During my teen years my male breasts began to bud. My Mom took me to see the doctor. It's just something that some teenage boys go through and it will pass I was told. It didn't.
To lessen the focus on having breasts I enjoyed wearing Speedos when they were popular during the late 1970 s and early 1980's. When I was in my mid 20's during the 1980's another doctor informed me that I have severe gynecomastia (female breasts) with mammary glands. I chose not to have surgery, so she suggested that I work out with bench pressing of weights while maintaining my skinny 160 pound 6' 1" tall frame. Afterwards my breasts became even larger. I embraced having them and now wear the tiniest thong bottoms to focus any attention to my manhood rather than to my breasts. I keep my chest fully shaved all summer long.
When I visited public pools in the 1990's women were normally somewhat curious and inquisitive about my breasts due they are noticeably quite a bit larger than even my wife's and most of the ladies that enjoyed chatting with us. Out of curiosity I asked one lady her bra size at a nudist hot springs since we were both about equal. Size "D".
I am in my 60's now and still enjoy wearing the tiniest thong bikini bottoms to this day.
Last edited by Glenda : 03-29-2019 at 11:36 AM.