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Old 03-09-2012, 12:57 PM
Byron Byron is offline
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Default Ebay sellers

Just to show there can be a good side it was great to see the post submitted by Abbyguy.
He now has the Speedo plaid suit he wanted and wears it well.
He has submitted a pic as he promised and it is clear that the suit is as advertised.
If it's BNWT I reckon he has a bargain at just GBP 4.99 and a reasonable shipping charge of £3. The UK seller gives name addresse and telephone number and takes payment by PayPal AND personal check (unusual).
Ebay says he has a track record of excellent service and feedback received has been 100% positive.
(I am jealous but that is only ameliorated by the fact of being a size too small for me anyway)
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