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Old 08-05-2015, 02:47 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 8a Fun with your body

Every once and awhile I wake up in the morning, and my male sexual organs seem to be calling to my brain. This was one of those mornings. “Hey, we are here and we are fine, and we are ready to give you some incredible sensations and pleasure all day long to today if you will only pay attention to what we are capable of doing to your brain. If you only pay attention and give us even a little of what we want, we will reward you in ways that we know is really going to be a treat for you. And this is not a ‘one shot deal’. We were not thinking of 5 minutes of fun for you. We were hoping to give you fun sensations to experience for as much as the entire DAY, assuming you have the time and the inclination.”

When this happens, often once a week or ten days, but if you are lucky, still more often, should a guy just ignore all of this, and in essence tell his sexual organs to go back into hibernation. Big work day ahead, no time to spend the day enjoying oneself. Surely it is more convenient when one’s sexual organs play this game with the brain on a leisurely weekend, when a guy might have more time to pay attention.

When my sexual organs start to send these kinds of signals, as they did this morning, loud and clear, my body usually responds all but involuntarily by producing a few of those wonderful shiny clear glistening drops of precum. I love watching those most fascinating little droplets form one-by-one, as my brain realizes, again, almost completely involuntarily, that it is starting to feel some sensations that are simply too pleasant to be ignored.

This, I have always thought, is one of the oddest things about being a guy. A lot of guys are focused on having a big erection and a powerful orgasm, and the sensations associated with that, sensations that are terrific fun, but are all over in all too short a period of time.

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Old 08-05-2015, 02:48 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 8b Fun with your body

Me? I’ve always been enamored with the more subtly aspects of male sexuality, with a particular focus on what is happening to my brain and sexual organs that is causing me to produce drops of precum. Of course, I realize that the big “payoff” is always there, but I can “call up” a full scale orgasm quickly as desired. For me, the fun part is leaning how to maintain the arousal and precum production without getting into a “point of no return” situation where I go into an involuntary orgasm and lose out on being aroused for the rest of the day.

I have long advocated the view that for a guy, mastering control over one’s body so that orgasm can be delayed, perhaps indefinitely, while maintaining arousal as measured not by erection size but by the continuing production of precum droplets at the very tip of the penis. What fun to be able to do this.

If you just ignore what your sexual organs are signaling you as you wake in the morning, and get distracted by the other ordinary events of the day, your sexual organs will quickly go back into hibernation. In essence, you sexual organs will have concluded that there is no point in messing with your brain, as you are so distracted by the ordinary events of the day.

Or, if you have a partner, you might respond to the call of your sexual organs for attention by finding your partner, and perhaps both going into a mode of both having full blown orgasms. This probably will take no more than 10 minutes or so, start to finish. Then you can get back, perhaps somewhat exhausted, to the ordinary events that fill the day for both of you.


Last edited by sebbie : 08-05-2015 at 05:18 PM.
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Old 08-05-2015, 02:52 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 8c Fun with your body

But, there is a third option. What if you are alone, without a sexual partner. You love the sensations your body is sending, and you are not being distracted by other events. Is there a way to enjoy yourself for a much longer period of time, and without ending everything with a quick, full-blown orgasm? In short, can you keep the sensations coming from your sexual organs to continue over periods of 30 minutes, an hour, or perhaps, if you are really good at it and have truly mastered the skills, for periods as long as several hours. In this brave world of longer term sexual experiences, it is actually an advantage to being alone and be largely undistracted. At some point, you might actually want to teach a partner how to do the things that you have learned to accomplish and what the various signals from one’s sexual organs really mean. Once again, a fixation of having the largest erection with a very quick orgasm impedes the learning process. What you are about to learn to do is far more subtle, but ultimately far more rewarding. Enjoying yourself for longer periods of time is part of being a human male.

The title of my series of stories here is “what to wear”. Perhaps this could suggest, however subtly, that particular items of clothing could prove to be a key component of learning how to enjoy yourself over much longer periods of time. I guess I was only 5 or 6 years old when I figured out that certain clothing items felt really good to me when they pressed against my body. I was maybe 7 or 8 when it dawned on me that snugger-fitting clothing made me feel better down there than looser-fitting clothing, At one time, maybe when I was 9 or 10, I started to think that I was the only little boy out there who had discovered this. I thought this fascination with the sensations from clothing pressing on me was something that I might somehow outgrow by the time I reached, say, 11 or 12. But somehow, the fun sensations never abated and I ended up on what has amounted to a life-long quest for clothing items that felt good to wear.

