On Feeling Good in the Morning
On Feeling Good in the Morning
It’s funny how male sexuality works. I can go for days—sometimes longer--without ever thinking about my body down there. Then on one morning, as today, it suddenly hits me. I start thinking about my penis and my penis complains that it is unhappy for my lack of attention. It wants my attention and lets me know that in no uncertain terms. My brain acts like it is being forced to deal with this and it must somehow cope with the situation. “I want to be touched and fondled” screams my penis. My brain responds “OK I will deal with that!”
What happens next for guys depends on a lot of things. If a guy has a female sexual partner, the guy is hoping that she is either feeling the same way and the two of them can get off together. If the guy has a male sexual partner, he hopes that the partner is interested in the situation as well, and not off in some phase of having other non-sexual things he is worrying about.
But what if the guy is single and living alone? Like me? What to do? I guess most guys who wake up feeling horny but alone deal with it in the conventional way—deal with it by quickly masturbating to ejaculation, then simply clean up and forget about the whole thing until he gets the “urge” to do it again. Heck, that’s the way probably the vast majority of teens and other young single males cope day by day.
Me, of course, I am different, and the methods I employed as a young person no longer seem satisfactory. I am not after an experience that lasts only 2 or 3 minutes total. I want to “bask” in my sexual feelings for hours, if possible. In short, I’m into long and slow mode not let me get this over quickly mode. There are a huge number of ways a guy can enjoy himself alone, and if you have read along with me you will realize that I want to explore as many of them as possible.
Why is it, whenever I wake up feeling horny like this I get a desperate urge to pull on something really snug and tight. This morning what I wanted to be in was a way undersized pair of tighty-whiteys that just barely fit around my waist. Why am I so fond of these, anyway? Mainly because they allow me to position my penis forward and up even if it it only a little bit hard. In my condition the underside of my penis feels sooo good even with the most gentle of touches, and for me exploring this is one of the great treats of being a male. So I get into my little white briefs and start playing with myself, focusing on the underside.
What would make this feel even better? Why an old-school strap with a pouch, of course! I have a decision to make. Cup or not? The problem with wearing a cup this morning is that if I crawl into the cup, my ability to mess around by touching the underside of my penis will be blocked. So the obvious choice is an old school pouch—no cup. What makes this jock good is that I can continue to point my penis forward and up—Generally the cups for a guy into a down position with the underside buried. But the jock without the pouch is perfect layered over the tight brief. I love the sensations I am getting why playing around with the pouch over the brief.
What next? I’m in the brief and the jock and feeling great. But I have some really nice-and-snug running tights as well. It is cool today. Pull those on over. Three layers now. Undersized brief, strap and tights. How does my penis feel about all of this? The underside still feels great as I gently touch and rub myself still focusing primarily on the underside. Today is slow and somewhat boring. But I have found a way to make my day, well, quite enjoyable, and the method did not involve getting off in a hurry or deal the the complexities of involving a sexual partner.
All in all a great day! Every guy is different. This scheme may not work for you, or you may have different choices. But this is a scheme that works very well for me and the sensations I am getting from my penis is a continuing but gentle reminder. This is great!
Have a great day!