four swim briefs starting with the size they normally would wear down to a ones that were seriously undersized. They both were fully aware of what they were going to do with the swim briefs. If you remember, the whole idea was to try on each swim brief and for each of them to get the penis and scrotum into the proper position, with the penis pointed up and the underside pressing against the smooth-and-slick fabric.
Then if the guy didn’t go into an uncontrollable ejaculation, the next step was to remove that brief and attempt go get into a brief that was a couple inches smaller in waist size and therefore snugger and tighter still. Maintaining ejaculatory control will keep getting more and more difficult as the briefs keep getting smaller and tighter.
As you remember, neither Dylan nor Josh was able to make it through the entire pile of larger to smaller briefs without ejaculating. That would have taken serious ejaculatory control, which neither of them has at this point in their lives.
So, do Dylan and Josh have a fetish given the involvement of the inanimate swim briefs, or are they engaging in activities similar to the male Walmart shopper seeking condoms with ridges that will get his partner excited, vibrating rings, or lotions designed to make the body parts of two different people rub against each other more easily? After all, these are inanimate objects as well.
The other complicated part of all of this with Dylan and Josh is that a guy might very well want to see how far he can press himself with the various swim briefs in complete privacy, but surely Dylan struggling with this was surely more fun for him while watching Josh struggle with his own attempt to do the exact same thing. And vice versa. Is this just two male friends jerking off together so to speak, or does this mean that Dylan and Josh both have a gay side to their person even if neither admits that to themselves or each other. Is what Dylan and Josh did a form of gay sex, or not? No bodily fluids were interchanged and neither touched the other, just observed what was happening to the other
To be continued….
09-30-2018, 03:26 PM
So when do Josh and Dylan begin interaction now that you've been philosophizing for several months? Hate to be critical, Sebbie, but it's very redundant. We want to hear more of the story!
10-01-2018, 02:57 PM
Guys past puberty spend a lot of their adolescence developing ways to enjoy themselves while not attracting the attention of others around them if at all possible. They experiment with a variety of methods and techniques, with the best ones sticking to their brains like glue.
Methods that are especially enjoyable tend to get repeated over and over, while less enjoyable methods are quickly replaced with something that they like better. Every guy enters young adulthood with a collection of things he really enjoys doing to himself.
Females in general are led to believe that penis-vagina sex is so wonderful that once a guy discovers this he will never want to go back to the old solo-sex methods and techniques again, and that the female is the centerpiece of what having fun with sex is about for a guy.
Guys often get very attached to the solo sex techniques they discovered as adolescence, and are not nearly so excited about giving them all up in favor of penis-vagina sex 100 percent of the time. The trick here is to figure out how to keep enjoying the other stuff not involving your female partner while somehow convincing your female partner that once you met her you never do any of that solo-sex stuff anymore.
How this all works for gay male partners is perhaps even more complicated, in part because bringing solo-sex activities into a relationship would generally not be considered surprising or threatening. If masturbation is fun, mutual masturbation has got to be even more fun as male roommates Dylan and Josh have both discovered as they both watched each other masturbate at the same time. This in turn could quickly lead to closer male-to-male contact as well.
Where this puts Dylan and Josh on the gay-straight scale is unclear. I have yet to describe any male-female encounters that either may have had.
It could be that both Dylan and Josh find girlfriends and soon move out of the little dorm room and in with their respective girlfriends, and then quickly each discover that having sex with the girlfriend is such an enjoyable activity that everything that has happened in the dorm room no longer seems of any importance at all. In which case they both marry their respective girlfriends, have kids and live happily ever after like entering fairy tale romances.
Or not!
To be continued…
10-19-2018, 03:09 PM
In these various chapters, I have identified a number of garments that at minimum have the potential for getting a guy horny and aroused. In various ways, I have made the case that this potential is as “normal as sunshine” for this to happen to guys. This is something that just happens and is part of being a guy—a guy with super neat and sensitive body parts. I have tried in various ways to also point out that if this happens to a guy, it does not mean that the guy is somehow at the fringes of sexual psychology and can be labeled as some sort of a deviant with a serious sexual fetish issue. Rather, all of this is quite normal even though for many if not most guys this remains a closely guarded personal secret perhaps not to be shared with anyone.
A lot of guys probably struggle with how to deal with this. After all, is not solo sexual activity clearly inferior to and a part of a guy’s immature sexual personality, only to be quickly discarded once a guy gets into a “mature” relationship with another person? What if this fondness for jerking off in snug-fitting clothing doesn’t simply evaporate once a guy is mature enough to be in a real relationship that involves partner sex?
And what about the gay-straight thing? Aren’t gay guys particularly fond of snug-fitting clothing of various sorts? Haven’t I seen gay guys parading down streets on gay pride day wearing skimpy swim briefs? If anyone sees me wearing one of these, surely they will think I am gay too! This is the popular swim-brief stereotype.
And what if my college roommate sees me wearing a swim brief? Won’t he immediately discern that I am gay, or certainly have gay leanings?
And what if I ever get caught by one of the guys, even accidentally, where I am enjoying myself jerking off in a swim brief and it is obvious what I am doing? What will he think of me? How do I get out from under that situation, anyway?
Still, jerking off in a swim brief can certainly be a lot of fun. Are guys to deny themselves that little pleasure in life simply because of these issues? I suspect that sales of swim briefs far exceeds the number that would be sold if only worn for pool or beach. What is happening to all of these, anyway?
If this is true, there are several possibilities and the answer may be a combination of these.
1. Guys are buying these solely for use in private jerk-off sessions, in which case they are kept in a corner of a dresser drawer underneath other clothing items and pulled out as needed when privacy is available and the opportunity arises because they feel like doing it.
2. Guys are simply interested in seeing how their bodies look in a swim brief, and so they pull these on and spend time modeling in private in front of a mirror. This could, in turn lead right into a classic swim-brief jerk-off session.
3. Guys discover that wearing a swim brief as daily underwear makes them feel a little horny all day long and they like both the tactile feel of the brief and the constant gentle reminder that they have male body parts.
4. These are used as underwear on dates leading to partner sex—gay, straight, it doesn’t matter. Perhaps the other person on the date, expecting “normal” underwear will “like” seeing your body in the swim brief. This COULD go a lot of different directions once the jeans are off, and could get interesting. Will she think my body clad in a snug-fitting swim brief is interesting, or will she conclude from this that I could be gay? What exactly happens when a guy tries this one for the first time?
What type of swim brief works best, if the primary objective of wearing one has basically nothing to do with hopping in the water? That is an interesting question to ponder as well. A classic swim brief designed for the pool has 3-inch sides and a fairly high rise. The rise on a swim brief can be measured from the very lowest part of the brief—the part that will contain your balls to the top of the waist band. These traditional briefs with their wider sides and relatively long rise can still fit pretty snug, especially if sized properly and not oversized.
And, a traditional brief can be fun to wear in all the ways outlined above. It will attract less attention at the pool or beach than a brief with narrower sides and a lower rise. And there is what I call the “Christopher Atkins method” as employed in old episodes of the nighttime soap “Dallas” where he wore a traditional royal blue Speedo® in the “penis up” position. There is something about having a semi-hard penis with the tip in the up position inside a traditional swim brief with the slick cloth pressing against the underside that looks and feels really really good. The tricky part here is to keep from ejaculating too quickly once you get yourself in that situation.
The Asians have gone in the opposite direction, in that what has become a classic Asian swim brief popularized by brands such as Aqux, Desmiit and Seobean as well as what are called Japanese Speedo® and Arena® features much narrower sides and a very low rise. The cut presents some interesting “problems” for the wearer to resolve. First, space is so limited that penis up is the only real option. There just isn’t enough crotch space to position your body any other way. Second, the low rise means that when the brief is in position you are likely going to be showing some bush along the front waist and a bit of butt crack in the rear. The Asians seem to take this all in stride. It’s just part of the “look.”
For beginners to all of this, you probably need to first run experiments with a standard swim brief with three-inch sides in a penis-up position and see how you like that and how your body reacts to the new situation. Don’t be alarmed if you go into a full-scale ejaculation more rapidly than you had hoped. That is all just part of the fun you can have attempting to accomplish this. If you have never gotten yourself into any swim brief before, part of what you are learning here is not only a special masturbation technique but also a lesson in developing ejaculatory control, a skill that will serve you well in later life.
This game has a lot to do with anticipation and how you cope with the unknown as it relates to sexual feelings and experiences—stuff that might prove useful as you move into the next phase of your life, or stuff that can just be enjoyed for its own sheer pleasure. At minimum, you will have developed some wonderful masturbation skills and dug into some pleasures that your body is capable of while not having to cope with more complex partner-sex issues.
To be continued…
10-20-2018, 02:42 PM
I suppose there are two kinds of guys out there, those who do and those who don’t. Do or don’t what, anyway? What I am thinking about is whether or not a guy gets aroused when he gets into a swim brief, or, perhaps, even more interestingly, gets aroused when he merely thinks about the possibility of being able to wear a swim brief.
I don’t doubt that there are guys out there who do not get aroused at all—a lot of these are probably guys who grew up swimming and wearing swim briefs when doing so, and never even gave the whole idea any particular thought—that is, it was just the normal thing that guys did who wanted to be good swimmers.
Then there are the guys who are taking up swimming as a team sports for the first time at some level, elementary school or perhaps high school. Here is where you find the guys who may be paranoid about wearing a swim brief and how they might look wearing one—as in my ‘nads are going to be clearly outlined and my state of arousal will be obvious to others and I don’t know if I can deal with that and, further, what if I discover that my erection is getting out of control and what am I going to do about that and on and on. All of these fears provide a rationale for attempting to steer clear of getting oneself into a situation whereby a guy would “have” to wear a swim brief.
Finally, there are the guys who buy swim briefs not because they intend to be a team swimmer but merely because they think it’s fun to mess with their bodies by wearing one and are actually interested in researching the question of whether or not wearing a swim brief makes you feel horny and how you deal with that moment by moment. I have dubbed this “recreational” swim brief wear.
Selecting a swim brief for recreational wear like this is a little different from selecting a swim brief for the specific purpose of being a team swimmer. For starters, in the latter case the parameters of the brief, style, color and sizing are probably fairly narrowly laid out by the team rules. In reading documents designed for members of various swim teams around the country, I sometimes see at least indirect references to the paranoia problem for new members that I outlined above. Indeed, the whole idea of wearing jammers in competition instead probably came about in part because so many males were struggling with all of the aspects of others seeing their bodies clad in a swim brief, and this prospect was scaring away guys that might be good athletes who had this fear.
But for the recreational swim brief wearer, none of this matters in large measure because the guy who does this does not normally see himself parading around in public wearing a swim brief. Indeed, some very different rules apply.
The whole idea behind recreational swim brief wear is not to attempt to locate a brief that avoids making you feel horny, but instead finding just the right brief that you know for certain will make you feel horny. For a guy who wants to play with his body in this respect, this involves a very different search effort from the effort by a guy seeking a brief to be worn as part of a swim team.
Not that many years ago, it was possible to successfully shop for a recreational swim brief at a “bricks-and-mortar” retail store. Nowadays, however the business has largely gone on line, but you can also shop for garments around the world. If your dream is to be in a brief similar to what the trendy Asian guys wear at their local beaches, a brief of that design and cut is only a mouse click away!
One of the keys to selecting the right brief is to let your body do the talking, so to speak. Swim briefs are made in a wide variety of styles, cuts, colors, patterns, materials and sizes, and finding just the right one to make you happiest can be a significant task. But a guy’s body is nicely wired for engaging in the search and communicating back to you when you have found the correct item.
This is really all about understanding better the signals a guy’s body sends him in the very initial stages of arousal, as in what happens as you contemplate actually being in a brief you have found on-line. Every guy past puberty is fully aware of the slight “tingle” he feels in his penis when he encounters something that his mind, perhaps subconsciously, spots something sexually arousing. This sensation is an integral part of who guys are as sexual human beings and comes into play in a wide variety of ways…it’s the core of the experiences of guys in a lot of coming of age movies, for example. Either something psychosexually “gets” to a guy or not.
The connection between mind and body keeps getting more and more interesting. A lot of guys, perhaps nearly all, are wired such that this initial tingling sensation is almost immediately accompanied by a few glistening precum drops, and guys quickly feel the slight dampness at the very tip of the penis.
In the case of the search for a recreational swim brief, this is a clear signal that you have found something that is of interest to you. But, in buying a recreational swim brief, comparison shopping at home in privacy is also part of the game and the usual kinds of shopping issues enter in, as in how much will this cost me to enjoy this brief.
Dylan and Josh did something very interesting. They both were obviously interested in recreational swim brief wear, and they made choices in terms of cut, style and sizing with the expectation that these would be worn not by themselves but each other. This added an element of uncertainty or the unknown into the mix. From a sheer horniness perspective, not knowing exactly what you are getting into and whether or not you will fit can be a good not a bad thing. Having another male about your ge engaging in doing the same thing at the same time clearly adds another dimension to the search effort.
I conclude be saying that there is absolutely nothing to feel embarrassed or scared about by enjoying yourself and your body in this way. Treat this as an educational experience that will help you better understand how what guys sometimes think are mysterious parts about being a guy really work. And have an enjoyable time seeing exactly how each experiment works in your particular situation.
To be continued….
10-23-2018, 03:47 PM
The story with respect to athletic supporters (aka “jock straps) in many respects follows a similar line with respect to availability. For young guys too, the idea of wearing a jock strap has many similar fear elements that parallel the thoughts that go through your mind when contemplating wearing a swim brief for the very first time. It’s a very similar set of fears accompanied with thoughts of “I wonder how that would fit and feel around my private parts”.
Like a swim brief, there is also something about the whole idea of wearing a strap that sends many guys off into another place entirely. Not that a swim brief is the same as a strap—they are very different. Part of the appeal of a swim brief is the material used, usually very slick and smooth, whereas a good strap is very course and rough textured, in the latter case, the traditional strap is made with a heavy duty elastic waistband, often 2-inches wide or even wider, and then a pouch constructed of some kind of coarse-textured rubbery material that a guy just knows is going to fit, well, really snug in some sensitive and interesting places.
Once again, what hits a guy is this combination of fear coupled with anticipation with respect to how this is all going to feel and fit once you are in one. Crazy thoughts often enter a guy’s mind in this situation, like how all of this will accommodate me should I start to get even a little erect just thinking about all of this and where my penis and balls are.
Then there is the other strap “problem” in that for a traditional strap at least, one’s butt is always completely bare. So one does not appear in public wearing only a strap unless one thinks it’s somehow OK to be butt-naked. I’ve never fully understood why traditional straps were always designed to leave a guy’s rear end completely bare, but that they are.
Times have changed. Not THAT many years ago, guys were expected to wear straps under clothing for practically any kind of sport, say as garb under a pair of lightweight nylon shorts for participation in track and field events, and the only proper attire, according to coaches at least, was the traditional strap as I have described here. This has changed a lot in recent years, and it is common now for snug-fitting long-legged compression shorts worn under track shorts with the legs of the compression shorts extending below the bottoms of the looser-fitting shorts worn over. A guy COULD still wear a traditional strap UNDER the compression shorts, but few any more do that.
But then there are the cups,…ahhh the hard cups. A traditional strap without a cup securely holds a guy’s genitalia in place for non-contact events that involve jumping, running or whatever, but what about a situation whereby there is a possibility that a guy will get hit in the groin area? An elastic pouch is not going to save the poor guy who gets hit in the groin by an errant ball, nor the football player who gets hit in the groin by another player intentionally or unintentionally. It was only natural to use the supporter pouch to hold a hard cup made of a sturdy plastic, that could shield the guys most critical body parts against injury.
Hard cups of various shapes and sizes have been a normal part of the garb for contact supports over the decades. What has changed over time has been the design of these cups. In the 1950s and 1960s the only widely available hard cup design was quite flat, and did not fit around a guy’s balls. Bluntly put, they were designed to cushion a direct hit coming in horizontally on a guy’s penis such as what might happen from an errant baseball but not a hit coming at an angle from below.
Traditionally these cups were made with only enough space to contain an average guy’s flaccid penis. Apparently, the cup designers felt that the average guy was not very big, either. They typically left no room for expansion let alone for any room to flop around. A few small holes provided some “ventilation”, but that was it.
Once in one of these cups, a guy knew he was in it. I put a strap with one of these traditional cups on this morning so that I could describe for you exactly what sensations I am experiencing. There is both a psychological component and a physical presence of the cup that I can directly feel. My penis “knows” it is in close quarters and has been communicating that to my brain, but this is not unpleasant, in fact I am rather enjoying the situation I am experiencing.
But, I am also sensing the physical presence of the cup as well, as a subtle but direct presences on my penis. Somehow, my penis seems to “know” that the cup is there and realizes that it cannot expand beyond where it is at. This is a loopy, but also psychologically and physically a most interesting sensation. My brain thinks it’s kind of cool or neat feeling. I can tug or “adjust” or momentarily pull away the cup in an effort to find a position for the cup that might do less of this to me, but the cup keeps going back in the same position and I quickly discover that stuff has gotten still snugger.
The odd thing is that given the size of the cup, it is really difficult to move forward to more of an erection and ejaculation without first removing the strap and cup entirely. Better to just kick back and enjoy all the quirky sensations as they come and go like waves. Interesting! Enjoyable! Not to be missed.
This is what I have sometimes labeled as the pinnacle of recreational jock strap wear.
To be continued….
10-24-2018, 06:32 PM
as dm106 stated: "So when do Josh and Dylan begin interaction now that you've been philosophizing for several months? Hate to be critical, Sebbie, but it's very redundant. We want to hear more of the story!"
You have done your homework and put in a lot of time and work; but I think you have covered the history to it's fullest.
Thanks for your time and efforts, now on with the story?
10-25-2018, 02:26 PM
Have you ever been in a movie audience where you are about 40 minutes into the plot of the movie and you think you know pretty well based on what you have seen already how the movie will end? Suddenly, there is a completely unexpected plot twist. A couple of the characters that you thought were critical to the story line have died or been killed off, and a couple other characters that seemed to be important in the first 40 minutes of the story seem to have receded into the background. A new character, maybe two, who seemed to have minor roles in the first 40 minutes suddenly are important parts of the story line. And worse, all your smug predictions as to how the movie will end seen to be, well, not so smart.
Screenwriters love to do this to moviegoers. Other kinds of writers too. No one forces a moviegoer to remain planted in his seat no matter what happens. One response would be to just sit tight, enjoy the fun plot twist, and revel in the notion that the plot did not go in the direction you expected. I suppose you could storm out of the theater angry that the plot did not go the way you thought it should. But what is the real point in doing that?
So too, with my readers here. I guess some of you, for whatever reason, had pretty well decided how the story line should go and what the fate should be for each of the characters. More than a few of you had concluded that each pair of characters, Bill, Joe, and also Josh and Dylan were gay boys who were secretly trying to maintain their identities as straight, for whatever reason, and it would be only a matter of time before I would write a chapter detailing the nuances of their respective encounters with each other involving a so called “interchange of bodily fluids”.
Maybe some of you were thinking that these guys were really straight boys having interesting sex-focused flings involving obvious acts of masturbation in the presence of another guy, something they each had longed to do even when still in high school but never dared to do for an assortment of reasons. Experiences that were interesting and fun but recede into the background once each of them met the right girl and got to engage in real (penis-vagina) sex.
As a story-writer, none of this has happened, and I realize that I have fulfilled none of your expectations in this regard. Like the moviegoer who experiences a major unexpected plot twist 40-minutes in, you have every right to simply storm out of the theater in anger because things ended up not going the way you expected. Indeed no chapter has contained any description of the guys even barely touching each other let alone exchanging bodily fluids.
OK, I realize I’m “messing” with my readers simply by not writing what they expect me to write. I keep taking them through stuff over and over and some of you are saying that I told you all of this before. Well yes, and to the extent I repeat myself it is because the points I am making in my mind at least are really important to understand.
What are my points, anyway? Well, I think you already know this, but a core point is the idea that the only way a guy can have a truly enjoyable life sexually is to get to engage in sex with a partner. Further, anything a guy might do alone, or even with another person present and watching but not actively engaged, is somehow first of all not sex, but, even if it were labeled as a strange form of sex, whatever happens is clearly not as enjoyable or acceptable as it would certainly be if a partner were actively involved and bodily fluids exchanged. This surely cannot be, or can it?
To this I say, bah! Humbug!
I also realize that a bunch of the stuff I have written down on the subject is not the kind of stuff that would be easily found in a bookstore or on the Internet. I know of only a very limited number of places where writers have even hinted that solo sex like I describe here could be at least equally enjoyable to partner sex on a pure “this blows me away completely” scale and without even having to confront all the other complicated issues related to having “real” sex with a partner.
If what I am suggesting guys try is not something that interests you or your cup of tea, so be it. I’m fine with that. Don’t bother to read any further. Storm out of the theater, instead!
I’ve thought some about suddenly moving the story lines forward about two and a half years. Josh and Dylan have now graduated from college and are starting their respective careers. Josh quickly found a girl that he got engaged to and is happily having sex with her it seems every other night at least. The events that occurred in the dorm room with Dylan present have receded into the background. Apparently, Josh at the core was straight.
But Dylan is still basically the shy loner he always was. He has tried dating girls, but they seem self-absorbed and not at all interested in what Dylan is all about, the stuff that makes Dylan who he really is as a human being. Dylan still loves to engage in solo sex, and now, living alone in an apartment, he has complete freedom to do so basically whenever the mood hits him. His collection of clothing and other items employed during solo sex keeps getting bigger and bigger. But he doesn’t have to share this with anyone. At this point, it is his little secret. I understand very well why Dylan is the way he is, and how he got to where he is psychologically and sexually.
Dylan has sometimes wondered if deep down he could be a gay boy and simply has not met the guy who would potentially make a good partner for him. He realizes that his interest in masturbation and the various techniques he employs might be a lot more easily shared with another gay guy than with a girl, but he also realizes that a lot of gay guys seem to be laser-focused on activities that involve an interchange of bodily fluids. Oddly enough, this activity is not where Dylan’s mind or body is focused either. Dylan truly enjoys being Dylan in all aspects of his life. He is neither unhappy nor depressed, not at all.
So is Josh’s life right now happier sexually than Dylan’s life? Some of you may think you already know the answer to this question. If this story doesn’t seem to lead to the answer you expect are you going to quit reading? If so, I am perfectly content to keep messing with the minds and bodies of those who choose as readers to continue stick with me! Those who exit the theater now and disgust probably shouldn’t have bought tickets in the first place. After all, where else can you go where you can get such details about all sorts of things you can try and experience?
To be continued…
10-28-2018, 02:11 PM
I realize some of my readers must be incredibly disappointed. Isn’t this supposed to be an erotic story of some sort? Shouldn’t this be all about two people meeting, falling in love and having sex with each other that should involve exchanging bodily fluids? This hasn’t happened, and now my readers are fearful that we might never get to that part, or, if we do, the story is not going to play out in any sort of familiar expected way.
Writing is extraordinarily fun—for the writer. For the serious reader, maybe not so much. As storylines progress, readers keep trying to figure out what they think will happen next, and then all of a sudden the storyline takes a completely unexpected term.
So, think back, where are we here? Two male college roommates, both think of themselves as straight as an arrow on a sexuality scale. Yet, something weird has happened. Not only do they both enjoy each other’s company, they have both gotten to a point whereby they are comfortable revealing to each other at least a little of what goes on in their deepest, darkest minds. And, strangely enough, the two of them are not living on different planets in this regard. They are both on the same planet other male college students their age are living. They are both living in a place in which some of the guys brag that they have girlfriends and get to exchange bodily fluids certainly on weekends and maybe a couple or even three times a week! Certainly this is the place where normal 19- and 20-year old guys live, and certainly any guy not living in that place must be socially challenged or have issues related to his own sexuality. Maybe, Maybe.
If I were to look back on each of these stories, the particular segment that sticks out in my mind is the one in which Dylan and Josh decided it would be fun to order a bunch of different swim briefs in varying colors, cuts and sizes, not for the purpose of going swimming (at least not in all of them), but rather to see what would happen to each of them if they sorted the suits by size, largest to snuggest, and then simply tried each brief on starting with the biggest, loosest-fitting one first, and then gradually working through each pile with each brief getting smaller, snugger and tighter-fitting.
Unless the guys are completely brain dead, just contemplating trying this should result in at least a partial hard-on. Dylan and Josh are completely normal guys in this regard. This is all related to the male fear of being seen with a bit of an erection while wearing a swim brief in public. But the really psychosexually interesting part here is pushing yourself to the limit as in seeing how much of this silliness a guy like Dylan can tolerate before he goes over the top and has no real choice any longer about whether or not he can further delay ejaculation.
Then to make matters even more interesting, there is another guy Josh, who is trying to do the exact same thing. There is no touching or anything else physical going on between the two of them. But still, the mere knowledge that there is another guy in the room having the same experience adds a unique element that makes the whole situation even more interesting for both of them.
So, one way of looking at all of this is that it is just a really elaborate way to engage in solo sex, and whatever happens therefore has got to be psychosexually less enjoyable than the real thing with a partner. This goes back to the old school of thought that basically says masturbation is something that children and socially maladjusted adults may occasionally engage in, but these people are, at minimum very unfortunate souls who are missing out on what really make the world spin on its axis—that is, partner sex.
Or, maybe masturbation can end up being TOO enjoyable. That is, techniques like what Dylan and josh are doing are so much fun that a guy’s desire to find a real partner who wants to have real sex will somehow be damaged. What if I come up with a technique like this one that is just too much fun to ever abandon? If I get into a relationship with another person, aren’t really fun solo sex experiences going to have to somehow recede into the background as I keep discovering ever more enjoyable things to do with my partner? In short, how do deeply satisfying solo sex experiences even fit into a relationship, or is all of this stuff just psychosexual baggage that needs to simply be abandoned and somehow forgotten or the entire relationship is in trouble?
But then, maybe all of this messing around with the swim briefs of various sizes has an odd payoff in a partner-focused sexual relationship. Certainly, hundreds, thousands or even tens of thousands of books and book chapters have been written under the generic title “Dealing with premature ejaculation” in which the guy goes off too quickly and the partner—usually a female partner—complains that it was all over before she got anywhere herself. Maybe all Dylan and Josh are doing is practicing and developing specific skills in this regard. As Yoda might have said, “Complicated stuff, this all is”.
At puberty, guys quickly learn that having an orgasm with ejaculation—any orgasm, is a life experience not to be missed. But almost as quickly they also learn that this should be done in private, alone, and as quickly as possible so as to not get caught doing it. Guys quickly develop real skills for getting hard and over quickly. Then they spend much of the rest of their lives unlearning what they had figured out how to quickly an efficiently do---instead letting sexual feelings bubble and simmer without boiling over for an ever longer period of time, even as the sexual partner attempts to do the same thing. The funny thing is that when the pot does boil over, and it eventually will, this becomes the path to a mind blowing orgasmic experience, whether with a partner or alone. And, either way there is certainly nothing at all wrong with that.
I suspect some of my readers think this chapter did not go they had figured either. All of this is too complicated and yet far too interesting to take lightly.
To be continued…
11-10-2018, 06:41 PM
It is always a great deal of fun to experiment with straps and cups. No two brands of cups are alike, and each one of them is shaped a little differently. Finding a cup that feels particularly good requires a bit of experimenting, and perhaps a fortunate find. Further, the one that works right for you might not be perfect for me. As the cup designers are well aware, no to guys have the exact same genital equipment—in fact there is a wide variation in this respect.
There has been substantial redesign of jock strap cups that has taken place largely from in the 1990s. The redesigns were a likely mostly a consequence of the fact that the old-school flat and hard cups tended to do make guys who wore them quickly get aroused and at least somewhat erect, which was probably not desirable from the perspective of success in many team sports if the guy was focusing on the sensations coming from his cup-clad groin area rather than the sport he was playing. Second, something needed to be done about the fact that the old-school cups did not protect the balls at all from hits coming in from below or underneath.
Thus, the Banana Cup® was invented. The term Banana Cup is a trademarked name by the company that first started selling these. Generally, they were shaped like a very large and wide banana, long and fairly narrow, and meant to cover the balls and the penis when in proper position. They appealed to guys who believed themselves to be quite large even flaccid. The top part of the banana was deep enough so that there was room for a guy. Many of the cups are big enough so that unlike the traditional straps and cups, it was pretty obvious that you were wearing one if you were.
If you haven’t noticed, traditional straps with cups or not of any design are not readily found any more in a lot of bricks-and-mortar stores. Discount retailers used to have sections devoted in part to these, but they are all but gone. And the ones you do still find are usually straps with oversized banana cups.
You can find these cups in smaller sizes, but they are made for the youth market. And you can fit a youth size cup in an adult strap. This can be an interesting experience as some of the smaller youth cups are quite narrow as well as small.
Still, for recreational jock strap wear, I still much prefer the old style strap fit with the traditional-fit hard cup that really holds my penis in a cinched-in position. This provides some great feelings and sensations as my mind keeps getting drawn back to where my penis is. Maybe you too!
So, what if you want to find a cup for “recreational” wear as I describe? Would this be a cup of a different size or shape than one you might pick for actually play a sport where you actually need to protect your genitalia? That is an interesting question.
Guys wearing cups, even the roomier ones, are generally aware that there is something around the penis. The sensations a guy feels might be part psychological as well as the physical sensation of the cup bearing down and around the sexually-sensitive penis. Some guys probable experience some discomfort, at least when first getting inside, but this is quickly followed by something that seems to be much more pleasant. This curious mixture of discomfort and pleasure is not readily obtained by any other method.
As Dylan and Josh surely have found out, there are ways of ramping up the experience a bit to make the sensations still more enjoyable. The right pair of men’s thong underwear when worn under the strap and cup can take everything to another level. For me, at least, the ideal thong is one that has but a narrow band or cord that cuts deep between the glutes as I move around. To get the thong in the proper position with everything inside, a guys penis and balls will both be pushed upward and forward, with lots of perineum pressure. Meanwhile the strap and cup are pressing everything downward and back in exactly the opposite direction. The sensation of the two simple items working in the opposite direction is sweet, to say the least. A guy’s penis will be very much aware of the confined space it is in with the cup bearing down. This is, well, a superbly delicious sensation.
Then to top everything off, a pair of compression shorts goes over the top of everything. At this point, I like to do some strenuous exercise, either on my stationary rower or my stationary bike. My exercise time seems to fly by. All my sexual “hot spots” get hit at the same time, multiplying the overall effect. The crack between my glutes is suddenly quite sexually sensitive and this really becomes apparent when my perineum is getting bombarded by the thong and the walls of my penis are constrained by the hard cup held in place by the compression gear. I love trying to move the up around just a bit while all of this stuff is going on, even though it is mostly constrained by the compression shorts.
All of this is highly recommended. From the perspective of the story line, these are stunts that Bill and Joe discovered many chapters ago, as well as techniques that Josh and Dylan have been learning.
To be continued…
11-22-2018, 03:26 PM
Over fifty years ago, I enrolled as a college freshman. Living in a 3-story dorm that was entirely made up with rooms, two men (that was new, we were suddenly not boys any more) to a room. Me, I was just a wee lad of only 17, not even 18 yet.
Some of the guys may have females on their minds. Me? I had another, much more important and immediate issue. On each floor of the dorm there was one very large military-style bathroom located way down the hall, with completely open showers with shower heads all in a row. There was a row of toilet stalls which, fortunately had doors, and a long row of sinks with mirrors, but that was it.
Does this sound like the dorm Josh and Dylan have been living in? Well, not surprising!
The guys wandered down the long hallway to the showers both morning and night, usually clad only in a bathrobe. That was the easiest way to deal with the situation of having to be out in the open and wanting to shower. Of course, the University had a military (ROTC was offered) “flavor” and men’s dorms that by design were somewhat like military barracks seemed only logical. After all, guys who went into the military would face a similar situation, and this was the late 60s when the draft and the Vietnam War was on. For the moment, anyway we were “safe” because generally the college kids had educational deferments at least until they finished undergraduate degrees. The question was what would be going on once we had graduated from college.
Me? by 17 I had already developed a series of masturbation techniques that I enjoyed a lot. Not quite as elaborate as the ones Josh and Dylan have been pursuing of course, but they were great fun for me nonetheless. Dylan and Josh have gotten to try a bunch of different things that I hadn’t thought of when I was a beginning college student and what they did in this respect has gone way beyond what I was actually able to do at that age.
The basic problem I faced was very simple. With no privacy, how was I going to adapt what I was doing with and to myself to the circumstances I was now in? In retrospect, I was pretty naïve at that age. But social morays were quite different back then as well. In those years, in this setting, there were no males who were openly gay, and certainly no males living under semi-military style conditions in the little double dorm rooms. At least, that was the assumption. Generally any male living in one of these double dorm rooms was assumed to be perfectly straight.
I guess we all were aware that some guys didn’t quite fit with that idea, but, interestingly enough, I never was aware of any teasing or bullying similar to what could have easily gone on in junior high or in high school. Still, there was this problem that if you were inadvertently discovered to be masturbating, and that meant at minimum that you were not getting any (with a girl). This led to the assumption that the frequent masturbators could be or even likely were gay guys. Therefore the “penalty” for being discovered masturbating was not something most guys would want to endure. This was long before the vast majority of guys were comfortable being openly gay.
These are my observations about undergraduate college life from over 50 years ago when society was very different from now. I keep thinking about how society has gradually changed with respect to being more and more comfortable with the entire idea that there are some people who are openly gay and that this is not something that any more needs to be kept secret. There are interesting implications for all of this in many ways.
For starters, a lot of these old dormitories still exist where the rooms are small doubles with the restroom facilities down the hall. Further, even back then, if two guys wanted to pick roommates, housing offices generally allowed and even encouraged that. So even back then there were no restrictions on two male guys rooming together in a dorm room for the entire duration of college. And what they did with and to each other during that period of time behind closed doors was completely private.
The issues are interesting. The housing office, then and now would never rent a dorm room to a guy and a girl who wanted to hook up for four years of college. But for two gay guys, this was perfectly fine.
Me, I was 17 and not anywhere near wanting to form a sexual relationship with anyone, male or female. Much like Dylan, I had too much else going on academically. I was a bookworm, pretty much and excelled at doing that.
Still, I was already deep into masturbation as an interesting and hugely enjoyable activity, and even then I kept thinking up new and endlessly fascinating ways to enjoy my own body. I kept thinking up stuff in that department that I had not yet gotten to try. But even admitting to being interested in masturbating was a very taboo topic for guys to even discuss, let alone demonstrate, even inadvertently or by “accident”.
For most guys, the entire topic of engaging in solo sex remains quite taboo and something that should be kept very secret. It’s still a topic that most guys refuse to discuss openly with other guys unless the guys are gay males. But even here there is still stuff that stumps me. A lot of gay guys seem to equate being in a gay relationship with having sex that involves an exchange of bodily fluids which is usually thought to be oral or anal sex, and if two guys do not do that, then they are not in a “real” gay relationship.
I also keep thinking about what seems to me to be at first a very simple question. That question is “what is sex?” Is sex defined as simply male and female penis in vagina? What about oral sex? Is that “real” sex? Or anal sex? Must “real” sex involve an interchange of bodily fluids?
Then is solo masturbation is not sex does this somehow change if another person is present? If a guy is masturbating and another person is present that is not masturbating is that mutual masturbation? Or does the other person have to also be masturbating as well? And is mutual masturbation, however defined, then actually a type of sex? What about a married couple who enjoys mutual masturbation? In so doing are they having sex? If they are not having sex what exactly are they doing in the presence of each other?
I’ve met male-female couples, often even married, who claim to be in love with each other but never actually have penis-vagina sex and they both seem to be fine with that. I suspect that the same also must happens with some, perhaps many gay male couples, but then we get bogged down in trying to define what is a gay relationship versus just a male roommate in a completely “innocuous” situation much like the male roommates in the dorm rooms.
Suppose I simply have a male roommate, and inadvertently he wanders in and discovers me having a lot of fun playing with my own body? Has the situation suddenly changed making him more than just a roommate? What if anything changes if when he watches me having so much fun that he gets horny just thinking about what I am doing, and, as a consequence, he can’t keep himself from starting to masturbate himself while watching me? Has the situation for both of us suddenly changed from just roommates to something that is on the cusp of becoming a true gay relationship? And am I suddenly finding more enjoyment because my roommate has suddenly decided it was OK to join in? Are the two suddenly on the cusp of a “real” relationship? This, to a degree, is exactly the problem Dylan and Josh are confronting.
To be continued…
11-25-2018, 03:45 PM
A lot of myths about the sexual behaviors of guys come about by watching “coming-of-age” movies. Invariably these movies contain several teen-age guys supposedly on the cusp of manhood, and, in particular on the prospect of having penis-vagina sex with a female their age, or in a few instances a female somewhat older (See the movie “Summer of 42” which was considered quite risqué when it came out in the early 1970s). It is from these movies where a lot of females learn about the boorish behaviors of males that they might encounter.
But think about this for a moment. Did your teen years approximate the script of any of these movies? Were you so fixated then on somehow having penis-vagina sex with a female that you somehow failed to notice that there were other, less complicated but still very interesting methods and ways to enjoy your own body, without having to suffer through all the complexities of a “real” relationship at that age with all its complications and uncertainties?
I hold the view that the typical coming-of-age movie represents what only a small minority of teen males actually did as teenagers. Many teen males may have fantasized about those kinds of encounters as seen in the movies, but that is not what really happened for most of them at least. Instead, the fantasies were simply fantasies, and as nearly every male surely knows, there is nothing like a fantasy to “assist” in the entire process of jerking off. Of course, a guy still faces the additional problem of finding a place and time to enjoy a good fantasy to a powerful conclusion, but that problem seems minor compared with the problem of having a real sexual relationship with a partner.
Still, engaging in solo sex has its own nagging problems, especially if a guy is discovered doing it at an inappropriate place or time, inappropriate being any place or time when privacy is somehow lost. And the myth that solo sex is somehow an immature thing to do creates its own set of issues. Still the only thing acceptable is for guys to somehow behave in a boorish manner as seen in the movies.
The goofiest thing about a sexual is how it somehow manages to mix together stuff that is purely psychological with stuff that is quite physical. But that is also at the very core of what makes a sexual orgasm such a wonderful treat.
There is an element of it that is purely in one’s head, but there is another equally important part that is largely driven by physical sensations. At some level nearly every guy understands that. To illustrate, Josh and Dylan have been engaging in activities that are really enjoyable from a purely physical perspective and have probably taught my readers a thing or two about what to try doing and the specifics of how to go about doing it. But the presence of Josh watching Dylan enjoying himself introduces a new purely psychological element into the mix, an element that Dylan realizes will add to his own pleasure. And the same or Josh as well.
Have Dylan and Josh somehow managed to enter a gay relationship just by engaging in this most simple form of mutual masturbation? When Josh and Dylan sat down to each order a series of snug-fitting swim briefs fully knowing what was in each other’s mind with respect to how these briefs were likely be going to be used (swimming at the gym, anyone?) , were they somehow crossing an imaginary line, and, if so, what did that line actually represent, anyway? The mere thought of climbing into a series of successively smaller, snugger and tighter swim briefs even as the online order was being placed is purely psychological not physical. Yet, even as the orders were being placed, there was likely something physical going on too.
Both Dylan and Josh knew what they were going to be doing with their packages of snug-fitting briefs once they arrived. Just this thought was enough to induce some physical sensations that quickly emanated from each of their respective groins, not to mention perhaps a few expectant drops of precum. Not exactly like what happens to a guy when he goes out on a date with a person whom he thinks might soon be a sexual partner, but not totally distant from or unlike that either.
This is all inherently complicated stuff. I would submit that the vast majority of females, taking cues from watching the movies, have any idea that males are so complex in this regard and that males have so many other options for enjoying their own bodies that do not involve a female. Or, at minimum, they WANT to believe that what they think they know about the sexual behavior of males is accurate, because in its own way, that puts the female in charge of controlling a guy by either permitting or not allowing sex with the female.
I have often thought that gay males in some ways have it a lot easier, as both males in a sexual partnership have lived with and enjoyed all the other stuff their entire lives. A guy in a gay relationship is probably not going to have any difficulty admitting to his male partner that he likes to masturbate, whereas this admission could easily break up a male-female relationship when the female concludes that she then must not somehow entirely “control” her male from her sexual “driver’s seat” so to speak.
There is a lot to think about here. What, for example is the role of the psychological anticipation of getting to pull on a swim brief you are nearly certain will be too small and too snug for you, versus the physical sensations embodied in the reality of actually doing just that? Exactly how horny will you feel when you get to actually try on that new, super-slick brief? The mere anticipation is part of the fun. Will you be unable to control your urges and want to ejaculate almost immediately after you are in? Or can you tolerate the sensations for awhile as you keep feeling hornier and harder?
Complex stuff, all of it.
To be continued…
11-27-2018, 03:12 PM
Past puberty, most guys quickly discover that on awakening each morning, every day turns out to be a little different. I’m talking about not only what a guy is thinking about as he awakens in the morning, but also whether or not there are specific identifiable sensations emanating from the various parts of the groin area. This is one of those complex but fascinating parts of male sexuality. Females likely experience some of the same feelings and sensations as well. Once again, the physical and the psychological get melded together in what can turn out to be an awesome mix, or not, depending on how the day goes.
There are all sorts of possibilities here. Suppose you awaken knowing that day that you are going to be doing some very demanding and complicated work and that your mind needs to be at its sharpest and best with zero time for distractions, sexual or otherwise. The last thing you want to have happen is for your mind to be distracted with sensations emanating from your groin, no matter how pleasant they potentially might be under different circumstances.
At the other extreme, suppose that everything in your life is going well and you simply realize that there will be time for a break from the intense activities you were engaged in. You have a weekend coming up with nothing special planned that you need to do, at least not on a rigid schedule that requires you to be at a certain place at a certain time. Certainly this is the time to kick back, have a lazy day, and just try to enjoy yourself (so to speak) being out of the intensive mental and physical grind for a bit.
For most guys, there are also all sorts of days that may fall somewhere between these two extremes, say days at work or school that do not call for everything you have got. Generally, some days are just made to go smoother than others. Some days are just not as intense, either psychologically or physically, as others, and in most jobs guys will cycle through some of each of these possible scenarios.
We have all seen movies where a guy wakes up and desperately wants to have sex with his live-in partner. The partner desperately wants to as well, but the guy has something going on at work where he needs to be out the door in 15 minutes, tops. No time for sex for sure, even a truncated session, but the guy somehow manages to get himself together and psychologically shut down his horniness so that he can get to work and help resolve whatever the immediate crisis at work happened to be. The attention that has to be devoted to the crisis at work temporarily shuts down the guy’s general horniness level.
A college student in the midst of a tough exam is hardly going to want to contend with pleasant sensations from his penis at the same time the exam is ongoing, but afterwards, when the pressure is off, maybe.
What does this have to do with “what to wear?” anyway? It turns out, quite a lot! Everyone is aware of the familiar question asking if a particular guy prefers to wear boxers or briefs. One of the problems with this is that it somehow assumes that all guys have a clear preference for one style over the other as in some guys must wear only boxers and other guys wear only briefs. But I submit that the majority of guys have a wide assortment of different underwear styles in heir wardrobes, ranging from loose-fitting boxers through tighty whitey briefs in various sizes all the way down to skimpier items that fit even snugger.
I know how this works for me. I have all these possibilities available to me. Each morning I make my choice depending on how horny I feel along with the question of what I plan to do on that day whether or not the activities will take a lot of my attention both psychological and physical. Invariably, if there is likely to be stress that day I will choose underwear that fits quite loose. If the day is simply a lazy weekend day around home, I will quickly pick something from the snugger, tighter and skimpier options I have. Something still skimpier, say thong underwear, if I really want to jerk off and know I will shortly be in a situation where I can do that. I suspect that it works this way for a lot of guys. For me, this even affects me in what I wear with the underwear, and my skinniest jeans tend to be worn on the days when I am not under intense pressure from other activities and am feeling the horniest.
I also do a lot of exercising using my home gym equipment, a stationary rower, a stationary bike, and a weightlifting machine. These activities can get quite boring particularly since I tend to spend a lot of time working out (a couple hours a day). But the time seems to go much faster if I am feeling horny as I row or ride the bike. Wearing something really snug as I work out helps the time I spend go quickly. Stationary rowing while wearing thong underwear is, of course,well, interesting. Straps are fun to wear while exercising too, and I like to wear a strap with a cup over a pair of undersized tighty whiteys as one option. I even wear cupped straps doing yard work. The psychological knowledge of just knowing the cup is there along with even a slight physical sensation from the presence of the cup tends to be very pleasant.
Finally, I’ve often thought about the situation faced by guys on a swim team where the coach has decided that for a very important upcoming meet it critical that the swimmers minimize drag, and so the coach gives each swimmer a brief that is about two sizes undersized. Psychologically, each swimmer, already used to wearing swim briefs, knows that his body parts are going to be in a place that is going to be really confining, and each guy is wondering how his body ill react to the situation. What happens somewhat depends on whether the coach sends the undersized suits home with each swimmer to try on in private and check the fit in front of a mirror, or whether he just passes them out at the meet and tells the swimmers to wear them. The latter might actually lead to less apprehension as the team members might be so focused on swimming fast that their attention is diverted from where their penis is. But maybe not…
To be continued…
11-30-2018, 05:34 PM
Ahhh, the Sensations. It wasn’t long after puberty came on that I discovered that I was able to do something that I thought was really interesting. Almost by accident, I discovered that I could take myself from a normal (flaccid) state to a full scale erection and, interestingly enough, sometimes even to a full-scale orgasm without ever even touching my penis. I merely needed to be in the right (though some might say wrong) state of mind and not be distracted by anything other than the interesting sensations I was feeling moment-by-moment in my groin area. I quickly learned however that sexual arousal in this form was something of a full-body experience. What started out as sensations emanating mainly from the groin area suddenly encompassed in a very strange way my entire mind and body.
I was endlessly fascinated with this, and enjoying myself immensely when it happened. Yet at the same time I was terrified at the whole thought that it was that easy for me to get off and, obviously, what kind of a situation would I get myself into if this most fascinating sequence of events happened in some time or place that was embarrassing or otherwise inappropriate? At that age, I kept wondering too if I was the only guy in the world who had a unique set of skills of being able to ejaculate without even having to touch myself, or whether the other guys my age commonly had a similar skill or “problem” with just being a guy.
A was but vaguely aware of the fact that masturbation was also known as self-abuse, which implied that I should have to do something to myself, say maybe touch or lightly stroke my penis. But I was at the age where I was regularly having something called nocturnal emissions. I would wake up in the morning and there would be a starchy oval stain on the front of my PJs.
Ejaculate can be messy. I quickly learned that while these ejaculations while I was still asleep were OK , it was just a heck of a lot more fun if I could get myself in a mode so I would wake up just before I blew. And not long after that, if I woke up with just a full erection going on I could use my hand as a tool to explore and enjoy the sweet sensations coming from the nerve endings in my penis while bringing everything to a powerful conclusion at, say, 2 AM. In which case the semen stains on my pajamas would likely be dry by morning and I could just get up in the morning and act nonchalant as if nothing weird or out-of-place had happened.
I learned a lot about how guys work, sexually, in those cold winter bedtime nights as a teenager, information that has served me well over the decades. I kept wondering if the other guys my age were having similar experiences, but I never dared ask any of my peers, being concerned that if I raised the issues with them I would be looked upon as even weirder than they thought I was already.
Having said that, when it comes to the nuances of sexual arousal, there are probably nearly as many mechanisms for getting turned on as there are guys out there, and all of this tends to be very personal stuff. So personal in fact that it is a wonder to me that as many guys as do manage to somehow find sexual partners that they feel comfortable sharing sexual turn-ons and that generally the world operates as smoothly relationship-wise as it does. I’ve come to realize that for many guys, getting turned on sexually is so intertwined with finding the “right” sexual partner that it is all but impossible to separate the two. Yet at the same time there are lots of different ways of enjoying yourself sexually that in no way endangers or even involves another person and yet is still enormously satisfying.
The very idea of enjoying yourself sexually without getting oneself involved with another person seems to bother a lot of people as if this were a manifestation of an illness of some sort, say the illness of being labeled a “social recluse”. People who are heavily involved in partner relationships tend to think that there is something surely wrong with those who for whatever reason do not see their lives as going that way, those who find dealing with the non-sexual aspects of living day by day with as sexual partner as being stifling, as in the air has been let out of the tires. Pity the poor guy who finds himself married but still enjoys masturbation methods he learned at an early age. Is he stuck meandering through life ever again getting to do the very things he so much enjoyed when he was younger, and single, or is he supposed to somehow act as if this is not still part of his very being?
At an early age, I fell in love with the sheer enjoyment of getting aroused. I’m sure that is evident in everything I have written here. But I also quickly discovered that some snug-fitting item of clothing could make it all even more fun. If that sounds weird, or abnormal to guys whose arousal triggering method is totally intermingled with the idea of being with a partner for sex so be it, but from my perspective I think I was the one who got lucky in that I can still enjoy myself a lot completely free of the burdens associated with day-to-day life with a partner. At the same time I certainly would not call myself asexual at all. Indeed, writing all these stories so that others may read has been very cathartic for me.
Over the years, I have had many male friends who have gone into and then out of relationships with women. I watched these guys muddle through their lives, often in the unhappy phases of various marriages, sometimes not only one but maybe a succession of two, three or even more failed marriages. Almost invariably the guy eventually decides that this marriage is the last for him, and that what needed to happen to keep his latest sexual partner happy just overwhelm him. The same questions keep popping into my head over and over, but I never dare share with them what I have written here.
Think about what I have just told you. A lot of guys could choose to live a perfectly normal single life that is full of immense sexual pleasure without ever even getting involved sexually with another person. A relationship is no certain path to sexual happiness. There are a few techniques that a guy needs to know about how his own sexual body works in order to accomplish this, but by and large they are not difficult to learn. The most difficult part is, at first, dealing with the questions related to “why aren’t you married?” and then the inevitable rumors that must circulate that if you don’t have a wife at a certain age you therefore must be gay. But the rumor-mongering soon stops, and you can go back to having a very pleasant life sexually and non-sexually, free of most of the headaches that your partnered friends are trying to handle.
This is a happy thought, not sad.
To be continued…
12-06-2018, 09:53 PM
My regular readers know that there are many different ways for a guy to enjoy himself without getting into the complexity of a relationship. What better way to do this than by pulling on a really snug-fitting swim brief. I suspect there are some guys who are at least a little bit embarrassed about the fact that they like to do this, let alone share with anyone specific techniques that they find to be particularly enjoyable.
I realize that a lot of guys think that a powerful orgasm with lots of ejaculate is the ultimate goal for a guy to pursue. For me, a slower, somewhat laid back approach to getting off is normally ultimately much more rewarding, consistent with my view that the longer you can remain aroused and hard, the more interesting and powerful the final moments will be. And what I am saying here is not a truth limited to benefiting guys engaging in solo sex. This is at the very core of what can make sex with a partner ultimately much more exciting and rewarding as well. There are things to lean about how to enjoy yourself whether you are in a relationship with a sexual partner or not. So this is equal opportunity thinking.
The other idea about male sexuality that I find so endlessly fascinating is how the sensations coming from a guy’s groin area vary moment-by-moment during arousal. A lot of guys equate arousal with getting hard and growing, but there is way more going on than that, all fun to discover and enjoy. This starts when the mind thinks about or perhaps sees something that is interpreted as sexually arousing. For me, at least, this has almost invariably been followed by a few drops of glistening clear precum even if there has not been enough time to even start to get hard.
Some guys claim they never precum, but somehow I doubt that. I tend to associate the slight dampness at the tip of my penis with moving into arousal mode, which could soon lead into some ore new sensations.
The other complicated part about the male penis is that it is not only filled with nerve endings that when touched to neat things to a guy’s brain, but also if a guy is even starting to get hard, the sensitivity of these nerve endings and the extent to which you will enjoy the sensations varies moment-by-moment. Penises cannot simply always be in high gear in this regard. Flaccid penises tend to be far less touch sensitive than hard penises, but the really interesting part about this is how the nerve endings vary in sensitivity moment by moment as a guy goes from flaccid but aroused to hard. I find the range of the sensations and how they “mess” with my brain moment-by-moment to be an endlessly fascinating part of being a guy.
Once arousal happens and an erection gets even a little bit underway, of course, blood flows into the penis. The endlessly-fascinating part here is that if a guy pays attention to what is happening, there are some neat sensations that mess with you as only a little bit of extra blood flows into the penis. A guy can sense that the nerve endings in the penis are producing more interesting sensations as the blood starts to flow in, even if you are not actively engaged in stroking or even touching yourself.
And, of course, a snug-fitting item of clothing such as an undersized swim brief makes the sensations even more obvious and enjoyable. It’s a lot more fun to enjoy yourself while wearing the right swim brief than trying for you to experience this nude or in loose-fitting boxers. That is a simple fact.
Let me suppose that you are about 2/3 hard and your penis is in an “up” position inside that snug-fitting swim brief. Guys generally know that for a specific hardness level, the underside of the penis is more sensitive and fun to touch and stroke than the top of the penis. The problem with stroking the glans of a hard penis is that will send a guy into a full-scale orgasm very quickly. Maybe better to hold of on that a bit.
Meanwhile, with your penis up, the underside will be pressing against the slick cloth of the front of the swim brief. When you see a guy in this “predicament” you have to assume that psychologically he is having a great time. Somehow, I must admit that this invariably “gets” to me if I see a guy in this state, and I will want nothing more than to be in the exact same situation. I suppose this could be worked into partner-sex, say two guys facing the same situation and predicament.
I would encourage my readers to explore their own bodies by trying some of these techniques. The techniques are perfectly safe and you will learn about the range of sensations that re possible sexually. If you end up just enjoying yourself, that is fine and you should take advantage whenever you can. But if some of these ideas are helpful in a sexual relationship with a partner, and that is fine too. Perhaps you can teach your partner a thing or two in the process.
It’s great being a guy!
To be continued....
12-17-2018, 06:24 PM
At first take, a Lycra-blend wrestling singlet would appear to be something very different from a standard Lycra-blend swimming brief, but for a lot of guys they have a lot in common. For starters, they are both designed to be worn with a very snug fit, despite the obvious differences in size and body coverage of the two suits. I suspect that most guys who might be apprehensive about wearing a snug-fitting swim brief would also have some apprehension about getting into and wearing a properly snug-fitting singlet.
Singlets are designed to conform to a guy’s body as tight as is reasonably feasible in part because of the nature of the wrestling sport. A smooth, body-conforming singlet is going to make it very difficult for the opponent to get a firm grip on a guy, so, in that respect the tighter the fit the better. But that means that the best-fitting singlet for competitive wear is going to be more than a little difficult to get into and out of. That is something of a dilemma but is also part of the fun.
As my readers know, I am very much into stationary rowing, and have been engaging in that for over 30 years. One of the benefits of stationary rowing on a daily basis is that it is a very easy way to build strong, wide shoulders not to mention chest and upper body. Part of my interest in stationary rowing is that I thought it would be a simple way to increase the size and strength of my shoulder and lat muscles and that has proven to be true, and I have much broader shoulders than most guys my age.
Wrestlers at the high school and college levels come in all sorts of different sizes and compete in matches in a lot of different weight classes. For a singlet to fit correctly, almost as a second skin, so your opponent has as little as possible to grab in attempting to take you or hold you down, the singlet needs to be available in enough sizes to accommodate all the different sizes of wrestler . For me, I would logically wear a singlet labeled as Medium, given that I am 5’10” and 150 lbs. But my problem has been that a singlet this size fits me very well in the bottom into the chest, but getting the shoulder straps in place, at least for some brands, has posed a struggle. I conclude that those who engage in stationary rowing are not built like an average wrestler of the same size, and the difference is mainly in the shoulder size.
Of course, there are techniques I have learned to make it possible to get the shoulder straps in proper position, but these typically involve first recognizing that the shoulder straps will go on easier if the singlet is first cinched up as much as possible into the groin area and buttocks, which can be interesting to say the least. And using a wrestling singlet as garb for rowing once I am in works well, in part because with each rowing stroke the rower’s shoulders give a nice firm tug to the groin and buttocks.
A lot of guys would probably “react” to this situation in much the same way they would to being in a snug-fitting swim brief. All the tugging and pulling that goes on in the groin area probably will elicit some bodily “responses” whether or not a guy consciously wants to go there or not. Oozing precum is certainly a real possibility under the circumstances I have described.
Not being a wrestler myself in any part of my life, I have been curious as to what high school and college wrestlers like to wear under a wrestling singlet. From what I have learned so far, there is no standard answer to this. Going into this research I presumed that perhaps an old school jock strap might still be favored and maybe with a hard or soft cup. But I presume wrestlers tend to avoid even inadvertently attacking an opponent in the groin area, or points in the match will be lost if not disqualification. So perhaps the need for a hard cup is minimized by how the wrestling matches are scored.
The most consistent answer I have heard on this topic is that wrestlers wear pretty much whatever works for them in their particular situation. No doubt many wrestlers would think a damp precum spot on the front of their singlet right at the penis tip could prove embarrassing in a public match, so maybe some snug fitting briefs made of absorbent cotton would work to absorb the precum before it show up as an oval stain on the singlet. Loose-fitting boxer shorts worn under a singlet for a variety of obvious reasons would appear to work less well.
