Interesting thread! I discovered my fascination for speedos when I was around high school age. I've always been a fan of the male anatomy and the visual aesthetics of the stomach, thighs and bulge in a speedo. It took a while until I built up the courage to wear one myself. I started doing very amateur swimming at my local pool using my regular board shorts, which eventually got shorter and shorter as I became more and more daring. I never really made the switch to small speedos because in my head speedos were limited to the really skilled swimmers, and because I wasn't that great I didn't dare wear them. Like I somehow had to earn the right to wear speedos? A few years ago I decided I was gonna take swimming lessons. I remember packing both my board shorts and my tiny speedos just in case everyone in my class wore board shorts so that I could make a last minute switch

I was hoping enough people would wear small and tight swimsuits so that I would feel better wearing my tiny speedos. Me and the instructor ended up being the only ones in speedos, but only one other guy wore board shorts, the rest wore square cuts or jammers, which was awesome! The instructor wearing speedos helped my courage out a lot, and that was the beginning of years of speedo-wearing. Now, when I go swimming, I wear nothing but speedos. I can't even imagine the drag of board shorts, it must be like swimming in syrup.