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Old 11-11-2014, 11:52 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Jimmy was fitful all through school, He could not concentrate well in class, at times almost gasping for air with panic. Swim practice was right after school, at 2:50PM. The school was large, almost 3,000 students in South Florida, Fort Myers to be exact. There were four swim teams, two for the girls and two for the guys. The guys team was not quite as popular as the girls, but with the success of US Swimmer Michael Phelps, guys swimming was making a big comeback, even with the brief swimsuit requirement. Phelps and Ryan Lochte are what made Jimmy want to be a swimmer. He idolized both guys and Britich diver Tom Daley, even if Tom might be gay. What was really racing through Jimmy’s mind was all the stuff Bryan had said about boners and, of course, being in front of girls in something that was way smaller than his white Fruit of the Loom briefs. He couldn’t even show his swimsuit on for his mom, despite her urging.

Final period ended and Jimmy raced to the locker room. Bryan and Jimmy almost collided in the atheltics corridor leading to the pool locker rooms. Jimmy wondered why they all had such big bags when the swimsuit was so small. It was funny, he thought.

The guys in the locker room were carrying on like the adolescents they were. The banter was free flowing and, at times, downright dirty, but sex was on the minds of young men this age. The pent up sexual tension and energy was obvious. Hormone raged teens and tiny speedos did that. Add cute girls and the juices really started to flow, so to speak.

“I heard you jacked off in algebra,” one guy said to another.

“Yeah, well at least I can get it hard,” came the reply.

“Yeah, well wait til you get hard in your Speedo,” yelled a third.

It was all kind of funny, Jimmy thought. The guys were all nervous about the same thing.

“Hey, you must be new on the team,” asked the guy next to Jimmy.

“Yes, first time,” Jimmy replied.

“My name is Nick, welcome to the team.” answered the young man, a fairly short, stocky young guy. A ball of muscles and energy. “It is lots of fun, and you will really learn to swim good,” Nick added.

“Cool, my name is James, but everyone just calls me Jimmy,” extended hand in reply.

Nick was already in his swimsuit and Jimmy actually thought he looked good in it. Really good. Jimmy wasn’t sure why he thought that, but he did.

Jimmy slipped on his suit and tied up the strings. “These suits sure are small,” Jimmy said.

“Yeah, they don’t leave us guys much space,” Nick replied. “Well, you ready to go swimming?”

“Sure am, let me just find my pal, Bryan,” Jimmy replied. Both guys spotted Bryan at the sink. He was throwing cold water on his speedo clad crotch.

“Dude, what are you doing?” Jimmy asked.

“Hey Nick,” Bryan replied. “Just some cold water, call it insurance,” Bryan continued, answering Jimmy.

“Oh yeah, you are the boner guy,” Nick teased.

“Shut up,” Bryan replied. “I can’t help it if girls make me get hard.”

That set off a rage of banter between the three guys as they headed out the door. The girls were already out at the pool. Stephanie looked as cute as ever. In fact, they all looked cute. As the guys came out, all the girls stopped and watched. The boys always looked hot in their Speedos, but one guy in particular looked amazing. He was new, and he really filled out the tornado well. Whispers began between the girls about exactly who
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Old 11-12-2014, 03:32 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Rofl

These poor guys are going to be in the water so much they might even develop gills. Coach on his notice has practice in the water scheduled daily at 6:30-7:30 AM...Then they are in the water again at 2:50, all on a daily basis. Might as well just wear their Speedos to class, too.
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Old 11-12-2014, 04:01 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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As Bryan, Jimmy and Nick walked from the locker room to the pool deck, Jimmy laughed, "you really are the boner guy, you think that splashing cold water on your crotch is going to prevent a boner."

"Jimmy, give it a rest", said Bryan, "the only time I get a boner is when I sit near Stephanie, it doesn't happen all the time."

"Well, I know what I'm going to do, I'm not going to be anywhere near any girls, not unless it's absolutely necessary."

As the three guys emerged from the locker room and onto the pool deck, Jimmy cried with absolute terror, "Bryan, all the girls are looking right at my crotch, I hope I don't bone up. I'm going to stand behind you and Nick until the coach says to get in the water."

"Dude, you can't just stand behind us, everyone will know that either you have a boner or you're one of those timid freshmen," said Bryan.

