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Old 11-16-2020, 12:50 PM
sebbie sebbie is offline
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Default Just enjoying myself

Just enjoying myself

I realize that a lot of guys have an interest in wearing swim briefs, but are deeply concerned about the consequences that could occur should one or more male peers see them clad in one, especially so for guys that are not swimmers or at least not competitive swimmers.

But somehow, compression gear is completely different in this regard. Prior to when Under Armor came on the scene, compression gear was mainly sold to serious athletes who felt that it gave them a competitive edge to a degree. You may have found snug-fitting compression shorts in the sporting goods section, on the racks next to the jock straps and cups, in the same kind of bubble packaging. As is also known, compression garments have serious medical uses for dealing with certain medical conditions, but this was not a big market at all.

Under Armor more or less introduced the idea to the masses that compression gear was useful in a wide variety of situations that previously had not occurred to people. Amazingly, sales soared.

I grew up living in a very cold climate in the 1950s and 1960s—the standard garb for me was cotton boxer briefs in the summer switching to long underwear in the wintertime. The long underwear provided an extra layer of protection from the nasty cold winds and when temperatures dropped way below 0 degrees F. There were tops and bottoms though I normally did not wear the long-sleeved tops instead preferring a short sleeved tee with a heavier flannel shirt and maybe a sweater over that.

The old-style winter underwear fit snuggly—the bottoms so that any kind of jeans or pants could easily go over. But the cotton blend weaves were always scratchy and uncomfortable. Indoor rooms were often overheated which meant that the long cotton underwear collected a lot of sweat moisture, which made things even more uncomfortable. No wonder guys simply hated what they were of necessity wearing in the winter months.

As I see it, the widespread availability of low-cost compression gear has changed a lot of things. For the past 40 years or so I have lived in a climate that does not get nearly as cold in the wintertime. It is rare for the winter temperature to drop below the teens Fahrenheit. Still even now it is too cold to be running around outdoors clad only in a pair of compression shorts, as I was doing only a few weeks ago.

And, I do not have to spend a lot of money building a wardrobe with the Under Armor label. I can order from Amazon and fine excellent quality tops and bottoms for $15 or $20. Cheap enough to be able to use these as daily wear.

Unlike the old long underwear that was rough and scratchy, the gear I am buying is slick and smooth. It feels great next to my body in all sorts of ways, and if guys have not already figured this out I would suggest that they do just that. Moreover, if I am seen wearing this when I am with a group of friends, what I am wearing is not going to create any sort of stir, at all except among the guys who might want to do the same thing themselves and need advice on where to purchase the gear.

I guess some of the long-legged tights I have were designed to be worn as underwear under something else, and others were meant to perhaps be worn as an outer garment for running down the street, but to me this makes little difference. Then there is the thermal versus lighter weight choices, but I do not think that makes a big difference either. If a guy is really concerned about wandering about in a pair of tights meant to be worn as underwear when in view outdoors, just slip a loose-fitting pair of shorts over.

Today I need to get out on my lawn tractor to mulch leaves, it is quite cool outside, in the 40s F and I have pulled on sweat pants and a sweatshirt over my compression gear. I will be comfortable wearing the two layers, and no one will see anything they did not expect to see.

What is not to like? The gear is inexpensive, feels great (makes me constantly feel a bit horny) and there is no “explaining” or “rationalizing” to do for anyone else. I suspect these thoughts have occurred to younger guys as well. This is a great, fun opportunity for all guys to take advantage of doing.
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