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Old 01-02-2016, 02:03 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Bill and Joe: The Flashback

[ Author's note:This part of the story is like a flashback in a movie that fills in important details to the story line that lead up to the part you read in the previous post. I hope everyone is able to follow this and hangs with me. I know some of you thought that I was leading up into a shopping trip to a big-box sporting goods retailer by Bill and Joe, but in writing this I decided that was not what I wanted to have happen, at least not quite yet, anyway. Keeping the reader in suspense this way for awhile with details of the events that led to what happened last night is a lot more more fun!]

At this point in the story, both Bill and Joe face an interesting dilemma. Like nearly all college guys their age, they are both filled with raging hormones. Bill read somewhere that guys his age have a sexual thought fly by every 30 seconds or so. That seems totally amazing. A lot of this stuff that flies around occurs only for a fleeting moment, and most guys learn to deal with whatever it was that passed by in a hurry and simply go back to concentrating on whatever it was that they were doing that was non-sexual.

In other words, sexual thoughts on the part of young guys for the most part tend to be fleeting or ephemeral, technically, lasting but a moment. A lot of guys just keep whatever is going on in their heads in this department completely inside of them, for whatever reason thinking that keeping quiet is the safest possible course, especially when guys are hanging out with other guys their age.

OK, guys do occasionally provide signals to their male buddies as to what is going on inside their heads. A pretty girl might walk by, and out might come a wow! Or, considered not PC nowadays, a cat whistle, or is it a wolf whistle? Or the guy may mutter something softly under his breath that contains an obscenity, like, say, “She’s F$#@en beautiful! Hardly considered even bad language today, either among straight guys or even in mixed company.

For teenage gay guys, this quickly becomes a much more complicated problem. What is going on inside their heads might not exactly correspond with what is going on inside their straight friend’s heads, and this then poses something of a dilemma. The young gay guy may have the exact same feelings the straight kids have, except that the person walking by is probably a handsome young man not a girl. But the young gay guy cannot in any way express his feelings in the same manner the straight kids routinely do assuming that the gay guy is not out to his friends. To do so would be a form of coming out, perhaps at a very inopportune time (and maybe age). It would be better if human sexuality did not work this way, but unfortunately that is the way it is.

Which brings us back to Bill and Joe, our two college roommates who just went through an interesting experience. Let me recap where Bill and Joe are as of now. Bill somehow found Sebbie’s story “Spending the night in a cup” while surfing the Web and got so turned on by reading it. he decided that it would be fun (well at least “interesting”) to attempt to try some of the techniques laid out in detail in Sebbie’s story. Bill does so, and Joe is quite, shall we say, mystified, by what is going on with Bill. All of this seems more than a little weird. Even more weird is that Joe is starting to get just a bit aroused himself just thinking about what might be happening to Bill. But mostly, Joe is just confused is all, indeed confused about a lot of things he thought he once surely understood about himself.

OK, what makes this even more interesting is that Sebbie, the “Spending the Night in a Cup” story writer, created both Bill and Joe, and, as a consequence, Sebbie, the writer, can make Bill and Joe do or not do anything he decides he wants them to. Now Sebbie introduced a very interesting twist to the story line as he created the college roommates Bill and Joe. Sebbie first said he didn’t know, or maybe it did not even matter, if Bill and Joe were straight or gay or perhaps one of each. What a dilemma.


Last edited by sebbie : 01-02-2016 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 01-02-2016, 02:06 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Bill and Joe: The Flashback continued

So, where are we in the story telling right now? We know the following.

1. Bill and Joe are roommates living in close quarters in an old school style men’s college dorm room and no real privacy whatsoever. The bathroom and big wide open shower is way down the hall. The weird part is that Bill and Joe’ dorm is very much like the one Sebbie lived in when he went to college.

2. Bill and Joe did not pick each other out as roommates, and they did not know each other until they arrived at college and were both assigned by University housing to the same room. The College is old-school in this regard too, and does not ask students whether they are straight or gay when room assignments are made. Students are expected to sort through all of that themselves and deal with whatever they have to deal with the best they can. If things get too difficult, either one of them can put in for a new roommate, but as of right now, Bill thinks Joe is a good roommate and Joe thinks Bill is a good roommate. Both are committed to first of all getting a college degree that will make possible a high-paying job. The rest of it, including the socialization stuff, is secondary.

3. Both Bill and Joe are reasonably fit and on an appearance scale don’t regard themselves as bad- looking, but they were never Homecoming kings either, or followed around in high school by girls simply because the girls saw them as cute, handsome and sexy. Appearance-wise, Bill and Joe are two rather normal looking guys. Neither were particularly good at basic high school athletics, let alone being star athletes.

Now let me fill in a few more blanks about Bill and Joe for you.

4. In high school, both Bill and Joe had pretty well decided that they were ruler-straight in terms of sexuality. They were turned on by the good-looking girls in school. But neither had reputations for being women’s guys, and certainly not reputations for engaging in sex with the homecoming queen. Heck, neither even got to take the homecoming queen to a movie.

5. Both Bill and Joe take college seriously. Occasionally, while Web surfing, both have been known to bring up porno sites with some videos that by old-school standards, at least, could be considered a bit raw and graphic. But neither is fixated on this sort of thing.

6. Bill finding Sebbie’s “Spending the night in a cup” paper was merely a (happy?) accident. Bill started reading it and he saw some stuff he didn’t quite realize before, at least not completely. Bill thought sexual feelings really were all about finding a sexual partner, someone intimate to be with. But Sebbie was saying something rather different and at least a little strange, at least from Bill’s perspective. Who is this crazy writer Sebbie, anyway? Sebbie seems to look at the world, sexually in some confusing and challenging ways and sometimes completely upside down from Bill’s perspective at least.