"He's right you know Jimmy," added Nick.

"I don't care, I'm not moving out from behind you guys."

Once all three of them came out onto the pool deck, Stephanie and Patty approached Bryan. Stephanie said, "Hey Bry, you look great in that team suit, so do you, Nick." To Jimmy, Stephanie said, "Hi, I'm Stephanie and this is Patty, you must be new this year, welcome to the Tornadoes."

Patty said, "yeah, welcome to the Tornadoes, why don't you come from behind the guys so we can see how you look in your suit."

Jimmy was mortified, frozen, couldn't move, couldn't speak, didn't know what to do because he was beginning to feel a stirring in his package. "My friend here is James, but he goes by Jimmy. We've been buddies since kindergarten. He's pretty shy, but he's a really good guy", said Bryan. With that, Bryan and Nick parted and moved a step back so that they were in line with Jimmy.

Jimmy couldn't believe that Stephanie had been so direct and that Nick and Bryan wouldn't shield him. He screwed up his courage and stuttered, "I'm pretty nervous about the first practice and Bryan's right, I am pretty shy. I've also only worn jammers on the Y team, this is my first time wearing such a tiny suit."

"There's no reason to be nervous Jimmy", said Patty, "I kind of like guys who are shy, and, you really look hot in your swimsuit even if it is the first time you've worn one."

Jimmy felt like he was beet red and began to feel even more stirrings in his suit. In a barely audible voice he said, "thanks."

What was he going to do, he knew he was going to pop a boner, a really hard one and no longer had the protection of Nick and Bryan? What if Patty wanted to talk with him some more? Just then, the coach said, "OK everybody into the pool, do some warm ups and then we'll have you do some drills and see what you can do."

Jimmy was never so happy to jump into the pool - he was just about the first one in. Saved by the coolness of the water. He clearly had been embarrassed and thought, "did Stephanie and Patty see what was happening to me? They didn't say anything, they didn't act like they saw me growing inside my suit, I just hope nobody saw, I don't want to be known as the next boner guy and the freshman who boned up on the first day of practice."

Soon Jimmy was back to normal but he knew that he was going to get an earful from Bryan and Nick in the locker room. Maybe not from Nick who seemed like a really nice kid, but Bryan, well, that was a different story. It would be payback for the teasing that he took from Jimmy earlier. He decided to go ahead with his warm up and just think about swimming for the next hour.

But something lingered in his mind, why did he think that Nick looked good in his suit, looked very good?
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Old 11-14-2014, 11:55 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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"You've never worked out in a gym before, with weights, have you?" Bryan said to James as they were walking down the school hallway.

"No, I haven't" Jimmy replied.

"Well, there will be a few things that will be all new to you then" Bryan smiled as he said that.

"What will the routine be?" said Jimmy.

"Well," Bryan said, "There are two parts to swimming fast. The two parts are conditioning and strength. It used to be that swimming was the sport that guys who knew they were not big enough or strong enough to play high school football, and certainly not tall enough to be really good at basketball. But a lot of that has changed."

"What do you mean?" responded Jimmy.

Bryan said."Look at all of those really successful swimmers you admire so much. They are obviously well-conditioned athletes in all sorts of ways. But the really good ones, the ones that end up as national champions and olympic hopefuls, have strong bodies, really strong. Take Michael Phelps: he has a huge chest and big arms too."

"Didn't he get that way just swimming in a pool a lot?" Jimmy responded.

"I suppose to a certain degree, but equally important is that his training invoved spending lots of time out of the water, in the gym, lifting weights and using other strength and conditioning equipent on dry land not in the pool." Coach thinks how we spend our time in the gym is at least as important for our swim times as our time in the pool." Bryan said'

"So, how is this going to work for us?"

"Well, you know that we have gym time scheduled early in the moring every day. There is all sorts of equipment to learn how to use. A lot of it involves weights and is used to build strength. But there is conditioning equipment you can use too. We have our first gym time scheduled Monday morning. One of the senior swimmers, Chad, works as a student assistant with the coach, and he will be meeting with us Monday morning to show us how to use each of the pieces of gym equipment.You can injure yourself pretty easily if you don't know what you are doing, so learning how to use the equipment right is in part ways to avoid hurting yourself and setting yourself back' said Bryan.