A wrestling singlet is an interesting choice for engaging in a variety of non-competitive gym sports from weightlifting to stationary rowing and bike riding and are a particularly good choice for guys who get a little turned on by the fit and feel of Lycra-blend fabrics that snug . As I see it, the trickiest part is getting the sizing correct for your specific build so that you succeed in getting that neat snug fit you want without having too much difficulty getting in and out of the singlet.
To be continued…
12-23-2018, 02:28 PM
At this time of year, I cannot help but think back to my younger days and in particular how important it was to me growing up to have the opportunity to first learn about and then enjoy my own body. Wintertime starting with the shortest days of late December leading into early January played a particularly important role in this respect. The nights were long and the days are short, and a guy’s mind is not filled with so many distractions as seem to occur at other times of the year.
Somehow, for me, this meant a lot of time to myself, and, often under the cover of darkness, discover some stuff that I might not have discovered in the daylight hours. I have long suspected that practically every guy must go through this phase of their existence. A guy is in a situation whereby there is still much to be learned about merely being a male, and what better time to explore all of this than when a guy has time on his hands. School is probably out, and there is not the constant tension that arises from having to be mentally focused on the things going on around you.
I sense that not every guy copes in the ways I did. Some guy’s lives seem to focus at times like this on delving into relationships, perhaps early versions of somewhat sexual relationships with another person, most commonly at this age a female person. I realize that some of the guys like to brag to their male friends about where they got to in these early sexual conquests as if getting into a sexual relationship was a competitive sport.
A lot of people tend to think of teen-age relationships as being spur-of-the-moment kinds of things, but sometimes young people end up making better decisions than might have occurred had the decision been made later in life. One of my high school classmates dropped out of high school at age without graduating, to marry her sweetheart, about two years older. Some 53 years later the two of them are still happily married to each other. All I can say about this is “all the best” and that I am very happy that this all worked out so well for the both of you.
Having said that, I keep coming back to my own situation which suggests that getting into a relationship with a sexual partner (straight or gay) may not always be the secret to long term sexual happiness. Somehow, throughout my life, I seemed to have male friends who were in relationships with female partners and were miserable, and that is putting it mildly. As time passed, all these guys could think about is how much happier they would be if they could somehow go back into a situation whereby they were single again, without the heavy burdens that being in a sexual relationship brought to them. I’m talking about maybe a half dozen guys over the years in this situation, some who went through more than one divorce.
I became friends with these guys I guess in part they admired me for being “smart” enough not to get myself into one of these clunky sexual relationships that lead to so much unhappiness for both participants. They realized the life I was navigating seemed to be working out fine without all the baggage associated with having a sexual partner. But still, there were and are mysteries in how one can operate as a guy without being in some sort of a sexual relationship with a partner.
Or perhaps not.
To be continued…
12-25-2018, 06:32 PM
2018 Holiday reviews, Part I
Growing up, I always longed for items of clothing as presents that would help me feel horny all during the season. As an adult, I vowed to not try and rely on other people to figure this all out, and every year I would buy myself a few gifts that I thought I would really really like to receive. This has all evolved into an annual affair for me starting in mid-November with online shopping allowing me to get the packages without really keeping track of what might be in each one of the packages. Sometimes I even try and forget what I ordered until Christmas is upon me.
Many of you probably remember that Josh and Dylan bought gifts for each other with the subtle objective being to get the other guy into a state of horniness to the point where he can’t help but want to jerk himself off.
The stuff I buy myself tends to vary year by year. This year I did not buy myself yet another strap (I have a huge collection of those already) nor were there any wrestling singlets in the orders (I have several ones of those already as well). This year I focused on some really snug compression gear, a couple of swim briefs. Last night I started unwrapping (well, by taking stuff out of bags) the various items I had picked out.
The various venders always want reviews of their products. The problem of course is that I need to tone down my reviews relative to what I write here. I can’t just say a particular item would be fun to jerk off in or even that getting into the item makes me horny enough to ooze precum, like I routinely say here. In my public site reviews I do drop subtle hints that if you read between the lines you might conclude something in this regard.
The items this year turned out to be really fun to wear and I have tried them all on. As I do this I keep wondering if other guys with the same tem would tend to “react” in the same way or at least similarly.
I thought all of you would first like to see for each item that I wrote for the vendor review in one paragraph. Then in the paragraph that follows I will try and explain what I really am trying to communicating using more blunt language. As all of you know I am very fond of items that make me feel horny even if this doesn’t quickly lead to an erection and orgasm and I use precum ooze as a measuring stick to determine exactly how successful item each is at achieving my goal. I will rank each item of a 5-point, (5-smiley) scale as it affected me when I tried it on.
The first two items were from Amazon, a pair of compression shorts and two pair of compression pants. Most guys my size might order these in size Medium, but you all know how fond I am of downsizing, so I went with the Small. Other guys if you read their reviews seem more than a little “nervous” about downsizing compression gear and you will often see them upsizing rather than downsizing. But I always thought wearing the gear as undersized as feasible was all part of the fun. (This is similar to the panic phase some guys go into when undersizing swim briefs.)
So, here are the first two reviews, first the one that went to the Web site and then my additional comments. I’m also including a link to the product just in case anyone feels compelled to order. None of the items this year were expensive.
Tesla navy compression shorts, navy blue.
These are a fine pair of compression shorts at a bargain price, though some colors are more expensive than others. The whole point of compression gear is for it to go on like a second skin as in snug and tight. I have a 31-inch waist and actually ordered these in size Small (S). The elastic waistband will need to stretch a bit, but once I am in these are quite comfortable to wear and do fit just like a second skin. The look is really great, and at a very reasonable price. I especially like the fit and feel under a pair of sweatpants, and intend to wear this combination over the winter months in my stationary rowing, biking and weight-lifting. These fit correctly to size and there is certainly no reason to upsize.
I’m wearing these right now with a snug pair of tighty whiteys underneath and sweatpants over. In this setup, I have been feeling horny all morning long. I am very much aware that the compression shorts are on me and further, for me at least they are hitting all the right buttons. Part of the success I am having in precum production relates directly to the undersizing, but these are a great pair of shorts regardless.
Horniness/precum ranking 4/5 based on a 5-smiley scale:
4 :-)
Tesla compression pants
I’ve long believed that the key to good compression gear is a fantastic fit, snug and tight, so that the gear fits a guy as if it was part of his body not just another piece of clothing. Not all guys may see this exactly the way I do (and this might not be for the faint-hearted) but I like to undersize compression gear a bit. The Tesla gear is able to stretch a lot, so I get the fit and feel that I am seeking. I particularly like the bright green Tesla compression pants but the navy blue ones are neat too. In cooler months these are excellent under sweatpants but in the summer months with a looser-fitting pair of workout shorts over. You will both look and feel great at the same time. These fit true to size, and at minimum you should not oversize. The snug fit is the key!
I ended up with two pair of these one in the bright green shown and one in the navy blue. These do indeed fit just as snug in the ankle and calf as shown, in the size I ordered (Small). You should have a lot of fun just getting yourself into these and getting important body parts into the correct position. The fabric is slick and smooth and provides a slick and smooth fit everywhere on your body. These might make it as bedtime wear as well. The green ones really do it for me even though the navy ones are nice too.
Ooze/precum wise I would have to rank these about the same as the shorts:
4/5 smileys.
4 :-)
To be continued below as Part II
12-25-2018, 06:34 PM
2018 Holiday reviews Part II
See Part I on previous page, above
Keep Diving Swim briefs (Yosoo, Walmart)
Great swim briefs, multiple uses
These swim briefs aren’t cut as skimpy as some out there. They are a full-coverage swim brief but with a fine overall fit. Not cut too low or two high, they will give a guy full coverage both front and back. I see these as having multiple uses, not only for swimming and diving, but as a classy pair of black underwear under a pair of black skinny jeans, or maybe under sweat pants or other workout wear at the gym. A third use is unique bedtime wear. They work well under a pair of sleep pants in the wintertime and I worth them that way last night. I like the feel of the smooth fit for sleeping! In the summer months they will work well alone for sleepwear. Multiple uses!
These are not nearly as skimpy, snug or low-cut as my Seobean or Aqux briefs, but I knew that going in. In the Medium size (the smallest listed available size) they fit like an ordinary pair of black swim briefs. My butt crack is completely covered in them and I would have no issues with wearing them in public. But they do have a certain charm about them. I crawled into bed wearing them with sleeping pants over and I can say I slept very well through the night. I see these mainly as sleepwear or as underwear under black skinny jeans
Precum/ooze production 3/5 smileys
Black “leather” boxer briefs
These look fairly unassuming but are much more than that
These shorts appear to provide a good deal more coverage than a typical snug brief worn either for swimming or as underwear under other gear such as skinny jeans. But do not be surprised if you quickly discover that these seemingly tame and apparently innocuous shorts turn out to be a good deal more than that. I ordered the size Medium which should be my normal size, but I quickly discovered that these shorts fit really low in both the front and back. The best way I can describe the fit is that it is what I would call an “Asian” swim brief fit, especially in the back. Some guys may be more than a bit alarmed with that discovery, but it is all part of the fun a guy gets himself into when purchasing a pair of these. Once a guy settles into this and accepts what these really are, it can be wonderful both in fit and feel. I highly recommend ordering a pair of this and you will discover why the design is what it is.
These were the ones that turned out to be a very pleasant surprise. Looking at the photos they appear to be made like a black sunga with wide sides. Can something made like this end up being fun to wear in the sense I think about it. The answer is, emphatically “yes”. These are just a wonderful place to be. On discovery that my butt cracked showed an inch or so the tendency is to try and pull up everything a bit, but that just seems to make matters worse (or perhaps better!). Your penis will fit nicely in the pouch aiming up, but the pouch itself is pretty confining too, and the feel of the slick material pressing against the underside of my penis is an experience to be savored. What a treat. I was moving past mere precumming and into a full-scale “need” to have an orgasm lightning fast even though I wasn’t even that hard. Somehow these shorts sent me into a special place and his was quickly followed by a wonderful and powerful orgasm.
Precum/Ooze production rating 5/5 Smileys, but don’t be surprised if once you are into these you quickly move past oozing and into something much more powerful and profound. But maybe it was just me. I don’t totally understand why these hit me so quickly, but I am here to report tht is exactly what happened. I had great Christmas eve fun wearing these. To a certain degree I am still recovering from the profound erotic experience this morning.
Pacsun super skinny black jeans
Black super skinny jeans meets a compression pants fit.
First off, these jeans are really really skinny, but I assume that you would not be reading this if you already know that. A snug and tight fit is really what a pair of super skinny jeans is all about. And in order to get that fit, the denim has to be blended with Spandex ®. I have another pair of Pacsun black super skinny jeans that I purchased a few years ago in a fabric blend that also includes Spandex. These look very good for me in size 31 x 30. But I knew that more recently Pacsun was improving the stretch of the denim from what it was a few years ago, allowing for a tighter fit but still giving a guy flexibility in movement. The tricky part is getting a cuff that goes over your feet without hanging. In addition not every guy has the same size calf muscles, and the size of the calf muscle is largely unrelated to a guy’s waist size—that is a guy can easily have a small waist with a bigger, more athletic calf muscle. So stretch is important in the calf area. The cuffs in my size are less than 11-inches, and without the stretch in the fabric I would be unable to get into these. But with the stretch in the denim, no problem either at the foot or calf. I like to wear Compression pants when working out and even as daily wear, and these jeans fit almost like a pair of compression pants. If you want a really skinny fit, these high-quality jeans are the ones for you. More so at a very reasonable price as well. The look, fit and feel are all terrific!
The jeans manufacturers have made substantial progress in coming up with ways to make mens jeans that fit very snug, without limiting movement. Too, the stretchy denim means that guys can downsize at least an inch. I am down to a 30 inch aist in these in part because the stretch makes them easy to button. The reviews on these jeans suggest that they are wildly popular with guys, especially guys like me who think they look clunky in jeans with a loose fit. I hope this trend continues. I nearly always precum a little getting into snug-fitting jeans and I guess most guys probably do. Some guys seem to have the same kind of fear going on with respect to skinny jeans as they have with swim briefs.
Ooze/precum production rating 4/5 smileys
Overall this has been a wonderful Christmas and these items have been real treats. I keep learning more and more how my body responds to and copes with each new situation it faces, and this is part of the overall pleasure that I get running my experiments.
I can’t help but think that Dylan and Josh, Bill and Joe would have enjoyed getting gifts like these as well! Maybe even a few of my readers, as well. It’s always fun to push everything up and forward if only a bit!
To be continued…
12-27-2018, 04:09 PM
Stop! Wait a Second! Can this all be? Part I
I have just told you all something that is really interesting and profound. What I have told you is not often mentioned out loud, at least I don’t think guys have the nerve to admit to making others aware of what is really going on inside them in this respect.
But first, let me back up a bit, to a calmer time when I was just growing up and just starting to grasp what it meant to be a guy. Truth is, I didn’t really understand the ramifications of what was going on with me down there in my groin area. A lot of stuff was still a mystery, except that I was gradually becoming aware of the fact that whatever was mysterious was mysterious in a way that made me feel good in a lot of strange and new ways. I am now aware that a lot of the guys around me must have also been having something similar happening to them too, but they wanted to avoid admitting that too, that sometimes things would get a little out of control. Stuff would happen. Stuff that in a curious way felt both strange but oddly profoundly interesting as well.
But here I was, not knowing quite what to make of it all. Somehow my mind got fixated on seeing guys clad only in a swim brief. Was this a gay thing of some sort that I had? At that point I probably didn’t even know what being a gay guy implied, and besides, at that stage in time, society deemed guys who were interested in other guys as being psychosexually abnormal. Certainly not a pleasant place for me to be growing up in the 1950s.
I admit that I was never fascinated with the female body in the ways that somehow seem to profoundly affect other guys. But wait! I have been friends with lots of guys who are clearly heterosexual. Also, a few of these have been in relationships with females that seem to go on indefinitely, most of these being the self-described happily marrieds. And I give them credit for that. I think I decided one day at age 12 or 13 that I wanted no part whatsoever of a life that I would find as confining and probably not sexually satisfying in the ways that seem to work for at least some of the married. Or perhaps this included the married and then divorced and remarried, to the point of having to number their ex-wives just to help remember them. That was deep stuff for a 13-year old to ponder.
Then too, I have been friends with many guys who seem to cycle in and out of relationships with women. A basic question I would have for all of these guys is if penis-vagina partner sex is all it’s cracked up to be then why wasn’t there enough psychosexual “glue” there to hold the relationship together? A guess these same guys wonder about me as well. Don’t I ever get the “urge” to ejaculate within a very confined space, and if so, how do I “cope” with this psychosexual predicament of not having a readily-available place to do so?
Besides, there is the gay thing. Some straight guys pretty much think that any guy who has remained single all his life must be gay. I have been fortunate in that regard as I have never been “labeled” as a gay guy, at least not openly to my knowledge. That has been helpful, career-wise. I do have male friends, several single male friends who also are guys secure enough in their own identities as to who they are that they don’t seem to have any concerns that the mere act of hanging out with me might somehow label them as gay.
For me, the gay male stuff quickly gets as complicated as the straight male stuff with women does. I lived through the 1980s when gay guys who engaged in sex involving the exchange of bodily fluids (aka oral or anal intercourse) meant that you were at increased risk for the deadly and life-ending HIV virus. I wanted no part of that. Besides, in my “warped” mind oral or anal sex was a gross as penis-vagina sex. Besides there was nothing sexually to be gained here that I couldn’t accomplish as well or on my own, in private, and be completely safe.
I suppose I could talk about how modern medicine has made HIV less of a death sentence, and more like just a serious but chronic disease. But I also think there have been profound ways in how gay guys think about sex. In the 1980s, it seemed to me that gay guys by definition were engaging in oral and anal exchange of bodily fluids, and further, if two guys were not doing that by definition they were not gay. Now, coming up on 40 years later, there is far greater acceptance among guys for engaging in sexually interesting activities that do not put anyone at risk.
I have described some profoundly interesting psychosexual situations involving Josh and Dylan in the privacy of their little two-man dorm room in part because I wanted to get my readers to thinking about what it means to be a gay guy or not, as well as push their own “buttons” for my readers with respect to thinking about what might be psychosexually interesting or not. I’m “messing” with how my readers think about all of the stuff related to being gay versus being straight and having psychosexual fun with another guy without engaging in anything that is considered risky or spread disease.
Then there is my own situation to explore in more depth as well. I don’t ever want to leave the impression that I am the least bit unhappy with respect to how all of this turned out for me. Indeed, I am profoundly happy. My life has been rewarding in all sorts of ways, both sexually as well as outside that realm as well.
Continues Below...
12-27-2018, 04:11 PM
Continues From Above
Back when I was still in grade school, I used to seek out photos of guys wearing snug-fitting swim briefs, while at the same time longing for the day that I could find out first hand ho my penis would “respond” to being in such a snug but somehow very accommodating place. As a young adult, I finally got to experiment on my own and, bluntly put, everything I thought might be possibly happening in a situation like this did. I was psychologically “hooked” on swim briefs. At that point in time the whole psychological world would claim that I somehow was abnormal and suffered from a “disease” called a fetish, which at that point in time meant any inanimate object (like a swim brief) that caused a guy to get aroused. I didn’t want to be labeled as sick or even weird. I was just a guy who had discovered something that was perfectly safe to do and marvelous fun for me at the same time.
This was a little weird because society somehow deems that young adult males “should “ be looking for female partners to have sex with and be engaging in sexual activities that are at least borderline dangerous in various respects if not profoundly so. A basic problem with ejaculating in a swim brief is whether a guy finds doing so to be so much fun that he is unwilling to forego the activity once a sexual partner is found, and what does a guy do with the idea that a guy might not want to give it up just because he is in a relationship with another person. The agony of it all!
Then, something most interesting happened to me. I pulled on that leather look sunga and within the space of a minute or two, I could no longer contain myself. This situation quickly evolved into the strongest and most profound orgasm I had in ages. How could a little suit that didn’t even appear to be that snug and skimpy send me off this way? Good question.
I pulled up the link for that little suit on the Walmart site where I had gotten mine and discovered that now it was out of stock, and worse, there appeared to be no other vendors of that exact suit.
Then I got to searching “leather-look briefs” on both Walmart and Amazon and quickly discovered a bunch of hits. There are many vendors selling stuff along these lines that appear to be made for nothing other than making a guy hard—an entire industry devoted to building stuff that a guy would find profoundly erotic. Take your pick.
Why there appears to be such a market for this stuff remains unclear to me but I will toss out a couple of thoughts. Most of this stuff appears to be coming out of Asian factories, which in part suggests to me that Asian guys may be very much into this garb, in much the same way many of the Asian guys seem to like super low riding and skimpy swim brief, and that Speedo® swimwear destined for sale in places like Japan has a much skimpier cut than what is sold in the US.
Let’s think about this in more detail. Before the advent of on-line shopping, guys would have to go o a bricks-and-mortar retailer to buy clothes, including undergarments. This would normally involve paying for the item using a female clerk. What were the clerk and the other customers standing in line going to think of me sauntering up to pay for an item that was really skimpy? Were they sizing up my sexual orientation based on the garment I was holding in my hand? Was the sales clerk doing the same thing?
I still remember the first swim thong I bought at the local Macy’s store. I remember wanting to complete the transaction and just get out of there with the thong as fast as I could. This was one of the first years that thongs were popular as men’s swim attire, and Macy’s actually carried an entire rack of them.
But with on-line shopping, guys can easily shop for skimpy clothing without fear of anyone else finding out what you are up to or what the ultimate use will be for the garment (unless, maybe, you are married to a female who might wonder just a bit :) ) Remember, making out online orders for each other was part of a male bonding strategy Dylan and Josh both employed as they also thought about getting to observe each other desperately attempting to hold back what would become an nearly uncontrollable urge to ejaculate into the garment.
So, what conclusions do I reach from this wandering essay. The first conclusion I reach is that the world-wide market for clothing items that guys might find sexually arousing must be quite large, but that most of the growth has occurred in the on-line stores. I have no idea whether or not some of these items show up in male-female sexual activity, but that is certainly a possibility. Many of the descriptions suggest that a specific item is gay-focused whatever that means.
But, I also strongly suspect that many of these items are most commonly as an aid for solo sex, much as I have been doing. Maybe other guys are enjoying just as much the stuff I enjoy doing to myself in private. I keep wondering if the guys no longer in a relationship could benefit from my take on all of this, but then, how would I even go about bringing the subject up. I am in this weird world once again where I know guys love to masturbate but remain as fearful over what would happen if someone else (perhaps even a wife) accidentally. And how is a guy going to navigate a world in which a female partner no longer is there if his other option is to engage in sexual play with himself, swim brief or not?
This is deep stuff to contemplate. Still, in some ways my psychosexual world is a simple and safe retreat compared with the sexual messes other self-described “normal” guys seem to get themselves into.
To be continued…
01-01-2019, 02:02 AM
I have had some opportunities to do some additional “experiments” with the clothing items I purchased as Christmas presents to myself. The items turned out very well and all of them were purchased at a very reasonable price. Today I have been working out in the green Tesla running tights, doing my usual stationary rowing and bike riding along with a little weightlifting.
In the case of swim briefs, the question or issue that always comes up is what is the proper or correct size? I realize that a lot of guys have a good deal of apprehension about wearing any swimming brief period let alone swim briefs that are undersized.
An interesting question is whether this same apprehension is of concern when a guy contemplates wearing running tights, and whether guys are scared of undersizing or even getting a correct fit in the same way that guys are fearful of close-fitting swim briefs.
The past ten years has seen some very interesting changes in men’s fashion. Guys everywhere wore very loose-fitting jeans and usually equally loose fitting boxer shorts. Then almost overnight, snug-fitting jeans came into fashion, and these have only gotten snugger and more body conforming. And the denim now stretches. Cuffs on some of my jeans from PacSun measure only 11 inches and I would have trouble getting my feet through them were it not for the fact that the denim itself stretches a lot. I really like the fit, which is close to the fit of a running tight especially in the calves and thighs.
Then there are the real running tights. I too am uncertain whether these are meant to be won with loose-fitting shorts over or whether they are meant to be worn without a cover of that sort. It seems to me that varies by manufacturer. Some running tights have a more obvious pouch or even an open fly, and I presume that those would be worn with looser-fitting shorts over. But the Tesla ones I just got are cut fairly flat in front, and they strike me as being fine to wear to the gym without any other cover in the groin area.
Then there is the sizing question. The whole point of compression gear is compression, and to me it seems like it is better to err on the side of undersizing than oversizing. I really like the look, fit and feel of these one size down. I suggested that buyers downsize on the Amazon review and I got a question from a customer who was buying them for her son who was 5’9 and 140 lbs, and she wondered if the best size was a SM or a MED. I told her it depends how snug a fit he wants, but I was 5’10” and 150 lbs and SM fit me fine.
Today, I wore the green ones alone but then decided to see how they would feel with a pair of snug gold football pants over (wonderful) and I worked out some in that combination. Tonight it is cooler and I am wearing them under sweat pants. I love the feel. They have somehow made me feel happy all day long.
Whether some guys have the same body issues wearing Lycra® running tights that they have with wearing swim briefs is an interesting question. There seems to be less of a debate on the Internet over that topic. But I can’t help but sense that some guys might also experience a similar “problem”.:)
Still snug-fitting compression gear like this seems to be increasingly popular, riding the wave not only of other snug-fitting gear such as compression tees and shorts and also the general rend toward very snug-fitting jeans. This is a very interesting turn of events.
To be continued…
01-08-2019, 02:44 PM
How are you feeling this morning? No, I mean how are you REALLY feeling this morning? You know, down THERE! Yup, any guy past puberty knows what I am talking about.
Some days, you get up in the morning, and your mind is distracted by everything that is going on around you. Stuff that has nothing to do with your male body parts. You know what I mean. You have had days like that. Many days where you don’t even want to think about the fact that you have organs that are touch-sensitive in your groin area. Guys have many days like that, despite how all this has been portrayed in coming-of-age movies over the years. These movies seem to have a plot built around the notion that guys are constantly horny and therefore constantly on the prowl to have sex.
But the real world is frequently not like it is portrayed in the movies on a host of different fronts, this being just one of them. In the real world, alien monsters do not suddenly appear out of nowhere, nor do guys do nothing else but think about their penises. So, the coming-of-age movies in their own way are at least as fake as the science fiction flicks that feature alien monsters.
Still, for guy, there is something really interesting going on, and a lot of it is not easily explained. Every morning, for more decades than I can count, I get up to meet the new day and what it might bring. Some days end up being very busy, and I have lots of things that need my attention. My mind immediately turns to how do I deal with all this stuff and get the issues and problems I face resolved.
Other mornings tend to be more leisurely. A guess most guys on some, perhaps many, days, wake up only to discover that they have got a bit of a hard-on going on. Often not a feeling that you are really going to need to ejaculate, and the quicker the better, but more of a, well, my penis is attempting to distract me, perhaps even draw my attention away from the other things going on that day, as if it’s saying to you “I need you to pay a little attention to me”.
I guess guys in ordinary male-female relationships sometimes wake up feeling this way too. A guy might wake up feeling this way and then somehow needs to convince his partner that there would be time for sex before work even if it ends up being a bit rushed. Memo: when it comes to sex, men deal with the limited time available but women really really do not like being rushed in this way. A lot of guys have learned this the “hard” way.
But, what if you are not into a partner relationship? The feelings you are having are not restricted only to guys in relationships but happen to guys almost universally. How can you cope in such a situation?
I have lots of different clothing items. What I choose to wear on any specific day depends on exactly how I am feeling as I arise plus what I have going on that day. If I am facing a day in which I have lots of different things I must do and problems to resolve that have nothing to do with my ‘nads, the first issue for the day is what do I wear as a brief? I recognize that the days that a lot of other things going on calls for something that is looser-fitting, but on the more leisurely days I will “enjoy” wearing something snugger. Perhaps some guys cope with this by keeping on hand both looser-fitting cotton boxers (for the busier days) as well as some snugger-fitting briefs as well. But for me this is an interesting puzzle to be resolved as each morning dawns.
Then there is the other stuff that has been discussed over and over. An undersized pair of tighty whiteys is one level, but on days when a guy is feeling particularly horny, what about moving on to something more extreme? A men’s cotton thong, for example, maybe one of those with a nasty little elastic cord that will cut between your glutes as you move around in your daily activities and keep reminding you that something is going on today in your groin area. Or maybe even a jock strap, fun to wear as underwear too but in a somewhat different way.
Or what about wearing a basic swim brief as underwear, or maybe even a tighter, skimpier one like those Asian guys wear that doesn’t quite cover all of your behind. An interesting choice, but who is going to know?
Maybe even some snug-fitting compression shorts that fit like a second skin, with a neat little strap under perhaps. Combine that with an equally snug compression tee for some interesting sensations throughout your entire body.
And what to wear over the top of all of this? Why form-fitting skinny jeans with enough Lycra® in them so that they fit almost like compression gear. Why not?
Part of what you are able to do or not do in this regard depends on what exactly you plan to do that day. For example, if you are going to the gym and needing to dress differently for gym activities you probably would not want to wear something that might attract too much attention from the other guys who are there, though every guy needs to figure this out for himself as to what the limits here might or might not be.
How far a guy take this in large measure depends on how much a guy thinks he can handle as he goes through the day. The whole idea is to choose items that keep you feeling good down there, but not so good that you end up ejaculating at a time or in a place where it will cause you embarrassment. Every guy has a personal set of limits in this regard. It’s fun to try and keep yourself on the edge for long periods of time as a means of finding out exactly where your limits are, and these are useful skills to have already developed when entering a partner relationship. You want this all to work well but not so well that things happen that in some way embarrasses you. But guys have dealt with variations on these same issues perhaps since the dawn of humanity.
For now, I wish all my readers the best in running their own personal experiments in an effort to determine exactly works and doesn’t work in each situation.
To be continued…
01-11-2019, 06:42 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Introductory remarks
“It’s tight in here!” “It’s tight in here!” I recall calling that out over and over. My parents obviously thought I was acting weird. But what was going on with me was so profound I remember parts of the incident to this day, many, many years later.
I couldn’t have been very old on the evening this happened. I’m thinking that I might has been as young as four years old, even younger. What was causing me to do this was that I had discovered for the first time a guy clad only in a snug-fitting suit top to bottom. This was long before compression gear had been invented. My recollection was the guy was wearing a rubberized suit of some sort that clung so tightly it was like a second skin—maybe think running tight meets wet suit. All of this had to have been something of a mystery to me. It some level I was extremely interested in the situation the guy was in and the clothing he was wearing, but at this age puberty was in the distant future. Still, I knew there was something about seeing that guy in that black skin tight suit that somehow made me feel really good deep inside even if I did not fully understand what was going on with me, and that he was in a place that I desperately wanted to be as well. Of course, a broader awakening would come later.
An intense fondness for jerking of is nearly universal among guys, and as a guy goes beyond puberty he keeps discovering ever more interesting and enjoyable ways to do this. Of course, most guys who believe they are straight never want to openly admit this to anyone else male or female, because solo sex has this reputation for being both childish and easily discarded as not that pleasant once a guy meets a suitable female for sex. None of that is true, and more than a few women have cried their hearts out when they discover that their guy still occasionally enjoys jacking off alone, even if this is done only in the privacy of the bathroom. Momma never told her about this one! What if the guy enjoys himself on his own “too much”? Is this an early indication that the entire relationship is on the edge of collapsing.
Then too, lots of married guys leave a relationship (divorce). Some of these guys may almost immediately (if not before) enter another relationship involving sex with a different female. But, I’ve known lots of guys who exit relationships with women and go back to just being single. Am I supposed to assume that these guys (who were happy to get out of a relationship with a female they didn’t love or even like much) then go back to a single life in an place where they can jerk off as much as they want without offending or even alerting anyone else? This is a far more reasonable story than to somehow assume that the guys without partners all suddenly decided that life with zero masturbation was more fun than a life (at least beyond your work hours) when you can masturbate pretty much whenever the thought crosses your mind to do so. Why should this approach to life once again be considered somehow childish, and if there is no one else around why would anyone else need to be aware of what the guy is doing to himself? Why even be concerned about what others might think if they only knew what you are doing to and by yourself?
Continues Below...
01-11-2019, 06:45 PM
Continues from previous section
I’ve often thought that for a variety of reasons there are parts of being gay that are easier to navigate than being straight. For starters, sharing information about solo-sex activities with your gay partner might be broadly seen as not only a very pleasant but even a loving thing to do. But two straight guys would normally be extremely reluctant to openly share information. It would take two straight guys who were very certain of themselves to even think about sharing with each other specific masturbation strategies.
Yet every guy realizes that other guys around him probably learned a slightly different set of masturbation skills, and there is a near universal desire among guys to try and find out as much as possible, lest the other guys perhaps be somehow enjoying themselves more. The specific stuff that gets me going in masturbation might work less well or perhaps even better for you, but unless both of us are gay males, any open discussion on the subject between two guys neither openly gay is considered entirely off limits lest one of the guys starts to think the other guy by describing his own techniques is making a very indirect gay pass.
Still, even a guy who considers himself to be completely straight sometime likes to think up situations whereby hints are dropped just for the fun of it and to see exactly how the other guy responds and if in any way the other guy will take the nonverbal “bait”. Guys are also almost universally interested in learning the specific techniques other guys use for solo sex, but they often dare not have any conversations on the subject, as that would be considered too forthcoming.
Think of a coach who makes the statement to the team“this is going to fit a bit snugger than you are used to wearing”. For many guys, just a simple statement like that is “bait” enough to get an erection underway. The sport doesn’t matter. Could be football, maybe (A strap with a cup) basketball (compression shorts), or swimming (an undersized swim brief). The mere MENTION of having to get into something that fits snugger than a guy is used to is often enough to start a fledgling erection along with a degree of panic.
So, here we begin again. Two young college roommates, Randall and Shawn, both stuck in an undersized double dorm room, with one big bath and shower way down the hall. Both of them have spent the past 6 or 7 years of their lives improving their skills in engaging in surreptitious masturbation and neither is inclined to suddenly stop doing it just because they have entered college in uncomfortable accommodations with little privacy.
“It’s tight in here!” “It’s tight in here!”
To be continued…
01-13-2019, 01:52 PM
Those of you who have been reading along with me recognize that the story lines have frequently centered on two males attending college, and rooming together in a traditional college dormitory set up to house students two-to-a room with rooms along both sides of long hallways and a large rest room/shower facility placed at one end of the long hallway. Many of these dormitory facilities, built in the 1960s and earlier, are still in use today, but would be difficult if not impossible to remodel to provide more privacy and more modern features without simply tearing them down and starting over. For most colleges, getting half of a double in one of these older-style single-sex dorms still is probably the lowest-cost housing arrangement, as colleges realize that by modern standards, living this way for an entire college year is not that attractive other than for the comparatively low price.
The other twist that has always made this interesting is to simply let the college assign you a roommate whom you have never even met before and you know absolutely nothing about. Colleges used to do this completely at random and with the assumption that every enrollee was somehow magically straight. There was not a sexual-orientation box to check on the dorm-room application form. The application form does not ask “do you prefer a gay or a straight roommate” at least on MOST college campuses. [Maybe I am completely out of date on this. M-F Partner sex and beer technically USED to be completely off-limits in university housing, or at minimum, there were written rules designed to calm nervous parents. Gay sex was never an issue because university housing had no idea if any guy they admitted was gay on not since they never asked the question on the form. And of course, none of us in our college years ever observed any other student in violation of any of these carefully-written housing rules about M-F sex and drinking as they appeared in the university housing manual]
Furthermore, if there were boxes on the application form to check with respect to sexual orientation, the university could face a major dilemma. Should we assume that the college would want to put two guys claiming to be gay in the same cramped room or would they specifically try to somehow avoid doing that? If they are OK with putting two gay guys in the same room, why not a heterosexual couple? An interesting puzzle for the 21st century with social and sexual components.
Still, over the years and despite the obvious 21st century questions , many times what appears to be random pairings of men in dormitories ended up working out well, and oftentimes college roommates who met in such a random process end up being lifelong friends (if not gay couples). The opposite can happen too, where two randomly-assigned roommates end up disliking each other intensely after, say, maybe 3 days of rooming together in such close quarters. Part of this relates to similar objectives and interests academically, but more often because the two roommates differ widely in their out-of-class behaviors. Say one roommate likes to come in stone drunk on Friday nights, or arrange for his girlfriend to sneak into the dorm room on the weekends the male roommate went home. Some of this can end up being pretty offensive if the other roommate is focused on his academic studies and at least for now has no interest or desire to have sex with a girl over the weekend in the guy’s dorm. No two guys, stuck rooming together, are going to look at the situation in exactly the same way.
Here, however, I’m headed in a slightly different direction. I’m assuming that the two college roommates are at least OK rooming together. I’m also assuming that neither guy is gay, or at least not openly so. Both of the roommates tend to be more focused on college academics than on females, however. They both tend to be the quiet serious types, much like what you have been observing all along with Dylan and Josh.
By the time a guy has turned 18, he has probably already developed both a number of specific methods and a schedule of sorts for jerking off that seem to work for him without being too obvious with respect to what he is doing and has been doing since he was 12 or 13. This is all just a very normal part of growing into adulthood for any guy irrespective of sexual orientation. This is a learning experience of sorts because as discoveries are made with respect to finding out exactly what is really enjoyable, each discovery gets firmly planted in the brain perhaps later in life to be accessed as a useful data base of information that can again used in a relationship with a sexual partner.
In short, masturbation is not just a silly, childish thing to do, but a critical part of who you are as a guy. Now that a guy is in college, it is common to not want to get too involved with a female lest the relationship starts to interfere with the degree objectives. So masturbation in one form or another still may play a major part in a guy’s life. The big question, however, is how a guy is going to cope with living in such close quarters with another male without doing the unthinkable, realizing that the roommate you have only known for a few days is going to know more about you than you really want him to know!
Of course, the new roommate has the same “problem” to deal with, or at least something very similar. He has been thinking about the same issues. And keep in mind that the university paired the two roommates pretty well, both being a bit on the “brainy but nerdy” side. Neither are social animals and neither believe that personal charm will necessarily get you farther in life than academic skills.
At this point, I’m going to start messing with the heads of my readers. Let me give the two new roommates names, Randall for the first roommate and Shawn for the second roommate. Also assume that in growing up, Randall developed some specific jerk-off skills related to wearing an masturbating in various kinds of snug-fitting clothing, but that this is all something that will ultimately prove to be completely new and an eye opener for Shawn. Randall, of course, is concerned that Shawn, even inadvertently, see Randall doing some things that could prove embarrassing for Randall and perhaps even strain the situation they both face of rooming together for the school year in the little dorm room.
Still, from Randall’s perspective, what he has learned to do with and to himself has over time proven to be not only quite enjoyable but also a way to relax from the tensions of the day, now even greater as a college rather than as a high school student. And, he realizes that he cannot keep what he does a complete secret from Shawn for the entire school year.
Maybe Shawn will observe some things that he is at first a little uneasy about. Still, going to college involves getting an education on a lot of different aspects of life and part of this involves understanding people both in and outside the classroom. And maybe this will be a learning and broadening experience for Shawn.
So, the situation is as follows. Randall is bringing with him to college a wardrobe of clothing items that he will make use of in various ways throughout the school year. Shawn has a wardrobe he brought with him too, but certainly not any stuff quite like this. Randall is just going to wear and do the stuff he has enjoyed being in and doing all along. He is not going to verbally discuss with Shawn any of this either as to what he is doing or explaining why he is doing what he is doing. That would be going way too far, TMI, at this stage. If Shawn sees some stuff he doesn’t fully understand, fine, but call that “inadvertently”.
But, given the close-quarters living situation, Shawn cannot help but see and perhaps wonder a bit as to what might be going on with his roommate, who otherwise seems quite a normal but serious guy. And that is where the fun begins.
To be continued….
01-16-2019, 01:48 PM
The wardrobe for a typical college student can be pretty simple and inexpensive as well and these items are basic for Randall. For the warmer days pull-over polo shirts, three or four in different colors, one color being a school color, say red, blue or green, is a staple.
Guys often like to wear something under a polo shirt, either the white cotton “A” shirt or a regular white cotton tee. Figure packs of three of each of these as the starting point.
For colder days, a pullover sweatshirt, or two (or three) mostly in drab colors, like steel gray or charcoal gray, but maybe one in a school color as well. These are cheap and readily available. There are other kinds of more dressy, sweater-like pullovers that could work as well
And then, jeans, of course. Maybe three pair, one in a lighter wash, a medium wash and a dark wash. A solid black pair also works well for dressier occasions paired with a dressier sweater-like pullover.
Shoes (sneakers), two pair, one pair in white, another pair in a dressier black. The white pair is great for fall and spring days, but the black ones are a bit dressier and work well in the winter, especially with those dressier black jeans.
Socks? White or light gray athletic socks work well with the white shoes, but with the black shoes the choice are the black athletic socks.
Compression tees work very well under the polo shirts. Why not a compression tee one of the school colors? To that I would certainly add at least one pair of compression shorts, and maybe a pair of the compression running tights. Plus maybe a looser-fitting pair of athletic-style shorts to be worn over the running tights. A couple pair of sweatpants, and one or two pairs of what I call sleeping pants.
Underwear? Well that is the interesting part. A couple of loose-fitting cotton boxers are a must, of course. But why not more than two pairs? That is because Randall particularly likes tighty whiteys. And not just any tighty whiteys, Randall likes his tighty whiteys, well, tight. A couple different sizes are a must. Randall has about a 30-inch waist and his correct size would be a men’s Small (28-30). That size isn’t exactly loose-fitting on Randall’s bod. So let’s say a six pack of Men’s small. But Randall has discovered something else. He has discovered that he can wear undersized tighty whiteys, as in boy’s sizes. He likes the fit of what is called a boy’s Medium 12-14. These fit quite snug, but they stretch a lot and are easy enough to get on and off. So let’s add a six pack of tighty whiteys boy’s size 12-14. Why he needs these may not be apparent to my readers right now, but they will eventually become part of the story line here.
But, there is still a problem to be confronted every day. The rest room and shower is located way down the hall and it is impractical to head down there to do the three S’s fully clothed. Assuming Randall want to shower at minimum he needs one of those bathrobes made of a towel-like material. But Randall doesn’t just want to be wandering around nude under the bathrobe. He could wear a pair of those loose-fitting cotton boxer shorts, but there is a better idea. Why not a modestly cut swim brief in a non-attention grabbing color, say either black or a nearly black navy blue? There are versions of these made of a Poly-Lycra blend that are more or less halfway between swimwear and underwear. Perfect. Randall can even decide if he wants to shower nude or covered with the swim brief after he gets to the shower.
Two other clothing items that Randall will be bringing along will be a favorite strap he has, an old school strap complete with the 3-inch wide elastic waistband and a great, coarse textured, rubbery pouch. And Randall has a couple men’s underwear thongs, one with one of those nasty elastic cords connecting the pouch to the waistband in the rear.
The jeans Randall is bringing to college are really form fitting, sometimes dubbed super skinny jeans, with considerable stretch built into the denim. One of the reasons for the tighty whiteys underwear is that skinny jeans along with loose-fitting boxers are a poor combination.
Oh, one other item. How about if Randall has a neat wrestling singlet in one of the school colors? These look really great when worn to classes with a black compression tee and a pair of light wash skinny jeans. Indeed, the top that can be seen looks just like a cool A-shirt over the tee. And the A-shirt looks like if fits really neat and smooth at the waistband of the jeans. Let’s just hope that on the days Randall wears this combination he doesn’t have to use the restroom as getting to the body parts could prove to be quite a task. Still, the look with the right pair of stretch skinny jeans is really, really slick and neat
Randall’s wardrobe choices are practical and make a whole lot of sense from Randall’s point of view. Shawn’s wardrobe that he is bringing is not that much different from Randall’s wardrobe. Still, Randall has chosen some items that will allow him to do some things that Shawn hadn’t thought of.
Everything here is going to happen at a leisurely pace. Randall wants to be able to continue to do some things he particularly enjoyed doing before he got into this situation whereby he now has a roommate in the form of another guy he knows almost nothing about. Randall doesn’t plan to have any conversations with Shawn about sex, solo or partner or sexuality. On the other hand, Randall is not too private a person, either. Having another guy just there as Randall does some of these things could prove to be interesting, however, even if Randall is a bit uneasy at this point in time.
This all appears pretty tame, even boring. I wonder where this is headed.
To be continued…
01-19-2019, 02:18 PM
College dorms constructed years ago were not designed to be luxurious in any way. Basically, you have two beds and mattresses, the bed consisted of a metal frame with a single layer of spring wires topped with a mattress with big coil springs topped with a thin layer of a cottony material. Not comfortable or engineered at all if you are prone to backaches or other difficulties sleeping. A lot of schools also had ROTC programs which meant that the men’s dorms were almost military-like, at least not one big room, but minimal fixtures, a metal desk, chair and a closet with maybe a chest of drawers inside and a mirror on each side of the room with the door to the hallway. If you needed to use the restroom during the night, you had to walk down the long hallway in at least a somewhat presentable condition, lest someone else with the same “problem”.
There were sheets and a blanket supplied by the University for each dorm room, and part of the deal was that the University had washing machines and laundered the bed linen, but only once a week. On the appointed day (each hall was different day in order to spread the load on the washers and the laundry workers) you removed the sheets and simply left them in a pile at the foot of the bed. In return you were left an already laundered pair which you put back on the bed.
The University liked to make the mattresses last more than a year as an economy move, perhaps even several years, and thus they had an aversion to heavily stained mattresses. So here was the basic problem. The students sleeping in the beds were all horny 19-year-olds, and any guy who was once 19 years old knows what he liked to do during the night back then. So, these cheap mattresses needed some protection, maybe a mattress “topper” over the mattress that could be washed along with the sheets, “saving” the valuable mattress from “inadvertently” getting stained and damaged to the point whereby it needed to be replaced.
Back in my day, the solution was even more ingenuous, a mattress cover made of thick waterproof vinyl much like what is used for a baby’s crib. Cheap and effective in minimizing the cum stains on the mattress itself. Never mind that sleeping on a mattress with only sheets to cover this vinyl cover made the mattress even more uncomfortable. When no one was looking I ripped the one on my bed off and hid it.
Still, at that stage in my life I was a horny 19-year old as well, and by the time I was that age I had already developed a range of activities that I really enjoyed doing at night, or even sometimes during the day. One of these was a masturbation technique that I particularly enjoyed, which I probably discovered at, maybe age 14. One of the things guys that age like to do is discover what parts of their penises feel the best when touched and stroked, and it wasn’t long before I had found out that the two really hot spots were the glans area near the tip of the underside along with seemingly all the nerve endings all along the penis underside.
And there was a tricky way I could stimulate this entire area, first starting by getting myself somewhat but not totally hard (I could do that just thinking about what was to come so to speak, without even touching myself). Then, roll over on my back making certain that my penis was pointed upward so that the underside came in contact with the sheet. I could easily use my own body weight in that position to help me get harder, and of course any slight body movement against the sheet would feel really neat as both the underside and the glans area were getting it. This is a “classic male masturbation method.
Ejaculation was only moments away. One of the problems with this method at that age is that maybe it worked almost too well, and I ended up cumming almost too fast. Still, I had some truly powerful and memorable orgasms doing this to myself.
But, there was a significant problem. Cumming this way left huge starchy slightly yellow stains of the sheets, so bad that they were difficult to remove in ordinary laundering. An additional problem is that if a guy did this early in the night, he was stuck trying to sleep with this big wet sticky cum stain. But, if a guy waited too long then he was stuck with a bunch of sticky cum that would be even more visible unless a guy made a careful effort to keep the sheets covered. And, a guy who liked to employ this method regularly, perhaps several times a week, was making life difficult for the sheet laundry personnel.
Then there was the issue of having a roommate in the room while you are enjoying yourself this way. And I confess, this works so well that at times you would want to just scream with pleasure and make other noises loud enough to awaken a dozing roommate in the bed only a few feet away from you. Quite a dilemma.
In what is to follow, I am going to outline some methods that Randall can use in part in an effort to resolve some of the issues that haunted me at that age in part by ingeniously employing some of the clothing items Randall brought along in his wardrobe. Shawn is not nearly as knowledgeable about all this stuff as Randall appears to be. But the approach Randall is going to do is to employ some of the clothing items for his own pleasure without saying anything and see first of all if Shawn is able to pick up on why Randall is doing what he is doing and then, if it goes that far, whether Shawn will want to try some of the same things. So, stick with me and we will see what happens for both of them.
To be continued…
01-21-2019, 03:11 PM
So, here is the puzzle. Randall realizes that he is going to be spending a college year of his life in rather close quarters. He has only met his roommate for the year, Shawn, and he certainly doesn’t know what he will learn over the coming year on a host of different issues. The two of them seem well matched, both academically inclined and both maybe a little on the nerdy side. Everyone knows that there are a lot of college guys who seem to be primarily using their personal charm with others, both male and female, as a means of avoiding doing serious academics. If you have a lot of personal charm, there is no reason to do that well academically, because your personal charm will always pull you through in a situation where having better academic skills might have worked.
But both Shawn and Randall seem quite serious about why they are there and what they plan to do in college. Generally double rooms often do not work very well if one of the guys is a serious academic and the other believes that personal charm is all that matters in a host of different ways. Interestingly enough, it is usually the serious guys who seem to get the most enjoyment out of masturbating frequently. The guys who run on personal charm make everything sexual about having a relationship with another person. But is one of these two approaches somehow superior to the other? That question is not easily answered.
Then there is the subject of tighty whiteys, a type of underwear that has been attacked on a number of fronts over the years. At some point, young teens purportedly moved away from wearing tighty whiteys and everyone purportedly moved to loose-fitting boxers. But that was the same point in time where really oversized and loose-fitting jeans were all the rage.
Then I guess as jeans started to get skinnier, the idea of stuffing a loose fitting boxer into a narrow-cut jean became more and more difficult. The first move was back to what are called boxer briefs, snugger fitting than boxer shorts and made of the same material as tighty whitey. But soon the thighs of the skinny jeans have gotten so form fitting that stuffing even a boxer brief in them became increasingly difficult, and somehow we are back around to a tighty whitey as a good choice to pair with some skinny jeans. They are cheap and readily available in a variety of sizes.
To, a lot of guys have glued in their heads very early experiences they had masturbating. For a lot of guys, maybe most of them, there was probably a most interesting experience ejaculating into a pair of tighty whiteys. If a guy has only a few options, you go with what is readily available! The exact circumstances under which this happens varies a lot from one guy to another, of course.
Two points: First, tighty whiteys can be a useful masturbation aid, and second, a pair of tighty whiteys can be useful in solving a nagging “problem” Randall faces living in the dorm room.
Ejaculating is a lot of fun. But if done under the covers in the dark of night, a powerful orgasm can also create a very messy situation not to mention having to deal with the stained sheets for the laundry people to deal with.
When I was much younger than I am now, I used to masturbate to ejaculation under the covers at night. This in turn would create horrendous looking wet spots, which if I were lucky enough to have sufficient time to dry, the ejaculate always left randomly-shaped starchy stains on my pajama bottoms. And I always assumed that if I was wandering around others would immediately notice the wet spots on my pajamas or the starchy stains, and immediately realize what I had been doing by, with and to myself.
I presume nowadays pajamas are out and most guys wear loose fitting boxers for sleeping in warmer weather transitioning to a sleep pants as the weather turns colder. A basic problem facing both Randall and Shawn is the problem that has haunted them since just past puberty. The problem is how do you pull off masturbating to ejaculation in the dark under the covers without tipping off to your roommate as to what you have been doing to and with yourself. If you get up in the morning wearing cum-stained boxers or sleep pants you are going to face much the same issues I faced as a young lad, plus the additional problem of cum-stained sheets that might not get swapped out for a week!
That is where the pairs of tighty whitey come in. Conveniently, the cotton in the tighty whitey should be quite absorbent, and cum, being quite viscous, the tighty whitey should catch most of it. Shawn is going to see Randall putting on boxer shorts OVER a pair of tighty whiteys before going to bed, and he may wonder a bit about this. Now if Randall practices a bit, he can probably learn how to remove the boxer shorts after he ejaculates while still under the covers and in the dark, tossing the cum-stained tighty whiteys into a convenient location next to the bed. Randall awakens wearing only the boxer shorts he was wearing when he went to bed, and the cum-stained tighty whiteys are quickly tossed into Randall’s pillowcase laundry bag.
Then too, I have been discussing the possibility of having ready access to tighty whiteys available in a number of sizes, from a guy’s “normal” waist size to seriously undersized versions from the boy’s department. This has a way of playing with a guy the same way undersizing a swim brief can. The waist bands and the cloth stretches a lot, and the only recommendation is not to undersize to the point where the stretched waist band is not sufficiently large to be able to get in at all. But other than that, an undersized tighty whitey will fit much like a skimpier brief in your correct size would fit. Of course, as you undersize, the pouch will keep getting smaller and tighter. The solution here is the same as for an undersized swim brief, that is, the solution is to point yourself up not down, and with the snug fit that will be much easier to do with the undersized brief. The cotton will be coarser textured than the Lycra-blend swim brief, but many guys might actually like that.
What you are doing is setting yourself up for some great fun in the darkness under the covers, and right there a few feet away from your roommate. And this is accomplished without creating an impossible mess to attempt to deal with the next morning. I can’t assure you that the boxer shorts or sleeping pants will be completely free of damp spots or stains, or that the sheets will be completely stain free, but this should go a long way toward minimizing the problem.
For now, Shawn the roommate is none the wiser. But what if Shawn should ask you why you wear tighty whiteys under your boxer shots or sleep pants? You could just toss the question off and say “I’ve always done that!” Will Shawn eventually catch on to the scheme and want to try it himself?
Good Question!
To be continued…
01-23-2019, 02:11 PM
Some of my readers are probably wondering specifically why I had Randall bring along a couple of swim briefs to his college dorm room. Remember, I suggested two conservative-looking briefs made of a poly and Lycra® blend, both with at least 2-inch, perhaps 3-inch sides. What I was thinking about with this idea is how the dorm rooms were set up relative to the restroom and shower facilities way down the hall.
I’m not sure whether Randall and Shawn are guys who like to shower in the morning versus shower at night. Either has its advantages in a situation like this. By showering at night, your entire body is cleaner when you are in bed at night, and this can prove to be an advantage depending on what you are wearing for sleep. The snugger the fit, the more important this becomes.
Still, if you realize that on some nights you are going to be jerking off, this is good reason to shower in the morning as another way to clean up the semi-dry post-ejaculation cum, perhaps not entirely collected in the tighty whitey you were wearing when the event occurred.
Remember the restroom/shower setup in the dorm, where the guys end up walking a long distance down a hallway to get there. I also indicated that a soft-pile towel-like bathrobe was also essential for making these journeys morning or night that involve using a shower.
Let’s say Randall wants to shower in the morning. He gets up out of bed an quickly removes the sleeping pants or cotton boxers he was wearing and then discards the cum-stained tighty whiteys into his pillow case laundry bag. At the same time he pulls one of the swim briefs out of the dresser drawer in the closet, and slips that on. The cotton pile bathrobe goes on over. For his feet, he slips on a pair of cheap, easily removable vinyl flip flops that can get wet in the shower.
Randall heads out into the hallway clad in the navy swim brief with the pile bathrobe over. This attracts zero attention as he moves down the hall. Old-style military-like showers offer minimal if any privacy. Just a row of showerheads with guys completely nude under them, usually. Randall has hung the bathrobe up on a hook nearby, so he is now clad only in the navy swim brief. He now has the opportunity to determine what the other guys who may or may not be there on any specific day.
The neat thing about this is that at least for now, Randal’s penis and ‘nads are not just out there waving in the breeze, but by shower standards, by wearing the navy brief, he is actually the “conservative” one. One viable option is to complete the shower still wearing the navy brief. An interesting puzzle is whether a guy would prefer to shower completely nude or wearing the navy brief given that there are other guys showering who will see him. But what exactly occurs can vary from one day to the next.
Or, Randall could decide at some point to discard the brief instead. He doesn’t really have to make that decision until he gets into the shower. If he chooses to take it off and shower in the nude, he can put it back on again before he exits the shower, and then put the bathrobe back over as he exits.
By the time Randall gets through shaving, washing his face and brushing his teeth, the navy swim brief underneath is again all but dry, with the towel-like bathrobe having absorbed most of the excess water from the shower.
Randall wanders out through the hallway and back to the room, where Shawn is still just in the process of getting up. Randall hangs the bathrobe back up on a convenient hook on the closet, where it will dry, and he is now standing there in the room clad only in the damp navy swim brief.
Shawn greets the returning Randall, who is clad only in the swim brief. Shawn has never even owned a swim brief, and particularly note that Shawn tries to look disinterested and like everything is just quite normal. Still, at some level he thinks Randall looks neat wearing only that navy brief, and he still is trying to determine exactly what Randall has been doing. But for now, Shawn is just a casual “observer”.
Randall needs to get ready for class. Randall quickly pulls of the navy brief, and replaces it with a looser fitting pair of tighty whiteys (Men’s SM), and pulls his pair of medium wash skinny jeans over, along with his white sneakers. On top he is wearing a compression tee with a navy blue polo pullover.
Randall is all set for class. And, life has not treated him too badly. He had a neat jerk-off under the covers wearing the really snug tighty whiteys, yet managed to pull this off without drawing any undue attention to or even embarrassing himself in front of his new roommate. And the shower in the swim brief seemed to just add something additional to the entire morning as well. This all went down pretty slick, so to speak.
Still, there is something that is starting to nag away at Shawn. Shawn suddenly suspects that Randall may have his life in a close-quarters double dorm room with the shower down the hall figured out better than Shawn has. Shawn has fervently tried as best he can to avoid thinking about his penis and jerking off, but as the semester continues (drags on), staying in a total-abstinence mode becomes tougher and tougher to do. Any guy knows that. If you really focus yourself, at that age a guy might be able to delay ejaculation for maybe at most a week or so. Still, it keeps getting tougher and tougher to do and if a college-age guy attempts this for too long there is a real chance that a guy might ejaculate in a completely unacceptable place or situation. So by attempting to do without, this only keeps getting more and more difficult to control.
However he is doing it, Randall seems to have successfully already found a workable strategy for coping with the situation. At some level Shawn is envious and he doesn’t know what he should do about it. He would like to but is scared to have a frank conversation with Randall on the entire topic, maybe first just hinting at what he would like to know. But keep in mind that Shawn, just by keeping his eyes open, realizes that Randall likes to wear snug-fitting, maybe even undersized, tighty whiteys and a navy blue swim brief. And Randall’s jeans of choice are cut snugger and narrower than the ones Shawn brought along to wear.
To be continued….
01-31-2019, 01:28 PM
Back when I was in college, no one had invented compression gear, or, if there were early versions, it was certainly not commonly worn by guys, and especially not by guys that liked to think of themselves as key “stud” athletes in sports like football and basketball. It seems to me this trend really didn’t get going till the 1990s, starting first with the major college and pro basketball teams, where compression shorts suddenly started peeking out below the usual shorter basketball shorts. Younger guys seeking to “be” like their athlete-heroes everywhere started doing the same thing. And then along came the snug-fitting tees as well.
