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Old 12-27-2018, 02:05 PM
Speedo_Dad Speedo_Dad is offline
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Join Date: Jun 2016
Location: US
Posts: 58
Default Small Guy in Speedos (Blog)

As some of you may know, Tumblr recently did away with NSFW blogs. Whilst I had/have a blog there, I never would have deemed it explicit. However, Tumblr has, and it seems the posts of mine that were tagged as explicit were ones where I was wearing Speedos in photos. I contemplated getting rid of my blog altogether, especially after seeing how many other people have abandoned the site. It's a shame, I really enjoyed interacting with other blogs and people and sharing a body positive message. Since my blog is now hidden from view from everyone else, I've copied and pasted over the bulk of it to here, just for archives sake. I may post the occasional update from time to time and if anybody wants to ask a questions/leave a comment feel free to do so, or PM me if you'd rather it was private.

Click on the thumbnail for the larger version of the photo.


Why do you wear Speedos?
I’ve worn Speedos since I was on the swim team in school, and I’ve always been used to wearing them. If I’d been brought up in boardshorts I’d be wearing them instead, but I wasn’t. I’m well aware Speedos attract a lot of attention on their own, on the basis that they’re Speedos and it’s not a particularly popular piece of swimwear. Quite often I can be the only guy at the pool or beach wearing them, especially when I’m away on vacation. It doesn’t bother me. They’re comfortable, there’s less drag when swimming, they dry quickly, they’re practical etc - they just make sense. I’m well aware I get looks (and some comments) on the basis that I’m wearing Speedos, and I know that wearing them basically attracts attention to my size as well. However, neither of those things will stop me from wearing Speedos. To me, they just make sense.

how small is your cock?
Soft, I’m about an inch. When I’m erect I’m 2.8in in length and 3.4in in girth.

When did you realize how small you are?
When I was 23. By that point my ex-wife and I had been married for a year and we were trying to conceive, but with no luck. We took a trip to the doctors for some tests and advice on the situation. My ex-wife, to my surprise, asked the doctor if my size could have anything to do with the failure to conceive. He assured us it couldn’t. I hadn’t thought of myself as being small up until that point. I knew I wasn’t exactly hung, but I just assumed I was in the average range. I measured myself that night for the first time and found out I was just shy of 3in when erect, which kind of changed my perspective entirely. I also didn’t quite know how to react to my wife’s admission that my size was small. The worry passed quite quickly though because she ended up pregnant not long after.

Are you aware you're showing everyone how small you are when you wear speedos?
Yeah, and it doesn’t bother me.

thank you for being so comfortable wearing speedos and being an inspiration to smaller guys out there
No problem, glad to be seen that way.

If you could increase the size of your dick, how much bigger would you make it?
Truthfully, I wouldn’t change my penis size. I know not many people will believe that, but I’ve come to accept my size. I’d love to have a bigger penis just for a day or a week to see what it’s like and what sex is like, but I wouldn’t want it long term. So, for that purpose I’d quite like to see what 7 inches is like.

But in general, no I wouldn’t change my size. I’m proud of it.
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