"But I thought that the way you built muscles was to make them hurt, to intentionally injure yourself?"

"Yes, that is true, to a certain degree, but you need to be able to tell a good hurt from a bad hurt. A sore muscle recovers quickly, a pulled tendon might take a while to heal, and that will not be good for your swimming at all. You need to know when your training is working and when you are on the verge of injuring yourself and setting your training backwards not forwards."

"I see. I have one more stupid question. What do I wear for gym?"

Well a lot of the guys like compression tees and shorts, the reason being these provide support and make muscles and tendons less prone to injury when you are working out. But you also need extra support in your groin area. Some of the guys wear one of their racing briefs under a pair of compression shorts, and then maybe a pair of looser fitting shorts over all of that. There is, of course, another option to wearing your swimsuit in the morning."

"What's that?" said Jimmy.

"Well, a few of the guys still like to wear a real athletic supporter, a jock strap, when they work out in the gym. They claim it supports their private parts better than a swimming brief" Bryan responded.

Jimmy said "I see, I've never worn one of those."

"Well, that's certainly an option for you to try. It might not work for you, but you should at least keep it open as a possibility." ....
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Old 11-16-2014, 11:48 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Back at the first practice

“Great practice today,” said Coach O’Reilly to the guys as they all huddled at the deep end of the pool. “So, I have some good news and some bad news, which do you want first?”

The answer was a muddled mix of the two. The coach settled on the good news first. “Coach Melanie and I think the two teams should practice together once a week. So, on Wednesday afternoons we will join the ladies for their practice from 2:50PM to 4:30PM, just like today. I know you guys enjoy swimming with the ladies, so you get to do it weekly. That’s the good news.”

Bryan looked at Jimmy and smiled. “That’s cool,” Bryan said aloud, mostly to Jimmy, but also for anyone who was listening. A couple of guys high fived. It was a great way to meet cute girls and they were all mostly happy about that.

“Okay, now the bad news. There was a typo in the notice I sent out. Sorry, guys, but practice for us starts at 5:30AM, not at 6:30. Those of you from years past know that. It’s the only pool time we could get. We will still follow with some weight work. ON Wednesday, I’ll give you a break and we can start at six, since we will do double sessions that day. Any questions?” The guys all seemed to nod their heads in consent. “Okay, go get changed. See you back here tomorrow morning, early.”

The guys all climbed out of the pool. The girls team was also just breaking up from a quick huddle with their coach. Bryan nodded at Stephanie as the two teams headed off to the locker rooms. The teams were both ready for a hot shower. “We might as well stay here,” Jimmy said aloud. “Five thirty will come awfully early,”

“Yeah, it sucks,” came a reply. “Just sleep in your Speedo, then you can roll right out into the pool!” All the guys laughed at the thought.


The alarm clock rang out loud at 4:45am. Jimmy rolled over and hit the snooze. “Five more minutes,” he mumbled to himself. Within a minute his cell phone was vibrating on the nightstand.

“Dude, you awake?” came the voice at Jimmy flicked the answer swipe on the iPhone. Bryan’s picture was staring back at him.

“F---, not really,” came Jimmy’s reply. “This sucks!”

“Welcome to the dark side of swimming,” Jimmy teased. “Get on your Speedo and get out front in ten minutes.” Bryan’s dad was going to pick drop them at the pool on his way to work. Jimmy quickly hopped from bed and slid himself into the tiny swimsuit. It was still damp from the night before, the cold material chilling him. Jimmy was too tired to take time to position himself in the suit, his parts landing however they were as the suit was pulled up. He tossed on a sweatshirt and grabbed his gym bag of clothes for school. It was till dark outside, the sun not even hinting at rising.

“Dude, shouldn’t you wear shorts ort something,” Bryan said as Jimmy jumped in the car.

“I figured I was just going to take them right back off,” Jimmy replied.

“Better hope we don’t get in a wreck,” Bryan replied. His father chuckled.

“I don’t blame you, Jimmy,” the dad said. “Very efficient.”

Jimmy took out his iPhone and opened up Facebook. “Check this out,” he said to Bryan as they rode to the pool. He handed the phone over to Bryan.

“What am I looking at?” Bryan asked.