The Underarmour company started with and initially catered to guys who wanted to buy compression gear. Early on it was not a shoe company nor a more general athletic apparel company, but a company that specialized in convincing guys that they needed to wear the gear the big college and pro teams were wearing, and that this would help in their own “athletic performance”.
For me, that is the interesting part. A lot of guys, perhaps most, have always had what I would describe as a “love-hate” affair with snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, and as applied to compression gear of all kinds in much the same way as many guys seem to have something of a “love-hate” affair with being able to wear a swim brief. Part of the mind and body is telling the guy it would be fascinating fun to do this while another part is concerned about doing so for an assortment of reasons. My min was always fixated on anything that fit snug and was made from a smooth material. Early on, I concluded that compression gear might be a lot of fun to jerk off in, given the smooth and snug fit around “sensitive” body parts and that this was something I surely didn’t want to miss out for running these “experiments” with my body.
For an amateur athlete however, the mere thought contemplating wearing compression gear and getting into it in the guy’s locker room might lead to, well, at minimum the start of a good erection and potentially an embarrassing situation in the locker room with the other guys wandering around. Still, this was a “safer” situation than the swim brief situation, as compression shorts are normally covered with another garment, perhaps another looser fitting pair of shorts that could easily “disguise” any “issues” a guy might be having “down” there. Unlike the swim brief “problem” the erection would not be obvious to everyone else, at least not or very long.
Where compression shorts and a tee fit in a guy’s ranking within an overall collection of “clothing items that might be fun to try getting aroused and jerking off in” is an interesting question. I’ve often thought that the Underarmour company ® business seemed to “grow” a lot faster than the early years than what would be expected if they were selling only to guys who thought compression gear might improve their performance in some serious competitive sport. Perhaps the rapid “rise” in business and sales was at least part attributable to this semi-hidden “other market” by guys looking at the gear as being a helpful aid in jerking off. What makes this all work of course is the smooth, stretchy material with a very snug fit coming in contact with the most sensitive external body part a guy has, the underside of a guy’s penis, and that it wouldn’t take a lot of coaxing advertising wise for many if not most guys to see the “opportunities and possibilities” that might be available here.
Randall has already had his moments of “personal discovery” in this regard about all of this. Shawn is at the “in the process of learning some weird stuff” point in time which is taking place by Shawn just nonchalantly watching what Randall is doing while attempting to take mental notes. There is stuff that Shawn can easily see and stuff Shawn is starting to conjecture could be happening but Shawn is not at all certain about.
To be continued…
02-01-2019, 03:17 PM
In many respects, Randall’s teenage years were all but ideal. His parent’s house was large enough that he was able to have his own private bedroom as he worked his way toward becoming a young adult. With this privacy, of course, emerged opportunities to try some things that he might not have been able to do if he were constantly with a sibling who was occupying the same room. This has its advantages.
Randall quickly learned that there were specific clothing items that could perhaps make him feel good “down there”. The only problem was how to obtain these items with his parents watching over what he was doing constantly. Still, situations did come up that led to opportunities, and Randall quickly became very good at convincing his parents that he “needed” a particular item for a school-related activity.
Not that Randall was an outstanding athlete at that point in his life, which would have potentially made the stories he made up easier to believe, nor even a mediocre athlete. But you can see the “product” of Randall’s “work” in this regard in the dresser drawer of that little college dorm room. Let’s see, a package or two of tighty whiteys that seem, well, maybe right now maybe a bit undersized (OK then, a lot undersized) for Randall, a couple pair of loose-fitting boxer shorts, A couple pair of sweat pants, a compression tee and a pair of compression shorts, two swimming briefs, one in black and one in navy blue, and, perhaps most surprisingly, an old-school athletic supporter (aka “jock strap”) with the 3-inch elastic waistband, rough-textured pouch, and an open rear with elastic leg straps that keep the pouch in place.
These are the exact same items Randall had in his room when he was living at home, items that he had accumulated and enjoyed wearing without raising a red flag with his parents as to what exactly he was doing with them. That could have been embarrassing if he had gotten himself into a situation where he would need to explain what he was doing with some of this stuff to his parents.
But still, off to college and living on his on more or less (but with a roommate) Randall was not about to head off without taking along the items that were so important to who he was and is. The tricky part was going to be figuring out a way to still enjoy himself without his roommate wondering about him and who he was, sexually and emotionally.
There is a story behind how Randall somehow managed to accumulate each of these items without causing his parents to ask uncomfortable questions as to why he “needed” each one. Of the items, the undersized tighty whiteys were the easiest to make the case for owning. Randall had worn tighty whiteys as just normal underwear since long before puberty. It was after puberty that it occurred to Randall that undersized tighty whiteys were still quite wearable as the waistband stretched quite a bit but that he often “felt better (down there) if they fit a little “too snug”. The only trick was to convince his mom to keep buying him now “the same size as he was wearing a year or two ago.”
Gradually, Randall accumulated unopened 6-pack packages of tighty whiteys that somehow just got stuck in the back of his dresser drawer in his bedroom at the house. Of course, Randall was “using” some of these too, and these ended up stretched out in the wash. It turns out that when Randall went off to college some of these unopened packages “just happened” to end up in the pile of clothes he brought long.
Randall made the case of the black and navy swim briefs because he also had unlined athletic style shorts the other guys his age were using for running and maybe even for going in the water. “These would make an excellent liner for my shorts” was the plea Randall made when he saw these in one of those big-box sporting goods stores. Of course, Randall also picked up a couple pair of unlined loose-fitting shorts at the same time and dreamed up on the spot the story about how he would always be wearing the swim briefs simply as an undergarment with the loose fitting, unlined shorts. Somehow, his parents bought the creative story line and let him do this.
The compression gear was a little trickier to justify, but the loose-fitting shorts played a role in that too. One strategy is to tell your parents that you need this because “that’s what my male buddies are wearing”. Parents like to keep current on what guys their son’s age are doing and not have son’s somehow look different from their peers. So it wasn’t long before Randall had nabbed a silver grey compression tee and a pair of compression shorts in the same color that fit nearly to his knees, and thus were quite visible when he slipped those loose-fitting shorts over the top. With this combination, Randall looked like any other student athlete even though he was not that at all.
Getting the final item, that interesting and coarse-textured old-school strap with the 3-inch waistband was trickier, and the only item Randall managed to buy on his own without having to think up a storyline to feed his parents first. Fortunately, a basic strap (the ones without a cup) only costs $3 or so. The really difficult part was finding one in a store and being on his own so he could make the purchase without his parents even being aware of what he was doing. But as Randall got older his parents would often let him wander off on his own at the shopping mall. What better to do than check out the strap aisle at the big box sporting goods store. And there it was! Exactly what Randall coveted in size Youth (Large). Randall pulled it off the rack and quickly took it to the checkout—a checkout where there is always a female waiting to take his $3.48. Randall wondered what she might be thinking about this given that this was his one purchase, but he paid for the item and quickly exited the store.
Randall then had the problem of getting it to his room without his parent’s knowledge, but fortunately the package is small. While the item might be fun to “try on” and “observe” how his body reacts to the “new situation” but he realized that it could be quite embarrassing should his parents wander in on him at an “inopportune time”. So the strap had mostly stayed in its little clear plastic box in the back of his dresser drawer but somehow got tossed in with the other items Randall was taking with him to college. (Oh yah, he did try it on once on a day when everyone else was out of the house, but that was it.)
Randall has been having a bit of fun wearing the undersized tighty whiteys under boxer shorts as sleepwear, and Shawn might be starting to figure out a few things. Randall got to thinking that maybe he should try a combination that might prove still more difficult to cope with and maybe mess a bit with his roommate Shawn as well. Why not first crawl into the tighty whiteys as a first layer, as Shawn had gotten “used” to seeing him do at bedtime, but then slip on the little strap over, and then on top of that, why not put on the compression shorts instead of the loose-fitting boxers? Sleep in that gear and see if he can make it through the night without “voiding semen”. An interesting “challenge” for mind and body and one Randall has not ever tried before. Plus, just seeing Randall wearing this combination to bed could “affect” Shawn in ways Shawn did not realize were possible until now.
To be continued…
02-04-2019, 01:53 PM
For many if not nearly all guys, the urge to ejaculate can sometimes be overwhelming. Of course, part of what makes this so fascinating is that what triggers things to begin happening varies all over the place. A lot of guys would like to believe that the only thing that gets them aroused is the site of a scantily clad or unclad attractive female body, but, like everything else in human sexuality this may be only a small part of it.
And this idea in itself can cause guys a lot of angst in that they don’t want to admit even to themselves let alone their male peers that they might not be exactly what they think is “normal” for other guys their age. Of course the myth is the mistaken belief that other guys are somehow not struggling with the same sensations and feelings down there that do not involve a female sexual partner at all. Of course, other guys are experiencing much the same thing, but that is a closely guarded “secret”. Many guys go to extraordinary efforts to try and leave the impression that being with a female is the only way they their orgasms ever happen, but this is definitely not the case.
There are some basic issues grounded in biology. If males were not attracted to females in this way at all, the human species would quickly disappear, and biology always has a part that is laser-focused on the continuation of the species.
Still, nearly every guy also realizes that arousal frequently occurs in the absence of a female. Aside from the idea that there are gay guys aroused by another guy, there are all sorts of other situations. If a guy like Randall or Shawn decide chose to do so, either can probably manage to go without masturbating to orgasm for perhaps 48 to 72 hours. After that, it quickly gets tougher and tougher as a guy’s brain somehow starts to focus more and more on a never-ending daydream about ejaculating and the pleasure it brings. Then, if this little “problem” doesn’t somehow get “resolved” in daylight hours, the guy’s body more or less “takes control” with a wet dream concluding in a powerful orgasm probably during the night. Cleanup on aisle 4!
Wet dreams can be fun even during sleep, but a guy often quickly discovers that he can “program” himself to awaken from the erotic dream just a minute or so before the orgasm starts and thus enjoy the experience while groggily awake. Furthermore, if getting the orgasm underway still could use a little “help” the guy can also do that as well. The tricky part is not the act of doing this, but rather pulling it off unobtrusively with your roommate only a few feet away from you in the dorm room. Tricky stuff and few male dorm roommates have the courage to in any way explain to the other what is going on. The roommate is left to figure this all out simply by watching the non-verbal clues.
Of course, getting aroused but somehow managing to hold off on the ejaculation part has its own rewards. As a guy gets erect, the fascinating part is that the sensitive nerve endings throughout the groin area but concentrated on the underside of the penis somehow keep getting more and more touch-sensitive. It’s important for guys to learn how to deal with these changes in sensitivity which interestingly seem to vary moment by moment. Whatever is touching a guy’s penis when an arousal is building gets brought into the equation, and a particular piece of clothing, say a snug-and-slick swim brief, something that would not cause any “problems” almost all at once feels very arousing.
Guys know that and that is part of the “love-hate” relationships many guys have with swim briefs, but guys also like to be in control. Getting yourself into a situation where you could lose control of your urges at any moment tends to scare a lot of guys, but especially so if the situation develops in the presence of other guys. Therefore, the idea that just crawling into a swim brief could start a chain of events that the guy could not bring under conscious control bothers a lot of guys a lot. They love the feel but the circumstances under which something could happen that would be embarrassing is quite another matter.
So, dare Randall admit to Shawn that he is having this shower of thoughts and urges? Probably not! Still, Randall is wondering how Shawn is dealing with all of these core male problems and issues as well. And don’t think for a moment that Shawn is not attempting to cope with some very similar issues while attempting to not signal this to Randall. Except, of course, Shawn has been quietly watching Randall in this respect ever since the semester started and the two of them became roommates. Shawn has been taking mental notes as he watches Randall doing stuff to himself at bedtime. Stuff that Shawn might think is, well, most interesting.
To be continued…
02-08-2019, 02:40 PM
Shortly after puberty, most guys probably experience their first wet dream. A wet dream is a unique occurrence in which a guy has a ream that in some manner involves a sexually arousing situation, and the dream concludes with the guy “voiding semen”. Sometimes when this happens, the guy doesn’t wake up at all, but merely discovers on waking in the morning that what he wore to bed that night has starchy stained patches of semen on it.
Typically, the guy goes through a phase in which he thinks he has somehow reverted to a situation whereby he was somehow wetting the bed (very embarrassing !) but then it soon dawns on him that the stains are not urine but semen. The next phase usually involves a worry that his parents are somehow going to discipline him for what has happened. Should he say anything at all or just keep quiet and hope no one notices.
If it becomes apparent that his parents do know something, unremarkably, unconcerned, as if it doesn’t bother them at all. At this point the guy, if a bit enlightened, may conclude that what happened is as normal as sunshine, or perhaps a male version of his sister having her first period, which seems much more complicated and potentially embarrassing.
If the guy does even a little research, he discovers that the term “wet dream” is slang for something called “nocturnal emissions”, a term that seems to be anything but something to do with having an unexpected and perhaps unwelcome orgasm that voids semen.
Still, as uncertain and scared a guy is about these events, there is something really interesting going on here as well. Complicated stuff. More of this stuff where a guy starts to wonder if he is unique or whether or not his male friends his age are going through the same “turmoil”.
Soon thereafter, a guy discovers that having an orgasm is both scary but in all sorts of ways extraordinarily fun, and starts to think about how to “program” his sleep such that he awakens from a dream fully erect and ready to cum, but is wide awake to begin to enjoy the moment of orgasm. Further, if he does that, he will probably also remember the key elements of a wild and crazy dream that lead to the strong erection. This, like so much of male sexuality, can be at once interesting but scary.
In short, guys think that there are basically two kinds of dreams leading to nighttime arousal and erections, those that have storylines with a sex-related theme that are regarded as “politically correct” and those with storylines that are sexually arousing but go off in a host of other directions, politically incorrect or at minimum embarrassing and perhaps uncomfortable to ponder in the daytime. Guys keep wondering what a dream that falls into the latter category means and how specific aspects of the dream should be interpreted.
So, the politically correct wet dreams typically involve some encounter with an attractive female, maybe some girl the guy knows but often a completely imaginary woman. If the wet dream is to be politically correct, the two should only be engaging in politically correct sex such as no bondage or other sexual activity either the guy or the female in the dream would consider to be abnormal for an ordinary heterosexual couple to do.
Still, dreams have a way of wandering off in directions that a guy might not go if he were awake, and there is no conscious way of plot development to make certain this never happens. Stuff goes on in dreams, say a bondage scene between the two, that the guy believe would at minimum be considered politically incorrect. And a lot of guys worry about what this all means if the activities fall outside the politically correct norms for a wet dream. Or what about a wet dream where a guy merely masturbates to orgasm with a female observing? Is that a politically correct dream or not? These are great questions without simple or easy answers.
Now, most guys realize at an early age that their peer males are having wet dreams too, whenever they say something like “I just saw a wet dream” in reference to seeing an attractive female for the first time. But this other stuff is more complicated, in that wet dreams that have a story line involving having penis-vagina sex with an attractive woman leading to a nocturnal emission is somehow normal and OK but these other story lines are not OK and at minimum should never be revealed to anyone else.
I’m guessing that a lot of gay men grow up having dreams involving sexual encounters with other guys rather than attractive females, and that somehow becomes the politically correct version of a wet dream for a gay male. The complicated part is if a teen guy believes himself to be straight but then starts having dreams involving sexual encounters of some sort with other males, and whether the storylines of these wet dreams are telling him something about his real sexuality that he does not fully realize or dare to admit when he is awake. This is potentially scary stuff for a young male.
And what about the guy who has wet dreams that do not seem to follow any particular pattern gay or straight, perhaps in a single or multiple dreams there can be sexual encounters that could involve males or females depending on how a storyline develops on any given night. Is his guy bisexual or merely having weird dreams? What to make of it all, anyway?
But the, isn’t sex in any form partly real sensation and feelings down there in the groin area and partly pure fantasy? Guys sometimes get themselves into medical appointments where they need to “donate semen” for a variety of situations. Why do these places offer a guy a “porn magazine” as a possible “aid” in moving the sperm donor process along, if an orgasm was not rooted in fantasy? Strange questions, but surely questions that should be asked.
So, guys like Randall and Shawn entering adulthood end up probably having a number of very personal questions that relate to what they have been going through as teenagers but have not yet resolved, and many of these questions are far more complicated that figuring out how to get up in the morning after a nocturnal emission has occurred creating messy ejaculate on what each was wearing that night.
To be continued…
02-12-2019, 02:55 PM
So far, in the world of wet dreams and nocturnal emissions, I have discussed the possible themes that are relatively straightforward and at least somewhat easy for a guy to understand. Generally, I have been assuming that the dream involves a sexual encounter with another person, usually female but perhaps male, and perhaps with a few “bells and whistles” involving activities perhaps better played out as fantasy in a dream than as a real sexual activity between two people. This may be items that fall loosely within each guy’s personal comfort zone.
But staying within a guys psychosexual daytime comfort zone is not something that wet dreams always do. In fact, quite the opposite. A dream that falls outside a guy’s comfort zone is certainly possible, perhaps even commonplace.
Consider for a moment the terror many guys feel with respect to wearing something as simple as putting on an ordinary swim brief. Double the terror if the guy has gotten into a situation where he will be trying on a swim brief for the first time in the presence of other males near his own age. The source of the terror really relates primarily to the idea that “if I start to get erect, even a little, in this situation surely the other guys will see that I have a “problem” and perhaps start to tease me. But at the same time I am also most curious if my friends also run into the same problem and end up in various stages of arousal. I would feel a little better knowing that I was not the only one facing this situation.
But then, what does this all mean with respect to a guy’s sexuality. Here are guys, at least me, getting aroused in the presence of other guys who are also potentially getting aroused as well. Does that mean I am gay? Or the other guys getting aroused are gay? What exactly is going on here, anyway? This is interesting but it is also scaring the s@#t out of me.
But maybe the same guy daydreams about getting himself into exactly this situation, and gets erect just thinking about it all happening while wide awake. Then a guy crawls into bed and this situation which hasn’t actually happened, at least not yet, gets woven into a wet dream with a plotline involving me and a bunch of other guys all crawling into snug-and slinky swim briefs in a guy’s locker room for the very first time, and the storyline reveals that a number of guys as well as me are in the process of getting a hard-on. I waken from the dream with a vivid memory of what happened in the dream but also at the very edge of voiding semen all over whatever I wore to bed that night. This is all at once scary but the orgasm that happens was delightfully powerful, and created a total mess for me to try and deal with post ejaculation and with my roommate in a half-awake groggy state.
Or the jockstrap-themed wet dream. If this one, the coach is telling the team that whatever they are going to be doing will require that each team member wear a strap and the straps being passed out to the team do not look “roomy” at all. Plus, there are those confounded hard cups that do not look big enough to contain me unless I can somehow manage to remain completely flaccid throughout it all. What a wet dream that storyline will make.
Or the shopping experience wet dream. In this on, I am shopping for a clothing item that I know has the potential at least to make me hard. Maybe a swim brief, some compression shorts, or even a pair of ultra snug fitting skinny jeans. Somehow I decide I need to try the item on before I purchase it, and end up in a small changing booth with a tall mirror. What happens? I try the item on and somehow almost immediately go into a full-blown orgasm, the worst possible scenario. Now the trick is to get the damaged item purchased without the sales clerk realizing that I stained it, or somehow manage to just get out of the store.
All these of these scenarios make great fodder for a wet dream, yet none involve direct sexual encounter with another person. All three of these are goofy fun, but probably not stuff that you would discuss with your dorm roommate in the bed just a few feet away from you.
Still, if a guy like Randall finds wet dreams with these kinds of scenarios to be interesting, why not set up a situation whereby these examples are what you are thinking about right before you crawl into bed. Dreams often weave themes that involve some of the last things that happened to you before you fell asleep. What better way of kickstarting a wet dream than, say, putting on a swim brief or strap on under whatever you normally wear to bed?
Then too, guys normally go through multiple erection cycles during the night some accompanied by vivid dreams but others not. The swim brief or strap that barely contained you fit snug as you crawled into bed, but that situation might quickly shift to something more far more interesting if you start to get hard in it while asleep. You might wake up in the middle of the night with the brief or strap still containing you but in a now psychologically desperate urge to ejaculate. Why not have some fun with your own body? Your roommate is (supposedly) fast asleep even as you are “suffering” only a few feet away from him. Thus, no one will know in the morning what was going on in your mind and body.
Or will your roommate figure it all out on his own?
To be continued…
02-15-2019, 01:55 PM
Randall has several wet dreams where the same or nearly the same plots keep getting repeated over and over again. For Randall, the most interesting and difficult to understand part of this is that the plots generally do not involve events leading up to having real sex with a female. For that matter, the only important actor in the dream is Randall, with other guys showing up only occasionally if at all. The dreams seem to almost always have masturbation rather than partner sex themes. Randall finds this, well, interesting, but he has never quite known what to make of it all.
The plot of the dream that seems to happen most frequently in these recurring dreams seems to go something like this. In it, Randall is initially feeling only a bit horny. He is aware of his penis, and that it is just on the precipice (brink) of becoming touch-sensitive. This I an interesting moment for most guys, including Randall, because from this point things could easily go either way. This can be a fleeting moment, in which everything quickly goes back to normal, or not. Randall is not yet hard at all.
Still, the situation he confronts is going to be more than fascinating. How Randall got himself to this point is that he is thinking about purchasing a new swim brief, a bright royal blue one, and making the purchase from the local big box store. Randall drives over to the sporting goods store and enters. He wanders through the store hoping to be able to find the area where the swim-related gear is. He finds the area and spots a couple of racks of swim-related clothing. He spots a rack of what appears to be jammers, but then notices a smaller area right at the end of the rack. Sure enough, there must be a dozen and a half of swim briefs. Even more incredibly there are several in a slick looking bright royal blue color.
These come in several different sizes. There is a SM, two MED, a L, and even an XL.
At this point, a sales clerk notices that he appears to be looking at the swimsuits. Randall notices the sales clerk. Dark hair, about 5’9”, deep brown eyes, an athletic build. Randall thinks that this guy has all the physical characteristics of someone who probably swam in high school and maybe even swam or dived in college. He looks to be about Randall’s age.
Randall says to the clerk “I’m thinking about buying one of these suits, but I’m not quite sure of the size”
Smiling, the clerk says “Why not try them on?” We have a changing booth along the back wall where those doors are.”
Randall thinks that would be a good idea, and smiling back at the clerk, he says “Thank you! I think I will do that.” And he pulls down two of the royal blue suits, one in SM and one in MED.
Now we know the condition that Randall was in when he came into the store, feeling a bit horny, but not yet hard. But his situation has been pushed further along by simply pawing through the rack of suits and thinking about getting into one of the royal blue ones. The smiling and cooperative male clerk seemed to add something to the situation though Randall is not exactly sure what that something is.
We all know what happens to guys who face situations like this. This quickly becomes a situation where a guy starts to ooze a little precum. And Randall knows that too. He can already feel drops of ooze forming in his underwear at his penis tip. Randall knows that the tricky part now will be how to successfully try on the suits without staining them with drops of precum.
There are other challenges. As Randall contemplates the task ahead he is starting to get hard. The interesting part about that from the perspective of Randall’s current situation is that once an erection gets underway, precum production abruptly stops,
So, Randall gets into the changing booth that (thankfully) has a full-length mirror inside. So Randall can see how the royal blue brief will fit without having to step outside the booth and be in public view. Randall removes his skinny jeans and (slightly cum-stained) underwear, and pulls on the first brief, the larger MED.
At this point, Randall is already pretty hard, and his penis can only be described as fully touch sensitive. He thinks to himself that this may be a “blessing” because at least he is no longer oozing viscous precum. The tricky part about being in this stage is that his penis is now nearly fully touch sensitive, made worse by the fact that he now must somehow find a position for it within the pouch of the brief, and he cannot do that without touching it. There is not much room in there at all, and as he repositions his penis the underside rubs against the slick fabric.
Somehow Randall manages his way through all of this without ejaculating, but further challenges still lie ahead. He pulls the MED brief off and decides it’s now time to try on the SM, which, not surprisingly is more of a struggle just to get in. He tries positioning his penis “up” which is the only feasible way in that size of brief, which of course means that the slick lining is going to be rubbing against the underside of his now super-touch-sensitive penis.
Randall takes one look at himself in the mirror and his penis as it is positioned inside the brief and ejaculates almost immediately with a powerful outburst of semen all over the front of the brief.
Randall never finds out if and how he maneuvers out of this predicament. Does he somehow end up purchasing the SM brief he stained, returning the MED to the rack? If so, how does he cope? What happens, of course, is that Randall awakens from the dream in the throes of ejaculating semen all over what he happened to be wearing for sleeping that night. A similar mess but at a different time and location. Maybe what Randall chooses to wear for sleeping tends to bring on these wild dreams.
To be continued…
02-21-2019, 02:18 PM
Guys frequently have this really complicated relationship going on with their own bodies. And Randall is no different than any other guy his age. Roommate Shawn too, but more about that later. Guys realize at a very early age that whether or not a guy is feeling horny or not feeling horny depends on a weird mixture of the psychological and the physical, and for there to be something physical, there ordinarily at least needs to be some sort of psychological “triggering mechanism”.
I suppose that the most generally recognized psychological triggering mechanism involves the potential for some sort of direct physical contact with a sexual partner, traditionally a female about the same age as the guy experiencing the phenomenon. But having said this, the reality is a whole lot more complex and intriguing. Historically, guys bought magazines with photos of unclad female bodies with the underlying idea that in simply looking at such pictures they were make guys feel horny. Nowadays the common thing to do is to pull up a porno video on the internet and watch that while jerking oneself off. Doing this is simply accepted as common behavior for ordinary guys such as Shawn and Randall as college freshmen. Indeed, something might be wrong if each of them did NOT do this to and with themselves perhaps fairly regularly. OK there are some really “serious" guys out there who like to keep this part of their psyche deeply hidden, if it exists at all.
Yet few guys are comfortable revealing to their male friends the extent of their behaviors in this regard. No guy wants to be known as simply a guy who enjoys jerking off watching porn to the exclusion of everything else such as sexual activity that directly involves another person. Yet jerking ff while watching porn has its advantages as well, in that there are not all those messy relationship-related issues to contend with. And we live in a time in which a guy who thought he was having a consensual sexual relationship with a female is informed 15 years later that the same female now thinks that whatever happened was not consensual but forced sex.
This quickly gets to be messy stuff, in which a guy’s entire career and life is deeply affected by events that may or may not have happened a long time ago. If this is the world we live in what is to stop any sexual partner from potentially turning on the guy at whatever point in time this might serve some political end? That on top of all the other issues floating around that haunt partner sex between unmarried couples in all its forms, including the pregnancy risk, transmission of serious sexually transmitted diseases and so on. Given all of this, it’s a wonder that sexual partnerships ever happen at all.
And indeed, a lot of guys are probably trying to seek a pathway that avoids as much of this complicated and messy stuff, at least until they get out of college.
I realize that many male college students manage to somehow navigate their college years having one or more sexual partners on a more or less continuing basis without getting themselves too deeply involved in the various downsides of trying to do this even as they pursue a college degree. I also realize that a lot of college students see the social aspects of where they are as being extremely important perhaps more important than the academic parts of their life. I also realize that lots of college students struggle in meeting minimum academic requirements and some of these eventually don’t make the cut academically , so to speak.
Still, there are also plenty of college students whose lives don’t revolve around having partner sex two or three times a week. Students like Randall and Shawn perhaps. But Randall and Shawn both occasionally (ahem!) feel horny. What to do? There are a variety of solutions to this puzzle of course, and some of these solutions might prove to be a bit embarrassing but ultimately not be a significant problem.
For example, suppose that Shawn comes home early because a class got dismissed early and find Randall sitting in his underwear watching porn in a video on his smart phone, and Randall obviously has a raging hard on. What does Shawn say to Randall? Is there a phrase that represents proper etiquette in such a “situation”. When someone dies, a proper phrase is “I am sorry for your loss” Or to a veteran coming home from serving in the military “thank you for your service!”, but is there an appropriate way to acknowledge that your roommate is really enjoying himself without being too silly or up front about what is obviously going on? I don’t know that any books have been written on the subject. “May I join you” seems just a little bit too front and forward it would seem.
Randall must always realize by now that enjoying himself is a lot more fun if at the same time he is wearing an article of clothing that fits particularly snug and tight, and exactly what he is wearing should Shawn drop in the room unexpectedly might affect how things proceed from that point. But still, Randall is not having to deal with any of the messy issues that would occur should he be having partner sex. And, of course, college roommates have been known to wander in unexpectedly when that is going on too. What is the proper way for the guys to deal with that situation? Say nothing and act like absolutely nothing is going on? And what happens if the two people engaging in partner sex are both guys, and the male roommate is the third male in the dorm room?
These are complicated questions, all of them.
To be continued…
02-26-2019, 02:17 PM
At a very early age, Randall discovered that his body was capable of providing a lot of interesting sensations, sensations that were not only quite pleasant, but frequently varied moment by moment. A lot of guys grow up being focused on the powerful sensations that occur just prior to and in the moments of ejaculation, but early on Randall somehow discovered that there was a lot more to sexual feelings and sensations than that and found ways of tapping into these sensations.
As you might imagine, all of this was often accomplished at night, under the cover of darkness. And while his often is extremely pleasant, the most interesting part is often when a guy tries to extend these pleasant feelings into the daylight hours.
Of course, there are, well, issues with all of this. Guys often are very aware of what is going on in this regard during the day, and perhaps describe themselves as feeling horny when this happens, but generally, guys are probably not going to be able to “take a break” so to speak, to jerk off to a full-scale orgasm during the day unless they somehow find themselves alone and are in a spot where they can do this without interruption. For male roommates like Shawn and Randall, that’s where the whole issue of whether your college roommate is away for the weekend or not comes into play.
So, as a practical matter, on most days at least, Randall might like to feel horny in a “still functional” sort of way. By this I mean that he is feeling good with respect to his own body but is still functional enough so that he can continue with his regular activities like attending classes and so on. If Randall were employed not a student these same ideas might apply.
Randall has had experiences in doing exactly this from his high school years, that is, maintaining a place for both mind and body where he is on something of sexual “high” for extended periods of time, but just not enough of a high that his mind is compelling him to get off ASAP. For a lot of guys, learning how to maintain this level involves some learning and experimentation. For example, it’s OK to be a little hard—to sense that there is more blood going to your penis than is outflowing, but not so hard that the erection itself is apparent given what you are wearing and what you are doing (in this case, to class). And a guy can’t get so carried away with the sensations you enjoy as you get a hard on that you can’t stop before it is too late on a variety of fronts. So this takes a degree of control to be accomplished via a learning experience.
(These are all good lessons for a guy to undertake for developing skills necessary in partner sex as well, but for now I just want to deal with the situation Randall is in.)
As it turns out, Randall is not as backward or as inexperienced about core elements of male sexual feelings and sensations as he sometimes thinks he is. For starters, even during high school, he was already thinking about all of this, and had uncovered some interesting stuff.
So, Randall is getting dressed and ready for class. The typical clothing Randall wears for class is a navy blue pullover shirt along with his beloved skinny jeans that are low rise and fit really snug though his thigh and calf area. But, what to wear underneath? Pretty simple, really. Start with a pair of Randall’s favorite tighty whiteys that seem to be made to order in combination with the skinny jeans. But Randall is feeling a little horny today. Why not mix it up a little. What about that “old school” jock strap Randall has in his dresser drawer? You know, the one that has a completely open butt, the gritty elastic pouch, the 3-inch elastic waist band, the ¾ inch elastic leg straps that holds the pouch in place.
Now Randall could wear the strap INSTEAD of the tighty whiteys under the jeans, and go to class “semi-commando” with a bare butt underneath. But Randall instead chooses to wear the mean little strap OVER The tighty whiteys. What Randall has discovered in his experiments is that the two in combination will put just enough pressure at various places in his groin area to maintain just the level of horniness he wants to maintain without being overwhelming enough so that he is unable to attend class, take notes and deal with all of the other stuff he needs to do. All day long he should be on a bit of a sexual high, so to speak, but not high enough so that it messes up the rest of the stuff he needs to do.
Oh, and this morning Randall also slips on a silver gray compression tee under the navy polo shirt.
Shawn is just in the process of getting out of bed. His first class is an hour later than the class Randall is taking. He has casually watched Randall as he dressed for class in much the same way—the skinny jeans, the polo shirt, the tighty whiteys. But this is the first time Shan has seen Randall put the strap on over the tighty whiteys, and the silver gray compression tee under the polo shirt is new to Shawn as well. Shawn thinks Randall looks great in the items...the silvery cool compression tee along with that way interesting strap!
Shawn is taking mental notes as this progresses and he is wondering what is up, but he doesn’t quite dare ask Randall about what he is doing, and certainly not why. Meanwhile, Randall feels particularly good this morning, especially down there, but is still quite functional for the day ahead. The combination of the tighty whiteys, the strap and the skinny jeans is neat in all sorts of ways, to be sure.
To be continued….
03-01-2019, 01:45 PM
I know many of my readers have been thinking that the various items Randall is wearing to class today appear to be pretty tame stuff overall, and not anything that would pose any particular difficulties for Randall to need to deal with during the day. This appears to be just the items that a perfectly “normal” nineteen-year-old pursuing an undergraduate degree would wear to classes. Why is this any different? (Well, I guess, most guys do not wear jock straps under their jeans,…but other than that…)
Still, it might not be the individual items Randall is wearing except maybe in combination. To illustrate, what guy has not at some point gotten himself into a pair of tighty whiteys that fit a little “too snug”. That surely can be a bit uncomfortable but not necessarily erotic. Some of the same “position issues” that pose a concern wearing swim briefs apply also to undersized tighty whiteys, and the solution to potential discomfort ends up pointing yourself upward or at least outward.
Guys sometimes “react” to wearing straps not unlike how they react to the prospect of wearing a swim brief. There are all sorts of sensations associated with an old school strap, starting with the ultra-wide 3-inch waist band, the elastic leg straps that tug relentlessly on the pouch from below, not to mention that “gritty” elastic pouch itself. Further, if a guy has pointed himself outward and then slaps the strap over, the strap pouch is going to get tugged downward by the leg straps.
Then to top this all off Randall has put his stretch skinny jeans right over all of this. This represents a third level of sensations in the groin area. The combination that results with the three layers may provide a bit of discomfort at first, but somewhere along the line Randall starts to realize that what he is feeling is not discomfort at all, but a tension that is at once “brutal” but also somehow strangely but extremely pleasant.
Randall obviously would like to focus on the pleasant sensations that are emanating from his groin area, but he knows that if he gets too carried away with enjoying himself he is not going to be able to focus as he should on his class work. This is an interesting dilemma to say the least.
Randall is also keenly aware of the fact that in an earlier time in his life, setting himself up like this clothing-wise posed the real possibility of an ejaculation happening in an inappropriate place or time—true terror for most guys. Still, his groin area cinched up this way does feel pretty good, and, from Randall’s perspective, the day is moving right along.
So, let me suppose that Randall somehow is managing to make it through the day dressed like this, getting to and taking the various classes, but still somehow thinking all day long off and on about his penis, where it is, and the great variety of sensations that keep hitting him over and over moment by moment.
Classes are over for the day and Randall is now heading back to the dorm room. Shawn has a class that normally doesn’t let out till 5:30 pm and it is about 4:45 pm now.
Something weird happens to nearly any guy who has spent the day thinking back and forth about the sensations coming from his penis, as Randall has had a lot of fun doing today. Once Randall nears the dormitory, he now keeps thinking more and more about how much he would like to ejaculate. The urge to ejaculate has been quietly building all day long, even though Randall was not always aware that this was happening to him.
Once Randall reaches the dorm room, his mind is suddenly focused on how desperate he is to rip himself out of the clothes he wore all day long and just get off with a powerful orgasm.
The dorm room is empty. Shawn is not back from class yet. Randall knows that if he is going to get himself off before Shawn returns, he doesn’t have a lot of time.
But at this stage, Randall doesn’t even need a lot of time. He strips off the skinny jeans, then the strap, and then those really snug tighty whiteys. By now, he has a full scale erection going on, and the nerve endings in his penis are suddenly ultra-sensitive. Merely touching his penis sends Randall into some other wonderful place and time. His mind and his body are both equally focused on having a super powerful ejaculation, something that he has been building toward all day long. Randall wonders how can something so weird be so much fun?
To be continued…
03-05-2019, 01:07 PM
“Wow! Was I lucky!” thought Randall. Randall had managed to pull up his gray sweat pants over his otherwise unclothed body just as Shawn had gotten the dorm room door open. Randall quickly convinced himself that Shawn had not actually seen a thing unexpectedly, and Randall was now in the process of pulling a somber black tee shirt over his chest and still had to move that pair of soggy cum-filled white briefs to a “safer” place for now.
Still, Randall was not completely off the hook. Of course there was the problem of how to transfer that pair of soggy wet tighty whiteys Randall had quickly dropped to the side of the bed to his laundry bag. And goodness they were a soggy mess. Randall was well aware of the fact that if this wasn’t his biggest ejaculated semen load ever it still fell into the category of being in the “top ten” of those that Randall had ever experienced.
By the time guys are old enough to get into college, most of them probably realize that some ejaculations that occur as a result of masturbation can be a lot more powerful than others. What a guy is able to do in this regard a lot depends on the specific events in the minutes and hours that led up to the ejaculation event. This can be complicated stuff to understand and then appreciate, but it is also very important for guys to learn.
Let’s say a guy is feeling somewhat horny (maybe with an occasional drop of cool and wet precum forming) and wants to get off surreptitiously. But also assume that he is in the company of other people. One tactic often used is to simply make an excuse and then go to the bathroom. If the guy is in a private home, he will be the only one in there.
But the tricky part is now one of figuring out a method for getting as hard as possible and as fast as possible so as to not be gone from the group for very long, lest someone else goes looking for him ostensibly to “see if he is OK”. Plus, the items a guy has at his disposal to aid in jerking off are going to be very limited in an ordinary residential bathroom. Still, this all needs to come to a conclusion, but then the guy must be careful to not get any ejaculate anywhere that he can’t clean up easily once the main event is over.
Guys over time gradually learn techniques for coping with all of this and then being able to come back out of the bathroom acting as if nothing odd or weird had happened to them at all. Even if a guy is able to pull this all off without any “incidents”, chances are the orgasm that was possible under these circumstances will be only just OK but nothing especially powerful or compelling.
But now think about Randall and the powerful orgasm he just had, as well as the events that led to the orgasm. This orgasm had been quietly brewing and fermenting all day long, for the moment Randall got up in the morning and started choosing items to wear to class that day.
It is difficult sometimes to determine cause and effect in this respect. This was obviously not the first time Randall had pulled off something like this. He had lots of knowledge with respect to exactly which clothing items would be most likely to make him keep feeling horny over the entire day. Taken individually, each item might seem rather tame and innocuous in this regard. But it was the collective impact of the combination of items that had the very real and building impact over the long day.
Randall also knew that in setting himself up this way there was not going to be a convenient moment during the day where he could simply ejaculate and quickly eliminate the pressures that were gradually building and then building some more as the day wore on. No, he would have to wait until classes were over and he got back to the privacy of the little dorm room.
The items he was wearing seemed simple enough, the tighty whiteys seemed to be not unlike what he wore every day even though on this particular day he had chosen a particularly undersized and snug-fitting pair. Putting the strap on over the tighty whiteys seemed “safe” enough. What “harm” would that do?
And the skinny jeans. Randall had also picked out the skinniest pair from his wardrobe. These were the kind that were laced with Lycra® in the denim fabric so the undersized waist could stretch to be buttoned. Almost skin tight in the calves and thighs, they also had a low rise. Randall thought that these were ideal when paired with the strap and those undersized tighty whiteys. And Randall knew that all of this could help sustain his horniness throughout the day, somehow also he was going to have to cope with situation whereby he couldn’t let himself get too horny at least not until the day was over and he got back to the dorm room.
Male “self abuse” when conducted employing the methods Randall was using, can result in significantly more powerful orgasms than a masturbation quickie done on short impulse in the privacy of a residential bathroom. Randall had figured this out some time ago. The really powerful orgasms happen only if the events leading up to the orgasms are interesting from a psychosexual perspective as well. Randall often wondered whether what he knew about all of this might prove useful somehow in having great partner sex as well. Maybe there was more to learning advanced techniques in self-gratification than just the self-gratification of the moment! This is interesting stuff to ponder. Way interesting!
Randall gathered up those soggy tighty whiteys so that Shawn did not see that they were filled with cum, and gently placed them in his pillowcase laundry bag.
Randall figured he had gotten off without Shawn knowing anything about what had all just happened, but, quite frankly, Randall wasn’t exactly 100 % certain of that either. Maybe Shawn did have some suspicions however careful Randall had tried to be.
Meanwhile, Shawn now seemed in a particularly talkative mood and was raising subjects Shawn had never brought up before.
“That navy blue brief you have been wearing under your pile bathrobe seems to work very well to wear into the showers down the hall. “Where did you get that at?”
Randall replied “I got that at that sporting goods store that is on the spot where the mall is. I found a rack of those in various sizes and colors there.”
Shawn replied “I think I would like to get one of those to wear for showering like you have been doing.”
Randall says “We will have to go shopping this weekend and I can show you exactly where they are in the store. I need some things too”
To be continued…
03-08-2019, 06:23 PM
I am uploading XV and XVI in the correct order No wonder the story line seemed messed up
03-08-2019, 06:25 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XV And then (of course)…
The day had started out quite calm and quiet for Randall. As you are aware, Randall woke up in the morning feeling quite horny, but he had a full day of classes ahead of him and he had overslept a bit and was running late and had to hurry to get ready for class. No time to jerk off before class this time anyhow. Besides, Shawn was still getting himself ready for class as well.
He knew that despite what he was experiencing, jerking off was something he was going to have to delay, at least until classes were finished for the day. This is a tricky place for a guy to be in both psychologically and sexually. Randall’s body seemed to be operating more or less on its own, sending interesting “signals” to his brain that Randall enjoyed very much. Yes, there were things that needed to be done all day long, which meant that Randall couldn’t get himself in a situation whereby he was paying too much attention to the signals.
This is one of those instances where a guy commonly will start to drip a little precum, but that is as far as it goes pretty much. Randall feels the drops of ooze collecting in his tighty whiteys at the very tip of his penis, but not enough to stain his skinny jeans and potentially create something of an embarrassing “problem.”
It would not be accurate to say that Randall’s mind was entirely on his classes and what was going on in the lectures this day either. Randall suspected that the predicament he found himself in was probably something that other male class members sometimes experienced as well, but like so many other features of male sexuality this is not exactly a conversation that a guy can comfortably have with most male friends. So much of what goes on here was something of a mystery to Randall.
When the last chapter ended, Randall had made it through his classes without accidentally ejaculating (which is good to know) but now that classes were over and Randall might have the dorm room to himself for a little time, the psychological (and physical) pressures of the day had taken their toll.
As Randall stripped off his skinny jeans and pulled off the strap, he noticed that the two precum stains on his tighty whiteys were quite large, one quarter dollar-sized but the other the size of the fifty-cent piece. Randall had been oozing small amounts of precum for nearly the entire day.
Not only that once the strap came off Randall realized he was about as hard as he had ever seen himself and the nerve endings on the underside of his penis were just super touch-sensitive. Randall was reaching the point of no return, and getting there very rapidly. Both his mind and body were focusing on the idea that the most important thing to do right now was to get off.
Of course, Randall knew that it can be also agonizingly fun to and somehow keep delaying orgasm for as long as possible. Randall had been tapping on the underside of his penis through the cloth of the tighty whiteys. And he had grown some since the strap came off. One of the interesting tricks Randall had learned was to try and get into that old school strap again that he had just removed only moments ago, albeit when he was still a bit smaller and a bit less sexually excited.
And that is what did it for Randall, of course, the pressure of that snug-fitting strap cinched up over the tighty whiteys. Randall went into extremely powerful uncontrollable spasms of orgasm almost immediately, most of which, thankfully, was collected into the little pouch of the tighty whiteys. As great solo orgasms go, Randall immediately concluded that this one, if not the best ever orgasm, was most certainly in the top five ever.
Randall often liked to “rank” orgasmic experiences. Randall realized that this one was immensely enjoyable in part because of the sexual tension he had somehow managed to endure for the entire day, but also because of the specific items he had chosen to wear to class that kept the tension on and hitting on him steadily as the day progressed.
“I wonder if other guys know anything about this strategy” thought Randall. By now, Randall had pulled off the strap (again) and was in the process of putting the tighty whiteys into his pillow case laundry bag that had served him so well all day long when he heard the distinct sound of a key slipping into the door lock. That had to be Shawn coming back from class. Randall managed to quickly find his sweat pants, and was pulling them to his waist as Shawn now entered the room.
To be continued…
03-08-2019, 06:27 PM
“Wow! Was I lucky!” thought Randall. Randall had managed to pull up his gray sweat pants over his otherwise unclothed body just as Shawn had gotten the dorm room door open. Randall quickly convinced himself that Shawn had not actually seen a thing unexpectedly, and Randall was now in the process of pulling a somber black tee shirt over his chest and still had to move that pair of soggy cum-filled white briefs to a “safer” place for now.
Still, Randall was not completely off the hook. Of course there was the problem of how to transfer that pair of soggy wet tighty whiteys Randall had quickly dropped to the side of the bed to his laundry bag. And goodness they were a soggy mess. Randall was well aware of the fact that if this wasn’t his biggest ejaculated semen load ever it still fell into the category of being in the “top ten” of those that Randall had ever experienced.
By the time guys are old enough to get into college, most of them probably realize that some ejaculations that occur as a result of masturbation can be a lot more powerful than others. What a guy is able to do in this regard a lot depends on the specific events in the minutes and hours that led up to the ejaculation event. This can be complicated stuff to understand and then appreciate, but it is also very important for guys to learn.
Let’s say a guy is feeling somewhat horny (maybe with an occasional drop of cool and wet precum forming) and wants to get off surreptitiously. But also assume that he is in the company of other people. One tactic often used is to simply make an excuse and then go to the bathroom. If the guy is in a private home, he will be the only one in there.
But the tricky part is now one of figuring out a method for getting as hard as possible and as fast as possible so as to not be gone from the group for very long, lest someone else goes looking for him ostensibly to “see if he is OK”. Plus, the items a guy has at his disposal to aid in jerking off are going to be very limited in an ordinary residential bathroom. Still, this all needs to come to a conclusion, but then the guy must be careful to not get any ejaculate anywhere that he can’t clean up easily once the main event is over.
Guys over time gradually learn techniques for coping with all of this and then being able to come back out of the bathroom acting as if nothing odd or weird had happened to them at all. Even if a guy is able to pull this all off without any “incidents”, chances are the orgasm that was possible under these circumstances will be only just OK but nothing especially powerful or compelling.
But now think about Randall and the powerful orgasm he just had, as well as the events that led to the orgasm. This orgasm had been quietly brewing and fermenting all day long, from the moment Randall got up in the morning and started choosing items to wear to class that day.
It is difficult sometimes to determine cause and effect in this respect. This was obviously not the first time Randall had pulled off something like this. He had lots of knowledge with respect to exactly which clothing items would be most likely to make him keep feeling horny over the entire day. Taken individually, each item might seem rather tame and innocuous in this regard. But it was the collective impact of the combination of items that had the very real and building impact over the long day.
Randall also knew that in setting himself up this way there was not going to be a convenient moment during the day where he could simply ejaculate and quickly eliminate the pressures that were gradually building and then building some more as the day wore on. No, he would have to wait until classes were over and he got back to the privacy of the little dorm room.
The items he was wearing seemed simple enough, the tighty whiteys seemed to be not unlike what he wore every day even though on this particular day he had chosen a particularly undersized and snug-fitting pair. Putting the strap on over the tighty whiteys seemed “safe” enough. What “harm” would that do?
And the skinny jeans. Randall had also picked out the skinniest pair from his wardrobe. These were the kind that were laced with Lycra® in the denim fabric so the undersized waist could stretch to be buttoned. Almost skin tight in the calves and thighs, they also had a low rise. Randall thought that these were ideal when paired with the strap and those undersized tighty whiteys. And Randall knew that all of this could help sustain his horniness throughout the day, somehow also he was going to have to cope with situation whereby he couldn’t let himself get too horny at least not until the day was over and he got back to the dorm room.
Male “self abuse” when conducted employing the methods Randall was using, can result in significantly more powerful orgasms than a masturbation quickie done on short impulse in the privacy of a residential bathroom. Randall had figured this out some time ago. The really powerful orgasms happen only if the events leading up to the orgasms are interesting from a psychosexual perspective as well. Randall often wondered whether what he knew about all of this might prove useful somehow in having great partner sex as well. Maybe there was more to learning advanced techniques in self-gratification than just the self-gratification of the moment! This is interesting stuff to ponder. Way interesting!
Randall gathered up those soggy tighty whiteys and so that Shawn did not see that they were filled with cum, and gently placed them in his pillowcase laundry bag.
Randall figured he had gotten off without Shawn knowing anything about what had all just happened, but, quite frankly, Randall wasn’t exactly 100 % certain of that either. Maybe Shawn did have some suspicions however careful Randall had tried to be.
Meanwhile, Shawn now seemed in a particularly talkative mood and was raising subjects Shawn had never brought up before.
“That navy blue brief you have been wearing under your pile bathrobe seems to work very well to wear into the showers down the hall. “Where did you get that at?”
Randall replied “I got that at that sporting goods store that is on the spot where the mall is. I found a rack of those in various sizes and colors there.”
Shawn replied “I think I would like to get one of those to wear for showering like you have been doing.”
Randall says “We will have to go shopping this weekend and I can show you exactly where they are in the store. I need some things too”
To be continued…
03-12-2019, 12:39 PM
It is Saturday. Randall and Shawn are planning on hitting the shopping mall and some of the stores on the shopping mall pad, including the big-box sporting goods store. They are going to be searching out a number of different items that they will be able to use in various ways. Shawn has already indicated that he wants to shop for a swim brief like Randall has. Shawn intends to use the brief in the same way that has worked for Randall the past several weeks.
There are two ways guys in the men’s dorm head to the showers down the hall. Some of them have a towel-like pile bathrobe that does a good job not only for covering up in the hallway but also drying off your back right after the shower. The other common option is to just wrap a large towel around your lower body and wander down the hall wearing only flip flops and the towel. Actually, more guys wander around the dorm that way than wear the pile bathrobes.
Shawn has both a pile bathrobe and a couple big off-white towels. Occasionally he has worn a towel and then put a bathrobe over that, but that seems maybe a bit too much cover up under the circumstances. After all, this is a men’s dorm and these are all guys.
Shawn likes Randall’s strategy better. The swim brief seems like a bit more of a cover up than just wearing nothing under the bathrobe, but still not the overkill of the towel plus bathrobe scheme.
Having said that, Shawn has never had an occasion to actually wear a swim brief like Randall has been wearing. And therein (ahem) lies a bit of a problem for Shawn. Shawn is suffering from something that could best be called apprehension about getting himself into a swim brief. This problem is commonplace for guys who have not had the experience of doing so at all during their short lives.
The fact that the brief is, well, brief, is one issue. It doesn’t cover much, but still manages to cover all the male body parts that “need” to be covered for “modesty” purposes. Except, of course, a swim brief is not only brief in size, but also quite snug fitting. Shawn realizes that his male body parts are not always the same size. The apprehension centers on “What will happen if I get something of a hard-on going while I am inside the brief?” and “will others be able to see what my situation is?”
The shopping mall is a few miles from the campus and the two of them will be taking Randall’s vehicle. Shawn has a number of questions for Randall about what happens when a guy gets into a snug-fitting swim brief, and Shawn is hoping he can come up with a way of phrasing each of the questions in a manner that gets to the center of his concerns without being too blunt.
How should such questions be phrased, anyway? If Shawn words the questions to generally (“Randall, what’s it like to wear a swim brief, anyway?”) he may not find out what he really wants to know. On the other hand, if he asks each question too bluntly (“Randall, do you tend to get a big hard-on every time you get into a swim brief?”) maybe that will be too forward and perhaps make Randall uncomfortable.
How about an intermediate approach (“Randall, does getting in and out of a swim brief ever give you any problems that could be embarrassing to you?”) maybe Randall will take the hint about what is actually concerning Shawn without having to be too blunt and Shawn might get an answer to his question that way.
Shawn considers each of these options and decides that the third option is the best one to try.
So as the two of them are driving toward the mall Shawn says “Randall, does getting in and out of a swim brief ever give you any problems that could be potentially embarrassing to you?”
Randall replies “Oh, you mean like getting an unexpected hard-on?” Randall has a silly grin on his face now too.
Shawn replies “Yah, that was one of the things that concerns me about doing this”
Randall responds “That happens pretty regularly to me. You ought to have seen me the first time I tried on a swim brief. I was 14 then, I think. The whole idea was just instant hard-on. Nowadays, I am ‘used’ to wearing them, but that doesn’t mean that wearing one doesn’t still ‘get’ to me sometimes. But the prospect doesn’t scare me quite like it did when I was 14. Still, I can see why you might be more than a little apprehensive about the entire idea."
Shawn replies “ That is what has been kinda bothering me. At one level I think wearing a swim brief into the showers is an interesting way to deal with the situation we are in, you know, the showers down the hall with very little privacy. Still, you can understand why I might be a little up tight about the whole idea. You seem to be so ‘together’ on all of this."
Randall says “I’ve learned to just accept what my body wants to do to me and work my way around the situations that are potentially uncomfortable or embarrassing. I find that the more I fixate on the issues and problems, the more difficult they are to deal with.”
Randall continues “It’s more than that. Sometimes my body tells me stuff it likes and I wish it would not. I’ve never found a way to turn this off and on with my own mind. I’ve learned that a key is learning how to deal comfortably with respect to what is happening, and particularly not feeling sorry for yourself if things seem to not be completely under my own control.”
Shawn replies “That’s quite an answer. I’m not sure I completely understand what you are trying to tell me.”
Randall replies with a stupid grin on his face. “Maybe you will understand what I am saying better once you get into your own swim brief.”
Randall says. “Here we are, at the big box sporting goods store!”
To be continued…
03-14-2019, 02:35 PM
The main reason Shawn and Randall are at the mall this morning is to find a swim brief for Shawn like Randall wears under his pile bathrobe. Not that many years ago, the Mall stores that carry sports clothing would have a big rack devoted to swim briefs for men in a host of different styles, sizes and colors. But this trade has largely moved on-line and now the big sporting goods stores carry only a limited selection of basic styles, brands and colors.
Sure enough, Randall and Shawn fairly quickly find a rack of swim briefs, but they are all the basic design, Speedo® brand, 3-inch sides. By far, the vast majority of them are in either navy blue or solid black, but there does appear to be a couple of Royal blue ones here and there.
Still, that is more or less what Shawn was looking for, a conservative black or navy. Shawn wonders a little bit about the sizing as well. Randall tells Shawn that he just wears whatever waist size he wears in jeans, in Randall’s case, a 32” waist. Randall explains that at first the swim brief will probably feel a bit snug, but as a guy wears it over and over and perhaps showers in it too, the brief will quickly conform to Shawn’s body, much like shoes or boots that feel a bit uncomfortable at first usually are fine.
Still, Shawn has never before been in a swim brief, and as conservative as the navy Speedo® seems to be in this respect, Shawn is still wondering if and how his penis might “react” to the situation. At some level Randall knows that Shawn is more than a bit apprehensive about this but he reassures Shawn that the 32’ waist should be a fine choice. Shawn thinks it looks “a little small” for him, but with Randall’s advice and encouragement he goes ahead. The price at $28 seems a little high to Shawn for such a small clothing item, but he goes ahead anyway. Meanwhile Randall picks out a similar suit but in black. No wait! There is a lone one in 32 in royal blue. Randall picks that one out, instead.
While the two of them are in the store, Randall also wants to see what is available in athletic supporters (jock straps). Randall has enjoyed wearing a strap under his skinny jeans along with his undersized tighty whiteys, but straps often don’t last very long especially if Randall wants to do this on a regular basis. In the back of his mind, Randall is also thinking about how powerful that orgasm was after wearing that strap to classes under his skinny jeans all day long, but, of course, Randall doesn’t dare mention that to Shawn.
Still, Randall and Shawn now have wandered into the athletic supporter section of the store. A basic problem once again is that most big sporting goods stores no longer carry a large selection of old-school straps and this part of the business too has largely moved online. Guys just seem to be much more comfortable buying straps on line in privacy than buying them from a rack in a sporting goods or discount store.
Still, there are a couple of them on the strap rack that interest Randall. The design looks to be “semi” old school with the old-style “rough” elastic pouch but with a fancier 2 ½ inch wide elastic waistband with the brand logo written on it. Randall debates between the SM and the MED size and eventually decides on the MED. Randall says to Shawn “Maybe you would like to get one of these, too”
Shawn responds, “Well I don’t really know if I would wear it anywhere, but maybe OK.
Then, it’s off to see what is available in compression gear. Shawn really likes how Randall looks in that silver gray compression shirt and how useful it seems to be as an undergarment to a polo shirt. Meanwhile, Randall is interested in seeing if he can find a long-sleeved version of the silver gray one he already has. These items are easy to find and Shawn chooses a short-sleeved MED in a shiny navy blue color. Shawn also picks out a pair of sleek compression shorts in the same navy blue color.
