Originally Posted by Torchwatch
The Homosexual Agenda 14 Aug 2011
By C. Welker - Published on Amazon.com
"For those who don't believe there's a homosexual agenda, I would ask you to do some historical research. Fifty years ago, homosexuals were "in the closet" because they knew if they were to come out, they risked ridicule and perhaps their very lives.
Along came the Sixties and Seventies and the Sexual Revolution that pushed the "if you're not with the one you love, love the one you're with" idea. Suddenly, promiscuous behavior included anything and everything, including homosexuality. "Gay" parades in places like San Francisco brought out scantily-dressed people writhing through the streets sporting spiked collars and black lipstick insisting the world should accept them as "normal.""
There appears to be some serious homophobic anti speedo hatred here.
I'm very well aware that homophobia is a serious issue and I didn't mean to offend by making light of it. And to clarify, I proposed that as a joke and did not refer to it as a "speedo hate contest." That being said, I don't think the gay parades with scantily clad, outrageously made up men add anything positive to the movement; rather I think they detract from it. And those who happen to be wearing speedos as part of their costume then reinforce the belief that only gay men wear speedos. They just feed into the stereotypes that homophobes have about gays.
The outrageous and ridiculous part of "only gay men wear speedos" is that it is just plain silly, and sometimes humor reduces a contentious issue to the point of it being ludicrous. I think that by constantly examining the issue in such detail, the false assumptions are dignified rather than ignored. I don't want to appear to be seeing this simplistically, but, if someone wants to wear a speedo, then wear it and the hell with others think or assume about you. And whether speedo wearers are gay, bi, or straight, they pay taxes, marry in 17 states and DC, have families, etc., like everybody else. That appears to me to be pretty normal.