7. Both Bill and Joe engaged in self-pleasuring as young teens, and both of them thought they pretty much knew everything they needed to know and that there was to know about that. When you felt the urge, you rubbed your penis in private. If you stroked or rubbed it for a long enough period of time, eventually you would ejaculate, and then you could simply go back to whatever it was that you had been doing and no longer be focused on getting an orgasm at least until you started feeling really horny again usually in a day or two. Then just repeat the entire process. Problem solved!

8. The dorm room living situation for Bill and Joe 6 weeks in was starting to eat away at both of them if for no other reason than the total lack of jerk-off privacy. At least, when they were both living at home with their respective families, they could both go “hide” in the bathroom for what seemed like a “bit long” and jerk off to orgasm whenever they got the urge. But the dorm room not only lacked its own bathroom for private jerk-off sessions it lacked any privacy at all. The showers in the hall bathroom was even worse, just eight shower heads all in a row in one big tiled area. A guy COULD jerk off in a shower like that, but again there was no privacy whatsoever. You might think the showers are otherwise empty, and you are absolutely all alone. You start playing with yourself, building up a good and really neat-feeling hard-on, and suddenly another guy saunters in wrapped only in a towel. You quickly try to figure out a strategy to disguise or otherwise try and cover up exactly what you had been doing but you need to think fast, as you have a big hard-on and it isn’t exactly deflating in a hurry. You were very near the point of orgasm when the other guy just sauntered in.

9. So, both Bill and Joe are stuck in a tiny dorm room, 6-weeks into college, and no place to get their rocks off without a lot of potential embarrassment. Well, isn’t there dating on Friday and Saturday nights, with the potential for intercourse then? Shouldn’t that be enough for guys to deal with being horny? Well kinda, but with that comes a whole new series of issues, as in relationship issues that neither Bill nor Joe want to deal with at this stage in their lives and where they are relative to completing their degrees. Their lives right now are mostly focused on getting degrees that lead to good jobs, and to be sure, a serious relationship too soon could really interfere with that goal. Interestingly, the girls know all of that too, oddly enough. Hence a reluctance to be willing to engage in intercourse especially with a guy they do not know very well, no matter how cute and sexy he is. And remember, Bill and Joe are neither athletes nor have movie star good looks. Their hoped-for claim to fame is that they are sharp enough and talented enough to be able to find a high-paying job that potentially would support a family very comfortably, but that has to occur in steps, the first being doing well in college classes and completing the degree. Sexual intercourse intermingled with a serious relationship is just a complication at this point, and an unwise one as well. But Bill and Joe still both get horny, and regularly. What to do under the circumstances as they have happened?

10. Are you clear on where Bill and Joe both are right now? Big hopes and dreams. Tiny dorm room! Zero privacy! Horniness attacks that seem to keep manifesting themselves more and more frequently with each passing day that seem just one part of dealing with the day-to-day pressures of going to class and studying for a college degree while not being able to jerk off easily in private at all! This is worse than it was living at home in that regard! A reluctance to get into a steady and serious relationship with a girl given that the graduation date is years off. A Web full of erotic literature! Sebbie’s goofy paper on Spending the night in a cup eating away at Bill’s brain!

Which leads us right back to the storyline before the flashback. You remember the part where Bill puts on a strap, cup and compression shorts and crawls into bed, and Joe, to say the least is mystified as to what in the world might be happening with Bill for sure. Remember, at this point Joe hasn’t read Sebbie’s”cup story so Joe is completely dumbfounded on all of this and what could be going on with Bill.

Bluntly put, Bill was not an athlete either in high school or even in college. Joe is thinking why would Bill even OWN a strap, let alone a cup for it. For goodness sakes what is Bill doing that would require groin protection like that? And at NIGHT? And what about those compression shorts? They seem just odd as sleepwear given that Joe is used to seeing Bill crawl into bead wearing colorful and loose-fitting boxer shorts.

All of this seems odd, really odd to Joe. Joe ponders these thoughts in his heart.

…….To be continued


Last edited by sebbie : 01-02-2016 at 02:10 PM.
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Old 01-03-2016, 06:11 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Thinking back....

Both Bill and Joe had what they considered to be rather “normal” childhood, both growing up with a mom, a dad and their respective siblings. Like other guys entering their teen years, they both were scared but at the same time thrilled the first time they had a real orgasm. Bill didn’t know what to think. He worried that he might have a medical issue or perhaps has even “broken” something.

Joe’s situation was a little better. Joe’s dad had given Joe his “birds and bees” lecture about a year earlier, so Joe was in a little better shape than Bill in understanding what had just happened to his body.

Once a guy makes his way through his first orgasm, it is amazing how fast things seem to move along, at least for most guys, and Bill and Joe were no exceptions to this rule growing up. Things quickly move from the “what in the world has just happened to me?” phase of puberty to the “how can I enjoy myself in private without embarrassing myself in front of others in my family?” phase. This is the part that gets tricky. A guy COULD spend increasing amounts of time in the bathroom but then sis will likely start complaining and that is no good. Besides, jerking off in the bathroom is no fun if and you are trying to focus on enjoying what you are doing to yourself while your sister is banging on the door to use the bathroom. Quite a dilemma for sure. For a horny teen boy, very few places are private.

