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Old 12-30-2013, 01:54 AM
skinnykid skinnykid is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Apr 2013
Posts: 84

Originally Posted by brooklyngearNY
A jockey white brief is super classic. Many fashion photographers use either those exact briefs or a similar cut a lot of the times because it's very sexy. Rick Day has lots of hot pictures of gents bulging in their jockey briefs.

If you read Amazon, there will be reviews about the side seam digging into your skin. I bought a three pack on Amazon earlier in the year and yes, indeed, depending on how tight your pants are or where they ride, they can dig that little seam into you. So be forewarned.

Still, it's a very sexy look and every guy should own a pair!
Whoa is the underwear that see through? Or is your modified?
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