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Old 01-20-2015, 11:12 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Your story was really fun to read with the mischief, the joking back and forth, and especially the friendship between Marcus and Juan. The story is about speedos and friendship and friendly competition with dialogue that is very true to the age of the guys. Thanks for continuing to write.

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Old 01-20-2015, 11:14 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Your story was really fun to read with the mischief, the joking back and forth, and especially the friendship between Marcus and Juan. The story is about speedos and friendship and friendly competition with dialogue that is very true to the age of the guys. And the photos of the guys in all the stories aren't too shabby either! Thanks for continuing to write.

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Old 01-21-2015, 12:58 PM
Nich Nich is offline
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Haha. If it helps, it's because I'm of that age. I'm glad you enjoyed the story! Do share if you have any ideas
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Old 01-21-2015, 12:58 PM
Nich Nich is offline
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Story: Swept Away

I had taken a dive off the pier and splashed into the ocean below. The wonderful sound of the impact ringed in my ears. I let the vibrations course through my body as I headed to the surface. Somehow I had felt lighter. My mood was better as the ocean waves washed away the stress of the past few months.

I had just returned from a tour in Iraq, and the atrocities I've seen... they still weigh heavily on my mind. I wasn't one of those kids that grew up by the beach and went swimming all the time. I was a beginner... Only picking this up because the counselors suggested that a more recreational sport would be suitable. The intrinsic grace of a swimmer contradicted the brutality that I used to immerse myself in during my days as an amateur wrestler. But I can't go back to wrestling for sport anymore... I was tired of fighting. Not after the war.

I splashed around the water some more. I smiled. The taste of salt in my mouth contrasted greatly with the dryness of the sand at the desert. This was a good reminder that there were more things out more. More that I should cherish and savor. I had came to the beach alone. I didn't want any of my old friends to join me. I've changed and they don't know me anymore. I'm used to being alone anyways.

After diving amidst the waves, I decided to head back to the beach to get a drink of water. As I emerged from the ocean, a sudden chill came over me... I realised that the boardshorts that I had been wearing around my waist are gone.

I quickly ducked back under the cover of the waves, checking to see if I had remembered to wear anything underneath. I let out a small sigh of relief. I had searched high and low for something suitable this morning but couldn't find any of my usual trunks. My parents must have thrown them out during my tour. Instead, I had found a small pack of tiny speedos from Italy. My friends had gotten me them as a gag gift for my birthday several years back. They were way too small and showed too much thigh then I was comfortable with, but they would have to do.

Here I am now, in those tiny black speedos, in a vast ocean with many beachgoers around me. I surveyed the landscape. I couldn't see my boardshorts anywhere... I must have lost them when I dove off the pier. I had loosened the waist since it was rather tight. I guess I must have loosened it too much. Everyone around me were in their boardshorts, laughing with their friends and enjoying their family's company... If only I still had people who understood me.

But I can't stay here forever. I have to move on. Get out. I bit my lip and started walking out of the water. Everyone was going to stare as they always have... To whisper amidst themselves... To comment on what they think I've been through. But I still had to go on. Life goes on after the war.

The last few steps were the hardest as my tiny speedos emerged from the cover of water. I looked around... No one seemed to care. There were no pointing or mocking words. I continued to walk towards my belongings. Men played ball games around me, jostling amongst themselves in their shorts. But they paid no notice to my tiny speedo predicament. Perhaps I've been mistaken?

I walked by a mother with her little toddler. The boy looked up at me and pointed. I braced myself for some negative comments. "Soldier! Hero!" The mother smiled and nodded. I nodded back and reached out to touch my dogtags.

Suddenly, it all made sense to me. I had just overcame my insecurities back in the modern world. I had always thought that the world was jeering and examining me... but it turns out that I was just too sensitive. I was too worried about how my family and old friends would react that I covered myself up and pushed them away. But I'm determined not to hide myself anymore.