Except for in bed, at night, of course. Most teen guys quickly learn how to jerk off under the covers at night, and after a few tries at least, learn how to do so without drawing attention to themselves and what they are up to even if someone else is right there in the room with them. Specific techniques first learned at home, at night, may actually prove quite useful only a little later in life, say in college or even in the military, where even a modicum of privacy is rare.

There are, of course, still issues to be resolved, issues that could prove embarrassing still. The obvious issue is semen, and the consequent wet stains on pajamas and probably the sheets. Bill discovered that this could be a particular problem if he jerked off shortly after he went to bed. Not only was the wet spot on the pajamas uncomfortable until it dried to a starchy stain, what happened if he needed to hit the bathroom down the hall a little later on and he still had a wet spot on his pajama bottoms? This could get tricky. And how about what appeared to be a giant spot of slimy wet ejaculate right on the sheet, something Bill would have to contend with trying to sleep next to (not on top of the slimy stain, if at all possible), all night long, or at least until it dries, a process that could take several hours.

Bill likes to jerk off at night, when others are fast asleep, but sometimes other things happen. In the teen years, wet dreams, dreams that feature a sexual story or theme, occur with some regularity. If Bill drifts asleep without first jerking off, he quickly discovers that the odds of having a wet dream with a sexual encounter or theme tend to rise. These dreams can take all sorts of crazy twists and turns, often involving a sexual encounter of some sort with a girl, maybe the one that sits behind him in class. Sometimes the girls in the dreams seem to be real acquaintances or class mates, sometimes they seem to be largely imaginary and sometimes even mixtures of both.

Even weirder is that some of the dreams involve sexual encounters of some sort with young guys his age. These dreams take on the same basic pattern of the girl dreams, except that the other person in the dream is a guy, and almost invariably the other guy is having a jerk-off session too as Bill watches. This is more than a little bit scary. What does this all mean anyway? Could this be an indication that Bill might be bisexual or even have a “gay streak” despite the fact that he thinks he is ruler straight when he is awake? Could Bill’s dreams be telling Bill something that he is not willing to admit even to himself during the day, that he gets aroused by looking at other guys’ male body parts, and particularly aroused by the possibility of seeing another guy rub and play with himself to the point of orgasm? This is crazy stuff, way crazy stuff.

Wet dreams seem to be a lot like so many other aspects of sex. Fun in all sorts of ways, but, at the same time, a lot scary as well. Fun to just kick back and enjoy the wonderful sensations your body is able to produce even all alone with only a little effort and just rubbing or even touching the "right" places. But dreams often tend to go in directions that seem inconsistent with real life. There are no rules here. But what in the world when Bill starts to think to himself that it would be even more fun to just see how other guys his age deal with the exact same dilemma. How does this all work for the other guys anyway? That is a great mystery for sure at Bill’s young age.

Bill quickly learns that wet dreams also present a major technical problem. They almost invariably end with a powerful orgasm, an orgasm that spills slimy semen all over everywhere both pajama bottoms and sheets. That is no good at all.

Suddenly, Bill develops an interest in keeping a box of facial tissue right next to his bedside. He sometimes even slips a facial tissue under the covers as he crawls into bed. You just never know if or when you are going to need to blow your nose, Bill thinks. But, of course, the tissue is not there for Bill’s nose. Bill has another idea in mind. He is starting to think that if he can determine pretty much when he is going to shoot based on what he is feeling both in his head and in his groin, then he might be able to quickly wrap the tip of his penis with the tissue, neatly “collecting” nearly all of the slimy ejaculate right in the tissue. Then roll up the tissue and toss it in a convenient waste basket.

Better still if the waste basket is right by the bed just below where the tissue box is. Neither mom nor sis will be any wiser in the morning as to what happened. They will think Bill just blew his nose during the night and has a soiled tissue in the waste basket as a result. Bill thought about this and has figured that all out. Of course, the tissue isn’t a perfect paper condom. There might still be small starchy stains on the pajama bottoms or the sheets, but certainly much easier to deal with than without the tissue at all. Of course the tricky part is coordinating the paper tissue condom construction with the wet dream orgasm, but that is a story for another day.


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Old 01-04-2016, 12:10 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Joe's Background

Joe grew up under somewhat different family circumstances than Bill. Bill had two siblings, a sister just a year older and a brother three years younger. Joe had only one brother, and Joe’s brother, Daniel, was four years older than Joe. Joe was a freshman in high school the same year Daniel was a senior. Daniel then went off to college, so in his sophomore, junior and senior years Joe had a lot of the house to himself. That meant that Joe had a little more privacy than Bill had. Joe’s parents sometimes went on errands for a few hours at a time, and Joe would simply stay home alone in the house. Joe was a reliable kid, and his parents trusted him that he would be fine staying home alone once he turned 13. Daniel had a part-time job when he was a senior, and so he was away from home a lot even before he went to college.

Joe quickly learned to take advantage of these quiet, private times to try some things that he might have been too scared or embarrassed to do when his parents or his brother were in the house. Joe thought of these mostly as little “experiments.” These were mainly experiments related to learning more about which parts of his body were most sensitive to touching. Even high schools can be a bit traditional in terms of not being willing to give high school students access to sex-related information. This whole issue is interesting in that a lot of schools want all students to have a mandatory sex education module (as part of a course called “Health and socialization” oddly enough). Joe took this course, but it seemed to Joe that the course covered all the stuff Joe already knew and almost none of the stuff Joe really wanted the answers to.

Joe had lots of questions. Questions he did not have the nerve ask his sex education teacher, his dad or his male friends his own age at school, as in “Is there any harm to occur in masturbating every day?” “Does dad masturbate?” “What should I do if I get an erection in the school locker room?” and other questions like that, questions that are not a part of the sex-education class. Joe wondered if his male buddies at school had the same questions and issues, but he was just too afraid to ask.