The final item Randall wants to look for is a pair of running tights, ideally in the same silver gray color of his old short-sleeved tee and the new long-sleeved version he is buying. Sure enough, the store has the running tights in the same brand and silvery gray color. Shawn admittedly is tempted by running tights in navy blue but for now they are a bit over his budget.
So the two guys each got a new swim brief and an athletic supporter. Shawn got a compression tee with short sleeves in navy blue and matching compression shorts, while Randall got a silver-gray long-sleeved version along with running tights that just matched the shirt.
Enough of shopping for one day and time to head back to the dorm.
To be continued…
03-17-2019, 01:05 PM
It may have not been that obvious from what Shawn said, but Shawn was more than a little up tight when he went along with Randall to the big sporting goods store. Shawn and Randall had discussed the items they were going to be searching for. But Shawn was very much like a lot of young guys are when they first think about the whole idea of getting into a garment that is going to fit quite snug around a guy’s private parts.
Some of this, of course, might be just an unfounded apprehension about the whole idea of wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, an athletic strap or supporter, or even a close-fitting compression gear item.
Shawn tried not to think about this, rationalizing to himself in his mind that countless other guys wear these items and it doesn’t seem to “bother” them in the least. So, why should Shawn be any different? Shawn tried to rationalize the entire sequence of events by arguing to himself that he couldn’t be that much different from any other guy.
Still, there was stuff that was bothering Shawn to a degree. Shawn had seen Randall in only his swim brief. In fact he had seen Randall completely naked many times. Shawn thought that Randall slipped in and out of his swim brief with the ease of a master swimmer, even though Randall was not much of a swimmer, if at all.
Still, Randall was more than a little curious about some of the items Randall chose to wear to class and why he chose to wear them. Randall’s skinny jeans to Shawn at least seemed to be skinnier and fit tighter to Randall’s thighs, butt and calves than the fit that most of the other guys wore. But Randall seemed to delight in wearing his tight-fitting jeans.
The tighty whiteys Randall wore also seemed to be more than a little out of place for 2019. The guys Shawn was aware of mostly wore looser fitting undergarments, but then most of them were not squeezing themselves into jeans with as snug a fit as Randall wore, either. And then there was that idea Randall had of wearing a strap over the tighty whiteys. What was that all about , anyway?
Still, there was something that was pressing Shawn forward, too. At some level Shawn had concluded that there was maybe a bit more to what Randall wore than it might at first appear. Shawn was thinking that once he and Randall got back to the dorm room, the first thing he wanted to do was to get some of his fears out of the way by trying on that new navy blue swim brief for the very first time. At one level, Shawn just wanted to get the whole experience over. But at another level, he was starting to feel horny about the prospect of finally getting to wear a swim brief like the one he had just bought.
Shawn’s body was already starting to react to the situation. Randall said “The first thing we need to do is to try on our new clothing items.” Shawn was not surprised by this, but the swim brief they had just purchased still had tags on it. The tags are easily removed using a simple fingernail clipper, but in doing so Shawn got a better feel for the smoothness of the slick material the brief was made from. And he also got a better look at how small the 32-inch waist Speedo® really was.
Actually, Shawn had been precumming a little ever since the trip to the mall started. That was something Shawn could deal with, but now something more significant had started to occur. Shawn was starting to get hard at the mere thought of being inside the little brief. Shawn could readily sense that there was significantly more blood flowing into his penis than out. The sensation itself is an interesting one because a guy not only starts to feel the exciting physical sense of becoming hard, but the events quickly lead to a degree of mental involvement as well. Whether or not a guy finds this pleasant more or less depends on who he is with and where.
Randall wants also to try on his new swim brief, the royal blue Speedo® he bought. Maybe that will help Shawn better deal with a situation that Randall somehow knew was likely causing Shawn some concern.
So Shawn removes his clothes including his underwear and is now standing naked in the room with Randall right there doing exactly the same thing. But, Guess what? Shawn suddenly can’t hide the fact that now he has a quite significant hard-on. Randall acts as if he is trying hard not to notice the condition Shawn is in, but something else strange is happening too.
Amazingly, on seeing Shawn is such a situation, Randall can feel sensations that tell him he is about to get his own hard-on too. It’s almost as if there is some unsaid communication between the two of them. If a guy sees another guy obviously in such a state, the observer may start to have the same “problem”. Randall reassures himself that this is not an indication that he is gay or even that he has a gay side, indeed that this would likely happen to any guy under such circumstances. But, he actually is not certain about what all seems to be happening either.
So Shawn struggles to get into the new Speedo that is obviously not any too big for him. It feels quite snug, and Shawn is having a major issue in trying to figure out how to position his now significantly oversized penis within the confines of the little brief. Randall tells him about the three options, down, sideways and up. But Shawn is too swollen for the first two options to even be a possibility. The only real option is up.
The “problem" with the up position is that it puts the smooth-and-slick fabric of the brief in direct contact with the sensitive underside of Shawn’s penis. Besides, Shawn’s penis is now so oversized that the glans is on the verge of coming out over the top of the waistband!
This has been a significant learning opportunity for Shawn. He never realized before that the underside of his penis could possibly be that sensitive to the smooth, slick fabric of the brief.
Randall has been watching Shawn try and deal with all of this while pulling on his own new royal blue Speedo®. Watching Shawn, Randall is quickly heading down a path leading to a point of no return too.
“Oh sh$#@t”, Shawn shouts! “I’m cumming!” just as Shawn says that a powerful set of involuntary spasms engulfs Shawn’s body, and Shawn’s upward pointing penis is shooting powerful jets of semen out over the top of the elastic waistband of the swim brief. Randall thinks Shawn must be having a great time, and that quickly edges Randall past that same point.
Soon, it is all over. Randall says to Shawn “Now you might better understand why I thought you might like to have possession of a swim brief.”
Shawn replies “OK Randall, I think you have clearly made your point. Maybe we need to leave the straps and compression gear for another day.”
Now to get all the semen in various places around the room cleaned up.
To be continued…
03-20-2019, 11:30 PM
Shawn is in an interesting dilemma. On one hand, he was embarrassed by what happened when he got into the swim brief, that almost instantly he was out of control and could delay a powerful ejaculation no longer. Did this mean Shawn had a “problem” of some sort? Since no female was involved in the orgasm, did that mean that he might be gay or even bisexual? These questions were bothering Shawn.
Still, the orgasm while wearing the Speedo® was really powerful and fun. Shawn had no idea that something would happen quite like this. Shawn’s penis quickly got ultra sensitive to the feel of the brief in all sorts of interesting places, places Shawn was only vaguely aware of before this all happened.
Randall too was doing some deep thinking as well. Randall couldn’t help remember how his on body had responded to getting into a Speedo® just over two years ago, when Randall was still 16 years old. Now Randall was 18 going on 19, and Randall thought that by now he would have developing a degree of ejaculatory control. After all, he had gotten in and out of a swim brief almost routinely.
But Randall realized that being able to watch Shawn struggle with his erection while wearing the new Speedo® had added a erotically new element into the mix. It was if Shawn were somehow communicating with Randall even though the two of them were several feet apart when all of this happened. What gives, anyway?
Maybe human sexuality and how a guy’s own body responds in a situation like this is a lot more complicated than either Shawn or Randall had realized before. To be sure, by suggesting that he and Shawn go shopping for clothing items that routinely “got” to Randall, Randall was either setting Shawn up for this or at minimum for Randall to find out if other guys had a similar problem when confronted with wearing snug-fitting clothing. Randall quickly found out that Shawn was not that different from Randall in that regard. However, extending this to the idea that nearly any guy when stuck in a situation like this would end in approximately the same outcome was impossible to do.
Still, at one level, Randall and Shawn both enjoyed their nearly simultaneous orgasms while wearing new Speedos® immensely, and since neither of them had steady girlfriends, there is something to be said for a strategy that allows a guy to deal with his urges without any real downside.
And in this particular case, both Shawn and Randall had quickly gotten off employing only the first item they had bought at the mall sporting goods store. But they had also purchased other items on the shopping trip--straps, compression gear—that they had not even gotten to attempting to wear. Would these items prove to be as arousing as the Speedos® turned out to be? That is a good question.
Both Randall and Shawn need to recover from this episode and maybe wait two or three days before they run any more of these experiments.
From Randall’s perspective, Shawn seems to be happy not down in the dumps. Randall thinks that maybe Shawn was hoping to find a way to get off without the risks involved in getting into some sort of partner relationship at their age. Shawn now realizes that Randall’s behaviors especially when he is getting dressed for class are indeed quite logical.
So, there are no problems that need to be addressed right now. Randall and Shawn still think of themselves as heterosexual males rooming together in a cramped men’s dorm room who on occasion particularly enjoy the company of each other while still pursuing their respective academic majors and college classes. Shawn has learned some stuff both about himself and his roommate and so has Randall.
Everything is good, but especially the Speedos®. But Shawn now wants a pair of those skinny jeans like Randall has, and a package of those tighty whiteys like Randall wears too.
To be continued...there is more!
03-21-2019, 01:27 PM
Still reading and enjoying it immensely.
Thank you
03-22-2019, 12:52 PM
Shawn’s response to and experiences in being in a Speedo® for the very first time are not at all uncommon. Nor was Randall’s response to seeing Shawn struggle in that situation for the first time uncommon either. In fact, what both Shawn and Randall have just gone through might indeed be much the same for any other guys confronted with the same situation. It is apparent that this is not a gay or straight thing, that this would somehow happen only to guys who surely either knew they were gay or at least had “leanings” or a side that might be.
It is interesting to think about all of this in the context of what goes on with respect to clothing designs for men over long periods of time, even periods lasting several decades. Think about what you see in this respect relative to your own knowledge of the fact that there are things that do not involve females or any other brand of partner sex that generate feelings deep inside that you associate with a state of feeling horny.
Sex between any two human beings almost invariably involves sensations emanating from the sensitive sexual organs, for guys mainly the penis, and there are specific parts of the penis that are more sensitive than others, a fact that becomes ever more apparent as arousal and erections proceed. For guys at least, these wonderful sensations keep building and building until the logical outcome is a wonderful, ejaculation involving involuntary spasms that for a brief moment in time takes over the entire body in an excitingly powerful release of semen accompanied by marvelously pleasant sensations.
This is wildly interesting stuff, and stuff that forms the reason why guys are driven to find a partner for sex. However, just because a guy doesn’t have a convenient sexual partner does not mean that a guy suddenly loses all interest in all of this. Quite the contrary!
Still, a lot of guys are apprehensive about getting into a situation where they are likely to get aroused in the absence of a partner for a bunch of different reasons. And things are never 100% smooth even when a guy does have a sexual partner—otherwise the divorce rate for married couples would not be as high as it is!If partner sex is the ultimate, why do guys so often seem to want to get out of a situation whereby they can and do have partner sex? This is a fascinating question.
Think about the things that have gone on in the men’s fashion industry. A basic idea is that given the sensitivity of sexual organs to anything that touches them, clothing, fingertips, you name it, snug-fitting clothing is going to more likely come in contact with and rub against sexually sensitive body parts. A lot of guys worry about getting sexually aroused when in the presence of other guys and what the consequences of that could be. So the solution was to find loose fitting clothing, baggy boxer shorts covered by even baggier jeans, and loose fitting tee shirts etc etc. Surely by doing this an erection would never occur or at least would be unlikely to occur at a time or in a place that would be embarrassing.
But about a decade ago men’s clothing began a trek that eventually went off into the other directions. Never mind the issues related to erections happening in unwanted places or times. I think this started with the sudden popularity of compression gear among athletes and the UnderArmour® company had a lot to do with that. College and NBA players were starting to wear compression tees under their sleeveless jerseys, and compression shorts were peeking out from under their league shorts. It was only natural for fans to want to try wearing something similar, and with it, a discovery of how neat snug-fitting compression gear felt on the body including the most touch sensitive organs.
In swimming, of course, the swimmers had moved from the really tiny briefs they wore in the 1980s to larger jammers, and then to full body suits eventually mostly ruled illegally in competition, then back to still legal partial body suits, jammers and then back to the briefs worn in lots of swimming events by the young high school and college athletes.
The jeans too went on a remarkable transformation from really baggy to really snug and tight in about a decade. Women had been wearing close-cut jeans for a long time using stretch denim, and at some point it became impossible for the manufacturers to come up with jeans for men that did not use the same types of stretch denim. Initially the manufacturers worried that men would reject these super skinny designs as being too “girlie” but that is not at all what actually happened. These designs first became popular with male entertainers (an “Asian” influence here?) and then with much of the public.
Of course, skinny jeans and loose-fitting boxer shorts are not a good mix, and the guy needs either a snug-fitting brief or maybe underwear in which the fit that is similar to a shorter legged jammer or compression short.
Somehow the problem that a guy might have an erection wearing this stuff at an embarrassing time or place got pushed aside. A guy wouldn’t want to be wearing baggy jeans when all his male buds were wearing the skinny kind and somehow dealing with any "issues" that might arise. More interestingly perhaps, the females the guys his age somehow seemed attracted to the guys who were showing off their bodies by wearing compression tees and skinny jeans. Whatever works, works!
And, of course, Randall was ahead of Shawn in the stuff he was doing, fashion wise. Shawn knew that, but he was starting to catch up. Randall, of course, was very interested in seeing how Shawn’s mind and body would react to Shawn’s first encounter with a Speedo® and if he could handle the snug fit or not. At some level, Shawn was both curious and apprehensive about all of this too.
So, it’s not surprising that Shawn blew shortly after he got himself in the brief, even a relatively innocuous Speedo® with three-inch sides. This might be what normally happens for most guys on first encounter like this though no one has taken a poll of guys on that.
What was more than a little surprising, however, was that Randall’s mind got wrapped into seeing what was happening to Shawn facing this situation, and this led to Randall quickly ejaculating into his own new royal blue Speedo® almost like a chain effect somehow linking the two of them. Randall thought too that he was experienced enough that he could handle the situation without this happening. Turns out, he couldn’t! Once inside the royal blue Speedo®, Randall took one look at himself in the little mirror on the dorm room wall. He liked what he saw, and suddenly he also was off! Ahhh, the fun of being a guy...
To be continued…
03-24-2019, 06:30 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXII College is all about learning—about yourself!
A lot of complicated but interesting things are going on here. Let me begin at the beginning, and more or less work forward from some very basic information. Every species of animal (plants too, and even stuff the biologists claim doesn’t fit neatly into one category or another) is here today because of some form of reproduction. At some level, every living thing now present got here because of some form of reproduction. Some of this is rather banal biology, at the one-celled microorganism level, by the cell simply dividing.
Not being a one-celled species, I cannot tell you for sure or not whether dividing yourself into two cells is somehow “fun” for the microorganism. But, for complex multi-cellular animals, animals more nearly like us, an element of fun associated with the first stage of reproduction is frequently present.
I like to watch all the science shows, especially those that show animals reproducing. I am fascinated by the fish. Many male and female fish never come in direct contact with each other through their body parts. Some form of intercourse like that would be tough to pull off. So the female fish merely sprays her eggs into the water in large numbers and the male of the species responds by spraying his semen all over the area where the eggs were sprayed. Is this somehow sexually fun for either fish?
This seems like a poor way of having sexual fun in the context that we humans and a lot of other land-based mammals are really fond of the whole idea of getting a penis inside of a vagina. Surely it must be that these mammals are dealing with sensations that mimic our own with a response to the enjoyment they get from doing this. It can’t be that different for them than us, or can it?
I grew up on a farm where I raised sheep. Female sheep, the ewes, like a lot of mammals (but not us) have only certain periods of time in which they are receptive to the whole idea of intercourse with a ram. Female sheep are interesting in that there are few if any outward signs that they are in heat, which happens during the breeding season every 13 to 19 days for a ewe. The male rams, however, know exactly when the female is ready to breed. A typical ram will service about 40 ewes in a 45-day period, averaging maybe one a day but sometimes more.
Breeding in sheep involves the ram mounting the sheep with his front legs over the ewes mid back, so that his rather long penis (by human standards) can shoot ejaculated semen deep into the ewe’s vagina. Some 143 days later, if all went well, a lamb or two, rarely three, pops out.
Rams are enthusiastic breeders, they seem to thoroughly enjoy the entire sequence of events. I presume that the sensations are tickling the pleasure zones of the ram’s brain, in much the same way this happens in humans.
Having said that, I have yet to see a ewe that seemed nearly as enthusiastic about the entire sequence of intercourse events as the rams seem to be. Indeed, sometimes they seem quite unhappy about the situation. Other times they are willing to let the ram proceed, but act as if what they are doing is more of an obligation than a highly pleasant moment in their own lives as a ewe. It is almost as if they would rather be out grazing in the pasture than “messing around” this way with the ram. Still, sex between ewes and rams happens, sheep reproduce and produce lambs. Life goes on in the sheep world too.
Now you don’t see rams with hard-ons trying to lick their own penises for pleasure in part because that would be impossible to do given how rams are built. But you do see young uncastrated adolescent males playing out the strategy of getting a hard-on and mounting other sheep their age mimicking the manner that a breeding ram would do. That the sheep they are mounting if female are not in heat doesn’t matter, nor do the young males seem to pay any attention to the sex of the sheep their own age they are mounting. Learning how to get a hard-on and then mount another sheep seems to just be part of the fun things adolescent male sheep do growing up.
Licking your own penis for pleasure after getting a hard- on is something non-neutered male dogs often do, also apparently for the sheer fun of doing it. Male dogs like to masturbate this way, and their anatomy allows this. The behavior is often disturbing to dog owners who discipline the dog in an (usually unsuccessful) attempt to get the dog to quit doing that.
What does all of this have to do with the behaviors of Randall and Shawn? First, there is the topic of why there are human males and females and why sexual intercourse hits our pleasure centers the way it frequently does. After all, human beings need to continue on over the generations and making intercourse very pleasant is part of the scheme nature employs for accomplishing that.
Still, if human sex were all about the need for reproduction and nothing else, bluntly put, why are sexual behaviors that do not involve intercourse at all so immensely enjoyable too? The sequence of events that Randall and Shawn just went through ended up being hugely pleasurable and mind-blowing fun. Is it SUPPOSED to be like that? What gives, anyway?
In watching adolescent rams mounting other adolescent sheep irrespective of the sex of the sheep being mounted, at one time I thought the rams doing the mounting of other male sheep (castrated or not) would end up as adult gay rams with zero interest in breeding a ewe. The problem was that I have zero evidence to support the latter. These same rams grew up to be adult rams that seemed to very much be into and enjoy breeding the ewes, even if the ewes frequently did not appear to be so enthusiastic.
As an undergraduate, I watched as a suite mate masturbated himself and then he and his roommate masturbated each other in front of several other males their age including me. I have followed one of the guys involved in this (who cheerfully seemed to know he was “grossing out” the others who were watching the entire sequence of events) after that, and he got married and raised a family. Clearly, if his behavior was consistent with a guy being gay or even having a gay side as that is not at all what happened. The male masturbation behavior seems to be not unlike the behavior of those adolescent rams mounting other adolescent males.
Which leads us back to the question of what exactly is going on right now in the brains of Shawn and Randall. Are they both actually gay but haven’t admitted that to themselves, or maybe each simply has a gay side? Or, maybe not! If sexual sensations are all about the continuation of the human species, why are certain kinds of masturbation such mind-blowing fun? Are guys who like to masturbate in a Speedo® going to be willing to quit doing so if they get married to a woman? Or, nowadays, get married to a guy, for that matter.
Lots of interesting questions here, for sure.
To be continued…
03-28-2019, 12:49 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIII Shawn attempts to get it together
At some level, Shawn greatly enjoyed the powerful orgasm he had shortly after getting into his brand new navy blue Speedo®. But at another level, he was more than a little bit embarrassed about what had happened to him. One of the curious “features” of male sexuality is that guys firmly like to believe that they can control with their minds whether or not they have an orgasm or even merely a hard-on, or even a semi, as easily as they are able to control where and when they pee. To be sure, sometimes guys have issues in that department too, and having a “bashful kidney” is a fairly common problem at least for guys Shawn’s age.
Actually, there is a bit of basic biology that every guy should know. First, urine is deadly to semen. What this means is that if semen got mixed with urine, generally, the idea of reproducing would be out. The valves that turn stuff on and off in guys are located at or right by a guy’s prostate. If a guy is the least bit aroused as in having a semi, the prostate is going to cut off the flow of urine from the bladder completely. But this little stunt sometimes even happens when a guy does not even fully realize what has happened, and a guy gets to the urinal and lo and behold, he can’t pee no matter how much he tries. The “bashful kidney” problem, explained.
This seems often to be much more of a problem for young guys, in their teen years or just beyond. As a guy gets older, the issue seems to recede.
But Shawn’s “problem” was that the swimwear taught him something about himself that he did not fully realize before. Sometimes guys get into situations, even inadvertently, that lead to hard –on and even to the orgasm stage without seemingly being able to turn it all off and on. Shawn at first did not realize that this was even going to be an issue for him as he thought he was adult enough to be able to control exactly what was happening down there using his mind. But aaah his penis thought that Speedo® was sweet…the slick cloth, the snug fit. His mind seemed to have no control whatsoever once the underside of his penis came into contact with the slick feel of the snug-fitting swimwear cloth.
Still, Shawn knew that he was not going to be able to resolve the problem by simply avoiding wearing the Speedo. It’s early morning, and time for Shawn to take a shower and get ready for class. The suit he ejaculated into last night was now dry, except of course for those starchy little stains on the pouch that every guy associates with dry semen. An interesting stunt would be for Shawn to get into the Speedo® this morning with the idea of wrapping his lower body in a towel and head down the hall to the open showers. He could then remove the towel and shower while still wearing the Speedo® and at the same time, wash the crusty cum stains out of the suit. After all, swimwear is meant to get wet!
So Shawn quickly pulls on the suit and wraps his lower body in one of his big towels. He decides maybe the safest idea is to not even glance at himself wearing the suit in the little dorm room mirror lest that set off a sequence of events and he would lose control of the situation again. So, Shawn follows this plan, and heads off down the hall to the men’s bathroom ostensibly to take his morning shower but also to wash the accumulated cum stains from yesterday out of his new Speedo®!
Meanwhile Randall is struggling with some interesting issues this morning as well. In terms of understanding how snug-fitting clothing of various sorts affects his mind and body in various ways, Randall psychologically is much farther along than where Shawn is, obviously. But Randall has been messing around with this sort of stuff for a long time, almost from when he went through puberty and even before. Randall has tried a lot of different clothing items that make him feel a little to a lot horny. Randall has dealt with all of this to the point that he thought he understood how far he could go, say in working through a normal day of college classes, where he could keep a lot of those neat feelings going but without getting to the point where he “had” to immediately ejaculate. Randall thought he had played around with himself enough to know exactly how horny he could be without getting into an “I need to ejaculate immediately” situation. Randall thought he had resolved the so-called “time and place” problem, sometimes called “ejaculatory control”.
What happened yesterday was fascinating not only from Shawn’s perspective but from what happened to Randall as well. The new royal blue Speedo® Randall had purchased was not that different from the ones he had bought in the past. With three-inch sides it actually fuller coverage than Randall had gotten “used” to wearing.
But, the whole idea of Shawn and Randall both getting into their new briefs at the same time somehow “got” to Randall in a place that Randall had not realized was there. True, the snug new brief did feel pretty slick when rubbed against the underside of Randall’s penis. But somehow, deep down, Randall also realized that the sweet sensations from the Speedo® along with being in a position able to watch Shawn struggle inside his own suit was somehow deeply erotic way down in “there” somewhere. Randall didn’t quite know how or why he was so affected by this. Then when Shawn got to the point where he could stand it no longer and had to blow, Randall discovered that he was essentially at the same point as well.
What does this all mean, anyway? Is Randall somehow gay? Is Shawn? Or would this happen basically to any guy in a situation like this irrespective of sexual orientation known or unknown? Why did Randall think it was so much fun to take Shawn shopping? Why was Shawn so willing to go along with this? What exactly is going on here, anyway?
These are important questions, all of them.
To be continued…
03-31-2019, 12:59 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIV Shawn enters the showers
Shawn, once again in his now cum-stained navy blue Speedos®, has entered the showers down the hall. Shawn is OK, and this time getting into the suit was not nearly as “traumatic” an event as it was the last time. Still, Shawn is at least a bit aroused, enough to show a little if anyone were to look closely.
The showers are fairly quiet, but it is currently very early, only 5:45 AM. Actually there is one other guy in the showers, the showers consisting of 6 separate heads all in a long row. There are tile walls in the long room in an innocuous color that is not a tan color, but not a gray color either. Each showerhead area has a wall hook, meant to hang whatever the guy was wearing into the shower area, bathrobe, towel or maybe a pair of shorts.
The other guy in the showers Shawn did not know well, but Shawn had seen him in the dorm a few times. That guy was completely naked, and warm water was spraying over his body. It appears that this guy—Shawn thought this guy’s name was Josh but he wasn’t 100 percent certain, obviously had worn a pile bathrobe to the shower as that was hanging on the hook across from that showerhead. The two guys exchanged glances, and Shawn quickly realized that Josh had taken a very quick and furtive glance and noticed the Speedo®. Shawn hoped that he hadn’t noticed those starchy stains ON Shawn’s Speedo® but Shawn wasn’t entirely certain about that.
Shawn decided to keep the Speedo® on for the entire shower, partly because it was easier to wash the Speedo® on his body than off. Secretly, Shawn also wanted to see exactly how his body felt when the suit was water-soaked rather than dry. Mentally, Josh was “taking notes” on what Shawn was doing.
Suddenly, Josh started engaging Shawn in a conversation.
“I like your idea of wearing a brief swimsuit in the shower rather than just being naked” Josh said.
“This is the first time I have tried that” responded Shawn. But this seems to work fine.
Josh then asked Shawn whether or not he was a swimmer. Shawn responded by saying “Not really. I only got the suit because I thought I might be more comfortable wearing something when I showered rather than being completely naked.”
“My roommate Dylan was the one who introduced me to swim briefs. He often wears a swim brief under his jeans as underwear” confided Josh.
Shawn could hardly believe what Josh was telling him.
“Oddly enough, I have a roommate who likes to do that as well.” Responded Shawn. “He likes to wear a swim brief under his skinny jeans and claims this works well”
All the while the shower water was pouring over Shawn’s neck, chest and lower body, and Shawn could easily see that his Speedo® was now clean and free of dastardly cum-stains as well. Time to finish up the shower and dry off, wrapping a now somewhat damp towel around his lower body and head back off to the room. But, before he left he said, “I think your name is Josh. Is that right?”
“Good to see you again.”
To be continued…
04-03-2019, 12:56 PM
It is still quite early, and as Shawn returns from his shower wearing the towel over his now wet swim brief, Randall has just managed to crawl out of bed. Randall’s first class this morning is a 9 AM class, an hour later than Shawn’s 8 AM class, so Randall is in no particular hurry to get moving this morning.
“How did the shower go?” Asks Randall.
“Very well!” said Shawn. “My body is clean and so is my Speedo.” Shawn said with a sly grin on his face.
Randall couldn’t help but see that Shawn looks way cool in that wet navy Speedo. And Shawn seems to be getting “used” to wearing it as well. Shawn’s bulge, while apparent, was not outsized as it would have been had Shawn had a significant hard-on.
Shawn explains “There was another guy in the shower, a guy named Josh. Anyhow he was telling me about his roommate Dylan. Josh said Dylan likes to wear swim briefs as underwear on a daily basis, under his jeans. I mentioned that I have a roommate who claims that swim briefs make neat underwear, especially when worn under skinny jeans!”
Now remember that Josh and Dylan are a year older than Randall and Shawn are, and are now sophomores. At most colleges, freshmen all take a lot of the same courses, and get to know each other that way. But once a student is a sophomore, they are enrolled in more “major-specific” courses and there is less interaction with students in other majors.
“I think I have met both Josh and Dylan” Randall Replies, “But I certainly did not know there were other guys who wear swimming briefs as underwear like I might do.”
At this point, think about what you know about Shawn and Randall and about Josh and Dylan from last year. Those who have watched the story develop realize that the roommates Josh and Dylan learned about each other’s masturbation needs and habits early in the freshman year of college. Then there was that great moment in time when Josh and Dylan each picked out a series of swim briefs from, which in turn ended in that wonderful day when each of them tried on briefs from larger to smaller, which all ended in wonderful orgasms for both as things went from merely snug to really really tight.
Shawn and Randall are relative neophytes in this regard in comparison with Josh and Dylan. The first couple of months of school, they both were committed to attempting to keep their own masturbation techniques hidden from the other. Randall, of course was a lot farther along than Shawn was in this regard, and Shawn early on sensed that there was more than he realized about Randall than he had appreciated just by watching what Randall put on as he dressed for class.
Shawn fell into the category of finding Randall’s behavior as a bit curious in this regard but, well, somehow interesting. What Shawn was unwilling to admit was that Randall’s approach to dressing for class was interesting to Shawn from a psychosexual perspective.
Then there was the trip to the shopping mall and buying the briefs and the other stuff at the big sporting goods store. Though neither dared say this at the time, they were both knew that they picking out stuff that could help get and keep them horny.
Then, of course, all of the secrecy collapsed when the two of them decided to both try on their new Speedo® briefs. Remembering his own experience the first time he had gotten into a Speedo®, Randall suspected that Shawn might quickly get himself into some “trouble” but Randall did nmot know exactly how this was going to play out.
Not surprisingly, first time out Shawn quickly had a major hard-on. Randall thought that if he tried on his new royal blue Speedo® at the same time, that might distract Shawn and help Shawn calm down a bit.
Of course, that is not what happened at all. AS Randall saw Shawn struggle in his new suit, Randall started to feel really horny himself in his own new suit, and Randall quickly got to and drifted over the point of no return as well. So both of them ended up ejaculating in powerful Speedo®-induced spasms, and only a minute or two apart!
So much for the idea that Randall and Shawn were going to keep their masturbation desires, events and methods secret from each other for the remainder of the school year!
To be continued…
04-07-2019, 12:41 PM
Being a guy can be fun! Tapping into what it means to be a guy and get the most out of all of it is often not that intuitive or easy to understand. Sure, the sheer pleasure of first getting an erection and then enjoying a powerful orgasm involving wonderfully involuntary muscle contractions that at the same time push the buttons on all the wonderful pleasure centers of the brain is something that guys all learn at puberty and shortly thereafter.
But at some point, guys may come to realize that sexual pleasure and getting the best out of one’s own body is much more complicated and interesting than that, even if an orgasm is powerful, intense and mind-blowing fun.
Part of the complexity of all of this is how relationships with another person that somehow involve sexual feelings might enter in or not. One could think about this as creating a situation whereby another person is affected or impacted by what is going on with you.
A dorm room situation like the one Shawn and Randall are in is actually a very complicated situation. But so was the one that Josh and Dylan have been in. In both instances, all of them considered themselves to be perfectly ordinary straight males, and perfectly ordinary straight males are only supposed to find sexual pleasure after falling in love with an appropriate female partner. Or, at least that is how the vast majority of young males are conditioned to believe is true.
For gay males the story is little different, the only difference being that a gay male is expected to first find (no small task) and then fall in love with another gay male and then find sexual pleasure via that route.
All of this stereotyping of proper sexual behavior is interesting but unfortunately not accurate, at least not accurate for many if not most guys. Another part of growing up for “normal guys” is the realization that all of the stuff (well, nearly all at least) that makes sex with a partner so appealing can be realized without even having a partner for sex. But guys are not “supposed” to admit this to themselves let alone confess this to anyone else lest whoever is told will think of the guy as sexually abnormal. After all, guys are supposed to be sexually-driven to find love and have sex with another person, even if they are in a situation where that is not feasible.
Besides, with all the sexual openness about orientation etc., sex with yourself (aka solo sex, masturbation) still has a very bad name, something done only by people who are somehow screwed up or socially challenged because for some odd reason they lack the requisite social skills necessary to find and then fall in love with a partner which then leads to real sex.
In counseling partners, sex therapists talk about something called “simmering” as a potential path to sexual happiness. Simmering involves maintaining a degree of sexual arousal along with your partner (who, with some luck, is also in the same state of mind and body) but simply staying there for long periods of time without ever getting to a point where semen is ejaculated nor any bodily fluids exchanged. Maintaining the sexual burner at the low-medium range for a significant period of time is not something that a lot of guys grow up knowing how to do—it’s a learned behavior.
Think of a teenager out on a date at a drive-in movie with a pretty female. Many actual movies have captured variations on this same theme—the old first base, second base, third base, home run idea whereby both the guy and the girl are trying to maintain an arousal level that is highly pleasurable to themselves and each other but does not reach an orgasm stage where everything is quickly over. Besides, even if the guy “hit a home run” so to speak under these conditions, guys also know that afterward many females may have regrets over what they let happen and whether or not this was in any way a forced situation. So then simmering, and only getting to third base, so to speak, is still fun but with far fewer risks of various sorts.
Now think about the characters in the story, and realize that a guy doesn’t necessarily need to have found a sexual partner in order to simmer. Think first about Randall and Dylan. Both Randall and Dylan like to engage in solo simmering a lot, and by that meaning getting to the point where they maintain a degree of sexual arousal that is quite pleasurable, but also can be maintained for hours if not most of a day without getting to the point where a guy’s only choice is to get off ASAP. This is what the sexual therapists mean by simmering as well, if only in a slightly different context.
Somehow, both Randall and Dylan had developed some skills in solo simmering long before they entered college. At some point, both of them discovered a version of what I would call assisted simmering, meaning that they discovered that this was much easier to do with the aid of certain snug-fitting items of clothing. The sex therapists might conclude somehow that this is a clothing fetish of some sort, and in some way abnormal or somehow wrong, but the sex therapists on this subject generally do not understand this and how it works for guys and see everything in the context of the partner.
Random male college roommates are normally going to pair guys with unequal understanding of this type of simmering, and given that this is all quite pleasant to do, the guy with the superior skills is not going to want to abandon what he enjoys doing just because he is stuck living with a roommate in a dorm room.
So, Dylan managed to teach Josh stuff that Josh now enjoys doing very much, and Randall has taught Shawn a few things as well. For example, remember the great fun Dylan and Josh had ordering a bunch of swim briefs for each other with the idea of picking suits for the other that would clearly send the other into a really fun place to be. And Josh has been grateful to Dylan for what he was able to learn about himself.
But keep in mind that Randall also enjoyed taking Shawn through a learning phase that Randall was already well aware of, and Randall looks forward to giving Shawn more information. It was fun for Randall to get to see Shawn buy his first Speedo and then to watch Shawn struggle to get himself into it for the very first time.
Of course there is a lot more to the things Randall has been doing that Shawn is only vaguely aware of yet, and how Randall chooses to reveal some more of this to Shawn will be interesting to see. Randall now realizes that being the watcher is a situation whereby another guy is horny but struggling to keep his mind and body from ejaculating can be as much fun for the watcher as for the guy being watched, and further, whatever is happening to the guy being watched can be “catching” for the watcher.
Is this all somehow gay? Why does the answer to this question even matter if both parties are consenting adults? I suppose one way of looking at this is that this is a weird version of partner sex without the risks associated with partner sex. Randall and Shawn are friends but not sexual partners or lovers in a gay context. Same for Dylan and Josh. The two pairs of roommates enjoy each others’ company albeit in a private way, but that is where it all ends.
Complicated stuff I am telling you, all of it.
To be continued…
04-10-2019, 03:03 PM
Everything is calm again. A few days have passed since Shawn and Randall had their respective encounters in their new Speedos® and what remains for both of them is the sweet memory of the wonderful sensations trying on the new suits gave to each of them. How all of this might or might not relate to each of them with respect to complicated sexual orientation issues remains an unanswered question.
But for now, these issues can be put into the background. For now at least the assortment of questions need not be answered. What Shawn and Randall ended up doing in the privacy of the little dorm room is not something that needs to be explained to or shared with anyone else. No one was harmed: no one could get pregnant. It was really pleasant sexually-induced fun without any of the classical problems and issues that guys there age often have to cope with.
Shawn and Randall bought more gear during the shopping trip, gear that is still lying unopened even in the little dresser inside the dorm room closet. Randall is keenly aware of how a lot of this gear works for him, and somehow he thinks it would be fun to help Shawn along a bit in part to see if Shawn is similarly affected as Randall is. Shawn has already revealed that his ability to stay calm inside a new Speedo was very limited, but he did manage to wear one and take a shower in the men’s shower area without embarrassing himself there. Randall is still struggling why seeing Shawn struggle inside the Speedo then ejaculate got Randall so horny as well, but let me leave that question unanswered. Today Randall wants to see exactly how Shawn reacts to being inside one of those P-TEX athletic supporters they both bought.
Randall knows that one of the curious “features” of an old school athletic supporter is that the pouch contains your genitals, but your butt is, well, butt-naked. Randall is “hooked“ on the look and feel of the strap, the snug pouch, the leg bands etc., but he doesn’t like the naked-butt part. He wishes there was some sort of covering there, maybe just another elastic band of some sort.
Still, Randall has worked up a solution of sorts, and that involves wearing a pair of tighty whitey underwear UNDER the strap. First, the tighty whiteys go on and then the strap.
Of course, Randall has always “enjoyed” wearing tighty whiteys a little on the snug side, well maybe a lot on the snug side. On any “normal” class day, Randall would be wearing his snug tighty whiteys under his equally snug skinny jeans, but this is certainly all new to Shawn even though Randall’s choice of undergarments is starting to make more sense to Shawn.
How snug is snug? Well, Randall has a nominal 32-inch waist, fairly trim but fairly common for college freshmen. Tighty-whitey size wise, this would but him still maybe into a men’s SM, which is normally considered to be a 28-30 inch waist. OK, then MED would be a 32-34 although these sizes and naves vary from country to country. In Japan, for example, a LRG might be a 30-32 inches, XLRG would be 34-36” and a SM would be maybe only 24-26 inches, way too small for most adult American males.
Randall some time ago decided to try downsizing into boy’s sizes. Boy’s sizes work a little differently in the US . A Boy’s LRG is sometimes called 16-18 which is roughly the same as a men’s small with about a 28 inch waist size. These would fit a guy wearing a men’s SM but only a bit snugger. Randall has several pair of tighty whiteys size 16-18. Originally, boy’s sizes were supposed to represent the AGE of the average boy. For example, size 16-18 would be worn by a boy 16-18 years old. This idea never worked very well.
But before he entered college Randall discovered that he would just be able to fit himself into a Boys size 12-14, roughly equivalent to a 24-26 inch waist size. The elastic waistband will be at its near limits of stretch, but is just big enough. Elsewhere the stretch cotton tugs and pulls in various places, leaving essentially zero room for any growth or expansion.
The first time Randall tried this some years ago was that his initial reaction was one of discomfort in the groin area. But all of a sudden, the situation changed as his body started to interpret the discomfort more a series of agonizingly sweet sensations, just a little erotic but certainly not uncontrollably so. Randall was suddenly “hooked” on undersized tighty whiteys and started to wear them regularly.
So Randall explains to Shawn about the naked-butt problem, but that he has a simple solution that works. The solution, of course, is to wear a pair of tighty whiteys UNDER the strap.
But Shawn says. “Too bad I don’t even own a pair of tighty whiteys.”
Randall replies “No problem. I just opened a new package with 6 pair in it, and I will give you a pair.
Of course, the package that Randall just opened is 6 of the Boys size 12-14, not a normal men’s size SM or MED. Randall tosses a brand-new pair from the package over to Shawn.
Randall knows that for someone like Shawn, the idea of wearing a pair of tighty whitey under a new strap is a good one, in part because if Shawn has another “accident” the semen should mostly be contained within the easy-to-launder tighty whitey, not in the strap pouch. Besides, Randall secretly wants to find out if Shawn’s reaction to wearing the really snug tighty whiteys is the same that Randall had when Randall tried when Randall tried doing this for the very first time—apparent discomfort initially, followed almost immediately by sensations oddly both sweet and wonderful as the briefs tug and pull on Shawn’s body in interesting ways.
Shawn says “I am into the briefs you gave me, but the waistband barely fit my waist, and this seems uncomfortable.
Randall says “Hang tight. You need to put your new P-TEX strap on over the briefs I just gave you.”
Randall is also in his tighty whitey briefs, albeit a pair that had been worn before and washed, so they did not fit quite as snug as the ones Shawn had just gotten himself into.
The P-TEX straps Shawn and Randall are interesting in that they are an old school bare-butt design, but the waist band and leg straps are both made of shiny new-school elastic with the P-TEX logo. Randall slips on his strap, and so does Shawn.
Shawn says “Wow, this is somehow starting to feel quite good! Amazing!”
Randall says “I’m feeling pretty good over here as well”
But of course Shawn and Randall also bought compression gear designed to be worn OVER what both of them are currently wearing. So far, despite the snugness, no accidents have occurred and both guys are coping all right with the situation each is in. So far at least, so far…
To be continued…
04-13-2019, 06:01 PM
A recent news article reported that young people are on average waiting longer to form relationships that involve living together with a partner, presumably a partner that involves partner sex regardless of gender or whether or not marriage has taken place. The article noted that young adults often are just too busy with schooling and early careers to have the necessary time to get deeply involved with a partner as a partner relationship involves dealing with issues that take a lot of time and energy, emotional and physical.
What makes this all so interesting is that everyone knows that just because a young person is very busy starting out in life as a young adult (like Shawn and Randall, for example) that does not mean that the flow of sexual hormones (testosterone for both males and females, interestingly) suddenly comes to a halt. All of this still happens, and somehow must be dealt with.
In the case of Shawn and Randall, two young adult males, this means that off and on at least, they are both going to feel horny and start thinking about getting off. Both guys think of themselves as ordinary straight males who have a lot of things going on as young adults and are certainly not ready to form a successful bond with a female partner at this stage in either of their lives.
Still, something has to give. Probably most guys their age somehow manage to ejaculate no less frequently than two or three days, if that. How this happens for each of them is the interesting part. Consider for a moment that this predicament that Shawn and Randall both face at this point in their lives is going on in countless male freshman dorm rooms practically everywhere and each guy finds a unique personal way to solve the problem which is kept secret, or maybe not so secret at least in the case of Shawn and Randall.
This is not something guys would normally engage in talking about with other guys their age at all, and dormitories are not any different in that regard. The old “rule” learned at age 11 or 12 was that there was nothing inherently “wrong” with masturbating and that a guy would not injure himself in any way by doing it, but you must do it in private and never reveal what you are up to with anyone including your best friends male or female, and further, if word ever got out you would be teased or bullied by guys that you once thought of as even close friends who might claim you were gay. Then if females your age found out they would believe you to be weird or gay too.
These unwritten but well-known rules about solo sex still apply pretty much the same way all through high school and as students enter their freshman year of college living in a college dorm double there may be even less privacy than a guy had when he was living at home.
Still, as young adults, maybe these old rules about keeping secret anything that involves masturbation are not as rigid as they once were. It depends on the roommate I guess. If the roommate is one of these “raging heterosexuals” who has sex with a female 2 or 3 times a week, at least the dating hours will provide the other guy some privacy to, you know, jerk off.
But neither Randall nor Shawn is a raging heterosexual like the one I described. Neither of them has a steady girlfriend, and even casual dating takes time and energy away from studies.
So something really interesting has happened to these two young men. Randall has SHARED some of his “best” masturbation techniques with Shawn. Shawn has not only been learning, but he is now having fun as well. What is going on is, at least for now, a “secret” between Randall and Shawn and it may never be known by anyone else.
And boy are the two of them enjoying themselves right now. Shawn now is beginning to understand why Randall always keeps stocked with pairs of tighty whiteys, and the slick-feeling strap pulled over the top of them feels really, really good. Shawn is getting hard, and he knows it. So is Randall.
Shawn glances at himself in the dorm room mirror and he likes what he sees. The strap is starting to bulge outward in a most interesting way.
But then Randall says to Shawn. “This is only part of it. You know we bought that compression gear. The whole idea is to pull on your compression tee over your chest, and then put the compression shorts on over your tighty whiteys and your strap.”
Shawn and Randall dig out the compression shirts they both bought, Shawn's a short-sleeved in Navy blue, and Randall’s long-sleeved in silvery gray. These both involve a bit of struggle to get into, and the struggle momentarily distracts them from the sensations each of them had been feeling in the groin area. Once in, they both take another look at their bodies in the dorm room mirror. Shawn has never seen himself clad like this, and he likes what he sees.
Randall tells Shawn that the final step for now is to slide into the compression shorts he bought, also in Navy Blue. These will fit snug not only in Shawn’s groin area, already under intense pressure from the undies and the strap but also put pressure on his thighs and buttocks. Meanwhile Randall bought compression running tights that go all the way down to his calves. Shawn has never before worn compression shorts and certainly not with these other garments underneath. The running tights are something Randall has sometimes wondered about and perhaps longed to try wearing, but he has never had a pair to try on.
Both Shawn and Randall are now fully clad in their new gear, and both are coping as best they can with the situation.
Still, for two college freshman, both filled with male hormones, things cannot remain stable forever, and most certainly something will have to give.
To be continued…
04-15-2019, 01:26 PM
Driving your college roommate bonkers: Part XXIX What happened next was…
I hope everyone can visualize the exact situation they are both in right now. Both Randall and Shawn are wearing pairs of significantly undersized tighty whiteys, the ones Shawn is wearing were supplied by Randall from a just-opened new package he had in his dorm-room dresser drawer. Shawn is just a bit concerned about the fit, which seems almost uncomfortably snug and tight and he is wondering how Randall manages to wear them on a daily basis.
Shawn and Randall have both pulled on the P-TEX straps they found at the big box sporting goods store at the mall.
The straps represent a second “layer” over some of the most sensitive areas of the male body along with the wide elastic waistband and elastic leg straps. The first trick in doing this is getting each one’s male body parts all in the correct position.
The third element or layer so all of this is the compression gear—the long-sleeved compression tee Randall is wearing and the navy blue short-sleeved version Shawn bought. Shawn has a color-matched pair of compression shorts and Randall a longer pair of running tights that are long enough to entirely cover Randall’s calf muscles.
This is a third layer for both of them, and keep in mind that with each layer, the fit and feel only gets snugger and seemingly tighter.
Randall also has a pair of compression shorts that he had purchased earlier and he decides to put these on OVER The running tights, for a most interesting fourth layer.
So, here is what is happening to both of them, psychologically. At some point, the sensations from the tighty whiteys that Shawn thought at first were somewhat uncomfortable morphed into some sensations that Shawn’s brain suddenly and oddly sensed instead interesting. Once this happened Shawn almost immediately started feeling that unmistakable and interesting sensation of the tightening of his penis as it was beginning to fill with blood, and that was just from the tighty whiteys. From his own experiences, Randall pretty much knew this was likely to happen to Shawn, but Randall did not know exactly what the reaction might be. Randall really “enjoys” his role as the “teacher” for Shawn in this regard.
If a guy doing what Shawn and Randall are doing senses that interesting tension sensation as his penis begins to fill with blood, one interesting idea this is to pull everything down giving the penis a bit of a “break” so to speak. Or, at least that’s what guys usually believe will happen. But if a guy does this, the penis almost invariably responds to this new “freedom” by getting a little bigger still—the penis senses the newfound freedom as an “opportunity” for more growth.
Then, after two or three minutes of “freedom”, the guy decides he wants to get back into the various clothing items, but given that the guy has grown, this only becomes even more difficult to do. Randall knows this: Shawn is still trying to figure out if “taking a break” is a good idea or not, but Shawn eventually concludes that he “needs” a break by getting out of everything—if only for a moment or two.
Randall is thinking to himself that this might not be the wisest strategy, but that Shawn needs to learn and understand how this works for himself. So Shawn pulls everything down and takes a break.
Having been naked in the groin area for a couple minutes, Shawn now decides to get himself back in. Shawn had some difficulty getting himself into the tighty whiteys the first time, but now he is really struggling in his attempt to find a position for his now quite long-and-now quite hard penis that works. He ends up in sort of a sideways position.
However, jock straps basically don’t fit if a guy’s penis is when the penis is sideways, and Shawn is now trying to figure out how to fit a now oversized penis into what now seems to be a substantially undersized strap pouch. Clearly, strap pouches simply aren’t designed to accommodate a full male erection the size that Shawn suddenly has.
Randall has been watching Shawn cope with the dilemma he is in with some interest of his own, and what Randall is seeing is making a psychological impact on Randall. I suspect that what Randall is seeing would have a similar impact on most guys, though most guys would never want to admit that—seeing another guy make an attempt to deal with an obvious erection is psychologically interesting and leads to a “response” by the viewer, in this case, the viewer being Randall.
So Shawn finally gets back into the strap and tries to pull the compression shorts back on. What Shawn doesn’t realize that Randall in part by simply watching Shawn obviously struggle getting his oversized penis back into in his gear, himself is on the very edge of ejaculating as well.
Shawn pulls the compression gear to his waist and almost immediately begins to feel that strange but endlessly present pulsating every few seconds with in his groin area. He looks down, and sees that already the front of his compression shorts are covered with a creamy white semen, having somehow made its way through both the tighty whiteys and even the pouch of the new strap.
Randall sees what has happened to Shawn, and Randall immediately starts into a series of repetitive involuntary contractions as well, pushing lots semen out through FOUR layers of cover. Randall and Shawn somehow have had near simultaneous ejaculations.
For both Randall and Shawn, these ejaculatory “moments in time” are filled with wonderfully delicious sensations coming from all sorts of different places. The sensations are so great that both Shawn and Randall now can’t wait to recover and then try to do it all over again.
To be continued…
04-18-2019, 02:21 PM
Every guy probably already knows exactly what am about to describe, but I will push forward anyway. After a guy gets aroused and then ejaculates in powerful spasms of involuntary multiple muscle contractions, a complex array of different emotions suddenly takes over. This happens not only in partner sex, but also in sex that does not (in this case, directly) involve a partner, either orgasms that happen while exploring your body in private, or in the case of Randall and Shawn, in the presence of another person.
I’ve long thought that this sudden shift in how a guy feels is one of the most interesting parts about male sexuality. For guys who learned the subtle techniques of masturbation under the covers at night, guys generally feel sluggish and even sleepy after masturbating to orgasm, which in itself is interesting because guys doing this in a normal fashion under the covers generally are wide awake just before the orgasm happens.
When “sleeping” with a sexual partner, part of the “problem” is in figuring out a way so that where you are on this path is at least broadly consistent with that of the partner you are sleeping with. Working out the details of all of this with your partner is no small task and, though I am not a marriage counselor, I suspect that a lot of marriages have rather regularly fallen apart in instances where both partners are unable to work out a satisfactory solution to what amounts to a complicated problem involving the emotional ties along with the physical issues. At the core is the idea of both partners being “sexually compatible.”
Randall and Shawn are not sexual partners if being a sexual partner is defined as involving physical contact with each other (perhaps along with the classic “exchanging of bodily fluids”) but they certainly managed somehow to have near simultaneous orgasms via the interesting techniques outlined in the previous chapters. Both Randal and Shawn could have each been in their own beds a few feet apart late at night, both touching and fondling their own sexual orgasms to the point of orgasm, and both could have gone off at nearly the same time with both certainly understanding what had just happened to the other. This probably goes on regularly in most of the double rooms in the men’s dormitory. But as it turns out both Randal and Shawn were wide awake and not in bed when the nearly simultaneous orgasms occurred, with each of them seeing exactly what was happening to the other.
Do either of them have a psychosexual “problem” as a consequence of the fact that they “enjoyed” the moment? A clothing “fetish” of some sort? There must be something “wrong” with what they just did. Maybe they are both gay but they simply haven’t “admitted” it to themselves yet or to each other. These are big questions, complicated questions, tough questions.
Or, maybe they both just discovered something that is really fun but does not really mean anything whatsoever from a larger perspective.
So, Randall and Shawn are both at the post-ejaculation stage of feeling rather “sluggish” right now, and that is putting it mildly. This is where the really goofy part comes in. They both feel tired, as if they feel a nap coming on. But the other goofy part is that suddenly not only have they suddenly lost interest in touching their own sexual organs, they also feel like they need to discard all of the snug-fitting garments—the very stuff that they both thought was so much fun to be in only moments ago moments before the orgasm.
So, the snug tighty whitey are quickly discarded in each of their laundry bags, and out comes the loose- fitting cotton boxers and sweatpants. Somehow, all of a sudden NOT wearing anything snug and tight seems to be the perfect thing to do.
In male-female partner sex, guys go through a very similar stage post-ejaculation to what Randall and Shawn are now experiencing, while many women seem to wind down at a much slower pace. The guy post ejaculation rolls over in bed, not wanting anything even close to his sexual organs any more, and quickly falls asleep. Many women do not appreciate this mode of post orgasm sexuality in men and try desperately to get guys to change their behaviors in this regard. This is another one of those goofy but fascinating things that women do not understand about how men are wired sexually.
For Randall and Shawn, post ejaculation, neither will be interested in sexual feelings for awhile. This calm period in that regard could last for only a few hours, overnight, or even 2 or 3 days. That depends.
Are there other ideas for Randall and Shawn to pursue, once they both “recover” from all of this funky post-ejaculatory sluggishness? Maybe, just maybe!
To be continued…
04-19-2019, 07:30 PM
Speedo® is a brand name—a registered trademark for a company as used both in the US and internationally. It is easy to find documents explaining the history. The Speedo® (as in swim brief) was the result of efforts to develop swimwear for competitive male swimmers that would allow them to move faster through the water, perhaps about as fast as swimming naked, while still providing a cover for the male body parts. As I understand the story, Speedo® developed a brief made of materials suitable for swimming that followed the basic design idea that Jockey® had for simpler, briefer, men’s underwear. Jockey® claims to have invented the first brief-style underwear for men, though Jockey shorts (briefs) had been around for many years before Speedos® as swim briefs came out.
Some companies have a complicated relationship with their own trademarks. They dare not let their trademark fall into too common usage to describe similar products or they can lose their trademark. Instead of calling a box of soft paper handkerchiefs a box of “facial tissues”, instead it would be referred to as a box of Kleenex®. But Kleenex is just a single company’s brand name for facial tissues. If everyone else is making what people call Kleenex, the value of the brand name was lost.
And Xerox®. At one time not that long ago, making a photocopy of printed material was called Xeroxing a copy, regardless of the brand of machine being used. Xerox® even become a verb., as in “could you Xerox a copy of this for me”.
Even Kodak®. Some time ago Kodak-branded cameras and film were so popular that people referred to taking any camera as a Kodak, and picture taking was “Taking a Kodak”. That one never stuck around and the use was lost as other camera brands increased in popularity.
Meanwhile, as the popularity of swim briefs made by Speedo® increased, people started to refer to any brief style swimwear for men as a Speedo no matter who made it, and there soon became serious competitors in selling that style, as in briefs by Tyr®, Arena® Dolphin® and others that were all styled like a Speedo® but not made by Speedo® the company.
But, it is also well known that Speedo-style swimming briefs have gone in and out of fashion over the years, as has the fashion as made by companies other than Speedo®. So to survive the company had to develop a product line that included much more in the way of clothing with a sports theme than just the swimming brief—as in Speedo-branded shorts, board shorts, tee shirts and other Speedo-branded clothing for the upper body, etc. But no one would refer to a Speedo-branded pair of board shorts as a Speedo®. Generically used, a Speedo is a somewhat skimpy swimming brief regardless of who made it. Speedo® attempts to legally protect its trademark in part because if the term becomes too widely used to describe any brief-style swimwear for men, they could lose the trademark.
Every male teenager post-puberty has an interesting connection to the whole idea of wearing a swim brief, regardless of the specific brand. I suspect that this situation perhaps began way back when Speedo® introduced the first product. Granted, the brief did cover the male body parts that needed to be covered, but the whole idea of covering the male body parts with only a minimum amount of cloth, quite frankly, scared a lot of guys.
Any male knows that certain body parts, day or night, often do not remain the same size all the time, but go through very natural cycles getting larger and then smaller both day and night. And arousal can happen in unexpected places and times. The idea of wearing a garment that is brief enough to clearly show the size of a guy’s genitals in outline moment-by-moment scares a lot of guys to the point where they say “I would never wear one of those”.
Not only that, many females seem not only upset but also even angry about seeing even the outline of male body parts in such a garment. Besides, a guy wearing a swim brief could easily be teased and bullied. Further, there is the gay connection with all of this—that swim briefs are worn only by gay guys are interested in “showing off” what they have, at least in outline, to other gay guys.
While much of this is really scary for a bunch of different reasons, young males at the same time are drawn to swim briefs. I suppose that there are guys who learned to swim wearing a brief that see all of this as no big deal at all post puberty, but the more commonplace situation is the guy who has never worn a swim brief and discovers that this is a requirement if he is going to be on a high school swim team. What happens if I suddenly start to grow, even by a little.
There is also this little matter of fit and feel. The best briefs for competitive swimming fit, well, quite snug, and are made of fabric that is quite slick and smooth. By this time young guys are probably well aware of how sensitive their penises are not only to touch, but also to anything that fits snug, slick and smooth. And a guy starts to at least contemplate the idea that perhaps a snug and slick swimming brief might be an ideal garment for jerking off. If so, the guy starts to long for the possibility of owning at least a single swim brief if only for this purpose, in private.
Think now about Randall and Shawn. Randall obviously went through this part of growing up and into young adulthood much earlier than Shawn did. Bluntly put, Randall thought up a way to get a hold of a swimming brief shortly after puberty, and he used as an aid to jerking off from the time it arrived and he made first contact, so to speak. As a young adult, this has morphed into daily wear of swimming briefs as underwear under skinny jeans.
