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Old 07-02-2018, 02:13 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Understanding ourselves, part 2 (continues from above)

Part of what sent me off in this direction was reading the Highline/Huffpost article that attempts to explain why there are so many sexual predators doing illegal sexual things that might result in serious criminal charges, but then also how this all relates or not to male sexuality what is considered normal sexual behavior falling into my categories 2 and 3 above. You are welcome to read the same content I am reading, here

The article puts forth a number of different ideas and ties them all together. The claim is made that what a guy ultimately finds sexually arousing or not is actually laid down in males (and perhaps females) far earlier than puberty. The reference is to a period in a guy’s (and girl’s) life called adrenarche, in which the adrenal glands at the top of the kidneys start producing significant amounts of hormones. This occurs at ages 6-8, long before when real puberty sets in (10-12). The article claims that despite minimal physical changes, a host of things are going on in one’s mind and body that have sexual implications, most notably the determination of what a person will find to be sexually arousing or not after puberty. In other words, a guy age 6-8 might not realize that it would be sexually exciting to put on a swim brief, but the psychosexual pathways are already laid down such that this will become really interesting and fun to do once real puberty sets in 2-4 years later.

The weird part is perhaps the same with all the rest of it. What happens with respect to sexual behavior throughout adulthood was determined at a very early age. This might mean that the sexual pathways necessary to function as gay or straight might be determined at age 6-8 as well, not to mention the role that a partner might or might not play in adult sexual behavior. I’ve long observed that some guys, straight or gay, are consumed by the idea that sex means sex with a partner, while others not so much if at all. How important a partner is to one’s sexual being as an adult was actually determined at age 6-8. Whether or not you get aroused wearing snug-fitting clothing is the same deal.

The article goes further to claim that what is happening at anderarche also sets up people, normally males, for a host of different potentially criminal sexual behaviors ranging from rape, pedophilia, sexual predators of various sorts and even including sexually-motivated serial killers. MOST guys do not end up engaging in anything potentially criminal, but also, obviously, some do.

Having a sexual partner obviously plays a much bigger role for some guys than others. For that matter, the various ways of engaging in solo sex and what might or might not be a turn-on varies from one guy to another as well. You might say “Meh” to a specific activity that I might find extremely arousing. But the same for me and the stuff you really like. In partner sex, this is all referred to euphorically as “sexual compatibility”. Relationships generally shine when partners are sexually compatible, though partners never seem to fully understand this until after they are well into pairing up mode if not married.

Which brings us back to Josh and Dylan—the two college roommates who happened at random to be rooming together in the same tight quarters. Both of them had this sexual “thing” for snug-fitting clothing, although Josh did not fully appreciate his own situation until he actually saw what Dylan was doing with and to himself. And Dylan did not realize that he was psychologically sensitive to what Josh was doing in the skimpy little thong until the situation was right there in front of Dylan to see. Now we know that the psychosexual pathways that make this all possible were laid down long before puberty, perhaps as early as 6-8.

Stay tuned…
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Old 07-04-2018, 01:12 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Complicated Stuff, all of it!

From the very first time I saw a guy wearing a swim brief, I knew that was something that I definitely wanted to be able to do myself. I didn’t know how I was going to set up a situation where I could do that, but something—I wasn’t sure what—was calling me, loudly. I just couldn’t seem to get out of my head the whole idea of having my groin area encased in such a skimpy, snug-fitting garment. I didn’t understand the nuances of what was driving me to think like this, except that whatever it was seemed to be coming through loud and clear and capturing my attention over and over.

At that age, I was still learning stuff about myself and my body. I supposed I was not unlike any other guy my age—I was starting to appreciate how sensitive my penis was to anything that touched it, my fingers perhaps, but what about articles of clothing that accidentally happened to rub against it. It didn’t take me long to learn that the likelihood of this happening was greater the snugger the garment, and that the material used in the garment could be important too—smooth and slick was going to feel better than rough and course.

Somehow, a swim brief checked all the boxes in this respect, better than anything else out there, at least at the time. Snug-fitting? Yup! Smooth and slick? Of course! For a guy who was enamored with the sensations his penis was capable of producing, a snug-fitting swim brief was the “mother lode” of discovery.

I didn’t fully understand or appreciate what was going on with me in this regard, except to realize that whatever it was seemed really important. I was excited about the prospects, but scared and concerned as well. Was I “normal”? Did other guys my age have these same issues and problems? Was what I was going through OK? Is this something that I should logically be ashamed of? These are complicated questions, and not questions any guy at that age should be able to resolve.

I naturally assumed that what I had accidentally uncovered here was a short-term, temporary phenomenon, and once I reached adulthood such “silliness” would get replaced with something still more complicated but better, as in sex with a female partner. I was clueless as to how that was supposed to work. The whole subject of having sexual fun while wearing a swimming brief seemed to be light years different from that of developing a relationship involving sex with a (female) partner. Surely these two ideas could not somehow co-exist, or could they?

