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Old 03-16-2013, 11:27 AM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Part 6

Part 6
OK, the blue ARENA suit our guy is wearing has stretched out elastic around the left leg opening. The camera-man is abe to pull his penis and balls completely out from the suit through the leg opening, while leaving the suit completely in place, and his now fully-erect, fully engorged penis (it looks to be at least 7 inches long (who says Asian guys are undersized!). The guy's penis and balls are completely lubed up with the clear gell lubricant. The cameraman guy starts to stroke the Japanese Speedo guy's penis from tip to shaft. He must realize that the guy is close to coming apart because he doesn't do this for an extended length of time, but in short bursts of activity. The Japanese Speedo guy is really on the edge of ejaculation, but the breaks from the stroking give him an opportunity to regain his composure and cool things down just a bit.

Then that nasty low-pitched buzzing vibrator comes out again. The camera guy first hits him up on the nase of his balls. That must feel really really good. Balls get really sensitive when I guy is in a full-blown erection. Were I the one doing this, I would have hit him up with the vibrator in the perineum area just behind the balls too, an area that also gets extraordinarily sensitive and pleasurable as a guy reaches a full erection.
Meanwhile the other guy is still working him over with his fingers on his chest and abdomen. Now the cameraman starts massaging the tip of the poor guy's penis. Most guys would ejaculate in about 10 seconds if they start getting hit up on the underside of the tip of their penises, if they have not already. The cameraman has a stroking move I had not seen before that involves a fast flicker with the thumb right over the slit of the penis, at the very tip. That's a new move on me in that my focus in terms of sensitive penis areas has always been on the underside of the tip, the so-called frenulum.

The guy is now moaning and groaning with increasingly frantic pleasure. I'm not quite sure what communication is going on with the cameraman, but something must be happening, as the cameraman seems to know just when o stop stroking. Then the vibrator goes up right along the shaft, and takes glancing blows on the frenulum.

There are a lot of important lessons here for maximizing pleasure in solo sex. The vibrator technique in terms of sequencing is useful. The next time you have a full erection try massaging your balls and shaft with a vibrator. What you will probably discover is that the sensation is very pleasant. But then as you near the underside of the tip, the frenulum, you will probably quickly learn that the vibrations there are simply unbearable and you will be spurting semen almost before you realize it. I do not think that even with a good deal of practice, most guys will be able to hold back ejaculation when the vibrator touches the frenulum. Chemistry-wise, the vibrations on the tip must result in a near-immediate production on nitric oxide which floods and trigger the muscles that are the ejaculation pump. If you develop a method for staving off ejaculation when your frenulum on an erect penis is being touched with a vibrator, let me know, because I think it is all but impossible to do.

At his point, this video has been highly instructional for gay guys interested in safe sex while maximizing their partner's pleasure. In some ways, all of this must be almost as much fun for the two guys working him over as it is for the recipient. Keep in mind also that aside from some French kissing, there has been no exchange in bodily fluids. This could easile be absolutely safe. Really it is all about mutual masturbation at its most erotic level. There are important lessons here that would be useful for almost any pair (or trio) of gay guys. At least to this point, there is proof that great gay sex doesnt always mean risky anal or oral sex. That is just super-cool to know.
For that matter, for straight guys, there is also useful information. The techniques used on the guy could be applied by a female partner as well, and drive the guy goofy with pleasure. This is all really about sexual foreplay. This is another one of my book topics. Straight guys are often so fixated on getting penis in vagina that they miss out on all this other deliciously-arousing stuff that could be part of a terrific sexual relationship for both. Gay guys who are fixated on having butt-sex or even oral sex have the same issue, in my mind.

For me, we have now seen the important stuff in this video. The video continues for several more minutes with an anal intercourse sequence, which in my view is boring compared with what we have already observed and also adds some risky elements to the encounter. In a subsequent section I will have some comments on the anal sex sequence, however. For better or worse, my biases on that subject come be continued.
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