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Old 12-30-2023, 01:20 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Masturbation, Edging, and Snug-Fitting Clothing

Masturbation, Edging, and Snug-Fitting Clothing

YouTube has lots of videos with Masturbation in the title, and many of these focus on male masturbation. For those who still think that masturbation is a second- or third-rate sexual activity, quickly discarded once a guy reaches adulthood, a number of these videos go in a completely different direction. Generally, the videos start by pointing out that solo masturbation is by far the most common for males ages 12 -15, but that is not a new observation at all.

Instead, what some videos argue is that the average partner sex act in adulthood runs for only about 5 minutes. Both men and women would like for the sex act to last far longer, but so long as the guy believes that in order to prove he is a “real man” he must have an orgasm within 5 minutes of engaging in partner sex this will not happen. To believe that speedy sex is good sex is silly.

One of the arguments is that this short period from initial arousal to ejaculation is in part a product of what guys learn shortly after puberty. In particular, many guys quickly learn to bring on ejaculation quickly because of the “dirty” reputation masturbation has. No matter what, the young teen needs to make certain no one catches him doing the unthinkable, not parents, siblings, peers or anyone else. What the guy leans about masturbating to orgasm quickly at this age adversely affects a guy’s sex life throughout his entire adulthood. The idea of masturbating quickly to orgasm is a “learned” behavior. Unlearning this takes both time and a commitment to the idea that going in for a quick ejaculation is not a sign of one’s virility as a man. Indeed, the opposite.

In many ways I consider myself one of the extremely lucky ones, living alone without a sexual partner for my entire adult life. This must sound crazy to guys who are happy in their sexual relationships. The beauty of this is that I can always find the time and the luxury to do exactly what I want—with, to and by myself without any fear that my activities are going to be discovered and I will be embarrassed. This is a huge blessing, a luxury of sorts. In the process, I have developed expertise for edging by proceeding at a long, slow, and deliberate pace.

When I think about that others might feel sorry for me living life without a sexual partner I only laugh, If partner sex is so unbelievably wonderful, why is it that so many of my friends got divorces and then struggled to find a path for dealing with the fact that they were alone, sexually? If sex with a partner is so mind-blowing, why did you let it go? What gives here?

I suppose that every case is different. Me, I’m into edging. I get into a horny mood and then spend long periods of time just enjoying being aroused. This is a big part of the stuff guys do not learn to do as young teens—just kicking back and maintaining oneself at a high degree of arousal for prolonged periods of time. After all, real guys ejaculate within 5 minutes of first thinking about it, and anything longer means the guy is not that virile. Sex is really a contest of speed. If speed at a stop sign is needed to prove a guy’s worth, then why should this not also be true for sex and orgasms?

But a fast orgasm is actually a bad not good thing: this is where the term “premature ejaculation” is coined. Women generally like a slow, deliberate guy and not a speed demon.

I watched a YouTube video that had one guy in a black Speedo® who decided to go to a beach where all the other guys were wearing board shorts. A lot of people stared at him, but a few seemed to admire his suit and body. This guy was actually engaging in a form of edging. He was there because he got turned on just thinking of all the women (and more than a few guys) who were admiring his butt and pouch. Wandering around in a Speedo® in public is one way of sustaining arousal (not the same as an erection) for long periods of time!

Early on, as a young teen, I learned that the least complicated way to get aroused, have an erection, and maybe even an orgasm, was to do so at night under the cover of darkness and the cover of bedclothes. I think most guys learned this method too. In adulthood, I learned some methods for making undercover masturbation still more enjoyable, generally by wearing tight-fitting, perhaps only a Speedo®, or maybe a strap or thong. The quantity of Cowpers’ gland secretions are a key measure of how successful this strategy is. A close relationship exists between the amount of the clear viscous fluid is secreted and how horny I feel. This is a basic measuring stick for judging the quality of a long-run edging session lasting perhaps the entire night.

However, in the cold winter months I like to layer other clothing over what I wear in the summer. In other posts, I have pointed out the merits of Ikingsky thongs and DEVOPS thermal compression wear. The Ikingsky thongs are famous because they are really skimpy. But they also have a nice pouch (perfect for collecting Cowpers secretions aka precum over an entire night of edging). Plus, they put a nice but subtle pressure on that all important perineum area just behind the scrotum. Finally, there is that neat and really narrow thong back cutting between my glutes. In short, the perfect base garment for a night of edging.

The DEVOPS thermal running tights and long-sleeved shirts are the cover garments. These fit, well really tight, and I undersized the pants from a MED to a SM. The pants go over the thong, and I am already feeling very good. Coping with this for an entire night is a basic course in edging technique, a course most guys who have sexual partners likely missed. My period of arousal is not 5 minutes, or even 20 minutes, but at least 8 hours.

I fall asleep quickly. But I will wake up often at about 3 AM and check to see how my night is going. Oddly, I am still feeling way horny, and I can tell precum has been accumulating ever since I drifted off. There are gobs of the desirable clear viscous fluid inside the thong pouch. And the thong perineum pressure, subtle at first, seems to have grown more pronounced by 3 AM.

Soon I fall back asleep again, awaking at 6 AM, with the thong pouch containing still more precum. But I have not had an orgasm, so I am still feeling way horny. Now its 9 AM, and I still am feeling great in an erotic way. I have swapped for another thong and compression gear, leaving the DEVOPS for nighttime wear.

This is all terrific, not-to-be-missed fun, the essence of what makes me so happy to be a guy. If you want to learn edging technique with the idea of improving a relationship with a partner, this is great training for your mind and body as well. As I always say, Have fun! It is great just being a guy.
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