Then there are all the complicated side questions. Starting with the question of what happens if I manage to somehow obtain a snug-fitting swimming brief and immediately get so turned on that all I want to do is jerk off in that? That is an obvious puzzle that needs a resolution. How am I going to pull that off given that is one thing that I would really like to experience. But I need privacy to pull that off. Where? When, and what if, by accident, I get discovered? How am I going to explain this to anyone who might figure out what I am doing to and with myself?

This is where life for guys gets really, really complicated. I keep imagining I am with a group of other guys my age who are all dealing with the same issue and doing the same thing. But is this realistic? Perhaps I could be the only guy who is having this problem and the other guys, not aroused at all when putting on their briefs, are just taking the whole thing in stride, wearing a snug-fitting swim brief is just as normal as sunshine! I’m getting really worried now.

But what if the other guys seem to be getting aroused to varying degrees as well? Perhaps I am NOT the only guy who has a problem. Things happen. I know I am really psychologically sensitive particularly when I see other guys wearing swim briefs with partially erect penises in the “up” position. Seeing the outline of the underside of a penis pressing hard against the swim brief somehow does stuff to me, stuff that happens in both my head and in my groin. I love it, but it makes me apprehensive as well.

Then there is the whole subject of drops of precum. I can’t help myself. If I see another guy in a swim brief penis clearly up, I can’t resist looking to see if he is dripping an occasional drop through the brief at the point where the very tip of the penis is located. Am I the only guy who pays any attention to this or is this normal for guys to do? Does this mean I am gay, or have a gay streak? What in the world is going on here from a psychosexual perspective?

I have yet to sort this all out. At one point I thought that this was all something guys might find interesting in their teen years, but then quickly discard as partner sex soon replaced such ideas. After all these years, that never happened and I still find these issues fascinating to ponder.

Now I read that biologically, all of this stuff is laid down in guys even well before puberty, at anderarche, as early as 6-8 years of age. At that age, I had no real awareness of things like swimming briefs, except to say that is where the preconditions to all of this gets fixed, and all the rest. This is all interesting, but scary.

I’m also still trying to determine how this all gets sorted out once guys form relationship bonds. A presume that gay guys have it easier carrying this stuff into a relationship than straight guys do. Sharing the stuff I just told you with another male as a sexual partner just seems a whole lot easier than trying to explain it all to a female partner, even if I were somehow willing to do that.

Then I get into really complicated questions about what a sexual relationship really involves. Are Dylan and Josh involved in some sort of gay relationship despite having never even touched each other, let alone exchanged bodily fluids in any way? What exactly does a sexual relationship with another person involve anyway?

To be continued…
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Old 07-06-2018, 01:47 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Does color matter?

This is a fascinating question. I have learned recently that when it comes to being aroused and able to enjoy snug-fitting clothing of various sorts is something that likely gets laid down at a very early age, maybe well before real puberty sets in, if we assume that for males real puberty roughly happens with the first ejaculation of semen. This is complicated but most interesting stuff to think about. It suggest that even though a guy may not be old enough to even begin to happen to his mind and body as he becomes a young adult, very early on a guy knows that something interesting and ultimately important is happening to him.

That something, of course, is the sensations that he is starting to feel of various sorts emanating from the groin area and the gradual discovery that a guy has a degree of control over when and how this all happens to him. Fun stuff, but, in a way, quite scary as well. One of the first things a guy learns is that there are certain things, perhaps best called situations that can occur which results in very pleasant feelings and a desire to do more of that. What kinds of situations? You might first think of a guy rubbing or stroking certain body parts with pleasant results, that is, feelings and sensations, sometimes referred to as plain ordinary masturbation. All guys do that, well at least nearly all guys do that. This is almost always done in private, under a cloud of secrecy and without any other person present, whether that other person is a parent, a sibling or a peer. At least, most guys quickly try to engage in such activity in a very covert matter.

But most guys also quickly learn that masturbation is more than just touching and stroking oneself in private. There are other things that seem to work as well or better in setting off a flood of pleasant sensations and feelings…smooth, snug-fitting clothing, for example, can frequently be a significant and helpful “aid” in this regard.

This is where stuff has always gotten really complicated for me. One of the interesting aspects of all of this is not only the self-discovery part (which I was always very fond of pursuing) but also many attempts to put together the parts of the puzzle that I didn’t fully understand. Some of you might think this would involve how couples engage in sex with each other, but my primary concern has instead always been understanding more fully how the other guys, friends, related male peers who are not siblings and similar, were dealing with the same feelings, issues and sensations that I was experiencing in this regard. In short, I’ve always wanted to learn more about what other guys my age enjoyed doing with and to themselves. Given what I was experiencing, surely something similar was happening to other guys around me as well. Do other guys have the same problems” and how to they cope with the situation.