There was another “problem” too, a problem he was really afraid to reveal to his parents and particularly to his friends. In running his experiments when he was home alone (which were actually jerk-off sessions) he gradually realized that he could get aroused not by a girl or even another guy, and certain clothing items would tend to set him off. What kind of clothing? Well he thought a lot about being able to get into a snug-fitting swimming brief, even though he was not a swimmer and he did not have access to a pool either at home or at school. There were other things that “bugged him”as well. He liked to look at pictures of fit guys in swimming briefs, and the snugger it appeared the brief fit the guy the more he got aroused. But there was other stuff that set him off too. He found himself looking at pictures of guys wearing compression shorts, jammers, the pants the football players wear, and wrestling singlets. Really snug-fitting jeans, too. He liked it if the picture he was looking at showed the guy as being really packed into whatever it was he was wearing. Joe kept wondering how he would feel if he were able to get into the same kind of clothing as the guy in the picture was wearing. Just the thought of that made him feel warm and pleasant all over inside.

Joe did not quite know what to make of all of this. He thought of himself as ruler straight and at some level attracted to girls, but this fascination with snug-fitting clothing seemed to be something different, entirely. Joe wondered if any of his other male friends had the same feelings and reactions, but he feared that if he asked, his friends might call him weird, or gay, or even worse.

Joe was at an age where his parents were starting to give him money so he could buy his own clothes. Joe knew what his friends were wearing. Most of them wore rather loose-fitting jeans wih equally loose boxers shorts underneath. The guys Joe hung out with said they needed the room in the boxers for “ventilation”. Joe thought that this was a ruse, and what his buddies were really hoping was that loose-fitting boxers and jeans would hide erections that were happening largely unexpectedly at inopportune times.

When Joe went shopping for underwear, however, he tended to gravitate toward the old-school tighty whitey rack not the loose-fitting boxer shorts rack like most of his friends were wearing. He thought he could get by wearing traditional white cotton briefs without attracting too much adverse attention from his buddies in the gym and physical education locker room. He liked how the white briefs cupped his male body parts, not only holding them securely in place but sometimes even giving him a neat little rub down there even during the day.

But, of course, that was not really what Joe wanted to wear. What he really wanted was some colored bikini briefs that, even though made of a cotton-Lycra blend, looked a lot like a skimpy pair of swim briefs like he saw the fit guys wearing in the photos. But Joe could not do that, for two reasons. First, he was afraid his parents would not approve of his purchase decision or at minimum think his choice was quite funny. Second, if he wore such underwear to school and the guys saw him wearing that in the gym, all hell could break out. There is no telling what his male “friends” might say do or tease him about if he even thought of doing that.

So Joe entered college and his double dorm room assuming that the “rules” about what was proper underwear were exactly the same as those he had followed in high school. But as we will see shortly, all of that was soon about to change, and Joe was about to learn some things about himself and other guys that he had never realized before.

…….To be continued

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Old 01-04-2016, 02:51 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default What we think we know at this point

Let me begin this section of the story by summarizing what I want everyone to know about Bill and Joe before proceeding farther down the trail. First, Bill and Joe come from very similar backgrounds, family wise. Both of them had two parents and siblings. Both come from moderate-income backgrounds, not wealthy, but certainly not poor, either. The real differences related to the amount, sex and number of siblings, in that Bill has a sister just a year older than he, plus a younger brother. Joe has but one sibling, a brother four years older.

Like most teen guys, both Bill and Joe grew up with a lot of questions relating to sex and life in general. Both Bill and Joe made it through puberty with comparatively few serious issues or other obvious problems.

Also, like most guys their age, once they made it past puberty they quickly discovered self pleasuring and, specifically, how touching their bodies in certain ways could feel really, really good. But in doing this, new questions kept arising as to exactly what was going on. Some of the pleasant sensations seemed to be in specific locations in their groin, while some of the sensations seemed to be in their brains. Which was it, anyway? Is the brain the real sex organ or the stuff in the groin area.

Bill and Joe both had a lot of unanswered questions. But therein lies the rub, so to speak, in high school.

Teachers all are really concerned about the possibility that students surfing the Web see something they should not be seeing in school. So they load down the Internet service with all sorts of controls designed to limit access to anything they think the students should not be allowed to see.

Like other normal teen-agers, Bill and Joe are both gradually picking up on words that seem to have something of a sexual connotation to them, but are not mentioned or at least not highlighted in the health-education classes on sex and relationships. Two of these words that fall into this “funny” category of seeming being sexual but also just anatomical terms are frenulum and perineum.

At some point in high school, both Bill and Joe try putting words such as these into the Google search engine, and immediately up pops what appears to be an interesting and helpful series of sites. These are not porno sites, not places to watch couples engaging in intercourse with a camera aimed at a vagina being stimulated by a penis being inserted, but they do appear to be instructional sites containing useful information of various sorts, perhaps even useful information for answering questions about getting the most out of a (ahem) jerk-off session.

Even though the Google sites look interesting, and there is some privacy in the back of the school library data center, on clicking on the links, immediately a bold warning comes up that says the user has run up against the adult content firewall because of the nature of the words found on the sites that appear to be of a sexual nature. So much for researching interesting questions at school on the Internet.

My readers here presumably have computers that do NOT have adult content firewalls, so as readers you can see what Bill and Joe missed out in seeing. Here is a link for the search term frenulum:


The CIRP site seems to cover a lot of the stuff that should be covered in any high school sex education class, but in a lot more detail than the high school instructors dare to go into. It seems a shame to deny access to a site like this with an adult content firewall but that is the way things often work in high schools.

