Thread: 5K Foam Fest
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Old 12-04-2019, 04:37 PM
Captain.Jammer Captain.Jammer is offline
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Originally Posted by niftynev
My wife and I did the 5K Foam Fest in Melbourne last Saturday. Unfortunately the weather here hasn't realised it is supposed to be summer, so it was only about 18 with a cold wind, but I still wore speedos. To make sure I stayed warm when wet, muddy or foamy I put a neoprene snorkeling top on underneath my cheap Chinese super-hero top.
I didn't see anybody else in speedos, and in fact most people seemed to have decided that the cool weather meant that they needed to wear more, not taking into account that wet clothing in the wind makes you colder than nothing.
I only heard three comments about my speedos -
At the start, the lady on the PA system said "Excuse me sir, you seem to have forgotten your pants" as we walked to the assembly area.
Shortly after the start, a lady in a group walking behind us said "Budgie smugglers! I'm staying walking behind him"
And about three-quarters of the way around when everybody was wet and muddy, a lady in a group coming the other way said "That's the most sensible thing I have seen anybody wearing today"

Just goes to show that Australia hasn't yet succumbed to the anti-speedo propaganda on American TV.

Awesome!! But where are the pictures??
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