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Old 04-05-2015, 12:02 AM
SwimTeamSpeedo SwimTeamSpeedo is offline
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Default 18 Continued

Grant was actually having fun. He joined a game of beach Frisbee and while he was horrible at it, the four guys carried on with each other. Melody, a cute brunette who played the bassoon of all things, watched as Grant would leap in the air, his muscular legs and tight blue swimsuit looking sexy as he was airborne. He never caught anything, but in her mind he looked darn good trying. She was convinced he was the cutest guy on the beach. He rocked the speedo, and from her that was quite the compliment, she usually thought speedos were gross on guys. Grant’s magical body was quickly changing her mind. Melody was finding herself tingling in places that a tingle only meant one thing.

The guys broke off the play. It was time for a dip, at least for three of them. Grant walked back to the gang, now some thirty strong, and sat down on his towel. He was sweaty, and the sun was taking its toll on his virgin skin. He laid back on his hands, his lean muscular frame on total display on the khaki color sand of the North Sea beach. He slid his right hand down and adjusted his crotch, for some reason he was kind of turned on, not erect, but he was aroused enough that he could feel himself in the tight swimsuit. He liked the feeling. He closed his eyes, leaving his hand resting next to his bulge. The sound of the beach absorbed into him. He was glad he took Chris’s advice.

“You were so fun to watch, Grant,” said Melody as she stopped and took in the cute male body on display before her. “I loved when you jumped way high (extended arms) to catch the Frisbee,”

Grant opened his eyes and saw the cutest girl looking at him. Suddenly he felt so naked, but in a very strange way he felt cool about it. He just stared at her pretty face, a round face with hair cropped at her ears and neck. She had the prettiest smile. He slid his hand from his groin. “It was fun,” he replied, the best he could muster.
“I am Melody, but my best friends call me Mel.” she responded to his delightful smile and crystal clear green eyes. “I play flute, and I know you play Trombone, right?”

“Yeah,” he replied, man of many words.

“Mind if I sit?” she asked.

Grant was awkward when it came to girls. Heck, he was awkward when it came to anything social. He meant well, but he was just clumsy and way too shy. “Um, yeah, sure” he finally replied.

Melody sat right next to him. Grant about passed out right there. He had never been this close to a girl, and his body was responding with the exuberance of a teenager on his first date. His swimsuit showed his biological response. She didn’t care, she just wanted to get to know him.

Grant smiled. His eyes locked onto hers. He reached out and touched her hand. She took his. Melody smiled back.
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