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Old 12-13-2011, 07:47 PM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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Swim jocks go back to the days before lycra, even before nylon. In those days fabrics would go floppy in water and anything might pop out.
Swimming trunks were for a time like mini shorts or square cuts without leg elastic and a swim jock was worn to keep things in place.

As nylon square cuts with leg elastic and then swim briefs became available swim jocks were not needed. Especially as the modern competative suits had liners built into the front.

At a time when I was buying a black and a red jock Litesome jock strap for my running shorts, I also bought as Litesome swim jockstap because it was in the shop, i havn't seen one since. It was a brief lightweight jockstrap with narrow waist elastic. The leg elastic of the swim jockstrap were bigger than my speedos and tended to be visible so I never wore it in the water.

There seems to be a fashion in cruising clubs for wearing coloured jockstraps at the moment. The briefer swim jockstraps getting some attention.

Although guys swim in swim thongs i have not heard of anyone swimming in swim jockstraps alone.
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