What does this have to do with snug-fitting swim briefs, anyway? Turns out, quite a bit. Back when I was about 11 or so, my male cousin, a year younger than me, came to visit from the West coast. I always looked to my West coast cousins for ideas with respect to what they were doing differently from what me, living in a landlocked state, was able to do.

So, we all went down to the lake, swimming. There were my two cousins, one a year younger than I, and the other a year older, were both wearing swim briefs. The older cousin had a maroon one, but what was really getting me going was what the younger cousin was wearing, a slick-and-bright royal blue one with stripes of white piping down both sides.

And the younger cousin obviously really loved that little bright blue brief. He was so fond of it that when he got through in the water, he didn’t remove it but just slipped on a pair of shorts over. And interestingly, he was planning on spending the night at my parent’s place and would be sleeping with me in my bedroom with me.

As it turns out, he was still wearing the bold blue suit that night. This happened a long time ago, but he slept in the suit for part of the night, then pulled it off and laid it on the top of the bed. I so wanted to try it on myself to see if it felt as good as it looked, but that possibility, sadly, was beyond me. That night proceeded with me still having had an all-new appreciation for all of this. In retrospect, I have to believe that the reason my cousin wore that suit for so long (his mom thought it was a bit weird but she let him do it anyway) was because, he had discovered that he could enjoy himself that way without anyone else around him being the wiser as to what he was experiencing. I doubt he appreciated the fact that in the process he was driving me bananas too.

To this day, bright royal blue swim briefs still quickly “do it” for me, but especially so if they have white piping down the sides. Years later, I actually found a royal blue Speedo® with white piping, one that came in one of those famous little cardboard boxes.

Many guys have expressed a fondness for swim brief of a certain color. I have a hunch this is because a particular color brings back fond memories of a first encounter with a brief of that color, and way fornd memories of enjoying oneself in that particular colored brief based on events that might have taken place a long time ago. What this color might be varies by the individual and what the situation might have been.

For example, some guys seem to be fond of a dark green suit with white stripes. This fondness for a certain color and the arousal associated with it goes beyond simply liking a particular cut and fit. Like the royal blue Speedo® with the white piping, these connections may have ended up getting glued to a guy’s brain many, many years ago, but still work. This is stuff most guys would still never dare talking about with a partner, but gay guys may find this easier than straight guys in this regard. I have long suspected that nearly every guy must have stuff like this bouncing around in his head, irrespective of sexual orientation.

To be continued…
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Old 07-18-2018, 01:56 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Nighttime fun

From my earliest teen years, maybe even before, nights had become a period of time I looked forward to for a host of different reasons, not the least of which I could pursue some thoughts and ideas I had that for a bunch of different reasons, I could not pursue during the day, at least not in the manner I was thinking about. I quickly learned that the sensations that my penis was capable of producing were fun, really fun, and interestingly they seemed to be coming from my mind as well. I soon realized that all of this, however initially strange and wonderful it was, was completely “normal” even though I didn’t exactly have anyone to share my newfound “information”. To me, this was scientific discovery at its very best, or maybe worst, depending on exactly how I was feeling about my body on any given day and whether or not I was simply enjoying myself in some special ways that I still did not fully understand or appreciate, and that whether or not what I was doing was something to feel somewhat embarrassed about or not.

After all, I was playing with myself and each night trying new and wonderful things. Not long after a guy discovers this, he learns that what he is doing to himself is technically called masturbation, a scary word on a bunch of different levels. A guy’s male peers seem to use the word as something of a joke in reference to what always seem to be the socially and perhaps physically inept male classmates—those that “couldn’t get a girl to do it with", however it is defined in those days.

A complicating issue is that masturbation in a lot of the books on young adulthood treat masturbation as something of a temporary condition young guys go through that likely will prove to be less and less interesting if at all as a guy gets a little older and develops a real relationship with another person, likely a girl. The notion that the relationship might be with another male is simply treated as if that would never happen, which in itself is certainly an interesting way of dealing with the subject, if not downright amusing from a current perspective.

Back in the 1970s, there was a popular book entitled ‘Everything you wanted to know about sex but were afraid to ask” which every guy my age read as something of a readable reference on sex and sexuality. The funny thing about that book is that the chapter titled masturbation treats the subject exactly like what I outlined above—something that guys mess around with shortly after puberty sets in but will soon lose interest.

Even more amusing is that the book treats the entire subject of being gay as an abnormal condition but treatable disease. This of course was consistent with how most psychiatrists viewed the condition back then. A gay guy who wanted to be straight only needed to find the right psychiatrist who would be able to recondition him in a different direction.

From the current perspective looking back, all of this seems pretty silly. A guy who marries a woman and then discovers that from time to time he is still yearning to enjoy himself on his own isomehow has a sick mind. A guy who marries a woman with the hope that this will somehow cure his sexual interest in other guys is somehow sick because it is not working out that way. Life sometimes, perhaps often, doesn’t follow the rules supposedly smart people write in books.