Whenever I get to this point, I always am hesitant to recommend specific clothing items that I have found to be useful and helpful to me in enjoying myself. I have read enough on this subject to fully appreciate the argument that each guy’s sexual turn-ons are as specific and unique as a fingerprint. In short, every guy is “hard” wired a little differently, and what works for one guy may not work for another at all. I also think that the guys who claim they would never get turned on by this sort of play have largely spent their lives fooling themselves into believing stuff that simply cannot be true. Unless a guy is completely brain-dead, there will be clothing situations that generate arousal. The guy may be embarrassed to admit such to their partner, but that doesn’t somehow make the arousal go away.

I really have trouble believing that there is not some degree of commonality across all guys and how they respond arousal-wise to wearing specific clothing items. After all, this Web site is largely focused on brief-style swimwear, often the skimpier the better, and consequences of the issues guys face as they attempt to get their body parts do reside happily within a tiny wisp of cloth. Other guys seem to enjoy hearing about a guy who is facing that “predicament” and how he copes with the “unfortunate situation” of having a penis that for some reason grew to a size where it would no longer “fit” to any degree within the suit. This situation at the same time is amusing but also erotic for the guys observing all of this.

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Old 08-05-2015, 02:54 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 8d Fun with your body

We spend a lot of time here discussing the reasons why more guys do not wear swim briefs. I suspect that there are many more guys out there who would quickly get aroused pulling on a swim brief, and contemplating the idea of seeing oneself in the brief or, horror of horrors, appearing in public in a situation where it is obvious to all that the guy has male sexual parts, perhaps even parts that are quite functional.

This is not a new issue. I have been watching an old episode of “Batman and Robin” on Me TV. Both Adam West (Batman) and Burt Ward (Robin) wear brief as part of their batman costumes. These reruns are over 50 years old. The briefs the stars wear have quite wide, maybe 5 inch sides. They are made of a shiny material. Even given these large briefs, I was amazed at how obvious the outlines of the sexual organs of both of the stars were under the shiny material of the briefs. I can confidently tell you exactly how they positioned themselves in their costumes (in both instances, obviously sideways). Part of the fascination with the TV series for viewers of both sexes back then was in watching the male organs of the stars, and given that the shows have been restored, details on this in the reruns are more visible than ever.

In concluding this, given that this chapter is also part of the series “What to Wear?” I will explain to you a bit about what I am wearing this morning and why my arousal is being maintained so well over a period of nearly three hours, so far.

I slept in a snug brief last night, but this morning I quickly returned to a couple of my old favorites, First, a black pair of Joe Boxer thong underwear. The back on these is actually fairly wide, about ¾ inch, and I was curious as to how much sensation I would get from it this morning. Turns out, not to worry!

[As an aside, I realize that a lot of guys still think of thong underwear as “women’s wear”, and probably go into a fear or terror moment of having the thong cinch up snugly between the glutes. This is the “swim brief fear” but 5 times over. But normally a guy is not going to be wearing the thong in a public setting, so if the thong creates more arousal, that is actually very much a plus not a minus.

The way both men and women are set up is that there are a lot of nerve endings that terminate in the perineum area, a spot that when massaged, feels really really good. Guys have an advantage over women in that they have a prostate and associated internal nerve endings so thong wearing should be more fun for guys than for women. The rear of the thong will tend to cinch up between the glutes, putting a very cool pressure with fun sensations both on the nerve endings in and around the prostate. Still, thongs are being sold to women as underwear in huge quantities with big supplies even in mass-market stores, so its tough to believe that women aren’t getting something back in sexual feelings by wearing them. This entire issue deserves further research I believe.]

I am really hooked on the upward pressure a little pair of thong underwear gives specifically to my perineum, and this sensation feels very nice. I will start to precum in an instant as I experience this. This sensation I’ve found is never quite as strong or enjoyable in a swim brief, even a tiny one.
The other obvious sensation is coming from the back, which is fairly wide, about ¾ inch on this thong. In getting into this thong, the back simply stays on the outside of the glutes. But as the morning has continued, with each movement, I sense that the thong is cinching up slugger between the glutes.