The word, perineum, brings up some even more interesting Google hits, starting with anatomy in great detail on a perineum for dummies site.

But even more interesting is a site that comes up is a sexuality.about.com Web site that talks not onluy about pleasuring the perineum, but also, on separate pages, massaging the prostate and playing with a soft penis. Sebbie your author thinks this site is way cool and thinks he needs to check out all of the pages on this site in some detail. Here is the first page of the series, directing to a discussion of the perineum.


But the other pages surely caught my attention too, especially the page on finding and massaging the prostate gland, playing with a soft penis, and instructions for men on how to use a vibrator. Some of this seems focused on sex with a partner, but many of the ideas could be adapted to making solo jerk-off sessions more interesting too.

Of course, Bill and Joe are also barred by the firewall from seeing Sebbie’s popular “understanding male sexuality" paper, too, the one at



Last edited by sebbie : 01-04-2016 at 06:11 PM.
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Old 01-04-2016, 02:54 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Web surfing...

Bill and Joe are each in a little different situation when they try to use the computer at home. Bill is seldom home alone, and usually his younger brother is following him around, or his older sister is watching everything he does. Bill fears that his sister will report everything she sees to his parents. No telling what the younger brother might do as he is just starting to get curious about sex. But, at home at least, Bill doesn’t face the same firewall restrictions he faces in the school library computer when he gets on the computer at home, assuming he can find a situation whereby his little brother or big sister is not looking over his shoulder.

Joe’s situation is not that he has siblings looking over his shoulder as he works on the computer, but rather that when his parents put in the WiFi service at the house, the service defaulted to a “block adult content” mode and his parents did not bother to change that, so Joe’s computer functions much the same way the computers function in the high school library. Joe would like to have a conversation with his dad about removing the block, but he doesn’t quite know where to start. Dad might get the idea that Joe would like to have sex with a girl, and that could lead into weird areas of conversation indeed.

Adults of all stripes who interact with high school students, parents, teachers etc, are like that. They seem uncertain whether more information about sex-related stuff is a good or a bad thing. Is not knowing better than knowing? Even crazier is the seeming adult uncertainty about the entire subject of jerking off. It seems that most parents, teachers too, have pretty much decided that jerking off will not harm guys physically nor lead to blindness either temporary or permanent, but beyond that the adult views still seem to differ all over the place. Some adults seem to think that jerking off is merely a prelude to having underage partner sex. Should teenagers be allowed to jerk off in private in their rooms or does this suggest some other deeper emotional problem, perhaps mental, with respect to socialization issues and being with people in general, for example.

Joe’s parents, despite the dumb WiFi adult content firewall, are a little more modern and understanding perhaps than Bill’s parents. Joe’s parents have never told Joe that he could not or should not masturbate, but neither have they accidentally wandered in when Joe was in the middle of a nice and cool-feeling jerk-off session in his room. Joe is thankful for that. Very thankful.

Bill, on the other hand, quickly learned that any really good jerk-off session was probably going to have to take place under the covers, at night, and so that is why he quickly learned to be an expert at “covering his tracks under the covers’ so to speak, employing interesting techniques such as the paper tissue condom and waste basket method and so on.

So Bill and Joe join as roommates in that little college dorm room with some very different views on masturbation and jerking off. Joe sees this primarily as something that most logically should happen in the daytime but in privacy. Bill assumes that he can employ the same under-the-cover methods that he used at home and seemed to have gotten him through his high school years in one piece and that Joe should be none the wiser either even tho Joe is sleeping only a few feet away. Bill really likes erotic, that is wet dreams, and wet dreams tie right in with the undercover method of jerking off. Who knows if you are awake rubbing yourself to ejaculation or just coming out of an explicit erotic dream that leads to an orgasm? Bill, we know loves wet dreams.

Another difference is that Joe has all these hang-ups and some experience with snug-fitting clothing items that he learned to use in a day-time jerk-off session. One of Joe’s basic problems is to figure out a way to continue what he calls experiments while having Bill as his roommate in that little room. Bill has never really even really thought about that.

Bill and Joe are about to educate not only themselves but each other. The dorm room computer has no adult content controls on it, and both Bill and Joe sense a new freedom in being able to surf anywhere they want to go. Searching on perineum or frenulum is no longer off-limits for sure, or even more explicit stuff too. This is a brave new world for them, a world that is only beginning to reveal itself.

At some point, the story needs to get back to the earlier theme of Bill finding the “Spending the night in a Cup” story Sebbie wrote, and we are about to take you there now. But the story line that you thought you understood is about to evolve in a different way. Keep in mind that both Bill and Joe think of themselves as ruler straight, and certainly not interested in each other sexually. They are both happy, however, that their Web surfing is no longer restricted, and Joe already has some clothing-related what he calls ‘hang-ups” that he regards as left over from his solo jerk-off sessions in private during his high school years. Both Joe and Bill see solo sex as merely an “appetizer” for the real thing which is heterosexual intercourse with a girl. But getting serious and sexually involved with a specific girl is something that is maybe 3 years off for both, given the demand of getting through a college degree in a decent-paying field of study. Remember that neither Joe or Bill are prepared to get intimate with a girl at this time largely because the intimacy could adversely affect their degree progress and career goals.