What does this have to do with a guy just kicking back and enjoying himself at night? Engaging in activity with yourself at night while wearing something loose-fitting can be fun, but perhaps not as much fun as wearing clothing that fits snugger and causes you to focus on the targeted body parts. This is easy to do and running experiments like this quickly become routine if you are an adult living alone. The task merely becomes one of finding some clothing items that might work as sleepwear and then trying them repurposed this way.

If you are with another person, either someone you think of as a sexual partner, or even a same-sex college dorm roommate, things can quickly get more complicated. Female sexual partners by and large will probably see your behavior as strange if not abnormal and perhaps hurtful, as in why is my guy doing this to himself alone when I am right here to please. Few women have any real understanding of how guys are wired in this regard.

I’ve always thought that gay male relationships are much more interesting in this respect in part because the other guy in the relationship probably better understands what and why you are doing this to yourself. One response would be to join in on the fun, as in two male masturbators each pushing themselves in novel and interesting ways.

What your brain is dealing with during the day influences what you might want to try at night. Yesterday I was reading about guys wearing snug-fitting Asian-style swim briefs. Part of what has long fascinated me about the fit is how these briefs are cut low enough to reveal just a bit of butt-crack, something most non-Asians would dare do, at least not in public.

Me, I have a few pair of Asian-style swim briefs, and, not surprisingly, they are cut a little low in back too, aside from being really snug-fitting. I decided I was going to try to wear one of these as sleepwear overnight. The brief fits so snug that I was already feeling pretty horny as soon as I pulled it on and was already oozing precum spots on the brief. You probably know how that goes too. I tried tugging it up in back but my butt-crack was still showing. I crawled into bed and pulled up the covers, but the feelings in my groin area were starting to get more and more intense, as the underside of my penis pressed against the front pouch of the brief. I expected that I would quickly fall asleep and wake up seven hours later still aroused but still wearing the brief. I started fondling my butt crack which was peeking out over the back of the brief. Sadly, I was off in 10 minutes, maybe less.

Oh well, maybe next time I try this stunt I will be able to make it a little longer, so to speak. For now, this idea gets 5 stars on my “interesting stuff for a guy to try doing at night” list.

To be continued…
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Old 07-19-2018, 07:51 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default On becoming a young adult

I suspect that a lot of young teens go through a very similar experience that my cousin had, developing a special fondness for something like the fit and feel of a snug-fitting royal blue swimming brief. Nowadays, the Internet is filled with any number of on-line vendors selling unique and snug-fitting male clothing. A standard swim brief is merely the start of what is available that fits tight and snug in the groin area.

Clearly, if there are manufacturers and vendors for all of this stuff, we can conclude that a. Having such a “hang up” is not uncommon for guys, and perhaps quite commonplace, even quite normal, and b. the Internet has made it possible for shy guys who would perhaps never go shopping in the real world to find the stuff that “gets” to them from the privacy of their homes.

Many of these items are sold as “underwear” when in fact they are mainly designed to be used for arousal and masturbation. A lot of the items also seem to have at least something of an athletic overtone, i.e. a swim brief for swimmers, a nice strap for use when playing contact sports, a wrestling singlet for wrestling etc etc. Part of the fun of participating in active sports that require such gear is that the activity makes it possible for a guy to be able to buy and wear such stuff without creating undo attention from, say, one’s parents, as in a reasonable excuse for buying such stuff.

For a teen guy, the tricky part is convincing your parents that even though you are not on the school football or baseball team or the swimming or wrestling team, you would still like to have such items in your possession. Dylan didn’t get a lot of this stuff until he got away to college and was no longer being watched every day by his parents. Josh likely had similar issues, but note that he jumped at the chance to get items once he put two and two together and figured out what Dylan was doing.

My cousin had the advantage that he was a decent swimmer, and in that era swimmers wore swim briefs not trunks or board shorts, so no problem at all convincing his parents what he wanted and needed. The idea of being so fond of the swim brief such that he kept it on far away from the water, errr…well, came later. But, in retrospect, he must have been “hooked” pretty well on the entire idea. In retrospect I understand how he got there though I didn’t fully understand all of this at the time even though I nearly instantaneously knew I wanted to be where he was, wearing that neat royal blue brief.

Every teen has surrounding him three different kinds of male friends. There are friend that you consider to be your buddies, maybe as few as 1 or as many as 5 or 6. These are guys that you feel comfortable sharing stuff with that you wouldn’t share with guys who were less close to. Then there are the guys you get along with and think are OK but you don’t regard them as buddies. What you might share with these guys, a larger group, is less detailed than for the first group. The third group includes all the guys you really don’t like for one reason or another. These are enemies of sorts, and guys who are not above teasing and bullying you. OCCASIONALLY, though certainly not frequently, guys can move from one group to another, though seldom will an enemy become a buddy or vice versa. The problem with the enemy group is they are prone to teasing and bullying you any chance they get, and that makes them dangerous.

