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Old 11-09-2014, 11:33 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default We need a new story!!!

I'm thinking, maybe a cooperative venture, one in which each of us adds a paragraph or two as we want. and the story will just go where each of us takes it.

I'll start, and anyone is welcome to add some to it...

"I'm going to have to get my body into THAT?, James murmored to his friend, Bryan. James was only a freshman high school, and was just starting to understand what it meant to be a guy going through puberty. He had never swum on a team before. Bryan, on the other hand, was an old hand at it, a sophomore, and he "knew the ropes" of what it was like to be a competitive swimmer for the Tornados. He had swum last year, and was comfortable with what a swimmer seeking to be competitive needed to do....especially the early morning workouts in the pool. Bryan had been starting to use the weightlifting equipment at the gym at his high school too, and the results were beginning to show.

Jim, on the other hand, thought of himself as a scrawny kid, more of an ectomorph than a mesomorph. James had high hopes that swimming could help him make his body into a shape he admired rather than how he saw himself in the mirror as a barely 14-year old. James thought to himself "I hope I don't embarrass the Tornados this year!" Those guys are all bigger and more muscular than I am.

OK guys, you are next to take this story somewhere.
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Old 11-09-2014, 12:29 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default my contribution....

“Just put it on,” Bryan said the Jimmy, encouraging him to try on the new team swimsuit. “Once you do, you’ll actually like it.” The two young men were alone in Jimmy’s bedroom, having just come from the first swim team meeting, the one where they got their new team suits .

“I don’t know, it sure looks tiny,” Jimmy said. “Not at all like my jammers.” Jimmy had been swimming on a YMCA team for three years now, but the team was less restrictive than the high school team. The guys could wear what they wanted, and none of them wore briefs. Jimmy had finally switched to jammers when the loose shorts started to really bother him. He thought the jammers showed too much of his crotch, but at least they covered more than just a two inch band around his privates.

Bryan and Jimmy were long time friends, since kindergarten. Bryan was always the rambunctious one, while Jimmy was the quiet, serious one. Their opposite personalities actually played well together. Sort of a funny blend of impulsive rationality. Bryan was always getting into things, trying new things. Jimmy was the voice of influence. But, Bryan knew Jimmy had a wild streak in him. While Bryan was far more muscular developed than Jimmy, there was one area where Jimmy was much more endowed. Bryan wanted to see exactly how Jimmy was going to fit that endowment into the tiny swimsuit, too.

Jimmy slipped off his shorts, getting totally naked from the waist down. The two guys had seen each other naked so many times that Jimmy had no hesitation stripping his clothes off in front of Bryan. He grabbed the tiny Agon brand swimsuit, a Euro cut racer brief, white background with a powerful image of a tornado that ran right up from the crotch. It was perfectly positioned, both eliminating the show risk of a white suit, and when wrapped around the bulging male parts the tornado really stood out. Jimmy slid the suit up his skinny legs, his anatomy getting a bit aroused. He pulled the suit over his hips and waist and then tucked his parts inside. He tied the suit tight. The fit was snug, and the tight grasp on his man parts was erotic, although Jimmy was not really thinking that. He was more worried about the erect state that had rapidly erupted from his young body.

The suit struggled to keep Jimmy contained. He turned to face Bryan. “Feels pretty ####ing tight,” He said, his hand somewhat hiding his bulging crotch section.

“Dude, move your hand,” Bryan replied. “You look great in that suit.” Jimmy really did. Despite his ectomorph body style, the tiny suit really showed off his best parts well. Jimmy really wasn’t as scrawny as he thought, he had well defined muscles and a very fit chest and abs. He was never going to be the body builder image, he was just not made that way. However, he could fill our a swim suit well and he had a cute face and smile. “Man, you really are packing that suit well, not much room left.” Bryan added.

“It does feel kind of neat,” Jimmy replied. “A whole lot tighter than my jammers, though.” Jimmy eyed himself in the full length mirror on his door. He rubbed across his bulge. The blue tornado against the while background really looked amazing. On the back a similar tornado, with the Tornado team emblem to one side. “Try yours on,” Jimmy instructed Bryan.

Bryan quickly grabbed his suit and ……

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 11-09-2014 at 01:50 PM.
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Old 11-09-2014, 03:17 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Bryan realized that his body parts down there felt good when he touched or rubbed them in a certain way, but a lot of the sensations he experienced every time he did that were still shrouded in mystery. If he was touching down there, why did he suddenly feel so good in his head? His head is surely a very long ways away from where he was touching. When he did that, it was almost if all of the ordinary things he faced as a high school student just melted away in a heap of nothingness. And why did he like watching Jimmy struggle with getting into his little suit so much? What did this have to do with anything, anyway?