With a new gait, I confidently walked over to my belongings and took the drink of water I desired. I was not going to conceal myself from the world anymore. And my first step would be to wear these speedos and be proud to wear them!
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Old 01-21-2015, 06:32 PM
Bede735 Bede735 is offline
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Are the really brief Speedos folded over?
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Old 01-22-2015, 12:37 AM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Folded over or not, the guy pictured looks great in the tiny black speedo. I found the story to be very inspiring about how a person begins to come to terms with his past and venturing out into the world after the experience of being a soldier seeing the atrocities of war. You are really a very good storyteller.

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Old 01-22-2015, 03:15 PM
Nich Nich is offline
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Haha. I have no idea if the speedo is folded or not.

Thanks for the comments D67! You're a pretty good writer yourself.
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Old 01-22-2015, 03:16 PM
Nich Nich is offline
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Story: Gives You Wings Challenge

"Hey boys! Would you guys like some free Red Bull?" asked a gorgeous lady in a sultry voice. She was dressed in a really tight blue mini-dress, and dangled a can of the carbonated drink in front of us.

I looked to my best friend George and smiled. There was no way we would pass up free drinks... Especially on such a hot day at the beach.

"We'll take two!" replied George heartily. He had been my friend since high school and we often hang out together during our free time, talking about work, games and girls. He was practically salivating while his hands were reached out, I just wasn't sure if it was at the drink or at the girl.

"Wow. Two cuties at the beach! Do you guys come here often?" she asked as she reached into her cooler to get the drinks.


"My pal, Damian, and I try to come here every week. We like to play sports at the beach." Damn... I got cut off by George. He's always like that with the girls, trying to schmooze them and get their attention. It's pretty sickening but I'm willing to overlook it on account of our history.

"You know... we have a special game today to promote the brand. It's like a scavenger hunt with three tasks that you have to complete. And if you guys complete it... I'll give you guys a card that lets you redeem a 6 pack of them at your grocery store. Would you guys be interested?"

We're supposed to go for surfing lessons today and we were all dressed up for it. George was wearing a pair of black boardshorts while I had on a pair of faded green shorts. The lessons start in 30 minutes and we do have some time to kill.

"Sure. We have 30 minutes to spare! Would that be enough?" I quickly answered, not giving George any chance to cut me off.

"That's great! Now there are three other Red Bull girls scattered around the beach... Find them, complete their task and bring me a coupon from them. I'll then give you your free cards. Sounds good?"

"Now... the card you mention... does it have your number on it?" George grinned cheekily. The unabashed flirtation is nauseating.

"Maybe..." smiled the girl at George's comment. But at the last second, I see her eyes gaze at me. Those beautiful blue eyes... Set against those perfect blond curls...

"Damian! Let's go! The coupons aren't going to collect themselves. The first station is over there." George smacked me on my pectoral muscles. I snapped out of my trance, and notice that the girl is sniggering at my obvious daze. George pushed me in the direction of the first station and we jogged towards it.

A brunette was manning the first station which was called 'Gives You Strength'. Several guys were doing really weird things around that station. Some were punching several punching bag set-ups, while others were doing push-ups on the floor. Eagerly, George approached the brunette and asked for our tasks. She handed him two slips of paper, of which he randomly handed me one.

Mine read, 'Red Bull makes you strong! Do 30 push-ups to complete this task.' 30 push-ups are no biggie. I drop to the push-up position and began counting off. When I was done, the brunette handed me a coupon and asked me to head to the 'Gives You Courage' station. I looked at George but he was still doing his rep.

"I got a 100! You lucky bastard." George gritted his teeth and continued his push-up. I couldn't help but chuckle at his predicament. I only wished the hot blonde girl was here to witness him struggling. After several long minutes, George was finally finished and got his coupon. He could barely jog and so we decided to slowly walk to our next station.