So, suppose that you, as a teenager, have this “thing” for swimming briefs, but particularly the royal blue ones. You all know what I am saying here. Just the thought of being able to pull one of these on makes you horny and leaking precum. You are curious as all get out if any of your buddies have the same issue, but for a host of different reasons you don’t dare bring up the subject, even tangentially. You start trying to dream up ways to find out the answer to what you are questioning but in a tangential way. This is tricky, tricky stuff. One possibility is that if you approach the subject directly, you buddy might immediately conclude that you are weird and perhaps gay. Do you really want to go there? The whole subject scares a lot of guys totally.

Or what about a budding relationship with a girl your age? If the male buddies are tricky in this regard, the girl is totally uncharted territory. This is way outside anything the girl’s mom taught her about guys and their penises.

Then there are the enemies. If any of them get wind of this, they will start to publically claim that you are a socially inept jerk-off masturbator with a swimming brief fetish, or gay, or some combination of all of this. Tough world. Why is it that the enemies all seem to have any number of girls they claim as their own, anyway?

Somehow, Dylan and Josh made it through their young teen years and into college. Bill and Joe too. But none of them lost interest in these things. In fact, for all four of them, outside the bounds set up by their parents and siblings, they could do some things to and with themselves that they didn’t dare do when they were a little younger. Interesting and amazing stuff, to be certain.

To be continued….
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Old 07-20-2018, 02:30 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Spending the night in a Seobean Part I

I have always admired the snug-fitting swim briefs that we see commonly being worn by the Asian guys. These designs are quite different from a lot of the swim briefs we see being sold to guys in other parts of the world. For starters, they are not a thong, g-string or even a “Brazil-back” cut, but rather appear to just be a “standard” swim brief even tough the sizing seems to be undersized ( and the sites that sell these internationally warn that a Japanese SM is much smaller than a US or UK SM, maybe as much as 4 inches down so a SM would be closer to US or UK 26” than a 28”-30” we normally think of here as a SM. In this context, a JN LG would be a US SM, and so on.

I have often wondered about this, because this would imply that Japanese adult men, and perhaps in other parts of Asia as well, are, on average smaller in stature than men living in many other parts of the world, such that an adult Asian male could commonly has a 26-inch waist, a size that would be likely for a young teen in other parts of the world.

Then there is the matter of the pouch, or lack thereof, in the classic Asian-style brief. I realize that there are Asian Web site than sell swimwear (perhaps used as underwear) that consists of little more than a pouch with three “strings” attached. Having said that, this is not what I am referring to when I am talking about the “classic” Asian style swim brief.

Most guys that wear swim briefs realize that they can stretch horizontally quite a bit, so a guy who would normally wear a 30 or even 32 inch brief can probably squeeze himself into a 28’ or even 26” brief if he downsizes (for competition, of course). But all of this comes at a “price”.

First off, these briefs, even if correctly sized, are snug and pouchless, which means the real estate will be limited and leave almost no room for expansion, if needed. The only practical penis position is up, which means that the underside is going to be pressing firmly against that snug-fitting sleek brief material. Aaaaahhh…

Second, there is the other “problem” given the low cut of the brief in the back as it stretches in an attempt to at least try to cover your glutes. This creates the classic Asian brief look, where an inch (or two) of your butt crack is exposed and the brief seems to be trying hard to keep your glutes from being exposed.

Third, this brief is anything but roomy, and still has to cover your scrotum and balls, which means that they are snuggly encased in the slick, smooth fabric that the underside of your penis seems to like so much.

All of this combined is what I describe as the classic Asian “look”. I could also mention the stereotype that says that Asian guys are typically smaller than guys from many other parts of the world when it comes to the size of their male organs, but I don’t really think there is any real basis or scientific evidence for that. I have read that guys who have smaller flaccid penises tend to grow by a greater percentage when they get erect. Maybe Asian guys on average are just fonder of and more secure about packing stuff in more tightly than many of the guys coming from other parts of the world, but that is a hypothesis that needs more study for sure. A lot of American guys seem to be very insecure about packing themselves into a situation where the real estate required for expansion is very limited. I could write a textbook on that topic alone. To what extent does a guy’s measured waist size correlate with the size of his gonads either erect or flaccid?

Depending on your mindset, you might think that just getting your body into something like this is just more than a little weird. You might wonder about hose photos you see on the Internet showing Asian guys wearing this kind of swimwear in public, and wonder if guys showing a bit of butt crack, if done in the US, is a form of partial nudity that could get you ticketed, say on a US beach. But the Asian guys just seem to be oblivious to all of this, and wearing a suit like this in this matter at public beaches and pools is considered as “normal as sunshine”.

Putting two and two together, I have concluded that there must be something about wearing a suit like this that the Asian guys really enjoy, or this wouldn’t have caught on to the degree it has, and then the suits would be rarely available, if at all. Perhaps something specific in it for them?

