Forced to Wear Speedos
This is as good a place as any to tell my true speedo story. I wasn't into speedos until last year, my junior year in college. I had a European (German) roommate. He wore bikini style underwear and of course speedo style suits for swimming laps. All very small. I was into boxers and boardies, of course, as I think most Americans are. He tried, but couldn't convince me to switch. (By the way, he had one of the hottest muscular bodies I had ever seen.) Last May, before he left for home, he wanted to go to the beach. My jaw dropped when he got into my car wearing nothing but a very tiny low-cut speedo type suit. I was wearing my usual board suit. When we arrived at the beach he started criticizing my choice of swim suits, saying that I wore my shorts so low that I might as well wear a speedo instead my baggy suit. He didn't understand why Americans were so hung-up on bikinis for men when they were so much more comfortable. True, like a lot of guys my boardies rode very low. He then challenged me that my boardies actually rode lower than his speedos. I said bull. Then he said he'll prove it. He stripped naked (it was not a nude beach) and said put these on and I'll prove it. I said put your suit back on, this is not a nude beach, you're going to get arrested. He refused, standing there completely naked. This went on and on until I gave in. Under a towel , I put the damn speedo on and gave him my suit to cover himself. See, he asked, isn't that more comfortable and actually not as low as your stupid boardies? i said, no way. He yanked the speedo down on me and said you can see from your faint tan lines from last year that it's actually a bit higher than your shorts. I had to admit it, yeah the speedo was about an eighth of an inch higher, but my butt cheeks are showing. I said OK, you win, give me my shorts back. He refused the entire rest of the afternoon. So, I wore the tiny speedos the rest of the day and secretly loved it, although I would not admit it to him. I've worn speedo type suits ever since.