“Dude, look at the picture, that’s Patty, she asked me to be friends on Facebook. I got it last night, she must have looked me up.”

“Jimmy’s got a girlfriend!” Bryan teased. “See, show a girl yourself in a Speedo and good stuff happens,” Bryan teased. “She must like how you look almost naked.”

“Shut up!,” Jimmy shot back. He gave Bryan a shove on his shoulder.


The pool was dark and quiet. The guys in the locker room were also pretty subdued, little of the usual banter. Nick arrived just as Jimmy was ready to head out to the pool deck to help coach pull the covers. Jimmy’s eyes met his and they both smiled. Nick had on a pair of long Nylon Nike sport pants, the kind that can just tear away, which he did as he walked to his locker. Underneath he was wearing a black and green Nike swimsuit, the kind with a seam up the back. The way the suit fit his back side grabbed Jimmy’s attention.

“Hey Nick,” Jimmy said as he walked back toward him.

“Hi Jimmy,” Nick replied. “Ready for our first real practice?” Nick asked as he tied up the swimsuit under Jimmy’s watchful eye.

“I hope so,” Jimmy replied. “I thought we could only wear team suits?” Jimmy asked.

“No, we can wear any swimsuits at practice, I mean if we had to just wear the team suit all the time it would wear out and it would always be wet.” Nick replied. “You’ll see, most guys will have on different suits. Just no shorts and jammers, coach doesn‘t like those”

Jimmy turned around and looked and sure enough, some of the guys had on the team swimsuit, but about half had on others. They two headed out to the pool. “I guess I need to go get some more swimsuits,” Jimmy replied.

“Wanna go after school, we can go over to Varsity Swim,” Nick suggested. “It is a cool shop and they got lots of great stuff,” Nick added.

“Sure,” Jimmy replied. The two guys headed out to the pool. Bryan and most of the rest of the guys were already out there. Jimmy watched as Nick walked slightly ahead of him As much as he thought Patty was cute, he had this weird feeling about Nick, one he could not describe. He thought Nick was cute, and he loved how his smooth chest and legs looked in the tiny Nike swimsuit. Jimmy had never thought about a guy in the ways he was feeling as they headed to the pool. He was even feeling the same urges between his legs as his body started to respond to the stimuli of the handsome young man in the ever so cute swimsuit.

Practice was intense. The 20 guys were three to a lane in the center six lanes of the pool with two single swimmers in the shoulder lanes. The shoulder lane swimmers were the long distance guys, so they would swim a slightly different workout. The center lanes were broken down by a combination of pace and events. Since coach had not slotted the six new swimmers into events, this first practice was mostly pace. Jimmy was in lane two, along with Nick and a guy named Armand, who went by the nick name AJ. AJ was also a freshman, but he was already much taller than the other two, and he was skinny as a rail. He had shot up, but had not filled out. He looked more like a long distance runner than a swimmer. Like Jimmy, he was wearing the team suit. As they started the warm up 300, Jimmy waited to go after Nick. AJ led off, Nick followed by about a third of the pool, and Nick followed by about the same. The views of the swimmers going by, especially Nick kept catching Jimmy’s attention. He watched as the Forms and outline of their bodies would go by.

“Jimmy, how come you keep looking around?” Coach called him out. “Keep your head down and straight! What are you looking at?”

“I don’t know coach, sorry.” Jimmy replied, busted. "I'll do better." Jimmy’s was filled with embarrassment, he could easily admit to coach the truth. He could hardly admit it to himself.
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Old 11-16-2014, 04:39 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Jimmy was really confused about what he was feeling towards Nick, as well as about his looking at the other guys as they lined up and took off. He hadn't felt those stirrings in his groin in the weight room, but then again, all the guys were wearing shorts and either T's or tank tops. But he wondered, "what are they wearing underneath the shorts - swimsuits, compression shorts, jockstraps that Bryan had described to him?"

For now, he had to get through the day at school and then he and Nick were heading over to Varsity Swim to get some more brief suits. Having swum in Jammers at the Y, Jimmy didn't have any speedo type suits and Nick was right, he would wear out the team suit if he wore it to practice all the time.