Now, I am not brain dead when it comes to understanding how the male sexual organs work and respond to various “situation” they find themselves in. So too, with Asian-style swimsuits. It’s time for me to run an experiment, of sorts.

To be continued…
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Old 07-20-2018, 02:32 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Spending the Night in a Seobean, Part II.

The little, Asian style Seobean briefs are readily available at several different on-line retailers and at very moderate cost. They have all the characteristics of the classic Asian style brief, skimpy cut, particularly in the back, slick, smooth fabric, quite well made, and typically with a cost of under $10 ea USD. I have a few pair .

For simple and pure fun, there is nothing quite like crawling into one of these and looking in the mirror at how your body responds to the situation until you blow even with only a limited amount of stroking. You quickly learn that the underside of your penis really likes being up against that slick pouch lining fabric, and just the slightest touch of the underside using your fingertips through the cloth sends you off to a new place where all you want to think about is how good you feel. For some time, this has become my favored way of getting off.

The stunt I had never tried was attempting to use a Seobean brief as sleepwear. Usually I choose something somewhat more roomy, but I was curious to see how my body would respond top spending an entire night in the Seobean. I made a promise to myself that I was not going to take the Seobean off during the night no matter what happened to me.

I have already told you that these Asian style briefs have a way of making your entire groin area seem like just one big sexual organ, perhaps with some warmer and cooler spots but all sensitive nonetheless. Goodness, even my glutes with the fabric stretched tightly over them, were “hot” areas to touch as well. But interestingly the exposed butt crack is sensitive to the touch as well.

So I slipped into my little Seobean and crawled into bed, putting my penis into the more comfortable “up” position. Already the underside was starting to feel pretty good even with just light touching. But I quickly started playing around with other areas, just stroking lightly my glutes, fondling the exposed part of my butt crack. My balls seemed to like being contained inside the slick brief almost as much as my penis was enjoying the situation with which it was confronted.

And, I noticed something that was really, really interesting. As the underside of my penis was becoming more sensitive to what was going on around it, my balls also seemed to be producing sensations that kept feeling better and better to me. They seemed to be hard-wired directly to my head. So here I had all of these area that I could stroke and fondle, with each area producing its own unique but still interesting sensation. This is a total body experience involving both mind and body. Things were happening fast. I decided that if I kept this all up for too long it was all going to be over too soon. I decided I had better lay off and soon drifted to sleep.

Oddly enough, I woke up about an hour later and my penis was somewhat harder than before, still in the same up position, but well on its way to being erect. On wakening, my entire groin area seemed absolutely super sensitive to any touch no matter where I put my fingers. My penis was sending “clear” signals that it wanted to be stroked on the underside some more. Here I was, just a little more than an hour into the experiment, and I was about to go into a full-scale orgasm only an hour into the experiment. Aaahhh, now I know what those Asian swimmers must really be up to!

But, remember the secret promise I had made to myself—that I was going to stay in the little Seobean no matter what happened during the night.

After the orgasm, I quickly drifted off to sleep again, only awakening at about 6 AM, but still thinking about Asian swim briefs and how horny I still felt. My penis had stayed in the up position all night long, and still was already calling me for a fresh new round of stroking.

I got myself together and said to myself that the entire experience was just too interesting and too much fun not to share with my readers. You can try this all on your own one night and see where you end up. Another option is to share what I have written with a close friend. If you are gay, a male partner would be a perfect choice, especially if he thinks he might want to try some of the same himself, even as you are running through the experiments outlined here. With a female partner this could get a bit trickier to explain and experiment together because your partner has a different set of equipment. And I always worry that she could be offended if she knew there were things you enjoy doing that do not directly involve her, or perhaps they could involve her!

Whatever happens, please be sure that you don’t deny yourself the pleasures your own body is capable of generating. I wonder if Dylan and Josh have discovered all of this yet…and even Bill and Joe.

Those Asians are way smart guys on a bunch of different levels, in my view. I admire them greatly. I think I better understand what my young cousin was up to that night to a better degree as well.

To be continued…

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Old 07-29-2018, 01:38 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Josh does some shopping for school clothes Part I

The summer months are rapidly winding down. College will be starting up again the last week in August, so we are less than a month away. Josh and Dylan, having both successfully gotten through their Freshman year, will now both be Sophomores in College this year, and they both will have turned 20 during the summer months. Still not quite old enough to buy beer legally, but getting closer.

Dylan and Josh got along very well last year in the dorm room, despite the cramped quarters. They thought about renting a small off-campus apartment for their sophomore year, but then thought about it again when they discovered how expensive even a small apartment would be within easy walking distance to their classes. Most of the guys they knew who were doing that this year had formed groups of 4 or even as many as 6 guys.

