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Old 12-26-2015, 02:16 AM
dm106 dm106 is offline
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Default Timmy Moves to CT and joins swim team

Part 1 - taken from partly true and partly fictional parts of my younger days. This is my first attempt at a story so comments (and flames) welcome). If you're looking for pure sex, skip this story.

Caroline and Ron Martin were smitten from the moment they first met at UCF (University of Central Florida) in Orlando during Freshman orientation. Both had been raised in strict Catholic families and neither had much experience in dating. Both were 18, Caroline just turning 18 a few weeks before.
Neither had “the talk” about sex from their parents and Caroline wound up pregnant that Freshman year. But no matter, they knew they were deeply in love. They got married and Timmy was born the following September. Ron continued and graduated with honors with a degree in banking and finance.

The couple struggled financially in those early years, with Ron taking a job at a local bank in Orlando. Finally, he got a terrific break as a Sr. Vice President at a bank in Hartford, Connecticut. In the winter with Timmy in 7th grade, they made the move to the tony suburb of Glastonbury.

Timmy was older for his grade by nearly a year due to his birthday falling just short of the school age cutoff for Kindergarten in Orlando. He also was raised with very strict Catholic family values and while Caroline and Ron had discussed that they needed to have “the talk” with Timmy, they both were very shy to talk about this subject with him so it was put off. Timmy was quite sheltered and naďve. Meanwhile, Timmy started getting those random erections constantly, hair had started to sprout around his privates and he started awaking to new feelings “down there”. He also had started to grow there quite a bit. But he knew nothing of things like masturbation and tended not to think about those types of things much in the past. While he heard words, he never fully understood what they meant.

The day the moving van arrived at their new house, he met another boy who lived in the house next door. Jimmy looked a bit younger but it turned out that he, too, had entered the 7th grade that year. The boys became fast friends, sharing video games with each other and became inseparable. It also turned out that they would share several classes together once Timmy entered school. Jimmy had started in swimming during his early years in elementary school and was quite successful. He had lots of ribbons of various colors and even some cool looking trophies in his room, Timmy thought. “Can you swim, Timmy?” asked Jimmy. “Well, yeah, pretty good,” replied Timmy. Jimmy says he should join the swim team. Timmy is open to the idea, but since swimming is already underway for the school year, Coach is going to have to approve it and give Timmy a special try-out if, indeed, Timmy will be permitted to join that year.

On the bus on the way home from school, Jimmy and Timmy are, of course, sitting together. “What did the coach say,” asks Timmy. “Good News” is the reply. Coach says we are really short on boys for the team and yes, Timmy could try out. “Coach says be at the pool 45 minutes before homeroom and you can do a try out.”

That evening Timmy has his knee length boardies in his backpack for the next day but something really cool is happening. Growing up so far in Florida, Timmy has never seen snow. And that evening, a major storm is forecast and the white stuff is coming down heavily by dinnertime. Timmy is SO excited. Timmy runs outside and with just the dusting, he tries to make a snowball. Jimmy is standing at the door laughing when he sees his close friend out there making a fool of himself. “Dude, you need to have snow on the ground before you can make a snowball!” Timmy laughs sheepishly and retreats back inside, not even wearing a jacket. Later that evening, the boys, properly dressed, managed to find enough snow to make some snowballs and have some fun – the very first time Timmy has been exposed to snow other than on TV or seeing it in pictures.

Early the next morning Caroline is checking the school closings – and Glastonbury is not closing for the 4 inches of snow they got. Because he had to be at school 45 minutes early, he could not take the regular bus, so Caroline agreed to get up early and drive him. Ron had gotten her all-weather tires for the Subaru, but truth be told, Caroline had never driven in snow before. Ron grew up in Chicago so he knew about it and gave her some verbal tips about drive slower than usual, slow down sooner when you have to stop, maintain greater distance from the car ahead of you, etc. Caroline took it all in nervously. Off Ron goes to work.

