Rumbling speedo discussion
Last year I did quite a bit of 'wild swimming' with a friend and chanced wearing some briefer than normal bikini style speedos. Nothing that would have a wee old lady throwing her hands up in horror at their brevity or 'leaves little to the imagination' comments. He posted photos on a WhatsApp group we have along with my wife, who commented about how revealing they were, admittedly one was a very narrow white bikini. However in a discussion we later had about men’s brief swimwear, I made an observation about the modern day fashion of young women wearing these very tight, revealing 'athleisure' leggings. They are all the rage in the UK and are generally worn with the tiniest of thongs beneath which are quite visible or nothing at all showing quite a number of 'camel toes' on occasions. My argument being that it's OK for young people to wear this without anyone saying anything in any social media platform or normal media, that I've seen, but be a guy in speedos and all the negative comments come out about not wanting to see 'his junk' or package. Then there's the old chestnut about women's breasts being quite prominent in bikinis and bathing costumes but no one bothers about that. Just a thought.