Bringing more guys into a group living together can create a host of problems. At this point--let me say this gently—Josh and Dylan “knew" each other pretty well, in a bunch of different ways, and were comfortable with each other’s “idiosyncrasies.” All of my readers must appreciate exactly what I am trying to communicate here without being more explicit than that. Bringing more guys into a group living together in the same small apartment could go into a host of different issues and problems. What if one of the members of the group is what I might label as a “rampant college age heterosexual?" Every 20-year old has run into these guys. They are the ones who feel that their masculinity hinges on being able to bring a girl back to the apartment for sex at least once during the week and maybe even more often than that.

What are Josh and Dylan to do if that happens? Neither Josh nor Dylan have female friends who are close enough to do that. The other problem would be what if one of these rampant heterosexuals discovers anything about what Josh and Dylan have been doing to themselves and in the presence of each other. This could quickly lead to a very uncomfortable situation for both Josh and Dylan, with teasing and perhaps even bullying being not far behind.

Naw, the best bet for both of them is to just plan to spend another year in that cramped dorm room that is easy walking distance to class for both of them. What they have been doing is a secret that is safe, at least for the time being.

Josh learned a lot from Dylan in his freshman year about a lot of things. In many ways, Josh has very much admired Dylan, and Dylan also taught Josh a lot about clothes that make a guy feel horny when wearing and also look stylish and up-to date. Josh was very familiar with Dylan’s idea about wearing a snug-fitting swim brief to class, and how that made the day a little brighter if paired with some skinny or even super skinny jeans. All summer long, Josh has been thinking that he needs to find some jeans for fall that fit him like the ones Dylan liked to wear last year.

Josh knew the brand, PacSun®. The jeans Dylan favored not only had really snug-fitting legs and thighs, tapering to a very narrow ankle. And they had a bit of stretch, so the overall fit was glove-like. On going to the PacSun® Web site, Josh quickly discovered that the price was right too, as there were a lot on sales, regularly $49 each but buy one and get one free. So right in a College student’s price range.

To be continued…

Last edited by sebbie : 07-29-2018 at 06:27 PM.
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Old 07-31-2018, 01:01 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Josh does some shopping for school clothes Part II

Picking out the jeans…

Josh is older now, and he has managed to be able to get his own credit card, which means that he can order stuff on-line without having his parents looking over and approving everything he buys. It’s great to be 20. Further, Josh can pick out his clothes for the coming year in college without feeling that he has to make sure his parents would approve of every item. Part of the “fun” at college last year were the on line orders he made with Dylan and what he “discovered” what Dylan really was doing to (and with) himself with each item.

Almost from the first day the two became dorm roommates, Josh admired how good Dylan looked in his super-snug jeans. At first at least, Josh didn’t quite know how to deal with this admiration. Perhaps it was just a bit of a “gay thing” of sorts. What if Josh really admires how Dylan looks? Maybe Dylan has some of the same thoughts about Josh.

Then things got even more complicated when Josh figured out that some of what Dylan was doing was an effort not only to look good in class, but several items of clothing he was wearing, especially the jeans and what he chose to wear underneath the jeans each day, made Dylan feel horny for the entire day. Dylan would come back to the dorm room, strip off the snug jeans, and tell-tale spots would be present in various places on what he was wearing underneath the jeans that day. Josh quickly figured out that Dylan had likely been precumming off-and-on more-or-less all day long, and that the snug-fitting jeans probably had been playing a significant role in all of this.

The idea of staying aroused nearly all day long to the point where the precum never really shuts down was pretty much something that had never occurred to Josh until he started rooming with Dylan. Why was Josh so fascinated with this about Dylan? Josh did not know except to say that Josh wanted to try doing exactly what it was that Dylan was doing to himself, and that some super-snug jeans like Dylan had—the PacSuns ® seemed to play a role. Of course there were other things, like wearing a swim brief to class, but Josh had to start somewhere, and the snug-fitting jeans seemed to be the key, or at least one key.

The PacSun® Web site was all set up for Josh to place an order for a couple pair of jeans similar to the ones Dylan had. One day last spring when Dylan wasn’t around, Josh had actually checked the label on the inside of a pair of Dylan’s PacSun jeans and it said “super skinny”. It was easy to find the super skinny section. There were ripped jeans with holes in them and jeans that were still all in one piece. The idea of buying jeans with holes in them as new jeans was a fad that had peaked some time ago. Oddly, the jeans with holes in them were usually more expensive than the ones without holes. Josh though that if he wanted to wear his jeans ripped he could cut holes in them himself and so he quickly discarded the ripped jeans options.

The best news was that there was a Buy One Get One free sale going on for jeans in a host of different colors, light bleached, medium bleached and dark blue in standard denim, plus light gray and a solid black, all in super skinny. Each were $50 but with the BOGO sale that worked out to only $25 a pair. Josh knew that the jeans were well made as he had studied Dylan’s jeans a lot. They had particularly deep front pockets—deep enough for carrying a cell phone.