Obviously, Shawn had also been thinking about how he might look and feel in a swim brief from a very early age as well, though he never figured out how to get a hold of one to try until he met up with his dorm room mate, Randall, who was obviously wearing these a lot. Then the trip out to the Mall sporting goods store with Randall, where Shawn finally got to purchase a Speedo® as Randall picked out a new one for himself.
Once the guys got back to the dorm room, the end result was, well, predictable, and maybe similar to what would happen for any two male buddies who were in a similar situation. Given where the dorm showers are located, Shawn now had an “excuse” to own a swim brief, something he had longed for back to his early teen years. The rest of it, well you know! Even Speedo® has to know that some of its product line in briefs has uses other than for competitive swimming. After all, a sale of a product is a sale.
With this chapter, I conclude my story, at least until I dream up some more adventures. I realized I have raised a lot of questions and issues, while answering only a few of them. I hope that my readers had as much fun reading my story as I had in writing it, and I would be especially pleased if at least some of you felt compelled to try out some of the ideas I have suggested for yourself. You will not really know how you will react to a particular situation unless you try it for yourself. As I write this I am wearing just a simple old-school strap along with a slightly undersized black asics wrestling singlet. The weather has turned very warm for the first time this spring, and I am really enjoying myself in this combination. This might not be a long story writing break for me, but for now I need to take a little time off to kick back and enjoy myself. And as a final reminder, always enjoy your Speedos® no matter what the particular brand name of the ones you own!
swim suit eddie
06-24-2019, 05:05 AM
It was a good thread by Sebbie and I really enjoyed it. As what to wear, I'll wear my favorite snug denim playtime overalls with sexy bright colored leotard and tights underneath to the doctor's office during the cold winter months. They feel so warm, snug and soft. My doctor is a female and both her and the nurse like my snug winter attire. My visit is usually for a yearly physical examination. Of course I'll bring a change of clothes, loose fitting underwear and trousers for a quick change of clothes after the physical examination. She will always have me completely undress for these physical exams. I'll have to wait a while before being called in by the nurse and am very aroused from the warm, snug and secure feeling in my winter outfit, knowing, They will soon be all off, while being totally naked for the doctor. As what to wear, those warm snug overalls with leotard and tights are the best type clothes to wear for my upcoming medical plight. Once called into the exam room, the doctor goes over my medical records, while I'm still dressed, then when leaving the room, she tell the lovely nurse to have me all undressed and gowned for my physical exam. Those snug overalls and leotards are giving me quite an erection, when the nurse would close the large privacy curtain and asking how many layers I'm wearing under those cute snug overalls. I know what to wear to the doctors savoring the warm snug feeling while still in my winter outfit and helping to keep my medical anxieties and fears in check. The nurse then gives a nice smile, saying "it's time, everything has to come off now", then helps me strip it all off. It's a long slow, yet somewhat enjoyable process, helping me to undress, as she unfastens the overall snaps, then unzipping the side leg zippers, and slowly pulls them down and off my blue colored leotard and tights clad decent shaped body. Suddenly the lady doctor returns, seeing me still in leotard and tights that well outline my full erection. The doctor would say " don't feel embarrassed, having an erection, as we'll have all those tight sexy winter clothes off you". Soon, I was completely naked and very erect, when both the doctor and nurse began doing my physical exam, the whole works, blood tests, being weighed nude and then the dreaded DRE. Finally my physical exam was completed and receiving a good bill of health from the doctor. I missed putting my snug winter outfit back on, but was able to get dressed quickly in the baggy underwear and loose clothes, as they had to see one more patient for the day. Like I've said, wearing those snug warm denim kiddie overalls, long sleeve button up flannel shirt with leotard and tights underneath to the doctors and being helped taking them all off, keeps medical fears and anxiety in check during my physical examination.
07-29-2019, 06:21 PM
Onward (and upward)
06-04-2020, 01:45 PM
On arousal cycles
I go through periods of time when I do not feel horny at all, but other periods of time when my mind seems to be focused on the sensations in my groin area. I guess other guys have to deal with these same issues, that sometimes a guy feels that he is focused on his sexual organs, but other times not so much if at all.
If what I am learning from videos on the net, these cyles occur naturally, and part of this has to do with how long it has been since a guy had his last orgasm, perhaps with a partner, but quite often and maybe more often, alone.
As I have grown older, I have also discovered that it takes me a lot longer to “recuperate” from an orgasm, and as I got into my 70s, we are talking days, not hours or even minutes as some of the young guys seem to be able to accomplish. Another thing I have learned is that young guys frequently like to engage in much the same “edging” techniques I enjoy so much, that is, forcing themselves to get really aroused and hard, but then suddenly stopping cold, to pick up doing the same thing the next day. A young guy who can do this for a few days is considered good, but why not try for a week, or maybe even two weeks of bringing yourself up to the very edge of having an orgasm, then stopping for another day. The orgasm a guy eventually has will keep getting more and more powerful the more days you can go, but refraining from going into orgasmic convulsions keeps getting to be more and more of a challenge. Still, I recommend that every guy try edging as it is hugely fun to do, even if you fail at the early stages.
I had an orgasm on Sunday night and it is Thursday today. Monday I did not feel like playing with myself at all. Tuesday I felt a little better but I had some other things I was doing and did not seem to be able to focus myself as I knew I needed to. By Wednesday evening I was feeling pretty good again. I took out my trusty old vibrator and started massaging the underside of my penis with it. I was starting to feel pretty good again and once again I started to grow and ooze precum drops. But then I stopped and got into my vacuum penis pump. The penis pump seems to be more fun if I am already a bit aroused and the vibrator serves that purpose quite nicely. So I applied the penis pump and then pulled it off.
Then the trick is to apply some gel soap or other lube and just start messing around with yourself using hand and fingers. The idea is to take yourself to a higher level than the penis pump left you but then stop before you can’t stop voluntarily. Then, at least for me, I pull on a swim brief, position my still semi erect penis “up” and crawl into bed. Usually I fall right to sleep. If I wake up I may check on my condition down there, but last night I slept soundly through the night and awoke at 6:30 AM. I checked on my prenis as soon as I awakened, and it was still pointed up, and if anything, a bit harder than it was when I went to bed. Clearly, it had a fine night.
But I awaken and I am still feeling horny. I seem to want to spend the day semi aroused in something snug and tight but I have other work to do outdoors. I pull on a favorite pair of undersized tighty whiteys, but over that I find a really old pair of compression shorts, ones I bought maybe 25 years ago. They never were roomy and they still feel really snug and tight. Over that I simply pull some sweat pants so I can do my outdoor work and not distract my neighbors either.
The compression gear will likely keep me feeling rather horny all day long as it is doing right now. Tonight I will be able to pick up with the same techniques I employed last night or something very similar, again stopping moments before I go over the edge. As you can probably tell, I am feeling quite good down there as I write this. I write these stories better assuming I can work from actual events in my life. These same options are open to every guy.
06-07-2020, 01:05 PM
I’d ordered these leather-look short shorts last December, but other than to try them on, I had never actually worn them for any length of time. Last night, I was feeling pretty good both physically and psychologically and decided that this was the night to try wearing them as bed wear. If you can imagine, thin faux leather, not a brief but a short short that fits really snug and low in the back, with a distinct pouch for the penis made of the same material.
Turns out these do feel pretty good and I had to periodically check on how I am doing during the night.
I woke up this morning still feeling pretty focused (if you know what I mean but I am sure you do). I decided on removing the shorts it would be fun to clean up the last remnants of my pubic hair. I like how I look not buried in a sea of curly grass. I have a little manscaping razor. I don’t know if you have observed this, but it is far easier to do a quality job of pubic hair shaving if you have at least a semi-erection going on. Coming out of wearing the faux leather shorts all night long, that was not a problem.
So I am now as clean as a baby’s butt down there and I decide to do my usual morning things completely in the nude with the idea of pulling on an old 2x(ist) thong I really like that has a T-shaped back and tugs in all the right places between my glutes. The neat thing about this thong is that it pushes everything I had just been playing with front and forward. So, after I finish brushing my teeth I put on the thong and it feels really good too, plus I like how I am looking in the mirror—a little hard but not THAT hard. Perfect!
I am not going to go the rest of the day clad only in the thong. I have this old pair of purple compression shorts I had purchased years ago when Undergear was still in business. They are called BOA shorts, which translates into “Built On Athletics” and still fit like a purple second skin.
Now the thong is pushing me out in the pouch even as the shorts are pressing down in the same area. This is not only psychologically interesting but feels really good too. When I get myself into this situation both physically and psychologically almost invariably I start to ooze. The cotton pouch of the thong poses no barrier to small wet spots seeping right through to the outside of the purple shorts. Not too noticeable, but I certainly know what is going on. This is fun to watch, both mentally and physically. There is some truly neat stuff going on, and I am enjoying it immensely.
On top, I pulled on a worn old, loose-fitting lime green A-shirt which interestingly, somehow fits nicely with the tight purple compression shorts. I’m feeling great!
The leather-look shorts felt erotic last night. The shaving this morning was erotic. The really snug thong was erotic. The purple shorts are erotic. It’s a great day to be alive. I’m looking forward to my daily workout, with that thong T-back crawling up my butt on every stroke of my stationary rowing machine and every turn of my stationary bike.
Why do I do so much exercise? The answer, I think, is clear. But only if you know what you are looking for.
Happy oozing!
PS I had forgotten how much sheer fun that old 2x(ist) thong with the T-back is to wear. It crawls way up between my glutes and applies steady pressure throughout the area. I have been oozing nearly nonstop ever since I got into it this morning. Just great fun!
06-12-2020, 02:21 PM
Thoughts on life as a single guy
Every guy likes to enjoy himself in a host of different ways, both sexual and otherwise. It is part of who we are as human beings. I have long thought about the role that relationships play in a guy’s life. Some guys seem to exist mainly because they enjoy being with other people. This is not an issue of sexual orientation as such. A lot of guys who are partnered with females still enjoy having time to simply hang out with other guys—male friends—in nonsexual ways. This continuing interest drives some females—not all—bonkers.
Women generally grow up to believe that the female must be the sole source of sexual pleasure for a guy, and that if this is not the case, then at minimum, she picked the wrong guy to be with or perhaps she is somehow doing something “wrong”. At some point for her, having sex with her guy may become a burden not a source of pleasure in the relationship. And the relationship begins to crumble.
For guys, however, the situation can be even more complicated. Growing up to be a young adult, every guy learned dozens of ways to enjoy himself often without anyone else being around. By the time a guy becomes a young adult and is about to marry, he has built up a long list of techniques that he enjoys for jerking off. This list is pretty much “off limits” to the new wife, who believes that she will now be the the path by which guy will ever again be able to enjoy his own body.
What kinds of things are on this list? If you read through all of what I have written, you have been introduced to a host of different techniques that I regularly employ for self-pleasuring. I have added a few things over the years, but a basic problem remains. I have this large collection of swim briefs, jock straps, compression gear etc that I really “enjoy” wearing. If I get into a relationship, surely the sexual partner at some point will start to think that this stuff interferes with the partner part of the sexual relationship. Other guys seem to be concerned that if they are not in a relationship that they will not be sexually happy. But I keep thinking that the only real way for me to be sexually unhappy is to be stuck in a relationship doing only the things my partner thinks are OK and is an important part of. I have never found a satisfactory positive answer as to why I should be sexually happier in a relationship than not in a relationship.
That may sound crazy to some, but at some point and with practice a guy gets so good at “self abuse” that a relationship with a sexual partner becomes unimportant. I have developed for my readers long essays on the specifics of how to do that. For a lot of guys, even in adulthood, the specific techniques one uses in self-pleasuring is as closely a guarded secret as is possible. I suppose the Internet and video porn sites have opened to window a bit on how guys masturbate and exactly what happens. These sites generally have no solo-sex section. Presumably the straight section shows videos of guys having sex with a female partner, and the gay (male) section should show guys having sex with a male partner, usually oral or anal or both.
How two partners engage in sex is not really that interesting to see. We all pretty much know how that is done. But the really interesting videos are the ones that show the techniques guys employ while masturbating. The videos provide a window on this area of being male that for most guys is kept as a huge and dark secret.
The male masturbation videos with only a guy in them are all in the “gay” section. I suppose the reason is that it is assumed that gay guys are interested in seeing other guys masturbate. But why should this only be of interest to a guy who thinks he is gay? Straight guys masturbate too and are interesting in delving into the answers to the question guys never dare ask as teenagers. Do other guys my age like doing this as much as I do and if so, have they learned some methods I have not yet uncovered?
Once a guy enters a sexual relationship, the list of things the guy enjoys doing with, to and by himself is still there, and the ideas on the list are still as much fun as they always were. How to proceed? Will the partner-sex activities be so enjoyable that the list will somehow recede, psychologically, and gradually no longer be important to the guy? Can some of the fun things on the list be incorporated in some way into the relationship sex? And how will the partner feel about that. Does the partner enter the relationship with her or his own list, and, if so, can the lists be somehow shared and merged into one?
These are important (critical) questions that must get resolved in any relationship that involves regular sex with a partner. But even relationships may not last forever. Guys divorce, quite frequently. A sexual partner may die, leaving a guy alone once again and without a regular sexual partner,
But the list is still there, and with luck, once a guy is alone again he can fall back on doing some of the same things he enjoyed by himself long before he had a sexual partner. Fun things! Things that make life as we know it for guys once again whole. Maybe this is a better strategy than trying to quickly start a new relationship. That is worth pondering.
As single guy living alone my entire adult life I can say that I have enjoyed myself and my life tremendously. I have watched as my peers struggled with relationship issues and constantly been happy with respect to not having to deal with that. If my friends think my life has somehow been sexually unsatisfying that is their problem not mine. They are making assumptions that are simply not true. I probably do have a larger collection than most guys have that is labeled “garments I ‘enjoy’ wearing” but each of those is there for a purpose. What I do by and with myself works for me, and that is really all that matters.
05-07-2021, 02:21 PM
What to wear….
I’m retired now, living single as I always have. Over the years I have built a large collection of clothing items that I enjoy wearing. There are underwear in every imaginable shape and size, swim briefs in all sorts of cuts and sizes, thongs both those designed to be worn as underwear and as swimwear. Then there are the Lycra items, the tees, the running tights, the compression shorts, the jammers. Not to mention a huge collection of straps some with cups and some without. And my collection of jeans from semi skinny to supper skinny with a running tight-like fit would boggle the mind.
The year of Covid has meant that mostly I have stayed indoors at my house. With no one around this has been an excellent chance to enjoy wearing some of the items I have accumulated over the years. I have been on a rigorous exercise program for 40 years or more, involving weightlifting, stationary rowing and bike riding, and I have an excellent TV setup that allows me to keep this up on a daily basis without ever getting bored with the half hour jaunts on the rowing machines (two of them) while wearing a different set of gear every day. And many of the items in my collections mesh well with the things I am doing exercise wise.
As a young kid I became very fond of wearing tighty whiteys in part I think because I saw other boys my age all wearing them back then even though my mom tended to favor me wearing the slightly longer boxer briefs. As soon as I was able to make my own underwear purchases I switched over to the briefs, and started picking up a few swim briefs as well like I also saw the other guys wearing and was fascinated by. And it was not long after I decided I needed to own a strap even though as something of a non-athlete I was not participating in any sport that required one. The one I bought was really very undersized but so far as I was concerned there was no point in owning a strap that did not fit really snug and tight.
Today, even in the collection of tighty whiteys I own, there is a large variety of sizes and even styles. Over the years I discovered that a tighty whitey worked really well to give my butt a little extra padding when working out on the rowing machine or stationary bike. But then there is the question of sizing. Loose, snug, or really snug? Tighty whiteys come in various shapes and sizes from full cut to not so full cut and from XXL Adult to small sizes designed for young teen boys but maybe will fit an adult seeking a snug fit.
The weird part for me is that each day I get up thinking about what I am going to wear as underwear in going about my active exercise routing for the day, starting with the undergarment that goes on first. I find that some mornings I wake up preferring a relatively full-sized tighty whitey with a looser fit, but other days I pull out an undersized garment in a “youth” size. I have not quite determined why this varies day-by-day but somehow this morning I want very much to be wearing the undersized one.
On other days I long for a strap over the tighty whiteys, sometimes with a cup and sometimes not, but somehow not today. I have no real explanation for this either except to say that what I want to be wearing varies day by day including whether or not I have a strap on.
And my “Tesla” running tights along with a long-sleeved compression tee goes on over. And finally today over the running tights I decided my pair of vintage white “Bike” brand football pants were perfect over the black running tights. I can go the entire day this way. It’s cool here today but supposedly turning warmer by noon. I may swap the vintage Bike football pants for maybe a still snugger blue jammer over the running tights or maybe not. I will see how I am feeling around noon. For now the combo I have on will work fine.
So far as my jeans go for getting out and around, something similar happens there. I have jeans that are merely skimpy but several pair that fit what I would call really skin-tight. In essence the cloth appears to be denim but the fit is very similar to a running tight because they have Lycra in them. Same deal. Some days I wear something merely skinny, but other days I want the tightest fit possible.
At one point in time I wondered if I was the only guy in the world who had these “hang-ups” but I have gradually learned that there are others out there who chose various items of clothing based on how they are feeling on any given day. Among swim brief wearers there are swim briefs that vary from relatively big and loose-fitting all the way down to those that fit really snug and tight, and I suspect that choices there may vary as well on a daily basis. Some days a guy might wear a brief that is rather large and loose-fitting while other days really snug and tight rules. And I am thinking that the daily choice here is driven by some of the same stuff that causes me to want to wear a specific size and cut of a tighty whitey on any given day.
To be sure, any garment a guy wears that is a covering in the groin area is going to affect how a guy feels “down there” The resulting effects can be subtle and perhaps even inconsequential or not subtle and even demanding a guy’s attention on a continuing basis. Generally I find that if I am working on solving a problem that has nothing to do with how I am feeling in my groin area moment by moment, I tend to wear loose-fitting briefs as my undergarment choice during the day. However, if I am trying to make time pass quickly during exercise, there is nothing quite like a tight-and-snug undergarment to speed everything up and make what I am doing really enjoyable in other ways.
A lot of exercise equipment nowadays seems to be directed at using computer programs designed to capture the attention of the person working out with trainers and travelogue-style video. I prefer a good TV show that has nothing to do with watching a trainer or with viewing scenery on a bike ride. In making time pass the regular TV I watch works better than that.
But I would also argue that a continuing exercise program really works the best if you are wearing the correct undergarments and outergarments, in particular, one that keeps drawing attention to your body in such a way that you cannot help but feel horny while you are exercising. A lot of people start exercise programs like mine and soon quit after getting “bored”. It is very difficult to feel bored with any exercise routine if you are also feeling really good and horny down there. I think a lot of people miss that one entirely, or don’t realize exactly how they can take advantage of all of this.
If I had a partner for sex maybe I would feel differently about this. Or maybe not, as the first thing I would want to do is explain to the partner the lucid details of all why all of this works so well for me and what is really going on with my body and inside my head during a workout.
What I have just told you is some way fun stuff to try. Maybe some of you knew it already.
05-10-2021, 02:27 PM
How much tension can a guy tolerate?
Once a guy reaches puberty, one of the first problems he faces is the possibility of getting an erection in a situation that seems unconnected to the idea of being in a sexual relationship of one sort or another. An event like this seems to come on at nearly random occasions and sometimes when a guy is trying to be thinking about something else. This is weird. Really weird. And, of course the worst-case scenario is for the erection to head straight into a full-blown ejaculation. And double or quadruple that if something like this happens when there are others around. This is supposed to be a private thing, happening in private and certainly without anyone else staring at what exactly is going on.
I suspect that nearly every guy as an adult has images of situations that did not go as planned in this regard when the guy was in school or even as a young adult. The male body is quite active in this regard and does not let any guy off the hook without having gotten into a few scary incidents of this sort—incidents that somehow get firmly burned into the guys head for the rest of his life. I realize that while a lot of guys tend to go over these incidents on a regular basis, this is not something most guys would ever be comfortable with talking about to any other person male or female, under any circumstances.
These incidents are part of the psyche of nearly every male but get buried deep in the mind of who a guy really is. Still, in a strange sort of way, reliving these episodes can be not only interesting but may even play a key element in making a guy once again “feel horny”. But then, guys who regularly engage in partner sex keep a virtual memory bank of things they got to do that were particularly enjoyable with a sexual partner as well. And many guys no doubt like to replay the videotape in their brains involving one or more partner-focused sexual encounters that were particularly interesting and arousing. Whether the psychological videotape involves a current sexual partner or some past encounter with a different person is only known to the guy. Still, reliving past experiences of this sort, whether alone or with a partner, is an important part of who a guy really is from a sexual perspective.
As for me, I really like feeling horny. It is a critical part of who I am as a person and as a human being. It is a part of life that may seem all but trivial even though it is very important to me. Maybe oddly from the perspective of some guys, I am so fond of feeling horny that this part frequently overwhelms the whole idea of proceeding to a full-blown orgasm. I love the simmering part, so to speak. I am so overwhelmed by this that I admit that I haven’t quite figured out the guys who seem to enjoy proceeding to a full-blown ejaculation as quickly as possible whether they are alone or with a partner. To me, ejaculation is a great release of tension that is incredible fun but only for a fleeting moment or two, followed by, well, nothing. Instead I want to spend an entire afternoon or a whole night feeling good down there about my body and who I am as a guy.
For most guys, a key part of growing up is getting confronted by clothing items that they have not worn before, and items that the guy thinks deep down fit in such a way as to be a sexual turn-on unrelated to being in a sexual situation with another person. Often this might involve an article of clothing that fits a little too snug or much too snug in the groin area. For a young teen, maybe a pair of jeans that somehow got pushed to the back of a closet and haven’t been worn for a couple years and now they fit really snug. Or a pair of brief underwear that got pushed back into a dresser drawer and has lain there for a couple years. What was merely snug before is really tight-fitting now.
I do not know how widespread this is, but if I did this then other guys probably did it too. Some guys (maybe many or even most guys) gradually develop a “collection” of clothing items that they use as an aid to masturbation. These are often items that fit properly two years ago but are way undersized now. The ultra-snug fit is where the fun is. And the guy can feel perfectly free to masturbate to ejaculation in each item because the item gets returned to a safe place in the back of the drawer or closet and only comes out when the guy is alone and wants to do it again. Of course, gradually the starchy semen stains build up over time, but the stains themselves easily become part of the subsequent-turn on.
Growing up I had this thing for undersized jeans and swimwear that fit me right but a few years earlier, stuff that would have been discarded had my parents known the items were still there. When my parents left me alone for any length of time, I would dig out one of the items and have a freewheeling masturbation session followed by a powerful ejaculation. By the time my parents returned the soggy item was back in a safe place again. Weird huh? Or maybe not so weird or uncommon!
Guys all but universally enjoy feeling horny. Take jeans, for example. Why are there jeans with a so-called regular fit but then skinny jeans, ultra skinny jeans and even super skinny jeans? Well guys may “prefer” a certain cut. But deep down the whole idea is probably rooted in the notion that while a new pair of skinny jeans with a snugger fit than what a guy had been “used” to wearing might make a guy feel horny, then the even snugger fits will work even better in this regard. How snug a fit depends on how far a guy wants tp press his luck so to speak in not getting a visible erection while wearing the jeans or get himself into a situation where an unwanted and embarrassing ejaculation occurs. But some guys are looking to press luck so to speak by wearing skinnier jeans that they think their male buds could tolerate.
There is a new Jockey underwear commercial out that is really interesting. In it the wife shows a guy a new pair of silver Lycra blend jammer style underwear and the guy says that is my new “go to” underwear.(Even “normal” guys like the “snug fit”) Then she shows him a male thong. And he says something to the effect that he would never wear underwear that skimpy and the fit must be like wearing dental floss. I gather that the ad is designed to get guys interested in owning both the Lycra-infosed jammers, AND for the daring, maybe even a thong to see whether or not the fit is like wearing dental floss or has something else interesting going for it. Clearly the woman wants to see him wearing the thong.
So, teenagers are often confronted with situation where participation in a sport requires them to wear a strap often with a cup, and many guys are wary about that as to what putting something like that on is going to result in an immediate and embarrassing hard-on. At some level they are scared, and maybe even scared stiff. But a critical part of this is learning how your male peers are “coping” when confronted with the same “problem”. A strap might be a fine thing to wear for masturbation in private, but can a guy be expected to participate in a sport while wearing one? Good question.
The same with the classic swim team swim brief. I suspect most guys would love to take a swim brief home, put it on in private, and watch in the mirror as to what happens to his body in it. Getting into and wearing one in the presence of peers, maybe at first the other male swimmers but at some point females as well, is a completely different matter entirely. The latter issue is the big problem.
A similar issue applies to other kinds of snug-fitting athletic wear. Even swim jammers but especially wrestling singlets, the latter being the bane of many student wrestlers for (what could easily be) obvious reasons.
Ahhh, the fun of being a guy….
05-11-2021, 02:13 PM
Jus’ strapped ‘n cupped
I have often talked about how much fun a snug-fitting jock strap is to wear, and that the fun can easily be doubled or tripled of a guy combines that with a hard cup of just the right shape and size. This is one of those real “treats” about just being a guy that no guy, whatever his age or athletic ability should ever miss out on. Furthermore, it is one of those things a guy can do alone without the “help” of a sexual partner. If you are at all like me you may find yourself quickly getting “hooked” on adding this to your list of things you really enjoy doing with, to and by yourself.
A core problem for guys who want to pursue this as an activity is that the old-school straps are becoming harder and harder to find. It used to be you could pick up a decent one for a few dollars at any Walmart or other discount store, but now you only find them on line. Finding one with a pouch that holds a cup can be another problem. It used to be that the hard cups were all quite small and flat—then came the era of the big “banana” cups with banana being a trade name for a strap and cup sold by a particular company that somehow thought that the older cups were too small and too snug. The problem is that while the banana cups may work well to protect from sports injuries and make a guy look a whole lot bigger than he really is, they are not nearly as much fun for doing the activities I am encouraging guys to do. It is no fun at all to simply flop around inside a giant cup that may be roomy enough to easily contain a full erection. Snug and tight is a lot better.
I have lots of old-school straps and a collection of the small flat cups that were designed in the olden days as well. These are still available on line but you will have to do some digging and the straps are no longer cheap. The comparative rarity of the old designs now have raised prices for those still available. For a really good cup, I have also found that the cups marketed as Youth size fit snugger than the so-called adult size cup, even in the old school shapes.
So, here is what goes on. And this is also an explanation as to why young athletes have long been wary of participating in sports that required a strap and cup. The old-school cups were designed to fit flat rubbing directly against a guy’s groin area and not move around to provide the needed “protection” from injury during the sports activity. Guys all knew that in any situation where the cup was stuck firmly against such sensitive body parts that there was no way to simply ignore the fact that a guy was wearing the cup. There would be a constant tension or pressure from the presence of the hard cup on some of the most sensitive of body areas, and the body would “respond” to let the guy know the exact situation he was facing.
In a team sport this quickly leads to at least some guys wondering if the other guys are dealing with the same issue and if so, how were they “coping” with it. An interesting puzzle for sure.
So, for a guy this may start out simply feeling a bit uncomfortable down there. But penises are anything but inanimate objects, and is a penis is nearly surrounded by a hard but immovable object, and something has to give. The penis quickly communicates to the guy that there are certain aspects of the situation it kinda sorta maybe even likes. What starts out as being uncomfortable suddenly morphs into being interesting and blood flows into the penis making the situation even worse (or maybe better). A “feedback” loop gets set up in which the guy can no longer simply ignore what is going on down there. In a weird way this is rather fun, especially if the guy is trying to focus him efforts on the sport that called for him wearing the strap and cup. Being sexually turned on at the same time is a distraction despite being fun.
Given the circumstances, I suspect that most guys in this situation would start to ooze drops of precum, and that precum will collect inside as a familiar sticky glob inside the strap pouch. And mentally, the guy feels, well, quite horny. Guys will generally be embarrassed about revealing any of this for an assortment of reasons.
But if this is weird fun for young males engaging in a sport requiring a strap and cup, doing the same thing can be equally fun for adult males of any age using straps and cups maybe as regular wear without being involved in a team sport. My readers know I have written a lot about wearing a strap and cup in combination over a snug-fitting thong, and maybe even as nighttime wear. While I have written a lot on the subject I haven’t been wearing straps and cups that much in recent years.
Still, wearing a cup is a special fun in any activity in which a guy has to move in his groin area, and my stationary rowing and biking is a good example of that sort of thing. Why not strap and cup myself in prep for my usual daily exercise, and then pull on my favorite pair of running tights. What a great look and feel, and I am really looking forward to my morning exercises as the old-school cup presses against my body in some really interesting places. Why not do this? Why not?
The combination of the strap, cup and really snug running tights is very much a treat this morning, a treat that ups the sensations quite a bit. I know I am going to enjoy my exercise very much this morning. My cup has already been “talking” to me this morning letting me know how “happy” things are down there.
But, that is only one possibility. If I were wearing a swim brief I would seek out a snug cup that would fit right inside the pouch of the brief—one that would make me look bigger down there without revealing that it was really there. Jammer swimwear would work well too.
Another possibility is a wrestling singlet. From what I have read there is no real consensus among wrestlers as to what if anything should be worn under a singlet. Most photos I see appear as if the guy wears nothing or maybe just street underwear. It seems to me a strap would be logical and maybe even a cup. I guess the rules in wrestling have large penalties if a wrestler attempts a wrestling hold that might injure the genitalia, but something like this could easily occur accidentally and if I were a wrestler I would want to have some protection down there, maybe just an old-school strap and cup!
05-11-2021, 05:35 PM
I made it through my rowing and riding workout wearing the strap and cup this morning inside my skin tight Tesla running tights. That was very enjoyable and I felt horny through the entire workout. That is a “mean” thing for a guy to do to his own body. But in this case it is mean in a very positive and enjoyable way! All the best to those of you who want to try something similar.
05-13-2021, 02:04 AM
The new Jockey ad Luke Bryan
05-13-2021, 02:04 AM
The new Jockey ad Luke Bryan
06-05-2021, 06:14 PM
Turning it On (and Off)
To me, what makes male sexuality (and HUMAN sexuality, for that matter) so endlessly fascinating is that sexual sensations always come about via a quirky mix of the psychological and the physical. Perhaps even more interesting is the idea that this can happen in situations where the events SHOULD happen (say while with a sexual partner) but also in situations where the reasons might be very unclear, or at least unclear to anyone other than the guy experiencing the situation.
I suppose the “classic’ example of a guy facing the latter situation is the first encounter with putting on and wearing a swim brief. A lot of guys are, well, apprehensive, with respect to the physical aspects of this. The guy may be worried about such a basic questions as “how will my penis ‘react’ to being inside such a tiny, snug-fitting garment?” Or, even more interestingly, “Once in will I be able to control “urges” that could quickly get out of control. After all, getting a hard-on and even ejaculating is not exactly something a guy can turn on and off like a water faucet. At some point, parts of the arousal, erection and ejaculation can quickly cycle into what seems to be an involuntary mode, where the guy is sensing that his body is simply doing what it must under the circumstances it is in and the guy’s brain is simply riding along without being in control of the situation as it is unwinding before him.
Making a guy even more apprehensive is if he knows he is going to have to be with peers—male and even possibly female—when all of this is going to happen. The guys who regularly wear swim briefs are “used” to all of this, presumably, and these guys do not give the idea of getting into one a second thought…or for that matter get aroused either physically or psychologically. But maybe not!
Most guys, confronted with the situation that I have described for the first time would probably discover that their male bodies “react” to the situation in what appears to be an involuntary way. They start oozing precum even before they fully realize what psychologically is bothering them. Of course, oozing precum is fascinating. Some guys think that once that starts to occur, a full ejaculation cannot be far away. But that is not true, or at least not necessarily true. It bothers some guys I guess that the body is showing a visible sexually-charged “reaction” to the situation even though the guy does not have a significant erection. What is going on here, anyway?
I remember putting on my first pair of thong men’s underwear. Age-wise I think I was already in my early 30s. I had brought home three pair from a discount department store and the back of each of them was a thin round elastic cord that was less than a quarter inch in diameter. I knew where that would have to go, and I was not sure if I was going to be able to “tolerate” the situation very well at all. Then there was the rubbery elasticized pouch that seemed to be too small to contain both my penis and balls, but that was the only way.
Of course, as I contemplated all of this, I did what any “normal” male would do—I started to precum, big time, releasing quarter dollar sized stains of sticky goo right into my new thong underwear.
Suddenly it dawned on me that far from this involuntary “response” being an issue, the thong was great fun, and it was not long before I started wearing these at night as well as in the daytime. I was thoroughly hooked on precumming as a very enjoyable thing to do, and something that can be actively pursued and encourage without a sexual partner if a guy has none. Goofy? Maybe a little, but fun, way fun.
Guys of course normally work their way through their apprehension about getting into a swim brief to the point that it ‘bothers” them less from a psychosexual perspective. Well maybe. Or maybe not. What is the big deal if a guy were to admit to others that he actually enjoys himself this way. This is perfectly safe fun.
So today, in prepping for my daily rowing and stationary biking that I do every day, I decided it would be a good idea to go through my daily exercise wearing first an underwear thong—though a men’s thong designed for swimming would also work. Then I pulled on a strap--this time one without a cup—over that, and finally on top of that an undersized pair of blue swimming jammers. Compression tee on top. The combination felt great, and, judging by the size of the precum stain in the thong pouch, I was feeling great as well.
The really fun part about indoor rowing in a thong is that the thong has to tug and pull with each rowing stroke. This feels very good, even great, and the tension keeps increasing over the workout. And so long as I keep thinking about how good this feels it starts to feel even better. Whenever a guy is at all sexually excited, if he says to himself “this is starting to feel really great” the mind and body “responds” to the thought and everything you are doing to yourself feels even better still. That is the quirky part of the mix of the physical and the psychological in sexuality. Thinking that something feels arousing can make it feel even more arousing. Crazy, but enjoyable.
Riding a stationary bike while wearing a thong can be fun too, as the bike seat puts pressure on some interesting places, though if I would vote for my favorite exercise while wearing a thong it would still be the stationary rowing.
Now I need to get back into my afternoon rowing. Another half hour, and a few more drops of precum!
06-29-2021, 02:46 PM
A really snug fit
As my regular readers know, I have always been very fond of a wide assortment of snug-fitting clothing, swim briefs, jammers, athletic supporters, running tights and a wide variety of underwear ranging from thongs, briefs and various snug-fitting kinds of underwear that are designed to fit and look like jammers.
I guess my fascination with all of this started well before puberty. Like many other males my age, I took notice of what the other guys were wearing as underwear, and since this was all happening in the late 1950s, most o the guys were wearing white cotton briefs. And, as I, the guys were all growing at a rapid pace, and sometimes the briefs they were wearing did not keep up with their rate of growth. It always seemed to me that my peers were wearing tighty whiteys that were, well, undersized. Not that this bothered me, indeed I always thought this was simply interesting. Somehow in the back of my mind I could not get out of my head that my peers actually found the super tighty whiteys “fun” to wear. True, at that age I did not know exactly what was going on, but somehow the whole idea of a guy still wearing underwear that a guy had outgrown to a degree was at some level, fun.
Of course, we were also at the stage where were were all just starting to develop our masturbation skills and techniques, and the thought must have occurred to me that the really snug-fitting tighty whiteys might be “helpful” in sorting this all out. In short, just being able to wear a pair of snug tighty whiteys was going to put a guy in a really interesting “place”, a place we did not completely understand, but was really fun anyway.
Somehow my mom had different ideas with respect to what the proper underwear for a male my age should be. She always bought me (through a mail order catalog, usually) pairs of boxer briefs. These were similar to tighty whitey briefs but had longer legs. Since we never shopped for underwear at a store, I had no say in the matter. But in the back of my mind I was always thinking that my peers surely had it better than I wearing their little tighty whitey briefs. At that point in time it was very difficult if not impossible to even find the white boxer briefs in stores. The boys and men’s underwear sections back them were almost exclusively white cotton briefs.
Once I went off to college, my male roommates were still all wearing white cotton briefs. I went out and bought some myself and tossed the boxer briefs. I never looked back. But in the process I retained my fascination with wearing tighty whiteys, and, on occasion, masturbating in them. In turn this led to getting to do a bunch of other things that I never was able to do when I was still living at home. I got my first real Speedo in college, and my first real jock strap. These were great fun as well. Here I was getting to wear some of the things I had always wondered about, and the effect on me was overwhelming.
Somehow, 50 plus years later this is still all with me. I still think the undersized tighty whiteys are great fun to wear and jack off in. But gradually I have found an array of things that fit even snugger and tighter, and a lot of these items get called into service as well. The thong underwear has been a particular revelation, but better still thing underwear with a jock strap on top, maybe a strap with a cup, and a pair of undersized running tights over that. This feels really really good down there. I am very fond of that combination.
And the maybe too-tight swim briefs—say a Youth Speedo in only size 26-inch waist.
I have a summer home that is 1,200 miles away from my winter place. That means I need to maintain a collection in both places. My collection here at the summer home is smaller but no less fun. I have a half dozen neat swim briefs here, one of my favorite black with three white stripes Adidas swim briefs. Another black 26” Tyr Brief with red panels (really, really tight and skimpy), and a snug Tyr brief in an interesting green floral pattern. And some really snug-fitting thong underwear. And the interesting straps that I have accumulated here over a 15 year period.
But the really interesting collection is my tighty whiteys that I have accumulated here. I did not want to have to drag underwear back and forth between the two places, so I simply bought some here, over about 15 years. I have a number of different packages of tighty whiteys. What I find most interesting is that if you look in any department store right now, the only white cotton briefs you find generally are what are known as full-cut, and the youth sizes in white have disappeared entirely. But here I have packages of white cotton briefs (tho Men’s Adult SM) are clearly NOT full sized. Any number of the ones I have here are what as a teenager I would have called “undersized”. The fit, even unwashed the first time, is, by my teen standards, a tight fit.
I cannot understand why these old-school tighty whiteys are no longer readily available in stores. The snug-fit ones are still just as much fun to wear as they were when I was a young man. Have guys suddenly gone “brain dead” in this respect? Still, the men’s underwear market contains lots of mid length briefs in a poly-spandex cloth. Have guys collectively given up on masturbating in cotton briefs and gone instead full steam into self pleasuring in the spandex-laced trunks? A good question! A very basic question is that if a guy is interested in jerking off nowadays, what is the undergarment of choice?
I am very pleased that I have the collections I have at both locations. My groin area is very pleased as well. Somehow I think I have come headlong into a topic a lot of guys engage in regularly but are reluctant to discuss with anyone, but clearly the subject of underwear designs and self-pleasuring techniques is important to many, if not most guys.
07-22-2021, 02:48 PM
All strapped in
Guys routinely discover at a very early age that there are parts of the body that are particularly sensitive to touch, and in a most interesting way. Some of this may happen almost by accident, when a snug-fitting garment simply brushes against a guy's penis, for example.
These sensations are, well, interesting, though some might say erotic, but it is not long thereafter that at least some guys think in terms of reproducing these sensations, and if the particular snug-fitting garment caused something interesting to happen, some guys if not many, seek out the opportunity to do the same thing all over again using the same garment.
This results in an interesting mix of desire to redo the same thing along with apprehension about doing it. Then there is the problem of how a guy’s body responds to the situation at hand. As in “is this going to result in a hard-on?” If so, what iof I am in a situation where there are other people around—especially other guys? Am I going to get teased or bullied? How do I deal with this?
Still, being aroused for any reason is a very pleasant place to be. So guys think about how they can do these things in private, in part to explore the nuances of what is going on down there. And there is a lot to explore.
But, what if a situation arises in which a guy knows he is going to have to deal with wearing a snug-fitting garment that he has never worn before, and maybe even try on the garment for the very first time in the presence of male peers? A swim brief is the classic example of all of this, and a lot of swimmers seem to think that a garment with more coverage will be less of a potential issue in this regard. Early on at least swimmers opt for jammers rather than briefs because of this.
Never mind that a properly-fitting swimming jammer fits really snug and tight as well, and could be quite revealing in terms of the outline of the body.
The athletic supporter was once required gear for many kinds of sports in which the danger was a potential injury to the genitalia…in short, straps were designed to hole the scrotum and balls in place near the body, so they were not dangling loose if the guy was wearing only loose=fitting gear. The idea of wearing a plastic cup over the penis and balls was really there to deal with sports (such as baseball) where a guy could inadvertently get a forward blow from say, a fast-traveling baseball. So guys were expected to wear straps for a lot of sports but cups were required for only some of them.
What I refer to as an “old school” athletic supporter was a rather weird piece of gear, consisting of a 3-inch wide elastic waistband, and a coarse-textured pouch made of a rough, rubberized material, all held in place with two ¾ inch wide elastic leg straps, with the back consisting of nothing at all.
For budding athletes participating in a sport requiring a strap, in many respects these were scarier than even the swim briefs were. Except for the pouch, a guy in a strap was essentially nude, and there was no disguising the state of erection in any way wearing only a strap. This scared a lot of budding athletes, given that the older participants had somehow found a way to cope, and even seemed to “enjoy” parading around the locker room wearing only a strap,
For many decades, the old-school strap was synonymous with the key manufacturer, Bike, a company that had a large share of the market for straps. And the market was huge.
This is long before the compression shorts became popular. But then, about in the 1980s, it seems to me that coaches started gradually losing their enthusiasm for straps as the only way a guy could successfully compete in a grueling sport, and other options for keeping a guy’s private parts near the body came---briefs that mimicked the functions of a strap, for example, then a full range of compression gear including compression shorts set up to even hold a cup.
I gather sales of traditional straps was once the major revenue source for Bike, but that over the long term sales of traditional straps were in decline, and other manufacturers were increasingly competing as well. Bike tried to market other Athletic gear under the Bike name, but the name Bike was so synonymous with jock strap that this other gear struggled in the market. Bike was finally sold and the Russell company that purchased Bike kept the name for awhile but soon gave that up too.
One of the competitors was the Duke strap. Duke got a contract with Walmart and for a long time every Walmart had a panel next to the athletic equipment that included various Duke-branded straps. These old school straps were really cheap, for a basic without a cup maybe $2 or even less. So for the guy who simply wanted a strap to mess around with in private and see exactly what happens, this was the place to go. Then Walmart shifted over to other brands such as Riddell or Franklin though these were more expensive and arguably not as much fun to play with in private as the little Duke straps were. I can still find NIB Duke straps on ebay but the ones that used to cost $2 at Walmart are now $7 minimum. I am not sure if these are old stock or whether Duke branded straps are still being manufactured somewhere,
So, can a guy have more fun in private wearing an old school strap or an old school swim brief? That is an interesting question. I am wearing a Duke strap as I write this and I am this well aware of the sensations it provides down there. I remain enthusiastic ut I like a properly-fitting swim brief as well for similar reasons.
A new online Bike store just reopened in 2021 kink
07-23-2021, 02:04 PM
Guys learn very quickly that getting an erection can be highly enjoyable, if, on occasion embarrassing, but that the really big payoff is a full-blown ejaculations which send the male body into ecstasy. Though the initial learning experience may come in the form of nocturnal emissions or wet dreams when the guy is either asleep or only awake in the final moments, a guy quickly learns that “helping things along a bit” while awake can be quite interesting and enjoyable. Who is to know if the ejaculation in bed occurred as a result of an “involuntary “wet dream” or perhaps had a bit of “assistance”?
Thankfully, most parents now realize that having ejaculations is a normal part of growing up for guys, and guys quickly learn some “rules” with regard to what needs to be kept private in this respect. Ejaculating or even getting a firm erection, in the presence of a male peer is out, obviously, but so is engaging in such activity in the presence of a female. Guys normally opt for things they can do in private either at night or during the day when they are certain no one will be around to result in a potentially embarrassing interruption. What is so much fun for now at least must be kept secret.
Still, practically every guy has, on occasion “voided semen” in times and places and on garments that he would just as soon not be a matter of others knowing…the others include not only others his age but also family members as well. It goes without saying that whatever a guy wears to bed will soon end up as stained but also things like bed sheets. Parents doing the laundry take this all in stride. That is what washing machines are for.
But some clothing items seem to lend themselves better to “semen voiding” as an activity than others—items such as swim briefs and athletic supporters. Lacking one or both of those, guys who grew up when I did made good use of their white cotton briefs for this purpose as well---readily available and no excuses needed to be made for the purchase of something that was not required for a non-athlete. And at laundry time most parents are not going to do a scientific study of what caused the stains on a pair of cotton briefs, so ejaculating in them was a real option.
I got to thinking about the new Bike Athletic site selling old school #10 jock straps for $25 and got to wondering who their target customer might be. When a guy ejaculates in a time or place that is unexpected, say in a locker room while getting into his first strap, this leaves an indelible imprint on his brain that lasts a lifetime. Even more so if this happened when others, say male peers happened to be present and noticed what was happening. Every guy gas his own “library” of events like this that he occasionally comes back to. A particular event might be embarrassing but also fascinating fun in a crazy sort of way.
So, who in the world might be willing to pay Bike $25 for an old fashioned #10 strap? Some guy who wore one of these in high school and wants to somehow “relive” the experience as an adult of any age, an adult whose early remembrance of being in a strap led to an unexpected voiding of semen? This is an interesting question. Is the market for old school straps really playing on a guy’s innermost life experiences, as in the time when I was embarrassed because what happened to me was,…well, you know.
Being in a strap for the first time might be way up there for the memories of a lot of guys…these Bike straps were “mean” to guys in all sorts of interesting and confounding ways, ways that looking back were actually great fun and perhaps not something to be embarrassed about. Part of this is a form of nostalgia for a simpler time when life was not as complicated as it is now…where guys could just kick back and enjoy themselves in a very special way without having to deal with a relationship. Will a brand new #10 accomplish that? That is an empirical test!
Then there are the Duke straps—the brand that was so readily available at Walmart for so many years. The Dukes are not nearly as big as the Bikes, but they follow the same general design with the wide elastic wasteband and rubbery rough-textured pouch. They are an excellent choice for the more casual wearer who sees them as a modestly-priced aid for semen voiding. They were cheap enough so that a guy could keep several on hand and if one was stained one could simply pull out another one. And some nice near old school cups are available as well. For a guy whose underwear wardrobe was mainly white cotton briefs, these provide a very different fit and feel. I am glad that these are still being made and are available even if Walmart is not stocking them anymore.
The little Duke strap has been my go-to strap for decades. I have found that the Youth Large size fits my 30-inch waist well. I really like the snug fit and like to wear one over a pair of tighty whiteys. I have enjoyed these straps for many years and they launder well though I usually air dry them instead of exposing them to the heat of the clothes dryer. Every guy needs several of these to be able to wear for sheer enjoyment. Exactly what happens is in your hands, so to speak.
08-07-2021, 10:51 PM
Just fooling around by myself
I am very fond of the predicaments in which I am able to place my body. If the predicament includes some old school articles of clothing that is even better.
One “old school” underwear thong I am quite fond of is the 2x(ist) thong, a design that has been around for several decades. Fortunately 2x(ist) still makes this design.
There are a number of features of this particular design that sets them apart. First, they have what is called a Y-back. The design also uses a quite narrow elastic band as a back, which means that the thong cinches up between the glutes very snug. The combination of the Y-back and the narrow and snug –fit back feels really, really good. Not uncomfortable at all. Quite the opposite and if you are at all like me you will like the fit and feel too.
The design of the pouch is very good, snug enough but just the right size to contain both your penis and balls. The pouch is snug enough to allow you to position the penis in the “up” position and as any guy knows it’s the underside of the penis, that if positioned that way, is really sensitive and the sensations you get will make you smile (or more).
The third thing I like about the design is that interesting point where the pouch meets the elastic band in the back. In the 2x(ist) thong there is something of a Lump where the pouch and back are sewn together. This is right over that erotic “hot spot” known as the perineum. Indeed, the thong puts a constant gentle pressure on the perineum, and this pressure has a way of building in sensitivity over time.
So many of the thongs you can buy nowadays have rather wide backs, ¾ to an inch wide. I guess these are for the guys who are apprehensive about having a narrow elastic band between the glutes. But coping with that sensation of the snug back between your glutes is part of the fun of wearing a thong.
It is really the combination of the snug-fit penis “up” pouch, the narrow elastic Y-back, and that endlessly fascinating pressure on the perineum are where the pouch and back meet that makes this thong so much fun to wear.
I like to wear a strap on top of the thong such as the Duke jock as I described in the previous article. Somehow my penis likes to be in that up is thong with an old school Duke jock strap as described in the up position inside the jock. I am very fond of the right strap too.
And then, to top it off how about a pair of Tesla Compression shorts. At this point I am really sensitive down there and enjoying myself immensely. The combination of the thong, the strap and the compression shorts gets me to a place where I want to spend an entire afternoon, if not longer. The combination of sensations I get is terrific!
09-09-2021, 02:21 PM
What to Wear? The simple guide
Sometimes I wake up in the morning and it suddenly occurs to me that today is going to be a “slow” day with little or nothing planned. Perhaps it is a weekend day, but things seem to be quiet and peaceful.
Often when this happens, I also feel quite horny. I always thought this was quite curious to say the least. Why do I suddenly feel like this in instances where my mind is not distracted with other issues and problems that I need to solve, but if I am deep into repairing something, or trying to solve a problem of one sort of another I almost never feel horny like I do when I am in a peaceful, relaxed mode.
Still, I like to think of this sensation as a rich blessing not a curse. Oddly enough I guess for some I do not need to be around another person and certainly not in a group of people male or female. It is just something that happens to me when I am alone and at peace with myself.
I believe that something similar to this happens to a lot of guys, and they cope with the sensations each in his own way. For some I suspect, the relationship with a partner is critical I guess. But for me it is all about simply kicking back and enjoying myself in all sorts of fascinating and wonderful ways,
Part of the feeling is the desire to touch myself in different ways and in specific places and ramp up the general horny sensations that I find so compelling. Indeed, I have spent my adult life studying all of this, and now realize that the male body is capable of providing a wide-ranging suite of “treats” that seem to have an almost never-ending array of possible sensations—sensations that will ebb and flow all day long. Even at my age I keep discovering things that are really interesting and fun to do.
I keep coming back to a favorite phrase of mine—what can I do by, with and to myself that will be simple but extremely enjoyable, and how can I Improve on my efforts as I gather more knowledge about all of this over a lifetime of enjoyment? And, why do I have to keep what I have learned to myself, especially if all of this is so enjoyable. If some of you see what I am doing is a crash course in solo sex, then so be it. I see it as much more than that, an exploration into the nuances of who you are as a male human being.
Males are born with a most fascinating set of body parts, though the full realization of that only comes later. By the time a guy reaches puberty, he has probably developed a realization of some of the basics with respect to what feels really good down there. But a better understanding of all of this comes only later in life, much later. Guys are often apprehensive about doing “too much” exploring down there for fear that they might “break” something that would in turn lead to the need for potentially embarrassing medical attention and result in the guy in having to explain exactly what he was doing down there.
Truth is, the odds of something breaking while engaging in male ‘self abuse” are minimal and the male body parts may look fragile but are indeed surprisingly sturdy (they have to be given their key role in sustaining human life). But guys only gradually work their way out of their apprehensive mode.
A related problem is that a guy is often deeply fearful of someone (anyone, parents, siblings, peers at school) discovering them in “the act” of playing with himself. Again, if a guy is a bit careful the odds of this happening is very low but there is nothing like a concern for this in taking the fun out of what you are wanting and trying to do.
Then there are the hang-ups involving snug fitting garments. I am convinced that there are many guys out there who really would like to wear a snug-fitting swim brief and greatly admire the guys who get to do so, but are also deeply apprehensive about this. The core worry of course is “what happens if I get an erection and my peers see that I am in that condition?” It is only much later in life that guys gradually learn to accept the fact that erections happen, and sometimes at less than opportune moments, and that an erection occurring at some inopportune time, place or circumstance is something that all guys need to deal with sooner or later.
No guy is comfortable admitting to others that he likes to masturbate alone—and this is true even for many guys in sexual partnerships. And if a guy thinks that wearing a swim brief might be fun from a solo sex perspective, the tricky part for guys not living independent lives away from home is how to obtain one without drawing attention to what a guy really wants it for if the guy is not a swimmer. These guys often look for substitutes, such as an underwear brief that is sold as underwear but looks surprisingly like a swim brief—the next best alternative, though--a pair of white cotton briefs--might also work as a substitute if a guy is really apprehensive about sending the “wrong” signals with respect to what he likes to do by himself to someone else. I have often thought the popularity of loose-fitting boxer shorts in gym locker rooms in recent years is because they send out a signal that the guy never has been known to touch his own private parts in an arousing way, and further, the guy doesn’t want any clothing to touch anything sensitive either.
The problem is that there is the snug-fitting clothing that is really useful in self-pleasuring. Guys who do not need to wear a jock strap for sport fantasize over how they fit and feel, and what they could do to guys who wear a strap as part of whatever sport they are in. Then there are the compression gear particularly the shorts but also the tights, and the gear that can double either as a compression short as an outer garment or as a pair of snug fitting long legged underwear that is worn under a looser-fitting garment. All of these have potential in self-pleasuring, and the sales of many of these items are high because of their potential in this respect.
Moving from being apprehensive over all of this to being able to just kick back and enjoy who you are as a male takes some time, and a lot of guys really struggle with this a lot more than is necessary. But mastering this gives you access to all sorts of sweet and wonderful sensations that you can create whenever you are so moved. Feeling horny is not a bad thing at all—in fact it is a very good thing. Even a super good thing! Today I am wearing a really tight pair of way undersized white cotton briefs, a neat little black jock strap over, and an almost too small pair of compression shorts I bought years ago, but still fit like a second skin. Feels great. I need to go get on my rowing machine for a workout. The exercise will stress the system in place some more in fascinating ways.
09-10-2021, 01:42 PM
Yesterday was an interesting day. I got up feeling rather horny and that general feeling did not leave me all day long. How I respond to the situation when this happens varies a lot, but I usually manage to find things to do that make me feel even hornier.
I went through my usual rowing and stationary bike riding in the morning, and then around noon I decided my pubes really could use a trim. I love the feel of shaved pubes but I do not trim that frequently, and mine were starting to look like my backyard as in way overgrown. I have a nice little shaving unit that was sold for “body hair removal” which for some guys means shaving the chest, but probably the most frequent use is for shaving and trimming pubes. Of course, I cannot do a good job at this without “handling” the merchandise in various ways, but that only adds to the fun.
I have had two separate hernia repair surgeries both done in different years many years ago. At that point in time, I was not shaving down there and showed up for surgery with my brush intact. Both times the hospital sent in a male nurse to do the work. And, of course the male nurse can’t do a complete job without handling the merchandise either. I am wondering if, in these days of women can do anything men can, that they still would find a male nurse for this task for the men facing surgery or not, But nowadays, with the same surgery, I would do some preparation myself at home.
So I was doing a lot of edging yesterday but keeping myself below the point where I would go into the repeated contractions of an orgasm. The techniques for keeping your body in that mode for long periods of time are way fun, and the pressure keeps building. At some point all I want to think about is how much pure fun I am having down there, and hanging in there keeps getting tougher and tougher to do without going into uncontrollable muscular contractions, but many years of experience in building up the pressure at that level has been really helpful in sustaining the wonderful sensations.
So last night I was ready for bed but still was traveling along the very edge of orgasm. In that mode I keep getting hungrier and hungrier for something that fits really tight and holds my somewhat erect penis forward and then up as the blood flows in. And last night I found just the garment.
I realize that some of my readers are probably bored stiff with my frequent mention that I use way undersized tighty whiteys to keep my penis pointed forward and then up as an erection proceeds. Well, this garment was much more complicated than that. It is one I bought as a gift to myself but somehow had only tried on once or twice. It looks not like a swim brief so much as like a low-cut square cut, but the fabric is made to look like a lightweight black faux leather.
The fabric is interesting but it is the cut of the garment that is the fascinating part. From the front, it provides more than ample coverage (though really tight), but in the rear, the back leaves about 1/3 of my butt crack totally uncovered. The back appearance is like a Japanese swim brief, but think way way lower.
I have no idea of any circumstance where a guy would be able to comfortably wear this in even a semi public setting. I keep thinking that this was designed as a “gay boy” brief for clubbing in a semi private setting, but, never mind, because in the condition I am in, I am going to try wearing it as sleepwear and there is no reason to be concerned about the lack of butt coverage. What's important is that it feels great on my groin, and the leathery texture of the black cloth coupled with the tight fit as I try to bring the butt side to some semblance of coverage is exactly where I need to be given my generally clouded state of horniness.
So I hop into bed wearing this, position my penis up and forward and, given my horny and rather exhausted state from dealing with my horniness all day long, I quickly drop off to sleep.
Then at 4 AM I wake up, my penis suddenly screaming to me that it is in desperate need of attention and really wants to be rubbed and played with, I pick up with my edging about where I had left off yesterday evening. Wow this feels great. This garment has far more uses than gay boy clubbing. It’s great sleepwear as well. This morning I am still in the same rather horny state though I have gone back to my tighty whiteys and compression gear I like to wear during the day. I will see how the day goes.
