Two weeks in Cairns Australia
Spent two weeks in the tropics, gave me a chance to wear:
White & navy briefs (Taobao) 4pts, at various locations including sliding at Josephine falls and swimming at Mossman gorge, 4pts.
Blue with white briefs (I Am Splash), 1pt, 4 Mile Beach, snorkelling day trip, various other locations, 5pts.
Blue with white contrast (I Am Splash), 1pt, 4 Mile Beach, snorkelling day trip, various other locations, 5pts.
Navy blue briefs with red & white waistband (Marcuse), 1pt, white water rafting, 4 points.
Blue & white square-cuts (Aussiebum), 3pts, 4 Mile Beach, 5pts.
Blue, grey & white square-cuts (DIY), 2pts, 4 Mile Beach, 5pts.
Total for August 40 points.