Hello, Azure! I would like to add my own welcome to the Board! Nothing like "turning the tables" when you lose a bet. Looks like you are getting several good recommendations as to suits and locations to check out. I'm including the link to Florida's own Skinzwear at the end of this message. Sit down with your buddy and take a look at their various suits. You will find some

, others

and, yes, some

My own is the M73 Stuffit Rio

:which I am planning on wearing while sauntering along the beach on my next visit to Ocracoke Island on the Outer Banks of North Carolina. (Microwear is welcome there, and there is even a nude area!) If you and your buddy take care of, and feel confident about, your bodies, you will be fine! DO NOT let others do your thinking for you. If the ladies are wearing their own hot bikinis or thongs, all the better! Since you are in Florida, I would think that Miami's South Beach would be a natural.(And isn't there a nude beach in Miami called Haulover?) If Ocracoke sounds like a good alternative, the four of you can have a great time there, too. You will find the members here on the Board a friendly, diverse group. Gay, straight, or bi, we have ONE very important point to make to you: do NOT let anyone judge your sexuality on the basis of what you wear! A man's choice of attire (including bikini, thong or g-string swimwear or underwear) does NOT determine his sexuality. It DOES show that he is capable of making sound choices as to what is not only comfortable, but also allows him to express his full measure of orgasmic eroticism! Call the girls' bluff, and keep us informed!