She gets Timmy breakfast and loaded into the Subaru and heeding Ron’s advice, drives backwards out of the garage onto the snow laden driveway very slowly. All is going well, she thinks, until she reaches the street where the snow plow had backed up a bunch of snow against the end of the driveway. Probably three feet wide and about 18 inches tall, this was much more packed snow than what was loose and flaky in the driveway. There also was a down-grade on the driveway into the street. She cautiously checked for traffic and slowly edges her way to the street. But that heavy packed snow grabs the car and stops it pretty much in its tracks. Ron didn’t tell her that you need to have some momentum to cut through that snow plow residue! She gives it a bit more gas…nothing. She gives it a bit more and the all-wheel-drive Subaru’s wheels begin to spin. Wow, that’s something she’s never had before. The car is not moving backwards at all but the wheels are turning. The all-weather tires are making a vibration she can feel in the seat. Unbeknownst to her, Timmy, wearing tight skinny jeans, felt the exact same vibration in his balls. He didn’t think a whole lot about it but he could tell his mom was pretty nervous.

Caroline recalls that in her driver class years earlier she learned about rocking a car if it got stuck. She never had practiced that before, it’s not something you need in Florida where she grew up. She tries going forward, up the driveway but it’s up hill, the car moves forward only a few inches and the wheels start to spin again. She eases it back and it moves again a few inches but maybe further than it was before. She manages to get a rhythm going, forward and backward but the spinning wheels are vibrating the seat and coupled with the forward and backwards motion, she was getting stimulation in her tight jeans that she had not ever felt before. Her breathing increases and Timmy hears an occasional soft moan. “You OK Mom”, he asks. “Yes Timmy, just trying to get the car out of this mess”. Her hand occasionally going to her crotch is not lost on Timmy who is feeling funny down there, too. Timmy dresses with his dick down, tucked in his briefs in front of and under his balls. He figures gravity pulls it that way when he’s standing so that’s how it goes in. This means both his balls and the head of his penis are pressed against the car seat inside of his tight skinny jeans. He doesn’t think anything of the boner he’s gotten because he gets them so often now that he’s 12. But something else is going on, he’s getting a tickling feeling from the vibration. All he knows is it feels good and when he presses on it – he likes the pressure.

Caroline continues to rock the car, forward and back, gaining some distance. Sometimes she just lets the wheels spin, trying to cut into the snow – to no avail. She’s not able to get the car back up the hill fully into the driveway and try to get a better running start, the wheels just spin. She tries to use just enough power to try to move the car without spinning the wheels but they always break loose. So she goes back and forward and backwards in rhythm. She notices his hand is up under his jacket. Is Timmy feeling it too, she wonders to herself because Carolyn is starting to feel like she is going to have an orgasm for reasons she cannot possibly comprehend and Timmy has gotten very quiet, no longer chatting with her (she didn’t want him babbling now anyhow, just trying to concentrate on getting the car unstuck).

She keeps it up for another minute and almost has it out the front of the driveway onto the street when Timmy says, “Mom – STOP, quick!” She stops and says, “Timmy, what’s wrong? I almost had it out of here.” “I gotta go to the bathroom real bad, Mom, it’s an emergency,” he replies. “Didn’t you go just before we got in the car? It’s only been 10 minutes”. “Yea, Mom, but I gotta go, I can’t explain it.” Little did Caroline realize that Timmy was also about to nut, something she could not comprehend on his part, either. It might have been just as well because she was about to lose her control and perhaps that wouldn’t have been easy to explain to Timmy. “Go at school, we’ll be there in 5 minutes”. That was the end of the conversation and with one more burst of power, she broke through and the rest of the trip was uneventful.

