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Old 06-25-2018, 12:45 PM
Fairfax Fairfax is offline
Speedo Member
Join Date: Feb 2018
Location: Australia
Posts: 42

My moment of "bulge" concern came at about age seven. That is the age that children develop inhibitions about nudity and I was no different. I suddenly realised my dick was on display when other shorts wearing boys started teasing me about it.
I told my mother I wanted to wear shorts but she said no. I was still at an age where my mother could tell me how to dress and she made me wear briefs every time I went swimming. She thought that being embarrassed about the "bulge" was childish behaviour and I would soon grow out of it.
It she was correct because within a few months I was completely comfortable showing my "bulge" and my anti brief phase disappeared never to return.
If my mother had caved in and let me wear shorts I would probably never worn briefs again but instead she had the opposite effect because in her efforts to persuade me to wear briefs she often told me how much she enjoyed wearing just a bikini.
She wanted a boy who was comfortable in a small swimsuit but instead she created a boy who loved small swimsuits.
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