Jimmy had a hard time focusing on school. Not only was he tired, but he was also looking forward to going to get some swimsuits with Nick after school. There was no afternoon practice today because it was a Thursday and the only day for double practices was Wednesday with the girls. While Jimmy was looking forward to those practices, especially because Patty had friended him on Facebook, he was still a bit nervous about getting a boner. But, he would deal with that next week.

The time at school passed very slowly, but finally the bell rang and it was 2:30, time to meet up with Nick to go swimsuit shopping.

"He dude, ready to go and get some swimsuits?", said Nick when he met up with Jimmy in front of the locker room.

"Yeah, I'm ready, but I don't know exactly what to look for in the swimsuits - I've never bought a tiny suit before, so I'm really clueless," said Jimmy.

"Don't worry dude, I've been wearing brief suits since I was 7 years old and I've been buying my own since I was 12 so I know what looks good and how they should fit. Have no fear, I am here," Nick cracked.

"I'll bet Nick knows what looks good, I certainly keep on seeing what looks good on him," Jimmy thought a bit embarrassed that he even thought that. "Thanks, man, I'm really going to need your help."

"Ready and willing," laughed Nick.

The guys approached Varsity Swim, went inside, and Nick was immediately greeted by Bart, the owner of the swimsuit shop. "Hey, Nick, good to see you, haven't seen you since the summer."

"Swim team just started practicing yesterday and I brought my buddy James, who goes by Jimmy, to get some suits."

Bart stuck out his hand and said, "nice to meet you James, who goes by Jimmy."

Jimmy laughed and shook Bart's hand and said, "I used to swim for the Y and always wore jammers, so except for the team suit, I don't have any brief suits and I need to get some."

"Well, you came to the right place and Nick's the perfect guy to help you choose - you know he has a pretty big collection of speedo type suits and he knows what fits and looks good."

"Thanks, Bart," said Nick. "I may even get a couple myself. Okay, Jimmy, what kind of suits are you looking for, solids, prints, 2", sides, 3" sides, high cut, low cut?"

"I have no clue, Nick. You tell me."

"What do you think, Bart," asked Nick. "Jimmy's pretty tall and thin, he could wear almost any type of suit, what's your waist size?"

"Probably 28 or 30, maybe 26," replied Jimmy.

'"Jimmy, if I were you, I'd try on all types and see which ones look the best and feel most comfortable - try both 28 and 30," said Bart.

"Sounds like a plan," answered Jimmy.

"OK, let's check out these hanging up over here," said Nick.

The two guys looked through the suits hanging up; Jimmy was overwhelmed with the choices - he had never seen so many brief suits before. He went through the racks and picked out six suits to try on, some solids, some bold prints with varying length of the side seams. Nick also picked out several that he was going to try on as well and then they headed for the dressing room which was pretty spacious, big enough for both off them.

Jimmy tried on a red print Tyr, 2" sides, size 28. It fit him like a glove. "That suit looks great on you, let's see how you look in the 30." Jimmy tried on the 30 which was really too big for him and Nick gave it a thumbs down.

"Jimmy, the 28 is the right one for you, the 30 is definitely too big."

"It's so low cut in front and has such narrow sides, Nick, I can see myself popping a boner every time I put it on." As he said this, Jimmy's package began to increase in size and his face began to turn a little red. "Dude, don't worry about that, it happens to everyone when they try on brief suits. But this one is definitely for you."

Jimmy continued trying on suits along side Nick who was doing the same. At one point, while putting on a green size 30 Sporti, Nick's bulge began to get bigger; seeing that, Jimmy's bulge in the 28 Nike he had on, also started to grow. " You see," said Nick, "it happens to me too." To Jimmy, Nick seemed so self-assured and matter of fact about it while Jimmy was somewhat embarrassed.

Jimmy felt better seeing Nick getting hard also, but he wondered, "is Nick getting hard just because he's trying on suits, or is it, like me, is he getting hard looking at me in a brief suit?"

Puzzled still again, Jimmy changed out of the Nike suit into his clothes, having decided to get the Tyr, the Nike, and a blue Sporti, all suits with 2" sides seams. Nick got two suits, another 2" Tyr, and a 1" Speedo solar.

"Gentlemen, I think you made some really good choices, and you're going to look great in these suits. And the girls will think you look really hot. Hope to see you guys again real soon."