You will hardly notice this at first, but suddenly your attention will be drawn into the details of the predicament the thong has made for you. As I focus my brain on what I am feeling in the perineum and between the glutes, the sensations I am feeling become stronger. This sends me into a mode of more intense focus on my maleness, and my body responds with more interesting sensations. The sensations will not be strong enough to send you into an immediate orgasm, but more like riding a continuing wave with surely something sexual going on. Your body realizes it is experiencing something interesting and says to you “I like that very much, and I want more of that”!

Over the top of my neat little thong goes another old favorite, a little Duke jock strap. I’ve always thought the combination of strap and thong tended to be multiplicative, sensation-wise, not additive. In other words the sensations from both the strap and thong together are far greater than simply the sum of the sensations from each.

It’s getting tough to find the old-school jock straps in bricks-and-mortar stores. All of the recent ones I have purchased I have ordered on line. The thong tends to push upward in the perineum area, pushing my penis and balls forward. The neat little strap has the opposite effect. I love the feel of the elastic leg bands crossing my glutes, glutes that are also being hit by the sensation from the thong back, which seems to be getting tighter and tighter between my glutes.

But even more I love the downward pressure from the strap, even a strap with a pouch but no cup, pressing downward as the thong presses upward. All these pressures in combination is simply not to be missed and I will spend most of the day enjoying their interplay.

Over the top, of course, goes a nice little pair of compression shorts and a compression tee. I have a nice bulge showing in front, in large measure because of what the thong is doing.

I have very much “enjoyed” writing this story for you this morning. I think you can appreciate exactly what I am trying to tell you.

I have a half hour of stationary rowing to do next, which I will do wearing these items. My body might be a little surprised at how this all feels on a rowing machine. I’m sure the thong back will keep cinching up on me as I row, but experiencing this will certainly be part of the fun today for me. Stay tuned. Eventually I might get to having a full-blown orgasm, but for now I am in absolutely no rush.


Last edited by sebbie : 08-05-2015 at 03:34 PM.
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Old 08-07-2015, 07:09 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 9 Even more fun!

I have been trying to better understand how my body works, and for that matter, the bodies of nearly every guy, when it comes to what exactly must happen when sexual arousal occurs. I think practically every guy realizes that the sexual signals most often involve things that are physical, but also things that are not physical at all, but almost always things that are purely psychological. Sexual arousal normally involves an intermingling of the two.

I have been doing some reading about a study that asked men to masturbate to orgasm using porn, a common way of obtaining a sperm sample in a doctor’s office. The basic conclusion reached in the study is that the more novel the sexual situation in the porn, the greater the quantity and quality of sperm the guy would be produced. In fertility work, the concern that was raised was that couples may not be bearing children because their sexual activity in the bedroom had gotten to the point where it seems no longer novel and interesting, but to a degree commonplace and boring. It is difficult for me to ever believe that arousal and leading to orgasm can ever possibly be boring, but that is what the researchers are concluding. The recommendation was that couples may be able to increase fertility levels by introducing novel activities as part of their sexual routine.

At least since I was only 8 or 9, I was fully aware that there were situations that seemed to feel really good and that I somehow enjoyed very much, whether involving anything physical or not. I vaguely remember mentioning this to a doctor one time, and he said “Don’t worry about that. It’s just part of sex. You will figure it out soon enough.” I am reluctant to disagree at this late date, but Having tried again and again, I still haven’t figured it all out. I finally came to the realizes that most other guys haven’t figured it all out either. Maybe there is more going on than most of us realize.

In large measure, this Web site exists because large numbers of guys who are willing to admit on line that they get aroused whenever they wear, or even think about wearing, swim briefs. The Internet to a certain degree has permitted a lot of guys to be more open, if anonymously, about sexual turn-ons, particularly sexual turn-ons that might be considered odd by normal standards.

