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Old 12-23-2011, 05:50 AM
Lap Counter Lap Counter is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 250
Default Running in Speedos

I'm a pretty serious runner, and live in a very running friendly town. Wearing the right thing at the right time for the right reason can create a great run. A couple times each summer, that means a Speedo trail run in the local hills or bike paths.

Head off down the trail in nothing but a Speedo (no emergency coverup shorts). You meet up with someone, they will see and have opinions. My results are that if you are buff and confident, everyone checks to the power.
- If you set a higher athletic standard than they subscribe to, you get to determine what is cool to wear. Lardos don't get to vote.
- If you're the lardo due to lack of training consistency, don't wear the Speedo!

I've been both places and use Speedos as part my inspiration to stay fit: If my body doesn't deserve a Speedo or skintight Lycra I don't get to wear it.
(except to swim laps where applying that rule would mean less swimming and a downhill spiral. I honestly don't understand trying to swim laps in anything else no matter what you look like.)

Last edited by Lap Counter : 12-23-2011 at 02:40 PM.
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