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Old 07-11-2016, 05:25 PM
underwearphil underwearphil is offline
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Join Date: Mar 2016
Location: London England
Posts: 74

Does not take long for the British Press to jump in on the "anti speedo" bandwagon.
Article in Weekend section of Saturday, 9th July edition of Daily Telegraph headlines: "A trunk call to all Brits abroad" and start with paragraph:
EEEWWW! Just look! No, no on second thoughts don't loo- oops, to late. Sorry, the sight of England rugby manhunt James Haskell on holiday in Ibiza wearing budgie smugglers emblazoned with St George's flag will now be seared on your retinas forever. Photographs of Haskell with his girlfriend Chloe Madeley, daughter of Richard and Judy, hanging by the pool were dominated not by her toned torso but by his eye-wateringly tiny trunks.
And the article goes on and on!
In fact this is not really a swimwear, or even fashion article, but in fact about nations flag and nationalistic emblems in post "Brexit" politics that is dominating the UK (and I suspect) a significant amount of Europe.
Sorry to bring politics into MensSWimSuitBoard.
The article did have a large picture of James wearing his Budgy Smugglers with caption "en deshabille" - (in a state of undress).
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