The 'Gives You Courage' station had the sweetest looking ginger I've ever seen. Her station set up was different with a mini bar set up and a changing room. A set of hangers outside the changing room held weird items like diving flippers, googles but also clothing such as t-shirts, singlets and shorts. I notice the curtain of the changing room pull back as a guy walked out in a pair of blue shorts. The guy handed over a bag of his belongings and the ginger passed him a coupon. Once again, George reached forth to get our tickets while I was distracted. He read the first ticket, grinned and passed it to me.

It read, "Red Bull gives you courage! Change into something we picked out to complete this task. (M16)". I wonder what that meant. I looked over at George and he was furiously drinking the shots off the mini-bar. I guess that must have been his task.

"Excuse me. What does M16 stand for?" I asked the ginger manning the station. She reacted with a brief look of shock and then smiled all-too-happily.

"It means you're about to make a lot of people happy. I'll give you the bag with something in it. Change into it and keep all your current belongings in the bag. I'll pass it to you when you complete the whole task." she motioned to the changing room, which was empty. I took the bag over from her and noted that it was suspiciously light. I wonder what it contains.

I went into the changing room, and pulled the curtains behind it. I peered into the bag and noticed a piece of checkered fabric. Please, please let it be a swimcap. But as I took it out, I realised it was a pair of tight speedos. Okay, it's no big deal. I'll just wear them under my green shorts. I pulled off my green shorts (yes, I was going commando) and slipped on the speedos. They were form-fitting and ironically felt really good for a clothing that is so widely scoffed at. I pulled my shorts back up and exited the curtains.

George had already gotten his coupon and was waiting for me. I went over to the ginger but she shook her head at me. "Sir, you have to only wear the item in the bag."


"Did you really get a pair of speedos? Cassie was just telling me over here." Cassie? They were already on first-name basis? George and I used to mock those people in speedos at the beach. I would die if he saw me in a pair.

"Sir, you need to remove your shorts and deposit them in the bag."

Before I could negotiate, George grabbed my waistband and pulled off my green shorts. A loud ripping sound was heard and my shorts were just reduced to a scrap of fabric in his hands.

"Oops." grinned George sheepishly. I was beyond embarrassed. For one, I'm standing at a busy beach in just this pair of tight speedos and now my shorts are ruined and I have nothing to wear for my surf lesson later.

"That works too! You can keep the speedos by the way... I think you would have to." replied Cassie as she handed me a coupon.

George apologized profusely while we headed to the last station, but I was having none of that. Everyone I knew frequented this beach and they could spot me in this tiny garment at any moment in time! An apology just wasn't going to cut it. The third station was named "Gives You Endurance". As a peace offer, George offered me the first pick of the two task tickets. I still refused to talk to him but I took the tickets from the attendant.

"Red Bull gives you endurance. Endure an upper body wax to complete your task!" Sure enough, there were several waxing chair nearby with screaming men on them. The other ticket said "Red Bull gives you endurance. Hold your body in a plank position for one minute!" I chuckled. The choice was obvious to me. I passed the waxing ticket to George and went to the other side of the station for the planking task. I chortled a laughter as I heard George go 'WHAT?'.

After my easy task, I went to check on George in his waxing chair. George was a hairy guy and strips of hair littered the chair with his torso being covered (or rather uncovered) with patches of smooth hairless-ness. George's face was in agony and I couldn't help but laugh at his situation. My checkered speedos didn't look so stupid now. In fact, they were really comfortable and I had forgotten that they were there in the first place. A scream was heard and I realised that his nipples were now hair-free zones. A few minutes later, his entire torso was clean.

"Are we even now?" George ventured. Indeed, his task was much more horrible than the task he subjected me to. But just as he was about to leave the chair, I thought of something evil.

"Don't forget the armpits. They're on the upper body too."

George groaned audibly, in contrast to my wide smile. Wax strips were applied to his armpits and the hair there was quickly disposed off. "Now we're even." I smiled.

Looking at the time, we only had five minutes till the start of our surf class. We got our tickets and dashed back to the blonde Red Bull girl. The speedos made the run really aerodynamic. She smiled when she saw us and handed out our cards.