For Bryan too, what was happening to him as he was growing was mostly still a great mystery. He knew there was something special that he liked about putting himself into the little Tornado team swimsuit, but what exactly was that? He was used to wearing cotton briefs (also called tighty whiteis) and sometimes, the longer-legged "boxer briefs". But just pulling on his cotton underwear each morning did not bring up the same set of nearly out-of-body feelings that seemed to occur every time he got ready for swim-team practice. He knew at once that the material in his swim team brief felt a whole lot different when pressed snuggly against his anatomy than his cotton briefs did. And he knew he really liked these sensations,...a lot.

Unlike a lot of the boys his age, Bryan had never been a fan of loose-fitting cotton boxers that most of the others his age seemed to favor. Given how many of his team mates showed up in the locker room wearing clunky and dorky-looking loose-fitting boxers, he wondered if the others getting into their swim briefs were experiencing the same feelings he was experiencing every time he pulled on his suit for practice, thogh he dared not say anything about it out loud. There are a few topics he knew guys just would not talk about with their friends, and this was certainly one of them. Even so, most boys Bryan's age are in fact equally as curious as Bryan about exactly what their male freinds are experiencing as they get older. Bryan wondered, but, like most boys, he was just too shy, uneasy and uncertain to even think about raising the topic with his team-mates.

But now, here was James, standing there right if front of him. James was doing something he had never once done before, getting himself into the tiny tornado pactice team suit. As Bryan watched Jimmy, he was starting to first-hand get some answers to some questions he had obviously wondered a lot about about but had not dared utter out loud. Was Jimmy's body going to "react" the same way to the look and feel of the little Lycra suit that his body did? Bryan especially remembered the first time he did the same, much as a flashback. Some things you just never forget, and for Bryan, this was one of those really interesting moments, mixing unbridled elation and sheer terror, in nearly equal parts. If so, how was Jimmy going to be able to deal with the situation he was finding himself in? Even more interestingly, as Bryan watched Jimmy struggle with getting into the little suit why was Bryan himself starting to starting to feel a little tenser even than usual down there? Did any of this at all make any sense?
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Old 11-09-2014, 06:41 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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OK, I'll give it a try - my first attempt at fiction. Great idea, Sebbie.


Bryan's tension mounted as he heard Jimmy's instructions that were pretty clear, "try yours on now." Bryan was really confused about what he was feeling while watching Jimmy put on and adjust himself in the Tornado practice suit. He could see that Jimmy's "endowment" really stood out in the suit because Jimmy had gotten an erection while putting on a speedo on for the first time and really seeming to enjoy the feeling of the tight fabric around his bulging crotch. Seeing Jimmy's bulge made Bryan wonder how he would compare to Jimmy in his. He had never felt this way about putting on a brief suit - it had become second nature to him, but this time it felt different. Bryan hesitated, thinking "am I going to get hard too?" That hadn't happened to Bryan for a long time. Finally, Bryan's thoughts were interrupted by Jimmy - "come on Bryan, this is my first time, but you've worn a brief suit hundreds of times, try it on."

With that, Bryan took the plunge. He stripped completely and slowly stepped into the Tornado suit, pulled it on and then adjusted himself before he tied the strings. While Jimmy was bigger than Bryan, Bryan still knew that he filled out the suit pretty well, and to his surprise and puzzlement, he had sprung an erection as he adjusted himself. "Bryan, you really look terrific in that suit and you really fill it out", said Jimmy. Bryan was pleased by Jimmy's compliment, remembering that he had said something very similar to Jimmy, wanting to make Jimmy feel comfortable trying a brief on for the first time. Bryan looked at himself in the mirror, admiring his build, his bigger than usual bulge, and thought,"I really do look hot in this suit."

Somehow for Bryan, putting his suit on in front of Jimmy felt different from the other times. He felt a little bold and said to Jimmy, "hey, take off your t shirt so I can see how you look just in the speedo." Jimmy didn't hesitate for a second and whipped off his shirt, stood next to Bryan, looked at the two of them in the mirror, and blurted out, "we are really two hot looking dudes!" Bryan was taken aback by Jimmy's outburst and so was Jimmy. "Did I really just say that? I don't know where that came from. I just was so excited by how this suit feels and looks that I got carried away." For some reason, Jimmy's exuberance seemed to lower Bryan's tension and at the same time the crotch of his suit felt a bit roomier and he replied......
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Old 11-10-2014, 03:00 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Yes we are!