Colors are good, cut is good, but what size to get? Josh nominally is a 32 x 30, that is, a 32-inch waist and a 30-inch inseam. The tricky part is that all of the denim in the skinny jeans contains some Lycra® for stretch. So a guy who thinks he has a 32-inch waist could likely wear a 31 inch jean. Also, the jeans are cut to ride quite low on the waist, and a guy’s waist size is actually a bit smaller the lower in the waist that the jeans fit.

Another tricky part is that the ankles are quite narrow, listed as an 11=inch opening on most of them. It used to be that a 13-inch ankle opening was as skinny as things got for guys. Somehow a guy needs to get his feet through the really narrow ankle openings, which varies with the waist size. A 31 W might work whereas a 30 W might be pushing this. The idea is to have jeans that not only fit snug in the butt, but glove like and without extra material through the thighs, the calves and into the ankle. Anyway, that is how Dylan wore his.

Josh decided to order two pair, both 31 x 30. He wanted one pair to be much like what Dylan had, which was the light bleach blue denim. He picked the gray ones for the other pair. These look a bit more dressing, and would look nice for events where Josh might wear a sport coat. Josh thought about the look: gray super-skinny jeans, a light-blue dress shirt, open collar, navy-blue coat over.

This was partly a test order for Josh. If the size worked, fine. He needed to see how the 31 W worked with respect to exactly how it fit the rest of his body, butt, thighs, calves and ankles. If he discovered that he could wear the jeans tighter still, the possibility was to place another order 30W x 30 I, but maybe some solid black ones or a pair in one of the darker blue colors. But Josh would want to study exactly how his body looked in these two pair first. Josh was feeling pretty horny just thinking about all of this, and where this could lead him :-)

To be continued….
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Old 08-04-2018, 08:20 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Josh does some shopping for school clothes Part III

But what to wear underneath?

As a new school year wardrobe for a college sophomore, a great looking pair of super skinny jeans (Size 31 W x 30 I) is certainly an excellent starting point, but what to wear under the jeans? That can often pose a challenge for guys. There are, of course, many different options, and each of the options has particular advantages and disadvantages.

Way back when (OK not THAT many years ago), guys all seemed to be wearing the so-called relaxed fit jeans—roomy in the thigh down to a wide ankle with a leg opening about 20 inches wide. Under such loose-fitting jeans practically any size undergarment would work, and long, loose-fitting cotton boxers became all the rage. Think back: From the 1950s through much of the 1970s, tighty whities, white cotton briefs, were the underwear “uniform” for most guys. Guys who didn’t wear them were considered, well, “different.”

As the 1960s wore on, more and more briefs started showing up in colors other than white, and a “daring” guy might try a few pair of these. This evolved into bikini style briefs that were smaller and fit snugger all around.

But the most radical chance was colored briefs for guys that didn’t have a fly or sewn-in pee hole. Initially, a lot of guys thought these were “girly” and not for real guys who had penises. But the briefs were cut low enough so that guys quickly figured out that they could just pull the brief down a bit and they were “good to go” so to speak.

All the while the student-athletes were wearing straps (athletic supporters) for a lot of sports that they were involved with, and sometimes straps with cups. Non-athletes wondered about these. I guess the support made sense, and in a sport like baseball or football, maybe a cup. But why was the butt left completely uncovered, anyway? Non-athletes kept wondering how these straps felt when wearing, and, with very good reasons.

Thongs as men’s underwear didn’t get going till the late 1980s, at least not in the US. I guess a lot of guys somehow knew that their butt-crack sensitivity wise was a weird but sexually-active “hot spot”, and the idea of having an elastic string or band of elastic coursing between the glutes was not something every guy wanted to try. Still, some guys were daring enough.

The evolution of men’s underwear took other twists and turns. Snug-fitting longer-legged underwear that were close to being a swimming jammer but often with a pouch, sometimes with a fly but, interestingly, sometimes not. A recent ad for Hanes underwear of this design with a pouch features a kangaroo, of all things.

Then the dividing line between a brief to be used as underwear and a brief designed for swimming continues to blur. In international Internet markets, a lot of these are advertized as something that could be used either as a swim brief or as underwear.

There are lots of options for Josh to consider and perhaps order on-line. What should Josh choose? Well, practicality is a factor, as in a guy doesn’t want to choose something that is going to make life difficult in the restroom. An example of something that might prove daunting are the long-legged pouch-style underwear that lacks a fly.

A swimwear-style brief or even a thong should not cause any problems in this regard, however.

Beyond that, Josh really needs to “read” what his body is telling him as he sorts through the various options. Bluntly put, the whole idea here is to find some options that will be fun to wear under the jeans and perhaps help Josh feel horny all day long, much like what Dylan was doing last year. Making the right choices really hinges on determining which of the available options make Josh most excited just thinking about doing this. There is nothing quite like precum production as the tool for helping a guy in this regard. The best options get precum in production just thinking about wearing the item. Josh knows that.

To be continued…
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