Thread: Honest Opinions
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Old 08-07-2013, 01:33 PM
MuscleSpeedo MuscleSpeedo is offline
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Location: St. Louis, MO USA
Posts: 142

Originally Posted by sebbie
alternate lighter weights and more reps with the heavy stuff...the stationary rowing machine would do the waist trimming for you. not really an age issue as such

I know that it's impossible for a guy my age to have the body of a 20 year old. Trying to achieve that would be a unrealistic goal, especially as far as % of bodyfat. I also know it's impossible to target specific areas for fat reduction. Fat loss is achieved throughout the entire body.

I like rowing, but don't have room for another piece of exercise equipment in my weight room. I'll have to make do with my elliptical runner, or alternate between that and my cross-country skier.

I appreciate everyone's feedback and advice. It always helps to get an unbiased opinion.
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