Up until recently, very recently, the definition of normal meant having sex with a partner of the opposite sex. Same-sex partner sexual activity was not considered normal, and for a long time was considered deviant behavior. Not that many years ago gay sex was viewed as a form of mental illness. To a large degree, everyone, well almost anyone, has moved on from this, but the guys who seem to be still struggling are the ones who believe that are largely heterosexual, but can be and have been aroused by certain same-sex situations, particularly if the situation is sexually quite intense, say getting to watch two guys up close masturbate each other to orgasm. For a lot of guys, many who call themselves heterosexual, a situation like this might be more fun to watch than, say, watching a heterosexual couple up close having sex.
I have written quite a bit about this, and there are more details on this in my Amazon books, so I do not want to dig down further on this subject. I’m more interested here in developing some details about sexual arousal as it relates to solo sex and items of male clothing.

Obviously, the guys who like to hang out here do so because of their sexual fascination and arousal related to swim briefs. We write stories about guys encountering swim briefs for the first time, outlining n great detail how their bodies might respond. These stories could not be accurate without the author having some first-hand knowledge of what can happen based on their own personal experience, and that is part of what makes the discussions so enjoyable.

A simple story involves a shopping trip to a local sporting goods store to buy a brief suit, and what might happen. Currently, there are not a lot of bricks-and-mortar stores that stock a variety of briefs, so setting up a situation like this is becoming more and more difficult to do. I remain convinced that very few guys doing this for the first time, would not quite quickly get into a semi-arousal situation, usually involving spewing drops of precum. But, the extent to which the guy gets aroused largely depends on how novel the situation is for the guy. Will this be the first time the guy has ever attempted to wear, in which case we might be dealing with a veritable flood of precum. This contributes to the overall apprehension regarding the situation at hand. The guy worries that once inside the suit, he is not going to be able to consciously stop the erection from growing, and the thought of going into a full-scale orgasm wearing the suit in public is almost too much to bear. Mere apprehension about the situation becomes total fear. A lot of guys will run not walk away from getting into such a situation.

I remember shopping for a swim brief in a sporting goods store many years ago. I was scared to do that but somehow I also found doing so extraordinarily enjoyable. The one I chose was a black all-nylon brief, I think by Arena. I asked the clerk “What size do you think I should get?” The clerk said to me “Well, if you don’t know for sure you can try the suit on.” I knew I was aroused, precumming, and that I was getting pretty hard already, and I was terrified at the mere thought of getting into a dressing room with the suit to try on. I said “That’s ok, I think I will take this “32”. I paid for the suit and went out the door of the store, but I often think back to what I might have missed out on trying on the suit in the store. At the same time I was terrified, I really loved how the little black suit was messing with my brain and my sexual arousal that day.

Nowadays, in the era of Internet vendors, I can order a lot of suits on line that I would never be able to find in a physical store. Like the guys masturbating to a novel porn situation, I am usually in search of a brief that I think will be a bigger turn-on than anything I already have in my collection of briefs.

Of course, over the years, I have collected a lot of basic briefs from companies like Speedo and Tyr, win what I would call my normal size, 30-32 inch waists. But then I soon discovered that downsizing a little sometimes got me a suit that was more fun to wear from a turn-on perspective. First, I downsized to 28”, but then I discovered that I could fit myself into even smaller suits at 26” and even down to 24”

A lot of companies have grab bag deals that is the way they sell suits that they have accumulated that did not sell at regular prices. I have gotten a few interesting suits this way, including a skimpy orange plaid Tyr suit that was made for the European not US market.

The bag of suits will come in the mail and its always fun tearing into the bag and trying them on one by one. Generally, what I do is line the suits up in order from biggest to smallest and then try them on one by one from largest to smallest, going over my lower body carefully with each one to “check” the fit and feel. By the time I go through 3 or 4 suits. By the time I get to the last suit in the pile, having pulled all the others on and off, I am usually fully ready to have a powerful orgasm.

Then there are the Sporti “Euro” briefs that fall into a separate category all their own. There are great fun, and I have a few of these, especially my Kelly Green suit, that are really erotic to get into.

The last category for me are the Asian briefs, particularly those sold under the Seobean and Aqux brand names. All of these are cut really low in both the rear and front. But, I really enjoy wearing them. The low fit in the rear and only limited pouch space make for some really fun times just getting the suits in place.

