I have worn 1-1.5" Waveline suits for years. I pretty much stick to navy, black or royal blue so I don't stand out. (I have Yellow and Orange for home) I have never had a comment on them. For a brief period I wore a tanga suit a lot (that is a string side suit) At the time, HOM made a great one. When I had one on at one resort that was quite literally a string holding it on, I had one father give me the eye when he arrived with his daughters. Since we were the only ones at the pool I saw no need to get up an change -- I stayed at my end of the pool and them to theirs. In the evening he commented I wore quite a suit. I told him if I had known other were coming to the pool I would have worn more. He said as long as I wasn't parading around or trying to be noticed, he saw nothing wrong. (remember he had two young daughters) It seems that attitude is as much of a factor as what you are wearing.