I got to thinking, in the process of doing all of this to, with and by myself, I have some information for other guys who might want to do some similar self-pleasuring. The trick here was to find sleepwear that fits snug enough to keep your flaccid penis pointed forward and then upward as the blood gradually give you a semi-erection. You want to make certain that as this happens the underside of your penis presses firmly against the slick fabric of the tight-fitting garment. Touching and rubbing the underside of your penis gives some great erotic sensations, and if you avoid the glans or tip as all of this is happening you can keep the edging sensations active almost indefinitely as I was able to do early this morning.
A swim brief makes great basic sleepwear for exploring all of this. If you are in a close quarters setting such as in a dorm room or military setting, a good technique is to quickly slip on the brief when no one is looking, and then fit a loose pair of cotton boxer shorts on over. The appearance is that you are just wearing the cotton boxers as sleepwear but of course you are setting yourself up for a night of pleasure. Once in bed the boxers are simply slipped down to your ankles and the real masturbation fun begins.
Not every guy is going to have the control I have at my age. And the question always becomes “what happens if I lose control and end up with an ejaculatory mess and how do I hide that?”. Hopefully the swim brief fit snug enough to contain most of the ejaculate (If not, you need a still tighter pair.) But if you did the boxer shorts thing you still have a clean and dry pair of boxers underneath the covers and the trick is to remove the brief under the covers, and slip on the boxers. The brief gets carried in your hand to the shower, where you use the shower to wash the cum out of brief as you are showering.
But, if a guy has control, the stains on the brief will likely be easier-to-manage pre-cum not cum. My antics last night produced a great quarter-dollar-sized precum stain but only on the inside of the gay boy brief. It was invisible on the outside. Precum stains signal a great experience overall.
09-11-2021, 07:13 PM
I am just wondering about all of this
Suppose there is a well-built, athletic guy who is wearing only a swim brief. The swim brief grips the guy’s athletic body and is quite snug, though not that skimpy, more of a swimmer’s brief with 2 ½ inch sides. It could be a standard Speedo brief, in the familiar sapphire blue color. Or maybe something from one of the competing mainstream swimwear manufacturers, Tyr, Arena or perhaps even Adidas.
I suspect that the brief might purposely be one or even 2 inches undersized as in a 30-inch brief for a guy whose waist is 32. No matter, the fabric stretches a lot and the guy somehow looks very good wearing it. But it is clear that the only way he could get himself in was to position his penis upward, and even at that, the underside of his penis is pressing hard against the fabric in the tight pouch. From the outline it is clear that the guy already has something of an erection going on perhaps from just the struggle of getting into the brief. If one were to observe closely, it is possible to see both the outline of the shaft of the penis as well as the underside of the glans as well. Surely this guy is feeling quite good in the snug-fitting brief. How could it be otherwise? What he has is a bit of a predicament, but not an unpleasant one for him for sure.
Presumably this guy also is in public where other guys can see him. The attention the situation presents tends to attract a crowd of people although maybe not the kinds of people who would want to obviously show that they are fascinated by the guy and what might be happening to him. Guys tend to divide themselves into being either straight or gay. On the surface, I suppose most people think my swimsuit-clad guy would attract the attention of guys who are either openly gay, of maybe have some “hidden” gay “leanings”. But I have often wondered whether or not this is entirely the case,
In contrast, purportedly an utterly straight guy would find the situation our swimsuit guy is in as bland, boring or not of any psychological interest whatsoever. After all, in theory at least, the straight guys are not supposed to be aroused by any other guy regardless of his condition, only females, but what if, for some significant subset of the straight guys, simply looking at the swimsuit-clad guy and the interesting situation his penis is in causes a “reaction” even for a guy who claims to be “totally straight”. The straight guy, on looking at our swimwear guy, feels “something” in his groin, and that something is the initial signs of arousal, maybe releasing a drop or two of precum that the guy can feel dampening the underwear that he is wearing in the area around his own penis tip. I guess this totally involuntary “reaction” to the situation is not exactly what a straight guy would ever want to admit had happened, that a straight guy observing this situation involuntarily entered the initial stages of arousal.
Of course, our swimwear guy is not necessarily going to maintain his erect but nothing more situation forever. A real possibility is that in such an aroused state, he could start to ooze as well, and with his penis tip pressed firmly up against the pouch of the suit, the fact that he is “leaking” precum could quickly become obvious to others. Should this happen, might the other silent but observant men both purportedly straight and purportedly gay also go into arousal mode and start dripping precum inside their own underwear as well? Is oozing precum “catching” in this regard and if so is there any reason to believe that the straight guys are going to be able to deal with what they are observing any better than the guys who somehow believe they are gay?
Let me take this one step farther. If a guy is wearing a tight-fitting swim brief, penis up, the head of the penis is in a position that if the guy ejaculates, what just happened is going to be very obvious. The milky-white stain in varied patches on the pouch of the brief can be mistaken for nothing other than what it is. But suppose we have the same straight and gay group of male observers. Is the straight group going to find it easier to deal with what they just observed than the gay group? Exactly how “catching” is a full-scale ejaculation? Are some of the male observers able to cope with the situation better than others (staying relatively unaroused), or do all the guys quickly start to thinking that they would really like to have been in the predicament of the swimsuit guy as in being able to ejaculate with the tight fitting Speedo pressing on the underside of their penises.
I hold the view that being able to observe a guy with a full erection and even see evidence of precumming and ejaculating is a nearly universal desire among males despite claims that each one might make about sexual orientation or being turned on only by women, and the hypothetical aroused guy in the tight Speedo is an excellent way of researching this issue. I also believe that sexual arousal is to a degree catching, and that guys who think they are not aroused when with one or more other guys who clearly are, will soon get caught up themselves in finding themselves being aroused. There is lots here to think about with respect to male sexuality, sexual orientation, claims about claims guys make about being only perfectly straight or perfectly gay. Why other guys seem to find the situation the swim brief male so fascinating and personally arousing to the observer remains to me as something of a mystery.
09-17-2021, 01:56 PM
I am a retired college professor who has had a 40-year career in academics, and I have written gobs of stuff that is being read used and cited by other academics—students and faculty around the world. All of this is under my real name. I have been retired for some time.
I also admit that at least for some, I have an odd “hobby” of writing on all sorts of topics related to better understanding male sexuality and filling in the gaps in the books typically written by psychiatrists or sex researchers. But, the potential problem I had is that if I wrote on those topics using my real name, someone would soon do a Web search on my name and end up with a list of my academic writings in my real career mixed together with my writings on male sexuality topics. That was intolerable, and I could not pursue my hobby writing without figuring out a way to keep the two worlds entirely separate.
I quickly landed on the idea that I was in need of a “pen” name that I could use for my hobby writings, and at the same time continue to do academic writing under my real name. This idea has actually worked quite well and periodically I do some searches to check whether or not those who do searches under my pen name could find their way into my academic writings or vice versa, I can think of a few ways that someone who wanted to link the two could possibly find out, but it would not be an easy search.
In the 1990s and for some time after, I had an active Web site with some of my pen name writing for ready access. The problem I had was that someone would crawl into the site and conclude that what they read was somehow unsuitable for the general public including teenagers, to have ready access as well, yet what I was doing in my writings was never meant to be porn but merely educational and useful on topics that were seldom openly discussed by males. Some of my writings on male sexuality were very popular and quoted on other sites dealing with complex questions related to sex, relationships and related topics. But that did not stop at least one server site from banning be on content the basis of uploading pornographic content.
I even published a book on Amazon under my pen name and all you need to do to find it is to Google my pen name and up it will pop. Meanwhile you could Google my real name and you will see tons of my academic writings including several books on Amazon. But there is no way for a casual surfer to link the two. Right now I have no personal Web site dealing with male sexuality. If you want to read my latest thinking, you can usually find a new effort here at this site.
If you Google my pen name “David Sebringsil” you will get a link to my Amazon book and to various papers who have quoted papers I wrote that were on the old Web site. And if you use the Internet wayback machine, you can see a version of my old site that is no longer active, along with the papers as they appeared on that site when it was active.
The papers that appeared on the old site now have some age to them. They did have some interesting titles one being “The Thonging Primer” that discussed some ways that guys could have fun once introduced to a male underwear thong with me giving “how to do it” advice that some of the server sites was too raunchy for general access. What is or is not pornographic versus merely educational in the world of sex is always an interesting issue.
So I just got through finding an original copy of “The Thonging Primer” and I thought it would be fun to ask the question “Does the advice I gave readers 25 years ago on this topic still hold, and what has changed since then that would either say “I changed my mind on some of this” or perhaps what is readily available has changed?
Some of you have probably read my recent essays on Wrangler Butts on the “Off-topic: section of this site. The interesting part when I went back to the old Thonging essay, part of it mentioned the fun a guy could have wearing a thong as underwear UNDER a pair of tight-fitting Wrangler jeans. What you see here are recurring long-term themes of mine.
Next, what I want to try and do here is present an annotated version of the Thonging Primer along with what still applies and what needs to be updated or even rethought entirely. But also expect me to be stunningly consistent, and generally what I thought was fun to do 25 or more years ago I still relish doing 25 years later.
I have other early papers that deserve the same treatment, “Spending the Night in a Cup” being my “classic” essay on straps and eroticism. So stick with me—this could be fun. And if you get a little aroused reading what I write, well that is why some people thought I should be banned from having all searchers be able to get ready access!
And also always remember that a male does not need to have a sexual partner in order to enjoy who you are as a male, and the idea of being a happy male living alone is another recurring theme in all of this, but this is especially true if your collection of Speedos is large!
09-18-2021, 10:33 PM
If you would like to see the original papers on the site, they are available via the Internet Wayback machine.
Try this link for an index. Seems to work fine.
10-04-2021, 02:10 AM
Sebbie, I have enjoyed your writings and ramblings and now you have posted links to read more. Thanks very much for doing that.
10-18-2021, 01:03 PM
What Professional Wrestlers wore
I grew up in the 1950s and early 1960s. We got our first black and white TV set in late 1955 and I would have been only about 8 years old. Interestingly, one of the first late night shows I saw in that period was what passed for the professional wrestling of the day. Even way back then we knew a lot of what we were seeing was basically staged, and despite the theatrics the last thing the two guys on the mat wanted to do was injure themselves in taking falls. But even on the old TV sets we could see that the mat was not at all like concrete but springy, almost like a trampoline, This made the throws and falls look more dramatic.
Me? I was not much interested in wrestling the sport, but what caught my eye at that early age was the costumes the guys wore. They were like a swim brief, fit tight, but were quite high-waisted—fitting to the wrestlers’ belly buttons. Think swim brief with maybe a 6-inch side but no leg like a mid cut would have. Even at age 8 or 9 I thought these briefs were way cool and I knew I would really enjoy wearing one. Here I was, well before puberty and I still wanted to wear something like that, something that clearly outlined the shape of my package.
Pro wrestling in those days seemed to attract a female audience, who though not admitting it were attracted to seeing the guys cavorting on the mat in the tight briefs. I suppose there was a male audience—some guys interested in seeing the actual wrestling for the theatrics labeled a sport, but there no doubt was a significant homo-erotic male audience as well, maybe what could be called a gay-curious component.
The idea of wearing just a brief as a professional wrestler continued for decades, but what did change is that the industry started to see that the briefs the guys wore was part of the reason there was an audience, and the briefs started getting a lower and lower rise and seemed to keep fitting snugger and snugger, all the better for attracting an audience.
By the 1980s things had gotten really snug and while not yet quite bodybuilder posing trunks, the sides had gone to 3 inches then maybe 2 inches. This did not seem to hurt either ticket sales or TV audiences, in fact, quite the opposite—so you had all these big, muscular guys cavorting on a mat in front of a big live and TV audience in a minimal brief, with each wrestler wearing a different color.
There is a Netflix series “The Toys that made us”. Season 3 episode 4 deals with toys based on professional wrestling figures. Toy dolls were big sellers for girls, but dolls of either sex did not sell well for boys, with very limited exceptions. Girls liked dolls but boys wanted “action figures” to play with. Action figures based on military themes have been around for a long time, culminating with GI Joe who was actually a male doll in military garb but marketed to boys as an action figure not as a doll. And the toy companies were always looking for other ideas to create action figures on other themes that would be in effect a way to make dolls that would appeal to boys. One idea? Professional wrestling action figures.
And all of this happened just when the wrestling briefs had gotten quite skimpy, and so the action figures had to be made similarly, the poseable figure unclothed save the tiny brief in the color whatever the wrestler was wearing. You soon had a bunch of different wresting action figures in blister packs wearing only a snug-fitting brief in a bright color. And boys were buying these as action figures not male dolls and simultaneously learning that it was more than OK to be wearing a snug-fitting colored brief—this in a period of time when a colored brief for swimming had become popular even for young males who were not on a swim team. Mere coincidence? Maybe not! At that point in time the idea that somehow only gay guys would be caught wearing a swim brief had not yet surfaced to any degree.
It was later, and then only gradually that some wrestlers adopted more elaborate costumes that typically covered more but more individualized designs still with lightweight compression gear. Some of these were a variation based on a college-style wrestling singlet. Other wrestlers wore tights that extended to the ankles, and the poseable action figures were made to mimic whatever the popular wrestler of the day was wearing in the ring.
Still, nearly all of the early wrestling action figures were clad only in a tight-fitting brief in a bright color and boys were buying this and playing with their action figures thus clad. This was not considered homoerotic in any way, just boys engaging in action-figure play with wrestling being popular way to engage two of the action figures.
If you have a Netflix subscription, the episode to watch is season 3 episode 4 that traces the development of these early, brief-garbed wrestling action figures aimed at a young male audience. This was really popular in the late 1980s extending into the 1990s—less so today.
10-20-2021, 12:24 PM
How I remember watching "professional" wrestling. Never cared for the theatrics, or the violence, but the costumes always kept me watching.
11-12-2021, 01:46 PM
On Feeling Good in the Morning
It’s funny how male sexuality works. I can go for days—sometimes longer--without ever thinking about my body down there. Then on one morning, as today, it suddenly hits me. I start thinking about my penis and my penis complains that it is unhappy for my lack of attention. It wants my attention and lets me know that in no uncertain terms. My brain acts like it is being forced to deal with this and it must somehow cope with the situation. “I want to be touched and fondled” screams my penis. My brain responds “OK I will deal with that!”
What happens next for guys depends on a lot of things. If a guy has a female sexual partner, the guy is hoping that she is either feeling the same way and the two of them can get off together. If the guy has a male sexual partner, he hopes that the partner is interested in the situation as well, and not off in some phase of having other non-sexual things he is worrying about.
But what if the guy is single and living alone? Like me? What to do? I guess most guys who wake up feeling horny but alone deal with it in the conventional way—deal with it by quickly masturbating to ejaculation, then simply clean up and forget about the whole thing until he gets the “urge” to do it again. Heck, that’s the way probably the vast majority of teens and other young single males cope day by day.
Me, of course, I am different, and the methods I employed as a young person no longer seem satisfactory. I am not after an experience that lasts only 2 or 3 minutes total. I want to “bask” in my sexual feelings for hours, if possible. In short, I’m into long and slow mode not let me get this over quickly mode. There are a huge number of ways a guy can enjoy himself alone, and if you have read along with me you will realize that I want to explore as many of them as possible.
Why is it, whenever I wake up feeling horny like this I get a desperate urge to pull on something really snug and tight. This morning what I wanted to be in was a way undersized pair of tighty-whiteys that just barely fit around my waist. Why am I so fond of these, anyway? Mainly because they allow me to position my penis forward and up even if it it only a little bit hard. In my condition the underside of my penis feels sooo good even with the most gentle of touches, and for me exploring this is one of the great treats of being a male. So I get into my little white briefs and start playing with myself, focusing on the underside.
What would make this feel even better? Why an old-school strap with a pouch, of course! I have a decision to make. Cup or not? The problem with wearing a cup this morning is that if I crawl into the cup, my ability to mess around by touching the underside of my penis will be blocked. So the obvious choice is an old school pouch—no cup. What makes this jock good is that I can continue to point my penis forward and up—Generally the cups for a guy into a down position with the underside buried. But the jock without the pouch is perfect layered over the tight brief. I love the sensations I am getting why playing around with the pouch over the brief.
What next? I’m in the brief and the jock and feeling great. But I have some really nice-and-snug running tights as well. It is cool today. Pull those on over. Three layers now. Undersized brief, strap and tights. How does my penis feel about all of this? The underside still feels great as I gently touch and rub myself still focusing primarily on the underside. Today is slow and somewhat boring. But I have found a way to make my day, well, quite enjoyable, and the method did not involve getting off in a hurry or deal the the complexities of involving a sexual partner.
All in all a great day! Every guy is different. This scheme may not work for you, or you may have different choices. But this is a scheme that works very well for me and the sensations I am getting from my penis is a continuing but gentle reminder. This is great!
Have a great day!
12-22-2021, 01:18 PM
As 2021 draws to a close
First, I want to wish all my readers the best for the holiday season and into 2022. My fondest wish is that for each of my readers is to be able to find a path so that they are able to do things to, by and for themselves regardless of the specific situation they find themselves in.
This has been an incredible journey for me. I am now well into my 70s, and dare I admit that the things I enjoyed as a young teenager remain important and enjoyable to me now, and my enthusiasm for this particular part of life has not diminished. I can only hope that my readers find a path that works as well for them as this has worked for me. I could offer some specific suggestions on what to do based on my personal experiences but I have done that for you hundreds of times already.
I’m sure all of you know where I am going with this. Part of life is simply kicking back and having fun. And some of you may think that the only way you can have fun is to be with others (or perhaps Another), which is fine. But if for whatever reason that is not where life takes you, there is absolutely no reason to feel down or unhappy.
The human body is an amazing thing, capable on its own of taking you a whole series of strange and wonderful places. Tapping into all of this is just endlessly fascinating.
I am always awestruck by how wonderful the male penis is—but particularly the underside of the male penis. Even flaccid, feeling really great is just a light touch away—but especially if you have found the spot here to touch. One way of celebrating the holiday season is to simply kick back and explore all of this.
I know a lot of you like to mess around like this wearing a snug swim brief but that is just one option. Nothing quite like an upward-pointing penis with the underside pressed tightly against the slick snug cloth of the swim brief. Just a light touch to the underside positioned like this will send you to a wonderful place of celebration.
But, as as all of you know, I am also really fond of jock straps, running tights, and perhaps a oddly to you, really tight-fitting tighty whiteys. And today is a great day to experiment and fondle myself. First the tighty whiteys—penis still positioned forward and up, of course. Then the Duke strap. And on top of that, my Tesla running tights.
I have been wearing the same pair of running tights from Tesla for a long time, and, not surprisingly they are now wearing thin in spots. But what is interesting is that they seem to fit every bit as snug and tight as they did when I first took them out of the package over a year ago. I have been comparing the fit with pairs that have been worn only a few times and the fit remains the same.
All of this feels really great. The past few weeks I have been having some issues with a sore lower back, and have been off my usual rowing and exercising program for the past 3 weeks or so. But my situation has really improved over the past few days and I am back to my full rowing and biking schedule—but today wearing my favorite gym wear. I Feel great today and I am celebrating the day by getting myself back into my favorite gym wear.
This Afternoon
This afternoon I had another half hour of rowing to do and I wanted to mix it up a bit. I always enjoy wearing a thong when I row, as the thong rear cinches up between my glutes with every stroke. It is a great feeling. So I found a favorite underwear thong and got into it.
The other real treat is to put a strap with a cup over the top. The combination of the thong tugging away in a sensitive place with the cup pressing firmly down on me with every stroke is both interesting and great fun. A treat for every guy that is not to be missed.
I am wishing all of you the best and I am only hoping that you too can find a path that you really enjoy!
12-23-2021, 03:46 AM
Great post Debbie enjoy your stories! Best wishes to everyone for a Merry Christmas and a Happy! Healthy 2022!!
I’ve got festive red briefs trunks patterns and a red solar speedo for rest of the month! Hoping Santa will bring some new jock straps. Cheers guys!
12-23-2021, 03:47 AM
Sebbie! not Debbie !
12-28-2021, 11:55 PM
Thanks for writing, Sebbie and Happy New Year!
01-10-2022, 06:13 PM
Having fun by (with and for) myself version 48 (or is it 49)
There are countless ways for a guy to do things by, for, with and to himself. The only thing that is needed is a bit of free time and privacy, though the ideas could easily become part of a shared experience with another (similarly inclined) male.
Sometimes I think that maybe I have tried everything that there is to try, and have done everything to myself that there is to do, but then for some obscure reason I end up trying only a slight variation on an old chain of ideas and end up saying to myself “Wow, is that ever fun”.
As my regular readers already are well aware, I am a great fan of precumming and male precum. I am such a fan of doing this that it almost eclipses the experience of a full-ejaculation orgasm. Not that I do not enjoy a full-scale orgasm. I do! The repetitive uncontrolled muscle contractions are extraordinarily enjoyable, the best that life offers a guy. It is just when engaging in this alone, a guy usually ends up with a perhaps messy cleanup operation afterwards.
Precumming is much simpler in a variety of ways, but the big advantage to going into precum mode is that a guy can stay in that state not only for many minutes, but hours and even many hours. There is no urgency or even any requirement that things proceed onward to a full-scale orgasm. The latter can, of course happen too, but the technique of “edging” is all about maintaining a high state of arousal (oozing clear drops of precum) perhaps indefinitely. Not that this will not become tougher and tougher to do as the period becomes more extended, especially if a guy hasn’t ejaculated in many days, but part of the fun of edging is seeing just how long a guy can stay aroused without going into a full orgasmic ejaculation. Some guys are better than others at this and edging for long periods of time as in hours and hours is in fact a learned technique.
So far as a tool for learning the nuances of edging (as in precumming with no immediate urge to ejaculate), what better invention has ever been than an underwear thong designed for males? A lot of guys are apprehensive about wearing a thong as daily underwear, in part, I suspect that they worry that this could immediately result in a lot of drops of precum, not an issue perhaps if you are relaxing at home after work, but what about in a work (or school) situation? And guys worry that it might not only be precum that is creating wet drops on the thong pouch. What happens if the guy suddenly thinks about what is going on “down there” and the precumming evolves quickly into a full-blown erection? Home alone this is nothing to be concerned about, but at mid-day and at school or work? So guys who would like to try wearing a thong as daily underwear should first experiment in private to see exactly how their body will “react” to the situation at hand. (This is not unlike taking a swim brief home to “try on” as an experiment before weaing one at a team swim event.) If you can sleep overnight wearing the thong, that is a good sign that you should be able to control your ejaculation urges during the day as well.
So what am I doing today? For starters, crawling into a thong is always fun as the pouch wants to push my balls and penis upward and forward, tugging on the cord wedged between my glutes. The mere THOUGHT of this happening may send a guy into precum mode. Even if you only get a little hard getting yourself in and positioned, the overall effect is magnified. Once the apprehensive level calms down It feels great! (This is not unlike wearing a swim brief the first few times.)
I am always readying myself for my daily exercise. Why not a pair of snug-fitting running tights over the thong? A good choice for sure. The tighter the fit, the better. Part of this involves the discovery that a guy’s entire lower body is active with regard to sexual sensations. The thong is gripping but in only certain places. The running tights make all the lower body sensations more intense.
But there is more. How about a jock strap WITH a cup OVER the running tights? Super crazy, huh? The strap and cup is trying to do the opposite of what the thong is trying to do—as in press the penis and balls down and back. The conflict between what the thong is trying to do and the cupped strap is trying to do sets a guy up for a really enjoyable time. The penis senses the presence of the cup bearing down on it, and starts to grow, pressing harder and harder against the walls of the cup. It feels confined in a way, but also “likes” being in the situation it is in with limits on the room to expand.
I debated some today on what to wear OVER the running tights to hold the strap firmly in place against my penis, and came up with the idea of a pair of football pants I have. These bear down on the cup and keep it from moving around. Of course, my penis is saying it would “like” to get out from under the constant pressure of the cup bearing down, so occasionally I reach down to give it some momentary “breathing room.” My penis responds by growing just a touch given the momentary newfound “freedom, but then the cup presses down again. I end up feeling hornier than ever, and the precumming does not stop at all…in fact it is accumulating.
Next up, crawling on my stationary rowing machine for a 30 minute row while wearing all of this.
Edging is fun, way fun….
02-07-2022, 03:39 PM
Understanding the fun of just being a guy
I realize that a lot of guys reading this think that wearing a swim brief aka Speedo ® sends them off into a place where they very much like to be. All of this is wired into how every guy is constructed in terms of enjoying sensations that turn him on sexually. Every guy experiences these sensations and feelings, often triggered by confronting certain situations that end up being a sexual turn on. There is this goofy mess of the physical, the psychological and the visual imagery that in matters of sex, all get intermingled in crazy and individualized ways.
A guy might say “ I am feeling horny”. Every other guy who hears this (females too, maybe) is going to know what the guy is trying to convey. What exactly got the guy into this condition (He COULD have said “I am really enjoying myself—at least that is what my body is telling me!” but exactly What is going on that led the guy to being in this “condition” may be obvious or not so obvious. And the other interesting issue is how the guy somehow “knows” that he is feeling horny. I always think that one of the main clues is the sensation of the existence of a drop or two of viscous precum that feels wet on the guy’s underwear at the very tip of the penis is the obvious one, and that the production of these viscous drops is the “clear” (LOL) external “evidence” that the guy is indeed in a horny state.
But what was the triggering mechanism that led to the guy finding himself to be in this condition? Seeing or even just visualizing in one’s imagination a sexy semi-nude female perhaps? That is where things become less clear, so to speak. The exact triggering mechanism for horniness may have nothing to do with the obvious sex or, for that matter, for guys who have a gay side, another person of the same sex. Horniness can happen under very different circumstances—circumstances that may not even involve another person, real or imagined, at all.
For most guys the realization that feeling horny is a fun place to be suddenly occurs at about age 12 and this realization follows a guy right into young adulthood. And while every guy has the same basic body parts, no two guys are going to be dealing with the exact same triggering mechanisms. BUT rather than that being a problem, all guys need to be aware of the fact that there are all sorts of ways to get to the point of feeling horny, that there are so many ways do do this is part of why it is so much fun to just be a guy and explore these in various ways.
Take the 12-year old in a situation where he will be wearing a Speedo ® in a first-time encounter. This situation has equal parts, apprehension, fear and total joy. And the combination drives the guy bonkers. All sorts of questions arise. What will happen? What if I get a hard-on and I am in a public space or even a semi-public place, such as a locker room with other males? Horror of horrors, what if I cannot control my urges and end up ejaculating all over the pouch of the Speedo? All of these thoughts are racing through the guy’s mind, surely moving him into a situation where he does get a firm erection.
But the other guys are doing this, as getting into their Speedos too, and seem to be not bothered by all of this at all. How do they manage to do so? Are they not wired like I am wired?
All these sensations and fears follow guys into adulthood. At some point a guy comes to the realization that sex might be about having intercourse with a partner, but it is a whole lot more. And feeling horny is not a bad thing but a good—even a great--thing, the only issue being that a guy gradually learns to have a degree of control as to when and under what circumstances the horniness presents itself. As an adult the guy can manage this to a large degree—with or without a sexual partner and gay or straight.
I guess a lot of guys are embarrassed to openly admit that merely wearing snug –fitting clothing can be a horny triggering mechanism, because that involves admitting to oneself that sexual feeling are not just about having sex with another person, and no guy wants to openly admit that he engages in snug clothing-inspired “self abuse”. Plain old masturbation as in fondling one’s own penis using the hands and fingers has arisen to being more socially accepted than snug clothing-induced masturbation. While no guy likes to admit to others that he masturbates, better to masturbate like the other must guys do it and not by some scheme that seems to have a tight clothing-fetish component to it.
The problem of course, is that guys like to feel horny, and if the snug clothing accomplishes that—Speedo ® thong, compression gear—shorts, shirt. Running tights--Jock strap--if it works and make a guy feel horny, there is no harm other than the possible psychological embarrassment should someone walk in when you are having fun with yourself in this manner.
The general rule is the snugger the fit of the garment, the faster it will get you into a “feeling horny” mode. So guys who do this regularly are constantly in search of garments that fit ever snugger and tighter—and not just the swim briefs. This applies to a range of garments but in particular the compression running shorts and tights. A guy is always thinking “these feel really good, but I wonder if I could feel even better downsizing one more size.” This applies to when a guy wants to use a swim brief for this purpose as well.
And now for other items. Somehow I had managed to go for about two weeks without having an orgasm. The short days and cold winter weather had made me feel less horny than I do in the summertime, almost forgetting that my penis still was there and wanted my attention. But last night I suddenly got back to a more normal mode. I put on some really snug tights I have along with a thong and a strap with a cup. My body responded in all the right ways and suddenly I was feeling really horny and my penis was loving all the attention from being inside the tight-fitting garments.
But oddly enough all I could think about was how much I wanted to be inside my penis pump that is my little $20 VED device I had bought on Amazon. So I lubed myself up using some Dial shower gel and crawled into the pump. My penis was loving all of the attention, and with each squeeze of the pump bulb it was saying to me “That felt really really good--Can you do that to and for me one more time? Slow, deliberate squeezes that increase the vacuum inside the tube just a little at a time are best, as I watch my penis not only grow but keep slowly turning a ruddier red. The strap, the thong and the tights really got me in the mood but the pump sent me off to another place and time. The most fun a guy can have for $20 other than buying a first Speedo (LOL)! This morning my penis seems really happy. All that blood forced into my penis with my trusty vacuum pump has great health benefits and thus the pump falls into the category of one of those thing no adult guy of any age should be afraid to try and maybe use on a regular basis. The pump and the gel soap were all “just right” last night.
All the best in your quest to feel horny!
09-16-2022, 01:22 PM
Items I have enjoyed
In all my years, I have engaged in a lot of self-pleasuring. However, I have never put together a detailed list of these items. So, here is my basic list.
Swim Briefs Speedo, Tyr, Aqux, SeoBean etc
Swim Jammers from Speedo, Tyr and Others
Swim Thongs Speedo and others
Athletic Supporters from Bike, Duke and others, cupped and without cups
Underwear Thongs from a wide variety of manufacturers including Jockey, Joe Boxer, Verona, Pappi, 2(xist) etc
Tighty Whitey Underwear, way undersized (kids sizes) from Hanes and Fruit of the Loom
Compression Shorts of various lengths and sizes and Tees from Starter, Tesla etc
Compression tights from Tesla, Russell Athletic and others.
Wrestling/Rowing Singlets from asics, Russell and others
Non-clothing items
Faux “Magic Wand” vibrator
estim device using two AAA batteries
vacuum penis pumps of various styles
water-based gel lubricants
gel shower soap.
All of the above items can readily be employed in solo self-pleasuring that goes way beyond what a guy gets from a simple manual jerk-off, and they might also be useful if you have an interested and willing sexual partner interested in mutual pleasure, but especially so for both of you when with a male partner. Every guy should try the Magic Wand, the estim device and the vacuum pump if for no other reason, as an “educational” activity. The real focus here is finding ways to find safe ways to enjoy yourself in the absence of having a partner for sex, as in getting the most pleasure from engaging in masturbation
Living alone, my great “treat” in life has been to be able to regularly use all of this without any fear of being embarrassed by being discovered” and other single guys may not have it so easy in this regard. Still, I have greatly enjoyed my activities over the years and I always get a big kick out of sharing some of these ideas with others. Some of these ideas may not end up making you feel horny, but there are probably several items on this list that you will find that you like a lot specifically as aids to self-pleasuring. I tend to change off and vary my activities day-by-day and week-by-week, but there is always something on the list that feels really good and is worth the effort I make.
I would be happy to answer detailed questions about employing any of these for sexual pleasure either in a private message or here.
10-03-2022, 02:29 PM
Having Fun in a Swim Brief
A properly-fitting swim brief can provide you with a lot of interesting and erotic fun, and, aside from what you are doing being “discovered” by anyone you do not want to know, there is not really a downside. First off, nearly every guy has been known to engage in self-enjoyment, and one way of looking at this is that this is simply another way of doing it, and a way of having sexual pleasure and does not create the various kinds of risky situations to yourself or others that engaging in partner sex in any of its forms might do. If you of the belief that the only real sexual pleasure comes from being with a partner so be it, but be assured that not every guy—straight or gay or something in between—feels the same way.
When you were growing up, you probably did a lot of interesting stuff by yourself, and there is nothing wrong with carrying a lot of what you learned about yourself and your body into adulthood, but especially so if you are now an adult not in a relationship with a partner. Of course, still one of the least-discussed topics for a lot of guys, even in adulthood, is any discussion relating to what they might do to their body while alone. And even for guys who have a partner, there are times when the guy still may find himself alone. Each guy deals with such a situation in a different way—the various ways I will not list in detail here, except to say that what I am about to outline is one way of dealing with a situation whereby a guy still wants to have some sexual pleasure regardless.
One way of “resolving” all of this is to purchase a swim brief. Me, for these purposes, I want to have a swim brief that fits quite snug, Fortunately modern swim briefs made of stretch fabrics, well, stretch a lot. Which means that in general, in choosing one you will want to downsize from what you normally think of as your normal waist size. For example, a guy who thinks his waist size is 32” in US sizes, might downsize to a 30-inch brief, or maybe, if he is really daring, a 28 incher. You will want the fit to be really snug for what you are about to do.
Part of the appeal of a swim brief is that the material is really slick and smooth-feeling, and the mere thought of having such material pressing firmly against a guy’s most sensitive body parts is a turn-on for a lot of guys regardless of whether the guy thinks of himself as straight, gay or something in between. The idea that you might feel aroused just getting into your new swim brief may have “bothered” you as a young person, but now you are an adult and are able to take full advantage of what you once may have feared.
Swim briefs are for much more than just swimming. I recommend a nice snug-fitting one as sleepwear. During the summer months That is all I wear when I am sleeping. In the colder months of fall and winter, I slip on a pair of shorts or sleep pants over the brief, but invariably I still have my swim brief on.
I find the best technique involves getting enough of a hard-on so that I can point my penis upward in the brief. The interesting part about this penis position in a snug-fitting brief is that the extra-sensitive penis underside is always pressing firmly against the slick cloth of the pouch of the brief. Did I mention that a really snug fit always works best and gives the best sensations?
Now is a great time for learning edging technique. In particular, exactly how hard can you get without ejaculating semen into your swim brief. I find that I can get really close to having a true orgasm, then suddenly just before that happens I fall asleep and then wake up at two AM still feeling horny as when I fell asleep, but still not having ejaculated. Were I younger, maybe MUCH younger, I might have awakened in such circumstances in the final stages of a wet dream. Somehow when a guy goes to sleep feeling aroused, a goofy “story line” to a dream often develops that, for me at least, at a very early age, I would wake up on the very edge of ejaculating. On awakening I could no longer keep from ejaculating. Great, goofy fun. Nothing to be ashamed of but you will want to rinse out your swim briefs when you arise the next morning...and some guys to not like the feel of wet semen for the rest of the night.
Once you ejaculate you discover that your “mood” has shifted and you no longer for a time want to have anything to do with the edging techniques you enjoyed so much just before you went into the orgasm. Sure, the orgasm was terrific , but it lasted less than a minute. If you can remain horny while edging in your swim brief, you can learn to go on indefinitely in this neat aroused state. And you swim brief was and is a great accessory in helping you learn exactly how to do this.
Above all, have fun. The right swim brief can be an important tool in improving your mood and overall outlook on life, and getting to do this every night is a great way of being able to see more clearly the idea that just being a guy is great fun, irrespective of who you are as a male.
11-14-2022, 01:51 PM
I have often talked about how I enjoy having my penis in the “up” position inside a snug-fitting swim brief and that doing so makes me feel instantly horny. I associate feeling horny with dripping precum. And the “danger” in getting too carried away doing this is that enough precum will form to leave a wet stain on the brief, right at the tip of the upward-pointing penis. This is way fun, but could be embarrassing, and if this happens to a guy at a pool, he probably dives into the water quickly.
Jock straps are always fun as well, and my fondness for the old-school straps with the flat cups that create a confined space penis have always been favorites of mine. I am no fan of those big banana cups where a guy’s flaccid penis simply bounces around inside open space. They may be useful if a guy simply does not want to think about his penis pressing against the cup sides, but that to me seems to defeat a major purpose of being in a cupped strap—instant horniness.
Traditionally I thought that the only way a guy could wear one of the ond school cupped straps is in the penis down position. But I got to messing around, and that is not exactly true. Generally I like to wear a brief of some sort under the old-school cupped strap and then put the cup on over the strap.
In the old days, many guys wearing cupped straps as required for sport did not like the idea of being completely butt-naked otherwise. Obviously the gear for the sport they were playing would go over the strap. Tighty whiteys (brief cotton underwear) were all the rage back then so a guy would put the strap on over a pair of tighty whiteys.
What you will need is a pair of briefs (I used a pair of undersized tighty whiteys, but a swim brief will work too) that fits snug enough to allow you to position yourself in the vertical position, with the sensitive underside of your penis facing outward. Once you get yourself in that position Then slip your old school strap and cup over. The neat part about this is that the cup will press firmly against that sensitive underside of your penis and your penis will feel quite “constrained” by the sensation. Instant horniness!
The really neat part of this is that you will start to feel that you are dripping right into the top of the cup where the tip of your penis is positioned. You can’t directly touch your penis even though you are feeling aroused but that is part of the fun.
Instead, I pulled on a pair of Tesla running tights over, which secures the cup in place with additional pressure on the underside of my penis from the cup being further confined by the tights. By now I am feeling really good down there. Dripping and horny in combination.
It’s cold here now, and I am wearing sweat gear over everything. Navy blue sweat pants and a snug matching navy blue sweatshirt. Nice and warm for my winter workout. And my body is thoroughly enjoying the predicament I have put it in. Periodically I tap or press on the cup through the sweatpants. I can stay in this situation all day long, and I probably will!
Have fun! I always do.
12-02-2022, 02:27 PM
Understanding Old-School Straps and Cups
What feels great (from an arousal-horniness perspective I mean)? What feels mediocre? More importantly, why does something feel great and something else, maybe not so much?
There are all sorts of ways a guy can pleasure himself, whether alone or with a partner. Most of these methods can be described as involving some sort of motion, i.e. stroking, massaging, vibrating, squeezing or perhaps a combination of these.
For young guys, learning how to engage in highly enjoyable partner-sex starts with finding out the various ways and engaging in solo-sex. A lot of guys, consumed with the idea of finding a sexual partner, see solo-sex as simply a second-rate alternative what a partner is unavailable.
The idea of a guy pleasuring himself with steady, direct but gentle pressure on the walls of the penis may seem tame and perhaps more than a little old-fashioned, considering the other options commonly employed that involve more complicated stroking, massaging and employing tools that perhaps squeeze or vibrate.
A long time ago, it was mandatory for any guy engaging in a sport whereby the gonads could easily be injured (football, baseball, even basketball) to wear a mandatory cup and strap. The Bike Company was the inventor and dominant maker of these straps and cups. According to Wikipedia, the first straps were made for wear by Boston bicycle riders, hence the company name. The athletic supporter got renamed the Jock strap as something athletes (the jocks) would wear. Wikipedia also states that the Jockey Company marketed the first Y-front brief in 1935, claiming that it gave a similar support to a jock strap (hence the Jockey company name). The snug-fitting briefs were an immediate hit with men.
Guys were always wary of the whole idea of being in a jock, in part because the cup put pressure and enclosed the penis in, well, interesting, but (perhaps) arousing ways. Getting your first jock strap (with or without a cup) became something of a male “rite of passage” into adulthood.
The photo illustrates some old-school cups I have in my collection. The straps and cups came in various sizes depending on the size and age of the athlete. But the old school cups were all designed for the penis to be pointed firmly downward and held securely in place. The space for the penis would be smaller for the smaller cups. These cups are all from pouched straps sized Youth Large, a size similar in waist size to a Men’s size small with both for waist sizes 30-32 inches, although the cup is not as big for the Youth Large.
These cups are designed to have the penis in the pointing down position. But notice how narrow they are at the base. They all feature a cramped space on the bottom end barely big enough to contain a completely flaccid penis, with no room whatsoever should the guy (inadvertently, of course) get even a bit of a hard-on. With even a trivial hard-on, the walls of the cup bear down firmly on the guy’s penis. Depending on the guy, this might be either really fun or terrifying. At minimum, the guy is likely to precum when firmly strapped into the cup—perhaps a lot, so long as the sport he is engaged in is not occupying his full attention. Great fun or amazing problem? That is for the guy to decide.
I like to use these cups for “recreation” and while I am exercising, but one guy’s definition of recreation while wearing a cup and strap may be different from another guy’s idea.
These old-school cups were great in keeping a guy’s penis safe and secure but provided less protection to the testicles and scrotum. In the years that followed, the so-called Banana” cup was invented, a cup which was longer and provided more room for the penis to flop around inside the cup, as well providing more direct coverage of the balls. In sport activity, however, these bigger cups mean that a guy’s penis is flopping around inside the roomier cup, not simple held firmly in one place.
That the old-school cups used with the correct pouched strap holds the penis securely in place behind the hard plastic cup this works well for sports where the risk is a blow to the groin area from the front even if the issues guys have with having one’s penis in such a confined space. The old-school cups and straps nowadays can be hard to find, but from a recreational effort they are worth a search. I have accumulated the ones I have over many years, starting in the 1970s.
These cups can also be worn without a strap by simply slipping them inside a tight-fitting pair of compression shorts. Some compression shorts have a sewn-in pouch for holding a cup, and I suspect most college and professional athletes wear compression shorts under their other gear in part to be able to be in a cup. It is also possible—and rather interesting--to position the penis in the up not down position inside the cup. In that option, the underside of the penis gets direct firm pressure from underside of the front of the cup. You might find that you like that sensation as well.
12-17-2022, 05:58 PM
Holiday fun
Somehow, in the holiday season from the days leading up to Christmas through early January, my mind always wonders to having some fun by getting to do some things to, with and by myself. This has been true for countless years, when I was only a young teenager my mind would wander off in that direction as well.
Today I got up and started looking at some of the items I had. One of the items I found was an old cupped jock strap with the now-defunct brand name of Futuro. One of the things that has always fascinated me about the old-school straps—and this one surely falls into that category—was where they were sold. They were obviously not an Internet thing as there were no Internet vendors in those days. Generally they were sold in the mom-and-pop sporting goods stores that catered to young athletes—the same place you would find Speedos in little cardboard boxes—and, oddly enough, in drug stores. This was also before you found them on a wall rack in a Wal Mart or Kmart as well.
I guess the drug stores sold them as they were thought to be something of a medical device by giving protection to a guy’s personal parts. In small-town America, the town probably did not even have a sporting goods store so the coach would send the young athlete to the drug store to obtain the required equipment. Purchasing a strap at a drug store for some guys was only slightly less embarrassing than telling the clerk you needed a box of condoms. Not exactly the same thing but close. This was one of those teen rite-of-passage things, buying your first strap—perhaps not like shaving for the first time, but on that order as well. The guy has some stuff that needs protection, the rite-of-passage body parts stuff.
Most guys perhaps did not think about using a strap and cup as a tool for self pleasuring. They learned that as a (happy) accident, but that information made the whole idea of getting into one, well, more interesting for sure given the straps and cups of the day tended to have a very close fit, with even a flaccid penis rubbing against the walls of the hard cup. The guy hoped that whatever was happening in the sport would tend to take him away from thinking about down there, but probably not every guy was “successful” in that regard. But then the guy probably discovered that in private that wearing a strap was, well, both physically stimulating and psychologically interesting, so more than a few guys probably got off in private in their bedrooms wearing their recently-acquired straps.
I think I acquired my Futuro strap around the turn of the decade, year 2000. The local drug store where I was vacationing around the town I grew up in was on the verge of going out of business, or at least selling what was a collection of Futuro straps. By then I was well into adulthood, but I spotted the cupped strap and I knew I wanted it. I paid for it but I still did not want my family to know why I had purchased such a useless-and-stupid item. I put it in my carry-on travel bag and got it back to my home that way, wondering what I was going to say if the bag checker (pre-TSA) wondered about the item. But it went right through no problem.
In over 20 years the elastic on the leg straps stretched out so the cup no longer fit snug to my groin so one day I shortened them using a scissors to cut them shorter and sewing them back together on my sewing machine. You know me, if there was a way to makle the cup feel snugger by a bit of over-shortening of the straps I was going to do it.
So today I am wearing that wonderful cupped strap with the mods I made. It feels really great down there and I am enjoying myself immensely. Of course I have a favorite thong on underneath that pushes my penis up and forward firmly into the cup, while cinching up between my glutes. Then I pulled on a neat pair of very snug running tights over the strap, cup and thong that hold the cup firmly in place. Then over that a pair of old school white football pants with the “Bike” brand name sold when Russell had purchased Bike and was still using the brand. A long-sleeved compression shirt completes the look. Off to my rowing machine and exercise bike for an hour.
I feel great! Really horny, but I am amply constrained from doing anything to relieve myself. The day will pass quickly. I have discovered my little e-stim device works far better if I am already in the condition I am in with the thong, strap and cup. I follow this all up by crawling into my vacuum penis pump, which also works better with all these other steps first.
For me this is going to be an excellent holiday season while bringing back memories of what I did to myself as a young teenager, but now having the ability to simply kick back and thoroughly enjoy myself for the holidays.
All the best for the season for my readers as well, and I hope that each of you are able to find interesting and novel ways to enjoy yourself as well.
02-17-2023, 07:15 PM
Sleeping in a swim brief
This should come as no surprise—I have always loved the fit and erotic feel of being in a swim brief. That is, a brief made of slick material that was stretchy and confining. I picked up on this at a very young age—I was only 12 or maybe even younger. Never mind that I did not swim or have a pool or nearby lake to swim in—I still loved the “swimwear”.
As a young adult, I bought an indoor spa. The idea behind this was to give myself an “excuse’ for being around the house clad in a swim brief. But then I discovered that a swim brief makes great bedtime wear. No more pajamas or similar. In the summer months with warm outdoor temperatures, an item chosen from my swim brief and thong collection is the ONLY thing I wear to bed, usually a selection from my swim brief collection with the occasional swim thong. In the wintertime I do the same thing, except that I pull on a pair of sleeping pants over the brief and, depending on the temperature, a short- or long-sleeved tee shirt.
I have found that the tension a snug-fitting brief puts on my penis, oddly enough, acts like a natural sleeping pill. I put my penis in the “up” position, semi-erect, and touch myself with my fingertips through the cloth on the underside of my penis. The sensations actually help me fall asleep quickly without going into the muscular contractions of a full orgasm. I realize a lot of guys love to masturbate in bed and reach an orgasm, but then drift off to sleep right after. But for me this works a little differently.
The odd thing about this is that I go sound asleep to about 3 AM. Last night I somehow was thinking about a Sapphire blue Solar Speedo I have. Nice suit but it is not that snug-fitting, waist 34 inches not the 30 or 28 inches I usually wear. Still, I put it on anyway, positioned my penis up as best I could and started touching myself anyway. I was feeling really good down there but before I knew it I was soundly asleep.
When I am aroused I tend to ooze a lot of precum. Normally, guys think of precum as a series of tiny stains and perhaps showing on the outside of a swim brief as a series of tiny damp spots. To the extent that the penis is in the up position and tight fitting, if a guy is precumming there will be only a single damp stain on the brief right at the penis tip stayed.
Think of a volcano over a hot spot as an analogy. The surface under the volcano keeps moving, which is what created the Hawaiian Islands as a series of hot spot volcanoes as the plates moved. Or think of that gigantic volcano on Mars called Olympus Mons. It is huge because the underlying plates did not move to form multiple but much smaller volcanoes.
Then there is the issue related to whether or not a guy continues to precum after he falls asleep. If the penis is pointed up in a snug-fitting brief and the tip does not move, there should be a single large precum stain rather than multiple smaller ones.
I am always fascinated with my discovery that if a guy goes to bed wearing a snug fitting swim brief or thong, he will likely continue to ooze pre-ejaculate while asleep. I find this to be most surprising. At least that is what happens to me.
As I frequently do, I awoke at 3 AM almost exactly. The first thing I need to check is whether or not I am still feeling horny (I am!) but also whether I produced any precum during the sleep (I did and all in one spot). Still, I wake up thinking this size-34 brief was just not snug enough for optimum effect. I pull out another swim brief in my collection, not a Speedo but one with alternating blue and white vertical stripes. Somehow, as erotic briefs go, this one has long been a favorite. A take off the Solar brief and get me into the one with the vertical stripes. The sizing and cut of this brief is made-to-order for the penis up position. Soon I am back in bed still touching my penis through the cloth in this considerably snugger and still more confining suit.
I am loving what is happening to me and I realize I am getting very close to having an orgasm, so close that if I don’t stop, I will get to an involuntary state, so I stop cold just before that happens and quit touching myself. I fall asleep again and wake again at 5:45 AM, still unrelieved and still feeling great down there. Ahhh the fun of a swim brief for sleeping!
I pop out of bed and decide that what I really want to do next is to get into a wrestling singlet. I have several of those, too, all of them snug-fitting and something of a task to get into and out. I pull out the navy blue asics, which is the easiest to get in and out of, but the fit is really tight. I got to thinking about getting into a penis up position in a singlet as I see the in the videos of the guys masturbating in singlets in that position.
In order to get in that position, you need to somehow get your penis in an up position before the singlet goes on. Not the easiest. But given that the singlet is one piece you cannot just reach down inside the waistband and position your penis as there is no waistband. Quite a dilemma. In short to get into that position you need to have a decent hard on before you pull the singlet on.
A super tight singlet still is a lot of fun. I don’t know exactly how to compare the singlet with the swim brief for erotic fun. I like both of them a lot. The issue with the singlet is that it has to come down entirely just to pee. That falls in the category of inconvenient to say the least. Still, I find the supertight fit to be super erotic and every male should have at least one singlet. As nighttime wear, however for a guy my age a one-piece singlet would be rather inconvenient. A two-piece singlet or even a swimming jammer along with a compression tee might prove more practical as daily sleepwear. Still, a really tight one-piece singlet has a lot of appeal.
Finally, I need to mention the idea of combining one of these garments—penis up swim brief or singlet—with a magic wand-style vibrator. The videos often show a guy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, perhaps blindfolded and hands and legs tied to the bed frame. Suddenly the whirring sound of the vibrator can be heard and on some settings the business end of the vibrator can be made to run at varying speeds and even go into a mode of repetitively starting and stopping. Just the sounds from all of that are erotic.
Soon the guy holding the vibrator starts edging it toward the guy tied to the bed, moving it in repetitive motions nearer and nearer to the constrained guy’s private parts. The anticipation oif what is about to happen with the vibrator touching the guy’s private parts can quickly become overwhelming, and the constrained guy could go into an uncontrollable orgasm in 30 seconds or less. Still, the most erotic fun is to see if the guy can somehow tolerate the vibrations without cumming, something that takes both concentration and practice.
All of this is so erotically enjoyable that every guy should own a collection of swim briefs, singlets, jammers, and, of course, a magic wand. And I plan to go to sleep every night always feeling somewhat horny. Nothing better!
04-07-2023, 01:31 PM
On Speedos and Male Sexuality
Understanding human sexuality has certainly gotten a lot more complicated in the past five years. Not that long ago, the only real question facing guys was the determination of being straight or gay. Before that, prior to about 1970, being gay was treated as an affliction—that gay guys had a treatable sickness, of sorts. The whole idea that being gay was just one possibility for a totally normal guy was considered new and novel. Then came the idea that some people were not easily put into one category or another but lived happily somewhere in between—an awareness that being bisexual is simply one variation of normal behavior.
I wrote a book in 2013 on male sexuality, but what I said then is hopelessly obsolete.
I have long been an advocate for the idea that every person is unique, and one’s sexual being is as personal as a fingerprint. And that people should not be put in sexual orientation boxes even if there are three not two of them However, I am having difficulty nowadays with people who think gender-affirming surgery can solve a problem--but particularly the guys who want to have their penises removed so that they can claim that while they were born a man and somehow by removing the offending male organs they can become a woman--which is what they really always wanted to be.
I guess I am just far too happy being exactly who I am and what I am. Besides, as you can tell by my writings, I am just way fond of my penis and like to treat it as my most worthwhile body part. My penis is not only useful, it provides me with a great deal of pleasure, even on the spur of the moment. That observation is worth pondering by every guy born with one.
As most of my readers also know, I am not much if at all interested in the complexities of partner sex. This may seem strange for a guy who is as penis-arousal focused as I seem to be, but hey, I just told you that every guy is unique with regard to their sexual being and just because mine is not the same as yours does not mean that I am miserable sexually and you are happy or vice versa.
Having said that, I get great pleasure out of just feeling horny, and I love to fall asleep at night wearing a snug, slick swim brief. I assume that not all guys out there have these same hangups, and perhaps would consider themselves odd if they did (let alone what their partners might think). How does my interest fit in with relationships and having sex with a partner? I have no clue! Nor do I really care.
Over the years, I have learned a lot of goofy stuff. I have learned that a lot of guys are fixated on having a quick but powerful orgasm, and somehow they believe that the quicker they can get off then clearly the more masculine a male they are. But I am all into this stuff called edging, which says that the real fun of being a guy is to get yourself horny and aroused, and then learn the subtle techniques of being nearly at the point of orgasm but not quite there, and the real talent is in learning how to maintain this dreamy and aroused state for long periods of time, perhaps hours on end. If a guy is really hung up on ejaculating powerfully, talents in edging are vital as there is a general rule that says the longer you edge the more powerful the ending orgasm. So there!
And what better way to hone your edging technique that to purchase a snug=fitting swim brief and then wear it as sleepwear to bed. If you bought the right brief—snug and slick, you might wake up at 3-AM feeling as aroused as all get out and your fingers will desperately want to fondle your penis. Go for it! But remember, you are still not seeking a quick and powerful orgasm. And the swim brief is the key to getting yourself in this marvelous, aroused condition while learning all about edging.
There are only a few male rites of passage that are both scary for a lot of guys but also incredible sexual fun. I would put getting your first swim brief as being right at the top of the list. This is scary for a lot of males because they think that wearing one is going to make them embarrassingly hard at some public venue. But if you are doing this in the privacy of your bedroom and under the covers, why should this be a concern? Your biggest problem is thinking up a reasonable creative argument about why you need to purchase aq swim brief if you are not a competitive swimmer. But given how much sheer fun what I describe is, you will undoubtedly come up with some excuse, however lame. After all, it is only a little piece of clothing.
The other male rite of passage is getting in a situation where a real jock strap is required equipment. I love straps almost as much as I love swim briefs. Not being an athlete, I didn’t get my first strap until I was away in college. But I made up for that as the years went by. And the cups! Ahh the cups! Those make me really horny. Especially the old-school cups with the limited space. I really like those. My penis sends signals that scream to my brain that “where I am is a really great place to be”.
Yesterday I wore a swim brief to as sleepwear and then in the morning I ended up in a thong, strap and cup. Went all day that way and felt horny the entire day. I could also say that a first underwear thong is yet another male rite of passage. But then I would have to add the compression tights and shorts, singlets, and compression tees as well.
From the perspective of a male who is focused on partner sex in a relationship, what I do with, to and by myself might seem really odd or abnormal in the larger world of male sexuality. But not nearly as crazy as most of the stuff out there being debated and discussed with a lot of anger. Wearing a swim brief or a strap does not somehow change my sexual orientation whatever it might be or anything else about me. The problems other guys face apparently being unhappy as a male are no concern of mine. I am happy just being who I am, and if describing in detail what I enjoy doing to and with myself helps other guys like me who are not in a sexual relationship with a partner, all the better!
04-25-2023, 02:41 PM
Modern 21st Century Thonging
No garment containing Lycra (Spandex) lasts forever. Over the years I have purchased a large number of swimwear and underwear made of a stretchy fabric, and with elastic in various places, not only in waistbands but around leg openings, and almost invariably the elastic stretches then hardens and the fabrics lose their stretch. The garments typically are not only swim briefs and brief underwear, but also men’s thongs designed to be worn as swimwear or as underwear thongs.
As I keep making purchases many of the older items ended up in the back of the drawers I use for storage. It had gotten to the point where the old stretched out stuff was taking up far too much space to the point where there was no room for the newer stuff in good condition. I had also been noting that I was running out of serviceable thong underwear—the ones I like are skimpy but with lots of stretch and I was wanting to shop online for some new ones.
That led me to the idea that I needed to discard some of the old stuff that was no longer serving any useful :-) purpose, garments that had given me a lot of enjoyment over the years even though they were now well past their prime in terms of making me look and feel good. I made some tough decisions here, but decisions that needed to take place.
I have greatly enjoyed watching the Christopher Oceans videos, where young adult males are confronted with the prospect of for the first time wearing a swim brief, or for the even more daring, a swim thong. Watching these got me thinking a lot about my own situation and how I got to where I am today.
