Originally Posted by lapswimmer
Hey Micro Dave,, lets see your suit and you in it.. i bet you look great!! I am average size too and the side down position works best for me. especially in family environments..
Hey, Lapswimmer! Here's the link to my Flickr page.The "pitchers" range from PG to XXX (but not from a "boner" per se 😉!) That said, I would have no trouble with the PG view in a family environment. I'm not erect, and would be at a beach where microwear or nudity are welcome. And there are families in which beach nudity with reasonable behavior is practiced, and others in which Mom and Dad comfortably wear microwear and the kids have their own "kid's version." Enough of the "stump speech," Dave! "Pitchers!" Let me know if my Rio is too big! 😋 ...