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Old 04-20-2022, 02:12 AM
Scotlandturbo Scotlandturbo is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Aug 2015
Location: Georgia
Posts: 33

The sun felt awesome on David’s body. The sweat was running down his chest while his manhood felt slightly engourged against his new swimsuit. It felt so good he could feel precum dripping on his body under his suit. He really liked his new suit, it fit him really well and made him feel, well, kind of sexy. After a little bit David asked, “is anybody else thirsty ? I could use some water.” Sue replied “ there is some in the pool house fridge. Kristi go get some. “. David jumped up. “ I will get them”. He went and got three bottles out of the fridge. David brought back the water and handed them to both women. He started drinking his while standing there and Kristi got an eyeful of David’s sexy bulge. He sat back down to enjoy more of the sun. Kristi was quite impressed and excited about David. She was looking forward to getting him nice and tan among other things. The afternoon fun too quickly drew to a close and the called it a day. They were looking forward to tomorrow because they would have a lot more time.
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