For example, why do I have such a fondness for wearing tighty whiteys? A lot of guys nowadays seem to think that white cotton briefs are something only old guys wear. In my case, when I was a young teen, it seemed that is the only kind of underwear that my peer male friends wore were cotton briefs. There were no loose-fitting boxer shorts worn as underwear. For some reason as yet unknown to me, my mom decided that I needed to wear underwear with longer leg openings than a brief—think white cotton underwear with a two-inch inseam, we would call them nowadays a short boxer brief. And, since we were living in a rural area, mom discovered that the only place they could be purchased was mail order. The local stores carried boys’ cotton underwear but the only style was a true cotton brief—so she ordered these mail order from Sears or Wards over and over. I was away at college before I dared buy my first package of true cotton briefs. Somehow this all got mixed together with what made me feel good down there as I was growing up. And I got this crazy idea that the other boys my age with their tight cotton briefs must be enjoying themselves a lot more than I was. The whole idea of wearing a brief and self-pleasuring got hopelessly intertwined for me. I soon was wearing cotton briefs as my favorite daily underwear. That started when I was in college and continues to this day. I still think of a pair of tighty whiteys to be far more erotic than a pair of boxer briefs.
A similar story applies to swimwear, but I will leave that for another day. Generally, the idea of a snug-fitting garment being used as a way to get more out of self-pleasing activities is extremely important to me, and this has been true for nearly my entire life.
So what about thong underwear? I encountered my first thong underwear I am thinking in 1988 and was immediately drawn to the idea that if basic briefs were useful, a thong might ramp up the whole experience by several notches over what I was getting from my passion for tighty whiteys and swim briefs. The first thongs I purchased were two pair sold under the HOM brand name, that, oddly, I found at an off-price clothing store—a TJ Maxx I think. The HOM thongs were very skimpy. In fact the back was simply a round elastic cord only about an eighth inch in diameter. The pouch was tiny too but made of a very stretchy fabric. And the sides were very narrow.
I was immediately hooked on wearing them. I loved the fit and feel of the snug pouch, of that narrow rubbery cord wedged between my glutes, and I discovered a new-to-me erotic hot spot behind my balls called the perineum. The correct thong puts upward tension on the perineum, roughly where the cord back connects to the pouch. The shorter the cord, the better, All of this going on at once was really fun, and I wore these as daily underwear under my skinny jeans. I had found thong heaven!
Next, I found that Jockey had entered the men’s thong market as well, under the Elance sub-brand. I first thought that the Jockey version could not be as much fun, as the back was a flat band of elastic about a quarter-inch wide. But I bought a few pair anyway. I soon discovered that the Jockey design pushed even more of my buttons down there than the HOM thongs did. I got hooked on sleeping in a Jockey thong and I liked to play games with myself by sleeping in one and seeing whether I would continue to drip all night long (I could and did!). You talk about an A Number one way of engaging in nighttime “self-abuse” this was it!
But then Jockey suddenly quit making these. As far as I was concerned, there was nothing quite like the design. I am not sure what happened except to say that Jockey still made a men’s thong, but for sheer nighttime erotic pleasure it was nothing like the original. Apparently, they were trying to design something that is better suited to daytime underwear uses not as erotic nightwear.
I ended up with purchases on Amazon, under two brands. These are relatively inexpensive as underwear pricing goes.
In the 20 or more years since then I have looked high-and-low in an effort to find a brand of thong that works as well as the old Jockey Elance brand did back then. I have found a few that I rated as quite good. But I have been in search of that old Jockey experience that I enjoyed so many times playing solo at night. I realize a lot of guys get antsy if they think a thong is going to be too snug and tight, but dealing with that fear is part of the fun especially if you are keen on playing with yourself at night. (Of course there are guys who claim that what I enjoy is reprehensible and that they would never do this, but they are all lying.)
So, onward and upward. In the process of cleaning out some of my old stretched-out swim briefs and thongs, I decided I needed to make some thong purchases in an effort to see exactly what is available and how they fit and whether there are any press my erotic buttons in the same way the Elance thongs did. Fortunately, I still have a few Elance Thongs in good enough shape to be able to make the comparisons.
In my search I ended up with two brands on Amazon. One is called Arjen Kroos at
I bought a pack of 6, size Medium for $28 which makes the cost per thong about $4.67
The interesting thing about these thongs is that they are all tagged “Brave Person” which is a far better-known brand. I will have more to say about choosing a size in the next post.
I decided to also order another brand listed as IKINGSKY. The pack I ordered was size Small and included 9 not 6 thongs for $26, so these were less than $3 each. But these are also skimpier despite that they appear similar in the on-line photos.
All for now! To be continued….
04-25-2023, 07:48 PM
Modern 21st Century Thonging Part 2
There are three different situations under which men wear thong underwear. First, for some men, thong underwear is simply another style of underwear and is used as daily wear instead of other larger styles such as a brief or boxer shorts. Men’s underwear for daily use comes in all sorts of styles, from near knee-length loose-fitting boxers, through an array of briefs from full-cut to bikini style, to thongs and even some straps designed to be worn in daily wear like any of the other styles. What each guy chooses is very personal.
Second, thongs are becoming increasingly popular for recreational wear, typically chosen as the undergarment used as a base layer for workout wear such as tights and compression shorts where freedom of movement is critical while keeping everything in place. I suppose male dancers would be a good activity, but more generally this idea applies to any sort of gym-based workout, and I have long been an advocate for wearing a thong under compression shorts while engaging in physical activity such as stationary rowing and bike-riding.
The third example are men who wear thongs is for “recreational” wear with the word recreational in quotes. This refers to the wide variety of places where a guy might want to wear a thong while pleasuring himself, but also, increasingly while being with a sexual partner. Not that long ago, a lot of guys were really secretive about any interest in self-pleasuring once they had found a sexual partner. This was particularly true for male-female situations and was an offshoot of the idea that once in a male-female relationship, the female would get very angry if she somehow accidentally learned that the guy was still engaging in self-pleasuring.
An interesting thing to do is to read reviews of various men’s thong underwear brands written by the guys who purchased them. I used to never see any reference indicating the guy had a female partner, but in my recent reads there are many reviews that say things like “my wife really likes how I look in these!” or “These turn me on and make me hard, and my wife thinks that is great”. Another review suggested that a female should consider buying her guy some thongs as a gift and encourage him to wear them! This is something of a new way of looking at all of this, or if couples had done this before, they were too embarrassed to openly admit that. For males, is this thing simply another type of men’s underwear or an inexpensive sex toy? What happens if a woman gets aroused just seeing her guy wearing one? All sorts of interesting possibilities here!
An important matter is that of thong sizing. This is a throwback to the old days when guys had their first experiences participating in a sport where the players were required to wear an athletic supporter, fondly known as a jock strap. They faced a problem in determining the proper size, and not wanting to be seen as less than amply endowed, every guy, from smallest to biggest, said “large”.
Something interesting to note: Generally, penis sizes and waist sizes are all but uncorrelated for males past puberty. Once puberty is over there will be skinny guys with waist sizes under 30 inches but with huge erect penises, and big heavy guys with comparatively small penises. What a guy is endowed with so far as the erect (and even flaccid) penis size is almost totally unrelated to the waist size.
I read these reviews which say I ordered an XL because I needed the space in the pouch and it fits a little loose. The manufacturers know that the thong is going to be judged partly on the basis of whether or not the pouch can accommodate a guy’s penis and balls so all of the sizes from SM to XXL get approximately the same size (though maybe not an exactly identical) pouch.
Another issue is the width of the sides. The Arjen Kroos Thong has much wider sides than the Ikingsky thong—the former about ¾ to maybe a full inch and the latter more like 1/4 quarter of an inch.
One interesting spot on the male anatomy is the triangular shaped area that lies at the very top of the butt cleavage. On low-rise swim briefs, if the rise in the back is low enough, this spot can be exposed. Indeed, the Asian males and in particular the Japanese seem to delight in exposing this area, and a lot of the swim briefs coming out of Japan and other parts of east Asia are cut to do exactly that. Americans might see a cut like this that exposes any of the butt cleavage triangle as semi-nudity, but the Asians generally do not see this that way at all.
What does this have to do with thongs? Every thong has a triangular piece of cloth that is more- or-less there to hide the triangle at the top of the butt cleavage. Though the butt cheeks are there and the cleavage is obvious, this anatomical triangle is covered. The slang term for this part of the thong is “whale tail” as it is shaped like a whale tail. On thongs designed to be worn as an outdoor swim garment, the whale tail is often quite large, and wide enough to cover maybe the upper third of the butt cleavage as well. For thongs designed for recreational and “recreational” wear, the whale tail is typically much smaller and the width of the butt strap is much narrower as well, resulting in more minimal coverage of the butt.
The Arjen Kroos thong features not only wider sides but also a much larger whale tail, and the thong back is substantially wider than the back than the Ikingsky thong. In fact, the Arjen Kroos thong MIGHT be suitable to wear as a swimming garment at a public pool or beach. But this thong is unlined and I need to determine how transparent the fabric is when wet, so more tests are needed before I can recommend this. Still, the general design of the Arjen Kroos thong is not far from several of the thongs I see sold as swimwear (at much higher prices) in the Christopher Ocean videos.
Generally, however, I am coming to the conclusion that the Arjen Kroos thong is a great choice as a daily wear thong and as an alternative to brief or bikini-brief underwear. It will likely work well as an undergarment worn beneath compression shorts or tights at the gym. It would not be my top choice for nighttime “recreational” wear, however.
In contrast, the Ikingsky thong is an excellent garment for nigh time “recreational” wear of the kinds I enjoy doing so much. It is not a perfect replica of the old Jockey Elance thong but comes very close. For nigh-time wear I still prefer a really snug pouch and this one seems a bit too loose on me even in size Small. But keep in mind that, even in my prime, I was not a big guy at about 6 inches maximum so this might not be an issue for a lot of my readers.
I am happy to have purchased both brands as I will have ample uses for both. The Arjen Kroos thong should be great on my stationary rower. How snug you want that rear to cut between your glutes is a matter of personal preference. Some guys may not be as fond of a really snug fit there as I am. In the case of both thongs, I would order my normal waist size, and not size up thinking that somehow that will get a bigger pouch. You end up with a thong too loose a fit around the waist if you do that.
I will likely have more to say in future posts.
04-26-2023, 03:57 PM
Modern Thonging in the 21st Century Part 3
Of all of the earth’s animals, human beings are part of only a small list of animals easily capable of self-pleasuring. Generally, animals that walk on four legs either cannot masturbate at all, or can do so only with great difficulty. Animals that walk on two legs with the other appendages as arms and hands generally have significant advantage, The key members of this lists are human beings along with other non-human primates that walk on two feet and have arms and hands.
This observation is most interesting. I grew up on a farm with all sorts of farm animals and I got to watch their daily activities in great detail. My general observation is that for most, if not the vast majority of animals big and small, the key concern is about how sexual feelings can be used to ensure the short- and long-term continuation of the species. Four-legged animals usually have only limited breeding periods in which the female is receptive to the male. And each pf these periods may last only a few days in which the female accepts the male, and the male is able to have a sexual experience. For farm animals, having sex is so intertwined with procreation and continuation of the species as to be inseparable. No wonder male farm animals are invariably so mean and unruly when the females are in heat. For a farm animal, male or female, experiencing a sexual encounter occurs only for a short time during the year.
But of course, humans are different. Males and females can breed anytime they want to, and women do not have heat periods like farm animals. But perhaps even more importantly, both males and females can simply stimulate themselves to feel horny, and this could lead to a full-blown orgasm for either. In short, self-stimulation, or partner stimulation without penis-in- vagina sex is commonplace for humans, except of course, anything called masturbation aka solo sex is by definition unhealthy, abnormal and if it occurs at all should be done in secret and very privately ROFL.
Lots of discussion about sex education in schools nowadays and exactly what topics are permissible in school (if any) versus what parents should be teaching kids themselves. A basic problem with all of this is that parents typically use as guidelines exactly what and how much they learned from their parents, and a lot of this certainly does not include the topics of real concern to the kids. Generally, girls get some information from their parents when they get their first period, and the boys around the time of first ejaculation, but the information is often limited to items directly related to cautions about getting sexually involved with a girl or boy at a too-young age.
Generally, nothing is said about issues such as feeling horny and the urge to masturbate, nor on the whole range of fascinating topics related to items that might make a guy feel horny unrelated to having sex with a female such as what do I do if I get a hard-on when I put on a swim brief or jock strap, or is it OK to masturbate when I am lying in bed at night? Young teens invariably playing with their own bodies and experiencing being sexually turned on must keep this all very secret and surely not tell anyone, parents, siblings or classmates. Discussion of these very private topics in a school classroom creates all sorts of ongoing issues. The students are going to engage in these activities because they are fun, not because of what their parents or teachers might have said or not said. Pity the poor teen who has discovered that he likes to masturbate while wearing a swim brief or strap. Does he somehow have a mental illness problem? Is he gay? Or has he simply discovered a really enjoyable activity, the only downside being the embarrassment of being discovered while engaging in it. One key to successful male masturbation is to hide your tracks, so to speak!
Of course, the American Psychological Association itself gradually modernized its thinking, not only on issues such as “Is a gay guy mentally ill?” but also on other topics such as “Is penis-in vagina sex the only real path to sexual enjoyment?” For a long time, the books all said that self- pleasuring might not be physically harmful, but it was only a second-rate alternative to the real thing, and the idea that self-pleasuring was in assorted ways inferior to sex with a partner is still out there.
Some of my readers are wondering what in the world does all of this have to do with thonging anyway? Of course, I have long been an advocate of the idea that especially for guys who do not have a sexual partner for whatever reason, there are activities that still can provide a great deal of sexual pleasure two of them being wearing a thong as sleepwear at night, or as a garment under workout gear such as compression short. For a guy in this situation might worry that wearing such an item in those situations might make them feel horny, but that is the whole point. Furthermore, there is nothing at all wrong or even a little bit abnormal if a teen wants to engage is similar activities—it is all about learning about your own body feels good and what needs to happen to bring on those sensations.
In reading reviews written by purchasers of men’s thongs currently, I sense a great deal more openness related to the entire subject that in the past and the reviews are becoming more explicit about exactly what the guy is doing. I see phrases like “this thong pouch makes me feel real good when I am hard”, and “my wife loves seeing me wearing this (and she gets aroused even as I do) plus comments that can only be interpreted to mean that the guy uses the garment for self-pleasuring. Maybe some of the secrecy surrounding self pleasuring as being either an abnormal or inferior form of arousal is finally being broken down.
Me, I am off next to the home gym to do some rowing and stationary bike riding while wearing my compression tights over a (you guessed it!) thong!
04-28-2023, 04:02 PM
Check out the reviews on the IKingsky thong at this Web address
04-29-2023, 06:45 PM
Modern Thonging in the 21st Century Part 4
As my readers all surely know, I have had a great deal of pure physical enjoyment while wearing thong underwear. What I have learned in the process of getting horny in a thong is information that other guys—specifically some of my readers here—might benefit from what I have learned, and nothing more interesting that taking a guy who is a thonging newbie up to the next level by introducing him to some of these ideas.
As you all also know, I have been buying thongs on Amazon, in part because I want to determine if the readily-available designs are as much fun to wear as some of the older designs were. Maybe the new designs are even better in comparison.
I also sense that there are many guys out there who at some level think that wearing a thong might be erotic fun in a way—physically, psychologically or both. Then I read thong reviews where guys are saying that their wives like seeing them wearing a thong. Translated, I think they are suggesting that their wives also get turned on seeing them (perhaps in an aroused state) wearing a skimpy thong. For guys who somehow thought a thong was a garment only a gay guy would wear, this is quite a revelation. But this is just another version of the old belief that only gay guys and competitive swimmers should ever wear snug-fitting swim briefs, and neither case makes any logical sense. If wearing a thong results in a guy getting horny and hard, that is a good thing not a bad thing. There are, of course, instances where a guy would be embarrassed if he were hard in public, but these instances can be managed. Besides, what guy doesn’t ultimately enjoy being horny and hard?
I put together a review for Amazon of the Arjen Kroos aka Brave Person thongs I purchased, and decided to direct the review to a newbie who at some level was fascinated with the idea of wearing a thong, but also apprehensive about some things. It turns out that these particular thongs are a very good choice for guys who are new to thonging, somewhat apprehensive, but still able to move forward. Before I could write the review, I needed to do a series of tests using an actual thong.
I wrote the PG-rated version of the review for Amazon, but I will share the parts that might deserve an R rating with my readers here.
The first question a newbie might have is whether or not the pouch is big enough to contain my penis and balls. (In an Amazon thong review by another author, he referred to these parts as his “sofa and pair of end tables!”)
Thus, a basic question for a newbie is whether his penis and balls will fit comfortably in the available pouch space. Some thong pouches are comparatively flat but others are set up to create a quite obvious bulge. If a guy wants to be seen in public wearing a thong, the “safer” choice is the thong with the flatter pouch. The pouch on the Brave Person thong is fairly flat with a single partial seam. Flaccid, everything fits fine for me with plenty of fabric.
But (gasp!) What if the guy gets a full erection or even a nice semi? Will the sofa come out to bare all? An interesting question is how I was going to check this out. Vacuum penis pump and penis ring to the rescue! I installed the pump with a silicone ring at the base, and t proceeded to pump myself to what I knew was my maximum length, (about six inches) then slipped the ring from the pump base to the base of my penis which helped me say hard.
Then, of course, slip on the thong while fully erect and see if I had any difficulty getting my critical body parts in placed fully inside the pouch cloth. A convenient time also to evaluate how slick and smooth the cloth used to make the thong feels, a stretch Lycra/poly mix. Great! I am enjoying myself already! If this test gives other ideas on what to try in testing thongs, feel free to do so. This is all for science, of course.
Next up, the back. I sense that many newbies are fine with the front view of a thong but get concerned when turning to the back. The back of any thong connects to the waistband at the top, and the lower part of the pouch at the bottom. At the top, the connection is a triangular piece of fabric called the whale tail as it is shaped like the tail of a whale. A thong can have a large whale tail providing substantial coverage of the upper third of the butt cleavage, or a smaller one, providing less coverage. These Brave Person thongs have a big whale tail providing significant upper-butt coverage. Below the whale tail, what shows depends on the length and width of the back.
The Brave Person thong has a fairly wide and fairly long back, with the width being about ¾ inch. Some thongs have just a short narrow band of elastic as a back, which means that the only way the thong can be worn is with the back cinched within not over the butt crack, making the guy look nude in the rear, at least for the lower two-thirds of the back.
However, the Brave Person thong has a back wide and long enough so that when in position, it fully covers the entire cleavage. This should calm fears that the thong is simply revealing body parts that should not be showing. Interestingly, if a guy wants to show his lower butt cleavage, the back of these can simply be folded in half, lengthwise. Then, the lower back below the whale tail will descend beneath and disappear. This gives a guy options.
To further illustrate some possibilities, this thong could be used as a support garment worn under a swim brief, square cut or even a larger swimsuit. The trick would be to wear the thong under a bigger swimsuit, then remove the top layer just before diving into the water. Reverse the process coming out of the water.
In upper rear coverage, thongs look a lot like the swimwear thongs the Christopher Ocean videos show, as nearly all of them also feature a large whale tail as well, so the question becomes “can these thongs be worn in public as if they were swimwear not underwear?”
Perhaps an unlined underwear thong becomes nearly transparent when wet, making it risky to try this in public. More tests on a medium blue one in the tub. Once wet, does the thong become see through? The answer is, “No, at least not for the darker colors.” I have lighter colors, but I have yet to run this test on them.
Since hese thongs, being underwear, are unlined, does that mean that when wet they show too many male bumps in the groin area? But even lined swim briefs are not bump-free. I am confident that these thongs in that regard are little if any different from the thongs sold as swimwear.
There are the gym and shower issues. A lot of guys are getting increasingly wary about appearing completely naked in, say, an open gym shower. I envision a key use of these thongs is as undergarments worn under a favorite pair of gym shorts. Showering normally requires removal of the shorts, but the thong can stay in place.
Laundering the thong is easy, as you can do that while you are showering using shower gel and then air drying the thong. From the perspective of maintaining these, I would not recommend tossing them into the washer and dryer, but simply launder them in the shower or even in the lavatory (sink), using a shower gel for soap, and hanging the thong up to dry, as if it were an expensive swim brief.
I recommend sizing down this particular thong—if you normally wear a MED, size down to SM. The pouch size is similar, and the waistband tends to run big. A shorter waistband will tend to keep everything in its place better but especially if you want to use the thong as swimwear. If you are new to wearing a thong, spend some nights sleeping in one as a method to familiarize yourself and to get more comfortable with the sensations from wearing one.
05-13-2023, 03:03 PM
Speedos, Jockeys, Men and their Bodies
These topics are interrelated. When I was a small child in the early 1950s, practically every guy my age wore cotton briefs but guys wearing brief-style swimwear was uncommon. I read some of the history of the company that became the Speedo that we know as Swim brief as well as the history of the company that invented the Y-Fly brief for men. What I uncovered is quite interesting.
The company that became Speedo started out as a knitting mill in Australia that specialized in making what we would now call full body swimsuits of a knit material for both men and women. Women obviously wore suits that covered their upper body, but so did men. Still, the snug-fitting knitted materials the company made conformed to the body with the idea of reducing drag.
The Cooper company which later became Jockey, made and sold its first Y-front Brief in 1935 at Marshall Fields in Chicago. The Y-front contained a hidden fly. But prior to that, men’s underwear was much larger and bulkier, perhaps a one-piece suit not that unlike what male swimmers of the time were wearing. The name Jockey was chosen because the new underwear design provided support like a jockstrap. The success of the Jockey brief was so great that the Cooper Company was soon renamed the Jockey Company.
I have been making an effort to determine exactly when the nylon Speedo swim brief first appeared. The date I keep coming back to is the 1956 Olympics held in Melbourne Australia, where the winning Australian swim team wore the Speedo nylon swim briefs for the very first time in a very high profile setting. The great success of the swimmers on that team got everyone thinking did those skimpy nylon suits have anything to do with their performance. And, of course the suits they were wearing were very different from those worn by men’s teams in past Olympic and other high-profile men’s swimming events. Soon, nearly every competitive swimmer was appearing for the event in a Speedo.
By 1956, a lot more companies were making cotton briefs for guys than Jockey. Nearly every men’s underwear manufacturer was making men’s cotton briefs for the mass market, and these were selling well. Boys paid attention to what their dads were wearing, and a wide variety of manufacturers had similar designs in boys' sizes, By the mid 1950s, the cotton brief was by far the most common underwear design for men and boys. Interestingly, Speedo became a distributor for Jockey brand underwear in Australia.
I am trying to remember the exact year my cousin visited from the west coast and showed up at the lake wearing a blue swim brief. He had been taking swimming lessons at his school, and, for some places, participating in swimming required wearing a swim brief. I am thinking that this would have likely been 1957 or perhaps 1958. He clearly loved the blue swim brief, and refused to take it off when he got out of the water. Indeed, when he put his jeans back on, he wore the brief as if it were a pair of colorful underwear. He even slept in it. I knew at the time he was on to something, but unfortunately, I did not have a swim brief nor any excuse to get one.
In reading the history of the Jockey company, I discovered that Jockey introduced the No-fly “Skantz” brief in 1958. These briefs not only lacked a fly, they were modeled after a woman’s bikini bottom—skimpy sides and minimal but stretchy (Lycra infused) fabric. Speedos as worn by the male swim team at the 1956 Melbourne Olympics has opened the door to the idea that a guy could be seen in a skimpier brief made of something other than white cotton and still be considered a real male. But they also tapped into what my cousin had discovered that many swim briefs also make excellent daily underwear.
The bikini-style briefs turned out to be a hit for Jockey—a design marketed as a type of underwear but based on the idea that the fabrics used in a swim brief could be made into underwear. Guys loved the fit and feel of the skimpy and body-conforming new briefs.
05-28-2023, 03:18 PM
Choosing a Bright Blue Speedo (And other fun stuff to do with your body)
No better way to introduce yourself to the fun of enjoying your body than with a bright blue Speedo. The suit might not even be that skimpy (one with 2 1/2-3-inch sides will do nicely) but you should make certain that it fits snug on your body, and that means that you should downsize the waist one or two sizes. If you are a 32”, go with a 30”, or if you are a 30”, a 28” will do fine. You will want the size you pick to be snug enough to fit only in the penis-up position. With a correctly sized suit, if you are not already aroused and somewhat erect, you will be shortly.
This is essential for learning about the extra-sensitive penis underside, and that happens when the underside is pressed firmly (LOL) against the pouch of the suit. This is really enjoyable in an erotic way and is also the part that scares the first- timers to Speedos. But the only way to cope with this is to do it and the instructions I have given you are perfect.
The nice erection you will get doing this is just a first step in a series of other adventures you and your penis will appreciate, once you get the hang of it. I am going to walk you through the things I like to do. This is also an advanced course in edging techniques, specifically aimed at finding out whether you can delay going into full orgasm mode when confronted with a series of situations that are novel. If this first part with the blue Speedo is working properly, you should be dripping precum but not to the point where you are unable to keep from ejaculating. Some drops of precum staining the Speedo in tiny wet spots is excellent.
The is really advanced edging technique to see exactly how aroused you can get without ejaculating. The next step is to remove your Speedo and lube up your penis and balls with some of what is called a water-based “personal” lubricant. This makes a fine lubricant for plain ordinary manual masturbation. At this point you should be sustaining your erection but not in an uncontrollable state of needing to ejaculate right now. This takes practice to learn exactly what you can and can’t do to remain in this state as the next step will be harder.
This is the state you need to apply the estim device—You are already hard from the effects of the Speedo, lube and the manual stimulation. The estim device has two electrically conducive silicone rings, rings that you place one at the base of your penis and the other around the glans area. The estim provides a series of low-voltage electrical pulses that feel similar to how a vibrator would feel at the lowest levels but something more interesting as the control increases a bit.
The idea again is to see how much of this you can cope with without again breaking out into an uncontrollable orgasm, and it takes practice to learn exactly where this point is. Your penis will be sending your brain strong signals that it really likes the situation, but not too much or the fun is over. When you get to the point where you think you are on the verge of not being able to cope without ejaculating, then stop just before that happens, as greater challenges await.
Catch your breath and calm yourself down because the next thing is going to be even more fun and more challenging. Your penis, a penis that has been through so much already without relief, is going to soon be inside a manually operated penis pump—One of those sold both as a device for treating ED and as a sex toy—two devices in one. Penis pumps are a lot more fun and work better if you are already in a quite aroused situation when you put one on your penis. The combination of the Speedo, the lube and the estim device certainly got your mind and body in the proper place for next applying a penis pump. Penis pumps have a device for manually controlling the amount of vacuum you penis will sustain, and your penis enters through a flexible sheath with a hole in it that appears too small to fit your penis given your “condition” but is not. It is also traditional to snap a penis ring over the sheath then slip the penis ring down on to the base of the penis once you have pumped yourself to your fullest size. As you pump, you get to watch as your penis not only lengthens but increases in girth. I use a start-stop method. Give the pump a couple pumps, then stop and see exactly what happened to your penis, which will quickly be looking not only redder, but longer, and feel still harder. Guys have been known to get so psychologically and physically aroused by all of this that they ejaculate into the tube without touching the penis, but this is part of the edging technique. Keep doing this until you become convinced that this is the biggest and hardest you can be. Then snap the penis ring from the sheath to your penis base and remove the pump. You should be left with a really great looking and feeling penis.
But there is more. Penis rings are fun. Every guy should own a collection readily available from eBay and other online places. These come in various types and styles. Penis rings need to be suitable sized. I like to wear a larger size to fit at the base of my penis. The one I use is made of a quite thick blue or black material. Another common version is a clear gel-like material with a series of “beads” around the ring. Last night I put the blue one on the pump sheath and popped that off at the end of the pumping. Then I added two more of the clear beaded rings, a medium-sized one at mid-penis, and the smallest one at the tip over the glans.
So, I now still have my expanded penis feeling really good from the series of
“treatments” it has received plus the snug rings. I need some more lube if I am going to really get on with this. This time, shower gel as I am drawing a tub of water to follow this all up. Plus, more old school masturbation fun leading up to the warm water, but still avoiding getting to the point where I must immediately ejaculate. My erect penis feels really great with the gel and the rings, and I am enjoying my penis immensely.
I take the warm bath, get out and decide it's time to remove the penis rings and crawl into bed still in the edging mode. But still more stimulation of a remarkable penis. This time, my chosen sleepwear is a Thong—not just any old thing but one oof those I told you about that I purchased on Amazon. Things are fun for several reasons. First the slick material in the pouch feels great on an aroused penis. Second, the narrow back cutting between the glutes is a real treat, and third, under the right circumstances I can count on the base of the thong putting upward pressure on the perineum, that arousal hot spot just back of the balls, which has been ignored with the other techniques used earlier.
I crawl into the tiny thong, and quickly fall asleep. At 4AM however I awaken and start playing with my pouch-enclosed penis. The world looks different at 4AM than it did earlier, and I get a real urge to have a full-blown orgasm. Which is what happens at 4:10 AM!
Was all of this fun to do? For sure! Do I really want to try this all over again? I really do! Will I do all this again? I cannot wait! The “predicaments” I put myself into were at the heart of the fun I had. This is great! Really great!
07-18-2023, 01:56 PM
Dealing with your “Demons”: The Human Male from Puberty to Adulthood”
Guys frequently reach puberty at age 12, which means that by age 12 guys not only can get aroused and erect but also can have a real orgasm complete with semen. While teen males can and do date females, this varies a lot depending on the age of the guys and other factors as well. Schools generally host proms involving a date for juniors and seniors, not freshmen and sophomores, which means that dating involving but one other person is much more of a 16-and-up thing and not for younger but still sexually mature guys.
Younger guys may go to parties and other events aimed at many students male and female, but one-on-one dating at a younger age is generally very limited if at all. Still, the guy is sexually mature, and the juices are flowing. This means that sexual self-pleasuring will likely become an important part of the teen male’s daily life.
Some basic facts are this:
Partner sex with another person—straight, gay or something else—involves risks of various sorts—getting an underage female pregnant is the most obvious concern, but guys having sex with a partner he has not married this can easily cause big problems for older guys too (see Hunter Biden). For any kind of body-fluid-exchanging sexual activity there are sexually transmitted diseases to be concerned about. Worse, a guy having sex with a female at a younger age could end up in an expensive lawsuit with the same-but-now-older woman who accuses him of sexual harassment a decade or more later. The bottom line on this is that guys of all ages need to be very concerned about engaging in sex with any person on a casual basis, for fear what might come back to haunt him at a later point in time (See Donald Trump).
In contrast, solo sex, aka solo male masturbation, is free of all of these issues. There are different issues here. First, a guy never wants to be seen in a public or semi-public setting engaging in masturbation. Soon after puberty, most guys work on finding ways to do it in private, as in at night, under the bed covers. They long to be in a setting whereby in the daytime they are alone, or if not that, in the shower, any scheme that ensures that the activity will not be seen by others, such as a peer or another family member.
Discussion of masturbation is brought down by the false belief that masturbation is a simply a “childish” thing to do, and a greatly inferior thing to do relative to partner sex in adulthood and in a host of different ways. Once in a serious relationship, guys are supposed to replace whatever they were doing solo with partner sex, and never look back. The problem is that the real world often does not work that way, and in the process of becoming an adult, a guy may have discovered some solo techniques he really enjoys and does not want to discard. This can cause strains in adult relationships, but especially with women who falsely sees herself as the sole source of sexual pleasure for the man.
Teen males would probably like to masturbate at least on a daily basis, but they are often stuck wanting to learn techniques from others who could provide the information. I guess this is the responsibility of parents, but interestingly, many parents are embarrassed to even broach the subject. Parents are not going to give a guy instruction on how to make yourself “feel good” down there. And with all the uproar about schools teaching any content related to sex and sexuality, you can bet that there is not going to be a school class titled “Learning How to Masturbate” being listed any time soon.
The next option might be classmate peer males, but this is the one topic a lot of males simply refuse to discuss even with their closest male friends, part out of sheer embarrassment (maybe your classmate knows even less than you do!) So most guys are simply left on their own in learning to navigate an experience that they really enjoy yet need to keep as secret as possible, while exploring new ideas for getting aroused and having an orgasm. Nearly every guy has to find a way to deal with the dilemma at an early stage in his life.
Had God intended for humans not to masturbate he would not have given humans hands and fingers that can so easily engage in the activity. God is fine with masturbation even if some humans are not fine with it. If masturbation were a bad thing to do. A lot of the videos on the porn sites are not about engaging in sex with a partner, but simply about demonstrating interesting solo masturbation efforts, sometimes not employing anything other than the hands, but sometimes using devices such as hand-held vibrators or other devices. Guys watch other guys doing these things not because they are necessarily interested in gay partner sex, but simply to fill in the blanks with new ideas for specific techniques they might have missed out on learning as a teenager that are both safe and also exactly what other guys are doing that is kept enjoyable. One of the great mysteries about growing up male is kept secret, and, as an adult, this is one way to fill in the blanks.
I got to thinking about the Christian Ocean videos in which guys get to try on a skimpy swim brief or thong for the first time typically as an adult over 18 years of age. The videos set up a situation whereby the guy could easily get a hard-on, and then not even fit into the pouch of the suit, but this never happens. The guys that appear in the video are secure enough so that they avoid that “problem”. Still, these videos are very popular, and a lot of guys watch them simply because a lot of guys are interested in how other guys “cope” with a super snug-fitting swimsuit.
Of course, a basic issue with putting on a swim brief is that once a guy gets it on, he may start inadvertently to “get it on” resulting in what could be a potentially embarrassing situation in an at least somewhat public situation. For the guy this is equal parts terror and sheer enjoyment. Many guys, me included, are fascinated with seeing how other guys cope in such a situation. And the swimwear manufacturers are great at designing swimwear that is relentless in showing off the outline of what is happening. Christian Ocean seems very good at finding just the suits that create that predicament for the guys trying them on, and viewers flock to the channel for that reason.
09-17-2023, 02:13 PM
What I am wearing this Morning
I confess, I can sometimes go for days or even a week or more without thinking about down there in an arousing way. But then, whatever it is “hits me” and I end up focusing on being alive in an arousing sort of way. Usually this occurs after I have completed a project around the house and am no longer focused on the intricacies of what I am doing. I need to be in a relaxed mode, and also not in a situation where my arousal thoughts will get disrupted.
I completed a project early this morning that I thought needed to be done for a long time, and that worked out well. Having accomplished that, and no other immediate task at hand, I start thinking about myself and that I haven’t felt really horny in a while.! I know! I want to put on one of my snuggest-fitting pairs of thong underwear. I know! The aquamarine colored UNICO I had gotten years ago. The one with the really tight fit Size SM.
This is a neat thong for a variety of reasons. It fits really tight. That is nice but it's the cord back that really makes this a good one. You seldom see ones like this sold any more. The cord is simply a heavy piece of elastic but only about 3/16th inches wide. With the thong fitting really tight over my penis and balls, there is absolutely no place for that cord to go except deep between my glutes. It feels great there. I am addicted to the sensations it produces even as I just move around the room. A great experience any guy would enjoy.
On top of that I put on a really snug fitting junior sized pair of Hanes tighty whiteys. When I am working out I like to have a little more butt coverage than just the thong.
On top of that goes a pair of black compression shorts. Not any compression shorts but a really snug-fitting Nike pair. Tensions and interesting sensations are now coming from all sorts of fascinating places. Nike certainly knows how to make a skin tight pair of compression shorts any guy will “enjoy” wearing. This looks and feels great and I have not even started my workout.
This is sending me off to a marvelous place this morning, a place that any guy should be able to find, if he owns the right “equipment”. Too bad some guys avoid buying this equipment out of sheer fear that whatever it is will make them hard at an inopportune time or place. No concern of mine for sure!
09-19-2023, 01:33 PM
What to Wear! Part 1 The Basic Swim Brief
Nearly every guy masturbates irrespective of age, marital status etc. By the time guys turn 18, masturbation is a really big deal and especially so given the risks associated with partner sex at that age. But masturbation is not just limited to singles who lack a partner. It happens even for guys who do have regular sexual partners.
No guy wants to admit to anyone that he masturbates despite this being what could be a daily routine. Guys going off to college very often have male roommates, and if a guy found it difficult to find privacy when living at home, the same issue remains. What about my roommate? He no doubt masturbates too, but how and when? The exact same problem.
I learned at a very early age that the safest place to masturbate was in bed, in the dark, and under the covers, where no one could see what I was doing to myself. The only issue that came up was how to deal withy the ejaculate, and I learned that if I got off by midnight, the sticky goo would be dry by morning. Not perfect, but better than waking up with a big pool of wet ejaculate on the front of whatever I had worn to bed. I was getting my first lessons in edging—deriving sexual please by merely having a big hard-on but keeping from spilling my seed. These edging lessons have proven their worth over my entire life.
Today, however, I want to discuss how a correctly-sized swim brief can prove to be a valuable tool for engaging in masturbation and can also be helpful if you want to engage in nighttime masturbation under the covers. I think many guys’ objections to being seen in a swim brief at a pool or beach relates to the fear that they have that the brief fits so snug that will lead to an immediate hard-on in public. But if you use one as a masturbation garment and as nighttime wear, this fear turns into a feature. The idea of pulling on a swim brief as nighttime wear is an opportunity not a problem, if doing so makes you go immediately into an “I am already feeling way horny” mode.
But what swim brief? Perhaps some guys fantasize on the idea if ejaculating in a genuine Speedo. But ideally, any swim brief will work. You will want to pick something skimpy but not too skimpy. For me, the Sporti (Swimoutlet) brand has long been a fine choice for this purpose. I like the ones with the “Euro” cut that has 1 ½ to 2-inch sides. And for the best fit, I always like to undersize the brief a bit. I have lots of briefs with 30-inch waists, my “normal” size. But I really like the fit of a 28-incher, one size down. You don’t want to go too small—I have a few 26-inchers that I can barely get into, and besides, the rise in the rear for these still smaller briefs may leave your butt-crack partly exposed. But the 28- incher provides a suitably tight fit for what I will be doing to myself.
Lets say you are a male college student with a male roommate in a dorm room or fraternity house. Would you feel comfortable if your roommate saw you crawling into bed clad only in your 28-inch Euro swim brief? Maybe color matters, and you could draw less attention wearing a navy blue or blacl\k one than one in sapphire blue or bright red, but if this part still worries you, I have another option.
Instead, keep a pair of loose-fitting plaid boxer shorts on hand, put the suit on in private in the bathroom, and simply pull on the boxer shorts over. Then crawl into bed wearing both. What happens of course is that under the covers you simply pull down the boxer shorts and go about your business as originally planned. The boxer shorts will be under the covers and will come in handy if things get messy for sure, as they frequently do.
The basic idea is to wear a swim brief that fits snugly enough such that you can put your penis in the “up” position firmly planted in place, with the brief being tight enough so that your penis can only barely move sideways, let alone get entirely out of position. This is male anatomy 101. The UNDERSIDE of the male penis is much more sensitive to simple touch than the top side. This means that all it will take to make you feel really good is nothing more than gentle tapping of the underside of your penis through the slick swim brief to put you on a cloud of pleasure. A good time to work on your edging technique as well, to see exactly how much of this gentle tapping you can “tolerate” without immediately ejaculating. I always like to bring myself up to a point whereby I am close to ejaculating, bit then fall asleep, waking at 2 AM feeling hornier and more than aroused. Drops of precum forming on the front of the brief? That is the sure clue that you are doing this correctly. Over time you can improve your technique while delaying orgasm.
So, what happens if you fall off the wagon and spill your seed into the swim brief? The tight-fitting swim brief should catch most of it. But the boxer shorts come in handy because you can slip them on under the covers and not have to get up and with an obviously cum-stained swim brief. Head to the bathroom and there remove the boxer shorts pull off the swim brief and rinse it out, Now you have a wet swim brief that needs to be air dried.
What if your roommate figures out what you are doing and asks you about it? Does he think this is reprehensible, or is he somehow fascinated by the technique? A year of college lasts nine months and neither you or your roommate are the same person nine months later. Learning takes place at all sorts of levels. What if your roommate decides he wants to try the same thing? After all, he has been struggling with the same “problem”--that is, how to regularly masturbate without being obvious about it.
If you both decide to do this on the same evening, is that gay, and would this somehow become a form of gay sex, despite no physical contact? Or is this just two guys horsing around. Lots of guys (apparently) as teenagers have engaged in mutual masturbation, despite few willing to admit to doing so. Masturbation occurs practically every day for ever male from adolescence on. Yes, even for the married guys! Mutual masturbation with another male does not somehow turn you gay.
09-20-2023, 01:52 PM
What to Wear! Part 2 Thonging Basics
It was about 1989, when I was well into adulthood, when I saw my first underwear thong in a local store. Prior to that, I had gone to Hawaii for a week, and some of the guys on Waikiki Beach were wearing Thong Swimsuits. I was amazed at that. It was OK to show your crack and butt cheeks on a public beach. But I will also admit I was a bit turned on by the whole idea of trying a thong for myself. So when I saw the Hom thong underwear in little boxes and realized how tiny the cord back was, I knew I had to have one (or two, or three).
On getting them home and trying on for the first time, I was immediately turned on. I knew I liked the fit and feel in a thong. The only question is the circumstances under which I would wear one. It was not long, however, before I discovered that a thong was the perfect undergarment for my skinniest pair of faded blue jeans. The jeans were something of a turn-on as well for me, and the combination of the two was a real treat for both the mind and body.
Manufacturers of thongs have a difficult time designing thongs, in part because they are never quite certain how their customers will be using them. Nowadays, some stretch things are advertised online as being either underwear or (for the daring), as swimwear. Generally, these thongs are quite to extremely brief, mainly consisting of a pouch and some narrow bands for the waist and the back.
A related problem is that thong buyers might be sensitive to the whole idea that the pouch of the thong be big enough to provide some room to grow without falling out, and, I guess thongs with larger waist sizes therefore have (maybe only slightly ) larger pouches. This concern seems to assume that guys with bigger waists have bigger penises, both flaccid and erect. But everyone knows that is not necessarily so! Skinny guys can have giant penises whether flaccid or erect, and guys with big waists can have small penises.
In my mind, a properly fitting pouch is one that is just barely big enough to contain your balls and flaccid penis. Too much cloth is sloppy and not as much fun. If the cloth stretches it will (probably) accommodate you anyway, and part of the fun is feel of the slick cloth pressing against the penis walls.
Then there is the perineum—ahh the perineum. Sometimes called the taint, this is a bundle of nerves located between the scrotum and the anus. These nerves are sexually active, in part because they are directly below the prostate, and the prostate has wiring to them. One simple indirect way of stimulating the prostate is to put direct, firm but gentle pressure on these nerves. Seemingly mild at first, the stimulation tends to get more exciting as it continues.
Every thong consists of three parts, a waistband, a pouch, and a narrow band that makes up the rear of the thong and connects the two. Most thongs designed as underwear are made to have the back cinch between the glutes and this hidden from view. A few swim thongs have wider backs designed to cover some or even all of the butt crack rather than disappear within.
The three parts need to be connected. The interesting part is how the thong back gets connected to the base of the pouch. In nearly every thong I have, the two are sewn together using a double or triple stitching. There is a wad of stitches right at that point. The interesting part for me is that this wad of stitching is in exactly the spot it needs to be to stimulate the perineum as it will tend to push upward at that very point. Getting into the thong pushes the penis upward and forward even as the wad of stitching presses upward on the taint. This is, well, fun. The snugger the fit of the thong, the better the feel at that point--as in the more stimulation of the nerve endings of the perineum. Obviously, for best effect a smaller, snugger thong is best. To heck with that notion of getting the larger waist size in an effort to find a bigger pouch. With a smaller pouch you will have more difficulty getting both your penis and balls contained, but the effort you expend doing this is also a key part of the fun.
Assuming you are not brain dead—you will notice something that makes you feel quite horny is going on. The immediate impact is that the Cowpers gland will go into overtime and start producing precum. You will say to yourself “I am feeling quite horny” and the reason is the perineum stimulation from the thong. When worn as nighttime wear, this dripping can occur all night long, and by the time you awaken you should have at least a spot of precum on the pouch the size of a quarter dollar.
Anyway, that is what happens to me. Last night I went to bed wearing a rather big sapphire blue Speedo. Interesting but at midnight I woke up and said to myself I wish I was into something tighter. I removed the Speedo and got into one of my “Brave Person” thongs sold as either underwear or as swimwear, color blue. I started to precum almost immediately. I was thinking about what I was going to write here and drifted in and out of sleep. I did not even get that aroused, physically, but mentally I was in the place I wanted to be, enjoying myself immensely. And by 6 AM I had created a nice quarter dollar-sized glob of glistening precum. Mission accomplished!
OK so suppose you are a male college student in a dorm of frat house with a male roommate, and you want to try what I just described, wearing a thong as sleepwear to bed. You could pull the same stunt I suggested for the swim brief, pulling on a loose-fitting pair of boxer shorts over, and then be in “perineum nirvana” all night long. What if your roommate sees you wearing only the thong and thinks it is weird. My response would be to not knock it until you have tried it. Buy thongs in packs of at least 3, then offer your roommate one to try for himself. He may get hooked as well.
Finding just the right thong to enjoy takes more effort than finding the right swim brief. There are more variations in designs and styles in part because manufacturers want to sell as many as possible but are unsure as to what the guy is going to be doing. Is this nighttime erotic wear, daytime wear as underwear under jeans, or perhaps, for the daring, swimwear? The manufacturer wants to sell in all three markets potentially. But the same thong might not be suited for all three. The thong I would pick for nighttime wear is probably going to be different from what I would chose as daytime wear under jeans. But why not have some of each?
09-21-2023, 02:42 PM
What to Wear! Part 3 Strap and Cup Basics
Many decades ago, when I was a teen male, one of the rites of passage for males who planned on participating in athletic sports was getting your first athletic supporter aka “jock strap”. This often happened around the same time the guy had his first real orgasm, and since the strap came in close contact with sensitive male body parts, the guy was probably at least somewhat apprehensive about this as well. Were the other guys having the same concerns, or were they good with it all?
Back then too, participation in practically any sport required a guy to wear a strap, lest his genitalia be injured even in an inadvertent athletic move. Wearing a strap was part of being an athlete irrespective of how likely a groin injury was. The straps with cups were reserved for sports like baseball, where an errant ball could easily lead to a groin injury, or a contact sport such as football. Basketball too gradually became a contact sport and being cupped and strapped made sense in that sport as well.
The early cups then were almost entirely made to deflect a forward motion to the groin, as in penis protection The so-called banana designs were uncommon at that time, if at all. These cups were interesting in part because they had so little room inside them. They were designed to fit over a small flaccid penis positioned in the “down” position, with virtually no space for a guy to grow. Once in, the guy’s penis could feel the existence of the cup walls as being constantly there, and he knew that if he focused on that, it would make him grow a bit, making matters worse not better. A secret guys kept was how many times they actually ended up having an orgasm while in the cup, and whether or not their teammates were facing the same “problem”. No wonder straps ended up getting laundered frequently and wore out quickly. I have also wondered if the stimulation provided by a snug-fitting strap and cup made players in certain sports such as football more aggressive than they would have been toward the opposing team, given that all of this was going on down there in addition to on the field.
Nowadays there are entire online retailers who are focused on selling straps and cups to adult males who, in retrospect, want to relive these moments of their youth that were apprehensive but also fun. The basic strap from the era consists of a rubberized pouch, some with a place for a cup but others that were supposed to be worn without any “protection” and merely as a supporter. The pouch is sewn to a wide elastic waistband, typically 2 ½ to 3 inches wide, along with elastic leg straps about ¾ inches wide that are sewn to the waistband and to the pouch. There is no thong-like back on the classic designs, but the leg straps cross the glutes diagonally in the rear. So, guys wearing a classic strap are “butt naked”.
The classic cup is a small triangular piece of plastic designed to fit firmly over the penis, but the balls largely remain unshielded. The way the leg straps are attached to the pouch is similar to how a thong is sewn at that point. That is, a wad of sewing at the base of the pouch right at the perineum area, which means the guy wearing the strap is going to quickly become aware of some neat sensations he perhaps has not experienced before. Maybe the guy does not go into a full orgasm, but he will likely be dripping precum inside the pouch once in.
The newer banana cups were designed to protect a guy’s private parts including the balls and are larger and roomier. Except now, instead of the relatively soft stitching there is the feel of the lower tip of a hard plastic cup. I have long had mixed feelings about banana cups. For starters, instead of being firmly in one place, the flaccid penis is free to just flop around inside the cup with every move the guy makes. But the lower tip of the hard cup pressing firmly against the perineum sounds like fun, especially when worn under a really snug pair of compression shorts. Still, I am a bigger fan of the old-school cup styles.
I have not done this in a while, but last night I engaged in one of my more famous techniques—going to bed wearing only a snug-fitting thong with an old school cup and strap over. From the moment I pulled on the strap, I could feel the presence of the cup walls. I could barely move the cup let alone pull it back to relieve some of the pressure, and my penis was firmly inside. Almost immediately, I was dripping into the thong pouch. The interesting thing about this technique is that any attempt on my part to relieve the tension from the cup by moving it around a bit only makes matters worse. In addition, there is not enough stimulation to go into a full-on orgasm inside the cup, but certainly enough to keep me interested and dripping. That is all I need to keep me happy the entire night.
If you want still more, the old school cup can be paired with a magic wand type vibrator, and the vibrator head pressed against the cup. This works so well that you may have an orgasm within a minute or two. Learning to delay orgasm while being hot with a vibrating old school cup would take some effort.
I trust my readers will find these observations and methods useful in their own lives.
10-23-2023, 02:11 PM
On Penis Rings
I confess, on the subject of penis rings, I am a rather late arrival. I had known for a long time that some guys liked to use rings strictly for “recreational” wear, but I was having a great deal of fun wearing other sorts of things for my long-running nightly “recreation”. Swim briefs of course, but anything that fit “snug” down there, Straps, thongs and even especially snug-fitting jeans. And I really fell for compression gear—shirts, shorts and full running tights. I was hooked on all of it!
Then, in early 2014 I lost my prostate to surgery. I was told that I could still have (dry) orgasms, but it was going to be tougher to get and sustain the kinds of erections that I considered normal pre-surgery. That has been basically true for the decade that followed, but I have certainly had fun trying. I ran into other things too, like vacuum pumps and electrical stimulating devices. These latter items are also popular with many guys who have still got intact prostates.
Viewing all of this positively, I have had a very enjoyable time experimenting with various devices designed to make me happy after the unfortunate surgery. I could write a book on the various techniques I have employed, and I have not in any way lost my enthusiasm for enjoying myself.
For me at least, finding and employing a penis ring of just the right size, shape and texture has been a significant part of the fun. I am going to focus on the rubbery silicone rings that intact guys who are having difficulty maintaining an erection commonly employ.
Guys normally do not crawl into a ring unless they are 1. Feeling horny, and 2. Already have at least a partial erection going on. This partial erection could be in part obtained and maintained by plain old masturbation, perhaps supplemented with a lubricant or perhaps a gel soap. The basic idea is to snap the ring on and bring it to the base of the penis—a bit like a similar technique employed to put on a condom—which also must be done while at least semi-erect (and there are some psychologically and physically fun aspects of that as well). Penises are “smart". They love being caressed and played with and exposing them to things a guy has not done before to them, often provides an interesting and worthwhile “response”. Even just thinking about getting into a penis ring for the very first time may be quite enjoyable in an erotic sort of way. I love feeling horny and if just thinking about having a ring on causes this to happen all the better. The important part here is that you kick back and enjoy the situation you are thinking about erotically.
A quick eBay search leads to a selection of all sorts of silicone rings, and just sorting through the option that will hopefully be in your mailbox a few days away can be a turn-on. (Like waiting for a snug-fitting swim brief to arrive in your mailbox a few days from now. And why not wear a ring under that favorite swimwear item!)
The two basic kinds of rings you will find on eBay are typically the clear ones that have slight bumps or round beads all around. These are generally quite stretchy which means that they are easy the put on and remove, but, when placed at the base of the penis, they provide less support or blood flow restriction than the other kind.
The other kind generally are made of thicker silicone, and usually black or blue in color. These stretch but are “stronger” and once in place provide somewhat greater tension (aka blood flow restriction).
All of these come in various sizes--small, medium and large. Matching your own penis to just the right size ring is part of the fun. For guys new to this, I recommend first purchasing a set of the clear beaded ones, and typically a set will include small, medium and large sizes. Get used to putting on and removing the rings after masturbating to at least a partial erection with a lubricant or gel. Determining exactly when it works best to put on the ring relative to your erection size is part of the discovery process. But if you are doing this correctly, the sensations from the ring in place should be quite enjoyable.
As you become more proficient at this you will probably want to explore how the thicker non-beaded (blue ior black) rings fit and feel as well. The sensations from these heavier duty rings are a bit different, more powerful, and, I think, ultimately more enjoyable.
Another possibility is to use one of the heavier non beaded rings at the base of the penis with one of the stretchier beaded rings over the glans.
Of course, if you are using a vacuum pump to assist in getting a firm erection (these are fun even for guys with intact prostates!) you stretch the ring over the top of the pump sheath and then snap it on to the base of your penis.
So, however you got the erection, I assume you now have one with a ring at the base. This is a great time to use a lubricant or gel soap to further help you enjoy the situation you are in. Given that, I need not provide you with any more advice about what to do to yourself. But a hot tub bath is also a great way to get the most out of your condition. If you have a sexual partner, you could also bring your partner in on all of this for a shared erotic experience.
But this is great fun and a great place to be for single, unattached guys as well. I crawl into a hot tub, still horny and erect as all get out, and simply kick back and enjoy all the really pleasant sensations I am experiencing from start to finish.
10-24-2023, 01:30 PM
Tips and Techniques for Enjoying Your Male Body
Today I want to combine and share with you some specific techniques for focusing on enjoying your male body. I am providing these with a specific focus on accomplishing this for single males who do not have a sexual partner. However, many of the techniques I suggest might work their ways in a relationship situation as well, but if you fall into that category, I leave this up to you. I enjoy “teaching others these techniques almost as much as I enjoy experimenting with them myself.
As my readers all know by now, I am big into edging—taking myself to a high arousal level without and sustaining that level for an extended period of time (but delaying orgasm as long as possible). I find it interesting that many of the porn Website videos are of guys doing the same thing or something very similar. Some of the video guys claim to have gone for two weeks or longer without having an orgasm, though they probably have not stayed feeling horny for a solid two weeks. Still, as the younger guys all know, going without having an orgasm becomes progressively more difficult as the wait grows longer.
I just returned from a two-week long trip, and ended up having little free time to focus on my sexual being. I was so distracted that there was no time for me to focus on that. Besides, most of the stuff I enjoy using in my edging activities was not with me—the estim device, the vacuum pump, my lubricants—I was not even carrying my penis rings, though I did have a couple straps, thongs and a swim brief or two—so all was not lost.
Last night I got down to doing some serious playing with myself. Psychologically, I was feeling horny as all get out—all I wanted to think about was getting hard. That is a good place to be after being “deprived” for two weeks.
Interestingly, the first thing I was anxious to do was to put on my little estim device. This is that little $20 eBay gizmo. I have just a basic model, which as two outputs, one for a pair of adjustable silicone rings and another for a modestly sized butt plug. The two outputs can be used together or individually. The two silicone rings go around the base of my penis and over my glans, with adjustable current flow levels and patterns between the two. On occasion I have also used the butt plug, but electrical stimulation there is probably a good deal more fun for guys who still have a prostate.
I discovered something last night I had not realized before, however. The butt plug can be used as a perineum stimulator. If you have been unconvinced that your perineum is sexually active, merely touching this area with an operating butt plug should convince you otherwise. This current actually makes the stimulation from the silicone rings on the penis feel, well, more interesting. Working the two together will cause you to “focus” down there and that will soon be all you will want to think about. Best $20 I ever spent on eBay!
The whole idea is to get really horny doing this until you think you are on the verge of having an orgasm. Coming out of this dual stimulation, I was already “firm” shall I say. This is terrific fun, because next, well…
Its time to suck my penis into the vacuum pump, already rigged with one of those “mean” blue silicone penis rings I was talking about in my previous post. I have discovered something interesting about vacuum pumps—they do not work very well if you are not already psychologically feeling horny (aroused). Better still if you have a nice start to an intense hard-on before you suck yourself in. And after that estim on the perineum in conjunction with the silicone estim rings, I was already feeling (and looking) great down there...this was well worth the two week wait. I got into the pump and quickly sucked myself into an even harder and more aroused state. I was just enjoying my situation immensely at that point. The pump had some lube around the sheath opening which my penis liked very much as well.
I snapped on the blue ring from the pump sheath to the base of my penis and removed the pump. I had not been this hard and aroused in many weeks. Next, I took one of the clear beaded silicone penis rings and snapped it over my glans. Those beads on that clear ring feel really interesting on the glans, and touching yourself leads to all sorts of interesting and pleasant sensations in what is now a “hot button” area. Time for some more lube on the shaft as well—crawling up the walls with sheer delight at this point, but wait….
Time to pull on one of my best swim briefs—a snug one with Blue SEOBEAN letters across the front, and point my beaded, ringed and hard penis upward in the brief. If those beads felt good on the glans before, they feel really good there now in the confines of the swim brief. All of these ideas suddenly come together, and I am horny as all get out but still edging. The swim brief then comes off and I lube my erection with shower gel soap, because I am about to crawl into a warm tub of water still wearing the rings and the erection. How long can I go? I finally did have an orgasm after I got into the tub but that was anticlimactic. The real fun of all of this was the sequence of events leading to the orgasm. Hence all the edging porn videos.
