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Old 12-01-2017, 08:27 AM
Torchwatch Torchwatch is offline
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I am getting bad vibes about your nephew's school which you tell us is 75% girls. It seems the boys are shy and embarrassed about showing their chests while swimming, conforming to a feminine dress style. They are further going into synchronised swimming as substitute girls. The Waterboys movie was a comedy, but the show the boys put on after there training was masculine full of explosive energy and puerile joy. The Russian male synchronised swimmer looked effeminate with his make up and sparkly vest and square cuts outfit, I would not want my nephew to look like that. He did the same moves as his female partner, male ballet dancers are expected to demonstrate explosive jumps and to throw the female ballet dancers high into the air, this lack of a coherent masculine role turns me against the format.

In this school I suspect that younger boys are being treated as little sisters by older more forceful girls. Maybe the boys need to man up, have short haircuts, wear military clothing and hats, and to go topless in the swimming pool.
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