But, what to do in the meantime? The hormones are still raging and erections are still happening. Semen is being spilled. Maybe jerking off alone is not such an unacceptable option under the circumstances at all. At least it can be thought of as simply a body maintenance exercise to make sure the male equipment is working properly when the time for serious sex with a female partner does occur. So maybe things are not quite as uncomfortable in the sex department as they might first appear to be. But we shall see.

…..To be continued

Last edited by sebbie : 01-04-2016 at 02:58 PM.
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Old 01-04-2016, 04:21 PM
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Default The Funchball Game

Let me recount where we are. Bill went surfing on his dorm room computer, and first found Sebbie’s “understanding male sexuality” paper. That led him directly to the “others” paper but Bill was particularly taken by the section of that paper called “Spending the Night in a Cup”. Bill started reading that, and it took him to places where as a high school student he had never been in his thinking before. Remember, Bill was never an athlete in high school, let alone a star athlete. He had never even thought of the whole subject of how certain athletic clothing items could perhaps lead to sexual arousal. He had just never made that connection.

Sebbie’s words started him thinking about two things, first that an athletic supporter or “jock strap” could, on its own, result in sexual arousal. Then there was the subject of the hard protective cup worn for some sports like baseball, and how that might fit and feel next to the penis. Then there was the topic of how compression shorts fit and feel as undergarments for athletic wear. All of this to Bill seemed new and different, mainly because such thoughts had never occurred to him before.

Sebbie’s paper suddenly put Bill in a whole new mindset. Sebbie described
some things in the paper that at first glance seemed more than a little bit weird, but at some level, still interesting too. As Bill read on, he could feel a wet spot developing on his loose-fitting boxer underwear right at the tip of his penis. That must be precum, which is supposed to happen when an initial sexual encounter takes place with a partner. Certainly nothing at all like this was ever mentioned in his high-school sex-education class for sure.

Bill thought it odd that this was happening as he was reading about a guy going to bed and trying to sleep wearing a jock strap, a hard cup and a pair of compression shorts, but he kept reading on about what Sebbie was doing and feeling anyway. This felt weird to Bill, particularly the wet precum next to his own penis part, but strangely enough, he was not put off enough to stop reading. He quickly became oddly curious, or at least he thought the sensations were odd, maybe even abnormal. But Bill kept reading, visualizing in his own mind what Sebbie was doing and trying to understand exactly what Sebbie was feeling and experiencing at each stage in his arousal going on under the covers and insidethe cup and strap.

Sebbie’s paper certainly did not meet the traditional definition of pornographic material. There were no photos or videos of guys ejaculating or women groaning as penis enters vagina. Just words. Bill had already seen several porno sites, and this was not that at all.

Practically every guy it seems can get aroused just thinking about another guy getting into a situation where he is being aroused. Practically every “primarily if not “exclusively” straight guy believes that this must be some sort of hidden “gay streak” that must be hidden from view insomuch as possible if he is to have a “normal” heterosexual relationship. So, practically every straight guy would be very embarrassed to uncover that deep down there is stuff out there that can lead to arousal that doesn’t involve a female partner.

Pretty weird, huh? Sebbie writes words on a paper that describes sensations he experiences spending the night in a cup. Obviously, as part of writing this, Sebbie gets very turned on, and that is apparent. Bill reads this and can relate at least to the point of understanding the fun of jerking off under the covers, even though the jockstrap-and-cup stuff at first seems weird at minimum. Is Sebbie really a gay guy who is so in the closet he can find his sexual pleasure only in himself? That certainly is a question to be pondered too, but if that is the case Sebbie has certainly taken self-pleasuring to an entirely new and different level.

Bill finishes the paper just before it is time to go to bed, and as he crawls into his little twin bed he is still thinking about all of this. What does it all mean for goodness sakes?

………To be continued
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Old 01-04-2016, 05:19 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default On with the game!

Dreams are funny things, but particularly night-time dreams. The most interesting dreams are the ones that mix together things that went on in the daytime with elements of pure fantasy. And the rules by which a person operates during the day may get twisted and turned in all sorts of ways that would not happen in reality. That can be fun, but it also can be very scary. What if, for example, a guy who thinks he is perfectly straight during the day starts to have dreams that have him watching another guy jerking off to orgasm as the dreamer fondles himself. Does that mean that the dreamer is not as straight as he thinks he is during his waking hours? What if the male-to-male relationship goes even farther than that in the dream, as in having partner-sex. What does this all mean? Who knows?

Bill drifts off to sleep quickly after crawling in bed wearing his usual loose-fitting boxer-short sleeping attire. Joe has made it into bed too. Bill has said nothing to Joe about Sebbie’s paper and what he found. He is embarrassed to do that, for fear that Joe will think Bill is secretly interested in gay porn, and where that conclusion might possibly lead.

Almost immediately, Bill starts to dream. He is suddenly transported to a giant athletic field with green grass, but for what game? The field looks nothing so much as like a strange cross between a baseball field (or perhaps softball field) with a soccer field. Whatever the game is, there are players of both sexes, but everyone is dressed similarly. In the southwestern most corner of the field, a bunch of players, some male but others, interestingly, female, are lined up in what appears to be some sort of goofy batting order. The player up is clearly holding a bat, but it is a bat unlike any bat used in other games involving bats and balls. The bat is about the length of a standard baseball or softball bat, but at its widest appears to be six or seven inches wide. Think very fat baseball bat, but made out of the same stuff they make surfboards from. Heavy-duty foam stuff covered with a colorful layer of plastic material. Each player in the batting order is holding a different color bat, some with geometric and other patterns, but all the same general shape and size.

This, purportedly, is a game called Funchball, though some of the people watching from the stands are shouting F#@kball! F#@kball as each batter comes up to the plate. So Funchball or F#@kball, take your pick.