Previously I have discussed using a magic wand style vibrator to stimulate the perineum instead of the electrified butt plug. This works as well. A decent vacuum pump for engaging in this is also a $20 item on eBay. There are gobs of different models for about that on eBay. Message me and I can help you navigate through the choices. I assume that my readers here already have an appropriate swim brief that they are fond of for engaging in the part that involves penis-up in swimwear, with hard-on activity. Many of you regard yourself as already an expert3 in doing that, but have you tried this, blue-and-clear beaded rings on?
11-16-2023, 01:11 PM
It is really snug in here
This morning, I got up thinking how much fun it would be to get horny and stay that way for most of the day, if not the entire day. Somehow, I was longing for the look and feel of a really snug fit down there. How much constant pressure could I “tolerate”.
Of course, I have a large collection of “items” that from my perspective do just that. In my “condition, I always like to start off with a thong. It is the feel of the perineum pressure hitting me constantly that feels so good psychologically plus the tension as the thong back crawls between my glutes, more noticeable when I am up and walking around. These are really great, not to be missed, sensations. For guys who have not yet gotten into this, I highly recommend it.
Next up, a strap of course. The big decision is whether or not to use a hard cup. I found a Riddell strap I had purchased several years ago. This is a classic design, but the cup that came with it is far too big, and my penis just flops around inside it..Not much fun. Of course, I have a much smaller cup, something of a mini-banana cup, which is designed for a youth size supporter. That is a neat design, because it is barely big enough to contain my flaccid penis and even then, I feel constant pressure on both sides. What a fun place to be! Thong pressing me upward and forward and cup pressing downward and on the sides. Constant pressure. Nothing to do but to try to “cope“ with the situation. And the situation at hand is getting me really horny. I’m liking this a lot. I like trying my best to cope.
But once underway. Why stop there? Over all of this comes a pair of my favorite blue camo running tights. When guys get themselves into a situation like this wearing a cup, they like to try and get momentary “relief” from the tension by moving the cup around a bit. But if the strap fits tight that is not so easy. Another tactic is to pull the cup away from your body for momentary “relief”. But that tactic has its down side, because the penis tends to “grow” when it senses it is no longer under the constant pressure from the cup, and then when the cup snaps back, things only get more “difficult”. If you thought you were in trouble before, you are in bigger trouble after the snap back. But difficult means really fun.
And in this “world” trouble is fun. I quickly get into full-scale “edging” mode. Enjoy the tension! Don’t fight it! It is the place where males were designed to be. Make things still more “difficult”. One more item. Why not pull on a really snug fitting pair of compression shorts OVER the running tights. This makes the cup press downward even more. I can use my fingers to press down on the cup through the compression layers too. Every tap sends pangs of ecstasy coursing through my body.
I am climbing the walls with pleasure. Struggling and coping at the same time! Great fun. No place I would rather be. The pressure is steady and unrelenting. I am enjoying this immensely. I am climbing the walls with pleasant sensations.
How long I will continue to wear all of this today is an unanswered question. Will I be able to do my rowing and stationary bike exercises wearing this? I am writing this on my laptop, and my laptop is putting direct downward pressure on the cup. I am feeling horny….way horny….
11-24-2023, 12:45 PM
Swimwear, Underwear, Straps, Thongs, Compression Wear and Skinny Jeans Try Ons
As my readers know, I am fascinated by all of these clothing items. For me, this fondness extends back to my teen years, and even before, when I first discovered how neat it was to wear clothing that fit snug in my groin area. Not long after I discovered that I was on a quest to find anything that I could wear that would make me feel good “down there”, a quest that continues to this day.
Previously I have talked in detail about the Christian Ocean YouTube videos, where generally he talks male acquaintances into trying on a swim brief or swim thong for the very first time and then wearing the garment to a public pool or beach. Everyone who watches these videos is secretly wondering how these “newcomers” are able to do that for the first time without getting a hard on, or worse, as in ejaculating in public. That the guys doing this are able to control themselves says that this is not their first encounters with clothing that fits snugly down there,
Many guys have this “love-hate” relationship with swim briefs and other forms of snug-fitting clothing, because of the dual fondness for the fact that such clothes make them feel horny and maybe indices an erection, but perhaps happening in an embarrassing place as in a public setting. So that is why many guys who are interested but wary like to do their try ons in private.
Currently, YouTube has lots of what I call try on videos, where guys try on a series of each of these items, swimwear, underwear of various types, jock straps, compression wear, and even jeans. YouTube seems to welcome these videos. Of course, YouTube does not allow frontal male nudity, but once covered with cloth, everything seems to be fine,
In the underwear try ons, of course, some brands and styles have pouches, and some do not. That means with respect to the video, the underwear with the pouches are OK with YouTube. And, of course, some guys are naturally bigger down there whenflaccid, which means that even flaccid, they fill out the pouch better. Or could the guy trying on the underwear be a naturally smaller guy and we are seeing a pouch filled out because the specific try on is giving him a decent sized erection? YouTube does not delve into that.
The sequencing of the underwear for the try ons is interesting too. In at least some of the videos there is an order, with the underwear with the most coverage and least snug fit coming first, and then sequentially the underwear gets smaller and tighter. This can be a path from boxer shorts with mid-thigh legs all the way to thong underwear with a g-string back. If I were doing this, I would tend to “grow” as each piece becomes tighter and skimpier than the last, so just getting myself into the thong as the final item would pose a great challenge. Watching another guy “struggle” with this phenomenon is most interesting.
Compression gear is the same deal, pretty much. The least confining item comes first and the stuff with the snuggest, most confining fit the last. And again, some compression gear have pouches and some not.
There seems to be general agreement on the part of posters that anything with cloth that covers the male genitalia is OK with YouTube, but the posters seem to be uncertain about what they can post that might show rear male nudity. Christian Ocean has posted many videos of the rears of males wearing swim thongs, and much of the thong rear consists of a strap that quickly disappears deeply between the butt cheeks. YouTube seems to have no issue with that. Indeed, guys at public beaches and pools showing up in a thong will be exposing half or more of their butt cracks.
The tricky part is the underwear try ons that include as options a strap or an underwear thing. Some of the posters claim that they cannot show the rear of an underwear thong they are trying on because of YouTube restrictions and many of the guys wearing the straps with zero coverage over the butt crack do not show the rear of the strap because YouTube will censor them, though a few go right ahead seemingly without YouTube cutting the video. Apparently what the rules are regarding straps and rear male nudity are still evolving.
The guys trying on skinny jeans are doing much the same thing, starting with the loosest fitting, least confining pair and working down to the most confining, snuggest fitting pair.
These kinds of try on videos generally do not show up on the explicit porn sites such as pornhub. Generally, the pornhub videos are filled with frontal nudity for both sexes. The try on videos would not be considered erotic enough. A video there might show a guy in a swim brief thong or similar underwear masturbating with the clothing item initially on, but then the item is removed and the guy ends up continuing in the nude and perhaps ejaculating onto, not into, the garment. I suppose that YouTube would censor any video showing the guy masturbating while wearing a swimming or underwear brief, even if there is no frontal male nudity. Some of the guys doing the try on YouTube videos use the videos to promote the fact that they also have an only fans site and YouTube video watchers should go there to see the more explicit parts that go beyond what can be shown on YouTube, and YouTube seems fine with this.
But, things have changed even on YouTube, especially with respect to subject matter, and there are lots of gay-themed videos—and some full-length movies that might not have been permitted years ago.
More generally, the rules regarding what the commercial broadcast stations could air or not were quite detailed and restrictive. However, as streaming has become the most common way to watch TV I notice that the ads supporting these services have become, well, blunter and more open. Charmin for some time has used the phrase “enjoy the go” to promote the softness of their bath tissue. The adds involving the cartoon bears needing to do a “number 2” have gotten more and more detailed and explicit. Then we have female passengers discussing what size tampon to use depending on the day in the period. Most recently I have seen an ad for the on line HIMS company asking if I am having difficulty getting and maintaining a hard-on to contact our company because then can help you do just that and thus achieve your goal! Would this ad be allowed on broadcast TV?
What next? Maybe a company engaged in the manufacturing of men’s swim briefs will begin the ad by saying “We know some of you when you try on our briefs for the first few times will tend to get a hard-on and perhaps even ejaculate. Be aware that once you get used to putting on and wearing our briefs, this problem will tend to lessen. We want you to be aware that for many guys this initial ‘reaction’ is perfectly normal, for most guys lessens once you get used to the idea of being in a brief in public and
want to make you aware that this should not deter you from purchasing and happily wearing our swimwear!”
And besides, the arousal is part of the fun!
12-26-2023, 04:13 PM
On tighty whiteys
I grew up in the late 1950s and early 1960s. Looking back, I was 12 years old in 1959, and was a teenager in the 1960s. In the eighth grade, I grew about 5 inches to all but my adult height of 5 foot10 inches, but my body weight stayed the same at 95 lbs. I was a tall but very skinny kid, and other things were happening as well, things that I was only learning about on a daily basis. And, I had suddenly transitioned from being a boy soprano to a really deep bass.
It was not long before I was getting erect under the covers at night, and the wet dreams had started. This was a strange place to be as a young person. On one hand, what was happening scared me whenever a wet dream occurred, but on the other hand, I was feeling really good down there at the same time. The wet dreams concerned me—I thought maybe I had “broken something”. Still, there was something about these early experiences that was really enjoyable as well. It was not long until I learned that I could experience these wonderful but scary sensations when I was awake under the covers, and I looked forward to rubbing myself even though I could no longer claim that the wet dream happened while I was sound asleep. I have long thought it would be fun to relive my 12th year given what I know now about my body, but maybe the fear I had then was part of the fun!
The embarrassing part was ejaculating on my pajama bottoms creating a wet spot, or maybe several wet spots. The problem was that if I ejaculated too close to morning, I would have to get up wearing the obviously stained pajama bottoms, and I thought that was embarrassing. If I planned on having a full orgasm, better to do that shortly after crawling into bed and the ejaculate stains would have all night to dry. There would still be a starchy yellowish stain, but it was not nearly as noticeable on my pajama bottoms and I could get by with that.
After all, from outside appearances I was still plagued with messy wet dreams and doing nothing while awake under the covers to encourage that. Only sometime later I learned to keep a box of tissues handy at night when I got close to getting off uncontrollably.. That way, nearing the point of no return, I could quickly wrap my penis in a tissue and collect most of the ejaculate in the tissue that I could then toss in the waste basket. No one was going to check the tossed tissues as to whether the white stuff was from a congested nose or semen collected in my under-cover jerk-off session! The perfect cover!
During my early teen years, simple cotton tighty whitey briefs were all but universal, worn by nearly all males of nearly every age. Somehow, mom thought these were not quite right, and we lived far out in the country. Mom insisted on catalog ordering a new package of what they called mid-length briefs. They had longer legs than a brief-length brief like the other kids were wearing. These were not mid- thigh like most cotton boxer briefs today, but about a 6-inch side. And the material was a ribbed cotton, no elastane or spandex.. Being as skinny as I was, this meant that the mid-length briefs just sorta hung on me—not the tight brief fit the other guys were always wearing. I longed to wear the same style underwear I saw the other guys wearing, but more generally, this was the period of time when I developed a particular fondness for any type of clothing that fit nice and snug in the groin.
One year around this time the retailer Montgomery Ward came out with their summer sale catalog featuring a few pages of men’s swimwear. And surprisingly, two of the designs were swim briefs. From that moment on I was hooked. Still, I did not dare as mom to order me one of those. I think I got up my nerve to tell my mom I really would like one of those, but she discarded them as silly.
The swimming trunks I wore were short plaid boxer style. But interestingly enough, there was a nylon “support” brief sewn inside of them, and this brief fit very much like a pair of tighty whiteys. This was my secret. Not long after I was looking forward to getting into my swim brief whenever I could, and soon I was not only getting a hard-on while wearing them, but I was ejaculating into the liner. The good part is that the inner liner mostly held the semen and if simply put back in the drawer would stiffen dry. I kept doing this over and over and if I did not wear the suit in the water, the lining just kept getting more stained and stiffer. Eventually, all the semen stains dissolved the nylon and the lining fell apart, but I had great fun in the meantime.
Other guys my age were undergoing a growth spurt too, but they were gaining weight far faster than I did. This meant that last year’s tighty whiteys were too small to wear this year. But that also meant that the tighty whiteys that fit correctly last year would be too tight to be worn this year, even if they were not worn. I am convinced some guys did not see this that way. They actually liked their undersized briefs because such a snug fit felt good down there and they were in discovery mode too. Worn under jeans, the too snug tighty whiteys would be perfectly fine.
Finally, away from home at college, I decided I was more than old enough to purchase the tighty whiteys I had always longed to wear. I was going to move ahead, and I did not care if my mom objected to the underwear style I wore. This is how guys learned about taking their underwear choices a step smaller, tighter, and skimpier in cut.
Back in the early and mid 1960s, the fashion trend was to wear a very snug fitting and tight pair of jeans. These paired perfectly with the undersized tighty whiteys. Of course, one of the “problems” with these jeans is that they left little room to position even a somewhat erect penis. And the tighty whiteys underneath did not help.
A favorite color jean was what was called “sand”. Actually, these jeans were made from denim that had not been died blue but was sand color. Somehow the snuggest fitting jeans seemed to always be the sand ones. They fit so tight guys had trouble pulling them on, but particularly over their calf muscles in the lower leg. This all long predates the denim-Lyra blends now common in skinny jeans.
I was just walking along in my new sand jeans. The only place I could fit my erect penis was in the leg opening. The problem was that with each step I took I kept getting bigger and harder and soon I was at a point of no return. I ejaculated inside the jeans and there was a couple semen spots right on the leg.
Nearly every pair of jeans have a center rear seam that runs between the glutes. Interestingly, the center seam runs exactly where a thong back runs. If the jeans fit tight enough, this seam divides the glutes like a thong back does. A tighty whitey worn underneath would prevent the seam from digging too deep. That would wait until thongs came out in the 1980s. Guys may have gone for wearing underwear thongs because they take the jeans seam thing one step farther.
Many females (and no doubt some gay males) seem to really get enthusiastic seeing a guy’s butt clad in a very tight-fitting pair of jeans. A lot of guys soon figured this out that women like the male butt clad in something really tight, and to this day still often wear really tight-fitting jeans in fart for that reason. A tight butt is essential to attract a mate. According to some surveys a lot of women check out a guy’s butt first and if the butt looks good, other male characteristics follow. The same for women, sort of.
Some sixty years later I still wear tighty whiteys as my daily wear. But I ended up with a large collection of swim brief, thongs, and anything else that I believe will turn me on down there. I have a large collection of very skinny jeans too. I enjoy being a guy every day of the year. What I learned about myself at age 12 and 13 still makes me happy.
04-11-2024, 01:46 PM
It’s tight in there! It’s tight in there!
I could not have been more than five or six years old—maybe even younger. This would have been in the early 1950s, long before Lycra-Spandex became popular. Somehow, I had run into a picture in a magazine showing a guy in a really snug-fitting rubberized suit, and I was immediately overwhelmed with what I saw. From that day on I knew that is where I wanted to be. At that young age I did not realize what was actually going on, but seeing the guy in the really snug fitting rubber suit sent me off somewhere I had never been before.
I think I drove my parents bonkers. I kept repeating over and over the phrase “It’s tight in there! It’s tight in there!” My parents clearly wondered what was the matter with me and why was I doing this. For me, this was the way I was expressing something, but what?
Lots of stuff I was naive about..this was way before puberty and my early orgasms (more about that in another different story).
Everyone who has followed me knows that I have had a long list of turn-ons related to snug-fitting clothing of various sorts, a list that I have been adding to and developing ever since the rubber suit incident as a very young lad. Of course, thinking about being in a garment that fits snug is different from actually being able to wear one. This may seem to be something of a problem especially if you are a young male living with your parents and other family members. Or even as a college student with a male roommate. “But this period of denial that a young person often faces makes the situation even more fun the longer you want to make by yourself.
[This gets into the whole topic about how wanting to have an orgasm or sex with a partner, the longer you can refrain yourself the more fun the orgasm will be when it finally happens. Teen males complain about getting blueballs if their girlfriends refuse to let them have sex with them. But if teen females really want to “help” the male faced with such a situation whereby the female does not want to have penis/vagina sex, what is wrong with the two engaging in mutual masturbation? Besides the guy by that time has learned all sorts of masturbation methods, and better the girl learns firsthand about this important aspect of every guy’s life before they are married than after.]
I am extremely fond of masturbating and edging in particular, frequently involving something that I can wear that fits quite snug in the groin area. I have walked my readers through many different ideas that work well for me. At my age, I am not embarrassed at all by this except that I still write these stories with descriptions of exactly what I like to do under a pen name. Generally, guys are more willing to talk about encounters with a sexual partner than what they enjoy doing solo at night or during the day. I find this curious, at best.
This site is dedicated to issues relating to situations guys get into while wearing a swim brief. I could write a book about my experiences with that. But there are sections here that discuss other garments that are potentially “active” in this regard, not only the Lycra “gym” shorts but also running tights, compression shirts etc not to mention straps and thongs. I like all of it. Different days might lead me in a different direction garment wise.
The link between “wearing a Speedo”, masturbating to orgasm in the pouch of a Speedo, and somehow using this as a clue as to whether a guy is gay or straight has long fascinated me. In recent years, Speedo has been openly marketing Speedos to gay guys with briefs purportedly in openly gay colors LOL with the idea that males wearing such a garment are probably openly gay or maybe the wearing of the special Speedos is merely a statement by a guy who is straight but openly supportive of gays who are trying to fight discrimination in the workplace and elsewhere.
So, I buy a few copies of these purportedly gay-friendly briefs and discover that the fit is really snug and tight! But then I buy another pair not promoted as a gay brief and they fit the same way, destroying the theory that openly gay guys like their swim briefs as totally tight as possible ROFL.
The other issue is Swim Briefs in team swimming. Generally, males in pre-high school swim teams all wear jammers not briefs, snug-fitting but with more coverage than a brief. Rumor has it that a requirement to wear a brief was deterring young male swimmers from taking up the sport along with the old theory that if you are wearing a swim brief in public that somehow makes you gay.
Then on high school teams the male swimmers gradually switch over from jammers to briefs, but the top male swimmers are generally upperclassman who confidently wear briefs at least a competitive swim meets.
Wearing a jock strap (aka athletic supporter) in contact sports presented an analogous dilemma for young males. Some young males may be attracted to the sport in part because they wanted to determine if their body could “tolerate” a strap, while the fear of getting into a full blown erection inside a strap might deter others. Contact sports have largely moved from traditional straps to a compression short that has a pouch to hold the cup, but the old school jock straps continue to have a following for males interested in wearing a strap for “recreational purposes” even if the recreation is done in private.
I really enjoy wearing a Speedo or other branded swim brief as bedtime wear. In the summer months I will sleep in that and nothing else. But in the winter months, I cover the brief with a pair of thermal running tights and a long sleeved tee, warm and snug. I love the swim briefs that fight tight enough so that even my flaccid penis only fits positioned “up” with the underside pressing against the pouch. And the “gay friendly” swim briefs I bought fit really tight, ensuring that my penis will still be in the exact same position at 3 AM as when I got into bed that night.
Then, I just let nature take its course, feeling good but not too distracted and I quickly fall asleep and let nature take its course during the night, When I fall asleep, I am a bit aroused but nowhere near having an orgasm. Invariably. I awaken at 3:30 or 4 AM and my penis having been stuck in that up position is harder and I feel hornier. I start playing with myself, just enjoying the situation I am in.
You should try this as well. It is great, not-to-be-missed fun.
04-29-2024, 03:17 PM
Youtube video
The Web link
04-29-2024, 03:17 PM
Youtube video
The Web link
More Stuff
And, of course
06-16-2024, 02:11 PM
Having Fun By Myself
I have been a long-time advocate for the idea that a guy need not have a sexual partner in order to greatly enjoy his own body, and as I get older, I only believe that more and more. Over the years I have experimented with new to me and interesting techniques for accomplishing this, and I frequently think about the idea that if having a sexual partner is such an irreplaceable part of life, then why do couples split as often as they do. I guess a lot of guys get into sexual relationships because they somehow believe that this is the “normal” thing to do, and that's what the other guys are doing. But like a lot of things in life, perhaps what seems so obvious is not reality.
My real interest is in being “sexually active” in a rewarding way without any of the issues associated with having a partner for sex. If some of what I do might also work in a partnered situation, fine, but my focus is on the ideas in a solo-sex situation.
Over the decades I have learned a lot about when my body is happy or not in any situation I encounter, alone or in the presence of others. I have also developed what I regard as creative ideas for getting the most out of solo sex, in part building on ideas that fascinated me when I was a teenager.
I have often thought about why bar soap is no longer selling in anywhere near the amounts sold 20 or 25 years ago. It has been almost entirely replaced by semi-liquid gel soap. The answer I think is that bar soap does not work as a masturbation lube, whereas the gel soap is a near perfect masturbation lube assuming you will be entering the shower (or even taking a tub bath) shortly. Gel soap is an excellent masturbation lube that can be found in almost every home, and using it as a masturbation lube is simple.
In solo sex, I like to start by taking advantage of this to get myself semi-hard. Then apply a device known as an e-stim. This AAA battery powered current in a variety of pulsing patterns at varying levels via electro conductive silicone rings positioned at the base and glans of my penis. Don’t say that you would not enjoy this unless you have tried it. These devices are available for around $20. I’ve had a lot more than $20 worth of fun out of mine and I am sure you would too.
Between the lube and the electricity, I am now feeling pretty good down there. I have discovered that vacuum penis pumps work far better if I am already feeling good, psychologically and physically, and the gel soap works as an excellent lube with the pump as well. Again, $20 for a decent manual pump. I like the manual ones the best..
One key to using the pump is the sheath, and when I put on the sheath I snap a heavy solid blue penis ring on top. That ring will snap onto my penis at the base after I have pumped myself up with a loud “Snap” sound. This helps to keep my penis hard after the pump comes off. Once the pump is off I like to put another ring on the glans, this one is typically a clear and beaded one. Somehow that feels really great on the glans. I lube my penis up some more with the gel soap, and it communicates to me that it is having a great time. At this point its not just me penis that is having a great time. I love the fit and feel of the rings on my penis.
Once out of the bath, I still have not had an orgasm, and am ready to try some other stuff, maybe in one of my tiny IKINGSKY thongs. This thong has a triangular-shaped piece of cloth at the “Y” in the Y-back. I think these make a neat undergarment for a swim brief, like one of my Seobean briefs. Like some of other swim briefs, when sized properly the Seobean reveals a little butt crack in the rear, what I call a Japanese style fit. The Y back thong back covers the otherwise visible top crack, This becomes my bedtime wear for summer.
I am ready to crawl into bed, but despite everything going on and having been horny to way horny, I have still not had an orgasm. That is where the “Magic Wand” clone vibrator comes in (another $20 item). My penis seems really happy, but longs for something more. The vibrator has all sorts of patterns available. I like the one that goes really fast then slow, and then goes into a nearly full stop mode, kinda a growl. The problem is with all this going on and me as horny as I feel after the rest of this, I go into a full-blown orgasm with only about 30 seconds of vibrator application to my penis covered with the pouch of the IKINGSKY and the Seobean. This is super snug-fit hard-on at its very best. Overall, just a terrific night of solo sex. After this I remove the IKINGSKY and the Seobean and replace it with a Clever Thong I have. The Clever thong feels good too but still I fall asleep super quick. But waking up at 6:30 AM I am still feeling super horny, despite the vibrator-induced. The Clever has a new precum stain on the front pouch.
I am fascinated with solo sex and the ways to get there, but my readers all knew that already! Have Fun!
07-26-2024, 02:28 PM
Old Methods are Still Great fun!
A classic story of mine from maybe 20 years ago was called “Spending a Night in a Cup!”. This story outlined in detail the specifics of how I was having a really enjoyable time wearing a tight-fitting Jockey brand underwear thong under an old school strap and cup as nighttime wear, and spending the entire night in an aroused, “edging” situation, semi-erect and precumming for the entire night, then still feeling horny as all get out when I awakened in the morning.
Although I am older now, my enthusiasm for this form of edging has never abated. But a lot of things have happened to me since I wrote this piece. Thong designs have varied, and finding an old school strap and cup has gotten more and more difficult. Meanwhile, a decade ago, I had to have my prostate removed using what was supposed to be nerve-sparing robotic surgery. The promise was that even if I could no longer ejaculate, I would still be able to get an erection and have an orgasm. But things were not going to ever be quite the same as they were when I wrote my “seminal” paper on edging wearing a thong, strap and cup.
Part of what the doctor told me was true. I could easily bring myself to a dry orgasm (interestingly, still with some precum) but an orgasm without an erection is hardly any fun at all. Still, ever since I was about 12 years old, I had figured out how to do what I call school-boy masturbation, the technique simply involves massaging the penis with the hand to encourage the erection, and, usually, at that age I was just simply enjoying my ability to ejaculate at the conclusion of the stimulation. I am not sure at what age I discovered that a lubricant was helpful in these “hand jobs”, but I was probably already in my late teens, or older. Still, I was to get an erection so quick I did not need no lubricant!
As any of my readers know, I am now 76 years old and have been spending the last decade dealing with issues relating to the prostate surgery. I still love to edge, and being retired now and continuing to live alone, I can devote many hours to what I refer to as “edging experiments”.
Back when I was a teenager, gel soaps for shower and bath were very uncommon, and nearly everyone used bar soap. These soaps have become really popular over the last two decades, and nowadays bar soap is tough to find. I think the public finally concluded that gel soaps made sense largely because they make a great masturbation lubricant—better by far than hand lotion in part because you could soap yourself up with them and do some school boy style masturbation just before entering the shower or bath. Penises generally love to be lubed up this way and reward the guy with all sorts of memorable sensations in the process. No need for an expensive sexual lubricant like Astra Glide at least not if you want to enjoy yourself by engaging yourself and your penis while alone.
Then there are the stimulation aids such as an estim device. These are widely available. Most consist of a small unit that is powered by two AAA batteries and then have a choice of slight electrical shocks in varying patterns. This may sound scary but an estim device can be a lot of fun. There are various “attachments” to these devices but the one I have consists of two adjustable silicone rings, one that fits on the base of the penis and the other at the glans, and the current passes from one ring to the other in varying patterns, and the level of the stimulation (current) is also adjustable.
Let’s say you are not erect currently but interested in getting erect. First, I would start with some plain old school boy masturbation using the gel soap as a lube, lubing up my penis and whatever other parts down there that you want. The goal here is to get yourself into a good semi-erect mode. The gel soap is a good conductor of electricity. Then get into the silicone rings of the estim device, one at the base and the other at the glans. Once the rings are in place, turn on the device at the lowest setting and see how the device feels at the lowest setting, then gradually turn it up to vary the patterns.
You could probably keep doing this until you have an orgasm, but you want to delay that because the next step employs a vacuum style penis pump. If you have never been in one of these, the vacuum pump is a great treat as well. The vacuum pumps have a rubberized sheath at one end. The sheath has a hole in it where your penis fits in. The sheath hole may look too small to fit your semi-erect penis, but it will get sucked in and fit nicely once you squeeze the pump a few times. The gel soap works fine to seal the sheath. For me, the vacuum pump works the best If I am semi-erect from having just used the estim device. Before getting my penis into the pump, I put a blue rubber penis ring around the sheath. This not only helps hold the sheath in place, but at the end of my vacuum pumping session, snaps down on the base of my penis. Once out of the pump, I then add another ring, a clear beaded design to fit at the glans of my penis, fitting snug to the glans. I now have a red penis fully engorged with blood and am feeling way horny having not had an orgasm yet.
Time for a tub bath wearing the engorged penis with the two snug rings. What an enjoyable bath!
The next step is to crawl out of the bath, still horny and still lacking an orgasm, and think about how to spend the night. Hmmm. How about spending the night in a cup? I find a really snug-fitting thong in my dresser drawer, and an old school boy style strap with one of those flat cups that provide minimal space for an erection. I quickly crawl into these items and fall asleep still aroused and precumming. What a great situation to be in!
I have sometimes complained that the Magic Wand style massager works well, but at least for me bring on a near instant dry orgasm. And that is not fun. But, what about touching the vibrator massage unit not to a cloth covered penis but to the school boy strap cup? This technique still gives excellent sensations, but without the uncontrollable urge to go into orgasm mode. I view the Magic Wand as another useful item in my arsenal of arousal aids.
I woke up this morning still feeling really good down there and still feeling horny as all get out. My condition this morning helps me write this story. Being 76 years old and missing a prostate is not the end of the world for me. Getting a little “help” from an estim device and a vacuum pump is good and not a problem for sure.
I hope that you find my story here both interesting and useful in your own quests to get aroused.
09-02-2024, 01:31 PM
On Sizing Straps and Cups
I was watching a Reelz video where the son was complaining to dad that he was desperately in need of a bigger cup! I have been unable to find the video again to link it, but I thought it was interesting and my mind got to wandering on the subject of sizing straps and cups. This is a subject that I have written about many times in the past, but the interesting part is that whenever I run a new “experiment” I invariably come up with something that makes for an interesting observation or two, and these observations might prove not only interesting but also useful for others
If I was going to write accurately this morning on the subject of sizing cups and the straps that hold them, I needed to have some practical experiments to write about. So, what about putting on a suitable strap and cup this morning, so that I could write with greater accuracy about the subject of course, one idea that is most interesting is the observation that many straps and cups are designed to hold some sensitive parts securely, although in recent years many cups have grown in size and shape so a guy's penis just flops around inside rather than being held securely in one place. I have often complained that such designs that merely confine the penis to an open space are not fun to wear at all, or at least not nearly the fun of a flatter and smaller old-school cup that is sized small enough to restrict the penis from moving around inside the cup, and the sensation of the walls of the smaller, flatter cup surrounding the penis is an important part of the “fun” of wearing the cup. But maybe guys are concerned that if the cup fits too snug, this will distract them from the athletic endeavor at hand because the mind suddenly is focused not on the game but on the interesting sensations emanating from down there.
Years ago, I bought what I call an old-school strap and cup at a local drug store. I really liked this one in that the strap was made to not only hold the cup securely but the elastic was strong enough to make certain that the cup pressed snug against my groin, and once on my penis was held in an essentially fixed position with me being very aware of the cup walls. In my mind, this is the perfect cup, the guy in the Reelz video complaining about needing a bigger cup notwithstanding.
Over time, the elastic in the cup leg straps gradually got weaker and weaker, and, as a result, the leg straps kept getting longer and longer which meant that the cup was gradually fitting looser and looser to my groin. One day I decided I could remodel the leg straps by shortening them and resewing them together. I did that and got the leg straps to about the same length as they were originally, but with the leg straps now less elastic, they fit not only with the cup bearing down on my penis and groin more securely than when the strap was new. This modification to the strap is not only interesting but fun.
That brings me to today. Like so many guys did in the 1960s, I wear the strap over an undersized pair of tighty whiteys, pushing my penis forward and slightly upward in the brief before adding the strap with the shortened leg elastic over the top. My mind is already in arousal mode as I think about this situation and what will be happening.
Once the strap is in place I am immediately thinking that I would like to touch my penis with my fingers. But the cup bears down so snugly I cannot do this. Besides, I have just pulled on a really tight pair of Nike Pro compression shorts over everything, so the cup is really secure to my groin and my penis is stuck in one place with the cup bearing down and further held in place with the Nike shorts.
At this point there are two ways of looking at the dilemma I have created. Either this is a really uncomfortable situation or a really fun situation. Or, oddly enough, maybe this situation is actually a goofy combination of both! I can’t touch my penis and do any masturbation, but I am stuck trying to deal with the situation my penis is in, and there is an odd combination of being in an uncomfortable situation along with what I can only describe as pure erotic pleasure. At a basic level, I really like where I am at as I am writing this, and for good reason.
I suspect that most guys faced with a situation like this would almost immediately start to feel horny, and this would be quickly followed by persistent dripping precum from the cowpers. What else can a guy do to deal with such a wicked, nearly unbearable predicament? Still, there is nothing inherently “wrong” with being in such a dilemma, in fact, from my perspective this is terrific fun. I am greatly enjoying my predicament moment-by-moment as I keep getting more and more horny even without a growing erection.
Here I am this morning, writing this, my laptop in my lap, with the weight of the laptop also bearing down on my seriously confining strap and cup. I cannot think of a nicer place to be, and my cowpers is going bonkers in dealing with the situation.
I hope my readers find my story this morning interesting, and are encouraged to try some experiments on their own employing straps and cups. It is truly great fun to be a male!
09-15-2024, 01:48 PM
Coping With Reality: Fear and Longing
Masturbation is commonplace for both males and females. For both sexes, averaged over a life time, masturbation us probably happens several times more often than partner sex, whether the individual is gay or straight. This no number no doubt varies substantially depending on the relationship a guy finds himself in over a lifetime, and those who do not have sexual partners likely masturbate more frequently than guys who have regular sexual partners, but the same may also be true for women.
Guys start to learn about the pleasure and the fear of masturbation at an early age. The fortunate ones learn that masturbation is OK but it should not be done in the presence of others. Learning about masturbation is thus intertwined with the need for privacy. In particular, there are various “rewards” from having uninterrupted time just to be alone and this is going can get intertwined very quickly about the idea that sex is best (the most enjoyable) when done with a sexual partner. That connection between the two is unfortunate.
Real guys do not talk to other guys about a great masturbation session that happened the night before unless perhaps if the other guy himself is gay. But straight males never bring up the subject with their female partners, either. From this viewpoint, a solo masturbation session is so inferior to partner sex that talking about something like that simply does not happen. Many females like to believe that they are and should be the sole source of sexual pleasure for a man, and any talk of this other stuff that might be happening in a guy’s mind and body that is inconsistent with this view and should be avoided. Never mind that given an opportunity, say a business trip away from home, a guy may take advantage of the situation he finds himself in—and not necessarily sex with a female at the trip location, but simply using the privacy as an excuse to get horny and engage in some masturbation in private!
I have had lots of time to think about what all of this has to do with a male who wants to wear a swim brief. The male may not be concerned about wanting to actually wear a swim brief for swimming, but somehow, he has come to the conclusion that a snug-fitting swim brief would be a great item to use in order to masturbate. The basic problem a straight guy in a relationship with a female has with getting and using a swim brief as a masturbation aid is how to do so without the female partner quickly figuring it all out. This has led to men’s underwear manufacturers designing briefs sold as underwear that look and feel very similar to a swim brief, many of which might be fun to masturbate into as well. If this comes up as a topic, the guy in a male female relationship who purchases these can simply claim that this is simply a sexy pair of underwear that can be worn as a prelude to having partner sex.
Still, a real pair of swim briefs has some real advantages over a swim brief-like pair of sold as underwear, in part because the real swim brief tends to be made of heavier-weight material, a distinct advantage for a guy trying to put his penis in a particular spot within the swim brief. Why this is important is because a guy’s penis is not uniform with respect to arousal sensations. The glans area and tip are obviously ultra-sensitive to touch, but also, the underside of the penis is significantly more fun to touch and fondle than the top side, so the trick is to wear a swim brief in a small enough size that when a semi-erect penis is positioned forward and upward inside the brief. That way, in that position, just a gentle touch along the underside will be extremely pleasurable. Combine this with some tapping or touching at the glans area, and the guy is quickly off into masturbation nirvana, just a great place to be.
Of course, in such a setting, the guy will likely start to drip fluid from the Cowpers. What happens is a wet spot soon forms on the brief right at the penis tip. Every guy should be aware that such dripping is not necessarily a prelude to a full-blown ejaculation, and with practice it is possible to drip fluid for hours at a time without ejaculating. This worries some guys, who get fixated on the idea that, if in a public setting everyone is suddenly focused on what amounts to a dime-sized wet spot of precum on the front of the brief. Let me assure you that dripping like this is something a normal, healthy male does when he is even slightly aroused, and if the guy did not want to be aroused then perhaps he should have refrained from wearing a snug-fitting swim brief, but that would be no fun at all.
Personally, I tend to see these precum drips as “proof” that what I am doing to myself is working, and dripping is almost invariably linked with pleasure pang sensations coming from down there. To me, this is way up there on the list of things that make it so much fun to be a male, and I think the wet spots should be viewed as simply part of what it means to be a male.
In conclusion, I have long thought about why it is that so many females seem to be adverse to guys who wear a swim briefs, whether fit or not. The reason that stands out to me is that at some level, many females realize that a guy wearing a snug-fitting swim brief is going to experience some sensations by himself that the female believes she should be responsible. More generally, the entire idea of a guy experiencing any sexual pleasure that is not directly connected to the experience of having male-female partner sex should not be permitted, and if a guy engages in such activities that even inadvertently leads to sexually-exciting sensations poses a threat to the control the female has over the male with respect to permitting or denying copulation. At some levels, this seems silly, but it is an explanation.
10-20-2024, 04:27 PM
A Tight-Fitting Thong, Strap and Swim Brief
All my readers know how fond I am about clothing items that fit snug in the groin, and I am always in search for something that fits and feels a little snugger and tighter in just the right spots.
Being in my 70s, over the years, I have accumulated a large number of items that work for me in this regard. I suspect that many guys manage to build collections of this sort of thing fairly early in life and that my readers are always enthusiastic about learning if other guys secretly do the same thing.
As my readers also know, I love to edge. Edging gets a guy into a state of mind that is extremely pleasant, and often for an extended period of time as in maybe several hours (or even longer). Edging and the article of snug-fitting clothing that helps sustain the edge go hand in hand. Even as a young guy, I frequently enjoyed myself edging ultimately more so than ejaculating. Well. The ejaculation part is intense fun but the real excitement in an orgasm lasts only for a minute or two... I much prefer feeling horny and aroused over a much longer period of time. I can go a month or more without having an orgasm, for that matter, at my age I can go that long without even edging.
Still, I love to edge and when my mind is focused on the task at hand, the intensity of the edge and the sheer enjoyment builds rapidly, and that is what just happened to me. I have two homes, a permanent residence and a vacation home 1,200 miles away. Of course, I have tons of Swim Briefs and Straps. Thongs, Lycra gear and other stuff that I use on a regular basis for the sheer fun of it all at my main res. But at my vacation home, I have collected a few items to play with as well. There is a small dresser drawer I can dig into at my vacation home, and I was at my vacation home for the past three weeks. As I searched to find a few items I could use there, three of them stood out.
1. The Thongs: Several years ago, I had purchased a box of Joe Boxer Thongs, the ones Kmart sold when they were still in business, size SM (of course, who does not like a really tight thong fit?) The particular thong that stood out was a patterned one, gray and black, with an allover pattern of barbed wire. It was essentially brand new and the elastic was in perfect shape, snug and tight. These were much better and snugger fitting than the Target Merano thongs I have here at my main abode. I crawled into the barbed wire thing and almost immediately I was climbing the walls from the sensations I was getting as the thong pressed my penis upward and forward and the back cut smartly between my glutes. What fun!
2. The Strap: This was another of my beloved Duke straps, a simple discount house item with no cup. The elastic was in perfect condition, as the strap had hardly even been worn. And it seemed really small As in smaller than a men’s small. It might have been a Boys large. The pouch is that rough-textured rubberized stuff made famous by strap wearers in the 1960s or even earlier. The leg straps were really snug as I pulled it on over the barbed wire thong. In a word, this felt terrific. My entire body was filled with a crazy pleasure that is tough to describe unless you have actually experienced it yourself. My penis was pointed forward and slightly upward, and just a gentle fingertip touch on the underside of the pouch sent streaks of wonderful pleasure coursing through my entire body. WOW! WOW! WOW!
3 The Swim Brief. The one that somehow landed at my vacation home is made by Tyr. I think the waist size on this one is 26”, well below my normal waist size of 30-32 inches in swim briefs. A 26” inch size is going to be really tight, if I can get into it at all. I have a picture of me clad in this brief that I took several years ago, but somehow it flew with me to my vacation home. I had not been in this brief for probably 7 or 8 years or so. Could I still get into a 26-inch Tyr Brief like I did for the photo I took back then? Turns out, the brief was still in great condition and the fit, once in, a simple black with orange-red sides. It was really super tight. Just how I like my Swim briefs to fit. As my readers know, I have been struggling with my recent Speedo purchases to simply get into a 30-inch Speedo, as the new fabrics seem to have no stretch at all. But once in, the Tyr was really tight, actually really, really tight, but it covered all the places that might need covering. It felt really good, as you might imagine with the tight fit. All in all, a great experience. With the Tyr fit, a swimmer could easily downsize not only one waist size but two waist sizes, and have a very enjoyable time in the process!
Digging around, I also found a rare classic Jockey Elance thong, the one with the really narrow elastic band as a back. Of course I had to try getting into that as well. Jockey quit selling these over a decade ago, but this one remains in very good condition. I never understood why Jockey quit selling thongs branded Elance as simply wearing one would mean a near instant arousal.
In writing this, and thinking about all of this, back at my main residence, I am wearing various Lycra items today, and remembering how much fun this all was on my vacation. Wait a second, just thinking about all of this is making me horny again! I wonder if there are other guys who might want to do something similar.
11-15-2024, 02:43 PM
The case for Tighty Whiteys
I “came of age” (so to speak) in the very late 1950s. But even before that, I knew I had a “thing” for garments that fit really snug in the groin area. This was a period of time when briefs made of ribbed cotton dominated the underwear market for men and boys. Even the idea of a brief made from nylon, was a “girlie” thing, as in a panty for females not a brief. It was not until the 70s until men's briefs as underwear were marketed to any degree that were not made from ribbed cotton.
Indeed, ribbed cotton briefs totally dominated the male underwear market, and by the time I was in college a decade later, living in a men’s dorm, nearly every male still wore ribbed cotton briefs.
There were alternatives, but they were difficult to find, most notably what was sold as a “mid-length brief” which was basically just a ribbed cotton brief with an additional two inches added to the legs. These were tough to find in any local store, but mom always thought I should wear briefs with longer legs (they were warmer for winter, she said) and she ordered them through “the catalog” (Sears or Wards). Of course, the real winter wear was the long john, which you can think of as an undergarment made of the same ribbed cotton but extending to the ankles (a running tight made from ribbed cotton?) and fitting comfortably under jeans or dress pants in the wintertime.
Me? I still longed to be able to wear real triangular-shaped briefs not the mid-length versions. Swimming suits for guys at the time were typically plaid boxers, but nearly ever boxer suit featured a brief-style “liner” that was made of a loose knit nylon material that was there so body parts did not accidentally emerge from the boxer trunk while swimming. I loved the fact that under the trunk was this snugger brief, and I had lots of wonderful times in my youth taking this a step (or two) farther, enjoying myself in that brief liner under the boxer in other ways that I won’t need to explain further. Let me just say that I did this often, but instead of washing the suit I just put it back in the drawer. Stuff accumulated then dried over and over. With this ongoing process, the nylon liner eventually gave way entirely and was now full of big holes. That ended that, but I was on my way to doing other fun stuff.
Another interesting idea was what the guys who needed to wear a strap as a required piece of equipment for athletics and sport. Around the same time, this was the classic Jock Strap (cupped or not) with the ribbed rubberized pouch, elastic leg straps and three-inch wide waist band. What bugged guys the most about wearing a strap in the locker room was that they would be-butt naked along with the other guys in the locker room. So, in order to deal with this it was common to wear a pair of tighty whiteys as a first layer UNDER the strap. Guys claimed that this was more “comfortable” than just the strap, but I think the fear of being seminude with their male peers really was the main reason.
I am doing exactly that this morning. I have a snug-fitting tighty whitey that went on as a first layer, then I pulled on a traditional “school boy” strap with the wide waist band over the top. I have more layers too including a pair of blue compression shorts followed by a pair of loose-fitting sweat pants.
What can I say? I still love the fit and feel of a somewhat undersized pair of tighty whiteys, the ones I have on this morning fit just tight enough so that I can put my flaccid penis in an “up” position and it stays there. But the rubberized ribbed pouch essentially doubles the fun as the underside of my penis resoundingly tells me it would like some attention. Of course, the snug-fitting compression shorts add another dimension too, and from a distance I simply look like an old dude wearing a loose-fitting pair of sweat pants.
Increasingly over time, I have had difficulty finding tighty whiteys that provide the fit I want in the local department stores. The only ones available are in men’s sizes, and nowadays a Men’s SM is a huge garment and not fun to wear at all. I am much happier (and stiffer) in a Boys LG or even a Boys MED tighty whitey. But tighty whiteys in boys' sizes have all but disappeared in local stores. I do still find them in on-line stores such as eBay, and have a supply stash.
I appreciate that you have read this, just another episode in my long-term essay series on things that are great fun to do by, with and to yourself!
All the best!
11-18-2024, 12:20 PM
Thank you for the read.
11-19-2024, 03:17 PM
Thank you for the read.
You are welcome!
11-19-2024, 03:19 PM
Coming of Age
I grew up in a remote rural area, 60 miles from any store that would have carried boys’ clothing. We relied on mail-order companies for a lot of items that were not available locally, mainly Sears and Montgomery Wards. Most of my clothing I wore in these days were found on the pages of a Sears or Wards catalog. Early on, mom made all the purchase decisions only occasionally letting me express a preference.
Growing up, parents are always thinking about whether or not a child will likely wear out a garment first or, more likely, grow out of it. This concern applied not only to outer garments but to everything else including underwear and (gasp) swimming trunks. Best to order everything a size or two too big, as he may be able to wear the garment next year as well. Children, but boys in particular, need to always buy and wear clothes a size or two too big.
Of course, all of this is happening when a guy is deep into a discovery mode about the excellent sensations that can be experienced in the groin area, and that a lot of these super neat sensations are brought about and enhanced by wearing something snug fitting there. For young males, the groin area is like a candy store of sorts, but an even better candy store if the garment covering it is snug fitting, and optimally made of a super slick, perhaps even stretchy material.
That garment, of course, is exemplified by a swim brief, perhaps then made from a slick nylon, but even more so one made of a blend of fabric materials including the DuPont Lycra. Lycra in the fabric not only guaranteed that the fabric would stretch to fit beven if undersized ut also fit skin tight.
Of course, there was a down-side to all of this. By the time a guy was old enough to realize how much fun it would be to wear a stretchy Lycra-enhanced swim brief he was also old enough to realize that wearing one in public could lead to some embarrassing “appearance issues” as his penis was going to be delighted to just be in such a garment, and the guy soon realized that anything could happen, and that his penis was not easily taken off course even his brain told him that in public that is probably not where any guy wanted to be.
The Summer sale catalogs from Sears and Wards carried an assortment of swimwear for both boys and men, and among the myriad of plaid boxers there was always a brief or two. I desperately wanted one of these briefs, settling for a series of plaid boxers, each with the woven nylon brief-style inner liner, but I never convinced mom of that, and had to wait until college to be able to buy what I wanted, and even then I needed to be somewhat secret.
I have often thought that coming of age for a young male should be at the point in time where the guy tells his parents that he is old enough to be able to pick out the clothing he would like to wear, but in particular the underwear and swimwear he wants, but this never happened that way for me. A lot of this is also related to a young male recognizing that some private time is important on the way to adulthood, but for me, that was limited as well. The upshot for me was that an adult living away from my family home, I have always placed high value on having private time, and the idea of being alone and then lonely does not compute.
For a lot of guys, what I am talking about here leads right into having a relationship with what might become a sexual partner, and this then leads directly into thoughts such as “how do I get my partner aroused?” and then “what shape and size of underwear would my partner like to see me wearing?” On the swimwear front, there comes this issue of whether or not the swimwear will be worn in a place where others might see me in it. And, of course, whether or not the swimwear might reveal a bulge in a provocative place etc etc.
For straight guys, will my girlfriend like seeing me in a Speedo? Or does this question actually have two different answers depending on whether the guy is with his girl in private or if the guy is wearing the Speedo in a public or semi-public place where other females might ogle.
Gay men are generally used to seeing other gay men in tight-fitting swim briefs, so this is less of an issue for them, if at all. Still, I have often tried to rationalize why so many women seem angry at even the thought of a guy wearing a Speedo. After all, women routinely wear skimpy, revealing clothing clothing in public settings, and I am not aware that guys normally would complain and even get angry about that. But a female freaking out because a guy is in a Speedo in public goes against the female instinct that says her guy is her own, not still some target for other women to ogle over.
Somehow I managed my way through a lot of this, and looking back I have no regrets. Ultimately I got to do what I wanted to do even with some obstacles along the way. Unlike a lot of other guys, I never concluded that a sexual relationship is the ultimate path to happiness over a lifetime, in part because I would probably have had to give up a lot of activities that have made me very, very happy. I like things just the way they are, and I am equally happy that so much of what I have written on the subjects have proven to be such popular reads for others.
All is well!
11-24-2024, 12:34 PM
Strapped and Cupped
I am celebrating my birthday today by spending the day fully strapped and cupped. Today I started by pulling on a little old school cotton blend bikini brief sold as underwear that I probably purchased over two decades ago, positioning myself upward, so the underside is pressing against the pouch.
I have an assortment of old school cups and straps. Today I am applying a Futuro brand strap and cup I purchased over two decades ago, with the traditional flat cup that causes school athletes so much consternation and is designed to keep important things firmly in one place.
The fit and feel of the combination with the penis underside pressing against the hard cup is a real treat.
Of course, I can’t stop there. Over that goes a really snug pair of the old starter brand Compression shorts, size SM in a bright Kelly green. These hold the strap and cup firmly in place, and make certain that the underside of my penis is in relentless contact with the inside of the hard cup no matter what I am doing. A great fit and feel to be sure.
And, since I might have visitors today, I pulled a pair of sweat pants over everything. No one else is wiser as to what I am really up to.
All of this is a great way to celebrate today, and I can and will be horny all day long.
Something else to celebrate. Between my two big posts “What to Wear” and “Thoughts on Just Being a Guy” I am now approaching 500,000 total reads. While this is not 500,000 individual readers, this count still means that a lot of guys have followed what I write and keep coming back for more. If even a small portion of my readers find the information useful and interesting, I still am very happy.
All the best from Sebbie!
Lap Counter
11-25-2024, 04:41 PM
Happy Birthday, Sebbie!
Keep everything tightly strapped.
01-02-2025, 02:58 PM
On Fitness and Briefs, Worldwide
In the United States, we have long engaged in endless debates as to whether or not it was appropriate for any American to appear in public in a swim brief, and if so, under what circumstances might this be appropriate. I have been watching local TV news reports relating to high school swim meets in part to determine if in recent years swim briefs have made a comeback or not. My general conclusion is that at these meets, nowadays, anywhere from 30-50 percent of the school-age male swimmers nowadays are wearing briefs not jammers, but this is up from a zero percentage maybe as recently as a decade ago. Still, in the US it is rare to see a guy wearing a swim brief in public outside of a competitive swim meet situation. And the guys at swim meets generally are wearing somber black briefs.
Interestingly, once you get on short Reels videos created on Tik Tok and other video sites, guys showing themselves off in the videos wearing a swim brief are quite commonplace. Generally, the guys in these videos are in their late teens and early to mid 20s, and are quite trim and fit, though not muscular to the degree a competitive bodybuilder would be. Everyone has an image of a bodybuilder wearing a very skimpy brief designed to show off his muscles. In the Reels videos, the briefs tend to be snug-fitting, but not really skimpy.
Another “feature” I notice in these videos is that they often are made of guys located not in the US but in some part of Asia. In particular, there are many videos made from contests held in the Philippines, and involve contests with maybe 15 or 20 Filipino men that appear to be typically in their late teens or early 20s. In at least some of these videos all the men appear to be wearing identical swim briefs with the same cut and color. For example, in one of these videos, all the guys are wearing the exact same brief (maybe varying only by size) in a bright yellow color. So, there are twenty fit guys showing their bodies off in front of an audience.
The videos do not pan over the audience, and I keep wondering if the audience is mostly female, mostly male, or more or less evenly divided. Apparently, these contests draw a sizable audience, or there would be no reason to do them. It also strikes me that these guys have no issue whatsoever about being seen in public in a skimpy brief. But there are lots and lots of guys who individually post photos of themselves in reels-style videos, the videos would not be considered pornographic though invariably they show a nice bulge in the groin area.
As part of growing up, I was always fascinated by how and the circumstances under which an erection happens, but this quickly evolves into questions relating to how other guys cope with a situation whereby an erection is beginning, and such a thing might quickly occur when a guy pulls on a snug-fitting brief of any sort be the brief be underwear or designed for swimming. In the Filipino videos, there are 15 or more guys all in tight-fitting briefs and all showing a significant bulge in the pouch area of the briefs, but not TOO significant.
In the US, it used to be that females held bathing beauty contests, in which 15 or 20 women clad in skimpy bikinis would stand on stage to be judged by designated judges and evaluated by the audience. In the big contests, such as the Miss America contest, there was the interview where the contestant had to answer questions from the judges, the talent event, where the contestant presented some unique talent, the evening-gown competition, and the bathing-suit competition. But the bathing suit competition was eliminated some years ago in the quest to be “politically correct” nowadays.
In these contests in the Philippines and probably other places young men are doing something very similar to what the contestant females no longer are willing to do. And the young men are not being judged based or brains or talents, but only on their bodies. The guys have bulges in different places than the females, but they are bulges nonetheless.
What all of this says about the various cultures in different parts of the world is most interesting. I doubt that neither Filipino women nor women from many other parts of Asia complain that the men in these contests are simply showing “too much”, nor do the men participating in these contests worry that they are showing too much or they would not be participating in these contests at all. Part of the fun for each contestant is to see how the other contestants are able to cope with the situation. But also, from a very early age realizing that there is nothing inherently wrong or bad about being in public wearing a skimpy brief and indeed all of this is very normal. Americans seem to still be hung up on the idea that any guy wearing a brief in public is “likely gay” which of course is not the case, but this acts as a deterrent for guys who would like to wear briefs in public in the US.
01-02-2025, 08:10 PM
Can you please provide a web link to the Filipino videos you are talking about? Interesting article!
01-03-2025, 04:07 PM
Can you please provide a web link to the Filipino videos you are talking about? Interesting article!
been looking for that Here is one I just found
https://www.instaFor a
For a yellow brief
02-26-2025, 04:22 PM
Will that one fit tight enough for you?
I learned that wearing clothing that fit very snug in the groin at a very early age, and as I grew older my fascination with the idea only increased. I soon began wondering if other guys my age were experiencing some of the same, but was too shy to ever raise the subject.
Lots of things have changed over a long period of time. Tight-fitting swim briefs have gone in and out of fashion and then back in again with American guys and to a perhaps lesser degree even with guys in Europe. The Asian guys seem to have never gone through these changes at all. For most Asian males, this never really happened, and a skimpy swim brief has consistently been the go-to swimwear for lots of Asian guys. I do not think there was ever a point when Asian guys believed that wearing a swim brief was somehow only linked to being gay. Instead, even a very skimpy brief was just ordinary swimwear.
There have been some developments in recent years that are important. Tik Tok occurred and attracted a lot of guys who got to see firsthand over and over what the Asian guys are wearing. The cell phone- style videos frequently show guys in swim briefs or even skimpier swimwear, and the American guys watching these videos are starting to say that since this is just normal swimwear for these Asians not some “clue” that the guy is gay, why should the US be different in that regard. Females too are seeing that the swim brief clad guys in the videos are not concerned with the whole idea that they may somehow “look” gay, and it is perfectly OK for a to admire not get upset seeing a guy wearing a swim brief. This to a certain degree means that the anger some women traditionally have shown on seeing a guy in a swim brief is, quite frankly, silly. If Asian women are comfortable seeing a guy in a swim brief why should American women be completely OK with the same thing?
In short, these Reels-style videos have become really popular with both American guys and women watching them, and the earth has not quit spinning on its axis.
I am seeing more and more swim teams at the high school and college level wearing swim briefs in competition, a trend that accelerated starting only a few years ago. What is often now the case, the coach gives each swimmer the opportunity to wear either a jammer or a brief, and increasing numbers of these swimmers are now again choosing a brief, and not fearing the idea that because a brief is chosen, someone will tease them for being gay. This is just normal swimwear.
Serious competitive male swimmers have long worn briefs since Speedo “invented” the style. Mark Spitz wore the style of the times which was a brief with wide sides. Then in the 70s, the serious swimmers seemed to be vying for a suit that fit the tightest and had the narrowest sides possible, but in particular the European swimmers in the big international competitions.
Then all of that “downsizing” suddenly stopped, and the guys started wearing much longer but still snug-fitting jammers as the manufacturers started claiming that cloth was slicker than skin. This ended up with the full body suits that fit so tight they took great effort to get into and lots if time before the swim as well.
Then all of that was made illegal by the competitive swim organizations, and guys went back to conventional jammers as the “universal” swimwear for men, perhaps made from a slick, super expensive cloth costing $500 for a suit that worn only a few times.
Now we are back to a situation whereby if you watch any competition taking place in the US you currently will see a mix of jammers and briefs on the male swimmers. I sense that the really expensive slick cloth jammers have not reduced times for most swimmers in a significant way.
But the Tik Tok and other reels-style videos are having a big impact in the US, where the guys see that wearing a swim brief is just the normal thing for the Asian guys to do, not any “statement” of any sort with respect to the guy’s sexuality.
I only hope this newfound trend will continue. I still “enjoy” wearing a swim brief even though I have never been a competitive swimmer. A snug-fitting fit always feels good and I recommend this experience highly.
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