I love AussieBum classic 1.5 but they are no more! I cant believe that Aussiebum would discontinue the suit that made them famous! Really pretty sad!
Lucky for me I bought a bunch of them. I have a fetish for sexy swimwear and nothing even came close to my classic 1.5, except maybe some of the japanese Mizunos I dearly love!
I'm an Aussie boy and often wear these to surf in. Not at all out of place in Aussieland. I was shocked when I visited Florida and wore these for a sesh on the waves. The disapproving looks I got from others on the line was kind of scary LOL! But who cares really?
The little thingie they put in to make your look big down there was brilliant

. It feels so hot having that cupped up under your boys...Yum Yum!
Here's my favorite 1.5 suit...love the colors!
http://www.mensswimsuitboard.com/for...d=164567190 1
http://www.mensswimsuitboard.com/for...d=164567180 1