Thread: Looser speedos?
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Old 01-19-2019, 05:53 AM
Bazz Bazz is offline
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Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 11
Default Australian style

This is the way Australians wear their speedos. I think in my case it is a throwback to when mum got our speedos as young guys. We lived in speedos in the summer and I'm old enough to remember when nylon speedos first came out they were expensive (swimwear is still ridiculously expensive today) and to help the family budget mum always got one size bigger so we would grow into them so they were always loose. After a few months they were loose anyway.
This reminds me of another young guy problem. Before nylon Speedos I wore swim shorts by Jansen which were terylene I think; terylene was man made but had no stretch whatever so when a young guy random erection happened you pointed it up and it was hardly noticeable unless you looked closely. My problem arose when mum found some cheaper speedo style swimmers at the junk shop and bought her usual one size bigger for me. The chinese speedos looked the same as genuine speedos but were made of Lycra. Now early lycra had a LOT of stretch. The first time I wore the Chinese speedos we were at the local pool and i could feel a boner coming on so I pointed up as usual. The next think I am being leaned on by the pool lifeguard telling me I can't walk around looking like that; because the chinese speedos were so stretchy I was sticking up and out fully on display inside my loose speedos. I was mortified that people could see me like that and he said I would have to sit down or put a pair of shorts on. This had quite an effect on me and I reluctantly only wore speedos when I had to for some years, however going to the beach or the pool I was always keen to see guys hiding boners in speedos and good old internet I have spent my life looking for pictures of guys with "speedo boners"
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