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Old 03-03-2022, 04:42 AM
Noah_Aussie Noah_Aussie is offline
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Join Date: Feb 2022
Posts: 6

Originally Posted by Ethanroy011
Do you know about different styles for men's bikinis? which suits you the best .

Now, if you live in Japan then you are in swimsuit heaven LOL!!! In Japan, men love to wear the skimpiest swimsuits you can possibly imagine, and the designs and the fit are incredibly nice. I lvied in Japan for a few years and atthe time, perhaps the nicest swimsuit of all was the Mizuno Mighty Line RQ-632.

The RQ-632 started a craze! There was a swimsuit designer who started making limited edition custom-made versions of this suit. He would only make about 100 suits for each version, and they would sell out n just one day when he released them, and they usually sold for around 12,000 yen (about $100US)

These is my favorites: 4 4
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