Originally Posted by Minimalist75
Where is your favorite beach?
It's a large California State Beach, family friendly, dog friendly, easily accessible, with great ocean waves and currents warm enough to stay in indefinitely. Forgive me for not being more specific. I attached a panoramic photo - not great resolution because of site limitations. A nearby nude beach that I used to enjoy years ago (although the water was too cold to go in) has been closed for several years after the property was sold, so that's not an option anymore.
Originally Posted by microbikinidave
I have the Skinzwear M73 with the Rio back. I maintain a year-round tan and tanlines with a visit to a local tanning salon a few days a week year-round. For those of you moving into more minimal microwear, why not try gradually "expanding the boundaries"  with some visits to a tanning salon in your community? Taking your time will help prevent burning. And it will be exciting to check out your progress in the mirror!
Skinzwear offers some amazing swimsuits, all the way down to string thongs. Not sure even I would have the courage and confidence to wear some of them, but they all look great! Never used a tanning salon - will consider it before next summer to get a head start.
I've always liked sunbathing in skimpy bikini swimwear, or fully nude. Recently (at age 72) I learned that some guys are grow-ers and some are show-ers (and some, of course, in between). I remember seeing just a few years ago a movie with a brief scene of a definite show-er with full frontal nudity - don't remember what movie it was, an "art film".
I'm an average grow-er, and got to thinking recently, with the help of generative AI (both text chat and image-to-image) what it would be like to live life as a well-endowed show-er - part of my "this life - next life" journey. Like being 6 feet tall instead of 5’ 4”.
My first effort was to modify a Doc Johnson Packer Heavy - removing the testicles and boring a tunnel in the shaft so that I could fold the rim of the shaft back and then unfold it over my own flaccid shaft. It looked and felt great, but couldn't get it secure enough to wear with skimpy swimwear with any significant movement. Tried another couple of similar devices, same results.
After going to the beach once with the packer, a successful outing but stationary and not going in the water, I realized there's enough sensual stimulation to get me part of the way there naturally. And that there was no way I could wear the packer in the water without it coming off. Then an extra shot of Cialis, and more recently a little bit of manual vacuum pump, got me to where I wanted to be to live out my fantasy, and that's where I am now. A perfectly normal, healthy, well-endowed (but fake) show-er. With swimwear designed to "show" it.
How about you guys and the front? It's all good, but anyone ever thought about doing something like this?
Torchwatch, Minimalist75, BikenSwim, swimthongguy, microbikinidave, anyone else? What do you think about swimwear that "shows off" the front, rather than compressing it? It's legal (in California), it's normal and natural (even if it's fake), and honestly, it's very exciting pushing the boundaries (without getting arrested), trying to level the playing field with women, and maybe encouraging some guys to be just a bit less conservative, if not going nearly as far as me.