All this sexual play using suits is at the very heart of who I am and how I get through life. I realize a lot of guys would be very embarrassed about admitting to this, but I am happy. Very happy!

All for now!

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Old 08-15-2015, 01:47 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default One more Time!

Human males over the eons have become genetically programmed to respond to novel sexual situations. This automatic response system works equally well to respond to novel sexual situations with a partner, but interestingly, in setting up situations for solo sex as well. Sexually, we are all programmed to seek out situations that we think will make our penises happy, and that we will know when our penises are happy because our brains will each tell us that we are getting a lot of pleasure from the situation our penis finds itself in.

A guy can go out and seek a partner for getting this enjoyment, and it really matters not at all if the guy is straight or gay as the mechanisms are the same. But interestingly, a guy can employ the same mechanisms to advantage in solo sex. The solo sex can be considered an end unto itself, but interestingly, a guy can also use solo sex experiments as training for what to try in partner sex at some future point in time.

What does this all have to do with finding clothing items that arouse? For starters, the penis has a remarkable ability to conform to the space it is given, big or small. I think that surely has a lot to do with the genetic programming designed to interest males in having heterosexual sex with a female partner and to focus on reproduction for the continuation of the species. Penises love confined spaces. There are tons of pleasurable nerve endings that spring into action as soon as a penis starts sensing that the guy will be putting it into a place that might be barely big enough to fit. Generally speaking, penises will size themselves to just barely fit into the space that they have available to them, expanding just enough to fill that space. At the same time, penises sometimes put up a lot of kicking and screaming before they get themselves into the space that they so much want to be in, and the guy attached to the penis has to confront all the emotions and pleasurable sensations that are slamming his brain in all sorts of ways. You penis has two basic modes: 1.”I could never fit in there as there is not enough space”, but 2. “If I COULD somehow fit in there I would really enjoy myself”.

So, think about all of this in the context of a guy getting into a racing swim brief for the first time? In anticipation of what is about to happen, all sorts of questions flood his brain, the two most important ones being “How can my penis possibly fit in there?” and “What will my penis feel like once it gets surrounded on all sides by the snug and slick Lycra material in the brief?” A third and fourth question might be “Will I almost immediately go into an erection, and worse, orgasm with ejaculate?” and “What if I immediately have to go from the guy’s locker room into a semi-public situation where my swim team members will see me in this unfortunate (but strangely, very pleasurable) state, and “What happens if I have to immediately go out in front of all the people around the pool, meet or not?”

A lot of guys, while finding the whole idea of getting sexually aroused just pulling on a swim brief for the first time to be fundamentally a pleasurable event, are also terrorized by these other thoughts about what could uncontrollably happen to them. I’m convinced that many if not most guys would live to get into a swim brief and their penises are telling them that, but they are terrorized by these other questions and concerns. First, if you are new to this, it is probably best to experiment with your first swim brief alone, in your room, in front of a mirror, to see exactly how your body will respond to what your penis is programmed to see as a novel situation, and then you might have a better understanding of what to expect as possibilities should you end up with these sensations in a public or semi-public situation.

These same mechanisms work in partner sex and in finding a sexually-compatible partner. They are the biological core of what drives people together into sexual relationships of all sorts. At the same time, guys not in partner relationships still love their bodies and the wonderful sensations their bodies are able to produce, so for these guys getting these things to happen in the absence of a sexual partner takes on top priority. More about this in a later chapter, but some of this may very well involve snug-fitting clothing items of various shorts such as swim briefs, not as a replacement for partner sex but as an alternative pleasurable situation when, for whatever reason, a willing sexual partner is not available..

Enough thoughts for one morning, except one final thought. A lot of guys don’t seem to quite know what to make of their body when it produces precum as part of arousal, but this precum production does not quickly lead to a full-scale erection followed by a powerful orgasm. Here is the part that to me is really interesting. Precum production, technically the secretion of the male cowpers gland, kicks in automatically (without conscious control, and that scares a lot of guys) at the very initial stages of arousal;, usually long before any significant erection takes place. If a guy wants to, he can stay in this aroused and precum-producing mode literally for hours, without proceeding to a full-blown erection and then orgasm. This takes a bit of experimenting to train yourself, but any guy can do it. A lot of guys I don’t think fully appreciate this. Drops of precum are the body’s automatic reaction to having confronted what the body believes is a novel sexual situation, perhaps involving a potential sexual partner, but equally interesting perhaps just an item of snug-fitting clothing. If you are precumming, something you are observing or otherwise experiencing is affecting you sexually for any number of reasons. Think of your precum as the neatest-ever signal to your conscious brain that you are observing or feeling something that is turning you on sexually. This system works with potential sexual partners, but with a host of other situations as well.

