Today was a big day! I finally wore my speedos all day long while around the pool with family. I always wear my speedos under my board shorts, and have always wanted to just ditch them and wear my speedo. I finally did it today! Just took my shorts off and got right in the pool. My father in law said "ayyyy speedos!" as he came outside in an encouraging tone! I know he has a speedo that he wears when no one is around....I tried to coax him into wearing his but he wasn't ready. I think with time, he will start to wear his because I am wearing my speedo.
So much better than board shorts! After the first few minutes I felt so comfotable like I've always worn them! I love how quickly they dry, and the way they make me feel (with the bulge on display, I knew my father in law wanted to rock the speedo too). He will
We are heading on a cruise next week, I'm going to wear my speedo! I told myself last cruise I would, and I'm going to! Exciting!