"The girls will think I really look hot, that's what I'm afraid of," thought Jimmy as he and Nick paid for their suits and left the store.

Last edited by Dooley67 : 11-16-2014 at 06:11 PM.
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Old 11-17-2014, 11:05 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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James' parents were pretty well off, but they both worked and they generally were not home until after 5 PM. James was an only child, too.That meant that his parents doted on him and what he was doing, but also watched every move he made. He was long past the age where he needed to have someone stay with him after school. He knew he would be alone when he got home, and have an hour, maybe more, before his parents showed up from work.

James thought to himself that this was going to be a special day, given the three suits he had just bought. Sometimes a guy just needs some time alone, and James was going to have at least an hour to try on the suits he had bought, and perhaps experiment a bit with ways to wear them.

Jimmy was feeling just a bit excited mixed with apprehension as he walked home from school, carrying a plastic bag with the three suits he had purchased...somehow he could feel it in the pit of his stomach.He could sense a bit of tension in other places too, not anything of an erection as such, but he didn't feel quite normal down there, as if he was a bit on the edge of something. He did not quite know how to react to what he was sensing. He was not in any situation where he was near having an orgasm, but something was going on.

Once Jimmy got home, he went straight upstairs to his room. He quickly decided that it would not be a good thing to have these feelings of apprehension and uncertainty pulling on new swimsuits in the swim team locker room, and that would likely happen if he waited to try on his new suits for the first time there.

And he was too embarrassed to call Bryan and tell Bryan how he was feeling. No, the only option was to experiment by trying on his three new suits, one at a time, and then carefully observe how his body responded to each suit, in private. If something happened, even inadvertently, it would happen in private.

So, James laid out the three suits on the edge of his bed, more opr less in ascending order with respect to how tiny and snug-fitting they were.That order turned out to be the Tyr, then the Nike, then thwe little Sporti. James hadn't noticed,but the Sporti said "Euro" on the tag.

James thought to himself, "The Tyr really looks similar in size to our swim team brief. I should be able to get myself into that one, no problem at all. James quickly pulled off his Jeans and white briefs, and slid into the Tyr. Well, not quite. "Even this suit doesnt leave me much room, less even than the team suit." James quickly discovered that it was going to take some effort to get his package into a position where he was comfortable and the suit looked right. He experimented with positions, first down, then sideways to the left, then up. Up felt most comfortable to him, but it also showed the biggest and most obvious bulge. Worse, when he positioned himself in the up position he noticed something weird. There was a tiny wet spot, no bigger than a dime, right where the tip of his penis touched the suit.

James thought to himself "what is going on here? I'm not peeing and I know I am not having an orgasm, but where in the world is this wet spot coming from?" He quickly pulled off the Tyr suit, and pulled on the Nike.

That was interesting.The Nike left more room for his package, but looked skimpier on him overall. For starters, the sides were quite a bit narrower than the Tyr. Same problem. James was dripping something and this time creating not one but three tiny wet spots on the front of the suit. "I'm going to need to hop into the pool quickly to cover that up" James thought to himself.

James said to himself "I might as well try on the Sporti too."By this point, with all the fiddling around positioning his stuff, James was now starting to get a considerable erection. Of course, if there was ever a suit that does not leave room for a significant expansion, its a Sporti Euro brief. Even worse, in an up position there is a real possibility that the tip of an erect penis would pop right out over the top of the waistband. Sporti Euros are cut really low and that is a distinct possibility. James pulled the suit on, and quickly discovered that if he tried to position his (now erect) penis in the down position, he could no longer pull the rear of the suit high enough to cover all of his butt crack. Sideways there was a little more room but not much. Up was the only position that seemed to work for covering his butt crack.

James had been repositioning and fondling himself in the process of trying to find the perfect postion for some thirty moinutes or more.The dripping that had been occurring had suddeny stopped cold, but he was getting really really hard. He had his penis in the up position and the tip was nearly at the top of the waistband now. "Ohhh Myyyy GAWWWWWWWD.....I'm starting to coooooommmmmme. James screamed as he began to shoot loads of semen out of his now very erect penis over the top of the Sporti waistband.

To be continued....