This was a moment of great conflict for both Jimmy and Bryan. Now they both thought of themselves as being past puberty, even though their first wet dreams where they had first experienced real erections culminating in orgasms seemed to both of them not that long ago. Both Jimmy and Bryan were starting to understand that there were a few places where a noticeable erection would be considered acceptable, but many places where such an occurrence would be considered unfortunate and embarrassing. Having an undisputable erection while in the company of several male friends near your age certainly fell into the latter category.

Still, this situation was a little different from that. James and Bryan indeed had known each other since kindergarten, and they had shared life experiences of all kinds over the years of their friendship. Bryan, being a year older, liked to play the role of acting as if he knew all about the world out there, including the subject of sex. But if the truth were known, Bryan was just as confused on a lot of issues as Jimmy was.

Both Bryan and Jimmy had been through the standard class given to the 8th graders at school dealing with basic "health" issues. You know the stuff, the mechanics of how humans mate, egg and sperm, copulation, things like that. The problem was that while this information was technically accurate, it really didn't address any of what Jimmy and Bryan both surely wanted to know.

A simple statement of in the health education class was that when a guy and a girl meet, they may discover that they like each other, perhaps very much. The guy gets "turned on"by this, and his penis starts to grow. The girl somehow senses this and suddenly realizes that she has sexual feelings of her own, and she becomes fixated on having the guy's now-engourged penis enter her vagina. If all goes along according to the health education book, they have sex in which he deposits his semen in her vagina, and they both end their encounter by sharing with each other that they enjoyed themselves immensely. Of course, there are a bunch of asterisks and footnotes to all of this, but that is the basic idea.

For Bryan and Jimmy both, there was nothing in the health class that was in any way helpful or the least bit illuminating for dealing with the situation they both suddenly found themselves in. First, James and Bryan were both guys. Second, there was certainly nothing in the health class that had in any way, shape or form prepared them for the idea that they were going to get aroused just getting into a little Lycra swimsuit. And why were they seemingly getting so many strange but pleasant feelings just by seeing each other clad only in their respective little suits? These guys had been around each other since kindergarten. Clearly, there was a lot more going on here that they did not understand both physically and emotionaly than was covered in their health class. What now???
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Old 11-10-2014, 07:58 PM
Dooley67 Dooley67 is offline
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After Jimmy's impulsive spontaneous outburst, his face turned a bright red because he was so embarrassed, but Bryan said, "don't worry about it dude, you know, we do both look pretty hot", a rare admission for Bryan. He rarely told another guy that he looked good in a brief suit, but after all, Jimmy was a friend since kindergarten, they were practically like brothers.

Hearing Bryan's reply, Jimmy said, "You're not mad at me? As soon as I realized what I said, I thought you were going to be all mad or something. Guys don't usually say those kind of things to other guys. Thanks for being so understanding."

Bryan just chalked it up to Jimmy's trepidation about putting on such a tiny suit, and then once he had it on, feeling so good in it, in more ways than one. Bryan remembered how he felt just last year when his voice got deeper, when he grew almost 5 inches in one year, when he started growing hair in his private area, and when he began to get erections more often when he put his suit on. So he really understood how Jimmy felt. But Bryan wondered, "why did I get those feelings watching Jimmy, and why did I get hard now after almost a year? I can't figure it out, but I'm not going to get all hot and bothered about it now. Gotta think about starting swim practice tomorrow."

Jimmy appeared to be fully over his embarrassment as his color returned to normal. He said, "let's get dressed and go downstairs and get something to eat, I'm starved. Then you can tell me everything I need to know about swim team."

"Cool, yeah I'm starved too," Bryan answered.

The guys went downstairs and while they were snacking, Jimmy asked, "what happens on the first day of practice, like are the upperclassmen going to make us freshmen do all kinds of things, like initiating us?"

"Not really," Bryan replied, "last year when I was a freshman, they sort of made us be their servants, like getting them towels and stuff, but it really wasn't too bad. Coach wouldn't allow anything more than the little stuff, he doesn't let anything get by him and he wouldn't let anyone take advantage of the younger guys."

"But, Bryan, what do I do if the same thing happens again when I put my suit on, what am I supposed to do then?" Jimmy asked, really wanting to know what to do to cover his embarrassment, and other things too.

"Relax, Jimmy, I think it happens to all guys."

"But what if it happens in front of the other guys on the team. They'll think there's something wrong with me, like that I'm gay."

"No they won't, like I said, it happens to everyone at some time, especially swimmers in brief suits. You only wore Jammers and that's completely different from wearing a tiny brief. Let me tell you about something that happened last year at the first team practice."

.....to be continued

Last edited by Dooley67 : 11-10-2014 at 11:20 PM.
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