Timmy got to the pool, saw the coach in the office who told him to change into his swim suit and meet at the pool in 90 seconds – the ordeal with getting stuck made him a late. Coach was obviously and “on time” person. Timmy still has the lingering feelings from the car – and he’s hoping whatever it was – does not cause a boner while he’s doing his tryout! Timmy got out there and took directions from the coach and showed Coach Carl what he could do in the pool. Carl thought Timmy was ok – not terrific but that he would be trainable from what he could see. Truth be told, Carl would take pretty much any boy on the team who wanted to swim. He thought every boy should have the chance and he knew that not so many boys came out for swim team these days. He tells Timmy, “Congratulations, can you come to practice this afternoon after school?” Timmy said, “Yes Sir!”

To be continued....
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Old 12-26-2015, 02:29 AM
dm106 dm106 is offline
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Part 2

Timmy has a heck of a time concentrating on school that day. He decides after considerable thought that the feeling he had in the car was not needing to go pee, it had to be something else. But what? It felt really good. He is very confused – totally naďve and not understanding the new feelings in his 12 year old body. He contemplates this almost the entire day. And he thought something was definitely weird with his Mom when the car was stuck. The noises she made and her pressing in her lap – seemed so strange to him. Meanwhile, Caroline is at home, wondering much the same thing about herself. She never felt those feelings in a car before, but it certainly got her attention.

Timmy shows up at 2:30 after his last class and runs into his buddy Jimmy in the locker room. The boys are changing and Jimmy says, “You can’t wear those boardies on the team”. Timmy says it’s all he has. They proceed to practice – and Coach Carl stops Timmy – “You need your team speedos, Timmy, you can’t swim in those boardies plus they look ridiculous on a swim team. Jeff – take Timmy to the supply closet and get him a couple of team suits.” Jeff is a 9th grader, the highest class in the school and is now 14 and the team’s captain. Coach introduces the boys to each other and tell’s Jeff to show him the ropes. Jeff, being two years older than Timmy seems to be huge and very handsome. For 14, Jeff has developed a pretty good musculature from the swimming and weight lifting he does. It does not go unnoticed by Timmy who is thinking to himself, wow, will I look like that at 14? He also notices Jeff’s larger bulge in the tight maroon speedo he was wearing. He has to force himself to not stare.

As they are walking, Jeff explains to Timmy that you really should get a couple of practice suits and save these speedos for meets and special events but for today – you can wear the team suit. Sure enough, Timmy noticed the boys were all wearing different speedos for practice, one even had a Jammer on but Timmy didn’t know what they were called. Jeff tells Timmy where he can buy suits and they have team discounts. Meanwhile, in the supply room, Jeff guesses at Timmy’s waist size as 28 and hands him a 28 suit to start with and also a 26 to try on after that. The team suits are red TYRs with white sides and the team logo – a shark on the front towards one side. Timmy’s eyes are bugging out at how small the suit seems. Jeff says, “Tim, just try it on in here, it’s OK, then we don’t have to run back and forth to the locker room.” Timmy’s feeling a bit shy but removes his boardies to comply. He pulls up the first size 28 speedo which is snug on him. Jeff say, “Tie it, Timmy. How does it feel?” Timmy responds with “pretty good” but deep inside he starts to get that funny feeling he had in the car earlier this morning and now he’s worried about getting a boner in front of Jeff with no way to hide it. He starts growing. “Come here, let me check it for you,” Jeff says. Timmy complies and Jeff tugs on the suit, puts his fingers down the waistband a little, and tugs on the leg openings. All of this is making Timmy get more aroused which Jeff picks up on. “Timmy, don’t be scared, it’s OK, this happens when you try on speedos the first time. You will get better in them. But I think these are just a little loose on you for meets and loose is not good. They make you slower and also they don’t hold your parts as well when you, um, well, you know what I mean”, brushing Timmy’s boner which is sticking out a bit in the front. Timmy is now not only very hard but he’s got that tickle coming back again. That brushing felt amazing, Timmy thinks to himself, but it was probably just an accident as Jeff was getting up.
“Timmy, here, try the 26 on and see how that one fits you”. Timmy obediently takes off the size 28 suit and slides up the 26, meanwhile he’s pointing up in the air. This suit is definitely tighter on him. After checking it and tugging on it a bit, Timmy is having a hard time keeping himself in control, but he doesn’t really understand what’s happening. The tugging and checking of Timmy’s suit has taken him to a place he’s never been before, just like in the car that morning. Timmy doesn’t know what it is but he know it feels really nice. And he’s noticing that Jeff is boning his speedo as well. “You’re getting one too,” Timmy says. “Yea, I can’t help it when I see it on another guy, it just happens,” replied Jeff. “This is definitely the right size for you, it’s holding you in much better than the larger one.” “Yeah,” Timmy says with weak voice. Seeing Jeff’s length and the ridge around the head of his penis outlined in the tight maroon speedo, Timmy is getting very weak kneed, his breathing changes and his eyes glaze over. He’s so hard in his speedo that his penis is pulsing along with his heartbeat. That’s driving him to new levels of stimulation that he cannot control and a look of grimace comes across his face. “You OK, Timmy?” inquires Jeff. “No” whispers Timmy who then lets out a grunt and begins to fall. Jeff quickly grabs him and sits him on a bench nearby. The front of Timmy’s speedo is now soaked as he had his very first cum, and it was a load. “Timmy, you just shot in your new speedos!”