[footnote: Some of you may know I lost my prostate and seminal vesicles in surgery a little over a year ago. I still have fun full-blown orgasms, but they are completely dry as there is no liquid to propel the sperm. Sperm stain in my body and are simply reabsorbed. Interestingly, however, this surgery did not remove my cowpers gland, which is way downstream of the prostate. This means m produce precum at the initial stages of arousal much as before. This really has caused me to refocus my sexual play on setting up initial arousal situations that will generate lots of precum. But other guys with normal prostates would have fun doing the same things I have been doing.]

Enjoy your body! This is all a great treat!


Last edited by sebbie : 08-15-2015 at 01:51 PM.
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Old 08-18-2015, 01:43 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Unholy Terror meets Unbridled Euphoria

A mixture of unholy terror and unbridled euphoria. That is how I felt about my body as I was coming of age in the late 1950s and early 1960s. My body was sending me all sorts of signals, and some of these signals I knew I enjoyed very much, more so than I could have possibly imagined. I knew that a lot of these pleasurable sensations originated in my groin area, but somehow, there was a whole lot more going on than that. But what? If I was picking up sensations from my groin area, how could it be that my BRAIN suddenly felt so good? A mystery for sure, but certainly a mystery that needed to be further explored.

Young guys at that point in time are confused about stuff, a lot of stuff. Maybe young guys that age are less confused nowadays, with more open discussion about sexuality appearing practically everywhere. Nowadays, ads for Viagra and Cialis are everywhere on TV. Young guys can hardly helped seeing those ads some of which are rather explicit about what the problem is and how a little pill can (purportedly) resolve the problem being described in detail. Of course, in the late 50s and early 60, the little pills were not close to being invented yet. But let us just suppose that in, say, the year 1960, an ad had appeared on a then black-and-white TV that discussed a couple in love and that the guy was having trouble with “ED”. ( I always love it when the medical community abbreviates a problem or disease using initials, such as, ED, UTI or PMS, as if the initials will then make the discussion less embarrassing to a wider audience or somehow makes the discussion “G” rated.)

The current ads leave almost nothing to the imagination, and the typical 12-year old has to conclude from the ads that first getting and then maintaining an erection must be a key problem a lot of adult men face. The odd thing, of course, is that the typical 12-year old usually is trying to find a path that will lead to fewer unwanted erections not more. Unlike the guy in the ad for ED pills, the typical teen is struggling with dealing with getting way too many erections, or so he thinks, and is unhappy that erections seem to just happen not under conscious control, often at inappropriate times and in inappropriate places, as if the penis were running the brain. Almopst every guy thinks he has a basic problem that he is getting more unwanted erections than any in his male peer group. Go figure!

The young guy attempts to get greater control over when an erection happens, and these efforts are almost never successful. Erections just keep popping up in all sorts of places and situations and in a lot of instances that creates unholy terror. What happens if an erection occurs in a athletic locker room, surrounded by a bunch of other guys? That is the unholy terror part of being a guy. A guy learns at a very young age that there are times and places where it is ok to get an erection and other times and places definitely not. Every guy is way curious about whether or not his male peers are struggling with the same or similar issue, and every guy likes to check out what is going on with every other guy in this regard, while not being too obvious about it, of course.

Young guys quickly become are fully aware of situations where an erection might be "appropriate", perhaps on a first date with a young girl, but then all those rules are coming down from the parents and at school, to make sure stuff doesn’t get too carried away. But the guy usually worries that the erection will end up being strong enough to end in a powerful orgasm, which might be (painfully) obvious at a very inappropriate time or place. It is one thing to show something of a penis bulge in the front of your jeans, but this reaches a whole new level if the bulge is accompanied by a gigantic wet spot at the very location where the tip of your penis appears to be.