There is a pitcher, there must one for each team. The ball being pitched is unlike any other too, larger than a softball but a little smaller than a soccer ball. It’s tough to tell what the ball is made of, but clearly it has a leather or heavy duty vinyl over something that has some spring or give to it, maybe some foamy rubbery stuff.

Anyhow, the pitcher throws the ball toward the batter up. Bat strikes the large ball and the ball is sent over to a second group of players over at the north end of the court. There are apparently two basic kinds of players, the batter group and the soccer group, though they may have different names from that. Like so many dreams, this detail is never adequately explained.

Once the ball is lobbed from the batter to the soccer-like players, this new group treats it pretty much like a soccer ball. They start moving the ball back and forth between each other mostly with their legs and feet but occasionally get into something involving a move with their heads, chests or even groin areas. There is a goal with a net on the north end of the field too, and apparently scoring involves getting the ball into the goal which is protected by a a goalie that is dressed in colors different from either team. The goalie works against both teams, and the goalie’s objective is to keep either team from scoring, since there is only one not two goal setups.

Another interesting thing about the game is the costumes or garb that the players wear. Both teams are wearing snug-fitting shorts made of Spandex that look nothing so much as like a cross between a swimming jammer and a compression undergarment. They are shorter and fit somewhat higher on the leg than a true swimming jammer. The tops are really just snug compression tee shirts in school colors that match the compression-jammer shorts.

One of the teams is clad all in a steel gray color, top and bottom. The compression shorts have a triple bright red stripe that runs up the sides of the shorts and then continues up the sides of the compression tee shirt. So the school colors of this team are red and steel gray. The footwear is apparently Adidas, an outdoor soccer-style shoe in the same steel gray color.

The other team is clad similarly, except that the main color is navy blue and the white stripes are white, well actually a creamy off-white.

What Bill is watching is apparently the first game of an interschool Funchball tournament. Soon we learn not only that Bill is actually going to be playing Funchball, his school team will be up to complete in the next game.

Bill can’t help but noticing the costumes on the players, and in particular how the female players pack themselves and their curves and body parts that curve into those tight-fitting little Spandex tees and shorts. Bill says to himself this is a really interesting, and must be part of the reason why there are so many fans and the crowd is so big.

But something else also draws Bill’s attention. A couple of the guys look really fit and athletic, and Bill for some reason starts studying their bodies in detail. The shirts accentuate their upper-body muscularity, and the shorts really grip their thighs and butt muscles in an erotic way, at least Bill is secretly thinking that.

But Bill is studying something else. Under those tight-fitting compression shorts, Bill can clearly see that the guys are wearing athletic straps. He can easily see lines across the glutes where the leg straps go. Not only that, in the front there is a bulge that appears to outline a hard cup!

For the girls, you cannot see a leg strap line. They must be wearing some sort of athletic panty under the shorts, and the front bulge is not as prominent if at all. Bill surmises that the women might be wearing some type of protection, but merely a flatter, female-style cup. Bill's eyes return to the guys he has been studying.

……To be continued
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Old 01-04-2016, 06:05 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Bill's team comes up to bat!

The first game of the tournament is over, and there is a 90-minute break before the second game. There seems to be some noisy dispute over who actually won that game, and the referees are huddled in the corner of the field trying to sort that all out. Some of the rules of the games still seem unclear, maybe even to the referees, but it seems that everyone, the crowd and the players too, are enjoying themselves immensely.

Bill’s team colors are what is called old gold with a forest green accent . The team uniforms follow this, as in a neat gold color in Spandex, with the vertical stripe in forest green. Interestingly, the shoes are forest green too, with a single old gold slash.

Bill has played Funchball with competing teams from his own high school, but this is the first time to play against a team from a neighboring school. In the inter-mural games, no one worried much about game dress or protection. But coach wants everything for this much bigger game to go just right He thinks the players need to have some protection in a game involving what could get to be rough-and-tumble with the neighboring school. He announces this conclusion in a bellicose voice, “all of you need to be wearing protection under your team suits for the big game in an hour” and then proceeds to toss out some straps and male cups for the guys and some pouch panties and female cups for the girls.

There is one small (or is it big) problem however. The straps the guys are being asked to wear look somewhat, errrr undersized, and the cups that go into the strap pouches do not exactly look particularly roomy, either. Then all of this has to somehow fit under the compression shorts, which are not exactly oversized, either.

The girls on the team seem less concerned with the protection garb and how it will fit. After all, they are all used to wearing some rather little panties under their clothes, and the female cup protection is no issue, largely because the women are not trying to cover a (what could be a giant) penis.

One of the players dare ask the coach how in the world he expects the "big guys" to fit into the straps and cups. The coach responds “very carefully, but that is your problem and the snugger the cup fits to your groin the better the protection. You do not want to have your hard cup sliding around as you play or perhaps even slipping out of place where it then can no longer protect you.

So, the players on Bill's school team all go off to their respective locker rooms to change into their team wear, straps, cups, gold compression shorts and tees with the forest green trim. Bill is still worried that his strap and cup is never going to fit. One of the guys hollers out “maybe you would fit better if you jerked off first”. Bill thinks about that option but decides that idea is out of the question, given all the guys wandering around the locker room also getting into their playing garb. Bill is starting to think that this situation has gotten “interesting” at some level given all the guys around him also trying to stuff themselves into straps and cups that are clearly undersized for the anatomy as well.