Timmy was both embarrassed and confused, not really knowing what happened, but he was also spent and had no energy. He just had to sit and rest for a minute.

To be continued...
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Old 12-26-2015, 02:15 PM
dm106 dm106 is offline
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I never did a story before - do you want more or is this falling flat?
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Old 12-26-2015, 07:52 PM
a speedo minded guy a speedo minded guy is offline
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Very good story. I like it. Please continue on with it. Love the innocence Timmy has through this. Would love to hear how Jeff tries to explain what happened.
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Old 12-26-2015, 09:02 PM
dm106 dm106 is offline
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Thanks, Speedomindedguy. A new chapter coming right now!

Timmy sat there – stunned – not knowing what just happened. He wasn’t sure what to think. “What do you mean I shot in my speedos?” asked Timmy. “Let’s get you to the shower – clean you up and get out to practice. Coach will be wondering if we got lost. We can talk about this later,” replied Jeff. Jeff put his arm around Timmy and led him to the shower.

“This never happened to you before, did it,” asked Jeff. “No.” “It’s perfectly normal, Timmy, we will talk about it after practice or whenever you want,” Jeff Added.

Things went pretty normally through the rest of practice – nobody had a clue of what went on in the supply room and it was just as well as far as Timmy was concerned. He now really felt he trusted Jeff and at least Jeff was looking out for him. Following practice, Jimmy and Timmy took the late bus home but Timmy was pretty quiet. He did admit to Jimmy that he enjoyed swim practice and thought the coach was really cool.

Timmy was noticeably quiet at dinner that night but once back up in his room he was replaying the events with Jeff back in his mind. He did remember one thing – the sensations he felt in his young but maturing body were simply amazing. And another thing was certain, he loved the feeling of his new team speedos and decided right then and there to put on his dry suit (the wet one was still drying out in his bathroom).

As soon as he pulled up the speedo – those feelings started up again and his manhood started getting hard. They were most pleasurable but Timmy couldn’t understand why something like this would give him these feelings. He walked over to his door which had a full length mirror on it. He liked what he saw – with his boner he could see his penis outline just like he could see it on Jeff and some of the other boys at practice. In fact, he found that quite stimulating. In his excited condition he could even see his ridge around the head – something he noticed quite clearly on Jeff earlier in the day. Timmy was feeling very manly even though he had not quite reached his 13th birthday yet. He also determined that he was going to corner Jeff the next day and find out more about what was going on. He took some solace that Jeff was going to somehow end all this confusion and explain things.