Thankfully, precum stains from the initial arousal stages can leave a quarter-sized (or even half-dollar sized) damp spot on a guy’s underwear. But for the most part at least, these wet stains normally do not show through the next layer of clothing such as the guy’s jeans. But not always. Some guys precum a lot, and it could happen that the stain works itself right through to the next layer of clothing. The guy ends up maybe with a dime-sized wet spot usually near the jeans fly. The snugger the jeans fit, the more likely the precum stain will likely show through. Will the stain be big enough so the other guys will even notice? If they do notice, will one of them say something? Will this lead to teasing or bullying? Even worse if the guy is with someone from the opposite sex, will she notice what has happened? Will she say anything?

All of the above is part of the unholy terror of growing up as a guy. The unbridled euphoria is the other part. I was not very old when by accident I discovered that as all of this was happening to me, my brain was saying that the sensations were really fun. As terrific as anything fun I had ever experienced, or even more so. I knew I wanted more of this, even with all of my concern and potential embarrassment. I wanted lots more. I was hooked on my body and the sensations it was capable of rewarding me with, big time hooked. What to do?

This is enough to ponder for one day.

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Old 08-28-2015, 02:00 PM
crimsonspeedo crimsonspeedo is offline
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I produce a lot of precum as well. The first girl to ever put her hand inside my briefs, after about an hour of making-out, drew it out quickly and wanted to know if I'd ejaculated in my underpants. Boys on the other hand, know all about how boys produce precum, and think it's hot. Girls want you to wipe off and clean up before they touch you again, boys just grin and use it for the lube it is supposed to be! Girls won't give a guy head with precum showing, but boys lick the stuff off and try to squeeze out more.

Just one more reason I'm tending more towards guys in college than girls.
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Old 09-02-2015, 02:16 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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It is always interesting to put my body in a bit of a predicament and see how it “responds” to the situation it is faced with, largely on its own. Penises love to be in confined spaces, even spaces that do not seem to be that confining, at least not at first. In fact, penises almost seem to have “minds” of their own, and are constantly thinking about what they could feel like if the space around them seems snug and confining. At some point, they “tell” the brain what they would like to do and where they would like to be. At some point, the brain responds to these “demands” by attempting to accommodate the demands. That is at the very core of human sexuality and part of the drive that leads to a search a sexual partner.

Guys could rush out and find a sexual partner every time their penises start placing these “demands” on them, but often times this is at minimum inconvenient or perhaps even impossible. I’m always seeking out ways to have fun with these sensations and feelings by myself, without the fuss, bother and other issues related to seeking out a sexual partner. I admit that some of these techniques might be even more fun if pursued with a partner, but I would not let that stop you. Sex play is fun irrespective of whether you are engaging in it alone or with someone else.

This Web site is largely devoted to guys who like to experiment with and in different ways “enjoy” a swim brief. But swim briefs are just one possibility for making your penis happy. When your penis is happy in the situation it finds itself, you will be happy too!

For many years I have loved playing with jock straps, especially jock straps with hard cups. The reason I like these so much is that they confine my penis to try and deal with a space that is fixed, and will not expand if my penis decides to grow. Penises like to grow, and do not quite know how to deal with being surrounded, at least on three sides, with immovable cup. If the cup is big enough, there is no problem, at least no immediate problem. However, I have usually gotten the best results if the cup fits quite snuggly leaving little room for expansion. I admit that part of the fun is that the walls of the hard cup being there is partly psychological and partly physical. I may start out with a cup that is big enough such that I do not immediately have the physical sensation of the walls. Still, my mind keeps thinking that I dare not grow too much, or the walls of the cup will start putting a subtle but still real physical pressure on my penis. I start focusing on my penis and the dilemma it could be in if it starts to grow. Of course, the effect of this is that my penis starts o get bigger, and pretty soon, a situation that was just a theoretical question becomes reality. There is a feedback loop here. My penis grows, if ever so slightly. My brain focuses on what is happening, and my penis grows some more by getting still bigger and harder. Soon my brain is saying to me that the sensations are getting really interesting and enjoyable. Waves of pure enjoyment and delicious “agony” are coursing through my body, not only in the groin area but throughout my entire body.