Bill manages to get his jock strap on over his thighs and in place. He slips the cup into its pouch and it fits every bit as tight as he feared it would. He struggles to pull on his tee, and finally the shorts go on over the strap and cup. Like most guys, Bill can’t resist trying to “adjust” the cup in an effort to move it into what he hopes will be a more comfortable position, but the movement of the cup he immediately senses as a feeling on his penis, and the adjustment only seems to make Bill feel still hornier with the cup bearing down on all around his penis, and he is getting really close to spilling his seed right inside the cup.

Suddenly, at this point, Bill awakens from his dream, and he awakens in the middle of a really powerful ejaculation, creaming his loose fitting boxer shorts and bedclothes all over the place. He did not have the time or the ability to use the “tissue condom” method to avoid at least some of the mess. Slimy semen is in all sorts of places, but thankfully, all under the blankets.

Bill looks over toward Joe’s bed, and it appears that Joe is still asleep. Bill needs to figure out some way to get up and clean himself and his bed up, without making any noise that awakens Joe, who will immediately wonder what has happened to Bill. This will be tricky. Will Bill have to admit to Joe what just happened? Let‘s hope not! This could get complicated.

Isn’t it just weird how elements of Sebbie’s story intermingled with the basic story line of the wet dream? That is the way dreams often are!

……..To be continued

Last edited by sebbie : 01-05-2016 at 01:02 AM.
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Old 01-05-2016, 12:34 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Time Out

Sebbie, your story-writer, wants to once again remind you that both Bill and Joe think of themselves as straight-as-an-arrow 19-year olds, both interested in women of their same age for socialization, and, eventually, sexual relationships. Bill and Joe were placed together in the tiny dorm room by University housing, a room that offers neither space nor even a modicum of privacy. Given the normal college pressures of taking freshman college courses, designed in part, to weed out students who do not have the academic prowess for getting a college degree, and the tight living conditions do not exactly help matters.

Not that Bill and Joe after 6 weeks dislike each other or get into nasty fights over things like shared spaces and noise. Indeed, all things considered and given the minimalist dorm room setup, they are doing pretty well.

The University would like to update their dorms maybe with a few more amenities so the dorms didn’t have such a military-barracks feel to them, but putting in even semi-private baths that would be shared, say, with the room next door, would be an expensive remodeling task. The University does not have the money for that, and besides, once the remodeling is finished surely the University would have fewer rentable rooms. The financial numbers simply do not work for the University administrators, and the dorm residents are forced to use the big military-style bath down the hall, with little privacy either.

There are separate stalls for the johns in the big hall bathroom, but there is just one giant shower area with eight separate heads hanging down in a row, and then a long row of nine urinals without so much as even modesty panels between them. If a guy thinks he is going to easily be able to jerk off in the big bathroom, a lot of practical considerations enter in, none of which lead to a quiet or lengthy solo jerk-off session. This is worse than living at home with your parents and siblings always around from a jerk-off perspective. At least at home, you could always go to the bathroom and just close the door!

About 10 years ago, the University did decide to install WiFi in all the dorms, which meant running a computer line with WiFi antenna down the long hallway with the little antenna coming out of the fiber tile ceiling every 20 feet or so. You can imagine all of this must look, rectangular fiberboard ceiling tiles 2 x 4 feet interspersed with an occasional 2 x 4 ft fluorescent light fixture the same size as the tiles, and then these little black WiFi antenna popping out of the occasional tile as you go down the hall. The rooms themselves have a pretty good WiFi signal as they are lined up along both sides of the hall. You can even bring a tablet or iPad into the hall bathroom and get pretty good WiFi not that any guy would actually want to do this ROFL.

In the rental housing contract there is a sentence that says “the University launders bed linen”. Sebbie signed a similar dorm rental contract with the exact same phrase. Sebbie always thought this was hilariously funny, as it sounded as if the University was simply a giant washing machine. Sebby thought maybe university staff laundered the bed linen but not the University. The University was too busy teaching and doing research to take the time to launder bed linen.

What actually happened is that the University, or maybe its staff, thinks that sheets certainly do not need to be washed every day. This is a college dorm not a hotel or motel for goodness sakes. Each row of dorm rooms was designated a certain day for laundry, and early in the morning of that day the residents were expected to rip the sheets off the little twin beds and throw them in a pile outside the door. If the resident doesn’t do this the sheets simply do not get washed until the next week. There is also a once-a-week cleanup maid service. A cleaning lady comes in, sweeps the floor and drops off clean sets of sheets on the laundry day assuming the beds are stripped. Not the same set of sheets that went to the laundry mind you, but a different set of sheets, just washed, that were from another dorm room in the complex. Then the resident was expected to make up his bed with the fresh sheets after he got back from class on laundry day. As we will see, all of this University procedural stuff will enter into Bill’s “predicament” as he rises from sleep and comes out of his wild-ass wet dream experience involving the Funchball game, the jock straps and the cups that were in it.

Both Bill and Joe have separate closets with little chests of drawers for storing clothing items such as socks and underwear. A basic problem Bill now faces is that these little chests are not right by the twin beds, but in the opposite corner across the room. Bill knows he has some clean boxer shorts in the drawers of his chest, if he can figure out a way to get to them without waking Joe in the process.

The dorm does have washers and dryers for use by the residents in the dorm basement. Bill has done laundry only a couple days ago, so he has 5 pair of clean boxers waiting for him in the drawer. Like so many dorm students, Bill just uses an old pillowcase as a laundry bag, and that pillowcase with the soiled items to be washed downstairs just gets filled up during the week as dirty clothes accumulate and tossed in the bottom of the closet.

……….To be continued.
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