20: Sarah's play
“So here is what I know,” Sarah started telling her best friend, Alice, as the two ate breakfast in the special dining room set up for the band. “Chris is definitely straight, so that concern is off the table.”
“Shhh, keep is down, people can hear us.” Alice replied. “How did you confirm that?” Alice whispered. They were in a far corner. Grant, Alex and Patrick were eating across the room. Chris and Lens had gone with the director to swim laps at the nearby pool, an outdoor lap pool a short cab ride away.
“I’ll tell you later, but there is more.” Sarah answered. “This girlfriend he has, her name is Sheri and he just met her at the college we rehearsed at in Boston. I guess he fell in love, and the two of them well, you know, any time they could.” She laughed. “I guess he is really into sex.” She added. Some information pure hyperbole and factually flawed, but Sarah liked it better that way.
“How did you get all this?” Alice asked again.
“I have my sources,” Sara answered smugly. “And they are reliable.”
“You are really mean,” Alice replied in jest, but it was mostly true.
“So, I looked her up on face book. She had some pictures of him on her page, one really cute one of him at some lake, I guess they must have snuck away while we were rehearsing. Anyway, he looks hot. She called him her handsome man.” Sarah continued, almost sarcastic, even caustic, in her description. “Any way, it was clear he had a boner when she took it, you can see everything outlined in the swimsuit. It is one he has not worn here, yet. She really should change her security settings”
“You need to back off on him. You’d be pissed if someone scoped you out like that.” Alice replied. Unlike most of the band, Sarah and Alice were friends from way back, both having been selected for the international band tour. “I know you!” Alice added with emphasis.
“Why? I have not done anything. Just scoping the competition.” Sarah replied. “If it makes you mad I will just not tell you about his face book page.”
“I didn’t say that,” Alice replied, taking a big chunk of the delicious waffle into her mouth.
“Well, Chris is really a farm boy. Must be how he got so hung, all that work on the farm. He has pictures of him on the tractor, he looks amazing in his dirty farm jeans. He was on swim team back home and man does he have some cute swim pics of himself. He is the hottie on his team.” Sarah spilled out her story. “He has this one pic of him in some really skimpy swimsuit standing among some cows in the barn. It is hot. I wondered who took it, it is not a selfie.”
“Any girlfriends?” Alice asked, now more into the juicy gossip.
“Not one,” Sarah replied. “Some other farm boys, I guess, maybe friends. Nice house.”
“Wow, you did your research.” Alice complimented her, half heartedly. “So what are you going to do.”
“I don’t know yet, thinking that through,” Sarah answered.
“Great swim,” Chris said to Len as the two climbed from the pool. It was almost 9, they had both been in the pool for two hours. The pool was an older pool, all cement, no wave control, so it was choppy, even with the small number of swimmers. With its ten lanes, it was built for swim teams, but clearly not many others used it. It was 25 meters, Chris knew by his swim times. “You are doing great as a newer swimmer,” Chris added, complimenting Len.
“Hey, thanks for the coaching, especially the last half hour.” Len replied, eying Chris in his tight and tiny Tyr print suit, red and black. Len was in black and red jammers, which looked cute on his frame. Luckily the suit was wet and cold, keeping his response to Chris’s physique in check.
“So remember, keep pushing water all the way on your strokes,” Chris added. He demonstrated for Len. “It will really help. Look at all the water force you give up,” Chris said as he showed Len what he was doing.
“Got it, Coach.” Len said with a smirk. “Did you ever think I’d be taking coaching tips from you?” he added with a poke to Chris’s side.
“Yeah, I really did. I knew we’d be friends once you stopped being a jerk,” Chris replied, part teasing buy mostly truth.
“Hey guys,” the life guard called out in perfect English. They two turned. “Your older friend said he’d see you back at the hotel. He gave me this to give you to cover the cab ride back, but honestly you can walk, it is not even a mile.”
“Great, thanks.” Chris accepted the money.
“You really swim well,” the guard said to Chris. “You must be on a team.”
“Yeah, thanks,” Chris replied.
“Where are you from?” the guard asked, a guy about the same age as Len and Chris.
“Top of Maine,” Chris added. “Oh yeah, United States.”
“I figured that part out,” the guard laughed. Len chimed in his hometown. “I am from Goodyear, Arizona,” the guard replied. “Out here for a year on international studies. My name is Mark. You guys here for long?”
“No, just one more day,” Len answered. The guys introduced themselves. The guard was clearly eyeing Chris, but Len was cute, too.
“Too bad, we could have fun, I’d show you around.” Mark answered.
“Hey come to our concert, it is at 6 at the band shell,” Len chimed in.
“Maybe I will,” Mark replied, “It would be fun.”
“Well, guys, have fun. And hey, Len, remember if you come tomorrow, you need to wear a swimsuit like Chris has. I cut you a break today because your jammers were not really shorts,” Mark explained.
“What is that rule all about?” Len asked.
“I don’t know, some Europe thing,” Mark replied. “Maybe just so I have cute swimsuits to look at,” he laughed.
“Cool,” Len replied.
The guys slipped on their shorts and headed out. It was a glorious morning, so they opted to walk, their wet suits soaking their shorts as they headed down the pathway towards the beachfront. Mark smiled to himself. Two hot guys at the pool so early. It was a great start to the day.
“You know, Len, I have been thinking,” Chris started talking as they walked.
“Oh no, that’s scary.” Len replied.
“No, I am being serious,” Chris replied. “What if we asked the director to let us trade off the opening to Pictures. I mean we are both awesome playing it and it only seems fair,” Chris stopped walking and looked at Len. “What do you think?”
“Wow, you’d do that for me?” Len opened his response. “I mean you earned it fair and square.” Len’s eyes were watering.
“Well, I think it would be cool,” Chris added.
“You’re the best. Now I feel like a total jerk for how bad I was to you back then.” Len replied. He reached out and put his hand on Chris’s shoulder. “Thanks, man!”