"I see a lot has changed in the last thirty minutes..." she smirked.

"Yes, I've been groomed and my friend is now not wearing pants!" quipped George. The speedos were way more comfortable than pants. If I could have my way, I would probably wear them all the time now.

When we were heading for our lesson, George flipped over his card and groaned. There was no number on there. "Guess she didn't like me afterall," pined George.

I looked down at my card, and three words read back at me... "Love the speedo. Jessica XXXXXX-XXXXX". I smiled and vowed to never wear shorts again.
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Old 01-23-2015, 03:16 PM
Nich Nich is offline
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Story: Student Exchange

During the summer of 2014, I went on a student exchange programme to Rome, Italy. It was just several weeks long but it was an experience that I would definitely remember. My grandparents were from Sicily and this trip felt like a genuine way to connect with my heritage. The people at the school were really welcoming and I particularly connected with Angelo, the vice-chairperson of the Exchange Student's Society.

The Exchange Student's Society was a student society set up with the sole purpose of integrating exchange students into the culture of the university and the people. They would bring us to the zoo, or wineries around the town... basically giving us an insider's look into their typical lives.

During the third week, Angelo organised a pool party for all the exchange students. I was really excited. The weather was very sunny and this would be a good time to tan on a pool chair and just enjoy the sun.

The day before the party, I chanced upon Angelo while heading to class.

"Hey, Romeo. You're coming tomorrow to my party?"

"Sure! I'm definitely going. Do you need me to bring anything for it?"

"I've got everything taken care of. I throw this party every year! I have to go for class though, remember to wear your slippini!" Angelo muttered as he dashed off to class.

Slippini? What's a slippini? I took out my phone and did a quick search. Pictures of guys wearing speedos with really small sides flooded my screen. Wow. I knew Europeans wore speedos at the beach, but I didn't know that Italians would go that far. Back in the US, I typically wore boardshorts like everyone but I guess when in Rome... you have to do what the Romans do. I'll just have to head to the mall after lessons.

I found a small boutique store at the mall that sold slippinis. They were pretty affordable, and I decided I was going to purchase two pairs. I tried on a black pair first, and I realised that they were surprisingly really comfortable. The fabric gently lifted my crotch while giving me the sense that I was naked. It was almost as if I was going commando. But the coverage of the material necessitate that I do some grooming before the party tomorrow. I tried on several different colors and went with the black ones and a pair of red ones.

Before the party, I gave myself a little trim around the nether regions. I tried on the two pairs of speedos I bought and admired myself in the mirror. The red pair was more urban but the black ones were definitely classic. I decided that I would go with the black one for the party.

At the party, Angelo told me to change and leave my bag in his bedroom before joining the rest. I noticed that he was just wearing shorts but I didn't probe further. He probably would change into his slippini later too, I just wondered what color they would be. I changed into the black pair of slippini and locked the door behind me as I left. This was the first time I had worn speedos, much less something this brief. I left the keys on his counter and headed into the backyard to join the rest.

Everyone turned to me as I entered and burst out into cheers and wolf whistles. They weren't in slippini like me! I was mortified.

"Angelo! You told me to get these slippini for the party!"

"Romeo! I said slippers... not slippini!" Angelo laughed. And so did everyone. "It's okay! There really is some Sicilian blood in you... Only people in Sicily wears slippini."

I blushed. Oh man... Way to hear something wrongly. It was definitely an embarrassing situation but I decided to just enjoy my time in the sun. After all, I was better able to tan in them compared to the rest.
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Old 01-23-2015, 04:16 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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Thumbs up


You certainly have a knack for keeping the reader in the dark until the climax (pun intended) of the story, although I have to admit, I sensed what the conclusion would be but didn't expect the play on words to be the basis for it. I really like the way you inject humor into the stories so that they remain very light and enjoyable to read. Are these from a collection you've already written or are you creating them day by day? Either way, thanks for writing.

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