Timmy went back downstairs, wearing his speedo under his jeans (still offering him some really nice feelings) and told his parents about (part) of his first day on the swim team. Secretly he knew the tight speedo was concealing his boner. He announced that coach had given him a team suit to which his Mom said, "Oh bring it down and show us." Quickly thinking, Timmy went up to his bathroom and got the damp suit from practice and brought it down. “Wow, Tim, that looks like the ones they wear in the Olympics!,” his Mom blurted out. “Yeah,” Timmy said, “they are really cool”. He then said that he needed to get a couple of practice suits at the sporting goods store. His Mom offered to take him after school to shop and make sure he got the right size but somehow that really seemed to embarrass Timmy, who was not quite ready to parade a speedo in front of his Mom so he respectfully declined and asked if he could just go alone and do it. Mom said fine and gave him $40 which might be enough for two practice suits if he chose carefully.

The next day passed painfully slowly for Timmy as he anxiously awaited time for swim team practice. He bounced from his last class to the school’s pool with his swim bag in hand. Jeff is in the locker room and Timmy walks up to him and whispers, “Jeff, can we talk after school today?” “Sure, Tim. Meet me here after practice. You gonna be OK today in the meanwhile?” “I sure hope so,” grins Timmy. Timmy manages to keep it together for most of practice but does raise a major boner after he gets the suit on and heads to the shower. But he’s not the only boy that gets that way – he sees another boy with a big boner and that makes him feel better but also a bit more stimulated.

After practice, the boys rendezvous in the locker room and it turns out that Jeff lives three blocks from Timmy, but they are on different bus routes. “Why don’t you come home with me on the late bus and we can talk,” Jeff says, “and you can walk home from my house.” It’s a plan and they arrive at Jeff’s and nobody will be home for nearly 2 hours as his parents are both at work. The conversation starts in the kitchen over cookies and milk. “So Timmy, what can I tell you, offers Jeff.” “Jeff, I need to know what’s happening to me, I’m so confused with these feelings and I sure can’t ask my Mom or Dad and I'm really embarrassed even talk to you about it” “Tim, I know just what you’re feeling, I had exactly those feelings when I was starting in swim two years ago and I was also very confused. Let’s go up to my room and put on our speedos and talk about it.”

“Wow,” Timmy asks, “You wear them in your room when you don’t have to?” “Yeah, all the time, Timmy! I love the feelings and then I often have to jerk off in them”. Timmy’s face scrunched up – “Jerk off?” “OK Timmy, I guess we have more than one afternoon’s explaining to do for you but let’s get going”.

The boys get changed into their speedos – both wearing the identical team suits and lay on Jeff’s bed. Jeff starts explaining – “Tim, you’re getting feelings already, right, sort of like a bit of a tickle inside you?” “Yeah, exactly,” Tim says. Jeff goes on to explaining how males get excited and get boners and how we cum or ejaculate. In short, all the “stuff” about the birds and the bees that he never got from his Mom and Dad at home. Timmy’s taking it all in. After the explanation, Tim asks, “But what has this got to do with speedos and how they make us feel”. Jeff goes on to explain how the tightness of the speedos on the male parts, the sleek feel of the fabric and how we know we are on display and we see it on other guys, it’s all part of the stimulation. “Jeff, but how come I shot in my speedos yesterday without even rubbing it, asks Timmy”

To be continued
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Old 12-27-2015, 03:14 AM
dm106 dm106 is offline
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Part 4

By now Timmy is feeling like Jeff is a really good friend, more special even than a big brother. Timmy totally trusts him and feels so happy that he can discuss these personal things with Jeff that he can’t ask anyone else.

Timmy was so consumed with his chat with Jeff that he never got to the sporting goods store to get his new practice speedos. And getting more speedos is something he finds very exciting and can’t wait. He feels less strange about it when he was in Jeff’s room and Jeff allowed Timmy to peak in his dresser drawer where there must have been 25 pairs in various colors in briefs, square cuts and jammers. Timmy can’t wait until his next visit when Jeff promised to give him a fashion show and even let Timmy try on a few although he knew that they might be a bit large for him.