Last edited by sebbie : 11-17-2014 at 02:05 PM.
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Old 11-23-2014, 10:57 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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James was baffled. Really baffled. He got up for school the next day and he couldn’t help but keep thinking about all that had happened to him when he had tried on his new swimsuits in his room. He thought he already understood everything he needed to know about being a guy, but now clearly not. There was still stuff to be learned. His body was playing stupid tricks on him, doing things he didn’t know would ever happen. What was going on, anyway?

To start with, why should just trying on a few swimsuits get him so excited “down there”. It was if his private parts had a mind of their own, and were telling his brain what they were thinking. Just the thought of shoving his private parts into a little swimsuit suit was somehow extraordinarily exciting. James was apprehensive, but in a weird way, he felt really good. He was suddenly hooked on the whole idea of just getting into a suit.

The connection between all of this and getting aroused by being with a partner was equally a mystery. Why did he think it was so much fun the other day to watch Bryan also struggle to get into his own little suit, perhaps struggling with the exact same feelings and sensations James was struggling with? Did this mean that James had a “gay” side? And why did the girls at school who had not before paid any attention to him suddenly seems so interested in James when they saw him wearing his team suit? All a great mystery.

There were other puzzles. Never before had he observed a wet spot quite like the one he saw at the tip of his penis when he got into his first new suit. The wet spot was definitely not pee. And he knew it was not semen either, as he wasn’t even erect or certainly not having an orgasm. Instead, it was a clear, gloppy, viscous liquid that looked almost like his plastic model-building cement coming out of a tube. No one had mentioned anything about that in his 8th grade health education course. What a puzzle!

James would have loved to understand all of this better by doing a Google search on the Internet. But he did not dare. The school was very fussy about not letting students do any searching on the school computers on any subject remotely related to sex. That was unfortunate. His other option was to go to the school library and pull down an encyclopedia. The encyclopedias they still had in a dusty corner of the school library were old, and out of date. Besides, what article title was he supposed to look for? Certainly there was not an article titled “Getting aroused by pulling on a swimsuit.”

James was baffled by a host of issues. Really baffled. He only knew two things for sure. First, if he was going to wear one of his new suits for swim team practice, he had better steer clear of that little Sporti for now, at least, and second, he really wanted to repeat the same “experiment” he had conducted with the three suits the day before another time, to see if his body would again respond in the same way, as soon as he thought he could once again be in private. James kept thinking about this, with the same thoughts somehow going over and over again in his mind. And he certainly did not want to tell Bryan what happened to him. Bryan would likely just laugh. Or maybe mutter something like “if that happens to you, get into the pool as fast as possible.”
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Old 12-19-2014, 08:11 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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I'm debating where to take this story line next. I'm not able to write story lines involving swim-team shenanigans, and I am probably not the most knowledgable on the subject of first love infatuations. What i do feel comfortable writing usually ends up learning about and discovering ones' own body while going through and just after puberty. I think I can clearly understand what is going on inside Jimmy's head, but I am open to ideas. What do you think? Jimmy clearly needs to do some research on the issues about his body that are puzzling him right now. This can run as a story line parallel to the swim-team exploits. OK, so he finds a tattered-but-interesting book in a dusty corner of the school library no one apparently knew was there.
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Old 12-20-2014, 01:15 AM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Originally Posted by sebbie
I'm debating where to take this story line next. I'm not able to write story lines involving swim-team shenanigans, and I am probably not the most knowledgable on the subject of first love infatuations. What i do feel comfortable writing usually ends up learning about and discovering ones' own body while going through and just after puberty. I think I can clearly understand what is going on inside Jimmy's head, but I am open to ideas. What do you think? Jimmy clearly needs to do some research on the issues about his body that are puzzling him right now. This can run as a story line parallel to the swim-team exploits. OK, so he finds a tattered-but-interesting book in a dusty corner of the school library no one apparently knew was there.


While I think that going through puberty while discovering one's own body is very important, I'm uncomfortable with it when the subject itself involves text with sexual overtones with minors involved. I think that gets into risky territory. I'd rather see the story continue about interactions with team members, attractions to girls or boys, whatever the case might be, testing the limits as far as rules are concerned, similar to how STS continued the story and I piggybacked on it. It's the whole idea of coming of age and what all that entails. This has been my very first attempt at fiction and I'm just feeling my way along. I don't know if this has been helpful to you - I hope it has.

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