Thread: Lockdown Sewing
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Old 09-18-2020, 06:19 AM
niftynev niftynev is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Aug 2018
Posts: 59
Default Lockdown Sewing

Inspired by my wife sewing herself a bikini during lockdown, I decided to use some of my spare lockdown hours to sew myself some swimwear. Although my general preference is briefs (or even better - skinny dipping when possible), there are times when a more conservative cut is warranted, such as with my wife's workmates, for which I wear a square-cut. However, my favourite squarecut recently needed to be retired due to lycra rot, and I was struggling to find a suitable replacement. Commercially available ones seemed to either be for serious lap swimmers, or for extroverted show-offs.
I could not find a sewing pattern that was quite what I wanted, so I made a pattern myself based upon an Aussiebum handlebar pouch (which I find the most comfortable of anything I have tried) and an Olaf Benz waist (the Handlebar is a bit low cut for conservative use).
The outcome isn't perfect, but not half bad I think.
Attached Images
File Type: jpg DIY_front_small.jpg (76.9 KB, 69 views)
File Type: jpg DIY_rear_small.jpg (73.1 KB, 32 views)
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