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Old 12-27-2018, 02:16 PM
Speedo_Dad Speedo_Dad is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: US
Posts: 58

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How do you feel when you're stood next to guys with bigger dicks in the gym locker room, or guys at the beach who have bigger bulges in their swimwear?
Fine. I’ve worn Speedos and running tights pretty much my entire life. If I had an issue standing next to bigger guys, there’s no way I’d be comfortable in that attire.

Sure, sometimes I do get a bit of penis envy, but doesn’t every guy at some point? Totally natural.

What were you like in high school?
Pretty sporty, a bit of a jock. I was on the swim team (my first and main sporting love) but also did a lot of other sports too. Was lucky enough (at the time) to meet a girl in high school, fall in love and eventually marry her. Even if we’re not together now, the relationshio made those high school years pretty memorable.

Loving the speedos, they suit you well. Even such a small bulge has such a great appeal. How do we get to see more?
Thank you very much for your kind words. I guess the best way to see more would be to keep an eye on this blog.

I bet your girlfriends couldn't wait until you finished fucking them, so they could slide a big dildo in after you.
Hey, you’re right. In fact a couple of them didn’t wait until I was finished and slide one inside along me. Whatever works!

Do you think/know if you've ever made a woman orgasm?
I think I can confidently say no, I’ve never. My favorite form/position for sex is good ol’ fashioned missionary, and combined with my 3 inch penis, I know it doesn’t do much for women. I know myself, I can barely feel women when I’m inside them so I know they feel the same, if not less. I’ve definitely never made a woman orgasm through penetrative sex alone.

As for toys, oral, fingering etc. - it’s something I’ve tended to stay away from, unless a woman has explicitly asked for it. As I say, I barely feel women when I’m inside of them and that’s without any kind of foreplay. I’ve found that from the times I’ve given a woman oral, or used toys/fingers I’ve tended to make them a bit wetter/warmer/looser and when things proceed to sex I then feel nothing inside them. So that’s why I tend to skip that when I can.

I’ve definitely been in the company of a woman when she’s had an orgasm, but it’s never been as a result of my penis or sex. Usually during mutual masturbation or extended foreplay.

You seem impossible to shame or phase in regards to your size and wearing speedos. Have you ever felt any feelings of shame, embarrassment?
Of course. Despite my great pride, comfort and confidence in being who I am, I have of course experienced some of those emotions. They’re only natural after all! I think I can think of a few examples…

I think the most frequent feelings of embarrassment comes from being exposed when it’s outwith my control. I don’t mind being seen naked or in other states of undress but when it’s not my choice I get uncomfortable. A good buddy of mine decided to creep up behind me and yank my shorts down whilst I was stood poolside on one vacation. He was mortified, because he had assumed I’d be wearing my ‘trademark Speedos’ underneath, but alas, I wasn’t. A few people saw and I was definitely embarrassed, almost as much as my mate was. Thankfully, we can laugh about it now.

Truthfully, the biggest moment of shame, or fear as it was more like, was quite early on in our marriage. Sex with my wife before and after giving birth was like having sex with 2 different women. It really opened my eyes to how little my wife could feel me when I was penetrating her. When we resumed having sex post-birth, I barely felt myself inside her. Truth be told, I’ve never really felt much of women when I’ve been inside them since before that time. My wife and I struggled majorly to get back in sync sexually. I could plough and plough away at her and neither of us felt anything. One night, in what were moments of frustration, she asked me to stop trying because “it’s not working”. And by that, she meant she wasn’t feeling anything. I rolled over, feeling utterly humiliated that I was unable to satisfy my wife, with tears rolling down my face. I hoped that we’d get back to where we were before, but I knew deep down that this was the moment I’d have to accept my shortcomings and deal with it like a man. And for me, this was the turning point where I came to accept, grow and learn to love myself for who I really am.

From one small guy to another: bless you, praise you, and thank you! You give guys like me strength and hope.
No, thank you!
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