All of you already know the recipe I like to use. Today I started with a little (Boys size 18) pair of Gildan tighty whiteys. Over that goes the duke supporter with a cup that is just big enough to contain my penis when it is completely flaccid. I want the cup to be immovable, so over that goes a pair of gold Russel football pants. These have the lace up ties. With the football pants in place the cup presses tightly against my groin, and, as a consequence my penis starts to react by telling me that it is feeling very good about the situation that is confining it.

This all feeds on itself, over and over is all great fun, not to be missed by any guy. The bright gold football pants look way cool and clearly show the bulge of the cup. I respond by touching, tapping and pressing on where the cup is, and that feels even better. Next up I will do my stationary rowing and biking with the cup firmly in place. How long will I be able to take all this psycho-sexual “abuse”? That is an empirical question soon to be tested at length.
Its well worth it to locate a cup that will give you the correct fit.

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Old 09-03-2015, 11:41 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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This morning, I took particular notice of this line on the Miami Country Day Aquatics Web site

“When purchasing a swim suit it is important that your swimmer gets the RIGHT SIZE. As a general rule, a swim suit should feel like it is 2 SIZES TOO SMALL when it is dry.”

That is very interesting. The statement is specifically directed to the mothers of sons, I assume. What it says is that undersized suits generally work better for swimming than suits that are a little too big.

Mothers of sons generally would not think that way. In fact, they usually think just the opposite. I’m not sure how your mom picked out clothing items when you were a kid. My mom was of the school “buy two sizes too big as whatever it is will last longer and you will always grow into whatever it is.” This rule applied to practically everything: shirts, jeans, underwear and swimwear.

Moms generally think they are somehow experts with respect to what is going on in the heads of their sons perhaps aged 11 or 12, and part of this expertise is to never buy clothing items that fit just right at that age, because the boy will quickly outgrow whatever it is. Saving money is equated to buying oversized clothing, unless the boy can wear castoffs from an older brother. Of course, moms understand none of this.

By age 12, nearly every boy has discovered what are turning out to be some really interesting things about his body, in particular that some body parts felt really good when touched or rubbed. The vast majority of boys that age would be totally embarrassed to share that newfound information with anyone, and least of all their mothers. Shortly thereafter a boy learns that certain types of clothing make it easier to repeat those sensations, but there is one problem: too much touching and rubbing leads to growth, growth that could become obvious if a lot of care is not taken. Thus arises the odd combination of anxiety, terror, and euphoria. The poor guy is already addicted to the feelings and sensations his body is able to create, but terrified and anxious that anyone else could accidentally find that out.

So, at this age or even earlier, the boy wants to learn how to swim, but the swim club wants him to wear a swim brief. No male swimmer wears a lot of clothing and the clothing they wear doesn’t hide a lot. He owns an oversized pair of board shorts his mom bought him (too big is always good) and at least not when wet, all the cloth hides a lot of stuff. But a swim brief for a swim team is a whole new world. Here is a garment that, when wet is going to likely reveal the exact state of the anatomy to the rest of the peer group of both sexes. That would be a potential situation that could not only cause a lot of anxiety but also to some potentially embarrassing situations. How to the older, more confident male swimmers deal with all of this. They seem to treat wearing a swim brief as just all in a normal day. How can that be? The boy says to himself “am I unique in having this problem?” “How do the older boys deal with what might very well happen? They seem so unconcerned about their bodies! Maybe I am the only one facing this!”

But as this quite indicates, things are only going to get worse not better. Now the swim coach want my mom to buy me not only a brief, but a swim brief that is two sizes too small, as it will stretch out in the water and as it is worn over time. I suspect that the warning that too large a suit could fall off completely while swimming in the pool is an admonition based on sad experience of coaches, and not just hypothetical. The embarrassment from that trumps the embarrassment from getting an erection in too small a suit, and having that become obviously and painfully apparent during a practice.

Guys struggle with all of this. They are addicted to the wonderful sensations their bodies are capably of producing, and perhaps especially so while wearing a really snug swimsuit. At the same time they are terrified that they are alone in having to deal with the problem. Moms buying swimsuits for their sons generally understand none of this.

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