Hot Sauna Moment with Gorgeous Brunette
Last Saturday was a Quiet Day in the Sauna/Steam Room had it to myself most of the day.
It sas Orgasmic though getting all sweaty in my speedos and the feeling of sweat from my back and buttocks in the Speedo.
As im relaxing about 40 minutes later this Tanned Brunette in a Black One Piece Swimsuit comes in and nicely says 'Hi its quiet today isnt it makes a change' and as she was closing the Door her arse is in my face for a full 10 seconds making my cock go hard.
As we were chatting away I was going into flirt mode but as im talking i feel a tingle and think not again, next thing as shes talking im firing my load into my swim briefs for about a minute. I had to say I was getting a quick shower and stood up with my speedos all sweaty and stuck up my arse and gave her a view of my backside for a few seconds whilst pretending to fix my water bottle, quick shower then back in the sauna with a semi on but she was either oblivious or didnt mind.
Went into Full Flirt and started asking her where she was from and what she does but couldnt stop looking at her cleavage she was talking about problems with her ex and by then im steaming and thinking how he coped with her id be emptying my nuts in seconds if she came onto me, sadly a lad I know came in and there were 3 of us talking, sadly she said her goodbyes and left a few minutes later. Just hope I see her again