We hear the term "speedo - friendly" used so often when talking about whether it is or is not appropriate to wear a speedo and whether or not the beach or pool or whatever is "speedo - friendly". Really, what difference does it make? If you are comfortable and want to wear a speedo, wear one that is appropriate (not a string bikini or a thong in public pools or Y's). If you're not comfortable, don't wear one. Maybe we are the ones who are either "speedo - friendly" or "speedo - unfriendly" rather than the venues.
I had a conversation with an 18 year old young man who is a lifeguard at my Y about speedos. All the guards there wear the guard boardshorts and lifeguard shirts. He said that when he does laps he wears a speedo and said that he can't understand why some people think that if you wear a speedo you're gay. He said that he feels like when you swim seriously, you wear a speedo. To him it was simple as that. I gave him a couple of my Euro Sportis which he really liked and when he wore one to try to learn how to do a flip turn, I was about to say to him, "you look (terrific or awesome) in the speedo, he finished my sentence with a huge grin and said, "I look like a swimmer." Point well made.