But time ran out and during the chat, Timmy knew he was very close to again blowing in his speedos without touching himself. He could see that Jeff was aroused as well. It was arranged – Timmy could come over again the next day and the talk would continue.

Timmy managed to get through the evening and another day at school where all he could think about was going to Jeff’s. At practice Jimmy felt like he was being ignored by Timmy who seemed all taken with trying to hang with Jeff and the older boys. And it’s another practice where Timmy is boned almost the whole time thinking about Jeff and their talk. The only thing saving him from blowing his load is the cool pool water.

Upon the arrival at Jeff’s, the routine continues with the cookies and milk. “So Jeff, how is it I shot now a couple of times in my speedos without rubbing it?” asks Timmy. “Does that happen to you?” “Yes, Timmy, to me and some others as well. But some boys are more sensitive to it than others. Some boys don’t have it happen to them”. “Oh,” responds Timmy. I thought you said yesterday that you had to jack it go make it go off.” “True, Timmy, I did say that. But it can happen by itself and maybe we will have some fun together and make it happen like that.” “Way cool, Jeff, I’d love that,” pipes up the ever exuberant Timmy.

Upstairs in Jeff’s room, he asks Timmy if he wants to try on one of Jeff’s speedos. Timmy about bursts – “oh man!” The drawer is so full of speedos, Timmy has a hard time deciding which one he wants. Jeff offers some advice and shows Timmy a few that he had left over from 2 years ago when he was in Timmy’s class that he didn't wear much anymore. “These might fit you better, they are your size,” says Jeff. Timmy picks a bright yellow one with some white trim and starts to strip down to put it on. “Which do you want me to wear?” asks Jeff. More decisions for Timmy who finally pulls out a black and red jammer technical suit. “What’s this?” asks Timmy. “A technical suit for meets but I don’t wear it at the school meets because coach wants us in the team suit. I wore this for a summer league last year”. Jeff stripped down as Timmy totally watched Jeff’s cock and balls. Jeff’s a bit chubbed up from all the talk. He pulls on the jammer, looking very hot in it. Timmy is equally hot in the revealing small yellow speedo Jeff has loaned him. Timmy feels like he’s about as hard as he’s ever been but still a good inch or more shorter and thinner than Jeff’s manhood. He also realizes that Jeff's cock was in this speedo where his is nestled now.

“Hey Timmy, do you want to see how you can shoot in your speedo without touching, again?” asks Jeff. “Sure”, Timmy says. “Ok, we will do it. You just relax and listen and answer my questions but don’t touch yourself.” “Does the yellow speedo feel tight on you? Is it as tight as your team speedo? Come over here, let me see if it’s giving you good support.” Jeff reaches to Timmy and cups his bulge in the palm of his hand and Timmy lets out a soft moan. Then he takes a couple of fingers and traces Timmy’s length pressing to see if his penis is being held firmly against his body by the yellow speedo. “You are really big there for your age, Timmy and you have a big head. See how it’s hugging your body and not sticking out even with a boner? That’s how you know it’s supporting you properly.” All Timmy could muster was to shake his head. He’d never experience that feeling before of someone really touching his member, other than the quick brush he got in the supply room.

Jeff stood up. “Here, feel mine the same way, you can feel how it’s fitting in my jammer.” Timmy immediately complied, giving his friend even a bit more attention than Jeff gave to Timmy. Timmy had never felt another boy’s penis before, if you could call this feeling it. “Hey, Timmy, you got a bit of a wet spot,” announces Jeff. “What’s that from,” Timmy asks. “It happens when you get aroused like this. Are you feeling like you’re getting a little too close to shooting?” “No, I’m ok,” says Timmy.

“Ok then, let’s continue, “Jeff says”. “So Timmy, are you noticing how the guys on the team are pointing in their speedos – up, down, sideways?

To be continued
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