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Old 04-05-2015, 11:05 PM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default Part 19: Moonlight

Patrick and Alex went for a long walk along the water, just the two of them. As they got past most of the hotels, the beach began to empty of people, leaving the sand and surf to the two of them and the random cluster. They looked cute walking side by side, both in colorful brief swimsuits. They didn’t say much, just enjoying the peaceful solitude of the moment. The waves were not as fierce as the beaches back home, making the surf gentle and pleasurable

“I am glad we have some time alone,” Patrick said as he reached over and took Alex‘s hand.

“Me, too, You look cute, really cute,” Alex replied. “I love you in that swimsuit. You make that suit look handsome.”

“Funny, I was thinking the same for you, I wish I had a suit like yours.” Patrick said with a bit of envy.

“Well, not matter what, we both got some hot looking swimsuits,” Alex answered.

They were now pretty far up the beach and at a point where it was really just the two of them. Anyone else was far enough away to be aware that they were there, but not close enough to be really on display. Patrick stooped walking and twisted Alex around to face him. He took Alex around his shoulders and chest and pulled the two of the together. The surf wrapped around their ankles, the cool water a nice contrast to the heat of the moment. They held each other together, closer for several minutes. Their bodies touching at every connection point possible, especially the one between their legs.

“You feel awesome,” Alex whispered. “I love when you hold me.” Alex tightened his grip, his left hand rubbing Alex’s butt and gently pushing their mid section together. Alex could feel Patrick’s physical response, the growing bulge and the feel of his anatomy. It stimulated the same response in Alex. Patrick said nothing in reply, he couldn’t. They had locked into the deepest, sensual kiss they had ever had. It was the kind of kiss that said they wanted to take their relationship to a deeper level, to go further with each other. It was the kind of kiss that made them both erect, created sensations and stirrings that felt amazing. A runner came by them, appearing quickly, but they did not care. He passed.

Alex slid his hand down front and felt Patrick right where he was feeling the most vulnerable. Patrick was so aroused, his masculine parts felt strong, steel like. Alex followed the outline, driving Patrick wild. “Oh man, don’t do that, you’re making me want to explode.” Patrick whispered, a pleas that he really did not want Alex to obey. The two gently massaged against each other, bringing themselves close to the edge. They pushed the limits, the erotic feelings in each of them growing with each passing second. The tight lycra grip tantalized their desires, the smooth swimsuits rubbing together.

“Oh no,” was the final exchange between them as they felt each other’s bodies tense with urges that they could no longer contain. They so wanted to take it all the way, but they were on a beach. They stayed still, together, gentle kisses. The beach at Belgium would be a forever memory. Finally, the broke apart, their very erect bodies now no longer concealed by each other. Patrick went into the water first, followed by Alex. Holding hands again, they let the cool water calm them. They would continue the adventure later.


Sarah came up behind Chris and wrapped her arms around his shoulders and rubbed his chest. It was shockingly forward move and it caught Chris off guard. “Hey hottie,” she said. “Love your swimsuit, it looks cool,”

“Thanks,” Chris replied. He pulled away, sending a clear response to Sarah, but she took it as a deeper challenge. “Look, I like you and all, but I really have a girlfriend back home,” Chris said in very clear terms.

“Yeah, so what. She’s back home. We can have fun here.”

“I have no problem with hanging out, and having fun,” Chris replied. “But that is as far as it gets. Okay?”

“Whatever you say sexy, don’t want your girl to get all jealous and stuff.” She sounded about as sincere as she was, not much. “Friends?”

“Yeah, of course, friends” They shook hands. For Sarah it was a start, not what she hoped for, but if she got a handshake today, she was sure she could get a kiss tomorrow.

“Let’s go for a walk,” Sarah asked. “Let’s explore the beach.”

“Hey Len, Grant, Alice, guys, anyone up for a walk on the beach?” Chris called out, having no desire to be alone with Sarah. The gang all rose and headed up the beach, the same direction Alex and Patrick had taken earlier.


It was a warm night, humid actually. The moon was near full and shining bright over the water. The waves were crashing onto the sand, creating the peaceful sound of surf. The beach was empty, but for the rare couple walking along the surf, usually hand in hand and very much in love. Chris was sitting in the lounger on the balcony, his iPad in hand. He was still in his Netherlands’ swimsuit, he had changed back into it when the guys went out for a dip in the hotel’s hot tub. Patrick and Alex were in Patrick’s room for the night, Patrick’s regular roommate was off with some girl and had shacked up with her for whatever a guy and lady did alone in a hotel room. Chris was fine with having some alone time, in fact he was enjoying the peace of the night.

He grabbed his iPad and facetime requested Sheri. With the time difference, it was still early back home and he did not actually expect to reach her. He was surprised when she accepted his call and her picture came alive on his screen. He smiled at her pretty face.

“Hey babe,” she said. “I was just thinking about you.”

“Sweet,” Chris replied. “I miss you,” he added. He gave her his best sad face.

“What are you doing, why aren’t you in bed?” Sheri asked.

“I was feeling lonely and wanted to see you,” Chris replied. “I was at the beach today and really wanted you to be there.”

“What did you wear?, wish I was there to see you.” Sheri replied.

“I wore my cool new Netherlands’ suit,” Chris replied. “The one I told you about when we were in Amsterdam.”

“I bet you looked cute,” Sheri replied. “What are you doing now?”

“Well, I am just laying in the lounger on the balcony, Alex is with Patrick all night so I am all alone,” Chris replied. “Hey want to see the Sea?” he asked. Not waiting for an answer he held the iPad up so she could see the view from his balcony.

“What are you wearing, sweetie?” she asked.

“I am still in my swimsuit,” Chris said, feeling a bit awkward. “It’s the new one.” he added.

“Let me see,” Sheri requested. Chris panned down to his swimsuit, giving her a close up view of his bulging features. Sheri snapped a picture as he held the camera, she could see every detail of her most favorite part of his gorgeous body. Chris was feeling the excitement of talking to his first true love, his suit was showing the rise of his sexual desire. Sheri loved the look, she knew he was turned on.

“I love your new swimsuit!” she exclaimed. “ Very nice,”

“How about you, what do you have on?” Chris asked. “Anything you were looks amazing.

“You are so sweet,” Sheri replied. “But, just some old flannel jammies,” she added. “But hold on, let me change into something more like what you have on,” Sheri proposed. She slipped into a pink knit bikini that was erotic as anything Chris had ever seen. For the next hour she teased him with her scantily clad body, and he stimulated her with shots of his rising desire and growing erection covered by the tightest, sexiest swimsuit of his collection.

“I wish you were here to hold me,” Chris exclaimed as he was about to finally release the desire he had built up for a solo night with Sheri. His right hand rubbed the tight fitting Turbo swimsuit and he felt his body move closer to most powerful release he had ever felt as a singular act. Sheri was doing the same, listening and feeling Chris, picturing him in his sweet little swimsuit all stimulated and erect.

Chris woke naked, but still on the lounger as the sun came up, not really sure how much was real, fantasy or dream. The Netherlands’ suit was laying just inches from the lounger on the floor of the balcony. He was still erect, but not really aroused. His iPad was on the table next to him. He awkwardly got up and slipped back into the suit, which showed no signs of the nights events. Most of that evidence was on his chest and face and other places. Sheri would sleep five more hours, knowing the answers. She enjoyed watching her guy in ways she never thought possible 3000 miles and a whole ocean apart. She loved him so, and he loved her.

The hot shower felt refreshing. It was a brand new day.

Last edited by SwimTeamSpeedo : 04-06-2015 at 09:12 AM.
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